import { BattlerIndex } from "#app/battle"; import { Stat } from "#app/enums/stat"; import { MoveResult } from "#app/field/pokemon"; import { CommandPhase } from "#app/phases/command-phase"; import { Abilities } from "#enums/abilities"; import { Moves } from "#enums/moves"; import { Species } from "#enums/species"; import GameManager from "#test/testUtils/gameManager"; import Phaser from "phaser"; import { afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, expect, it } from "vitest"; describe("Moves - Assist", () => { let phaserGame: Phaser.Game; let game: GameManager; beforeAll(() => { phaserGame = new Phaser.Game({ type: Phaser.HEADLESS, }); }); afterEach(() => { game.phaseInterceptor.restoreOg(); }); beforeEach(() => { game = new GameManager(phaserGame); // Manual moveset overrides are required for the player pokemon in these tests // because the normal moveset override doesn't allow for accurate testing of moveset changes game.override .ability(Abilities.BALL_FETCH) .battleType("double") .disableCrits() .enemySpecies(Species.MAGIKARP) .enemyLevel(100) .enemyAbility(Abilities.BALL_FETCH) .enemyMoveset(Moves.SPLASH); }); it("should only use an ally's moves", async () => { game.override.enemyMoveset(Moves.SWORDS_DANCE); await game.classicMode.startBattle([Species.FEEBAS, Species.SHUCKLE]); const [feebas, shuckle] = game.scene.getPlayerField(); // These are all moves Assist cannot call; Sketch will be used to test that it can call other moves properly game.move.changeMoveset(feebas, [Moves.ASSIST, Moves.SKETCH, Moves.PROTECT, Moves.DRAGON_TAIL]); game.move.changeMoveset(shuckle, [Moves.ASSIST, Moves.SKETCH, Moves.PROTECT, Moves.DRAGON_TAIL]);, 0);, 1); await game.setTurnOrder([BattlerIndex.ENEMY, BattlerIndex.ENEMY_2, BattlerIndex.PLAYER_2, BattlerIndex.PLAYER]); // Player_2 uses Sketch, copies Swords Dance, Player_1 uses Assist, uses Player_2's Sketched Swords Dance await game.toNextTurn(); expect(game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!.getStatStage(Stat.ATK)).toBe(2); // Stat raised from Assist -> Swords Dance }); it("should fail if there are no allies", async () => { await game.classicMode.startBattle([Species.FEEBAS]); const feebas = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; game.move.changeMoveset(feebas, [Moves.ASSIST, Moves.SKETCH, Moves.PROTECT, Moves.DRAGON_TAIL]);, 0); await game.toNextTurn(); expect(game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!.getLastXMoves()[0].result).toBe(MoveResult.FAIL); }); it("should fail if ally has no usable moves and user has usable moves", async () => { game.override.enemyMoveset(Moves.SWORDS_DANCE); await game.classicMode.startBattle([Species.FEEBAS, Species.SHUCKLE]); const [feebas, shuckle] = game.scene.getPlayerField(); game.move.changeMoveset(feebas, [Moves.ASSIST, Moves.SKETCH, Moves.PROTECT, Moves.DRAGON_TAIL]); game.move.changeMoveset(shuckle, [Moves.ASSIST, Moves.SKETCH, Moves.PROTECT, Moves.DRAGON_TAIL]);, 0);, 1); await game.setTurnOrder([BattlerIndex.ENEMY, BattlerIndex.ENEMY_2, BattlerIndex.PLAYER, BattlerIndex.PLAYER_2]); // Player uses Sketch to copy Swords Dance, Player_2 stalls a turn. Player will attempt Assist and should have no usable moves await game.toNextTurn();, 0); await;, 1); await game.toNextTurn(); expect(game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!.getLastXMoves()[0].result).toBe(MoveResult.FAIL); }); it("should apply secondary effects of a move", async () => { game.override.moveset([Moves.ASSIST, Moves.WOOD_HAMMER, Moves.WOOD_HAMMER, Moves.WOOD_HAMMER]); await game.classicMode.startBattle([Species.FEEBAS, Species.SHUCKLE]); const [feebas, shuckle] = game.scene.getPlayerField(); game.move.changeMoveset(feebas, [Moves.ASSIST, Moves.SKETCH, Moves.PROTECT, Moves.DRAGON_TAIL]); game.move.changeMoveset(shuckle, [Moves.ASSIST, Moves.SKETCH, Moves.PROTECT, Moves.DRAGON_TAIL]);, 0); await;, 1); await game.toNextTurn(); expect(game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!.isFullHp()).toBeFalsy(); // should receive recoil damage from Wood Hammer }); });