import { expect, describe, it, beforeAll } from "vitest"; import { randomString, padInt } from "./utils"; import Phaser from "phaser"; describe("utils", () => { beforeAll(() => { new Phaser.Game({ type: Phaser.HEADLESS, }); }); describe("randomString", () => { it("should return a string of the specified length", () => { const str = randomString(10); expect(str.length).toBe(10); }); it("should work with seed", () => { const state = Phaser.Math.RND.state(); const str1 = randomString(10, true); Phaser.Math.RND.state(state); const str2 = randomString(10, true); expect(str1).toBe(str2); }); }); describe("padInt", () => { it("should return a string", () => { const result = padInt(1, 10); expect(typeof result).toBe("string"); }); it("should return a padded result with default padWith", () => { const result = padInt(1, 3); expect(result).toBe("001"); }); it("should return a padded result using a custom padWith", () => { const result = padInt(1, 10, "yes"); expect(result).toBe("yesyesyes1"); }); it("should return inputted value when zero length is entered", () => { const result = padInt(1, 0); expect(result).toBe("1"); }); }); });