import BattleScene from "../battle-scene"; import { getPlayerShopModifierTypeOptionsForWave, ModifierTypeOption, TmModifierType } from "../modifier/modifier-type"; import { getPokeballAtlasKey, PokeballType } from "../data/pokeball"; import { addTextObject, getModifierTierTextTint, getTextColor, TextStyle } from "./text"; import AwaitableUiHandler from "./awaitable-ui-handler"; import { Mode } from "./ui"; import { LockModifierTiersModifier, PokemonHeldItemModifier } from "../modifier/modifier"; import { handleTutorial, Tutorial } from "../tutorial"; import {Button} from "../enums/buttons"; import MoveInfoOverlay from "./move-info-overlay"; import { allMoves } from "../data/move"; export const SHOP_OPTIONS_ROW_LIMIT = 6; export default class ModifierSelectUiHandler extends AwaitableUiHandler { private modifierContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private rerollButtonContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private lockRarityButtonContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private transferButtonContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private rerollCostText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; private lockRarityButtonText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; private moveInfoOverlay : MoveInfoOverlay; private rowCursor: integer = 0; private player: boolean; private rerollCost: integer; public options: ModifierOption[]; public shopOptionsRows: ModifierOption[][]; private cursorObj: Phaser.GameObjects.Image; constructor(scene: BattleScene) { super(scene, Mode.CONFIRM); this.options = []; this.shopOptionsRows = []; } setup() { const ui = this.getUi(); this.modifierContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, 0); ui.add(this.modifierContainer); this.transferButtonContainer = this.scene.add.container(( / 6) - 1, -64); this.transferButtonContainer.setName("container-transfer-btn"); this.transferButtonContainer.setVisible(false); ui.add(this.transferButtonContainer); const transferButtonText = addTextObject(this.scene, -4, -2, "Transfer", TextStyle.PARTY); transferButtonText.setName("text-transfer-btn"); transferButtonText.setOrigin(1, 0); this.transferButtonContainer.add(transferButtonText); this.rerollButtonContainer = this.scene.add.container(16, -64); this.rerollButtonContainer.setName("container-reroll-brn"); this.rerollButtonContainer.setVisible(false); ui.add(this.rerollButtonContainer); const rerollButtonText = addTextObject(this.scene, -4, -2, "Reroll", TextStyle.PARTY); rerollButtonText.setName("text-reroll-btn"); rerollButtonText.setOrigin(0, 0); this.rerollButtonContainer.add(rerollButtonText); this.rerollCostText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, "", TextStyle.MONEY); this.rerollCostText.setName("text-reroll-cost"); this.rerollCostText.setOrigin(0, 0); this.rerollCostText.setPositionRelative(rerollButtonText, rerollButtonText.displayWidth + 5, 1); this.rerollButtonContainer.add(this.rerollCostText); this.lockRarityButtonContainer = this.scene.add.container(16, -64); this.lockRarityButtonContainer.setVisible(false); ui.add(this.lockRarityButtonContainer); this.lockRarityButtonText = addTextObject(this.scene, -4, -2, "Lock Rarities", TextStyle.PARTY); this.lockRarityButtonText.setOrigin(0, 0); this.lockRarityButtonContainer.add(this.lockRarityButtonText); // prepare move overlay const overlayScale = 1; this.moveInfoOverlay = new MoveInfoOverlay(this.scene, { delayVisibility: true, scale: overlayScale, onSide: true, right: true, x: 1, y: -MoveInfoOverlay.getHeight(overlayScale, true) -1, width: ( / 6) - 2, }); ui.add(this.moveInfoOverlay); // register the overlay to receive toggle events this.scene.addInfoToggle(this.moveInfoOverlay); } show(args: any[]): boolean { if ( { if (args.length >= 3) { this.awaitingActionInput = true; this.onActionInput = args[2]; } return false; } if (args.length !== 4 || !(args[1] instanceof Array) || !args[1].length || !(args[2] instanceof Function)) { return false; }; this.getUi().clearText(); this.player = args[0]; const partyHasHeldItem = this.player && !!this.scene.findModifiers(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && (m as PokemonHeldItemModifier).getTransferrable(true)).length; const canLockRarities = !!this.scene.findModifier(m => m instanceof LockModifierTiersModifier); this.transferButtonContainer.setVisible(false); this.transferButtonContainer.setAlpha(0); this.rerollButtonContainer.setVisible(false); this.rerollButtonContainer.setAlpha(0); this.lockRarityButtonContainer.setVisible(false); this.lockRarityButtonContainer.setAlpha(0); this.rerollButtonContainer.setPositionRelative(this.lockRarityButtonContainer, 0, canLockRarities ? -12 : 0); this.rerollCost = args[3] as integer; this.updateRerollCostText(); const typeOptions = args[1] as ModifierTypeOption[]; const shopTypeOptions = !this.scene.gameMode.hasNoShop ? getPlayerShopModifierTypeOptionsForWave(this.scene.currentBattle.waveIndex, this.scene.getWaveMoneyAmount(1)) : []; const optionsYOffset = shopTypeOptions.length >= SHOP_OPTIONS_ROW_LIMIT ? -8 : -24; for (let m = 0; m < typeOptions.length; m++) { const sliceWidth = ( / 6) / (typeOptions.length + 2); const option = new ModifierOption(this.scene, sliceWidth * (m + 1) + (sliceWidth * 0.5), / 12 + optionsYOffset, typeOptions[m]); option.setScale(0.5); this.scene.add.existing(option); this.modifierContainer.add(option); this.options.push(option); } for (let m = 0; m < shopTypeOptions.length; m++) { const row = m < SHOP_OPTIONS_ROW_LIMIT ? 0 : 1; const col = m < SHOP_OPTIONS_ROW_LIMIT ? m : m - SHOP_OPTIONS_ROW_LIMIT; const rowOptions = shopTypeOptions.slice(row ? SHOP_OPTIONS_ROW_LIMIT : 0, row ? undefined : SHOP_OPTIONS_ROW_LIMIT); const sliceWidth = ( / SHOP_OPTIONS_ROW_LIMIT) / (rowOptions.length + 2); const option = new ModifierOption(this.scene, sliceWidth * (col + 1) + (sliceWidth * 0.5), (( / 12) - ( / 32) - (40 - (28 * row - 1))), shopTypeOptions[m]); option.setScale(0.375); this.scene.add.existing(option); this.modifierContainer.add(option); if (row >= this.shopOptionsRows.length) { this.shopOptionsRows.push([]); } this.shopOptionsRows[row].push(option); } const maxUpgradeCount = => to.upgradeCount).reduce((max, current) => Math.max(current, max), 0); this.scene.showFieldOverlay(750); this.scene.updateAndShowText(750); this.scene.updateMoneyText(); let i = 0; this.scene.tweens.addCounter({ ease: "Sine.easeIn", duration: 1250, onUpdate: t => { const value = t.getValue(); const index = Math.floor(value * typeOptions.length); if (index > i && index <= typeOptions.length) { const option = this.options[i]; option?.show(Math.floor((1 - value) * 1250) * 0.325 + 2000 * maxUpgradeCount, -(maxUpgradeCount - typeOptions[i].upgradeCount)); i++; } } }); this.scene.time.delayedCall(1000 + maxUpgradeCount * 2000, () => { for (const shopOption of this.shopOptionsRows.flat()) {, 0); } }); this.scene.time.delayedCall(4000 + maxUpgradeCount * 2000, () => { if (partyHasHeldItem) { this.transferButtonContainer.setAlpha(0); this.transferButtonContainer.setVisible(true); this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.transferButtonContainer, alpha: 1, duration: 250 }); } this.rerollButtonContainer.setAlpha(0); this.lockRarityButtonContainer.setAlpha(0); this.rerollButtonContainer.setVisible(true); this.lockRarityButtonContainer.setVisible(canLockRarities); this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.rerollButtonContainer, this.lockRarityButtonContainer ], alpha: 1, duration: 250 }); this.setCursor(0); this.setRowCursor(1); handleTutorial(this.scene, Tutorial.Select_Item).then(() => { this.setCursor(0); this.awaitingActionInput = true; this.onActionInput = args[2]; }); }); return true; } processInput(button: Button): boolean { const ui = this.getUi(); if (!this.awaitingActionInput) { return false; } let success = false; if (button === Button.ACTION) { success = true; if (this.onActionInput) { const originalOnActionInput = this.onActionInput; this.awaitingActionInput = false; this.onActionInput = null; if (!originalOnActionInput(this.rowCursor, this.cursor)) { this.awaitingActionInput = true; this.onActionInput = originalOnActionInput; } } } else if (button === Button.CANCEL) { if (this.player) { success = true; if (this.onActionInput) { const originalOnActionInput = this.onActionInput; this.awaitingActionInput = false; this.onActionInput = null; originalOnActionInput(-1); } } } else { switch (button) { case Button.UP: if (!this.rowCursor && this.cursor === 2) { success = this.setCursor(0); } else if (this.rowCursor < this.shopOptionsRows.length + 1) { success = this.setRowCursor(this.rowCursor + 1); } break; case Button.DOWN: if (this.rowCursor) { success = this.setRowCursor(this.rowCursor - 1); } else if (this.lockRarityButtonContainer.visible && !this.cursor) { success = this.setCursor(2); } break; case Button.LEFT: if (!this.rowCursor) { success = this.cursor === 1 && this.rerollButtonContainer.visible && this.setCursor(0); } else if (this.cursor) { success = this.setCursor(this.cursor - 1); } else if (this.rowCursor === 1 && this.rerollButtonContainer.visible) { success = this.setRowCursor(0); } break; case Button.RIGHT: if (!this.rowCursor) { success = this.cursor !== 1 && this.transferButtonContainer.visible && this.setCursor(1); } else if (this.cursor < this.getRowItems(this.rowCursor) - 1) { success = this.setCursor(this.cursor + 1); } else if (this.rowCursor === 1 && this.transferButtonContainer.visible) { success = this.setRowCursor(0); } break; } } if (success) { ui.playSelect(); } return success; } setCursor(cursor: integer): boolean { const ui = this.getUi(); const ret = super.setCursor(cursor); if (!this.cursorObj) { this.cursorObj = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, "cursor"); this.modifierContainer.add(this.cursorObj); } const options = (this.rowCursor === 1 ? this.options : this.shopOptionsRows[this.shopOptionsRows.length - (this.rowCursor - 1)]); this.cursorObj.setScale(this.rowCursor === 1 ? 2 : this.rowCursor >= 2 ? 1.5 : 1); // the modifier selection has been updated, always hide the overlay this.moveInfoOverlay.clear(); if (this.rowCursor) { const sliceWidth = ( / 6) / (options.length + 2); if (this.rowCursor < 2) { this.cursorObj.setPosition(sliceWidth * (cursor + 1) + (sliceWidth * 0.5) - 20, ( / 12) - (this.shopOptionsRows.length > 1 ? 6 : 22)); } else { this.cursorObj.setPosition(sliceWidth * (cursor + 1) + (sliceWidth * 0.5) - 16, ( / 12 - / 32) - (-16 + 28 * (this.rowCursor - (this.shopOptionsRows.length - 1)))); } const type = options[this.cursor].modifierTypeOption.type; ui.showText(type.getDescription(this.scene)); if (type instanceof TmModifierType) { // prepare the move overlay to be shown with the toggle[type.moveId]); } } else if (!cursor) { this.cursorObj.setPosition(6, this.lockRarityButtonContainer.visible ? -72 : -60); ui.showText("Spend money to reroll your item options."); } else if (cursor === 1) { this.cursorObj.setPosition(( / 6) - 50, -60); ui.showText("Transfer a held item from one Pokémon to another."); } else { this.cursorObj.setPosition(6, -60); ui.showText("Lock item rarities on reroll (affects reroll cost)."); } return ret; } setRowCursor(rowCursor: integer): boolean { const lastRowCursor = this.rowCursor; if (rowCursor !== lastRowCursor && (rowCursor || this.rerollButtonContainer.visible || this.transferButtonContainer.visible)) { this.rowCursor = rowCursor; let newCursor = Math.round(this.cursor / Math.max(this.getRowItems(lastRowCursor) - 1, 1) * (this.getRowItems(rowCursor) - 1)); if (!rowCursor) { if (!newCursor && !this.rerollButtonContainer.visible) { newCursor = 1; } else if (newCursor && !this.transferButtonContainer.visible) { newCursor = 0; } } this.cursor = -1; this.setCursor(newCursor); return true; } return false; } private getRowItems(rowCursor: integer): integer { switch (rowCursor) { case 0: return 2; case 1: return this.options.length; default: return this.shopOptionsRows[this.shopOptionsRows.length - (rowCursor - 1)].length; } } setRerollCost(rerollCost: integer): void { this.rerollCost = rerollCost; } updateCostText(): void { const shopOptions = this.shopOptionsRows.flat(); for (const shopOption of shopOptions) { shopOption.updateCostText(); } this.updateRerollCostText(); } updateRerollCostText(): void { const canReroll = >= this.rerollCost; this.rerollCostText.setText(`₽${this.rerollCost.toLocaleString("en-US")}`); this.rerollCostText.setColor(this.getTextColor(canReroll ? TextStyle.MONEY : TextStyle.PARTY_RED)); this.rerollCostText.setShadowColor(this.getTextColor(canReroll ? TextStyle.MONEY : TextStyle.PARTY_RED, true)); } updateLockRaritiesText(): void { const textStyle = this.scene.lockModifierTiers ? TextStyle.SUMMARY_BLUE : TextStyle.PARTY; this.lockRarityButtonText.setColor(this.getTextColor(textStyle)); this.lockRarityButtonText.setShadowColor(this.getTextColor(textStyle, true)); } clear() { super.clear(); this.awaitingActionInput = false; this.onActionInput = null; this.getUi().clearText(); this.eraseCursor(); this.scene.hideFieldOverlay(250); this.scene.hideLuckText(250); const options = this.options.concat(this.shopOptionsRows.flat()); this.options.splice(0, this.options.length); this.shopOptionsRows.splice(0, this.shopOptionsRows.length); this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: options, scale: 0.01, duration: 250, ease: "Cubic.easeIn", onComplete: () => options.forEach(o => o.destroy()) }); [ this.rerollButtonContainer, this.transferButtonContainer, this.lockRarityButtonContainer ].forEach(container => { if (container.visible) { this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: container, alpha: 0, duration: 250, ease: "Cubic.easeIn", onComplete: () => { if (!this.options.length) { container.setVisible(false); } else { container.setAlpha(1); } } }); } }); } eraseCursor() { if (this.cursorObj) { this.cursorObj.destroy(); } this.cursorObj = null; } } class ModifierOption extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container { public modifierTypeOption: ModifierTypeOption; private pb: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; private pbTint: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; private itemContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private item: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; private itemTint: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; private itemText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; private itemCostText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; constructor(scene: BattleScene, x: number, y: number, modifierTypeOption: ModifierTypeOption) { super(scene, x, y); this.modifierTypeOption = modifierTypeOption; this.setup(); } setup() { if (!this.modifierTypeOption.cost) { const getPb = (): Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite => { const pb = this.scene.add.sprite(0, -182, "pb", this.getPbAtlasKey(-this.modifierTypeOption.upgradeCount)); pb.setScale(2); return pb; }; this.pb = getPb(); this.add(this.pb); this.pbTint = getPb(); this.pbTint.setVisible(false); this.add(this.pbTint); } this.itemContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, 0); this.itemContainer.setScale(0.5); this.itemContainer.setAlpha(0); this.add(this.itemContainer); const getItem = () => { const item = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, "items", this.modifierTypeOption.type.iconImage); return item; }; this.item = getItem(); this.itemContainer.add(this.item); if (!this.modifierTypeOption.cost) { this.itemTint = getItem(); this.itemTint.setTintFill(Phaser.Display.Color.GetColor(255, 192, 255)); this.itemContainer.add(this.itemTint); } this.itemText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 35,, TextStyle.PARTY, { align: "center" }); this.itemText.setOrigin(0.5, 0); this.itemText.setAlpha(0); this.itemText.setTint(getModifierTierTextTint(this.modifierTypeOption.type.tier)); this.add(this.itemText); if (this.modifierTypeOption.cost) { this.itemCostText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 45, "", TextStyle.MONEY, { align: "center" }); this.itemCostText.setOrigin(0.5, 0); this.itemCostText.setAlpha(0); this.add(this.itemCostText); this.updateCostText(); } } show(remainingDuration: integer, upgradeCountOffset: integer) { if (!this.modifierTypeOption.cost) { this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.pb, y: 0, duration: 1250, ease: "Bounce.Out" }); let lastValue = 1; let bounceCount = 0; let bounce = false; this.scene.tweens.addCounter({ from: 1, to: 0, duration: 1250, ease: "Bounce.Out", onUpdate: t => { if (!this.scene) { return; } const value = t.getValue(); if (!bounce && value > lastValue) { (this.scene as BattleScene).playSound("pb_bounce_1", { volume: 1 / ++bounceCount }); bounce = true; } else if (bounce && value < lastValue) { bounce = false; } lastValue = value; } }); for (let u = 0; u < this.modifierTypeOption.upgradeCount; u++) { const upgradeIndex = u; this.scene.time.delayedCall(remainingDuration - 2000 * (this.modifierTypeOption.upgradeCount - (upgradeIndex + 1 + upgradeCountOffset)), () => { (this.scene as BattleScene).playSound("upgrade", { rate: 1 + 0.25 * upgradeIndex }); this.pbTint.setPosition(this.pb.x, this.pb.y); this.pbTint.setTintFill(0xFFFFFF); this.pbTint.setAlpha(0); this.pbTint.setVisible(true); this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.pbTint, alpha: 1, duration: 1000, ease: "Sine.easeIn", onComplete: () => { this.pb.setTexture("pb", this.getPbAtlasKey(-this.modifierTypeOption.upgradeCount + (upgradeIndex + 1))); this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.pbTint, alpha: 0, duration: 750, ease: "Sine.easeOut", onComplete: () => { this.pbTint.setVisible(false); } }); } }); }); } } this.scene.time.delayedCall(remainingDuration + 2000, () => { if (!this.scene) { return; } if (!this.modifierTypeOption.cost) { this.pb.setTexture("pb", `${this.getPbAtlasKey(0)}_open`); (this.scene as BattleScene).playSound("pb_rel"); this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.pb, duration: 500, delay: 250, ease: "Sine.easeIn", alpha: 0, onComplete: () => this.pb.destroy() }); } this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.itemContainer, duration: 500, ease: "Elastic.Out", scale: 2, alpha: 1 }); if (!this.modifierTypeOption.cost) { this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.itemTint, alpha: 0, duration: 500, ease: "Sine.easeIn", onComplete: () => this.itemTint.destroy() }); } this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.itemText, duration: 500, alpha: 1, y: 25, ease: "Cubic.easeInOut" }); if (this.itemCostText) { this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.itemCostText, duration: 500, alpha: 1, y: 35, ease: "Cubic.easeInOut" }); } }); } getPbAtlasKey(tierOffset: integer = 0) { return getPokeballAtlasKey((this.modifierTypeOption.type.tier + tierOffset) as integer as PokeballType); } updateCostText(): void { const scene = this.scene as BattleScene; const textStyle = this.modifierTypeOption.cost <= ? TextStyle.MONEY : TextStyle.PARTY_RED; this.itemCostText.setText(`₽${this.modifierTypeOption.cost.toLocaleString("en-US")}`); this.itemCostText.setColor(getTextColor(textStyle, false, scene.uiTheme)); this.itemCostText.setShadowColor(getTextColor(textStyle, true, scene.uiTheme)); } }