import BattleScene from "../battle-scene"; import { ModalConfig, ModalUiHandler } from "./modal-ui-handler"; import { Mode } from "./ui"; import { TextStyle, addTextInputObject, addTextObject } from "./text"; import { WindowVariant, addWindow } from "./ui-theme"; import InputText from "phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/inputtext"; import * as Utils from "../utils"; import i18next from "i18next"; import { Button } from "#enums/buttons"; export interface FormModalConfig extends ModalConfig { errorMessage?: string; } export abstract class FormModalUiHandler extends ModalUiHandler { protected editing: boolean; protected inputContainers: Phaser.GameObjects.Container[]; protected inputs: InputText[]; protected errorMessage: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; protected submitAction: Function | null; protected tween: Phaser.Tweens.Tween; constructor(scene: BattleScene, mode: Mode | null = null) { super(scene, mode); this.editing = false; this.inputContainers = []; this.inputs = []; } abstract getFields(): string[]; getHeight(config?: ModalConfig): number { return 20 * this.getFields().length + (this.getModalTitle() ? 26 : 0) + ((config as FormModalConfig)?.errorMessage ? 12 : 0) + this.getButtonTopMargin() + 28; } getReadableErrorMessage(error: string): string { if (error?.indexOf("connection refused") > -1) { return "Could not connect to the server"; } return error; } setup(): void { super.setup(); const fields = this.getFields(); const hasTitle = !!this.getModalTitle(); fields.forEach((field, f) => { const label = addTextObject(this.scene, 10, (hasTitle ? 31 : 5) + 20 * f, field, TextStyle.TOOLTIP_CONTENT); this.modalContainer.add(label); const inputContainer = this.scene.add.container(70, (hasTitle ? 28 : 2) + 20 * f); inputContainer.setVisible(false); const inputBg = addWindow(this.scene, 0, 0, 80, 16, false, false, 0, 0, WindowVariant.XTHIN); const isPassword = field.includes(i18next.t("menu:password")) || field.includes(i18next.t("menu:confirmPassword")); const input = addTextInputObject(this.scene, 4, -2, 440, 116, TextStyle.TOOLTIP_CONTENT, { type: isPassword ? "password" : "text", maxLength: isPassword ? 64 : 18 }); input.setOrigin(0, 0); inputContainer.add(inputBg); inputContainer.add(input); this.modalContainer.add(inputContainer); this.inputContainers.push(inputContainer); this.inputs.push(input); }); this.errorMessage = addTextObject(this.scene, 10, (hasTitle ? 31 : 5) + 20 * (fields.length - 1) + 16 + this.getButtonTopMargin(), "", TextStyle.TOOLTIP_CONTENT); this.errorMessage.setColor(this.getTextColor(TextStyle.SUMMARY_PINK)); this.errorMessage.setShadowColor(this.getTextColor(TextStyle.SUMMARY_PINK, true)); this.errorMessage.setVisible(false); this.modalContainer.add(this.errorMessage); } show(args: any[]): boolean { if ( { => ic.setVisible(true)); const config = args[0] as FormModalConfig; this.submitAction = config.buttonActions.length ? config.buttonActions[0] : null; if (this.buttonBgs.length) { this.buttonBgs[0].off("pointerdown"); this.buttonBgs[0].on("pointerdown", () => { if (this.submitAction) { this.submitAction(); } }); } this.modalContainer.y += 24; this.modalContainer.setAlpha(0); this.tween = this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.modalContainer, duration: Utils.fixedInt(1000), ease: "Sine.easeInOut", y: "-=24", alpha: 1 }); return true; } return false; } processInput(button: Button): boolean { if (button === Button.SUBMIT && this.submitAction) { this.submitAction(); return true; } return false; } sanitizeInputs(): void { for (const input of this.inputs) { input.text = input.text.trim(); } } updateContainer(config?: ModalConfig): void { super.updateContainer(config); this.errorMessage.setText(this.getReadableErrorMessage((config as FormModalConfig)?.errorMessage || "")); this.errorMessage.setVisible(!!this.errorMessage.text); } clear(): void { super.clear(); this.modalContainer.setVisible(false); => ic.setVisible(false)); this.submitAction = null; if (this.tween) { this.tween.remove(); } } }