import { FormModalUiHandler } from "./form-modal-ui-handler"; import { ModalConfig } from "./modal-ui-handler"; import * as Utils from "../utils"; import { Mode } from "./ui"; export default class RegistrationFormUiHandler extends FormModalUiHandler { getModalTitle(config?: ModalConfig): string { return 'Register'; } getFields(config?: ModalConfig): string[] { return [ 'Username', 'Password', 'Confirm Password' ]; } getWidth(config?: ModalConfig): number { return 160; } getMargin(config?: ModalConfig): [number, number, number, number] { return [ 0, 0, 48, 0 ]; } getButtonLabels(config?: ModalConfig): string[] { return [ 'Register', 'Back to Login' ]; } getReadableErrorMessage(error: string): string { let colonIndex = error?.indexOf(':'); if (colonIndex > 0) error = error.slice(0, colonIndex); switch (error) { case 'invalid username': return 'Username must only contain letters, numbers, or underscores'; case 'invalid password': return 'Password must be 6 characters or longer'; case 'failed to add account record': return 'The provided username is already in use'; } return super.getReadableErrorMessage(error); } show(args: any[]): boolean { if ( { const config = args[0] as ModalConfig; const originalRegistrationAction = this.submitAction; this.submitAction = (_) => { // Prevent overlapping overrides on action modification this.submitAction = originalRegistrationAction; this.sanitizeInputs(); this.scene.ui.setMode(Mode.LOADING, { buttonActions: [] }); const onFail = error => { this.scene.ui.setMode(Mode.REGISTRATION_FORM, Object.assign(config, { errorMessage: error?.trim() })); this.scene.ui.playError(); }; if (!this.inputs[0].text) return onFail('Username must not be empty'); if (!this.inputs[1].text) return onFail(this.getReadableErrorMessage('invalid password')); if (this.inputs[1].text !== this.inputs[2].text) return onFail('Password must match confirm password'); Utils.apiPost('account/register', JSON.stringify({ username: this.inputs[0].text, password: this.inputs[1].text })) .then(response => response.text()) .then(response => { if (!response) { Utils.apiPost('account/login', JSON.stringify({ username: this.inputs[0].text, password: this.inputs[1].text })) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) return response.text(); return response.json(); }) .then(response => { if (response.hasOwnProperty('token')) { Utils.setCookie(Utils.sessionIdKey, response.token); originalRegistrationAction(); } else onFail(response); }); } else onFail(response); }); }; return true; } return false; } }