import { ArenaTagSide, getArenaTag } from "#app/data/arena-tag"; import { getStatusEffectCatchRateMultiplier } from "#app/data/status-effect"; import { TurnEndPhase } from "#app/phases/turn-end-phase"; import { Abilities } from "#enums/abilities"; import { ArenaTagType } from "#enums/arena-tag-type"; import { BattlerTagType } from "#enums/battler-tag-type"; import { Moves } from "#enums/moves"; import { Species } from "#enums/species"; import { StatusEffect } from "#enums/status-effect"; import { WeatherType } from "#enums/weather-type"; import GameManager from "#test/testUtils/gameManager"; import Phaser from "phaser"; import { afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, expect, it } from "vitest"; describe("Abilities - Magic Guard", () => { let phaserGame: Phaser.Game; let game: GameManager; beforeAll(() => { phaserGame = new Phaser.Game({ type: Phaser.HEADLESS, }); }); afterEach(() => { game.phaseInterceptor.restoreOg(); }); beforeEach(() => { game = new GameManager(phaserGame); /** Player Pokemon overrides */ game.override.ability(Abilities.MAGIC_GUARD); game.override.moveset([ Moves.SPLASH ]); game.override.startingLevel(100); /** Enemy Pokemon overrides */ game.override.enemySpecies(Species.SNORLAX); game.override.enemyAbility(Abilities.INSOMNIA); game.override.enemyMoveset(Moves.SPLASH); game.override.enemyLevel(100); }); //Bulbapedia Reference: it( "ability should prevent damage caused by weather", async () => {; await game.startBattle([ Species.MAGIKARP ]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; const enemyPokemon = game.scene.getEnemyPokemon()!; expect(enemyPokemon).toBeDefined();; await; /** * Expect: * - The player Pokemon (with Magic Guard) has not taken damage from weather * - The enemy Pokemon (without Magic Guard) has taken damage from weather */ expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBe(leadPokemon.getMaxHp()); expect(enemyPokemon.hp).toBeLessThan(enemyPokemon.getMaxHp()); } ); it( "ability should prevent damage caused by status effects but other non-damage effects still apply", async () => { //Toxic keeps track of the turn counters -> important that Magic Guard keeps track of post-Toxic turns game.override.statusEffect(StatusEffect.POISON); await game.startBattle([ Species.MAGIKARP ]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!;; await; /** * Expect: * - The player Pokemon (with Magic Guard) has not taken damage from poison * - The Pokemon's CatchRateMultiplier should be 1.5 */ expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBe(leadPokemon.getMaxHp()); expect(getStatusEffectCatchRateMultiplier(leadPokemon.status!.effect)).toBe(1.5); } ); it( "ability effect should not persist when the ability is replaced", async () => { game.override.enemyMoveset([ Moves.WORRY_SEED, Moves.WORRY_SEED, Moves.WORRY_SEED, Moves.WORRY_SEED ]); game.override.statusEffect(StatusEffect.POISON); await game.startBattle([ Species.MAGIKARP ]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!;; await; /** * Expect: * - The player Pokemon (that just lost its Magic Guard ability) has taken damage from poison */ expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBeLessThan(leadPokemon.getMaxHp()); } ); it("Magic Guard prevents damage caused by burn but other non-damaging effects are still applied", async () => { game.override.enemyStatusEffect(StatusEffect.BURN); game.override.enemyAbility(Abilities.MAGIC_GUARD); await game.startBattle([ Species.MAGIKARP ]);; const enemyPokemon = game.scene.getEnemyPokemon()!; await; /** * Expect: * - The enemy Pokemon (with Magic Guard) has not taken damage from burn * - The enemy Pokemon's physical attack damage is halved (TBD) * - The enemy Pokemon's hypothetical CatchRateMultiplier should be 1.5 */ expect(enemyPokemon.hp).toBe(enemyPokemon.getMaxHp()); expect(getStatusEffectCatchRateMultiplier(enemyPokemon.status!.effect)).toBe(1.5); } ); it("Magic Guard prevents damage caused by toxic but other non-damaging effects are still applied", async () => { game.override.enemyStatusEffect(StatusEffect.TOXIC); game.override.enemyAbility(Abilities.MAGIC_GUARD); await game.startBattle([ Species.MAGIKARP ]);; const enemyPokemon = game.scene.getEnemyPokemon()!; const toxicStartCounter = enemyPokemon.status!.toxicTurnCount; //should be 0 await; /** * Expect: * - The enemy Pokemon (with Magic Guard) has not taken damage from toxic * - The enemy Pokemon's status effect duration should be incremented * - The enemy Pokemon's hypothetical CatchRateMultiplier should be 1.5 */ expect(enemyPokemon.hp).toBe(enemyPokemon.getMaxHp()); expect(enemyPokemon.status!.toxicTurnCount).toBeGreaterThan(toxicStartCounter); expect(getStatusEffectCatchRateMultiplier(enemyPokemon.status!.effect)).toBe(1.5); } ); it("Magic Guard prevents damage caused by entry hazards", async () => { //Adds and applies Spikes to both sides of the arena const newTag = getArenaTag(ArenaTagType.SPIKES, 5, Moves.SPIKES, 0, 0, ArenaTagSide.BOTH)!; game.scene.arena.tags.push(newTag); await game.startBattle([ Species.MAGIKARP ]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!;; const enemyPokemon = game.scene.getEnemyPokemon()!; await; /** * Expect: * - The player Pokemon (with Magic Guard) has not taken damage from spikes * - The enemy Pokemon (without Magic Guard) has taken damage from spikes */ expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBe(leadPokemon.getMaxHp()); expect(enemyPokemon.hp).toBeLessThan(enemyPokemon.getMaxHp()); } ); it("Magic Guard does not prevent poison from Toxic Spikes", async () => { //Adds and applies Spikes to both sides of the arena const playerTag = getArenaTag(ArenaTagType.TOXIC_SPIKES, 5, Moves.TOXIC_SPIKES, 0, 0, ArenaTagSide.PLAYER)!; const enemyTag = getArenaTag(ArenaTagType.TOXIC_SPIKES, 5, Moves.TOXIC_SPIKES, 0, 0, ArenaTagSide.ENEMY)!; game.scene.arena.tags.push(playerTag); game.scene.arena.tags.push(enemyTag); await game.startBattle([ Species.MAGIKARP ]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!;; const enemyPokemon = game.scene.getEnemyPokemon()!; await; /** * Expect: * - Both Pokemon gain the poison status effect * - The player Pokemon (with Magic Guard) has not taken damage from poison * - The enemy Pokemon (without Magic Guard) has taken damage from poison */ expect(leadPokemon.status!.effect).toBe(StatusEffect.POISON); expect(enemyPokemon.status!.effect).toBe(StatusEffect.POISON); expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBe(leadPokemon.getMaxHp()); expect(enemyPokemon.hp).toBeLessThan(enemyPokemon.getMaxHp()); } ); it("Magic Guard prevents against damage from volatile status effects", async () => { await game.startBattle([ Species.DUSKULL ]); game.override.moveset([ Moves.CURSE ]); game.override.enemyAbility(Abilities.MAGIC_GUARD); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!;; const enemyPokemon = game.scene.getEnemyPokemon()!; await; /** * Expect: * - The player Pokemon (with Magic Guard) has cut its HP to inflict curse * - The enemy Pokemon (with Magic Guard) is cursed * - The enemy Pokemon (with Magic Guard) does not lose HP from being cursed */ expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBeLessThan(leadPokemon.getMaxHp()); expect(enemyPokemon.getTag(BattlerTagType.CURSED)).not.toBe(undefined); expect(enemyPokemon.hp).toBe(enemyPokemon.getMaxHp()); } ); it("Magic Guard prevents crash damage", async () => { game.override.moveset([ Moves.HIGH_JUMP_KICK ]); await game.startBattle([ Species.MAGIKARP ]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!;; await game.move.forceMiss(); await; /** * Expect: * - The player Pokemon (with Magic Guard) misses High Jump Kick but does not lose HP as a result */ expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBe(leadPokemon.getMaxHp()); } ); it("Magic Guard prevents damage from recoil", async () => { game.override.moveset([ Moves.TAKE_DOWN ]); await game.startBattle([ Species.MAGIKARP ]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!;; await; /** * Expect: * - The player Pokemon (with Magic Guard) uses a recoil move but does not lose HP from recoil */ expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBe(leadPokemon.getMaxHp()); } ); it("Magic Guard does not prevent damage from Struggle's recoil", async () => { game.override.moveset([ Moves.STRUGGLE ]); await game.startBattle([ Species.MAGIKARP ]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!;; await; /** * Expect: * - The player Pokemon (with Magic Guard) uses Struggle but does lose HP from Struggle's recoil */ expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBeLessThan(leadPokemon.getMaxHp()); } ); //This tests different move attributes than the recoil tests above it("Magic Guard prevents self-damage from attacking moves", async () => { game.override.moveset([ Moves.STEEL_BEAM ]); await game.startBattle([ Species.MAGIKARP ]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!;; await; /** * Expect: * - The player Pokemon (with Magic Guard) uses a move with an HP cost but does not lose HP from using it */ expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBe(leadPokemon.getMaxHp()); } ); /* it("Magic Guard does not prevent self-damage from confusion", async () => { await game.startBattle([Species.MAGIKARP]);; await; }); */ it("Magic Guard does not prevent self-damage from non-attacking moves", async () => { game.override.moveset([ Moves.BELLY_DRUM ]); await game.startBattle([ Species.MAGIKARP ]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!;; await; /** * Expect: * - The player Pokemon (with Magic Guard) uses a non-attacking move with an HP cost and thus loses HP from using it */ expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBeLessThan(leadPokemon.getMaxHp()); } ); it("Magic Guard prevents damage from abilities with PostTurnHurtIfSleepingAbAttr", async () => { //Tests the ability Bad Dreams game.override.statusEffect(StatusEffect.SLEEP); //enemy pokemon is given Spore just in case player pokemon somehow awakens during test game.override.enemyMoveset([ Moves.SPORE, Moves.SPORE, Moves.SPORE, Moves.SPORE ]); game.override.enemyAbility(Abilities.BAD_DREAMS); await game.startBattle([ Species.MAGIKARP ]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!;; await; /** * Expect: * - The player Pokemon (with Magic Guard) should not lose HP due to this ability attribute * - The player Pokemon is asleep */ expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBe(leadPokemon.getMaxHp()); expect(leadPokemon.status!.effect).toBe(StatusEffect.SLEEP); } ); it("Magic Guard prevents damage from abilities with PostFaintContactDamageAbAttr", async () => { //Tests the abilities Innards Out/Aftermath game.override.moveset([ Moves.TACKLE ]); game.override.enemyAbility(Abilities.AFTERMATH); await game.startBattle([ Species.MAGIKARP ]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; const enemyPokemon = game.scene.getEnemyPokemon()!; enemyPokemon.hp = 1;; await; /** * Expect: * - The player Pokemon (with Magic Guard) should not lose HP due to this ability attribute * - The enemy Pokemon has fainted */ expect(enemyPokemon.hp).toBe(0); expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBe(leadPokemon.getMaxHp()); } ); it("Magic Guard prevents damage from abilities with PostDefendContactDamageAbAttr", async () => { //Tests the abilities Iron Barbs/Rough Skin game.override.moveset([ Moves.TACKLE ]); game.override.enemyAbility(Abilities.IRON_BARBS); await game.startBattle([ Species.MAGIKARP ]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; const enemyPokemon = game.scene.getEnemyPokemon()!;; await; /** * Expect: * - The player Pokemon (with Magic Guard) should not lose HP due to this ability attribute * - The player Pokemon's move should have connected */ expect(enemyPokemon.hp).toBeLessThan(enemyPokemon.getMaxHp()); expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBe(leadPokemon.getMaxHp()); } ); it("Magic Guard prevents damage from abilities with ReverseDrainAbAttr", async () => { //Tests the ability Liquid Ooze game.override.moveset([ Moves.ABSORB ]); game.override.enemyAbility(Abilities.LIQUID_OOZE); await game.startBattle([ Species.MAGIKARP ]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; const enemyPokemon = game.scene.getEnemyPokemon()!;; await; /** * Expect: * - The player Pokemon (with Magic Guard) should not lose HP due to this ability attribute * - The player Pokemon's move should have connected */ expect(enemyPokemon.hp).toBeLessThan(enemyPokemon.getMaxHp()); expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBe(leadPokemon.getMaxHp()); } ); it("Magic Guard prevents HP loss from abilities with PostWeatherLapseDamageAbAttr", async () => { //Tests the abilities Solar Power/Dry Skin game.override.passiveAbility(Abilities.SOLAR_POWER);; await game.startBattle([ Species.MAGIKARP ]); const leadPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!;; await; /** * Expect: * - The player Pokemon (with Magic Guard) should not lose HP due to this ability attribute */ expect(leadPokemon.hp).toBe(leadPokemon.getMaxHp()); } ); });