import BattleScene from "../battle-scene"; import Pokemon, { MoveResult, PlayerPokemon, PokemonMove } from "../field/pokemon"; import { addBBCodeTextObject, addTextObject, getTextColor, TextStyle } from "./text"; import { Command } from "./command-ui-handler"; import MessageUiHandler from "./message-ui-handler"; import { Mode } from "./ui"; import * as Utils from "../utils"; import { PokemonFormChangeItemModifier, PokemonHeldItemModifier, SwitchEffectTransferModifier } from "../modifier/modifier"; import { allMoves, ForceSwitchOutAttr } from "../data/move"; import { getGenderColor, getGenderSymbol } from "../data/gender"; import { StatusEffect } from "../data/status-effect"; import PokemonIconAnimHandler, { PokemonIconAnimMode } from "./pokemon-icon-anim-handler"; import { pokemonEvolutions } from "../data/pokemon-evolutions"; import { addWindow } from "./ui-theme"; import { SpeciesFormChangeItemTrigger, FormChangeItem } from "../data/pokemon-forms"; import { getVariantTint } from "#app/data/variant"; import {Button} from "#enums/buttons"; import { applyChallenges, ChallengeType } from "#app/data/challenge.js"; import MoveInfoOverlay from "./move-info-overlay"; import i18next from "i18next"; import BBCodeText from "phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/bbcodetext"; import { Moves } from "#enums/moves"; import { Species } from "#enums/species"; import { getPokemonNameWithAffix } from "#app/messages.js"; import { CommandPhase } from "#app/phases/command-phase.js"; import { SelectModifierPhase } from "#app/phases/select-modifier-phase.js"; const defaultMessage = i18next.t("partyUiHandler:choosePokemon"); /** * Indicates the reason why the party UI is being opened. */ export enum PartyUiMode { /** * Indicates that the party UI is open because of a user-opted switch. This * type of switch can be cancelled. */ SWITCH, /** * Indicates that the party UI is open because of a faint or other forced * switch (eg, move effect). This type of switch cannot be cancelled. */ FAINT_SWITCH, /** * Indicates that the party UI is open because of a start-of-encounter optional * switch. This type of switch can be cancelled. */ POST_BATTLE_SWITCH, /** * Indicates that the party UI is open because of the move Revival Blessing. * This selection cannot be cancelled. */ REVIVAL_BLESSING, /** * Indicates that the party UI is open to select a mon to apply a modifier to. * This type of selection can be cancelled. */ MODIFIER, /** * Indicates that the party UI is open to select a mon to apply a move * modifier to (such as an Ether or PP Up). This type of selection can be cancelled. */ MOVE_MODIFIER, /** * Indicates that the party UI is open to select a mon to teach a TM. This * type of selection can be cancelled. */ TM_MODIFIER, /** * Indicates that the party UI is open to select a mon to remember a move. * This type of selection can be cancelled. */ REMEMBER_MOVE_MODIFIER, /** * Indicates that the party UI is open to transfer items between mons. This * type of selection can be cancelled. */ MODIFIER_TRANSFER, /** * Indicates that the party UI is open because of a DNA Splicer. This * type of selection can be cancelled. */ SPLICE, /** * Indicates that the party UI is open to release a party member. This * type of selection can be cancelled. */ RELEASE, /** * Indicates that the party UI is open to check the team. This * type of selection can be cancelled. */ CHECK } export enum PartyOption { CANCEL = -1, SEND_OUT, PASS_BATON, REVIVE, APPLY, TEACH, TRANSFER, SUMMARY, UNPAUSE_EVOLUTION, SPLICE, UNSPLICE, RELEASE, RENAME, SCROLL_UP = 1000, SCROLL_DOWN = 1001, FORM_CHANGE_ITEM = 2000, MOVE_1 = 3000, MOVE_2, MOVE_3, MOVE_4, ALL = 4000, } export type PartySelectCallback = (cursor: integer, option: PartyOption) => void; export type PartyModifierTransferSelectCallback = (fromCursor: integer, index: integer, itemQuantity?: integer, toCursor?: integer) => void; export type PartyModifierSpliceSelectCallback = (fromCursor: integer, toCursor?: integer) => void; export type PokemonSelectFilter = (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => string | null; export type PokemonModifierTransferSelectFilter = (pokemon: PlayerPokemon, modifier: PokemonHeldItemModifier) => string | null; export type PokemonMoveSelectFilter = (pokemonMove: PokemonMove) => string | null; export default class PartyUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler { private partyUiMode: PartyUiMode; private fieldIndex: integer; private partyBg: Phaser.GameObjects.Image; private partyContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private partySlotsContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private partySlots: PartySlot[]; private partyCancelButton: PartyCancelButton; private partyMessageBox: Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice; private moveInfoOverlay: MoveInfoOverlay; private optionsMode: boolean; private optionsScroll: boolean; private optionsCursor: integer = 0; private optionsScrollCursor: integer = 0; private optionsScrollTotal: integer = 0; /** This is only public for test/ui/transfer-item.test.ts */ public optionsContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private optionsBg: Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice; private optionsCursorObj: Phaser.GameObjects.Image | null; private options: integer[]; private transferMode: boolean; private transferOptionCursor: integer; private transferCursor: integer; /** Current quantity selection for every item held by the pokemon selected for the transfer */ private transferQuantities: integer[]; /** Stack size of every item that the selected pokemon is holding */ private transferQuantitiesMax: integer[]; /** Whether to transfer all items */ private transferAll: boolean; private lastCursor: integer = 0; private selectCallback: PartySelectCallback | PartyModifierTransferSelectCallback | null; private selectFilter: PokemonSelectFilter | PokemonModifierTransferSelectFilter; private moveSelectFilter: PokemonMoveSelectFilter; private tmMoveId: Moves; private showMovePp: boolean; private iconAnimHandler: PokemonIconAnimHandler; private blockInput: boolean; private static FilterAll = (_pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => null; public static FilterNonFainted = (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { if (pokemon.isFainted()) { return i18next.t("partyUiHandler:noEnergy", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) }); } return null; }; public static FilterFainted = (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { if (!pokemon.isFainted()) { return i18next.t("partyUiHandler:hasEnergy", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) }); } return null; }; /** * For consistency reasons, this looks like the above filters. However this is used only internally and is always enforced for switching. * @param pokemon The pokemon to check. * @returns */ private FilterChallengeLegal = (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { const challengeAllowed = new Utils.BooleanHolder(true); applyChallenges(this.scene.gameMode, ChallengeType.POKEMON_IN_BATTLE, pokemon, challengeAllowed); if (!challengeAllowed.value) { return i18next.t("partyUiHandler:cantBeUsed", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) }); } return null; }; private static FilterAllMoves = (_pokemonMove: PokemonMove) => null; public static FilterItemMaxStacks = (pokemon: PlayerPokemon, modifier: PokemonHeldItemModifier) => { const matchingModifier = pokemon.scene.findModifier(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && m.pokemonId === && m.matchType(modifier)) as PokemonHeldItemModifier; if (matchingModifier && matchingModifier.stackCount === matchingModifier.getMaxStackCount(pokemon.scene)) { return i18next.t("partyUiHandler:tooManyItems", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) }); } return null; }; public static NoEffectMessage = i18next.t("partyUiHandler:anyEffect"); private localizedOptions = [PartyOption.SEND_OUT, PartyOption.SUMMARY, PartyOption.CANCEL, PartyOption.APPLY, PartyOption.RELEASE, PartyOption.TEACH, PartyOption.SPLICE, PartyOption.UNSPLICE, PartyOption.REVIVE, PartyOption.TRANSFER, PartyOption.UNPAUSE_EVOLUTION, PartyOption.PASS_BATON, PartyOption.RENAME]; constructor(scene: BattleScene) { super(scene, Mode.PARTY); } setup() { const ui = this.getUi(); const partyContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, 0); partyContainer.setName("party"); partyContainer.setVisible(false); ui.add(partyContainer); this.partyContainer = partyContainer; this.partyBg = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, "party_bg"); this.partyBg.setName("img-party-bg"); partyContainer.add(this.partyBg); this.partyBg.setOrigin(0, 1); const partySlotsContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, 0); partySlotsContainer.setName("party-slots"); partyContainer.add(partySlotsContainer); this.partySlotsContainer = partySlotsContainer; const partyMessageBoxContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, -32); partyMessageBoxContainer.setName("party-msg-box"); partyContainer.add(partyMessageBoxContainer); const partyMessageBox = addWindow(this.scene, 1, 31, 262, 30); partyMessageBox.setName("window-party-msg-box"); partyMessageBox.setOrigin(0, 1); partyMessageBoxContainer.add(partyMessageBox); this.partyMessageBox = partyMessageBox; const partyMessageText = addTextObject(this.scene, 10, 8, defaultMessage, TextStyle.WINDOW, { maxLines: 2 }); partyMessageText.setName("text-party-msg"); partyMessageText.setOrigin(0, 0); partyMessageBoxContainer.add(partyMessageText); this.message = partyMessageText; const partyCancelButton = new PartyCancelButton(this.scene, 291, -16); partyContainer.add(partyCancelButton); this.partyCancelButton = partyCancelButton; this.optionsContainer = this.scene.add.container(( / 6) - 1, -1); partyContainer.add(this.optionsContainer); this.iconAnimHandler = new PokemonIconAnimHandler(); this.iconAnimHandler.setup(this.scene); // prepare move overlay. in case it appears to be too big, set the overlayScale to .5 const overlayScale = 1; this.moveInfoOverlay = new MoveInfoOverlay(this.scene, { scale: overlayScale, top: true, x: 1, y: -MoveInfoOverlay.getHeight(overlayScale) - 1, // / 6 - MoveInfoOverlay.getHeight(overlayScale) - 29, width: / 12 - 30, }); ui.add(this.moveInfoOverlay); this.options = []; this.partySlots = []; } show(args: any[]): boolean { if (!args.length || { return false; }; // reset the infoOverlay this.moveInfoOverlay.clear(); this.partyUiMode = args[0] as PartyUiMode; this.fieldIndex = args.length > 1 ? args[1] as integer : -1; this.selectCallback = args.length > 2 && args[2] instanceof Function ? args[2] : undefined; this.selectFilter = args.length > 3 && args[3] instanceof Function ? args[3] as PokemonSelectFilter : PartyUiHandler.FilterAll; this.moveSelectFilter = args.length > 4 && args[4] instanceof Function ? args[4] as PokemonMoveSelectFilter : PartyUiHandler.FilterAllMoves; this.tmMoveId = args.length > 5 && args[5] ? args[5] : Moves.NONE; this.showMovePp = args.length > 6 && args[6]; this.partyContainer.setVisible(true); this.partyBg.setTexture(`party_bg${this.scene.currentBattle.double ? "_double" : ""}`); this.populatePartySlots(); this.setCursor(this.cursor < 6 ? this.cursor : 0); return true; } processInput(button: Button): boolean { const ui = this.getUi(); if (this.pendingPrompt || this.blockInput) { return false; } if (this.awaitingActionInput) { if ((button === Button.ACTION || button === Button.CANCEL) && this.onActionInput) { ui.playSelect(); const originalOnActionInput = this.onActionInput; this.onActionInput = null; originalOnActionInput(); this.awaitingActionInput = false; return true; } return false; } let success = false; if (this.optionsMode) { const option = this.options[this.optionsCursor]; if (button === Button.ACTION) { const pokemon = this.scene.getParty()[this.cursor]; if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.MODIFIER_TRANSFER && !this.transferMode && option !== PartyOption.CANCEL) { this.startTransfer(); let ableToTransfer: string; for (let p = 0; p < this.scene.getParty().length; p++) { // this fore look goes through each of the party pokemon const newPokemon = this.scene.getParty()[p]; // this next line gets all of the transferable items from pokemon [p]; it does this by getting all the held modifiers that are transferable and checking to see if they belong to pokemon [p] const getTransferrableItemsFromPokemon = (newPokemon: PlayerPokemon) => this.scene.findModifiers(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && (m as PokemonHeldItemModifier).isTransferrable && (m as PokemonHeldItemModifier).pokemonId === as PokemonHeldItemModifier[]; // this next bit checks to see if the the selected item from the original transfer pokemon exists on the new pokemon [p]; this returns undefined if the new pokemon doesn't have the item at all, otherwise it returns the pokemonHeldItemModifier for that item const matchingModifier = newPokemon.scene.findModifier(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && m.pokemonId === && m.matchType(getTransferrableItemsFromPokemon(pokemon)[this.transferOptionCursor])) as PokemonHeldItemModifier; const partySlot = this.partySlots.filter(m => m.getPokemon() === newPokemon)[0]; // this gets pokemon [p] for us if (p !== this.transferCursor) { // this skips adding the able/not able labels on the pokemon doing the transfer if (matchingModifier) { // if matchingModifier exists then the item exists on the new pokemon if (matchingModifier.getMaxStackCount(this.scene) === matchingModifier.stackCount) { // checks to see if the stack of items is at max stack; if so, set the description label to "Not able" ableToTransfer = "Not able"; } else { // if the pokemon isn't at max stack, make the label "Able" ableToTransfer = "Able"; } } else { // if matchingModifier doesn't exist, that means the pokemon doesn't have any of the item, and we need to show "Able" ableToTransfer = "Able"; } } else { // this else relates to the transfer pokemon. We set the text to be blank so there's no "Able"/"Not able" text ableToTransfer = ""; } partySlot.slotHpBar.setVisible(false); partySlot.slotHpOverlay.setVisible(false); partySlot.slotHpText.setVisible(false); partySlot.slotDescriptionLabel.setText(ableToTransfer); partySlot.slotDescriptionLabel.setVisible(true); } this.clearOptions(); ui.playSelect(); return true; } else if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.REMEMBER_MOVE_MODIFIER && option !== PartyOption.CANCEL) { // clear overlay on cancel this.moveInfoOverlay.clear(); const filterResult = (this.selectFilter as PokemonSelectFilter)(pokemon); if (filterResult === null) { this.selectCallback?.(this.cursor, option); this.clearOptions(); } else { this.clearOptions(); this.showText(filterResult as string, undefined, () => this.showText("", 0), undefined, true); } ui.playSelect(); return true; } else if ((option !== PartyOption.SUMMARY && option !== PartyOption.UNPAUSE_EVOLUTION && option !== PartyOption.UNSPLICE && option !== PartyOption.RELEASE && option !== PartyOption.CANCEL && option !== PartyOption.RENAME) || (option === PartyOption.RELEASE && this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.RELEASE)) { let filterResult: string | null; const getTransferrableItemsFromPokemon = (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => this.scene.findModifiers(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && m.isTransferrable && m.pokemonId === as PokemonHeldItemModifier[]; if (option !== PartyOption.TRANSFER && option !== PartyOption.SPLICE) { filterResult = (this.selectFilter as PokemonSelectFilter)(pokemon); if (filterResult === null && (option === PartyOption.SEND_OUT || option === PartyOption.PASS_BATON)) { filterResult = this.FilterChallengeLegal(pokemon); } if (filterResult === null && this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.MOVE_MODIFIER) { filterResult = this.moveSelectFilter(pokemon.moveset[this.optionsCursor]!); // TODO: is this bang correct? } } else { filterResult = (this.selectFilter as PokemonModifierTransferSelectFilter)(pokemon, getTransferrableItemsFromPokemon(this.scene.getParty()[this.transferCursor])[this.transferOptionCursor]); } if (filterResult === null) { if (this.partyUiMode !== PartyUiMode.SPLICE) { this.clearOptions(); } if (this.selectCallback && this.partyUiMode !== PartyUiMode.CHECK) { if (option === PartyOption.TRANSFER) { if (this.transferCursor !== this.cursor) { if (this.transferAll) { getTransferrableItemsFromPokemon(this.scene.getParty()[this.transferCursor]).forEach((_, i) => (this.selectCallback as PartyModifierTransferSelectCallback)(this.transferCursor, i, this.transferQuantitiesMax[i], this.cursor)); } else { (this.selectCallback as PartyModifierTransferSelectCallback)(this.transferCursor, this.transferOptionCursor, this.transferQuantities[this.transferOptionCursor], this.cursor); } } this.clearTransfer(); } else if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.SPLICE) { if (option === PartyOption.SPLICE) { (this.selectCallback as PartyModifierSpliceSelectCallback)(this.transferCursor, this.cursor); this.clearTransfer(); } else { this.startTransfer(); } this.clearOptions(); } else if (option === PartyOption.RELEASE) { this.doRelease(this.cursor); } else { const selectCallback = this.selectCallback; this.selectCallback = null; selectCallback(this.cursor, option); } } else { if (option >= PartyOption.FORM_CHANGE_ITEM && this.scene.getCurrentPhase() instanceof SelectModifierPhase) { if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.CHECK) { const formChangeItemModifiers = this.getFormChangeItemsModifiers(pokemon); const modifier = formChangeItemModifiers[option - PartyOption.FORM_CHANGE_ITEM]; = !; this.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeItemTrigger, false, true); } } else if (this.cursor) { (this.scene.getCurrentPhase() as CommandPhase).handleCommand(Command.POKEMON, this.cursor, option === PartyOption.PASS_BATON); } } if (this.partyUiMode !== PartyUiMode.MODIFIER && this.partyUiMode !== PartyUiMode.TM_MODIFIER && this.partyUiMode !== PartyUiMode.MOVE_MODIFIER) { ui.playSelect(); } return true; } else { this.clearOptions(); this.showText(filterResult as string, undefined, () => this.showText("", 0), undefined, true); } } else if (option === PartyOption.SUMMARY) { ui.playSelect(); ui.setModeWithoutClear(Mode.SUMMARY, pokemon).then(() => this.clearOptions()); return true; } else if (option === PartyOption.UNPAUSE_EVOLUTION) { this.clearOptions(); ui.playSelect(); pokemon.pauseEvolutions = false; this.showText(i18next.t("partyUiHandler:unpausedEvolutions", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) }), undefined, () => this.showText("", 0), null, true); } else if (option === PartyOption.UNSPLICE) { this.clearOptions(); ui.playSelect(); this.showText(i18next.t("partyUiHandler:unspliceConfirmation", { fusionName: pokemon.fusionSpecies?.name, pokemonName: }), null, () => { ui.setModeWithoutClear(Mode.CONFIRM, () => { const fusionName =; pokemon.unfuse().then(() => { this.clearPartySlots(); this.populatePartySlots(); ui.setMode(Mode.PARTY); this.showText(i18next.t("partyUiHandler:wasReverted", { fusionName: fusionName, pokemonName: }), undefined, () => { ui.setMode(Mode.PARTY); this.showText("", 0); }, null, true); }); }, () => { ui.setMode(Mode.PARTY); this.showText("", 0); }); }); } else if (option === PartyOption.RELEASE) { this.clearOptions(); ui.playSelect(); if (this.cursor >= this.scene.currentBattle.getBattlerCount() || !pokemon.isAllowedInBattle()) { this.blockInput = true; this.showText(i18next.t("partyUiHandler:releaseConfirmation", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) }), null, () => { this.blockInput = false; ui.setModeWithoutClear(Mode.CONFIRM, () => { ui.setMode(Mode.PARTY); this.doRelease(this.cursor); }, () => { ui.setMode(Mode.PARTY); this.showText("", 0); }); }); } else { this.showText(i18next.t("partyUiHandler:releaseInBattle"), null, () => this.showText("", 0), null, true); } return true; } else if (option === PartyOption.RENAME) { this.clearOptions(); ui.playSelect(); ui.setModeWithoutClear(Mode.RENAME_POKEMON, { buttonActions: [ (nickname: string) => { ui.playSelect(); pokemon.nickname = nickname; pokemon.updateInfo(); this.clearPartySlots(); this.populatePartySlots(); ui.setMode(Mode.PARTY); }, () => { ui.setMode(Mode.PARTY); } ] }, pokemon); return true; } else if (option === PartyOption.CANCEL) { return this.processInput(Button.CANCEL); } } else if (button === Button.CANCEL) { this.clearOptions(); ui.playSelect(); return true; } else { switch (button) { case Button.LEFT: /** Decrease quantity for the current item and update UI */ if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.MODIFIER_TRANSFER) { this.transferQuantities[option] = this.transferQuantities[option] === 1 ? this.transferQuantitiesMax[option] : this.transferQuantities[option] - 1; this.updateOptions(); success = this.setCursor(this.optionsCursor); /** Place again the cursor at the same position. Necessary, otherwise the cursor disappears */ } break; case Button.RIGHT: /** Increase quantity for the current item and update UI */ if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.MODIFIER_TRANSFER) { this.transferQuantities[option] = this.transferQuantities[option] === this.transferQuantitiesMax[option] ? 1 : this.transferQuantities[option] + 1; this.updateOptions(); success = this.setCursor(this.optionsCursor); /** Place again the cursor at the same position. Necessary, otherwise the cursor disappears */ } break; case Button.UP: /** If currently selecting items to transfer, reset quantity selection */ if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.MODIFIER_TRANSFER) { if (option !== PartyOption.ALL) { this.transferQuantities[option] = this.transferQuantitiesMax[option]; } this.updateOptions(); } success = this.setCursor(this.optionsCursor ? this.optionsCursor - 1 : this.options.length - 1); /** Move cursor */ break; case Button.DOWN: /** If currently selecting items to transfer, reset quantity selection */ if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.MODIFIER_TRANSFER) { if (option !== PartyOption.ALL) { this.transferQuantities[option] = this.transferQuantitiesMax[option]; } this.updateOptions(); } success = this.setCursor(this.optionsCursor < this.options.length - 1 ? this.optionsCursor + 1 : 0); /** Move cursor */ break; } // show move description if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.REMEMBER_MOVE_MODIFIER) { const option = this.options[this.optionsCursor]; const pokemon = this.scene.getParty()[this.cursor]; const move = allMoves[pokemon.getLearnableLevelMoves()[option]]; if (move) {; } else { // or hide the overlay, in case it's the cancel button this.moveInfoOverlay.clear(); } } } } else { if (button === Button.ACTION) { if (this.cursor < 6) { if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.MODIFIER_TRANSFER && !this.transferMode) { /** Initialize item quantities for the selected Pokemon */ const itemModifiers = this.scene.findModifiers(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && m.isTransferrable && m.pokemonId === this.scene.getParty()[this.cursor].id) as PokemonHeldItemModifier[]; this.transferQuantities = => item.getStackCount()); this.transferQuantitiesMax = => item.getStackCount()); } this.showOptions(); ui.playSelect(); } else if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.FAINT_SWITCH || this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.REVIVAL_BLESSING) { ui.playError(); } else { return this.processInput(Button.CANCEL); } return true; } else if (button === Button.CANCEL) { if ((this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.MODIFIER_TRANSFER || this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.SPLICE) && this.transferMode) { this.clearTransfer(); ui.playSelect(); } else if (this.partyUiMode !== PartyUiMode.FAINT_SWITCH && this.partyUiMode !== PartyUiMode.REVIVAL_BLESSING) { if (this.selectCallback) { const selectCallback = this.selectCallback; this.selectCallback = null; selectCallback(6, PartyOption.CANCEL); ui.playSelect(); } else { ui.setMode(Mode.COMMAND, this.fieldIndex); ui.playSelect(); } } return true; } const slotCount = this.partySlots.length; const battlerCount = this.scene.currentBattle.getBattlerCount(); switch (button) { case Button.UP: success = this.setCursor(this.cursor ? this.cursor < 6 ? this.cursor - 1 : slotCount - 1 : 6); break; case Button.DOWN: success = this.setCursor(this.cursor < 6 ? this.cursor < slotCount - 1 ? this.cursor + 1 : 6 : 0); break; case Button.LEFT: if (this.cursor >= battlerCount && this.cursor <= 6) { success = this.setCursor(0); } break; case Button.RIGHT: if (slotCount === battlerCount) { success = this.setCursor(6); break; } else if (battlerCount >= 2 && slotCount > battlerCount && this.getCursor() === 0 && this.lastCursor === 1) { success = this.setCursor(2); break; } else if (slotCount > battlerCount && this.cursor < battlerCount) { success = this.setCursor(this.lastCursor < 6 ? this.lastCursor || battlerCount : battlerCount); break; } } } if (success) { ui.playSelect(); } return success; } populatePartySlots() { const party = this.scene.getParty(); if (this.cursor < 6 && this.cursor >= party.length) { this.cursor = party.length - 1; } else if (this.cursor === 6) {; } for (const p in party) { const slotIndex = parseInt(p); const partySlot = new PartySlot(this.scene, slotIndex, party[p], this.iconAnimHandler, this.partyUiMode, this.tmMoveId); this.scene.add.existing(partySlot); this.partySlotsContainer.add(partySlot); this.partySlots.push(partySlot); if (this.cursor === slotIndex) {; } } } setCursor(cursor: integer): boolean { let changed: boolean; if (this.optionsMode) { changed = this.optionsCursor !== cursor; let isScroll = false; if (changed && this.optionsScroll) { if (Math.abs(cursor - this.optionsCursor) === this.options.length - 1) { this.optionsScrollCursor = cursor ? this.optionsScrollTotal - 8 : 0; this.updateOptions(); } else { const isDown = cursor && cursor > this.optionsCursor; if (isDown) { if (this.options[cursor] === PartyOption.SCROLL_DOWN) { isScroll = true; this.optionsScrollCursor++; } } else { if (!cursor && this.optionsScrollCursor) { isScroll = true; this.optionsScrollCursor--; } } if (isScroll && this.optionsScrollCursor === 1) { this.optionsScrollCursor += isDown ? 1 : -1; } } } if (isScroll) { this.updateOptions(); } else { this.optionsCursor = cursor; } if (!this.optionsCursorObj) { this.optionsCursorObj = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, "cursor"); this.optionsCursorObj.setOrigin(0, 0); this.optionsContainer.add(this.optionsCursorObj); } this.optionsCursorObj.setPosition(8 - this.optionsBg.displayWidth, -19 - (16 * ((this.options.length - 1) - this.optionsCursor))); } else { changed = this.cursor !== cursor; if (changed) { this.lastCursor = this.cursor; this.cursor = cursor; if (this.lastCursor < 6) { this.partySlots[this.lastCursor].deselect(); } else if (this.lastCursor === 6) { this.partyCancelButton.deselect(); } if (cursor < 6) { this.partySlots[cursor].select(); } else if (cursor === 6) {; } } } return changed; } showText(text: string, delay?: integer | null, callback?: Function | null, callbackDelay?: integer | null, prompt?: boolean | null, promptDelay?: integer | null) { if (text.length === 0) { text = defaultMessage; } if (text?.indexOf("\n") === -1) { this.partyMessageBox.setSize(262, 30); this.message.setY(10); } else { this.partyMessageBox.setSize(262, 42); this.message.setY(-5); } super.showText(text, delay, callback, callbackDelay, prompt, promptDelay); } showOptions() { if (this.cursor === 6) { return; } this.optionsMode = true; let optionsMessage = i18next.t("partyUiHandler:doWhatWithThisPokemon"); switch (this.partyUiMode) { case PartyUiMode.MOVE_MODIFIER: optionsMessage = i18next.t("partyUiHandler:selectAMove"); break; case PartyUiMode.MODIFIER_TRANSFER: if (!this.transferMode) { optionsMessage = i18next.t("partyUiHandler:changeQuantity"); } break; case PartyUiMode.SPLICE: if (!this.transferMode) { optionsMessage = i18next.t("partyUiHandler:selectAnotherPokemonToSplice"); } break; } this.showText(optionsMessage, 0); this.updateOptions(); /** When an item is being selected for transfer, the message box is taller as the message occupies two lines */ if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.MODIFIER_TRANSFER) { this.partyMessageBox.setSize(262 - Math.max(this.optionsBg.displayWidth - 56, 0), 42); } else { this.partyMessageBox.setSize(262 - Math.max(this.optionsBg.displayWidth - 56, 0), 30); } this.setCursor(0); } updateOptions(): void { const pokemon = this.scene.getParty()[this.cursor]; const learnableLevelMoves = this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.REMEMBER_MOVE_MODIFIER ? pokemon.getLearnableLevelMoves() : []; if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.REMEMBER_MOVE_MODIFIER && learnableLevelMoves?.length) { // show the move overlay with info for the first move[learnableLevelMoves[0]]); } const itemModifiers = this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.MODIFIER_TRANSFER ? this.scene.findModifiers(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && m.isTransferrable && m.pokemonId === as PokemonHeldItemModifier[] : []; if (this.options.length) { this.options.splice(0, this.options.length); this.optionsContainer.removeAll(true); this.eraseOptionsCursor(); } let formChangeItemModifiers: PokemonFormChangeItemModifier[] | undefined; if (this.partyUiMode !== PartyUiMode.MOVE_MODIFIER && this.partyUiMode !== PartyUiMode.REMEMBER_MOVE_MODIFIER && (this.transferMode || this.partyUiMode !== PartyUiMode.MODIFIER_TRANSFER)) { switch (this.partyUiMode) { case PartyUiMode.SWITCH: case PartyUiMode.FAINT_SWITCH: case PartyUiMode.POST_BATTLE_SWITCH: if (this.cursor >= this.scene.currentBattle.getBattlerCount()) { const allowBatonModifierSwitch = this.partyUiMode !== PartyUiMode.FAINT_SWITCH && this.scene.findModifier(m => m instanceof SwitchEffectTransferModifier && (m as SwitchEffectTransferModifier).pokemonId === this.scene.getPlayerField()[this.fieldIndex].id); const moveHistory = this.scene.getPlayerField()[this.fieldIndex].getMoveHistory(); const isBatonPassMove = this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.FAINT_SWITCH && moveHistory.length && allMoves[moveHistory[moveHistory.length - 1].move].getAttrs(ForceSwitchOutAttr)[0]?.isBatonPass() && moveHistory[moveHistory.length - 1].result === MoveResult.SUCCESS; // isBatonPassMove and allowBatonModifierSwitch shouldn't ever be true // at the same time, because they both explicitly check for a mutually // exclusive partyUiMode. But better safe than sorry. this.options.push(isBatonPassMove && !allowBatonModifierSwitch ? PartyOption.PASS_BATON : PartyOption.SEND_OUT); if (allowBatonModifierSwitch && !isBatonPassMove) { // the BATON modifier gives an extra switch option for // pokemon-command switches, allowing buffs to be optionally passed this.options.push(PartyOption.PASS_BATON); } } break; case PartyUiMode.REVIVAL_BLESSING: this.options.push(PartyOption.REVIVE); break; case PartyUiMode.MODIFIER: this.options.push(PartyOption.APPLY); break; case PartyUiMode.TM_MODIFIER: this.options.push(PartyOption.TEACH); break; case PartyUiMode.MODIFIER_TRANSFER: this.options.push(PartyOption.TRANSFER); break; case PartyUiMode.SPLICE: if (this.transferMode) { if (this.cursor !== this.transferCursor) { this.options.push(PartyOption.SPLICE); } } else { this.options.push(PartyOption.APPLY); } break; case PartyUiMode.RELEASE: this.options.push(PartyOption.RELEASE); break; case PartyUiMode.CHECK: if (this.scene.getCurrentPhase() instanceof SelectModifierPhase) { formChangeItemModifiers = this.getFormChangeItemsModifiers(pokemon); for (let i = 0; i < formChangeItemModifiers.length; i++) { this.options.push(PartyOption.FORM_CHANGE_ITEM + i); } } break; } this.options.push(PartyOption.SUMMARY); this.options.push(PartyOption.RENAME); if (pokemon.pauseEvolutions && pokemonEvolutions.hasOwnProperty(pokemon.species.speciesId)) { this.options.push(PartyOption.UNPAUSE_EVOLUTION); } if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.SWITCH) { if (pokemon.isFusion()) { this.options.push(PartyOption.UNSPLICE); } this.options.push(PartyOption.RELEASE); } else if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.SPLICE && pokemon.isFusion()) { this.options.push(PartyOption.UNSPLICE); } } else if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.MOVE_MODIFIER) { for (let m = 0; m < pokemon.moveset.length; m++) { this.options.push(PartyOption.MOVE_1 + m); } } else if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.REMEMBER_MOVE_MODIFIER) { const learnableMoves = pokemon.getLearnableLevelMoves(); for (let m = 0; m < learnableMoves.length; m++) { this.options.push(m); } } else { for (let im = 0; im < itemModifiers.length; im++) { this.options.push(im); } if (itemModifiers.length > 1) { this.options.push(PartyOption.ALL); } } this.optionsScrollTotal = this.options.length; let optionStartIndex = this.optionsScrollCursor; let optionEndIndex = Math.min(this.optionsScrollTotal, optionStartIndex + (!optionStartIndex || this.optionsScrollCursor + 8 >= this.optionsScrollTotal ? 8 : 7)); this.optionsScroll = this.optionsScrollTotal > 9; if (this.optionsScroll) { this.options.splice(optionEndIndex, this.optionsScrollTotal); this.options.splice(0, optionStartIndex); if (optionStartIndex) { this.options.unshift(PartyOption.SCROLL_UP); } if (optionEndIndex < this.optionsScrollTotal) { this.options.push(PartyOption.SCROLL_DOWN); } } this.options.push(PartyOption.CANCEL); this.optionsBg = addWindow(this.scene, 0, 0, 0, 16 * this.options.length + 13); this.optionsBg.setOrigin(1, 1); this.optionsContainer.add(this.optionsBg); optionStartIndex = 0; optionEndIndex = this.options.length; let widestOptionWidth = 0; const optionTexts: BBCodeText[] = []; for (let o = optionStartIndex; o < optionEndIndex; o++) { const option = this.options[this.options.length - (o + 1)]; let altText = false; let optionName: string; if (option === PartyOption.SCROLL_UP) { optionName = "↑"; } else if (option === PartyOption.SCROLL_DOWN) { optionName = "↓"; } else if ((this.partyUiMode !== PartyUiMode.REMEMBER_MOVE_MODIFIER && (this.partyUiMode !== PartyUiMode.MODIFIER_TRANSFER || this.transferMode)) || option === PartyOption.CANCEL) { switch (option) { case PartyOption.MOVE_1: case PartyOption.MOVE_2: case PartyOption.MOVE_3: case PartyOption.MOVE_4: const move = pokemon.moveset[option - PartyOption.MOVE_1]!; // TODO: is the bang correct? if (this.showMovePp) { const maxPP = move.getMovePp(); const currPP = maxPP - move.ppUsed; optionName = `${move.getName()} ${currPP}/${maxPP}`; } else { optionName = move.getName(); } break; default: if (formChangeItemModifiers && option >= PartyOption.FORM_CHANGE_ITEM) { const modifier = formChangeItemModifiers[option - PartyOption.FORM_CHANGE_ITEM]; optionName = `${ ? i18next.t("partyUiHandler:DEACTIVATE") : i18next.t("partyUiHandler:ACTIVATE")} ${}`; } else { if (this.localizedOptions.includes(option)) { optionName = i18next.t(`partyUiHandler:${PartyOption[option]}`); } else { optionName = Utils.toReadableString(PartyOption[option]); } } break; } } else if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.REMEMBER_MOVE_MODIFIER) { const move = learnableLevelMoves[option]; optionName = allMoves[move].name; altText = !pokemon.getSpeciesForm().getLevelMoves().find(plm => plm[1] === move); } else if (option === PartyOption.ALL) { optionName = i18next.t("partyUiHandler:ALL"); } else { const itemModifier = itemModifiers[option]; optionName =; } const yCoord = -6 - 16 * o; const optionText = addBBCodeTextObject(this.scene, 0, yCoord - 16, optionName, TextStyle.WINDOW, { maxLines: 1 }); if (altText) { optionText.setColor("#40c8f8"); optionText.setShadowColor("#006090"); } optionText.setOrigin(0, 0); /** For every item that has stack bigger than 1, display the current quantity selection */ const itemModifier = itemModifiers[option]; if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.MODIFIER_TRANSFER && this.transferQuantitiesMax[option] > 1 && !this.transferMode && itemModifier !== undefined && === optionName) { let amountText = ` (${this.transferQuantities[option]})`; /** If the amount held is the maximum, display the count in red */ if (this.transferQuantitiesMax[option] === itemModifier.getMaxHeldItemCount(undefined)) { amountText = `[color=${getTextColor(TextStyle.SUMMARY_RED)}]${amountText}[/color]`; } optionText.setText(optionName + amountText); } optionText.setText(`[shadow]${optionText.text}[/shadow]`); optionTexts.push(optionText); widestOptionWidth = Math.max(optionText.displayWidth, widestOptionWidth); this.optionsContainer.add(optionText); } this.optionsBg.width = Math.max(widestOptionWidth + 24, 94); for (const optionText of optionTexts) { optionText.x = 15 - this.optionsBg.width; } } startTransfer(): void { this.transferMode = true; this.transferCursor = this.cursor; this.transferOptionCursor = this.getOptionsCursorWithScroll(); this.transferAll = this.options[this.optionsCursor] === PartyOption.ALL; this.partySlots[this.transferCursor].setTransfer(true); } clearTransfer(): void { this.transferMode = false; this.transferAll = false; this.partySlots[this.transferCursor].setTransfer(false); for (let i = 0; i < this.partySlots.length; i++) { this.partySlots[i].slotDescriptionLabel.setVisible(false); this.partySlots[i].slotHpBar.setVisible(true); this.partySlots[i].slotHpOverlay.setVisible(true); this.partySlots[i].slotHpText.setVisible(true); } } doRelease(slotIndex: integer): void { this.showText(this.getReleaseMessage(getPokemonNameWithAffix(this.scene.getParty()[slotIndex])), null, () => { this.clearPartySlots(); this.scene.removePartyMemberModifiers(slotIndex); const releasedPokemon = this.scene.getParty().splice(slotIndex, 1)[0]; releasedPokemon.destroy(); this.populatePartySlots(); if (this.cursor >= this.scene.getParty().length) { this.setCursor(this.cursor - 1); } if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.RELEASE) { const selectCallback = this.selectCallback; this.selectCallback = null; selectCallback && selectCallback(this.cursor, PartyOption.RELEASE); } this.showText("", 0); }, null, true); } getReleaseMessage(pokemonName: string): string { const rand = Utils.randInt(128); if (rand < 20) { return i18next.t("partyUiHandler:goodbye", { pokemonName: pokemonName }); } else if (rand < 40) { return i18next.t("partyUiHandler:byebye", { pokemonName: pokemonName }); } else if (rand < 60) { return i18next.t("partyUiHandler:farewell", { pokemonName: pokemonName }); } else if (rand < 80) { return i18next.t("partyUiHandler:soLong", { pokemonName: pokemonName }); } else if (rand < 100) { return i18next.t("partyUiHandler:thisIsWhereWePart", { pokemonName: pokemonName }); } else if (rand < 108) { return i18next.t("partyUiHandler:illMissYou", { pokemonName: pokemonName }); } else if (rand < 116) { return i18next.t("partyUiHandler:illNeverForgetYou", { pokemonName: pokemonName }); } else if (rand < 124) { return i18next.t("partyUiHandler:untilWeMeetAgain", { pokemonName: pokemonName }); } else if (rand < 127) { return i18next.t("partyUiHandler:sayonara", { pokemonName: pokemonName }); } else { return i18next.t("partyUiHandler:smellYaLater", { pokemonName: pokemonName }); } } getFormChangeItemsModifiers(pokemon: Pokemon) { let formChangeItemModifiers = this.scene.findModifiers(m => m instanceof PokemonFormChangeItemModifier && m.pokemonId === as PokemonFormChangeItemModifier[]; const ultraNecrozmaModifiers = formChangeItemModifiers.filter(m => && m.formChangeItem === FormChangeItem.ULTRANECROZIUM_Z); if (ultraNecrozmaModifiers.length > 0) { // ULTRANECROZIUM_Z is active and deactivating it should be the only option return ultraNecrozmaModifiers; } if (formChangeItemModifiers.find(m => { // a form is currently active. the user has to disable the form or activate ULTRANECROZIUM_Z formChangeItemModifiers = formChangeItemModifiers.filter(m => || m.formChangeItem === FormChangeItem.ULTRANECROZIUM_Z); } else if (pokemon.species.speciesId === Species.NECROZMA) { // no form is currently active. the user has to activate some form, except ULTRANECROZIUM_Z formChangeItemModifiers = formChangeItemModifiers.filter(m => m.formChangeItem !== FormChangeItem.ULTRANECROZIUM_Z); } return formChangeItemModifiers; } getOptionsCursorWithScroll(): integer { return this.optionsCursor + this.optionsScrollCursor + (this.options && this.options[0] === PartyOption.SCROLL_UP ? -1 : 0); } clearOptions() { // hide the overlay this.moveInfoOverlay.clear(); this.optionsMode = false; this.optionsScroll = false; this.optionsScrollCursor = 0; this.optionsScrollTotal = 0; this.options.splice(0, this.options.length); this.optionsContainer.removeAll(true); this.eraseOptionsCursor(); this.partyMessageBox.setSize(262, 30); this.showText("", 0); } eraseOptionsCursor() { if (this.optionsCursorObj) { this.optionsCursorObj.destroy(); } this.optionsCursorObj = null; } clear() { super.clear(); // hide the overlay this.moveInfoOverlay.clear(); this.partyContainer.setVisible(false); this.clearPartySlots(); } clearPartySlots() { this.partySlots.splice(0, this.partySlots.length); this.partySlotsContainer.removeAll(true); } } class PartySlot extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container { private selected: boolean; private transfer: boolean; private slotIndex: integer; private pokemon: PlayerPokemon; private slotBg: Phaser.GameObjects.Image; private slotPb: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; public slotName: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; public slotHpBar: Phaser.GameObjects.Image; public slotHpOverlay: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; public slotHpText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; public slotDescriptionLabel: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; // this is used to show text instead of the HP bar i.e. for showing "Able"/"Not Able" for TMs when you try to learn them private pokemonIcon: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private iconAnimHandler: PokemonIconAnimHandler; constructor(scene: BattleScene, slotIndex: integer, pokemon: PlayerPokemon, iconAnimHandler: PokemonIconAnimHandler, partyUiMode: PartyUiMode, tmMoveId: Moves) { super(scene, slotIndex >= scene.currentBattle.getBattlerCount() ? 230.5 : 64, slotIndex >= scene.currentBattle.getBattlerCount() ? -184 + (scene.currentBattle.double ? -40 : 0) + (28 + (scene.currentBattle.double ? 8 : 0)) * slotIndex : -124 + (scene.currentBattle.double ? -8 : 0) + slotIndex * 64); this.slotIndex = slotIndex; this.pokemon = pokemon; this.iconAnimHandler = iconAnimHandler; this.setup(partyUiMode, tmMoveId); } getPokemon(): PlayerPokemon { return this.pokemon; } setup(partyUiMode: PartyUiMode, tmMoveId: Moves) { const battlerCount = (this.scene as BattleScene).currentBattle.getBattlerCount(); const slotKey = `party_slot${this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? "" : "_main"}`; const slotBg = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, slotKey, `${slotKey}${this.pokemon.hp ? "" : "_fnt"}`); this.slotBg = slotBg; this.add(slotBg); const slotPb = this.scene.add.sprite(this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? -85.5 : -51, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 0 : -20.5, "party_pb"); this.slotPb = slotPb; this.add(slotPb); this.pokemonIcon = (this.scene as BattleScene).addPokemonIcon(this.pokemon, slotPb.x, slotPb.y, 0.5, 0.5, true); this.add(this.pokemonIcon); this.iconAnimHandler.addOrUpdate(this.pokemonIcon, PokemonIconAnimMode.PASSIVE); const slotInfoContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, 0); this.add(slotInfoContainer); let displayName = this.pokemon.getNameToRender(); let nameTextWidth: number; const nameSizeTest = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, displayName, TextStyle.PARTY); nameTextWidth = nameSizeTest.displayWidth; while (nameTextWidth > (this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 52 : (76 - (this.pokemon.fusionSpecies ? 8 : 0)))) { displayName = `${displayName.slice(0, displayName.endsWith(".") ? -2 : -1).trimEnd()}.`; nameSizeTest.setText(displayName); nameTextWidth = nameSizeTest.displayWidth; } nameSizeTest.destroy(); this.slotName = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, displayName, TextStyle.PARTY); this.slotName.setPositionRelative(slotBg, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 21 : 24, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 2 : 10); this.slotName.setOrigin(0, 0); const slotLevelLabel = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, "party_slot_overlay_lv"); slotLevelLabel.setPositionRelative(this.slotName, 8, 12); slotLevelLabel.setOrigin(0, 0); const slotLevelText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, this.pokemon.level.toString(), this.pokemon.level < (this.scene as BattleScene).getMaxExpLevel() ? TextStyle.PARTY : TextStyle.PARTY_RED); slotLevelText.setPositionRelative(slotLevelLabel, 9, 0); slotLevelText.setOrigin(0, 0.25); slotInfoContainer.add([this.slotName, slotLevelLabel, slotLevelText ]); const genderSymbol = getGenderSymbol(this.pokemon.getGender(true)); if (genderSymbol) { const slotGenderText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, genderSymbol, TextStyle.PARTY); slotGenderText.setColor(getGenderColor(this.pokemon.getGender(true))); slotGenderText.setShadowColor(getGenderColor(this.pokemon.getGender(true), true)); if (this.slotIndex >= battlerCount) { slotGenderText.setPositionRelative(slotLevelLabel, 36, 0); } else { slotGenderText.setPositionRelative(this.slotName, 76 - (this.pokemon.fusionSpecies ? 8 : 0), 3); } slotGenderText.setOrigin(0, 0.25); slotInfoContainer.add(slotGenderText); } if (this.pokemon.fusionSpecies) { const splicedIcon = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, "icon_spliced"); splicedIcon.setScale(0.5); splicedIcon.setOrigin(0, 0); if (this.slotIndex >= battlerCount) { splicedIcon.setPositionRelative(slotLevelLabel, 36 + (genderSymbol ? 8 : 0), 0.5); } else { splicedIcon.setPositionRelative(this.slotName, 76, 3.5); } slotInfoContainer.add(splicedIcon); } if (this.pokemon.status) { const statusIndicator = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, "statuses"); statusIndicator.setFrame(StatusEffect[this.pokemon.status?.effect].toLowerCase()); statusIndicator.setOrigin(0, 0); statusIndicator.setPositionRelative(slotLevelLabel, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 43 : 55, 0); slotInfoContainer.add(statusIndicator); } if (this.pokemon.isShiny()) { const doubleShiny = this.pokemon.isFusion() && this.pokemon.shiny && this.pokemon.fusionShiny; const shinyStar = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, `shiny_star_small${doubleShiny ? "_1" : ""}`); shinyStar.setOrigin(0, 0); shinyStar.setPositionRelative(this.slotName, -9, 3); shinyStar.setTint(getVariantTint(!doubleShiny ? this.pokemon.getVariant() : this.pokemon.variant)); slotInfoContainer.add(shinyStar); if (doubleShiny) { const fusionShinyStar = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, "shiny_star_small_2"); fusionShinyStar.setOrigin(0, 0); fusionShinyStar.setPosition(shinyStar.x, shinyStar.y); fusionShinyStar.setTint(getVariantTint(this.pokemon.fusionVariant)); slotInfoContainer.add(fusionShinyStar); } } this.slotHpBar = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, "party_slot_hp_bar"); this.slotHpBar.setPositionRelative(slotBg, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 72 : 8, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 6 : 31); this.slotHpBar.setOrigin(0, 0); this.slotHpBar.setVisible(false); const hpRatio = this.pokemon.getHpRatio(); this.slotHpOverlay = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, "party_slot_hp_overlay", hpRatio > 0.5 ? "high" : hpRatio > 0.25 ? "medium" : "low"); this.slotHpOverlay.setPositionRelative(this.slotHpBar, 16, 2); this.slotHpOverlay.setOrigin(0, 0); this.slotHpOverlay.setScale(hpRatio, 1); this.slotHpOverlay.setVisible(false); this.slotHpText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, `${this.pokemon.hp}/${this.pokemon.getMaxHp()}`, TextStyle.PARTY); this.slotHpText.setPositionRelative(this.slotHpBar, this.slotHpBar.width - 3, this.slotHpBar.height - 2); this.slotHpText.setOrigin(1, 0); this.slotHpText.setVisible(false); this.slotDescriptionLabel = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, "", TextStyle.MESSAGE); this.slotDescriptionLabel.setPositionRelative(slotBg, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 94 : 32, this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? 16 : 46); this.slotDescriptionLabel.setOrigin(0, 1); this.slotDescriptionLabel.setVisible(false); slotInfoContainer.add([this.slotHpBar, this.slotHpOverlay, this.slotHpText, this.slotDescriptionLabel]); if (partyUiMode !== PartyUiMode.TM_MODIFIER) { this.slotDescriptionLabel.setVisible(false); this.slotHpBar.setVisible(true); this.slotHpOverlay.setVisible(true); this.slotHpText.setVisible(true); } else { this.slotHpBar.setVisible(false); this.slotHpOverlay.setVisible(false); this.slotHpText.setVisible(false); let slotTmText: string; switch (true) { case (this.pokemon.compatibleTms.indexOf(tmMoveId) === -1): slotTmText = i18next.t("partyUiHandler:notAble"); break; case (this.pokemon.getMoveset().filter(m => m?.moveId === tmMoveId).length > 0): slotTmText = i18next.t("partyUiHandler:learned"); break; default: slotTmText = i18next.t("partyUiHandler:able"); break; } this.slotDescriptionLabel.setText(slotTmText); this.slotDescriptionLabel.setVisible(true); } } select(): void { if (this.selected) { return; } this.selected = true; this.iconAnimHandler.addOrUpdate(this.pokemonIcon, PokemonIconAnimMode.ACTIVE); this.updateSlotTexture(); this.slotPb.setFrame("party_pb_sel"); } deselect(): void { if (!this.selected) { return; } this.selected = false; this.iconAnimHandler.addOrUpdate(this.pokemonIcon, PokemonIconAnimMode.PASSIVE); this.updateSlotTexture(); this.slotPb.setFrame("party_pb"); } setTransfer(transfer: boolean): void { if (this.transfer === transfer) { return; } this.transfer = transfer; this.updateSlotTexture(); } private updateSlotTexture(): void { const battlerCount = (this.scene as BattleScene).currentBattle.getBattlerCount(); this.slotBg.setTexture(`party_slot${this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? "" : "_main"}`, `party_slot${this.slotIndex >= battlerCount ? "" : "_main"}${this.transfer ? "_swap" : this.pokemon.hp ? "" : "_fnt"}${this.selected ? "_sel" : ""}`); } } class PartyCancelButton extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container { private selected: boolean; private partyCancelBg: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; private partyCancelPb: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; constructor(scene: BattleScene, x: number, y: number) { super(scene, x, y); this.setup(); } setup() { const partyCancelBg = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, "party_cancel"); this.add(partyCancelBg); this.partyCancelBg = partyCancelBg; const partyCancelPb = this.scene.add.sprite(-17, 0, "party_pb"); this.add(partyCancelPb); this.partyCancelPb = partyCancelPb; const partyCancelText = addTextObject(this.scene, -8, -7, i18next.t("partyUiHandler:cancel"), TextStyle.PARTY); this.add(partyCancelText); } select() { if (this.selected) { return; } this.selected = true; this.partyCancelBg.setFrame("party_cancel_sel"); this.partyCancelPb.setFrame("party_pb_sel"); } deselect() { if (!this.selected) { return; } this.selected = false; this.partyCancelBg.setFrame("party_cancel"); this.partyCancelPb.setFrame("party_pb"); } }