import BattleScene, { InfoToggle } from "../battle-scene"; import { addTextObject, TextStyle } from "./text"; import { getTypeDamageMultiplierColor, Type } from "../data/type"; import { Command } from "./command-ui-handler"; import { Mode } from "./ui"; import UiHandler from "./ui-handler"; import * as Utils from "../utils"; import { MoveCategory } from "#app/data/move"; import i18next from "i18next"; import { Button } from "#enums/buttons"; import Pokemon, { PokemonMove } from "#app/field/pokemon"; import { CommandPhase } from "#app/phases/command-phase"; import MoveInfoOverlay from "./move-info-overlay"; import { BattleType } from "#app/battle"; export default class FightUiHandler extends UiHandler implements InfoToggle { public static readonly MOVES_CONTAINER_NAME = "moves"; private movesContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private moveInfoContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private typeIcon: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; private ppLabel: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; private ppText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; private powerLabel: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; private powerText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; private accuracyLabel: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; private accuracyText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; private cursorObj: Phaser.GameObjects.Image | null; private moveCategoryIcon: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; private moveInfoOverlay : MoveInfoOverlay; protected fieldIndex: integer = 0; protected cursor2: integer = 0; constructor(scene: BattleScene) { super(scene, Mode.FIGHT); } setup() { const ui = this.getUi(); this.movesContainer = this.scene.add.container(18, -38.7); this.movesContainer.setName(FightUiHandler.MOVES_CONTAINER_NAME); ui.add(this.movesContainer); this.moveInfoContainer = this.scene.add.container(1, 0); this.moveInfoContainer.setName("move-info"); ui.add(this.moveInfoContainer); this.typeIcon = this.scene.add.sprite(this.scene.scaledCanvas.width - 57, -36, Utils.getLocalizedSpriteKey("types"), "unknown"); this.typeIcon.setVisible(false); this.moveInfoContainer.add(this.typeIcon); this.moveCategoryIcon = this.scene.add.sprite(this.scene.scaledCanvas.width - 25, -36, "categories", "physical"); this.moveCategoryIcon.setVisible(false); this.moveInfoContainer.add(this.moveCategoryIcon); this.ppLabel = addTextObject(this.scene, this.scene.scaledCanvas.width - 70, -26, "PP", TextStyle.MOVE_INFO_CONTENT); this.ppLabel.setOrigin(0.0, 0.5); this.ppLabel.setVisible(false); this.ppLabel.setText(i18next.t("fightUiHandler:pp")); this.moveInfoContainer.add(this.ppLabel); this.ppText = addTextObject(this.scene, this.scene.scaledCanvas.width - 12, -26, "--/--", TextStyle.MOVE_INFO_CONTENT); this.ppText.setOrigin(1, 0.5); this.ppText.setVisible(false); this.moveInfoContainer.add(this.ppText); this.powerLabel = addTextObject(this.scene, this.scene.scaledCanvas.width - 70, -18, "POWER", TextStyle.MOVE_INFO_CONTENT); this.powerLabel.setOrigin(0.0, 0.5); this.powerLabel.setVisible(false); this.powerLabel.setText(i18next.t("fightUiHandler:power")); this.moveInfoContainer.add(this.powerLabel); this.powerText = addTextObject(this.scene, this.scene.scaledCanvas.width - 12, -18, "---", TextStyle.MOVE_INFO_CONTENT); this.powerText.setOrigin(1, 0.5); this.powerText.setVisible(false); this.moveInfoContainer.add(this.powerText); this.accuracyLabel = addTextObject(this.scene, this.scene.scaledCanvas.width - 70, -10, "ACC", TextStyle.MOVE_INFO_CONTENT); this.accuracyLabel.setOrigin(0.0, 0.5); this.accuracyLabel.setVisible(false); this.accuracyLabel.setText(i18next.t("fightUiHandler:accuracy")); this.moveInfoContainer.add(this.accuracyLabel); this.accuracyText = addTextObject(this.scene, this.scene.scaledCanvas.width - 12, -10, "---", TextStyle.MOVE_INFO_CONTENT); this.accuracyText.setOrigin(1, 0.5); this.accuracyText.setVisible(false); this.moveInfoContainer.add(this.accuracyText); // prepare move overlay const overlayScale = 1; this.moveInfoOverlay = new MoveInfoOverlay(this.scene, { delayVisibility: true, scale: overlayScale, onSide: true, right: true, x: 0, y: -MoveInfoOverlay.getHeight(overlayScale, true), width: ( / 6) + 4, hideEffectBox: true, hideBg: true }); ui.add(this.moveInfoOverlay); // register the overlay to receive toggle events this.scene.addInfoToggle(this.moveInfoOverlay); this.scene.addInfoToggle(this); } show(args: any[]): boolean {; this.fieldIndex = args.length ? args[0] as integer : 0; const messageHandler = this.getUi().getMessageHandler();; messageHandler.commandWindow.setVisible(false); messageHandler.movesWindowContainer.setVisible(true); const pokemon = (this.scene.getCurrentPhase() as CommandPhase).getPokemon(); if (pokemon.battleSummonData.turnCount <= 1) { this.setCursor(0); } else { this.setCursor(this.getCursor()); } this.displayMoves(); this.toggleInfo(false); // in case cancel was pressed while info toggle is active = true; return true; } processInput(button: Button): boolean { const ui = this.getUi(); let success = false; const cursor = this.getCursor(); if (button === Button.CANCEL || button === Button.ACTION) { if (button === Button.ACTION) { if ((this.scene.getCurrentPhase() as CommandPhase).handleCommand(Command.FIGHT, cursor, false)) { success = true; } else { ui.playError(); } } else { // Cannot back out of fight menu if skipToFightInput is enabled const { battleType, mysteryEncounter } = this.scene.currentBattle; if (battleType !== BattleType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER || !mysteryEncounter?.skipToFightInput) { ui.setMode(Mode.COMMAND, this.fieldIndex); success = true; } } } else { switch (button) { case Button.UP: if (cursor >= 2) { success = this.setCursor(cursor - 2); } break; case Button.DOWN: if (cursor < 2) { success = this.setCursor(cursor + 2); } break; case Button.LEFT: if (cursor % 2 === 1) { success = this.setCursor(cursor - 1); } break; case Button.RIGHT: if (cursor % 2 === 0) { success = this.setCursor(cursor + 1); } break; } } if (success) { ui.playSelect(); } return success; } toggleInfo(visible: boolean): void { if (visible) { this.movesContainer.setVisible(false); this.cursorObj?.setVisible(false); } this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.movesContainer, this.cursorObj ], duration: Utils.fixedInt(125), ease: "Sine.easeInOut", alpha: visible ? 0 : 1 }); if (!visible) { this.movesContainer.setVisible(true); this.cursorObj?.setVisible(true); } } isActive(): boolean { return; } getCursor(): integer { return !this.fieldIndex ? this.cursor : this.cursor2; } setCursor(cursor: integer): boolean { const ui = this.getUi(); this.moveInfoOverlay.clear(); const changed = this.getCursor() !== cursor; if (changed) { if (!this.fieldIndex) { this.cursor = cursor; } else { this.cursor2 = cursor; } } if (!this.cursorObj) { this.cursorObj = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, "cursor"); ui.add(this.cursorObj); } const pokemon = (this.scene.getCurrentPhase() as CommandPhase).getPokemon(); const moveset = pokemon.getMoveset(); const hasMove = cursor < moveset.length; if (hasMove) { const pokemonMove = moveset[cursor]!; // TODO: is the bang correct? const moveType = pokemon.getMoveType(pokemonMove.getMove()); const textureKey = Utils.getLocalizedSpriteKey("types"); this.typeIcon.setTexture(textureKey, Type[moveType].toLowerCase()).setScale(0.8); const moveCategory = pokemonMove.getMove().category; this.moveCategoryIcon.setTexture("categories", MoveCategory[moveCategory].toLowerCase()).setScale(1.0); const power = pokemonMove.getMove().power; const accuracy = pokemonMove.getMove().accuracy; const maxPP = pokemonMove.getMovePp(); const pp = maxPP - pokemonMove.ppUsed; const ppLeftStr = Utils.padInt(pp, 2, " "); const ppMaxStr = Utils.padInt(maxPP, 2, " "); this.ppText.setText(`${ppLeftStr}/${ppMaxStr}`); this.powerText.setText(`${power >= 0 ? power : "---"}`); this.accuracyText.setText(`${accuracy >= 0 ? accuracy : "---"}`); const ppPercentLeft = pp / maxPP; //** Determines TextStyle according to percentage of PP remaining */ let ppColorStyle = TextStyle.MOVE_PP_FULL; if (ppPercentLeft > 0.25 && ppPercentLeft <= 0.5) { ppColorStyle = TextStyle.MOVE_PP_HALF_FULL; } else if (ppPercentLeft > 0 && ppPercentLeft <= 0.25) { ppColorStyle = TextStyle.MOVE_PP_NEAR_EMPTY; } else if (ppPercentLeft === 0) { ppColorStyle = TextStyle.MOVE_PP_EMPTY; } //** Changes the text color and shadow according to the determined TextStyle */ this.ppText.setColor(this.getTextColor(ppColorStyle, false)); this.ppText.setShadowColor(this.getTextColor(ppColorStyle, true));; pokemon.getOpponents().forEach((opponent) => { opponent.updateEffectiveness(this.getEffectivenessText(pokemon, opponent, pokemonMove)); }); } this.typeIcon.setVisible(hasMove); this.ppLabel.setVisible(hasMove); this.ppText.setVisible(hasMove); this.powerLabel.setVisible(hasMove); this.powerText.setVisible(hasMove); this.accuracyLabel.setVisible(hasMove); this.accuracyText.setVisible(hasMove); this.moveCategoryIcon.setVisible(hasMove); this.cursorObj.setPosition(13 + (cursor % 2 === 1 ? 100 : 0), -31 + (cursor >= 2 ? 15 : 0)); return changed; } /** * Gets multiplier text for a pokemon's move against a specific opponent * Returns undefined if it's a status move */ private getEffectivenessText(pokemon: Pokemon, opponent: Pokemon, pokemonMove: PokemonMove): string | undefined { const effectiveness = opponent.getMoveEffectiveness(pokemon, pokemonMove.getMove(), !opponent.battleData?.abilityRevealed); if (effectiveness === undefined) { return undefined; } return `${effectiveness}x`; } displayMoves() { const pokemon = (this.scene.getCurrentPhase() as CommandPhase).getPokemon(); const moveset = pokemon.getMoveset(); for (let moveIndex = 0; moveIndex < 4; moveIndex++) { const moveText = addTextObject(this.scene, moveIndex % 2 === 0 ? 0 : 100, moveIndex < 2 ? 0 : 16, "-", TextStyle.WINDOW); moveText.setName("text-empty-move"); if (moveIndex < moveset.length) { const pokemonMove = moveset[moveIndex]!; // TODO is the bang correct? moveText.setText(pokemonMove.getName()); moveText.setName(pokemonMove.getName()); moveText.setColor(this.getMoveColor(pokemon, pokemonMove) ??; } this.movesContainer.add(moveText); } } /** * Returns a specific move's color based on its type effectiveness against opponents * If there are multiple opponents, the highest effectiveness' color is returned * @returns A color or undefined if the default color should be used */ private getMoveColor(pokemon: Pokemon, pokemonMove: PokemonMove): string | undefined { if (!this.scene.typeHints) { return undefined; } const opponents = pokemon.getOpponents(); if (opponents.length <= 0) { return undefined; } const moveColors = opponents .map((opponent) => opponent.getMoveEffectiveness(pokemon, pokemonMove.getMove(), !opponent.battleData.abilityRevealed)) .sort((a, b) => b - a) .map((effectiveness) => getTypeDamageMultiplierColor(effectiveness ?? 0, "offense")); return moveColors[0]; } clear() { super.clear(); const messageHandler = this.getUi().getMessageHandler(); this.clearMoves(); this.typeIcon.setVisible(false); this.ppLabel.setVisible(false); this.ppText.setVisible(false); this.powerLabel.setVisible(false); this.powerText.setVisible(false); this.accuracyLabel.setVisible(false); this.accuracyText.setVisible(false); this.moveCategoryIcon.setVisible(false); this.moveInfoOverlay.clear();; this.eraseCursor(); = false; } clearMoves() { this.movesContainer.removeAll(true); const opponents = (this.scene.getCurrentPhase() as CommandPhase).getPokemon().getOpponents(); opponents.forEach((opponent) => { opponent.updateEffectiveness(undefined); }); } eraseCursor() { if (this.cursorObj) { this.cursorObj.destroy(); } this.cursorObj = null; } }