import { pokemonEvolutions, SpeciesFormEvolution, SpeciesWildEvolutionDelay, } from "#app/data/balance/pokemon-evolutions"; import { Abilities } from "#app/enums/abilities"; import { Moves } from "#app/enums/moves"; import { Species } from "#app/enums/species"; import * as Utils from "#app/utils"; import GameManager from "#test/testUtils/gameManager"; import Phaser from "phaser"; import { afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest"; describe("Evolution", () => { let phaserGame: Phaser.Game; let game: GameManager; beforeAll(() => { phaserGame = new Phaser.Game({ type: Phaser.HEADLESS, }); }); afterEach(() => { game.phaseInterceptor.restoreOg(); }); beforeEach(() => { game = new GameManager(phaserGame); game.override.battleType("single"); game.override.enemySpecies(Species.MAGIKARP); game.override.enemyAbility(Abilities.BALL_FETCH); game.override.startingLevel(60); }); it("should keep hidden ability after evolving", async () => { await game.classicMode.runToSummon([Species.EEVEE, Species.TRAPINCH]); const eevee = game.scene.getPlayerParty()[0]; const trapinch = game.scene.getPlayerParty()[1]; eevee.abilityIndex = 2; trapinch.abilityIndex = 2; await eevee.evolve(pokemonEvolutions[Species.EEVEE][6], eevee.getSpeciesForm()); expect(eevee.abilityIndex).toBe(2); await trapinch.evolve(pokemonEvolutions[Species.TRAPINCH][0], trapinch.getSpeciesForm()); expect(trapinch.abilityIndex).toBe(1); }); it("should keep same ability slot after evolving", async () => { await game.classicMode.runToSummon([Species.BULBASAUR, Species.CHARMANDER]); const bulbasaur = game.scene.getPlayerParty()[0]; const charmander = game.scene.getPlayerParty()[1]; bulbasaur.abilityIndex = 0; charmander.abilityIndex = 1; await bulbasaur.evolve(pokemonEvolutions[Species.BULBASAUR][0], bulbasaur.getSpeciesForm()); expect(bulbasaur.abilityIndex).toBe(0); await charmander.evolve(pokemonEvolutions[Species.CHARMANDER][0], charmander.getSpeciesForm()); expect(charmander.abilityIndex).toBe(1); }); it("should handle illegal abilityIndex values", async () => { await game.classicMode.runToSummon([Species.SQUIRTLE]); const squirtle = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; squirtle.abilityIndex = 5; await squirtle.evolve(pokemonEvolutions[Species.SQUIRTLE][0], squirtle.getSpeciesForm()); expect(squirtle.abilityIndex).toBe(0); }); it("should handle nincada's unique evolution", async () => { await game.classicMode.runToSummon([Species.NINCADA]); const nincada = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; nincada.abilityIndex = 2; nincada.metBiome = -1; nincada.gender = 1; await nincada.evolve(pokemonEvolutions[Species.NINCADA][0], nincada.getSpeciesForm()); const ninjask = game.scene.getPlayerParty()[0]; const shedinja = game.scene.getPlayerParty()[1]; expect(ninjask.abilityIndex).toBe(2); expect(shedinja.abilityIndex).toBe(1); expect(ninjask.gender).toBe(1); expect(shedinja.gender).toBe(-1); // Regression test for expect(shedinja.metBiome).toBe(-1); }); it("should set wild delay to NONE by default", () => { const speciesFormEvo = new SpeciesFormEvolution(Species.ABRA, null, null, 1000, null, null); expect(speciesFormEvo.wildDelay).toBe(SpeciesWildEvolutionDelay.NONE); }); it("should increase both HP and max HP when evolving", async () => { game.override .moveset([Moves.SURF]) .enemySpecies(Species.GOLEM) .enemyMoveset(Moves.SPLASH) .startingWave(21) .startingLevel(16) .enemyLevel(50); await game.startBattle([Species.TOTODILE]); const totodile = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; const hpBefore = totodile.hp; expect(totodile.hp).toBe(totodile.getMaxHp()); const golem = game.scene.getEnemyPokemon()!; golem.hp = 1; expect(golem.hp).toBe(1);; await"EndEvolutionPhase"); expect(totodile.hp).toBe(totodile.getMaxHp()); expect(totodile.hp).toBeGreaterThan(hpBefore); }); it("should not fully heal HP when evolving", async () => { game.override .moveset([Moves.SURF]) .enemySpecies(Species.GOLEM) .enemyMoveset(Moves.SPLASH) .startingWave(21) .startingLevel(13) .enemyLevel(30); await game.startBattle([Species.CYNDAQUIL]); const cyndaquil = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; cyndaquil.hp = Math.floor(cyndaquil.getMaxHp() / 2); const hpBefore = cyndaquil.hp; const maxHpBefore = cyndaquil.getMaxHp(); expect(cyndaquil.hp).toBe(Math.floor(cyndaquil.getMaxHp() / 2)); const golem = game.scene.getEnemyPokemon()!; golem.hp = 1; expect(golem.hp).toBe(1);; await"EndEvolutionPhase"); expect(cyndaquil.getMaxHp()).toBeGreaterThan(maxHpBefore); expect(cyndaquil.hp).toBeGreaterThan(hpBefore); expect(cyndaquil.hp).toBeLessThan(cyndaquil.getMaxHp()); }); it("should handle rng-based split evolution", async () => { /* this test checks to make sure that tandemaus will * evolve into a 3 family maushold 25% of the time * and a 4 family maushold the other 75% of the time * This is done by using the getEvolution method in pokemon.ts * getEvolution will give back the form that the pokemon can evolve into * It does this by checking the pokemon conditions in pokemon-forms.ts * For tandemaus, the conditions are random due to a randSeedInt(4) * If the value is 0, it's a 3 family maushold, whereas if the value is * 1, 2 or 3, it's a 4 family maushold */ await game.startBattle([Species.TANDEMAUS]); // starts us off with a tandemaus const playerPokemon = game.scene.getPlayerPokemon()!; playerPokemon.level = 25; // tandemaus evolves at level 25 vi.spyOn(Utils, "randSeedInt").mockReturnValue(0); // setting the random generator to be 0 to force a three family maushold const threeForm = playerPokemon.getEvolution()!; expect(threeForm.evoFormKey).toBe("three"); // as per pokemon-forms, the evoFormKey for 3 family mausholds is "three" for (let f = 1; f < 4; f++) { vi.spyOn(Utils, "randSeedInt").mockReturnValue(f); // setting the random generator to 1, 2 and 3 to force 4 family mausholds const fourForm = playerPokemon.getEvolution()!; expect(fourForm.evoFormKey).toBe("four"); // meanwhile, according to the pokemon-forms, the evoFormKey for a 4 family maushold is "four" } }); });