import { GameObjects } from "phaser"; import BattleScene from "../battle-scene"; import MysteryEncounter from "../data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounter"; import { Species } from "#enums/species"; import { isNullOrUndefined } from "#app/utils"; import { getSpriteKeysFromSpecies } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/utils/encounter-pokemon-utils"; import PlayAnimationConfig = Phaser.Types.Animations.PlayAnimationConfig; type KnownFileRoot = | "arenas" | "battle_anims" | "cg" | "character" | "effect" | "egg" | "events" | "inputs" | "items" | "mystery-encounters" | "pokeball" | "pokemon" | "pokemon/back" | "pokemon/exp" | "pokemon/female" | "pokemon/icons" | "pokemon/input" | "pokemon/shiny" | "pokemon/variant" | "statuses" | "trainer" | "ui"; export class MysteryEncounterSpriteConfig { /** The sprite key (which is the image file name). e.g. "ace_trainer_f" */ spriteKey: string; /** Refer to [/public/images](../../public/images) directorty for all folder names */ fileRoot: KnownFileRoot & string | string; /** Optional replacement for `spriteKey`/`fileRoot`. Just know this defaults to male/genderless, form 0, no shiny */ species?: Species; /** Enable shadow. Defaults to `false` */ hasShadow?: boolean = false; /** Disable animation. Defaults to `false` */ disableAnimation?: boolean = false; /** Repeat the animation. Defaults to `false` */ repeat?: boolean = false; /** What frame of the animation to start on. Defaults to 0 */ startFrame?: number = 0; /** Hidden at start of encounter. Defaults to `false` */ hidden?: boolean = false; /** Tint color. `0` - `1`. Higher means darker tint. */ tint?: number; /** X offset */ x?: number; /** Y offset */ y?: number; /** Y shadow offset */ yShadow?: number; /** Sprite scale. `0` - `n` */ scale?: number; /** If you are using a Pokemon sprite, set to `true`. This will ensure variant, form, gender, shiny sprites are loaded properly */ isPokemon?: boolean; /** If you are using an item sprite, set to `true` */ isItem?: boolean; /** The sprites alpha. `0` - `1` The lower the number, the more transparent */ alpha?: number; } /** * When a mystery encounter spawns, there are visuals (mainly sprites) tied to the field for the new encounter to inform the player of the type of encounter * These slide in with the field as part of standard field change cycle, and will typically be hidden after the player has selected an option for the encounter * Note: intro visuals are not "Trainers" or any other specific game object, though they may contain trainer sprites */ export default class MysteryEncounterIntroVisuals extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container { public encounter: MysteryEncounter; public spriteConfigs: MysteryEncounterSpriteConfig[]; public enterFromRight: boolean; constructor(scene: BattleScene, encounter: MysteryEncounter) { super(scene, -72, 76); this.encounter = encounter; this.enterFromRight = encounter.enterIntroVisualsFromRight ?? false; // Shallow copy configs to allow visual config updates at runtime without dirtying master copy of Encounter this.spriteConfigs = => { const result = { ...config }; if (!isNullOrUndefined(result.species)) { const keys = getSpriteKeysFromSpecies(result.species!); result.spriteKey = keys.spriteKey; result.fileRoot = keys.fileRoot; result.isPokemon = true; } return result; }); if (!this.spriteConfigs) { return; } const getSprite = (spriteKey: string, hasShadow?: boolean, yShadow?: number) => { const ret = this.scene.addFieldSprite(0, 0, spriteKey); ret.setOrigin(0.5, 1); ret.setPipeline(this.scene.spritePipeline, { tone: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], hasShadow: !!hasShadow, yShadowOffset: yShadow ?? 0 }); return ret; }; const getItemSprite = (spriteKey: string, hasShadow?: boolean, yShadow?: number) => { const icon = this.scene.add.sprite(-19, 2, "items", spriteKey); icon.setOrigin(0.5, 1); icon.setPipeline(this.scene.spritePipeline, { tone: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], hasShadow: !!hasShadow, yShadowOffset: yShadow ?? 0 }); return icon; }; // Depending on number of sprites added, should space them to be on the circular field sprite const minX = -40; const maxX = 40; const origin = 4; let n = 0; // Sprites with custom X or Y defined will not count for normal spacing requirements const spacingValue = Math.round((maxX - minX) / Math.max(this.spriteConfigs.filter(s => !s.x && !s.y).length, 1)); this.spriteConfigs?.forEach((config) => { const { spriteKey, isItem, hasShadow, scale, x, y, yShadow, alpha } = config; let sprite: GameObjects.Sprite; let tintSprite: GameObjects.Sprite; if (!isItem) { sprite = getSprite(spriteKey, hasShadow, yShadow); tintSprite = getSprite(spriteKey); } else { sprite = getItemSprite(spriteKey, hasShadow, yShadow); tintSprite = getItemSprite(spriteKey); } sprite.setVisible(!config.hidden); tintSprite.setVisible(false); if (scale) { sprite.setScale(scale); tintSprite.setScale(scale); } // Sprite offset from origin if (x || y) { if (x) { sprite.setPosition(origin + x, sprite.y); tintSprite.setPosition(origin + x, tintSprite.y); } if (y) { sprite.setPosition(sprite.x, sprite.y + y); tintSprite.setPosition(tintSprite.x, tintSprite.y + y); } } else { // Single sprite if (this.spriteConfigs.length === 1) { sprite.x = origin; tintSprite.x = origin; } else { // Do standard sprite spacing (not including offset sprites) sprite.x = minX + (n + 0.5) * spacingValue + origin; tintSprite.x = minX + (n + 0.5) * spacingValue + origin; n++; } } if (!isNullOrUndefined(alpha)) { sprite.setAlpha(alpha); tintSprite.setAlpha(alpha); } this.add(sprite); this.add(tintSprite); }); } /** * Loads the assets that were defined on construction (async) */ loadAssets(): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { if (!this.spriteConfigs) { resolve(); } this.spriteConfigs.forEach((config) => { if (config.isPokemon) { this.scene.loadPokemonAtlas(config.spriteKey, config.fileRoot); } else if (config.isItem) { this.scene.loadAtlas("items", ""); } else { this.scene.loadAtlas(config.spriteKey, config.fileRoot); } }); this.scene.load.once(Phaser.Loader.Events.COMPLETE, () => { this.spriteConfigs.every((config) => { if (config.isItem) { return true; } const originalWarn = console.warn; // Ignore warnings for missing frames, because there will be a lot console.warn = () => { }; const frameNames = this.scene.anims.generateFrameNames(config.spriteKey, { zeroPad: 4, suffix: ".png", start: 1, end: 128 }); console.warn = originalWarn; if (!(this.scene.anims.exists(config.spriteKey))) { this.scene.anims.create({ key: config.spriteKey, frames: frameNames, frameRate: 12, repeat: -1 }); } return true; }); resolve(); }); if (!this.scene.load.isLoading()) { this.scene.load.start(); } }); } /** * Sets the initial frames and tint of sprites after load */ initSprite(): void { if (!this.spriteConfigs) { return; } this.getSprites().map((sprite, i) => { if (!this.spriteConfigs[i].isItem) { sprite.setTexture(this.spriteConfigs[i].spriteKey).setFrame(0); } }); this.getTintSprites().map((tintSprite, i) => { if (!this.spriteConfigs[i].isItem) { tintSprite.setTexture(this.spriteConfigs[i].spriteKey).setFrame(0); } }); this.spriteConfigs.every((config, i) => { if (!config.tint) { return true; } const tintSprite = this.getAt(i * 2 + 1); this.tint(tintSprite, 0, config.tint); return true; }); } /** * Attempts to animate a given set of {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite} * @see {@linkcode} * @param sprite {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite} to animate * @param tintSprite {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite} placed on top of the sprite to add a color tint * @param animConfig {@linkcode Phaser.Types.Animations.PlayAnimationConfig} to pass to {@linkcode} * @returns true if the sprite was able to be animated */ tryPlaySprite(sprite: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite, tintSprite: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite, animConfig: Phaser.Types.Animations.PlayAnimationConfig): boolean { // Show an error in the console if there isn't a texture loaded if (sprite.texture.key === "__MISSING") { console.error(`No texture found for '${animConfig.key}'!`); return false; } // Don't try to play an animation when there isn't one if (sprite.texture.frameTotal <= 1) { console.warn(`No animation found for '${animConfig.key}'. Is this intentional?`); return false; };; return true; } /** * For sprites with animation and that do not have animation disabled, will begin frame animation */ playAnim(): void { if (!this.spriteConfigs) { return; } const sprites = this.getSprites(); const tintSprites = this.getTintSprites(); this.spriteConfigs.forEach((config, i) => { if (!config.disableAnimation) { const trainerAnimConfig: PlayAnimationConfig = { key: config.spriteKey, repeat: config?.repeat ? -1 : 0, startFrame: config?.startFrame ?? 0 }; this.tryPlaySprite(sprites[i], tintSprites[i], trainerAnimConfig); } }); } /** * Returns a Sprite/TintSprite pair * @param index */ getSpriteAtIndex(index: number): Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[] { if (!this.spriteConfigs) { return []; } const ret: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[] = []; ret.push(this.getAt(index * 2)); // Sprite ret.push(this.getAt(index * 2 + 1)); // Tint Sprite return ret; } /** * Gets all non-tint sprites (these are the "real" unmodified sprites) */ getSprites(): Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[] { if (!this.spriteConfigs) { return []; } const ret: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[] = []; this.spriteConfigs.forEach((config, i) => { ret.push(this.getAt(i * 2)); }); return ret; } /** * Gets all tint sprites (duplicate sprites that have different alpha and fill values) */ getTintSprites(): Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[] { if (!this.spriteConfigs) { return []; } const ret: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[] = []; this.spriteConfigs.forEach((config, i) => { ret.push(this.getAt(i * 2 + 1)); }); return ret; } /** * Tints a single sprite * @param sprite * @param color * @param alpha * @param duration * @param ease */ private tint(sprite, color: number, alpha?: number, duration?: integer, ease?: string): void { // const tintSprites = this.getTintSprites(); sprite.setTintFill(color); sprite.setVisible(true); if (duration) { sprite.setAlpha(0); this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: sprite, alpha: alpha || 1, duration: duration, ease: ease || "Linear" }); } else { sprite.setAlpha(alpha); } } /** * Tints all sprites * @param color * @param alpha * @param duration * @param ease */ tintAll(color: number, alpha?: number, duration?: integer, ease?: string): void { const tintSprites = this.getTintSprites(); => { this.tint(tintSprite, color, alpha, duration, ease); }); } /** * Untints a single sprite over a duration * @param sprite * @param duration * @param ease */ private untint(sprite, duration: integer, ease?: string): void { if (duration) { this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: sprite, alpha: 0, duration: duration, ease: ease || "Linear", onComplete: () => { sprite.setVisible(false); sprite.setAlpha(1); } }); } else { sprite.setVisible(false); sprite.setAlpha(1); } } /** * Untints all sprites * @param sprite * @param duration * @param ease */ untintAll(duration: integer, ease?: string): void { const tintSprites = this.getTintSprites(); => { this.untint(tintSprite, duration, ease); }); } /** * Sets container and all child sprites to visible * @param value - true for visible, false for hidden */ setVisible(value: boolean): this { this.getSprites().forEach(sprite => { sprite.setVisible(value); }); return super.setVisible(value); } } /** * Interface is required so as not to override {@link Phaser.GameObjects.Container.scene} */ export default interface MysteryEncounterIntroVisuals { scene: BattleScene }