import type { Modifier } from "typescript"; import { TurnHeldItemTransferModifier } from "../modifier/modifier"; import { pokemonEvolutions } from "#app/data/balance/pokemon-evolutions"; import i18next from "i18next"; import * as Utils from "../utils"; import { PlayerGender } from "#enums/player-gender"; import type { Challenge } from "#app/data/challenge"; import { FlipStatChallenge, FreshStartChallenge, SingleGenerationChallenge, SingleTypeChallenge, InverseBattleChallenge } from "#app/data/challenge"; import type { ConditionFn } from "#app/@types/common"; import { Stat, getShortenedStatKey } from "#app/enums/stat"; import { Challenges } from "#app/enums/challenges"; import { globalScene } from "#app/global-scene"; export enum AchvTier { COMMON, GREAT, ULTRA, ROGUE, MASTER } export class Achv { public localizationKey: string; public id: string; public name: string; public description: string; public iconImage: string; public score: integer; public secret: boolean; public hasParent: boolean; public parentId: string; private conditionFunc: ConditionFn | undefined; constructor(localizationKey:string, name: string, description: string, iconImage: string, score: integer, conditionFunc?: ConditionFn) { = name; this.description = description; this.iconImage = iconImage; this.score = score; this.conditionFunc = conditionFunc; this.localizationKey = localizationKey; } /** * Get the name of the achievement based on the gender of the player * @param playerGender - the gender of the player (default: {@linkcode PlayerGender.UNSET}) * @returns the name of the achievement localized for the player gender */ getName(playerGender: PlayerGender = PlayerGender.UNSET): string { const genderStr = PlayerGender[playerGender].toLowerCase(); // Localization key is used to get the name of the achievement return i18next.t(`achv:${this.localizationKey}.name`, { context: genderStr }); } getDescription(): string { return this.description; } getIconImage(): string { return this.iconImage; } setSecret(hasParent?: boolean): this { this.secret = true; this.hasParent = !!hasParent; return this; } validate(args?: any[]): boolean { return !this.conditionFunc || this.conditionFunc(args); } getTier(): AchvTier { if (this.score >= 100) { return AchvTier.MASTER; } if (this.score >= 75) { return AchvTier.ROGUE; } if (this.score >= 50) { return AchvTier.ULTRA; } if (this.score >= 25) { return AchvTier.GREAT; } return AchvTier.COMMON; } } export class MoneyAchv extends Achv { moneyAmount: integer; constructor(localizationKey: string, name: string, moneyAmount: integer, iconImage: string, score: integer) { super(localizationKey, name, "", iconImage, score, (_args: any[]) => >= this.moneyAmount); this.moneyAmount = moneyAmount; } } export class RibbonAchv extends Achv { ribbonAmount: integer; constructor(localizationKey: string, name: string, ribbonAmount: integer, iconImage: string, score: integer) { super(localizationKey, name, "", iconImage, score, (_args: any[]) => globalScene.gameData.gameStats.ribbonsOwned >= this.ribbonAmount); this.ribbonAmount = ribbonAmount; } } export class DamageAchv extends Achv { damageAmount: integer; constructor(localizationKey: string, name: string, damageAmount: integer, iconImage: string, score: integer) { super(localizationKey, name, "", iconImage, score, (args: any[]) => (args[0] instanceof Utils.NumberHolder ? args[0].value : args[0]) >= this.damageAmount); this.damageAmount = damageAmount; } } export class HealAchv extends Achv { healAmount: integer; constructor(localizationKey: string, name: string, healAmount: integer, iconImage: string, score: integer) { super(localizationKey, name, "", iconImage, score, (args: any[]) => (args[0] instanceof Utils.NumberHolder ? args[0].value : args[0]) >= this.healAmount); this.healAmount = healAmount; } } export class LevelAchv extends Achv { level: integer; constructor(localizationKey: string, name: string, level: integer, iconImage: string, score: integer) { super(localizationKey, name, "", iconImage, score, (args: any[]) => (args[0] instanceof Utils.NumberHolder ? args[0].value : args[0]) >= this.level); this.level = level; } } export class ModifierAchv extends Achv { constructor(localizationKey: string, name: string, description: string, iconImage: string, score: integer, modifierFunc: (modifier: Modifier) => boolean) { super(localizationKey, name, description, iconImage, score, (args: any[]) => modifierFunc((args[0] as Modifier))); } } export class ChallengeAchv extends Achv { constructor(localizationKey: string, name: string, description: string, iconImage: string, score: integer, challengeFunc: (challenge: Challenge) => boolean) { super(localizationKey, name, description, iconImage, score, (args: any[]) => challengeFunc(args[0] as Challenge)); } } /** * Get the description of an achievement from the localization file with all the necessary variables filled in * @param localizationKey The localization key of the achievement * @returns The description of the achievement */ export function getAchievementDescription(localizationKey: string): string { // We need to get the player gender from the game data to add the correct prefix to the achievement name const genderIndex = globalScene?.gameData?.gender ?? PlayerGender.MALE; const genderStr = PlayerGender[genderIndex].toLowerCase(); switch (localizationKey) { case "10K_MONEY": return i18next.t("achv:MoneyAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "moneyAmount": achvs._10K_MONEY.moneyAmount.toLocaleString("en-US") }); case "100K_MONEY": return i18next.t("achv:MoneyAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "moneyAmount": achvs._100K_MONEY.moneyAmount.toLocaleString("en-US") }); case "1M_MONEY": return i18next.t("achv:MoneyAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "moneyAmount": achvs._1M_MONEY.moneyAmount.toLocaleString("en-US") }); case "10M_MONEY": return i18next.t("achv:MoneyAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "moneyAmount": achvs._10M_MONEY.moneyAmount.toLocaleString("en-US") }); case "250_DMG": return i18next.t("achv:DamageAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "damageAmount": achvs._250_DMG.damageAmount.toLocaleString("en-US") }); case "1000_DMG": return i18next.t("achv:DamageAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "damageAmount": achvs._1000_DMG.damageAmount.toLocaleString("en-US") }); case "2500_DMG": return i18next.t("achv:DamageAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "damageAmount": achvs._2500_DMG.damageAmount.toLocaleString("en-US") }); case "10000_DMG": return i18next.t("achv:DamageAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "damageAmount": achvs._10000_DMG.damageAmount.toLocaleString("en-US") }); case "250_HEAL": return i18next.t("achv:HealAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "healAmount": achvs._250_HEAL.healAmount.toLocaleString("en-US"), "HP": i18next.t(getShortenedStatKey(Stat.HP)) }); case "1000_HEAL": return i18next.t("achv:HealAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "healAmount": achvs._1000_HEAL.healAmount.toLocaleString("en-US"), "HP": i18next.t(getShortenedStatKey(Stat.HP)) }); case "2500_HEAL": return i18next.t("achv:HealAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "healAmount": achvs._2500_HEAL.healAmount.toLocaleString("en-US"), "HP": i18next.t(getShortenedStatKey(Stat.HP)) }); case "10000_HEAL": return i18next.t("achv:HealAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "healAmount": achvs._10000_HEAL.healAmount.toLocaleString("en-US"), "HP": i18next.t(getShortenedStatKey(Stat.HP)) }); case "LV_100": return i18next.t("achv:LevelAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "level": achvs.LV_100.level }); case "LV_250": return i18next.t("achv:LevelAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "level": achvs.LV_250.level }); case "LV_1000": return i18next.t("achv:LevelAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "level": achvs.LV_1000.level }); case "10_RIBBONS": return i18next.t("achv:RibbonAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "ribbonAmount": achvs._10_RIBBONS.ribbonAmount.toLocaleString("en-US") }); case "25_RIBBONS": return i18next.t("achv:RibbonAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "ribbonAmount": achvs._25_RIBBONS.ribbonAmount.toLocaleString("en-US") }); case "50_RIBBONS": return i18next.t("achv:RibbonAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "ribbonAmount": achvs._50_RIBBONS.ribbonAmount.toLocaleString("en-US") }); case "75_RIBBONS": return i18next.t("achv:RibbonAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "ribbonAmount": achvs._75_RIBBONS.ribbonAmount.toLocaleString("en-US") }); case "100_RIBBONS": return i18next.t("achv:RibbonAchv.description", { context: genderStr, "ribbonAmount": achvs._100_RIBBONS.ribbonAmount.toLocaleString("en-US") }); case "TRANSFER_MAX_STAT_STAGE": return i18next.t("achv:TRANSFER_MAX_STAT_STAGE.description", { context: genderStr }); case "MAX_FRIENDSHIP": return i18next.t("achv:MAX_FRIENDSHIP.description", { context: genderStr }); case "MEGA_EVOLVE": return i18next.t("achv:MEGA_EVOLVE.description", { context: genderStr }); case "GIGANTAMAX": return i18next.t("achv:GIGANTAMAX.description", { context: genderStr }); case "TERASTALLIZE": return i18next.t("achv:TERASTALLIZE.description", { context: genderStr }); case "STELLAR_TERASTALLIZE": return i18next.t("achv:STELLAR_TERASTALLIZE.description", { context: genderStr }); case "SPLICE": return i18next.t("achv:SPLICE.description", { context: genderStr }); case "MINI_BLACK_HOLE": return i18next.t("achv:MINI_BLACK_HOLE.description", { context: genderStr }); case "CATCH_MYTHICAL": return i18next.t("achv:CATCH_MYTHICAL.description", { context: genderStr }); case "CATCH_SUB_LEGENDARY": return i18next.t("achv:CATCH_SUB_LEGENDARY.description", { context: genderStr }); case "CATCH_LEGENDARY": return i18next.t("achv:CATCH_LEGENDARY.description", { context: genderStr }); case "SEE_SHINY": return i18next.t("achv:SEE_SHINY.description", { context: genderStr }); case "SHINY_PARTY": return i18next.t("achv:SHINY_PARTY.description", { context: genderStr }); case "HATCH_MYTHICAL": return i18next.t("achv:HATCH_MYTHICAL.description", { context: genderStr }); case "HATCH_SUB_LEGENDARY": return i18next.t("achv:HATCH_SUB_LEGENDARY.description", { context: genderStr }); case "HATCH_LEGENDARY": return i18next.t("achv:HATCH_LEGENDARY.description", { context: genderStr }); case "HATCH_SHINY": return i18next.t("achv:HATCH_SHINY.description", { context: genderStr }); case "HIDDEN_ABILITY": return i18next.t("achv:HIDDEN_ABILITY.description", { context: genderStr }); case "PERFECT_IVS": return i18next.t("achv:PERFECT_IVS.description", { context: genderStr }); case "CLASSIC_VICTORY": return i18next.t("achv:CLASSIC_VICTORY.description", { context: genderStr }); case "UNEVOLVED_CLASSIC_VICTORY": return i18next.t("achv:UNEVOLVED_CLASSIC_VICTORY.description", { context: genderStr }); case "MONO_GEN_ONE": return i18next.t("achv:MONO_GEN_ONE.description", { context: genderStr }); case "MONO_GEN_TWO": return i18next.t("achv:MONO_GEN_TWO.description", { context: genderStr }); case "MONO_GEN_THREE": return i18next.t("achv:MONO_GEN_THREE.description", { context: genderStr }); case "MONO_GEN_FOUR": return i18next.t("achv:MONO_GEN_FOUR.description", { context: genderStr }); case "MONO_GEN_FIVE": return i18next.t("achv:MONO_GEN_FIVE.description", { context: genderStr }); case "MONO_GEN_SIX": return i18next.t("achv:MONO_GEN_SIX.description", { context: genderStr }); case "MONO_GEN_SEVEN": return i18next.t("achv:MONO_GEN_SEVEN.description", { context: genderStr }); case "MONO_GEN_EIGHT": return i18next.t("achv:MONO_GEN_EIGHT.description", { context: genderStr }); case "MONO_GEN_NINE": return i18next.t("achv:MONO_GEN_NINE.description", { context: genderStr }); case "MONO_NORMAL": case "MONO_FIGHTING": case "MONO_FLYING": case "MONO_POISON": case "MONO_GROUND": case "MONO_ROCK": case "MONO_BUG": case "MONO_GHOST": case "MONO_STEEL": case "MONO_FIRE": case "MONO_WATER": case "MONO_GRASS": case "MONO_ELECTRIC": case "MONO_PSYCHIC": case "MONO_ICE": case "MONO_DRAGON": case "MONO_DARK": case "MONO_FAIRY": return i18next.t("achv:MonoType.description", { context: genderStr, "type": i18next.t(`pokemonInfo:Type.${localizationKey.slice(5)}`) }); case "FRESH_START": return i18next.t("achv:FRESH_START.description", { context: genderStr }); case "INVERSE_BATTLE": return i18next.t("achv:INVERSE_BATTLE.description", { context: genderStr }); case "FLIP_STATS": return i18next.t("achv:FLIP_STATS.description", { context: genderStr }); case "FLIP_INVERSE": return i18next.t("achv:FLIP_INVERSE.description", { context: genderStr }); case "BREEDERS_IN_SPACE": return i18next.t("achv:BREEDERS_IN_SPACE.description", { context: genderStr }); default: return ""; } } export const achvs = { _10K_MONEY: new MoneyAchv("10K_MONEY", "", 10000, "nugget", 10), _100K_MONEY: new MoneyAchv("100K_MONEY", "", 100000, "big_nugget", 25).setSecret(true), _1M_MONEY: new MoneyAchv("1M_MONEY", "", 1000000, "relic_gold", 50).setSecret(true), _10M_MONEY: new MoneyAchv("10M_MONEY", "", 10000000, "coin_case", 100).setSecret(true), _250_DMG: new DamageAchv("250_DMG", "", 250, "lucky_punch", 10), _1000_DMG: new DamageAchv("1000_DMG", "", 1000, "lucky_punch_great", 25).setSecret(true), _2500_DMG: new DamageAchv("2500_DMG", "", 2500, "lucky_punch_ultra", 50).setSecret(true), _10000_DMG: new DamageAchv("10000_DMG", "", 10000, "lucky_punch_master", 100).setSecret(true), _250_HEAL: new HealAchv("250_HEAL", "", 250, "potion", 10), _1000_HEAL: new HealAchv("1000_HEAL", "", 1000, "super_potion", 25).setSecret(true), _2500_HEAL: new HealAchv("2500_HEAL", "", 2500, "hyper_potion", 50).setSecret(true), _10000_HEAL: new HealAchv("10000_HEAL", "", 10000, "max_potion", 100).setSecret(true), LV_100: new LevelAchv("LV_100", "", 100, "rare_candy", 25).setSecret(), LV_250: new LevelAchv("LV_250", "", 250, "rarer_candy", 50).setSecret(true), LV_1000: new LevelAchv("LV_1000", "", 1000, "candy_jar", 100).setSecret(true), _10_RIBBONS: new RibbonAchv("10_RIBBONS", "", 10, "bronze_ribbon", 10), _25_RIBBONS: new RibbonAchv("25_RIBBONS", "", 25, "great_ribbon", 25).setSecret(true), _50_RIBBONS: new RibbonAchv("50_RIBBONS", "", 50, "ultra_ribbon", 50).setSecret(true), _75_RIBBONS: new RibbonAchv("75_RIBBONS", "", 75, "rogue_ribbon", 75).setSecret(true), _100_RIBBONS: new RibbonAchv("100_RIBBONS", "", 100, "master_ribbon", 100).setSecret(true), TRANSFER_MAX_STAT_STAGE: new Achv("TRANSFER_MAX_STAT_STAGE", "", "TRANSFER_MAX_STAT_STAGE.description", "baton", 20), MAX_FRIENDSHIP: new Achv("MAX_FRIENDSHIP", "", "MAX_FRIENDSHIP.description", "soothe_bell", 25), MEGA_EVOLVE: new Achv("MEGA_EVOLVE", "", "MEGA_EVOLVE.description", "mega_bracelet", 50), GIGANTAMAX: new Achv("GIGANTAMAX", "", "GIGANTAMAX.description", "dynamax_band", 50), TERASTALLIZE: new Achv("TERASTALLIZE", "", "TERASTALLIZE.description", "tera_orb", 25), STELLAR_TERASTALLIZE: new Achv("STELLAR_TERASTALLIZE", "", "STELLAR_TERASTALLIZE.description", "stellar_tera_shard", 25).setSecret(true), SPLICE: new Achv("SPLICE", "", "SPLICE.description", "dna_splicers", 10), MINI_BLACK_HOLE: new ModifierAchv("MINI_BLACK_HOLE", "", "MINI_BLACK_HOLE.description", "mini_black_hole", 25, modifier => modifier instanceof TurnHeldItemTransferModifier).setSecret(), CATCH_MYTHICAL: new Achv("CATCH_MYTHICAL", "", "CATCH_MYTHICAL.description", "strange_ball", 50).setSecret(), CATCH_SUB_LEGENDARY: new Achv("CATCH_SUB_LEGENDARY", "", "CATCH_SUB_LEGENDARY.description", "rb", 75).setSecret(), CATCH_LEGENDARY: new Achv("CATCH_LEGENDARY", "", "CATCH_LEGENDARY.description", "mb", 100).setSecret(), SEE_SHINY: new Achv("SEE_SHINY", "", "SEE_SHINY.description", "pb_gold", 75), SHINY_PARTY: new Achv("SHINY_PARTY", "", "SHINY_PARTY.description", "shiny_charm", 100).setSecret(true), HATCH_MYTHICAL: new Achv("HATCH_MYTHICAL", "", "HATCH_MYTHICAL.description", "mystery_egg", 75).setSecret(), HATCH_SUB_LEGENDARY: new Achv("HATCH_SUB_LEGENDARY", "", "HATCH_SUB_LEGENDARY.description", "oval_stone", 100).setSecret(), HATCH_LEGENDARY: new Achv("HATCH_LEGENDARY", "", "HATCH_LEGENDARY.description", "lucky_egg", 125).setSecret(), HATCH_SHINY: new Achv("HATCH_SHINY", "", "HATCH_SHINY.description", "golden_egg", 100).setSecret(), HIDDEN_ABILITY: new Achv("HIDDEN_ABILITY", "", "HIDDEN_ABILITY.description", "ability_charm", 75), PERFECT_IVS: new Achv("PERFECT_IVS", "", "PERFECT_IVS.description", "blunder_policy", 100), CLASSIC_VICTORY: new Achv("CLASSIC_VICTORY", "", "CLASSIC_VICTORY.description", "relic_crown", 150, (_) => globalScene.gameData.gameStats.sessionsWon === 0), UNEVOLVED_CLASSIC_VICTORY: new Achv("UNEVOLVED_CLASSIC_VICTORY", "", "UNEVOLVED_CLASSIC_VICTORY.description", "eviolite", 175, (_) => globalScene.getPlayerParty().some(p => p.getSpeciesForm(true).speciesId in pokemonEvolutions)), MONO_GEN_ONE_VICTORY: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_GEN_ONE", "", "MONO_GEN_ONE.description", "ribbon_gen1", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleGenerationChallenge && c.value === 1 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_GEN_TWO_VICTORY: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_GEN_TWO", "", "MONO_GEN_TWO.description", "ribbon_gen2", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleGenerationChallenge && c.value === 2 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_GEN_THREE_VICTORY: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_GEN_THREE", "", "MONO_GEN_THREE.description", "ribbon_gen3", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleGenerationChallenge && c.value === 3 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_GEN_FOUR_VICTORY: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_GEN_FOUR", "", "MONO_GEN_FOUR.description", "ribbon_gen4", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleGenerationChallenge && c.value === 4 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_GEN_FIVE_VICTORY: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_GEN_FIVE", "", "MONO_GEN_FIVE.description", "ribbon_gen5", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleGenerationChallenge && c.value === 5 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_GEN_SIX_VICTORY: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_GEN_SIX", "", "MONO_GEN_SIX.description", "ribbon_gen6", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleGenerationChallenge && c.value === 6 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_GEN_SEVEN_VICTORY: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_GEN_SEVEN", "", "MONO_GEN_SEVEN.description", "ribbon_gen7", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleGenerationChallenge && c.value === 7 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_GEN_EIGHT_VICTORY: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_GEN_EIGHT", "", "MONO_GEN_EIGHT.description", "ribbon_gen8", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleGenerationChallenge && c.value === 8 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_GEN_NINE_VICTORY: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_GEN_NINE", "", "MONO_GEN_NINE.description", "ribbon_gen9", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleGenerationChallenge && c.value === 9 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_NORMAL: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_NORMAL", "", "MONO_NORMAL.description", "silk_scarf", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 1 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_FIGHTING: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_FIGHTING", "", "MONO_FIGHTING.description", "black_belt", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 2 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_FLYING: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_FLYING", "", "MONO_FLYING.description", "sharp_beak", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 3 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_POISON: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_POISON", "", "MONO_POISON.description", "poison_barb", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 4 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_GROUND: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_GROUND", "", "MONO_GROUND.description", "soft_sand", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 5 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_ROCK: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_ROCK", "", "MONO_ROCK.description", "hard_stone", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 6 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_BUG: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_BUG", "", "MONO_BUG.description", "silver_powder", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 7 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_GHOST: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_GHOST", "", "MONO_GHOST.description", "spell_tag", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 8 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_STEEL: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_STEEL", "", "MONO_STEEL.description", "metal_coat", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 9 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_FIRE: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_FIRE", "", "MONO_FIRE.description", "charcoal", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 10 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_WATER: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_WATER", "", "MONO_WATER.description", "mystic_water", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 11 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_GRASS: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_GRASS", "", "MONO_GRASS.description", "miracle_seed", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 12 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_ELECTRIC: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_ELECTRIC", "", "MONO_ELECTRIC.description", "magnet", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 13 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_PSYCHIC: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_PSYCHIC", "", "MONO_PSYCHIC.description", "twisted_spoon", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 14 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_ICE: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_ICE", "", "MONO_ICE.description", "never_melt_ice", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 15 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_DRAGON: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_DRAGON", "", "MONO_DRAGON.description", "dragon_fang", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 16 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_DARK: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_DARK", "", "MONO_DARK.description", "black_glasses", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 17 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), MONO_FAIRY: new ChallengeAchv("MONO_FAIRY", "", "MONO_FAIRY.description", "fairy_feather", 100, (c) => c instanceof SingleTypeChallenge && c.value === 18 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), FRESH_START: new ChallengeAchv("FRESH_START", "", "FRESH_START.description", "reviver_seed", 100, (c) => c instanceof FreshStartChallenge && c.value > 0 && !globalScene.gameMode.challenges.some(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), INVERSE_BATTLE: new ChallengeAchv("INVERSE_BATTLE", "", "INVERSE_BATTLE.description", "inverse", 100, (c) => c instanceof InverseBattleChallenge && c.value > 0), FLIP_STATS: new ChallengeAchv("FLIP_STATS", "", "FLIP_STATS.description", "dubious_disc", 100, (c) => c instanceof FlipStatChallenge && c.value > 0), FLIP_INVERSE: new ChallengeAchv("FLIP_INVERSE", "", "FLIP_INVERSE.description", "cracked_pot", 100, (c) => c instanceof FlipStatChallenge && c.value > 0 && globalScene.gameMode.challenges.every(c => [ Challenges.INVERSE_BATTLE, Challenges.FLIP_STAT ].includes( && c.value > 0)), BREEDERS_IN_SPACE: new Achv("BREEDERS_IN_SPACE", "", "BREEDERS_IN_SPACE.description", "moon_stone", 50).setSecret(), }; export function initAchievements() { const achvKeys = Object.keys(achvs); achvKeys.forEach((a: string, i: integer) => { achvs[a].id = a; if (achvs[a].hasParent) { achvs[a].parentId = achvKeys[i - 1]; } }); }