export const legacyCompatibleImages: string[] = []; export class SceneBase extends Phaser.Scene { /** * Since everything is scaled up by 6 by default using the game.canvas is annoying * Until such point that we use the canvas normally, this will be easier than * having to divide every width and heigh by 6 to position and scale the ui * @readonly * @defaultValue * width: `320` * height: `180` */ public readonly scaledCanvas = { width: 1920 / 6, height: 1080 / 6 }; constructor(config?: string | Phaser.Types.Scenes.SettingsConfig) { super(config); } getCachedUrl(url: string): string { const manifest = this.game["manifest"]; if (manifest) { const timestamp = manifest[`/${url}`]; if (timestamp) { url += `?t=${timestamp}`; } } return url; } loadImage(key: string, folder: string, filename?: string) { if (!filename) { filename = `${key}.png`; } this.load.image(key, this.getCachedUrl(`images/${folder}/${filename}`)); if (folder.startsWith("ui")) { legacyCompatibleImages.push(key); folder = folder.replace("ui", "ui/legacy"); this.load.image(`${key}_legacy`, this.getCachedUrl(`images/${folder}/${filename}`)); } } loadSpritesheet(key: string, folder: string, size: number, filename?: string) { if (!filename) { filename = `${key}.png`; } this.load.spritesheet(key, this.getCachedUrl(`images/${folder}/${filename}`), { frameWidth: size, frameHeight: size }); if (folder.startsWith("ui")) { legacyCompatibleImages.push(key); folder = folder.replace("ui", "ui/legacy"); this.load.spritesheet(`${key}_legacy`, this.getCachedUrl(`images/${folder}/${filename}`), { frameWidth: size, frameHeight: size }); } } loadAtlas(key: string, folder: string, filenameRoot?: string) { if (!filenameRoot) { filenameRoot = key; } if (folder) { folder += "/"; } this.load.atlas(key, this.getCachedUrl(`images/${folder}${filenameRoot}.png`), this.getCachedUrl(`images/${folder}${filenameRoot}.json`)); if (folder.startsWith("ui")) { legacyCompatibleImages.push(key); folder = folder.replace("ui", "ui/legacy"); this.load.atlas(`${key}_legacy`, this.getCachedUrl(`images/${folder}${filenameRoot}.png`), this.getCachedUrl(`images/${folder}${filenameRoot}.json`)); } } loadSe(key: string, folder?: string, filenames?: string | string[]) { if (!filenames) { filenames = `${key}.wav`; } if (!folder) { folder = "se/"; } else { folder += "/"; } if (!Array.isArray(filenames)) { filenames = [ filenames ]; } for (const f of filenames as string[]) { this.load.audio(folder + key, this.getCachedUrl(`audio/${folder}${f}`)); } } loadBgm(key: string, filename?: string) { if (!filename) { filename = `${key}.mp3`; } this.load.audio(key, this.getCachedUrl(`audio/bgm/${filename}`)); } }