import Pokemon, { HitResult, PokemonMove } from "../field/pokemon"; import { Type } from "./type"; import * as Utils from "../utils"; import { BattleStat, getBattleStatName } from "./battle-stat"; import { MovePhase, PokemonHealPhase, ShowAbilityPhase, StatChangePhase } from "../phases"; import { getPokemonMessage, getPokemonPrefix } from "../messages"; import { Weather, WeatherType } from "./weather"; import { BattlerTag } from "./battler-tags"; import { BattlerTagType } from "./enums/battler-tag-type"; import { StatusEffect, getNonVolatileStatusEffects, getStatusEffectDescriptor, getStatusEffectHealText } from "./status-effect"; import { Gender } from "./gender"; import Move, { AttackMove, MoveCategory, MoveFlags, MoveTarget, StatusMoveTypeImmunityAttr, FlinchAttr, OneHitKOAttr, HitHealAttr, StrengthSapHealAttr, allMoves, StatusMove, SelfStatusMove, VariablePowerAttr, applyMoveAttrs, IncrementMovePriorityAttr } from "./move"; import { ArenaTagSide, ArenaTrapTag } from "./arena-tag"; import { ArenaTagType } from "./enums/arena-tag-type"; import { Stat } from "./pokemon-stat"; import { BerryModifier, PokemonHeldItemModifier } from "../modifier/modifier"; import { Moves } from "./enums/moves"; import { TerrainType } from "./terrain"; import { SpeciesFormChangeManualTrigger } from "./pokemon-forms"; import { Abilities } from "./enums/abilities"; import i18next, { Localizable } from "#app/plugins/i18n.js"; import { Command } from "../ui/command-ui-handler"; import { BerryModifierType } from "#app/modifier/modifier-type"; import { getPokeballName } from "./pokeball"; import { Species } from "./enums/species"; import {BattlerIndex} from "#app/battle"; export class Ability implements Localizable { public id: Abilities; private nameAppend: string; public name: string; public description: string; public generation: integer; public isBypassFaint: boolean; public isIgnorable: boolean; public attrs: AbAttr[]; public conditions: AbAttrCondition[]; constructor(id: Abilities, generation: integer) { = id; this.nameAppend = ""; this.generation = generation; this.attrs = []; this.conditions = []; this.localize(); } localize(): void { const i18nKey = Abilities[].split("_").filter(f => f).map((f, i) => i ? `${f[0]}${f.slice(1).toLowerCase()}` : f.toLowerCase()).join("") as string; = ? `${i18next.t(`ability:${i18nKey}.name`) as string}${this.nameAppend}` : ""; this.description = ? i18next.t(`ability:${i18nKey}.description`) as string : ""; } getAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): AbAttr }): AbAttr[] { return this.attrs.filter(a => a instanceof attrType); } attr AbAttr>(AttrType: T, ...args: ConstructorParameters): Ability { const attr = new AttrType(...args); this.attrs.push(attr); return this; } conditionalAttr AbAttr>(condition: AbAttrCondition, AttrType: T, ...args: ConstructorParameters): Ability { const attr = new AttrType(...args); attr.addCondition(condition); this.attrs.push(attr); return this; } hasAttr(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): AbAttr }): boolean { return !!this.getAttrs(attrType).length; } bypassFaint(): Ability { this.isBypassFaint = true; return this; } ignorable(): Ability { this.isIgnorable = true; return this; } condition(condition: AbAttrCondition): Ability { this.conditions.push(condition); return this; } partial(): this { this.nameAppend += " (P)"; return this; } unimplemented(): this { this.nameAppend += " (N)"; return this; } } type AbAttrApplyFunc = (attr: TAttr, passive: boolean) => boolean | Promise; type AbAttrCondition = (pokemon: Pokemon) => boolean; type PokemonAttackCondition = (user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move) => boolean; type PokemonDefendCondition = (target: Pokemon, user: Pokemon, move: Move) => boolean; type PokemonStatChangeCondition = (target: Pokemon, statsChanged: BattleStat[], levels: integer) => boolean; export abstract class AbAttr { public showAbility: boolean; private extraCondition: AbAttrCondition; constructor(showAbility: boolean = true) { this.showAbility = showAbility; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return null; } getCondition(): AbAttrCondition | null { return this.extraCondition || null; } addCondition(condition: AbAttrCondition): AbAttr { this.extraCondition = condition; return this; } } export class BlockRecoilDamageAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { cancelled.value = true; return true; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]) { return i18next.t("abilityTriggers:blockRecoilDamage", {pokemonName: `${getPokemonPrefix(pokemon)}${}`, abilityName: abilityName}); } } export class DoubleBattleChanceAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const doubleChance = (args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder); doubleChance.value = Math.max(doubleChance.value / 2, 1); return true; } } export class PostBattleInitAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostBattleInit(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr extends PostBattleInitAbAttr { private formFunc: (p: Pokemon) => integer; constructor(formFunc: ((p: Pokemon) => integer)) { super(true); this.formFunc = formFunc; } applyPostBattleInit(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const formIndex = this.formFunc(pokemon); if (formIndex !== pokemon.formIndex) { return pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeManualTrigger, false); } return false; } } export class PostBattleInitStatChangeAbAttr extends PostBattleInitAbAttr { private stats: BattleStat[]; private levels: integer; private selfTarget: boolean; constructor(stats: BattleStat | BattleStat[], levels: integer, selfTarget?: boolean) { super(); this.stats = typeof(stats) === "number" ? [ stats as BattleStat ] : stats as BattleStat[]; this.levels = levels; this.selfTarget = !!selfTarget; } applyPostBattleInit(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const statChangePhases: StatChangePhase[] = []; if (this.selfTarget) { statChangePhases.push(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, this.stats, this.levels)); } else { for (const opponent of pokemon.getOpponents()) { statChangePhases.push(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, opponent.getBattlerIndex(), false, this.stats, this.levels)); } } for (const statChangePhase of statChangePhases) { if (!this.selfTarget && !statChangePhase.getPokemon().summonData) { pokemon.scene.pushPhase(statChangePhase); } else { // TODO: This causes the ability bar to be shown at the wrong time pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(statChangePhase); } } return true; } } type PreDefendAbAttrCondition = (pokemon: Pokemon, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove) => boolean; export class PreDefendAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class PreDefendFormChangeAbAttr extends PreDefendAbAttr { private formFunc: (p: Pokemon) => integer; constructor(formFunc: ((p: Pokemon) => integer)) { super(true); this.formFunc = formFunc; } applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const formIndex = this.formFunc(pokemon); if (formIndex !== pokemon.formIndex) { pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeManualTrigger, false); return true; } return false; } } export class PreDefendFullHpEndureAbAttr extends PreDefendAbAttr { applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (pokemon.hp === pokemon.getMaxHp() && pokemon.getMaxHp() > 1 && //Checks if pokemon has wonder_guard (which forces 1hp) (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value >= pokemon.hp) { //Damage >= hp return pokemon.addTag(BattlerTagType.STURDY, 1); } return false; } } export class BlockItemTheftAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { cancelled.value = true; return true; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]) { return getPokemonMessage(pokemon, `'s ${abilityName}\nprevents item theft!`); } } export class StabBoostAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if ((args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value > 1) { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value += 0.5; return true; } return false; } } export class ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr extends PreDefendAbAttr { protected condition: PokemonDefendCondition; private powerMultiplier: number; constructor(condition: PokemonDefendCondition, powerMultiplier: number) { super(); this.condition = condition; this.powerMultiplier = powerMultiplier; } applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move.getMove())) { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value *= this.powerMultiplier; return true; } return false; } } export class ReceivedTypeDamageMultiplierAbAttr extends ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr { constructor(moveType: Type, powerMultiplier: number) { super((user, target, move) => move.type === moveType, powerMultiplier); } } export class PreDefendMovePowerToOneAbAttr extends ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr { constructor(condition: PokemonDefendCondition) { super(condition, 1); } applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move.getMove())) { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value = 1; return true; } return false; } } export class TypeImmunityAbAttr extends PreDefendAbAttr { private immuneType: Type; private condition: AbAttrCondition; constructor(immuneType: Type, condition?: AbAttrCondition) { super(); this.immuneType = immuneType; this.condition = condition; } applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if ((move.getMove() instanceof AttackMove || move.getMove().getAttrs(StatusMoveTypeImmunityAttr).find(attr => (attr as StatusMoveTypeImmunityAttr).immuneType === this.immuneType)) && move.getMove().type === this.immuneType) { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value = 0; return true; } return false; } getCondition(): AbAttrCondition { return this.condition; } } export class TypeImmunityHealAbAttr extends TypeImmunityAbAttr { constructor(immuneType: Type) { super(immuneType); } applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const ret = super.applyPreDefend(pokemon, passive, attacker, move, cancelled, args); if (ret) { if (pokemon.getHpRatio() < 1) { const simulated = args.length > 1 && args[1]; if (!simulated) { const abilityName = (!passive ? pokemon.getAbility() : pokemon.getPassiveAbility()).name; pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new PokemonHealPhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), Math.max(Math.floor(pokemon.getMaxHp() / 4), 1), getPokemonMessage(pokemon, `'s ${abilityName}\nrestored its HP a little!`), true)); } } return true; } return false; } } class TypeImmunityStatChangeAbAttr extends TypeImmunityAbAttr { private stat: BattleStat; private levels: integer; constructor(immuneType: Type, stat: BattleStat, levels: integer, condition?: AbAttrCondition) { super(immuneType, condition); this.stat = stat; this.levels = levels; } applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const ret = super.applyPreDefend(pokemon, passive, attacker, move, cancelled, args); if (ret) { cancelled.value = true; const simulated = args.length > 1 && args[1]; if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [ this.stat ], this.levels)); } } return ret; } } class TypeImmunityAddBattlerTagAbAttr extends TypeImmunityAbAttr { private tagType: BattlerTagType; private turnCount: integer; constructor(immuneType: Type, tagType: BattlerTagType, turnCount: integer, condition?: AbAttrCondition) { super(immuneType, condition); this.tagType = tagType; this.turnCount = turnCount; } applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const ret = super.applyPreDefend(pokemon, passive, attacker, move, cancelled, args); if (ret) { cancelled.value = true; const simulated = args.length > 1 && args[1]; if (!simulated) { pokemon.addTag(this.tagType, this.turnCount, undefined,; } } return ret; } } export class NonSuperEffectiveImmunityAbAttr extends TypeImmunityAbAttr { constructor(condition?: AbAttrCondition) { super(null, condition); } applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (move.getMove() instanceof AttackMove && pokemon.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(move.getMove().type, attacker) < 2) { cancelled.value = true; (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value = 0; return true; } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return getPokemonMessage(pokemon, ` avoided damage\nwith ${abilityName}!`); } } export class PostDefendAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class PostDefendDisguiseAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (pokemon.formIndex === 0 && pokemon.battleData.hitCount !== 0 && (move.getMove().category === MoveCategory.SPECIAL || move.getMove().category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL)) { const recoilDamage = Math.ceil((pokemon.getMaxHp() / 8) - attacker.turnData.damageDealt); if (!recoilDamage) { return false; } pokemon.damageAndUpdate(recoilDamage, HitResult.OTHER); pokemon.turnData.damageTaken += recoilDamage; pokemon.scene.queueMessage(getPokemonMessage(pokemon, "'s disguise was busted!")); return true; } return false; } } export class PostDefendFormChangeAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private formFunc: (p: Pokemon) => integer; constructor(formFunc: ((p: Pokemon) => integer)) { super(true); this.formFunc = formFunc; } applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { const formIndex = this.formFunc(pokemon); if (formIndex !== pokemon.formIndex) { pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeManualTrigger, false); return true; } return false; } } export class FieldPriorityMoveImmunityAbAttr extends PreDefendAbAttr { applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const attackPriority = new Utils.IntegerHolder(move.getMove().priority); applyMoveAttrs(IncrementMovePriorityAttr,attacker,null,move.getMove(),attackPriority); applyAbAttrs(IncrementMovePriorityAbAttr, attacker, null, move.getMove(), attackPriority); if (move.getMove().moveTarget===MoveTarget.USER) { return false; } if (attackPriority.value > 0 && !move.getMove().isMultiTarget()) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } } export class PostStatChangeAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostStatChange(pokemon: Pokemon, statsChanged: BattleStat[], levelChanged: integer, selfTarget: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class MoveImmunityAbAttr extends PreDefendAbAttr { private immuneCondition: PreDefendAbAttrCondition; constructor(immuneCondition: PreDefendAbAttrCondition) { super(true); this.immuneCondition = immuneCondition; } applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.immuneCondition(pokemon, attacker, move)) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return `It doesn\'t affect ${}!`; } } export class MoveImmunityStatChangeAbAttr extends MoveImmunityAbAttr { private stat: BattleStat; private levels: integer; constructor(immuneCondition: PreDefendAbAttrCondition, stat: BattleStat, levels: integer) { super(immuneCondition); this.stat = stat; this.levels = levels; } applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const ret = super.applyPreDefend(pokemon, passive, attacker, move, cancelled, args); if (ret) { const simulated = args.length > 1 && args[1]; if (!simulated) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [ this.stat ], this.levels)); } } return ret; } } export class ReverseDrainAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (!!move.getMove().getAttrs(HitHealAttr).length || !!move.getMove().getAttrs(StrengthSapHealAttr).length ) { pokemon.scene.queueMessage(getPokemonMessage(attacker, " sucked up the liquid ooze!")); return true; } return false; } } export class PostDefendStatChangeAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private condition: PokemonDefendCondition; private stat: BattleStat; private levels: integer; private selfTarget: boolean; private allOthers: boolean; constructor(condition: PokemonDefendCondition, stat: BattleStat, levels: integer, selfTarget: boolean = true, allOthers: boolean = false) { super(true); this.condition = condition; this.stat = stat; this.levels = levels; this.selfTarget = selfTarget; this.allOthers = allOthers; } applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move.getMove())) { if (this.allOthers) { const otherPokemon = pokemon.getAlly() ? pokemon.getOpponents().concat([ pokemon.getAlly() ]) : pokemon.getOpponents(); for (const other of otherPokemon) { other.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatChangePhase(other.scene, (other).getBattlerIndex(), false, [ this.stat ], this.levels)); } return true; } pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, (this.selfTarget ? pokemon : attacker).getBattlerIndex(), this.selfTarget, [ this.stat ], this.levels)); return true; } return false; } } export class PostDefendHpGatedStatChangeAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private condition: PokemonDefendCondition; private hpGate: number; private stats: BattleStat[]; private levels: integer; private selfTarget: boolean; constructor(condition: PokemonDefendCondition, hpGate: number, stats: BattleStat[], levels: integer, selfTarget: boolean = true) { super(true); this.condition = condition; this.hpGate = hpGate; this.stats = stats; this.levels = levels; this.selfTarget = selfTarget; } applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { const hpGateFlat: integer = Math.ceil(pokemon.getMaxHp() * this.hpGate); const lastAttackReceived = pokemon.turnData.attacksReceived[pokemon.turnData.attacksReceived.length - 1]; if (this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move.getMove()) && (pokemon.hp <= hpGateFlat && (pokemon.hp + lastAttackReceived.damage) > hpGateFlat)) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, (this.selfTarget ? pokemon : attacker).getBattlerIndex(), true, this.stats, this.levels)); return true; } return false; } } export class PostDefendApplyArenaTrapTagAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private condition: PokemonDefendCondition; private tagType: ArenaTagType; constructor(condition: PokemonDefendCondition, tagType: ArenaTagType) { super(true); this.condition = condition; this.tagType = tagType; } applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move.getMove())) { const tag = pokemon.scene.arena.getTag(this.tagType) as ArenaTrapTag; if (!pokemon.scene.arena.getTag(this.tagType) || tag.layers < tag.maxLayers) { pokemon.scene.arena.addTag(this.tagType, 0, undefined,, pokemon.isPlayer() ? ArenaTagSide.ENEMY : ArenaTagSide.PLAYER); return true; } } return false; } } export class PostDefendApplyBattlerTagAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private condition: PokemonDefendCondition; private tagType: BattlerTagType; constructor(condition: PokemonDefendCondition, tagType: BattlerTagType) { super(true); this.condition = condition; this.tagType = tagType; } applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move.getMove())) { pokemon.addTag(this.tagType, undefined, undefined,; return true; } return false; } } export class PostDefendTypeChangeAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (hitResult < HitResult.NO_EFFECT) { const type = move.getMove().type; const pokemonTypes = pokemon.getTypes(true); if (pokemonTypes.length !== 1 || pokemonTypes[0] !== type) { pokemon.summonData.types = [ type ]; return true; } } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return getPokemonMessage(pokemon, `'s ${abilityName}\nmade it the ${Utils.toReadableString(Type[pokemon.getTypes(true)[0]])} type!`); } } export class PostDefendTerrainChangeAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private terrainType: TerrainType; constructor(terrainType: TerrainType) { super(); this.terrainType = terrainType; } applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (hitResult < HitResult.NO_EFFECT) { return pokemon.scene.arena.trySetTerrain(this.terrainType, true); } return false; } } export class PostDefendContactApplyStatusEffectAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private chance: integer; private effects: StatusEffect[]; constructor(chance: integer, ...effects: StatusEffect[]) { super(); this.chance = chance; this.effects = effects; } applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (move.getMove().checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon) && !attacker.status && (this.chance === -1 || pokemon.randSeedInt(100) < this.chance)) { const effect = this.effects.length === 1 ? this.effects[0] : this.effects[pokemon.randSeedInt(this.effects.length)]; return attacker.trySetStatus(effect, true, pokemon); } return false; } } export class EffectSporeAbAttr extends PostDefendContactApplyStatusEffectAbAttr { constructor() { super(10, StatusEffect.POISON, StatusEffect.PARALYSIS, StatusEffect.SLEEP); } applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (attacker.hasAbility(Abilities.OVERCOAT) || attacker.isOfType(Type.GRASS)) { return false; } return super.applyPostDefend(pokemon, passive, attacker, move, hitResult, args); } } export class PostDefendContactApplyTagChanceAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private chance: integer; private tagType: BattlerTagType; private turnCount: integer; constructor(chance: integer, tagType: BattlerTagType, turnCount?: integer) { super(); this.tagType = tagType; this.chance = chance; this.turnCount = turnCount; } applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (move.getMove().checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon) && pokemon.randSeedInt(100) < this.chance) { return attacker.addTag(this.tagType, this.turnCount, move.moveId,; } return false; } } export class PostDefendCritStatChangeAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private stat: BattleStat; private levels: integer; constructor(stat: BattleStat, levels: integer) { super(); this.stat = stat; this.levels = levels; } applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [ this.stat ], this.levels)); return true; } getCondition(): AbAttrCondition { return (pokemon: Pokemon) => pokemon.turnData.attacksReceived.length && pokemon.turnData.attacksReceived[pokemon.turnData.attacksReceived.length - 1].critical; } } export class PostDefendContactDamageAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private damageRatio: integer; constructor(damageRatio: integer) { super(); this.damageRatio = damageRatio; } applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (move.getMove().checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon)) { attacker.damageAndUpdate(Math.ceil(attacker.getMaxHp() * (1 / this.damageRatio)), HitResult.OTHER); attacker.turnData.damageTaken += Math.ceil(attacker.getMaxHp() * (1 / this.damageRatio)); return true; } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return getPokemonMessage(pokemon, `'s ${abilityName}\nhurt its attacker!`); } } export class PostDefendWeatherChangeAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private weatherType: WeatherType; constructor(weatherType: WeatherType) { super(); this.weatherType = weatherType; } applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (! { return pokemon.scene.arena.trySetWeather(this.weatherType, true); } return false; } } export class PostDefendAbilitySwapAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { constructor() { super(); } applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (move.getMove().checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon) && !attacker.getAbility().hasAttr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr)) { const tempAbilityId = attacker.getAbility().id; attacker.summonData.ability = pokemon.getAbility().id; pokemon.summonData.ability = tempAbilityId; return true; } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return getPokemonMessage(pokemon, " swapped\nabilities with its target!"); } } export class PostDefendAbilityGiveAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private ability: Abilities; constructor(ability: Abilities) { super(); this.ability = ability; } applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (move.getMove().checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon) && !attacker.getAbility().hasAttr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) && !attacker.getAbility().hasAttr(PostDefendAbilityGiveAbAttr)) { attacker.summonData.ability = this.ability; return true; } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return getPokemonMessage(pokemon, ` gave its target\n${abilityName}!`); } } export class PostDefendMoveDisableAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private chance: integer; private attacker: Pokemon; private move: PokemonMove; constructor(chance: integer) { super(); this.chance = chance; } applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (!attacker.summonData.disabledMove) { if (move.getMove().checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon) && (this.chance === -1 || pokemon.randSeedInt(100) < this.chance) && !attacker.isMax()) { this.attacker = attacker; this.move = move; attacker.summonData.disabledMove = move.moveId; attacker.summonData.disabledTurns = 4; return true; } } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return getPokemonMessage(this.attacker, `'s ${this.move.getName()}\nwas disabled!`); } } export class PostStatChangeStatChangeAbAttr extends PostStatChangeAbAttr { private condition: PokemonStatChangeCondition; private statsToChange: BattleStat[]; private levels: integer; constructor(condition: PokemonStatChangeCondition, statsToChange: BattleStat[], levels: integer) { super(true); this.condition = condition; this.statsToChange = statsToChange; this.levels = levels; } applyPostStatChange(pokemon: Pokemon, statsChanged: BattleStat[], levelsChanged: integer, selfTarget: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, statsChanged, levelsChanged) && !selfTarget) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, (pokemon).getBattlerIndex(), true, this.statsToChange, this.levels)); return true; } return false; } } export class PreAttackAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPreAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class VariableMovePowerAbAttr extends PreAttackAbAttr { applyPreAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, args: any[]): boolean { //const power = args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder; return false; } } export class VariableMoveTypeAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { //const power = args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder; return false; } } export class MoveTypeChangePowerMultiplierAbAttr extends VariableMoveTypeAbAttr { private matchType: Type; private newType: Type; private powerMultiplier: number; constructor(matchType: Type, newType: Type, powerMultiplier: number) { super(true); this.matchType = matchType; this.newType = newType; this.powerMultiplier = powerMultiplier; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const type = (args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder); if (type.value === this.matchType) { type.value = this.newType; (args[1] as Utils.NumberHolder).value *= this.powerMultiplier; return true; } return false; } } export class FieldPreventExplosiveMovesAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { cancelled.value = true; return true; } } export class MoveTypeChangeAttr extends PreAttackAbAttr { private newType: Type; private powerMultiplier: number; private condition: PokemonAttackCondition; constructor(newType: Type, powerMultiplier: number, condition: PokemonAttackCondition) { super(true); this.newType = newType; this.powerMultiplier = powerMultiplier; this.condition = condition; } applyPreAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, defender, move.getMove())) { const type = (args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder); type.value = this.newType; (args[1] as Utils.NumberHolder).value *= this.powerMultiplier; return true; } return false; } } /** * Class for abilities that boost the damage of moves * For abilities that boost the base power of moves, see VariableMovePowerAbAttr * @param damageMultiplier the amount to multiply the damage by * @param condition the condition for this ability to be applied */ export class DamageBoostAbAttr extends PreAttackAbAttr { private damageMultiplier: number; private condition: PokemonAttackCondition; constructor(damageMultiplier: number, condition: PokemonAttackCondition) { super(true); this.damageMultiplier = damageMultiplier; this.condition = condition; } /** * * @param pokemon the attacker pokemon * @param passive N/A * @param defender the target pokemon * @param move the move used by the attacker pokemon * @param args Utils.NumberHolder as damage * @returns true if the function succeeds */ applyPreAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, defender, move.getMove())) { const power = args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder; power.value = Math.floor(power.value * this.damageMultiplier); return true; } return false; } } export class MovePowerBoostAbAttr extends VariableMovePowerAbAttr { private condition: PokemonAttackCondition; private powerMultiplier: number; constructor(condition: PokemonAttackCondition, powerMultiplier: number, showAbility: boolean = true) { super(showAbility); this.condition = condition; this.powerMultiplier = powerMultiplier; } applyPreAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, defender, move.getMove())) { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value *= this.powerMultiplier; return true; } return false; } } export class MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr extends MovePowerBoostAbAttr { constructor(boostedType: Type, powerMultiplier?: number) { super((pokemon, defender, move) => move.type === boostedType, powerMultiplier || 1.5); } } export class LowHpMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr extends MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr { constructor(boostedType: Type) { super(boostedType); } getCondition(): AbAttrCondition { return (pokemon) => pokemon.getHpRatio() <= 0.33; } } /** * Abilities which cause a variable amount of power increase. * @extends VariableMovePowerAbAttr * @see {@link applyPreAttack} */ export class VariableMovePowerBoostAbAttr extends VariableMovePowerAbAttr { private mult: (user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move) => number; /** * @param mult A function which takes the user, target, and move, and returns the power multiplier. 1 means no multiplier. * @param {boolean} showAbility Whether to show the ability when it activates. */ constructor(mult: (user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move) => number, showAbility: boolean = true) { super(showAbility); this.mult = mult; } /** * @override */ applyPreAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, args: any[]): boolean { const multiplier = this.mult(pokemon, defender, move.getMove()); if (multiplier !== 1) { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value *= multiplier; return true; } return false; } } export class FieldVariableMovePowerAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPreAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, args: any[]): boolean { //const power = args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder; return false; } } export class FieldMovePowerBoostAbAttr extends FieldVariableMovePowerAbAttr { private condition: PokemonAttackCondition; private powerMultiplier: number; constructor(condition: PokemonAttackCondition, powerMultiplier: number) { super(false); this.condition = condition; this.powerMultiplier = powerMultiplier; } applyPreAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.condition(pokemon, defender, move.getMove())) { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value *= this.powerMultiplier; return true; } return false; } } export class FieldMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr extends FieldMovePowerBoostAbAttr { constructor(boostedType: Type, powerMultiplier?: number) { super((pokemon, defender, move) => move.type === boostedType, powerMultiplier || 1.5); } } export class BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr extends AbAttr { private battleStat: BattleStat; private multiplier: number; private condition: PokemonAttackCondition; constructor(battleStat: BattleStat, multiplier: number, condition?: PokemonAttackCondition) { super(false); this.battleStat = battleStat; this.multiplier = multiplier; this.condition = condition; } applyBattleStat(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, battleStat: BattleStat, statValue: Utils.NumberHolder, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { const move = (args[0] as Move); if (battleStat === this.battleStat && (!this.condition || this.condition(pokemon, null, move))) { statValue.value *= this.multiplier; return true; } return false; } } export class PostAttackAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class PostAttackStealHeldItemAbAttr extends PostAttackAbAttr { private condition: PokemonAttackCondition; constructor(condition?: PokemonAttackCondition) { super(); this.condition = condition; } applyPostAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { if (hitResult < HitResult.NO_EFFECT && (!this.condition || this.condition(pokemon, defender, move.getMove()))) { const heldItems = this.getTargetHeldItems(defender).filter(i => i.getTransferrable(false)); if (heldItems.length) { const stolenItem = heldItems[pokemon.randSeedInt(heldItems.length)]; pokemon.scene.tryTransferHeldItemModifier(stolenItem, pokemon, false, false).then(success => { if (success) { pokemon.scene.queueMessage(getPokemonMessage(pokemon, ` stole\n${}'s ${}!`)); } resolve(success); }); return; } } resolve(false); }); } getTargetHeldItems(target: Pokemon): PokemonHeldItemModifier[] { return target.scene.findModifiers(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && (m as PokemonHeldItemModifier).pokemonId ===, target.isPlayer()) as PokemonHeldItemModifier[]; } } export class PostAttackApplyStatusEffectAbAttr extends PostAttackAbAttr { private contactRequired: boolean; private chance: integer; private effects: StatusEffect[]; constructor(contactRequired: boolean, chance: integer, ...effects: StatusEffect[]) { super(); this.contactRequired = contactRequired; this.chance = chance; this.effects = effects; } applyPostAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (pokemon !== attacker && (!this.contactRequired || move.getMove().checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon)) && pokemon.randSeedInt(100) < this.chance && !pokemon.status) { const effect = this.effects.length === 1 ? this.effects[0] : this.effects[pokemon.randSeedInt(this.effects.length)]; return attacker.trySetStatus(effect, true, pokemon); } return false; } } export class PostAttackContactApplyStatusEffectAbAttr extends PostAttackApplyStatusEffectAbAttr { constructor(chance: integer, ...effects: StatusEffect[]) { super(true, chance, ...effects); } } export class PostAttackApplyBattlerTagAbAttr extends PostAttackAbAttr { private contactRequired: boolean; private chance: (user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove) => integer; private effects: BattlerTagType[]; constructor(contactRequired: boolean, chance: (user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove) => integer, ...effects: BattlerTagType[]) { super(); this.contactRequired = contactRequired; this.chance = chance; this.effects = effects; } applyPostAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (pokemon !== attacker && (!this.contactRequired || move.getMove().checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon)) && pokemon.randSeedInt(100) < this.chance(attacker, pokemon, move) && !pokemon.status) { const effect = this.effects.length === 1 ? this.effects[0] : this.effects[pokemon.randSeedInt(this.effects.length)]; return attacker.addTag(effect); } return false; } } export class PostDefendStealHeldItemAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr { private condition: PokemonDefendCondition; constructor(condition?: PokemonDefendCondition) { super(); this.condition = condition; } applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { if (hitResult < HitResult.NO_EFFECT && (!this.condition || this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move.getMove()))) { const heldItems = this.getTargetHeldItems(attacker).filter(i => i.getTransferrable(false)); if (heldItems.length) { const stolenItem = heldItems[pokemon.randSeedInt(heldItems.length)]; pokemon.scene.tryTransferHeldItemModifier(stolenItem, pokemon, false, false).then(success => { if (success) { pokemon.scene.queueMessage(getPokemonMessage(pokemon, ` stole\n${}'s ${}!`)); } resolve(success); }); return; } } resolve(false); }); } getTargetHeldItems(target: Pokemon): PokemonHeldItemModifier[] { return target.scene.findModifiers(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && (m as PokemonHeldItemModifier).pokemonId ===, target.isPlayer()) as PokemonHeldItemModifier[]; } } export class PostVictoryAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostVictory(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } class PostVictoryStatChangeAbAttr extends PostVictoryAbAttr { private stat: BattleStat | ((p: Pokemon) => BattleStat); private levels: integer; constructor(stat: BattleStat | ((p: Pokemon) => BattleStat), levels: integer) { super(); this.stat = stat; this.levels = levels; } applyPostVictory(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { const stat = typeof this.stat === "function" ? this.stat(pokemon) : this.stat; pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [ stat ], this.levels)); return true; } } export class PostVictoryFormChangeAbAttr extends PostVictoryAbAttr { private formFunc: (p: Pokemon) => integer; constructor(formFunc: ((p: Pokemon) => integer)) { super(true); this.formFunc = formFunc; } applyPostVictory(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { const formIndex = this.formFunc(pokemon); if (formIndex !== pokemon.formIndex) { pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeManualTrigger, false); return true; } return false; } } export class PostKnockOutAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostKnockOut(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, knockedOut: Pokemon, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class PostKnockOutStatChangeAbAttr extends PostKnockOutAbAttr { private stat: BattleStat | ((p: Pokemon) => BattleStat); private levels: integer; constructor(stat: BattleStat | ((p: Pokemon) => BattleStat), levels: integer) { super(); this.stat = stat; this.levels = levels; } applyPostKnockOut(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, knockedOut: Pokemon, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { const stat = typeof this.stat === "function" ? this.stat(pokemon) : this.stat; pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [ stat ], this.levels)); return true; } } export class CopyFaintedAllyAbilityAbAttr extends PostKnockOutAbAttr { constructor() { super(); } applyPostKnockOut(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, knockedOut: Pokemon, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { if (pokemon.isPlayer() === knockedOut.isPlayer() && !knockedOut.getAbility().hasAttr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr)) { pokemon.summonData.ability = knockedOut.getAbility().id; pokemon.scene.queueMessage(getPokemonMessage(knockedOut, `'s ${allAbilities[knockedOut.getAbility().id].name} was taken over!`)); return true; } return false; } } export class IgnoreOpponentStatChangesAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]) { (args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value = 0; return true; } } /** * Ignores opponent's evasion stat changes when determining if a move hits or not * @extends AbAttr * @see {@linkcode apply} */ export class IgnoreOpponentEvasionAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } /** * Checks if enemy Pokemon is trapped by an Arena Trap-esque ability * @param pokemon N/A * @param passive N/A * @param cancelled N/A * @param args [0] {@linkcode Utils.IntegerHolder} of BattleStat.EVA * @returns if evasion level was successfully considered as 0 */ apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]) { (args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value = 0; return true; } } export class IntimidateImmunityAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { cancelled.value = true; return true; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return getPokemonMessage(pokemon, `'s ${abilityName} prevented it from being Intimidated!`); } } export class PostIntimidateStatChangeAbAttr extends AbAttr { private stats: BattleStat[]; private levels: integer; private overwrites: boolean; constructor(stats: BattleStat[], levels: integer, overwrites?: boolean) { super(true); this.stats = stats; this.levels = levels; this.overwrites = !!overwrites; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { pokemon.scene.pushPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), false, this.stats, this.levels)); cancelled.value = this.overwrites; return true; } } export class PostSummonAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class PostSummonMessageAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private messageFunc: (pokemon: Pokemon) => string; constructor(messageFunc: (pokemon: Pokemon) => string) { super(true); this.messageFunc = messageFunc; } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { pokemon.scene.queueMessage(this.messageFunc(pokemon)); return true; } } export class PostSummonUnnamedMessageAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { //Attr doesn't force pokemon name on the message private message: string; constructor(message: string) { super(true); this.message = message; } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { pokemon.scene.queueMessage(this.message); return true; } } export class PostSummonAddBattlerTagAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private tagType: BattlerTagType; private turnCount: integer; constructor(tagType: BattlerTagType, turnCount: integer, showAbility?: boolean) { super(showAbility); this.tagType = tagType; this.turnCount = turnCount; } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { return pokemon.addTag(this.tagType, this.turnCount); } } export class PostSummonStatChangeAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private stats: BattleStat[]; private levels: integer; private selfTarget: boolean; private intimidate: boolean; constructor(stats: BattleStat | BattleStat[], levels: integer, selfTarget?: boolean, intimidate?: boolean) { super(false); this.stats = typeof(stats) === "number" ? [ stats as BattleStat ] : stats as BattleStat[]; this.levels = levels; this.selfTarget = !!selfTarget; this.intimidate = !!intimidate; } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { queueShowAbility(pokemon, passive); // TODO: Better solution than manually showing the ability here if (this.selfTarget) { pokemon.scene.pushPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, this.stats, this.levels)); return true; } for (const opponent of pokemon.getOpponents()) { const cancelled = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false); if (this.intimidate) { applyAbAttrs(IntimidateImmunityAbAttr, opponent, cancelled); applyAbAttrs(PostIntimidateStatChangeAbAttr, opponent, cancelled); } if (!cancelled.value) { const statChangePhase = new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, opponent.getBattlerIndex(), false, this.stats, this.levels); pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(statChangePhase); } } return true; } } export class PostSummonAllyHealAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private healRatio: number; private showAnim: boolean; constructor(healRatio: number, showAnim: boolean = false) { super(); this.healRatio = healRatio || 4; this.showAnim = showAnim; } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const target = pokemon.getAlly(); if (target?.isActive(true)) { target.scene.unshiftPhase(new PokemonHealPhase(target.scene, target.getBattlerIndex(), Math.max(Math.floor(pokemon.getMaxHp() / this.healRatio), 1), getPokemonMessage(target, ` drank down all the\nmatcha that ${} made!`), true, !this.showAnim)); return true; } return false; } } /** * Resets an ally's temporary stat boots to zero with no regard to * whether this is a positive or negative change * @param pokemon The {@link Pokemon} with this {@link AbAttr} * @param passive N/A * @param args N/A * @returns if the move was successful */ export class PostSummonClearAllyStatsAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { constructor() { super(); } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const target = pokemon.getAlly(); if (target?.isActive(true)) { for (let s = 0; s < target.summonData.battleStats.length; s++) { target.summonData.battleStats[s] = 0; } target.scene.queueMessage(getPokemonMessage(target, "'s stat changes\nwere removed!")); return true; } return false; } } /** * Download raises either the Attack stat or Special Attack stat by one stage depending on the foe's currently lowest defensive stat: * it will raise Attack if the foe's current Defense is lower than its current Special Defense stat; * otherwise, it will raise Special Attack. * @extends PostSummonAbAttr * @see {applyPostSummon} */ export class DownloadAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private enemyDef: integer; private enemySpDef: integer; private enemyCountTally: integer; private stats: BattleStat[]; // TODO: Implement the Substitute feature(s) once move is implemented. /** * Checks to see if it is the opening turn (starting a new game), if so, Download won't work. This is because Download takes into account * vitamins and items, so it needs to use the BattleStat and the stat alone. * @param {Pokemon} pokemon Pokemon that is using the move, as well as seeing the opposing pokemon. * @param {boolean} passive N/A * @param {any[]} args N/A * @returns Returns true if ability is used successful, false if not. */ applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { this.enemyDef = 0; this.enemySpDef = 0; this.enemyCountTally = 0; if (pokemon.getOpponents()[0].summonData !== undefined) { for (const opponent of pokemon.getOpponents()) { this.enemyCountTally++; this.enemyDef += opponent.getBattleStat(Stat.DEF); this.enemySpDef += opponent.getBattleStat(Stat.SPDEF); } this.enemyDef = Math.round(this.enemyDef / this.enemyCountTally); this.enemySpDef = Math.round(this.enemySpDef / this.enemyCountTally); } if (this.enemyDef < this.enemySpDef) { this.stats = [BattleStat.ATK]; } else { this.stats = [BattleStat.SPATK]; } if (this.enemyDef > 0 && this.enemySpDef > 0) { // only activate if there's actually an enemy to download from pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), false, this.stats, 1)); return true; } return false; } } export class PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private weatherType: WeatherType; constructor(weatherType: WeatherType) { super(); this.weatherType = weatherType; } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if (! { return pokemon.scene.arena.trySetWeather(this.weatherType, true); } return false; } } export class PostSummonTerrainChangeAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private terrainType: TerrainType; constructor(terrainType: TerrainType) { super(); this.terrainType = terrainType; } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { return pokemon.scene.arena.trySetTerrain(this.terrainType, true); } } export class PostSummonFormChangeAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { private formFunc: (p: Pokemon) => integer; constructor(formFunc: ((p: Pokemon) => integer)) { super(true); this.formFunc = formFunc; } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const formIndex = this.formFunc(pokemon); if (formIndex !== pokemon.formIndex) { return pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeManualTrigger, false); } return false; } } export class TraceAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const targets = pokemon.getOpponents(); if (!targets.length) { return false; } let target: Pokemon; if (targets.length > 1) { pokemon.scene.executeWithSeedOffset(() => target = Utils.randSeedItem(targets), pokemon.scene.currentBattle.waveIndex); } else { target = targets[0]; } // Wonder Guard is normally uncopiable so has the attribute, but trace specifically can copy it if (target.getAbility().hasAttr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) && target.getAbility().id !== Abilities.WONDER_GUARD) { return false; } pokemon.summonData.ability = target.getAbility().id; pokemon.scene.queueMessage(getPokemonMessage(pokemon, ` traced ${}'s\n${allAbilities[target.getAbility().id].name}!`)); return true; } } export class PostSummonTransformAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { constructor() { super(true); } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const targets = pokemon.getOpponents(); if (!targets.length) { return false; } let target: Pokemon; if (targets.length > 1) { pokemon.scene.executeWithSeedOffset(() => target = Utils.randSeedItem(targets), pokemon.scene.currentBattle.waveIndex); } else { target = targets[0]; } pokemon.summonData.speciesForm = target.getSpeciesForm(); pokemon.summonData.fusionSpeciesForm = target.getFusionSpeciesForm(); pokemon.summonData.ability = target.getAbility().id; pokemon.summonData.gender = target.getGender(); pokemon.summonData.fusionGender = target.getFusionGender(); pokemon.summonData.stats = [ pokemon.stats[Stat.HP] ].concat(target.stats.slice(1)); pokemon.summonData.battleStats = target.summonData.battleStats.slice(0); pokemon.summonData.moveset = target.getMoveset().map(m => new PokemonMove(m.moveId, m.ppUsed, m.ppUp)); pokemon.summonData.types = target.getTypes(); pokemon.scene.playSound("PRSFX- Transform"); pokemon.loadAssets(false).then(() => pokemon.playAnim()); pokemon.scene.queueMessage(getPokemonMessage(pokemon, ` transformed\ninto ${}!`)); return true; } } export class PreSwitchOutAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(true); } applyPreSwitchOut(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class PreSwitchOutResetStatusAbAttr extends PreSwitchOutAbAttr { applyPreSwitchOut(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { if (pokemon.status) { pokemon.resetStatus(); pokemon.updateInfo(); return true; } return false; } } export class PreSwitchOutHealAbAttr extends PreSwitchOutAbAttr { applyPreSwitchOut(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { if (pokemon.getHpRatio() < 1 ) { const healAmount = Math.floor(pokemon.getMaxHp() * 0.33); pokemon.heal(healAmount); pokemon.updateInfo(); return true; } return false; } } /** * Attribute for form changes that occur on switching out * @extends PreSwitchOutAbAttr * @see {@linkcode applyPreSwitchOut} */ export class PreSwitchOutFormChangeAbAttr extends PreSwitchOutAbAttr { private formFunc: (p: Pokemon) => integer; constructor(formFunc: ((p: Pokemon) => integer)) { super(); this.formFunc = formFunc; } /** * On switch out, trigger the form change to the one defined in the ability * @param pokemon The pokemon switching out and changing form {@linkcode Pokemon} * @param passive N/A * @param args N/A * @returns true if the form change was successful */ applyPreSwitchOut(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { const formIndex = this.formFunc(pokemon); if (formIndex !== pokemon.formIndex) { pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeManualTrigger, false); return true; } return false; } } export class PreStatChangeAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPreStatChange(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, stat: BattleStat, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class ProtectStatAbAttr extends PreStatChangeAbAttr { private protectedStat: BattleStat; constructor(protectedStat?: BattleStat) { super(); this.protectedStat = protectedStat; } applyPreStatChange(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, stat: BattleStat, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.protectedStat === undefined || stat === this.protectedStat) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return getPokemonMessage(pokemon, `'s ${abilityName}\nprevents lowering its ${this.protectedStat !== undefined ? getBattleStatName(this.protectedStat) : "stats"}!`); } } /** * This attribute applies confusion to the target whenever the user * directly poisons them with a move, e.g. Poison Puppeteer. * Called in {@linkcode StatusEffectAttr}. * @extends PostAttackAbAttr * @see {@linkcode applyPostAttack} */ export class ConfusionOnStatusEffectAbAttr extends PostAttackAbAttr { /** List of effects to apply confusion after */ private effects: StatusEffect[]; constructor(...effects: StatusEffect[]) { super(); this.effects = effects; } /** * Applies confusion to the target pokemon. * @param pokemon {@link Pokemon} attacking * @param passive N/A * @param defender {@link Pokemon} defending * @param move {@link Move} used to apply status effect and confusion * @param hitResult N/A * @param args [0] {@linkcode StatusEffect} applied by move * @returns true if defender is confused */ applyPostAttack(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, defender: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.effects.indexOf(args[0]) > -1 && !defender.isFainted()) { return defender.addTag(BattlerTagType.CONFUSED, pokemon.randSeedInt(3,2), move.moveId,; } return false; } } export class PreSetStatusAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPreSetStatus(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, effect: StatusEffect, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr extends PreSetStatusAbAttr { private immuneEffects: StatusEffect[]; constructor(...immuneEffects: StatusEffect[]) { super(); this.immuneEffects = immuneEffects; } applyPreSetStatus(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, effect: StatusEffect, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (!this.immuneEffects.length || this.immuneEffects.indexOf(effect) > -1) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return getPokemonMessage(pokemon, `'s ${abilityName}\nprevents ${this.immuneEffects.length ? getStatusEffectDescriptor(args[0] as StatusEffect) : "status problems"}!`); } } export class PreApplyBattlerTagAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPreApplyBattlerTag(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, tag: BattlerTag, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr extends PreApplyBattlerTagAbAttr { private immuneTagType: BattlerTagType; constructor(immuneTagType: BattlerTagType) { super(); this.immuneTagType = immuneTagType; } applyPreApplyBattlerTag(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, tag: BattlerTag, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (tag.tagType === this.immuneTagType) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return getPokemonMessage(pokemon, `'s ${abilityName}\nprevents ${(args[0] as BattlerTag).getDescriptor()}!`); } } export class BlockCritAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Utils.BooleanHolder).value = true; return true; } } export class BonusCritAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Utils.BooleanHolder).value = true; return true; } } export class MultCritAbAttr extends AbAttr { public multAmount: number; constructor(multAmount: number) { super(true); this.multAmount = multAmount; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const critMult = args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder; if (critMult.value > 1) { critMult.value *= this.multAmount; return true; } return false; } } /** * Guarantees a critical hit according to the given condition, except if target prevents critical hits. ie. Merciless * @extends AbAttr * @see {@linkcode apply} */ export class ConditionalCritAbAttr extends AbAttr { private condition: PokemonAttackCondition; constructor(condition: PokemonAttackCondition, checkUser?: Boolean) { super(); this.condition = condition; } /** * @param pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} user. * @param args [0] {@linkcode Utils.BooleanHolder} If true critical hit is guaranteed. * [1] {@linkcode Pokemon} Target. * [2] {@linkcode Move} used by ability user. */ apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const target = (args[1] as Pokemon); const move = (args[2] as Move); if (!this.condition(pokemon,target,move)) { return false; } (args[0] as Utils.BooleanHolder).value = true; return true; } } export class BlockNonDirectDamageAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { cancelled.value = true; return true; } } export class BlockOneHitKOAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { cancelled.value = true; return true; } } export class IncrementMovePriorityAbAttr extends AbAttr { private moveIncrementFunc: (pokemon: Pokemon, move: Move) => boolean; private increaseAmount: integer; constructor(moveIncrementFunc: (pokemon: Pokemon, move: Move) => boolean, increaseAmount = 1) { super(true); this.moveIncrementFunc = moveIncrementFunc; this.increaseAmount = increaseAmount; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (!this.moveIncrementFunc(pokemon, args[0] as Move)) { return false; } (args[1] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value += this.increaseAmount; return true; } } export class IgnoreContactAbAttr extends AbAttr { } export class PreWeatherEffectAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPreWeatherEffect(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, weather: Weather, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } export class PreWeatherDamageAbAttr extends PreWeatherEffectAbAttr { } export class BlockWeatherDamageAttr extends PreWeatherDamageAbAttr { private weatherTypes: WeatherType[]; constructor(...weatherTypes: WeatherType[]) { super(); this.weatherTypes = weatherTypes; } applyPreWeatherEffect(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, weather: Weather, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (!this.weatherTypes.length || this.weatherTypes.indexOf(weather?.weatherType) > -1) { cancelled.value = true; } return true; } } export class SuppressWeatherEffectAbAttr extends PreWeatherEffectAbAttr { public affectsImmutable: boolean; constructor(affectsImmutable?: boolean) { super(); this.affectsImmutable = affectsImmutable; } applyPreWeatherEffect(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, weather: Weather, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.affectsImmutable || weather.isImmutable()) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } } function getWeatherCondition(...weatherTypes: WeatherType[]): AbAttrCondition { return (pokemon: Pokemon) => { if ( { return false; } const weatherType =; return weatherType && weatherTypes.indexOf(weatherType) > -1; }; } function getAnticipationCondition(): AbAttrCondition { return (pokemon: Pokemon) => { for (const opponent of pokemon.getOpponents()) { for (const move of opponent.moveset) { // move is super effective if (move.getMove() instanceof AttackMove && pokemon.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(move.getMove().type, opponent) >= 2) { return true; } // move is a OHKO if (move.getMove().findAttr(attr => attr instanceof OneHitKOAttr)) { return true; } // edge case for hidden power, type is computed if (move.getMove().id === Moves.HIDDEN_POWER) { const iv_val = Math.floor(((opponent.ivs[Stat.HP] & 1) +(opponent.ivs[Stat.ATK] & 1) * 2 +(opponent.ivs[Stat.DEF] & 1) * 4 +(opponent.ivs[Stat.SPD] & 1) * 8 +(opponent.ivs[Stat.SPATK] & 1) * 16 +(opponent.ivs[Stat.SPDEF] & 1) * 32) * 15/63); const type = [ Type.FIGHTING, Type.FLYING, Type.POISON, Type.GROUND, Type.ROCK, Type.BUG, Type.GHOST, Type.STEEL, Type.FIRE, Type.WATER, Type.GRASS, Type.ELECTRIC, Type.PSYCHIC, Type.ICE, Type.DRAGON, Type.DARK][iv_val]; if (pokemon.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(type, opponent) >= 2) { return true; } } } } return false; }; } /** * Creates an ability condition that causes the ability to fail if that ability * has already been used by that pokemon that battle. It requires an ability to * be specified due to current limitations in how conditions on abilities work. * @param {Abilities} ability The ability to check if it's already been applied * @returns {AbAttrCondition} The condition */ function getOncePerBattleCondition(ability: Abilities): AbAttrCondition { return (pokemon: Pokemon) => { return !pokemon.battleData?.abilitiesApplied.includes(ability); }; } export class ForewarnAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { constructor() { super(true); } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { let maxPowerSeen = 0; let maxMove = ""; let movePower = 0; for (const opponent of pokemon.getOpponents()) { for (const move of opponent.moveset) { if (move.getMove() instanceof StatusMove) { movePower = 1; } else if (move.getMove().findAttr(attr => attr instanceof OneHitKOAttr)) { movePower = 150; } else if (move.getMove().id === Moves.COUNTER || move.getMove().id === Moves.MIRROR_COAT || move.getMove().id === Moves.METAL_BURST) { movePower = 120; } else if (move.getMove().power === -1) { movePower = 80; } else { movePower = move.getMove().power; } if (movePower > maxPowerSeen) { maxPowerSeen = movePower; maxMove = move.getName(); } } } pokemon.scene.queueMessage(getPokemonMessage(pokemon, " was forewarned about " + maxMove + "!")); return true; } } export class FriskAbAttr extends PostSummonAbAttr { constructor() { super(true); } applyPostSummon(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { for (const opponent of pokemon.getOpponents()) { pokemon.scene.queueMessage(getPokemonMessage(pokemon, " frisked " + + "'s " + opponent.getAbility().name + "!")); } return true; } } export class PostWeatherChangeAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostWeatherChange(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, weather: WeatherType, args: any[]): boolean { return false; } } export class PostWeatherChangeAddBattlerTagAttr extends PostWeatherChangeAbAttr { private tagType: BattlerTagType; private turnCount: integer; private weatherTypes: WeatherType[]; constructor(tagType: BattlerTagType, turnCount: integer, ...weatherTypes: WeatherType[]) { super(); this.tagType = tagType; this.turnCount = turnCount; this.weatherTypes = weatherTypes; } applyPostWeatherChange(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, weather: WeatherType, args: any[]): boolean { console.log(this.weatherTypes.find(w => weather === w), WeatherType[weather]); if (!this.weatherTypes.find(w => weather === w)) { return false; } return pokemon.addTag(this.tagType, this.turnCount); } } export class PostWeatherLapseAbAttr extends AbAttr { protected weatherTypes: WeatherType[]; constructor(...weatherTypes: WeatherType[]) { super(); this.weatherTypes = weatherTypes; } applyPostWeatherLapse(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, weather: Weather, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } getCondition(): AbAttrCondition { return getWeatherCondition(...this.weatherTypes); } } export class PostWeatherLapseHealAbAttr extends PostWeatherLapseAbAttr { private healFactor: integer; constructor(healFactor: integer, ...weatherTypes: WeatherType[]) { super(...weatherTypes); this.healFactor = healFactor; } applyPostWeatherLapse(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, weather: Weather, args: any[]): boolean { if (pokemon.getHpRatio() < 1) { const scene = pokemon.scene; const abilityName = (!passive ? pokemon.getAbility() : pokemon.getPassiveAbility()).name; scene.unshiftPhase(new PokemonHealPhase(scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), Math.max(Math.floor(pokemon.getMaxHp() / (16 / this.healFactor)), 1), getPokemonMessage(pokemon, `'s ${abilityName}\nrestored its HP a little!`), true)); return true; } return false; } } export class PostWeatherLapseDamageAbAttr extends PostWeatherLapseAbAttr { private damageFactor: integer; constructor(damageFactor: integer, ...weatherTypes: WeatherType[]) { super(...weatherTypes); this.damageFactor = damageFactor; } applyPostWeatherLapse(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, weather: Weather, args: any[]): boolean { if (pokemon.getHpRatio() < 1) { const scene = pokemon.scene; const abilityName = (!passive ? pokemon.getAbility() : pokemon.getPassiveAbility()).name; scene.queueMessage(getPokemonMessage(pokemon, ` is hurt\nby its ${abilityName}!`)); pokemon.damageAndUpdate(Math.ceil(pokemon.getMaxHp() / (16 / this.damageFactor)), HitResult.OTHER); return true; } return false; } } export class PostTerrainChangeAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostTerrainChange(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, terrain: TerrainType, args: any[]): boolean { return false; } } export class PostTerrainChangeAddBattlerTagAttr extends PostTerrainChangeAbAttr { private tagType: BattlerTagType; private turnCount: integer; private terrainTypes: TerrainType[]; constructor(tagType: BattlerTagType, turnCount: integer, ...terrainTypes: TerrainType[]) { super(); this.tagType = tagType; this.turnCount = turnCount; this.terrainTypes = terrainTypes; } applyPostTerrainChange(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, terrain: TerrainType, args: any[]): boolean { if (!this.terrainTypes.find(t => t === terrain)) { return false; } return pokemon.addTag(this.tagType, this.turnCount); } } function getTerrainCondition(...terrainTypes: TerrainType[]): AbAttrCondition { return (pokemon: Pokemon) => { const terrainType = pokemon.scene.arena.terrain?.terrainType; return terrainType && terrainTypes.indexOf(terrainType) > -1; }; } export class PostTurnAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } /** * After the turn ends, resets the status of either the ability holder or their ally * @param {boolean} allyTarget Whether to target ally, defaults to false (self-target) */ export class PostTurnResetStatusAbAttr extends PostTurnAbAttr { private allyTarget: boolean; private target: Pokemon; constructor(allyTarget: boolean = false) { super(true); this.allyTarget = allyTarget; } applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.allyTarget) { = pokemon.getAlly(); } else { = pokemon; } if ( {, getStatusEffectHealText(;;; return true; } return false; } } /** * After the turn ends, try to create an extra item */ export class PostTurnLootAbAttr extends PostTurnAbAttr { /** * @param itemType - The type of item to create * @param procChance - Chance to create an item * @see {@linkcode applyPostTurn()} */ constructor( /** Extend itemType to add more options */ private itemType: "EATEN_BERRIES" | "HELD_BERRIES", private procChance: (pokemon: Pokemon) => number ) { super(); } applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const pass = Phaser.Math.RND.realInRange(0, 1); // Clamp procChance to [0, 1]. Skip if didn't proc (less than pass) if (Math.max(Math.min(this.procChance(pokemon), 1), 0) < pass) { return false; } if (this.itemType === "EATEN_BERRIES") { return this.createEatenBerry(pokemon); } else { return false; } } /** * Create a new berry chosen randomly from the berries the pokemon ate this battle * @param pokemon The pokemon with this ability * @returns whether a new berry was created */ createEatenBerry(pokemon: Pokemon): boolean { const berriesEaten = pokemon.battleData.berriesEaten; if (!berriesEaten.length) { return false; } const randomIdx = Utils.randSeedInt(berriesEaten.length); const chosenBerryType = berriesEaten[randomIdx]; const chosenBerry = new BerryModifierType(chosenBerryType); berriesEaten.splice(randomIdx); // Remove berry from memory const berryModifier = pokemon.scene.findModifier( (m) => m instanceof BerryModifier && m.berryType === chosenBerryType, pokemon.isPlayer() ) as BerryModifier | undefined; if (!berryModifier) { pokemon.scene.addModifier(new BerryModifier(chosenBerry,, chosenBerryType, 1)); } else { berryModifier.stackCount++; } pokemon.scene.queueMessage(getPokemonMessage(pokemon, ` harvested one ${}!`)); pokemon.scene.updateModifiers(pokemon.isPlayer()); return true; } } export class MoodyAbAttr extends PostTurnAbAttr { constructor() { super(true); } applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const selectableStats = [BattleStat.ATK, BattleStat.DEF, BattleStat.SPATK, BattleStat.SPDEF, BattleStat.SPD]; const increaseStatArray = selectableStats.filter(s => pokemon.summonData.battleStats[s] < 6); let decreaseStatArray = selectableStats.filter(s => pokemon.summonData.battleStats[s] > -6); if (increaseStatArray.length > 0) { const increaseStat = increaseStatArray[Utils.randInt(increaseStatArray.length)]; decreaseStatArray = decreaseStatArray.filter(s => s !== increaseStat); pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [increaseStat], 2)); } if (decreaseStatArray.length > 0) { const decreaseStat = selectableStats[Utils.randInt(selectableStats.length)]; pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [decreaseStat], -1)); } return true; } } export class PostTurnStatChangeAbAttr extends PostTurnAbAttr { private stats: BattleStat[]; private levels: integer; constructor(stats: BattleStat | BattleStat[], levels: integer) { super(true); this.stats = Array.isArray(stats) ? stats : [ stats ]; this.levels = levels; } applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, this.stats, this.levels)); return true; } } export class PostTurnHealAbAttr extends PostTurnAbAttr { applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { if (pokemon.getHpRatio() < 1) { const scene = pokemon.scene; const abilityName = (!passive ? pokemon.getAbility() : pokemon.getPassiveAbility()).name; scene.unshiftPhase(new PokemonHealPhase(scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), Math.max(Math.floor(pokemon.getMaxHp() / 16), 1), getPokemonMessage(pokemon, `'s ${abilityName}\nrestored its HP a little!`), true)); return true; } return false; } } export class PostTurnFormChangeAbAttr extends PostTurnAbAttr { private formFunc: (p: Pokemon) => integer; constructor(formFunc: ((p: Pokemon) => integer)) { super(true); this.formFunc = formFunc; } applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const formIndex = this.formFunc(pokemon); if (formIndex !== pokemon.formIndex) { pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeManualTrigger, false); return true; } return false; } } /** * Attribute used for abilities (Bad Dreams) that damages the opponents for being asleep */ export class PostTurnHurtIfSleepingAbAttr extends PostTurnAbAttr { /** * Deals damage to all sleeping opponents equal to 1/8 of their max hp (min 1) * @param {Pokemon} pokemon Pokemon that has this ability * @param {boolean} passive N/A * @param {any[]} args N/A * @returns {boolean} true if any opponents are sleeping */ applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { let hadEffect: boolean = false; for (const opp of pokemon.getOpponents()) { if (opp.status?.effect === StatusEffect.SLEEP || opp.hasAbility(Abilities.COMATOSE)) { opp.damageAndUpdate(Math.floor(Math.max(1, opp.getMaxHp() / 8)), HitResult.OTHER); pokemon.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("abilityTriggers:badDreams", {pokemonName: `${getPokemonPrefix(opp)}${}`})); hadEffect = true; } } return hadEffect; } } /** * Grabs the last failed Pokeball used * @extends PostTurnAbAttr * @see {@linkcode applyPostTurn} */ export class FetchBallAbAttr extends PostTurnAbAttr { constructor() { super(); } /** * Adds the last used Pokeball back into the player's inventory * @param pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} with this ability * @param passive N/A * @param args N/A * @returns true if player has used a pokeball and this pokemon is owned by the player */ applyPostTurn(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const lastUsed = pokemon.scene.currentBattle.lastUsedPokeball; if (lastUsed !== null && pokemon.isPlayer) { pokemon.scene.pokeballCounts[lastUsed]++; pokemon.scene.currentBattle.lastUsedPokeball = null; pokemon.scene.queueMessage(getPokemonMessage(pokemon, ` found a\n${getPokeballName(lastUsed)}!`)); return true; } return false; } } export class PostBiomeChangeAbAttr extends AbAttr { } export class PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr extends PostBiomeChangeAbAttr { private weatherType: WeatherType; constructor(weatherType: WeatherType) { super(); this.weatherType = weatherType; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (! { return pokemon.scene.arena.trySetWeather(this.weatherType, true); } return false; } } export class PostBiomeChangeTerrainChangeAbAttr extends PostBiomeChangeAbAttr { private terrainType: TerrainType; constructor(terrainType: TerrainType) { super(); this.terrainType = terrainType; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { return pokemon.scene.arena.trySetTerrain(this.terrainType, true); } } /** * Triggers just after a move is used either by the opponent or the player * @extends AbAttr */ export class PostMoveUsedAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostMoveUsed(pokemon: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, source: Pokemon, targets: BattlerIndex[], args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } /** * Triggers after a dance move is used either by the opponent or the player * @extends PostMoveUsedAbAttr */ export class PostDancingMoveAbAttr extends PostMoveUsedAbAttr { /** * Resolves the Dancer ability by replicating the move used by the source of the dance * either on the source itself or on the target of the dance * @param dancer {@linkcode Pokemon} with Dancer ability * @param move {@linkcode PokemonMove} Dancing move used by the source * @param source {@linkcode Pokemon} that used the dancing move * @param targets {@linkcode BattlerIndex}Targets of the dancing move * @param args N/A * * @return true if the Dancer ability was resolved */ applyPostMoveUsed(dancer: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, source: Pokemon, targets: BattlerIndex[], args: any[]): boolean | Promise { // The move to replicate cannot come from the Dancer if (source.getBattlerIndex() !== dancer.getBattlerIndex()) { // If the move is an AttackMove or a StatusMove the Dancer must replicate the move on the source of the Dance if (move.getMove() instanceof AttackMove || move.getMove() instanceof StatusMove) { const target = this.getTarget(dancer, source, targets); dancer.scene.unshiftPhase(new MovePhase(dancer.scene, dancer, target, move, true)); } else if (move.getMove() instanceof SelfStatusMove) { // If the move is a SelfStatusMove (ie. Swords Dance) the Dancer should replicate it on itself dancer.scene.unshiftPhase(new MovePhase(dancer.scene, dancer, [dancer.getBattlerIndex()], move, true)); } } return true; } /** * Get the correct targets of Dancer ability * * @param dancer {@linkcode Pokemon} Pokemon with Dancer ability * @param source {@linkcode Pokemon} Source of the dancing move * @param targets {@linkcode BattlerIndex} Targets of the dancing move */ getTarget(dancer: Pokemon, source: Pokemon, targets: BattlerIndex[]) : BattlerIndex[] { if (dancer.isPlayer()) { return source.isPlayer() ? targets : [source.getBattlerIndex()]; } return source.isPlayer() ? [source.getBattlerIndex()] : targets; } } export class StatChangeMultiplierAbAttr extends AbAttr { private multiplier: integer; constructor(multiplier: integer) { super(true); this.multiplier = multiplier; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value *= this.multiplier; return true; } } export class StatChangeCopyAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, (args[0] as BattleStat[]), (args[1] as integer), true, false, false)); return true; } } export class BypassBurnDamageReductionAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { cancelled.value = true; return true; } } export class DoubleBerryEffectAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value *= 2; return true; } } export class PreventBerryUseAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { cancelled.value = true; return true; } } /** * A Pokemon with this ability heals by a percentage of their maximum hp after eating a berry * @param healPercent - Percent of Max HP to heal * @see {@linkcode apply()} for implementation */ export class HealFromBerryUseAbAttr extends AbAttr { /** Percent of Max HP to heal */ private healPercent: number; constructor(healPercent: number) { super(); // Clamp healPercent so its between [0,1]. this.healPercent = Math.max(Math.min(healPercent, 1), 0); } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, ...args: [Utils.BooleanHolder, any[]]): boolean { const { name: abilityName } = passive ? pokemon.getPassiveAbility() : pokemon.getAbility(); pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase( new PokemonHealPhase( pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), Math.max(Math.floor(pokemon.getMaxHp() * this.healPercent), 1), getPokemonMessage(pokemon, `'s ${abilityName}\nrestored its HP!`), true ) ); return true; } } export class RunSuccessAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value = 256; return true; } } type ArenaTrapCondition = (user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon) => boolean; /** * Base class for checking if a Pokemon is trapped by arena trap * @extends AbAttr * @field {@linkcode arenaTrapCondition} Conditional for trapping abilities. * For example, Magnet Pull will only activate if opponent is Steel type. * @see {@linkcode applyCheckTrapped} */ export class CheckTrappedAbAttr extends AbAttr { protected arenaTrapCondition: ArenaTrapCondition; constructor(condition: ArenaTrapCondition) { super(false); this.arenaTrapCondition = condition; } applyCheckTrapped(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, trapped: Utils.BooleanHolder, otherPokemon: Pokemon, args: any[]): boolean | Promise { return false; } } /** * Determines whether a Pokemon is blocked from switching/running away * because of a trapping ability or move. * @extends CheckTrappedAbAttr * @see {@linkcode applyCheckTrapped} */ export class ArenaTrapAbAttr extends CheckTrappedAbAttr { /** * Checks if enemy Pokemon is trapped by an Arena Trap-esque ability * If the enemy is a Ghost type, it is not trapped * If the user has Magnet Pull and the enemy is not a Steel type, it is not trapped. * If the user has Arena Trap and the enemy is not grounded, it is not trapped. * @param pokemon The {@link Pokemon} with this {@link AbAttr} * @param passive N/A * @param trapped {@link Utils.BooleanHolder} indicating whether the other Pokemon is trapped or not * @param otherPokemon The {@link Pokemon} that is affected by an Arena Trap ability * @param args N/A * @returns if enemy Pokemon is trapped or not */ applyCheckTrapped(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, trapped: Utils.BooleanHolder, otherPokemon: Pokemon, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.arenaTrapCondition(pokemon, otherPokemon)) { if (otherPokemon.getTypes(true).includes(Type.GHOST) || (otherPokemon.getTypes(true).includes(Type.STELLAR) && otherPokemon.getTypes().includes(Type.GHOST))) { trapped.value = false; return false; } trapped.value = true; return true; } trapped.value = false; return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return getPokemonMessage(pokemon, `\'s ${abilityName}\nprevents switching!`); } } export class MaxMultiHitAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value = 0; return true; } } export class PostBattleAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(true); } applyPostBattle(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { return false; } } export class PostBattleLootAbAttr extends PostBattleAbAttr { applyPostBattle(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { const postBattleLoot = pokemon.scene.currentBattle.postBattleLoot; if (postBattleLoot.length) { const randItem = Utils.randSeedItem(postBattleLoot); if (pokemon.scene.tryTransferHeldItemModifier(randItem, pokemon, false, true, true)) { postBattleLoot.splice(postBattleLoot.indexOf(randItem), 1); pokemon.scene.queueMessage(getPokemonMessage(pokemon, ` picked up\n${}!`)); return true; } } return false; } } export class PostFaintAbAttr extends AbAttr { applyPostFaint(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { return false; } } export class PostFaintContactDamageAbAttr extends PostFaintAbAttr { private damageRatio: integer; constructor(damageRatio: integer) { super(); this.damageRatio = damageRatio; } applyPostFaint(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { if (move.getMove().checkFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT, attacker, pokemon)) { const cancelled = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false); pokemon.scene.getField(true).map(p=>applyAbAttrs(FieldPreventExplosiveMovesAbAttr, p, cancelled)); if (cancelled.value) { return false; } attacker.damageAndUpdate(Math.ceil(attacker.getMaxHp() * (1 / this.damageRatio)), HitResult.OTHER); attacker.turnData.damageTaken += Math.ceil(attacker.getMaxHp() * (1 / this.damageRatio)); return true; } return false; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return getPokemonMessage(pokemon, `'s ${abilityName} hurt\nits attacker!`); } } /** * Attribute used for abilities (Innards Out) that damage the opponent based on how much HP the last attack used to knock out the owner of the ability. */ export class PostFaintHPDamageAbAttr extends PostFaintAbAttr { constructor() { super (); } applyPostFaint(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean { const damage = pokemon.turnData.attacksReceived[0].damage; attacker.damageAndUpdate((damage), HitResult.OTHER); attacker.turnData.damageTaken += damage; return true; } getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string { return getPokemonMessage(pokemon, `'s ${abilityName} hurt\nits attacker!`); } } export class RedirectMoveAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.canRedirect(args[0] as Moves)) { const target = args[1] as Utils.IntegerHolder; const newTarget = pokemon.getBattlerIndex(); if (target.value !== newTarget) { target.value = newTarget; return true; } } return false; } canRedirect(moveId: Moves): boolean { const move = allMoves[moveId]; return !![ MoveTarget.NEAR_OTHER, MoveTarget.OTHER ].find(t => move.moveTarget === t); } } export class RedirectTypeMoveAbAttr extends RedirectMoveAbAttr { public type: Type; constructor(type: Type) { super(); this.type = type; } canRedirect(moveId: Moves): boolean { return super.canRedirect(moveId) && allMoves[moveId].type === this.type; } } export class BlockRedirectAbAttr extends AbAttr { } export class ReduceStatusEffectDurationAbAttr extends AbAttr { private statusEffect: StatusEffect; constructor(statusEffect: StatusEffect) { super(true); this.statusEffect = statusEffect; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (args[0] === this.statusEffect) { (args[1] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value = Math.floor((args[1] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value / 2); return true; } return false; } } export class FlinchEffectAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(true); } } export class FlinchStatChangeAbAttr extends FlinchEffectAbAttr { private stats: BattleStat[]; private levels: integer; constructor(stats: BattleStat | BattleStat[], levels: integer) { super(); this.stats = Array.isArray(stats) ? stats : [ stats ]; this.levels = levels; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, this.stats, this.levels)); return true; } } export class IncreasePpAbAttr extends AbAttr { } export class ForceSwitchOutImmunityAbAttr extends AbAttr { apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { cancelled.value = true; return true; } } export class ReduceBerryUseThresholdAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(); } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const hpRatio = pokemon.getHpRatio(); if (args[0].value < hpRatio) { args[0].value *= 2; return args[0].value >= hpRatio; } return false; } } export class WeightMultiplierAbAttr extends AbAttr { private multiplier: integer; constructor(multiplier: integer) { super(); this.multiplier = multiplier; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value *= this.multiplier; return true; } } export class SyncEncounterNatureAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { (args[0] as Pokemon).setNature(pokemon.getNature()); return true; } } export class MoveAbilityBypassAbAttr extends AbAttr { private moveIgnoreFunc: (pokemon: Pokemon, move: Move) => boolean; constructor(moveIgnoreFunc?: (pokemon: Pokemon, move: Move) => boolean) { super(false); this.moveIgnoreFunc = moveIgnoreFunc || ((pokemon, move) => true); } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.moveIgnoreFunc(pokemon, (args[0] as Move))) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } } export class SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { const ability = (args[0] as Ability); if (!ability.hasAttr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) && !ability.hasAttr(SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr)) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } } export class AlwaysHitAbAttr extends AbAttr { } export class UncopiableAbilityAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } } export class UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } } export class UnswappableAbilityAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } } export class NoTransformAbilityAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } } export class NoFusionAbilityAbAttr extends AbAttr { constructor() { super(false); } } export class IgnoreTypeImmunityAbAttr extends AbAttr { private defenderType: Type; private allowedMoveTypes: Type[]; constructor(defenderType: Type, allowedMoveTypes: Type[]) { super(true); this.defenderType = defenderType; this.allowedMoveTypes = allowedMoveTypes; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.defenderType === (args[1] as Type) && this.allowedMoveTypes.includes(args[0] as Type)) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } } /** * Ignores the type immunity to Status Effects of the defender if the defender is of a certain type */ export class IgnoreTypeStatusEffectImmunityAbAttr extends AbAttr { private statusEffect: StatusEffect[]; private defenderType: Type[]; constructor(statusEffect: StatusEffect[], defenderType: Type[]) { super(true); this.statusEffect = statusEffect; this.defenderType = defenderType; } apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean { if (this.statusEffect.includes(args[0] as StatusEffect) && this.defenderType.includes(args[1] as Type)) { cancelled.value = true; return true; } return false; } } /** * Gives money to the user after the battle. * * @extends PostBattleAbAttr * @see {@linkcode applyPostBattle} */ export class MoneyAbAttr extends PostBattleAbAttr { constructor() { super(); } /** * @param pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} that is the user of this ability. * @param passive N/A * @param args N/A * @returns true */ applyPostBattle(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, args: any[]): boolean { pokemon.scene.currentBattle.moneyScattered += pokemon.scene.getWaveMoneyAmount(0.2); return true; } } function applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): TAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, applyFunc: AbAttrApplyFunc, args: any[], isAsync: boolean = false, showAbilityInstant: boolean = false, quiet: boolean = false, passive: boolean = false): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { if (!pokemon.canApplyAbility(passive, args[0])) { if (!passive) { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, applyFunc, args, isAsync, showAbilityInstant, quiet, true).then(() => resolve()); } else { return resolve(); } } const ability = (!passive ? pokemon.getAbility() : pokemon.getPassiveAbility()); const attrs = ability.getAttrs(attrType) as TAttr[]; const clearSpliceQueueAndResolve = () => { pokemon.scene.clearPhaseQueueSplice(); if (!passive) { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, applyFunc, args, isAsync, showAbilityInstant, quiet, true).then(() => resolve()); } else { return resolve(); } }; const applyNextAbAttr = () => { if (attrs.length) { applyAbAttr(attrs.shift()); } else { clearSpliceQueueAndResolve(); } }; const applyAbAttr = (attr: TAttr) => { if (!canApplyAttr(pokemon, attr)) { return applyNextAbAttr(); } pokemon.scene.setPhaseQueueSplice(); const onApplySuccess = () => { if (pokemon.battleData && !pokemon.battleData.abilitiesApplied.includes( { pokemon.battleData.abilitiesApplied.push(; } if (attr.showAbility && !quiet) { if (showAbilityInstant) { pokemon.scene.abilityBar.showAbility(pokemon, passive); } else { queueShowAbility(pokemon, passive); } } if (!quiet) { const message = attr.getTriggerMessage(pokemon, (!passive ? pokemon.getAbility() : pokemon.getPassiveAbility()).name, args); if (message) { if (isAsync) { pokemon.scene.ui.showText(message, null, () => pokemon.scene.ui.showText(null, 0), null, true); } else { pokemon.scene.queueMessage(message); } } } }; const result = applyFunc(attr, passive); if (result instanceof Promise) { result.then(success => { if (success) { onApplySuccess(); } applyNextAbAttr(); }); } else { if (result) { onApplySuccess(); } applyNextAbAttr(); } }; applyNextAbAttr(); }); } export function applyAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): AbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.apply(pokemon, passive, cancelled, args), args); } export function applyPostBattleInitAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PostBattleInitAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostBattleInit(pokemon, passive, args), args); } export function applyPreDefendAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PreDefendAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, ...args: any[]): Promise { const simulated = args.length > 1 && args[1]; return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPreDefend(pokemon, passive, attacker, move, cancelled, args), args, false, false, simulated); } export function applyPostDefendAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PostDefendAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostDefend(pokemon, passive, attacker, move, hitResult, args), args); } export function applyPostMoveUsedAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PostMoveUsedAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, source: Pokemon, targets: BattlerIndex[], ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostMoveUsed(pokemon, move, source, targets, args), args); } export function applyBattleStatMultiplierAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, battleStat: BattleStat, statValue: Utils.NumberHolder, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyBattleStat(pokemon, passive, battleStat, statValue, args), args); } export function applyPreAttackAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PreAttackAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, defender: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPreAttack(pokemon, passive, defender, move, args), args); } export function applyPostAttackAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PostAttackAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, defender: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostAttack(pokemon, passive, defender, move, hitResult, args), args); } export function applyPostKnockOutAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PostKnockOutAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, knockedOut: Pokemon, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostKnockOut(pokemon, passive, knockedOut, args), args); } export function applyPostVictoryAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PostVictoryAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostVictory(pokemon, passive, args), args); } export function applyPostSummonAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PostSummonAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostSummon(pokemon, passive, args), args); } export function applyPreSwitchOutAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PreSwitchOutAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPreSwitchOut(pokemon, passive, args), args, false, true); } export function applyPreStatChangeAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PreStatChangeAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, stat: BattleStat, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPreStatChange(pokemon, passive, stat, cancelled, args), args); } export function applyPostStatChangeAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PostStatChangeAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, stats: BattleStat[], levels: integer, selfTarget: boolean, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostStatChange(pokemon, stats, levels, selfTarget, args), args); } export function applyPreSetStatusAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PreSetStatusAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, effect: StatusEffect, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, ...args: any[]): Promise { const simulated = args.length > 1 && args[1]; return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPreSetStatus(pokemon, passive, effect, cancelled, args), args, false, false, !simulated); } export function applyPreApplyBattlerTagAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PreApplyBattlerTagAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, tag: BattlerTag, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPreApplyBattlerTag(pokemon, passive, tag, cancelled, args), args); } export function applyPreWeatherEffectAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PreWeatherEffectAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, weather: Weather, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPreWeatherEffect(pokemon, passive, weather, cancelled, args), args, false, true); } export function applyPostTurnAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PostTurnAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostTurn(pokemon, passive, args), args); } export function applyPostWeatherChangeAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PostWeatherChangeAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, weather: WeatherType, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostWeatherChange(pokemon, passive, weather, args), args); } export function applyPostWeatherLapseAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PostWeatherLapseAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, weather: Weather, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostWeatherLapse(pokemon, passive, weather, args), args); } export function applyPostTerrainChangeAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PostTerrainChangeAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, terrain: TerrainType, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostTerrainChange(pokemon, passive, terrain, args), args); } export function applyCheckTrappedAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): CheckTrappedAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, trapped: Utils.BooleanHolder, otherPokemon: Pokemon, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyCheckTrapped(pokemon, passive, trapped, otherPokemon, args), args, true); } export function applyPostBattleAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PostBattleAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostBattle(pokemon, passive, args), args); } export function applyPostFaintAbAttrs(attrType: { new(...args: any[]): PostFaintAbAttr }, pokemon: Pokemon, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, ...args: any[]): Promise { return applyAbAttrsInternal(attrType, pokemon, (attr, passive) => attr.applyPostFaint(pokemon, passive, attacker, move, hitResult, args), args); } function canApplyAttr(pokemon: Pokemon, attr: AbAttr): boolean { const condition = attr.getCondition(); return !condition || condition(pokemon); } function queueShowAbility(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean): void { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new ShowAbilityPhase(pokemon.scene,, passive)); pokemon.scene.clearPhaseQueueSplice(); } export const allAbilities = [ new Ability(Abilities.NONE, 3) ]; export function initAbilities() { allAbilities.push( new Ability(Abilities.STENCH, 3) .attr(PostAttackApplyBattlerTagAbAttr, false, (user, target, move) => (move.getMove().category !== MoveCategory.STATUS && !move.getMove().findAttr(attr => attr instanceof FlinchAttr)) ? 10 : 0, BattlerTagType.FLINCHED), new Ability(Abilities.DRIZZLE, 3) .attr(PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.RAIN) .attr(PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.RAIN), new Ability(Abilities.SPEED_BOOST, 3) .attr(PostTurnStatChangeAbAttr, BattleStat.SPD, 1), new Ability(Abilities.BATTLE_ARMOR, 3) .attr(BlockCritAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.STURDY, 3) .attr(PreDefendFullHpEndureAbAttr) .attr(BlockOneHitKOAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.DAMP, 3) .attr(FieldPreventExplosiveMovesAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.LIMBER, 3) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.PARALYSIS) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SAND_VEIL, 3) .attr(BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.EVA, 1.2) .attr(BlockWeatherDamageAttr, WeatherType.SANDSTORM) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SANDSTORM)) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.STATIC, 3) .attr(PostDefendContactApplyStatusEffectAbAttr, 30, StatusEffect.PARALYSIS) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.VOLT_ABSORB, 3) .attr(TypeImmunityHealAbAttr, Type.ELECTRIC) .partial() // Healing not blocked by Heal Block .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.WATER_ABSORB, 3) .attr(TypeImmunityHealAbAttr, Type.WATER) .partial() // Healing not blocked by Heal Block .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.OBLIVIOUS, 3) .attr(BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, BattlerTagType.INFATUATED) .attr(IntimidateImmunityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.CLOUD_NINE, 3) .attr(SuppressWeatherEffectAbAttr, true), new Ability(Abilities.COMPOUND_EYES, 3) .attr(BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.ACC, 1.3), new Ability(Abilities.INSOMNIA, 3) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.SLEEP) .attr(BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, BattlerTagType.DROWSY) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.COLOR_CHANGE, 3) .attr(PostDefendTypeChangeAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.IMMUNITY, 3) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.POISON, StatusEffect.TOXIC) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.FLASH_FIRE, 3) .attr(TypeImmunityAddBattlerTagAbAttr, Type.FIRE, BattlerTagType.FIRE_BOOST, 1, (pokemon: Pokemon) => !pokemon.status || pokemon.status.effect !== StatusEffect.FREEZE) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SHIELD_DUST, 3) .ignorable() .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.OWN_TEMPO, 3) .attr(BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, BattlerTagType.CONFUSED) .attr(IntimidateImmunityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SUCTION_CUPS, 3) .attr(ForceSwitchOutImmunityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.INTIMIDATE, 3) .attr(PostSummonStatChangeAbAttr, BattleStat.ATK, -1, false, true), new Ability(Abilities.SHADOW_TAG, 3) .attr(ArenaTrapAbAttr, (user, target) => { if (target.hasAbility(Abilities.SHADOW_TAG)) { return false; } return true; }), new Ability(Abilities.ROUGH_SKIN, 3) .attr(PostDefendContactDamageAbAttr, 8) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.WONDER_GUARD, 3) .attr(NonSuperEffectiveImmunityAbAttr) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.LEVITATE, 3) .attr(TypeImmunityAbAttr, Type.GROUND, (pokemon: Pokemon) => !pokemon.getTag(BattlerTagType.IGNORE_FLYING) && !pokemon.scene.arena.getTag(ArenaTagType.GRAVITY) && !pokemon.getTag(BattlerTagType.GROUNDED)) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.EFFECT_SPORE, 3) .attr(EffectSporeAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.SYNCHRONIZE, 3) .attr(SyncEncounterNatureAbAttr) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.CLEAR_BODY, 3) .attr(ProtectStatAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.NATURAL_CURE, 3) .attr(PreSwitchOutResetStatusAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.LIGHTNING_ROD, 3) .attr(RedirectTypeMoveAbAttr, Type.ELECTRIC) .attr(TypeImmunityStatChangeAbAttr, Type.ELECTRIC, BattleStat.SPATK, 1) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SERENE_GRACE, 3) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.SWIFT_SWIM, 3) .attr(BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.SPD, 2) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.RAIN, WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN)), new Ability(Abilities.CHLOROPHYLL, 3) .attr(BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.SPD, 2) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN)), new Ability(Abilities.ILLUMINATE, 3) .attr(ProtectStatAbAttr, BattleStat.ACC) .attr(DoubleBattleChanceAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.TRACE, 3) .attr(TraceAbAttr) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.HUGE_POWER, 3) .attr(BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.ATK, 2), new Ability(Abilities.POISON_POINT, 3) .attr(PostDefendContactApplyStatusEffectAbAttr, 30, StatusEffect.POISON) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.INNER_FOCUS, 3) .attr(BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, BattlerTagType.FLINCHED) .attr(IntimidateImmunityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.MAGMA_ARMOR, 3) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.FREEZE) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.WATER_VEIL, 3) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.BURN) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.MAGNET_PULL, 3) .attr(ArenaTrapAbAttr, (user, target) => { if (target.getTypes(true).includes(Type.STEEL) || (target.getTypes(true).includes(Type.STELLAR) && target.getTypes().includes(Type.STEEL))) { return true; } return false; }), new Ability(Abilities.SOUNDPROOF, 3) .attr(MoveImmunityAbAttr, (pokemon, attacker, move) => pokemon !== attacker && move.getMove().hasFlag(MoveFlags.SOUND_BASED)) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.RAIN_DISH, 3) .attr(PostWeatherLapseHealAbAttr, 1, WeatherType.RAIN, WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN) .partial(), // Healing not blocked by Heal Block new Ability(Abilities.SAND_STREAM, 3) .attr(PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SANDSTORM) .attr(PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SANDSTORM), new Ability(Abilities.PRESSURE, 3) .attr(IncreasePpAbAttr) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => getPokemonMessage(pokemon, " is exerting its Pressure!")), new Ability(Abilities.THICK_FAT, 3) .attr(ReceivedTypeDamageMultiplierAbAttr, Type.FIRE, 0.5) .attr(ReceivedTypeDamageMultiplierAbAttr, Type.ICE, 0.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.EARLY_BIRD, 3) .attr(ReduceStatusEffectDurationAbAttr, StatusEffect.SLEEP), new Ability(Abilities.FLAME_BODY, 3) .attr(PostDefendContactApplyStatusEffectAbAttr, 30, StatusEffect.BURN) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.RUN_AWAY, 3) .attr(RunSuccessAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.KEEN_EYE, 3) .attr(ProtectStatAbAttr, BattleStat.ACC) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.HYPER_CUTTER, 3) .attr(ProtectStatAbAttr, BattleStat.ATK) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.PICKUP, 3) .attr(PostBattleLootAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.TRUANT, 3) .attr(PostSummonAddBattlerTagAbAttr, BattlerTagType.TRUANT, 1, false), new Ability(Abilities.HUSTLE, 3) .attr(BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.ATK, 1.5, (user, target, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL) .attr(BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.ACC, 0.8, (user, target, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL), new Ability(Abilities.CUTE_CHARM, 3) .attr(PostDefendContactApplyTagChanceAbAttr, 30, BattlerTagType.INFATUATED), new Ability(Abilities.PLUS, 3) .conditionalAttr(p => p.scene.currentBattle.double && [Abilities.PLUS, Abilities.MINUS].some(a => p.getAlly().hasAbility(a)), BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.SPATK, 1.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.MINUS, 3) .conditionalAttr(p => p.scene.currentBattle.double && [Abilities.PLUS, Abilities.MINUS].some(a => p.getAlly().hasAbility(a)), BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.SPATK, 1.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.FORECAST, 3) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.STICKY_HOLD, 3) .attr(BlockItemTheftAbAttr) .bypassFaint() .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SHED_SKIN, 3) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => !Utils.randSeedInt(3), PostTurnResetStatusAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.GUTS, 3) .attr(BypassBurnDamageReductionAbAttr) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => !!pokemon.status, BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.ATK, 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.MARVEL_SCALE, 3) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => !!pokemon.status, BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.DEF, 1.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.LIQUID_OOZE, 3) .attr(ReverseDrainAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.OVERGROW, 3) .attr(LowHpMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.GRASS), new Ability(Abilities.BLAZE, 3) .attr(LowHpMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.FIRE), new Ability(Abilities.TORRENT, 3) .attr(LowHpMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.WATER), new Ability(Abilities.SWARM, 3) .attr(LowHpMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.BUG), new Ability(Abilities.ROCK_HEAD, 3) .attr(BlockRecoilDamageAttr), new Ability(Abilities.DROUGHT, 3) .attr(PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SUNNY) .attr(PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SUNNY), new Ability(Abilities.ARENA_TRAP, 3) .attr(ArenaTrapAbAttr, (user, target) => { if (target.isGrounded()) { return true; } return false; }) .attr(DoubleBattleChanceAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.VITAL_SPIRIT, 3) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.SLEEP) .attr(BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, BattlerTagType.DROWSY) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.WHITE_SMOKE, 3) .attr(ProtectStatAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.PURE_POWER, 3) .attr(BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.ATK, 2), new Ability(Abilities.SHELL_ARMOR, 3) .attr(BlockCritAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.AIR_LOCK, 3) .attr(SuppressWeatherEffectAbAttr, true) .attr(PostSummonUnnamedMessageAbAttr, "The effects of the weather disappeared."), new Ability(Abilities.TANGLED_FEET, 4) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => !!pokemon.getTag(BattlerTagType.CONFUSED), BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.EVA, 2) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.MOTOR_DRIVE, 4) .attr(TypeImmunityStatChangeAbAttr, Type.ELECTRIC, BattleStat.SPD, 1) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.RIVALRY, 4) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => user.gender !== Gender.GENDERLESS && target.gender !== Gender.GENDERLESS && user.gender === target.gender, 1.25, true) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => user.gender !== Gender.GENDERLESS && target.gender !== Gender.GENDERLESS && user.gender !== target.gender, 0.75), new Ability(Abilities.STEADFAST, 4) .attr(FlinchStatChangeAbAttr, BattleStat.SPD, 1), new Ability(Abilities.SNOW_CLOAK, 4) .attr(BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.EVA, 1.2) .attr(BlockWeatherDamageAttr, WeatherType.HAIL) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.HAIL, WeatherType.SNOW)) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.GLUTTONY, 4) .attr(ReduceBerryUseThresholdAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.ANGER_POINT, 4) .attr(PostDefendCritStatChangeAbAttr, BattleStat.ATK, 6), new Ability(Abilities.UNBURDEN, 4) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.HEATPROOF, 4) .attr(ReceivedTypeDamageMultiplierAbAttr, Type.FIRE, 0.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SIMPLE, 4) .attr(StatChangeMultiplierAbAttr, 2) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.DRY_SKIN, 4) .attr(PostWeatherLapseDamageAbAttr, 2, WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN) .attr(PostWeatherLapseHealAbAttr, 2, WeatherType.RAIN, WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN) .attr(ReceivedTypeDamageMultiplierAbAttr, Type.FIRE, 1.25) .attr(TypeImmunityHealAbAttr, Type.WATER) .partial() // Healing not blocked by Heal Block .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.DOWNLOAD, 4) .attr(DownloadAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.IRON_FIST, 4) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.PUNCHING_MOVE), 1.2), new Ability(Abilities.POISON_HEAL, 4) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.ADAPTABILITY, 4) .attr(StabBoostAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.SKILL_LINK, 4) .attr(MaxMultiHitAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.HYDRATION, 4) .attr(PostTurnResetStatusAbAttr) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.RAIN, WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN)), new Ability(Abilities.SOLAR_POWER, 4) .attr(PostWeatherLapseDamageAbAttr, 2, WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN) .attr(BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.SPATK, 1.5) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN)), new Ability(Abilities.QUICK_FEET, 4) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => pokemon.status ? pokemon.status.effect === StatusEffect.PARALYSIS : false, BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.SPD, 2) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => !!pokemon.status, BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.SPD, 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.NORMALIZE, 4) .attr(MoveTypeChangeAttr, Type.NORMAL, 1.2, (user, target, move) => !== Moves.HIDDEN_POWER && !== Moves.WEATHER_BALL && !== Moves.NATURAL_GIFT && !== Moves.JUDGMENT && !== Moves.TECHNO_BLAST), new Ability(Abilities.SNIPER, 4) .attr(MultCritAbAttr, 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.MAGIC_GUARD, 4) .attr(BlockNonDirectDamageAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.NO_GUARD, 4) .attr(AlwaysHitAbAttr) .attr(DoubleBattleChanceAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.STALL, 4) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.TECHNICIAN, 4) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => { const power = new Utils.NumberHolder(move.power); applyMoveAttrs(VariablePowerAttr, user, target, move, power); return power.value <= 60; }, 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.LEAF_GUARD, 4) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN)) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.KLUTZ, 4) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.MOLD_BREAKER, 4) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => getPokemonMessage(pokemon, " breaks the mold!")) .attr(MoveAbilityBypassAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.SUPER_LUCK, 4) .attr(BonusCritAbAttr) .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.AFTERMATH, 4) .attr(PostFaintContactDamageAbAttr,4) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.ANTICIPATION, 4) .conditionalAttr(getAnticipationCondition(), PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => getPokemonMessage(pokemon, " shuddered!")), new Ability(Abilities.FOREWARN, 4) .attr(ForewarnAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.UNAWARE, 4) .attr(IgnoreOpponentStatChangesAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.TINTED_LENS, 4) .attr(DamageBoostAbAttr, 2, (user, target, move) => target.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(move.type, user) <= 0.5), new Ability(Abilities.FILTER, 4) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr,(target, user, move) => target.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(move.type, user) >= 2, 0.75) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SLOW_START, 4) .attr(PostSummonAddBattlerTagAbAttr, BattlerTagType.SLOW_START, 5), new Ability(Abilities.SCRAPPY, 4) .attr(IgnoreTypeImmunityAbAttr, Type.GHOST, [Type.NORMAL, Type.FIGHTING]) .attr(IntimidateImmunityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.STORM_DRAIN, 4) .attr(RedirectTypeMoveAbAttr, Type.WATER) .attr(TypeImmunityStatChangeAbAttr, Type.WATER, BattleStat.SPATK, 1) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.ICE_BODY, 4) .attr(BlockWeatherDamageAttr, WeatherType.HAIL) .attr(PostWeatherLapseHealAbAttr, 1, WeatherType.HAIL, WeatherType.SNOW) .partial(), // Healing not blocked by Heal Block new Ability(Abilities.SOLID_ROCK, 4) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr,(target, user, move) => target.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(move.type, user) >= 2, 0.75) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SNOW_WARNING, 4) .attr(PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SNOW) .attr(PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SNOW), new Ability(Abilities.HONEY_GATHER, 4) .attr(MoneyAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.FRISK, 4) .attr(FriskAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.RECKLESS, 4) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.RECKLESS_MOVE), 1.2), new Ability(Abilities.MULTITYPE, 4) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.FLOWER_GIFT, 4) .conditionalAttr(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SUNNY || WeatherType.HARSH_SUN), BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.ATK, 1.5) .conditionalAttr(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SUNNY || WeatherType.HARSH_SUN), BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.SPDEF, 1.5) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .ignorable() .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.BAD_DREAMS, 4) .attr(PostTurnHurtIfSleepingAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.PICKPOCKET, 5) .attr(PostDefendStealHeldItemAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT)), new Ability(Abilities.SHEER_FORCE, 5) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.CONTRARY, 5) .attr(StatChangeMultiplierAbAttr, -1) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.UNNERVE, 5) .attr(PreventBerryUseAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.DEFIANT, 5) .attr(PostStatChangeStatChangeAbAttr, (target, statsChanged, levels) => levels < 0, [BattleStat.ATK], 2), new Ability(Abilities.DEFEATIST, 5) .attr(BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.ATK, 0.5) .attr(BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.SPATK, 0.5) .condition((pokemon) => pokemon.getHpRatio() <= 0.5), new Ability(Abilities.CURSED_BODY, 5) .attr(PostDefendMoveDisableAbAttr, 30) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.HEALER, 5) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => pokemon.getAlly() && Utils.randSeedInt(10) < 3, PostTurnResetStatusAbAttr, true), new Ability(Abilities.FRIEND_GUARD, 5) .ignorable() .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.WEAK_ARMOR, 5) .attr(PostDefendStatChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL, BattleStat.DEF, -1) .attr(PostDefendStatChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL, BattleStat.SPD, 2), new Ability(Abilities.HEAVY_METAL, 5) .attr(WeightMultiplierAbAttr, 2) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.LIGHT_METAL, 5) .attr(WeightMultiplierAbAttr, 0.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.MULTISCALE, 5) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr,(target, user, move) => target.getHpRatio() === 1, 0.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.TOXIC_BOOST, 5) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL && (user.status?.effect === StatusEffect.POISON || user.status?.effect === StatusEffect.TOXIC), 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.FLARE_BOOST, 5) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.SPECIAL && user.status?.effect === StatusEffect.BURN, 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.HARVEST, 5) .attr( PostTurnLootAbAttr, "EATEN_BERRIES", /** Rate is doubled when under sun {@link} */ (pokemon) => 0.5 * (getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN)(pokemon) ? 2 : 1) ) .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.TELEPATHY, 5) .attr(MoveImmunityAbAttr, (pokemon, attacker, move) => pokemon.getAlly() === attacker && move.getMove() instanceof AttackMove) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.MOODY, 5) .attr(MoodyAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.OVERCOAT, 5) .attr(BlockWeatherDamageAttr) .attr(MoveImmunityAbAttr, (pokemon, attacker, move) => pokemon !== attacker && move.getMove().hasFlag(MoveFlags.POWDER_MOVE)) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.POISON_TOUCH, 5) .attr(PostAttackContactApplyStatusEffectAbAttr, 30, StatusEffect.POISON), new Ability(Abilities.REGENERATOR, 5) .attr(PreSwitchOutHealAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.BIG_PECKS, 5) .attr(ProtectStatAbAttr, BattleStat.DEF) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SAND_RUSH, 5) .attr(BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.SPD, 2) .attr(BlockWeatherDamageAttr, WeatherType.SANDSTORM) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SANDSTORM)), new Ability(Abilities.WONDER_SKIN, 5) .ignorable() .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.ANALYTIC, 5) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => !!target.getLastXMoves(1).find(m => m.turn === target.scene.currentBattle.turn) || user.scene.currentBattle.turnCommands[target.getBattlerIndex()].command !== Command.FIGHT, 1.3), new Ability(Abilities.ILLUSION, 5) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.IMPOSTER, 5) .attr(PostSummonTransformAbAttr) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.INFILTRATOR, 5) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.MUMMY, 5) .attr(PostDefendAbilityGiveAbAttr, Abilities.MUMMY) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.MOXIE, 5) .attr(PostVictoryStatChangeAbAttr, BattleStat.ATK, 1), new Ability(Abilities.JUSTIFIED, 5) .attr(PostDefendStatChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.type === Type.DARK && move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, BattleStat.ATK, 1), new Ability(Abilities.RATTLED, 5) .attr(PostDefendStatChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS && (move.type === Type.DARK || move.type === Type.BUG || move.type === Type.GHOST), BattleStat.SPD, 1) .attr(PostIntimidateStatChangeAbAttr, [BattleStat.SPD], 1), new Ability(Abilities.MAGIC_BOUNCE, 5) .ignorable() .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.SAP_SIPPER, 5) .attr(TypeImmunityStatChangeAbAttr, Type.GRASS, BattleStat.ATK, 1) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.PRANKSTER, 5) .attr(IncrementMovePriorityAbAttr, (pokemon, move: Move) => move.category === MoveCategory.STATUS), new Ability(Abilities.SAND_FORCE, 5) .attr(MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.ROCK, 1.3) .attr(MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.GROUND, 1.3) .attr(MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.STEEL, 1.3) .attr(BlockWeatherDamageAttr, WeatherType.SANDSTORM) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SANDSTORM)), new Ability(Abilities.IRON_BARBS, 5) .attr(PostDefendContactDamageAbAttr, 8) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.ZEN_MODE, 5) .attr(PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, () => 0) .attr(PostSummonFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.getHpRatio() <= 0.5 ? 1 : 0) .attr(PostTurnFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.getHpRatio() <= 0.5 ? 1 : 0) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.VICTORY_STAR, 5) .attr(BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.ACC, 1.1) .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.TURBOBLAZE, 5) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => getPokemonMessage(pokemon, " is radiating a blazing aura!")) .attr(MoveAbilityBypassAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.TERAVOLT, 5) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => getPokemonMessage(pokemon, " is radiating a bursting aura!")) .attr(MoveAbilityBypassAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.AROMA_VEIL, 6) .ignorable() .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.FLOWER_VEIL, 6) .ignorable() .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.CHEEK_POUCH, 6) .attr(HealFromBerryUseAbAttr, 1/3) .partial(), // Healing not blocked by Heal Block new Ability(Abilities.PROTEAN, 6) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.FUR_COAT, 6) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL, 0.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.MAGICIAN, 6) .attr(PostAttackStealHeldItemAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.BULLETPROOF, 6) .attr(MoveImmunityAbAttr, (pokemon, attacker, move) => pokemon !== attacker && move.getMove().hasFlag(MoveFlags.BALLBOMB_MOVE)) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.COMPETITIVE, 6) .attr(PostStatChangeStatChangeAbAttr, (target, statsChanged, levels) => levels < 0, [BattleStat.SPATK], 2), new Ability(Abilities.STRONG_JAW, 6) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.BITING_MOVE), 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.REFRIGERATE, 6) .attr(MoveTypeChangePowerMultiplierAbAttr, Type.NORMAL, Type.ICE, 1.2), new Ability(Abilities.SWEET_VEIL, 6) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.SLEEP) .attr(BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, BattlerTagType.DROWSY) .ignorable() .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.STANCE_CHANGE, 6) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.GALE_WINGS, 6) .attr(IncrementMovePriorityAbAttr, (pokemon, move) => pokemon.getHpRatio() === 1 && move.type === Type.FLYING), new Ability(Abilities.MEGA_LAUNCHER, 6) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.PULSE_MOVE), 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.GRASS_PELT, 6) .conditionalAttr(getTerrainCondition(TerrainType.GRASSY), BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.DEF, 1.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SYMBIOSIS, 6) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.TOUGH_CLAWS, 6) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT), 1.3), new Ability(Abilities.PIXILATE, 6) .attr(MoveTypeChangePowerMultiplierAbAttr, Type.NORMAL, Type.FAIRY, 1.2), new Ability(Abilities.GOOEY, 6) .attr(PostDefendStatChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT), BattleStat.SPD, -1, false), new Ability(Abilities.AERILATE, 6) .attr(MoveTypeChangePowerMultiplierAbAttr, Type.NORMAL, Type.FLYING, 1.2), new Ability(Abilities.PARENTAL_BOND, 6) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.DARK_AURA, 6) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => getPokemonMessage(pokemon, " is radiating a Dark Aura!")) .attr(FieldMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.DARK, 4 / 3), new Ability(Abilities.FAIRY_AURA, 6) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => getPokemonMessage(pokemon, " is radiating a Fairy Aura!")) .attr(FieldMoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.FAIRY, 4 / 3), new Ability(Abilities.AURA_BREAK, 6) .ignorable() .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.PRIMORDIAL_SEA, 6) .attr(PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN) .attr(PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN), new Ability(Abilities.DESOLATE_LAND, 6) .attr(PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN) .attr(PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN), new Ability(Abilities.DELTA_STREAM, 6) .attr(PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.STRONG_WINDS) .attr(PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.STRONG_WINDS), new Ability(Abilities.STAMINA, 7) .attr(PostDefendStatChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, BattleStat.DEF, 1), new Ability(Abilities.WIMP_OUT, 7) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.EMERGENCY_EXIT, 7) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.WATER_COMPACTION, 7) .attr(PostDefendStatChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.type === Type.WATER && move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, BattleStat.DEF, 2), new Ability(Abilities.MERCILESS, 7) .attr(ConditionalCritAbAttr, (user, target, move) => target.status?.effect === StatusEffect.TOXIC || target.status?.effect === StatusEffect.POISON), new Ability(Abilities.SHIELDS_DOWN, 7) .attr(PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, () => 0) .attr(PostSummonFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.formIndex % 7 + (p.getHpRatio() <= 0.5 ? 7 : 0)) .attr(PostTurnFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.formIndex % 7 + (p.getHpRatio() <= 0.5 ? 7 : 0)) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.STAKEOUT, 7) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => user.scene.currentBattle.turnCommands[target.getBattlerIndex()].command === Command.POKEMON, 2), new Ability(Abilities.WATER_BUBBLE, 7) .attr(ReceivedTypeDamageMultiplierAbAttr, Type.FIRE, 0.5) .attr(MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.WATER, 2) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.BURN) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.STEELWORKER, 7) .attr(MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.STEEL), new Ability(Abilities.BERSERK, 7) .attr(PostDefendHpGatedStatChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, 0.5, [BattleStat.SPATK], 1), new Ability(Abilities.SLUSH_RUSH, 7) .attr(BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.SPD, 2) .condition(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.HAIL, WeatherType.SNOW)), new Ability(Abilities.LONG_REACH, 7) .attr(IgnoreContactAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.LIQUID_VOICE, 7) .attr(MoveTypeChangeAttr, Type.WATER, 1, (user, target, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.SOUND_BASED)), new Ability(Abilities.TRIAGE, 7) .attr(IncrementMovePriorityAbAttr, (pokemon, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.TRIAGE_MOVE), 3), new Ability(Abilities.GALVANIZE, 7) .attr(MoveTypeChangePowerMultiplierAbAttr, Type.NORMAL, Type.ELECTRIC, 1.2), new Ability(Abilities.SURGE_SURFER, 7) .conditionalAttr(getTerrainCondition(TerrainType.ELECTRIC), BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.SPD, 2), new Ability(Abilities.SCHOOLING, 7) .attr(PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, () => 0) .attr(PostSummonFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.level < 20 || p.getHpRatio() <= 0.25 ? 0 : 1) .attr(PostTurnFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.level < 20 || p.getHpRatio() <= 0.25 ? 0 : 1) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.DISGUISE, 7) .attr(PreDefendMovePowerToOneAbAttr, (target, user, move) => target.formIndex === 0 && target.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(move.type, user) > 0) .attr(PostSummonFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.battleData.hitCount === 0 ? 0 : 1) .attr(PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, () => 0) .attr(PostDefendFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.battleData.hitCount === 0 ? 0 : 1) .attr(PreDefendFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.battleData.hitCount === 0 ? 0 : 1) .attr(PostDefendDisguiseAbAttr) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .ignorable() .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.BATTLE_BOND, 7) .attr(PostVictoryFormChangeAbAttr, () => 2) .attr(PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, () => 1) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.POWER_CONSTRUCT, 7) // TODO: 10% Power Construct Zygarde isn't accounted for yet. If changed, update Zygarde's getSpeciesFormIndex entry accordingly .attr(PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, () => 2) .attr(PostSummonFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.getHpRatio() <= 0.5 || p.getFormKey() === "complete" ? 4 : 2) .attr(PostTurnFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.getHpRatio() <= 0.5 || p.getFormKey() === "complete" ? 4 : 2) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.CORROSION, 7) // TODO: Test Corrosion against Magic Bounce once it is implemented .attr(IgnoreTypeStatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, [StatusEffect.POISON, StatusEffect.TOXIC], [Type.STEEL, Type.POISON]) .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.COMATOSE, 7) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, ...getNonVolatileStatusEffects()) .attr(BattlerTagImmunityAbAttr, BattlerTagType.DROWSY), new Ability(Abilities.QUEENLY_MAJESTY, 7) .attr(FieldPriorityMoveImmunityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.INNARDS_OUT, 7) .attr(PostFaintHPDamageAbAttr) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.DANCER, 7) .attr(PostDancingMoveAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.BATTERY, 7) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.FLUFFY, 7) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT), 0.5) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.type === Type.FIRE, 2) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.DAZZLING, 7) .attr(FieldPriorityMoveImmunityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SOUL_HEART, 7) .attr(PostKnockOutStatChangeAbAttr, BattleStat.SPATK, 1), new Ability(Abilities.TANGLING_HAIR, 7) .attr(PostDefendStatChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT), BattleStat.SPD, -1, false), new Ability(Abilities.RECEIVER, 7) .attr(CopyFaintedAllyAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.POWER_OF_ALCHEMY, 7) .attr(CopyFaintedAllyAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.BEAST_BOOST, 7) .attr(PostVictoryStatChangeAbAttr, p => { const battleStats = Utils.getEnumValues(BattleStat).slice(0, -3).map(s => s as BattleStat); let highestBattleStat = 0; let highestBattleStatIndex = 0; BattleStat, i: integer) => { const stat = p.getStat(bs + 1); if (stat > highestBattleStat) { highestBattleStatIndex = i; highestBattleStat = stat; } }); return highestBattleStatIndex; }, 1), new Ability(Abilities.RKS_SYSTEM, 7) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.ELECTRIC_SURGE, 7) .attr(PostSummonTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.ELECTRIC) .attr(PostBiomeChangeTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.ELECTRIC), new Ability(Abilities.PSYCHIC_SURGE, 7) .attr(PostSummonTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.PSYCHIC) .attr(PostBiomeChangeTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.PSYCHIC), new Ability(Abilities.MISTY_SURGE, 7) .attr(PostSummonTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.MISTY) .attr(PostBiomeChangeTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.MISTY), new Ability(Abilities.GRASSY_SURGE, 7) .attr(PostSummonTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.GRASSY) .attr(PostBiomeChangeTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.GRASSY), new Ability(Abilities.FULL_METAL_BODY, 7) .attr(ProtectStatAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.SHADOW_SHIELD, 7) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr,(target, user, move) => target.getHpRatio() === 1, 0.5), new Ability(Abilities.PRISM_ARMOR, 7) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr,(target, user, move) => target.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(move.type, user) >= 2, 0.75), new Ability(Abilities.NEUROFORCE, 7) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => target.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(move.type, user) >= 2, 1.25), new Ability(Abilities.INTREPID_SWORD, 8) .attr(PostSummonStatChangeAbAttr, BattleStat.ATK, 1, true) .condition(getOncePerBattleCondition(Abilities.INTREPID_SWORD)), new Ability(Abilities.DAUNTLESS_SHIELD, 8) .attr(PostSummonStatChangeAbAttr, BattleStat.DEF, 1, true) .condition(getOncePerBattleCondition(Abilities.DAUNTLESS_SHIELD)), new Ability(Abilities.LIBERO, 8) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.BALL_FETCH, 8) .attr(FetchBallAbAttr) .condition(getOncePerBattleCondition(Abilities.BALL_FETCH)), new Ability(Abilities.COTTON_DOWN, 8) .attr(PostDefendStatChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, BattleStat.SPD, -1, false, true) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.PROPELLER_TAIL, 8) .attr(BlockRedirectAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.MIRROR_ARMOR, 8) .ignorable() .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.GULP_MISSILE, 8) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.STALWART, 8) .attr(BlockRedirectAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.STEAM_ENGINE, 8) .attr(PostDefendStatChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => (move.type === Type.FIRE || move.type === Type.WATER) && move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, BattleStat.SPD, 6), new Ability(Abilities.PUNK_ROCK, 8) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.SOUND_BASED), 1.3) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.SOUND_BASED), 0.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SAND_SPIT, 8) .attr(PostDefendWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SANDSTORM), new Ability(Abilities.ICE_SCALES, 8) .attr(ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.SPECIAL, 0.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.RIPEN, 8) .attr(DoubleBerryEffectAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.ICE_FACE, 8) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .ignorable() .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.POWER_SPOT, 8) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.MIMICRY, 8) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.SCREEN_CLEANER, 8) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.STEELY_SPIRIT, 8) .attr(MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.STEEL) .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.PERISH_BODY, 8) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.WANDERING_SPIRIT, 8) .attr(PostDefendAbilitySwapAbAttr) .bypassFaint() .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.GORILLA_TACTICS, 8) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.NEUTRALIZING_GAS, 8) .attr(SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => getPokemonMessage(pokemon, "'s Neutralizing Gas filled the area!")) .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.PASTEL_VEIL, 8) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.POISON, StatusEffect.TOXIC) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.HUNGER_SWITCH, 8) .attr(PostTurnFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.getFormKey ? 0 : 1) .attr(PostTurnFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.getFormKey ? 1 : 0) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .condition((pokemon) => !pokemon.isTerastallized()), new Ability(Abilities.QUICK_DRAW, 8) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.UNSEEN_FIST, 8) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.CURIOUS_MEDICINE, 8) .attr(PostSummonClearAllyStatsAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.TRANSISTOR, 8) .attr(MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.ELECTRIC), new Ability(Abilities.DRAGONS_MAW, 8) .attr(MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.DRAGON), new Ability(Abilities.CHILLING_NEIGH, 8) .attr(PostVictoryStatChangeAbAttr, BattleStat.ATK, 1), new Ability(Abilities.GRIM_NEIGH, 8) .attr(PostVictoryStatChangeAbAttr, BattleStat.SPATK, 1), new Ability(Abilities.AS_ONE_GLASTRIER, 8) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => getPokemonMessage(pokemon, " has two Abilities!")) .attr(PreventBerryUseAbAttr) .attr(PostVictoryStatChangeAbAttr, BattleStat.ATK, 1) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.AS_ONE_SPECTRIER, 8) .attr(PostSummonMessageAbAttr, (pokemon: Pokemon) => getPokemonMessage(pokemon, " has two Abilities!")) .attr(PreventBerryUseAbAttr) .attr(PostVictoryStatChangeAbAttr, BattleStat.SPATK, 1) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.LINGERING_AROMA, 9) .attr(PostDefendAbilityGiveAbAttr, Abilities.LINGERING_AROMA) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.SEED_SOWER, 9) .attr(PostDefendTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.GRASSY), new Ability(Abilities.THERMAL_EXCHANGE, 9) .attr(PostDefendStatChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.type === Type.FIRE && move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, BattleStat.ATK, 1) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, StatusEffect.BURN) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.ANGER_SHELL, 9) .attr(PostDefendHpGatedStatChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, 0.5, [ BattleStat.ATK, BattleStat.SPATK, BattleStat.SPD ], 1) .attr(PostDefendHpGatedStatChangeAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, 0.5, [ BattleStat.DEF, BattleStat.SPDEF ], -1), new Ability(Abilities.PURIFYING_SALT, 9) .attr(StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr) .attr(ReceivedTypeDamageMultiplierAbAttr, Type.GHOST, 0.5) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.WELL_BAKED_BODY, 9) .attr(TypeImmunityStatChangeAbAttr, Type.FIRE, BattleStat.DEF, 2) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.WIND_RIDER, 9) .attr(MoveImmunityStatChangeAbAttr, (pokemon, attacker, move) => pokemon !== attacker && move.getMove().hasFlag(MoveFlags.WIND_MOVE), BattleStat.ATK, 1) .ignorable() .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.GUARD_DOG, 9) .attr(PostIntimidateStatChangeAbAttr, [BattleStat.ATK], 1, true) .attr(ForceSwitchOutImmunityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.ROCKY_PAYLOAD, 9) .attr(MoveTypePowerBoostAbAttr, Type.ROCK), new Ability(Abilities.WIND_POWER, 9) .attr(PostDefendApplyBattlerTagAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.WIND_MOVE), BattlerTagType.CHARGED) .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.ZERO_TO_HERO, 9) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr) .attr(PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, () => 0) .attr(PreSwitchOutFormChangeAbAttr, () => 1), new Ability(Abilities.COMMANDER, 9) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.ELECTROMORPHOSIS, 9) .attr(PostDefendApplyBattlerTagAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS, BattlerTagType.CHARGED), new Ability(Abilities.PROTOSYNTHESIS, 9) .conditionalAttr(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN), PostSummonAddBattlerTagAbAttr, BattlerTagType.PROTOSYNTHESIS, 0, true) .attr(PostWeatherChangeAddBattlerTagAttr, BattlerTagType.PROTOSYNTHESIS, 0, WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .partial(), // While setting the tag, the getbattlestat should ignore all modifiers to stats except stat stages new Ability(Abilities.QUARK_DRIVE, 9) .conditionalAttr(getTerrainCondition(TerrainType.ELECTRIC), PostSummonAddBattlerTagAbAttr, BattlerTagType.QUARK_DRIVE, 0, true) .attr(PostTerrainChangeAddBattlerTagAttr, BattlerTagType.QUARK_DRIVE, 0, TerrainType.ELECTRIC) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .partial(), // While setting the tag, the getbattlestat should ignore all modifiers to stats except stat stages new Ability(Abilities.GOOD_AS_GOLD, 9) .attr(MoveImmunityAbAttr, (pokemon, attacker, move) => pokemon !== attacker && move.getMove().category === MoveCategory.STATUS) .ignorable() .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.VESSEL_OF_RUIN, 9) .ignorable() .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.SWORD_OF_RUIN, 9) .ignorable() .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.TABLETS_OF_RUIN, 9) .ignorable() .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.BEADS_OF_RUIN, 9) .ignorable() .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.ORICHALCUM_PULSE, 9) .attr(PostSummonWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SUNNY) .attr(PostBiomeChangeWeatherChangeAbAttr, WeatherType.SUNNY) .conditionalAttr(getWeatherCondition(WeatherType.SUNNY, WeatherType.HARSH_SUN), BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.ATK, 4 / 3), new Ability(Abilities.HADRON_ENGINE, 9) .attr(PostSummonTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.ELECTRIC) .attr(PostBiomeChangeTerrainChangeAbAttr, TerrainType.ELECTRIC) .conditionalAttr(getTerrainCondition(TerrainType.ELECTRIC), BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BattleStat.SPATK, 4 / 3), new Ability(Abilities.OPPORTUNIST, 9) .attr(StatChangeCopyAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.CUD_CHEW, 9) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.SHARPNESS, 9) .attr(MovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => move.hasFlag(MoveFlags.SLICING_MOVE), 1.5), new Ability(Abilities.SUPREME_OVERLORD, 9) .attr(VariableMovePowerBoostAbAttr, (user, target, move) => 1 + 0.1 * Math.min(user.isPlayer() ? user.scene.currentBattle.playerFaints : user.scene.currentBattle.enemyFaints, 5)) .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.COSTAR, 9) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.TOXIC_DEBRIS, 9) .attr(PostDefendApplyArenaTrapTagAbAttr, (target, user, move) => move.category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL, ArenaTagType.TOXIC_SPIKES) .bypassFaint(), new Ability(Abilities.ARMOR_TAIL, 9) .attr(FieldPriorityMoveImmunityAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.EARTH_EATER, 9) .attr(TypeImmunityHealAbAttr, Type.GROUND) .partial() // Healing not blocked by Heal Block .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.MYCELIUM_MIGHT, 9) .attr(MoveAbilityBypassAbAttr, (pokemon, move: Move) => move.category === MoveCategory.STATUS) .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.MINDS_EYE, 9) .attr(IgnoreTypeImmunityAbAttr, Type.GHOST, [Type.NORMAL, Type.FIGHTING]) .attr(ProtectStatAbAttr, BattleStat.ACC) .attr(IgnoreOpponentEvasionAbAttr) .ignorable(), new Ability(Abilities.SUPERSWEET_SYRUP, 9) .attr(PostSummonStatChangeAbAttr, BattleStat.EVA, -1) .condition(getOncePerBattleCondition(Abilities.SUPERSWEET_SYRUP)), new Ability(Abilities.HOSPITALITY, 9) .attr(PostSummonAllyHealAbAttr, 4, true) .partial(), // Healing not blocked by Heal Block new Ability(Abilities.TOXIC_CHAIN, 9) .attr(PostAttackApplyStatusEffectAbAttr, false, 30, StatusEffect.TOXIC), new Ability(Abilities.EMBODY_ASPECT_TEAL, 9) .attr(PostBattleInitStatChangeAbAttr, BattleStat.SPD, 1, true) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.EMBODY_ASPECT_WELLSPRING, 9) .attr(PostBattleInitStatChangeAbAttr, BattleStat.SPDEF, 1, true) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.EMBODY_ASPECT_HEARTHFLAME, 9) .attr(PostBattleInitStatChangeAbAttr, BattleStat.ATK, 1, true) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.EMBODY_ASPECT_CORNERSTONE, 9) .attr(PostBattleInitStatChangeAbAttr, BattleStat.DEF, 1, true) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .partial(), new Ability(Abilities.TERA_SHIFT, 9) .attr(PostSummonFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.getFormKey() ? 0 : 1) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoTransformAbilityAbAttr) .attr(NoFusionAbilityAbAttr), new Ability(Abilities.TERA_SHELL, 9) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .ignorable() .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.TERAFORM_ZERO, 9) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .unimplemented(), new Ability(Abilities.POISON_PUPPETEER, 9) .attr(UncopiableAbilityAbAttr) .attr(UnswappableAbilityAbAttr) .conditionalAttr(pokemon => pokemon.species.speciesId===Species.PECHARUNT,ConfusionOnStatusEffectAbAttr,StatusEffect.POISON,StatusEffect.TOXIC) ); }