import { afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest"; import GameManager from "#app/test/utils/gameManager"; import Phaser from "phaser"; import { getHighestLevelPlayerPokemon, getLowestLevelPlayerPokemon, getRandomPlayerPokemon, getRandomSpeciesByStarterTier, getEncounterText, koPlayerPokemon, queueEncounterMessage, showEncounterDialogue, showEncounterText, } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounter-utils"; import { initSceneWithoutEncounterPhase } from "#test/utils/gameManagerUtils"; import { Species } from "#enums/species"; import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene"; import { StatusEffect } from "#app/data/status-effect"; import IMysteryEncounter from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounter"; import { MessagePhase } from "#app/phases"; import { getPokemonSpecies, speciesStarters } from "#app/data/pokemon-species"; import { Type } from "#app/data/type"; describe("Mystery Encounter Utils", () => { let phaserGame: Phaser.Game; let game: GameManager; let scene: BattleScene; beforeAll(() => { phaserGame = new Phaser.Game({ type: Phaser.HEADLESS, }); }); afterEach(() => { game.phaseInterceptor.restoreOg(); }); beforeEach(() => { game = new GameManager(phaserGame); scene = game.scene; initSceneWithoutEncounterPhase(game.scene, [Species.ARCEUS, Species.MANAPHY]); }); describe("getRandomPlayerPokemon", () => { it("gets a random pokemon from player party", () => { // Seeds are calculated to return index 0 first, 1 second (if both pokemon are legal) scene.waveSeed = "random"; Phaser.Math.RND.sow([scene.waveSeed]); scene.rngCounter = 0; let result = getRandomPlayerPokemon(scene); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.MANAPHY); scene.waveSeed = "random2"; Phaser.Math.RND.sow([scene.waveSeed]); scene.rngCounter = 0; result = getRandomPlayerPokemon(scene); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.ARCEUS); }); it("gets a fainted pokemon from player party if isAllowedInBattle is false", () => { // Both pokemon fainted scene.getParty().forEach(p => { p.hp = 0; p.trySetStatus(StatusEffect.FAINT); p.updateInfo(); }); // Seeds are calculated to return index 0 first, 1 second (if both pokemon are legal) scene.waveSeed = "random"; Phaser.Math.RND.sow([scene.waveSeed]); scene.rngCounter = 0; let result = getRandomPlayerPokemon(scene); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.MANAPHY); scene.waveSeed = "random2"; Phaser.Math.RND.sow([scene.waveSeed]); scene.rngCounter = 0; result = getRandomPlayerPokemon(scene); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.ARCEUS); }); it("gets an unfainted pokemon from player party if isAllowedInBattle is true", () => { // Only faint 1st pokemon const party = scene.getParty(); party[0].hp = 0; party[0].trySetStatus(StatusEffect.FAINT); party[0].updateInfo(); // Seeds are calculated to return index 0 first, 1 second (if both pokemon are legal) scene.waveSeed = "random"; Phaser.Math.RND.sow([scene.waveSeed]); scene.rngCounter = 0; let result = getRandomPlayerPokemon(scene, true); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.MANAPHY); scene.waveSeed = "random2"; Phaser.Math.RND.sow([scene.waveSeed]); scene.rngCounter = 0; result = getRandomPlayerPokemon(scene, true); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.MANAPHY); }); it("returns last unfainted pokemon if doNotReturnLastAbleMon is false", () => { // Only faint 1st pokemon const party = scene.getParty(); party[0].hp = 0; party[0].trySetStatus(StatusEffect.FAINT); party[0].updateInfo(); // Seeds are calculated to return index 0 first, 1 second (if both pokemon are legal) scene.waveSeed = "random"; Phaser.Math.RND.sow([scene.waveSeed]); scene.rngCounter = 0; let result = getRandomPlayerPokemon(scene, true, false); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.MANAPHY); scene.waveSeed = "random2"; Phaser.Math.RND.sow([scene.waveSeed]); scene.rngCounter = 0; result = getRandomPlayerPokemon(scene, true, false); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.MANAPHY); }); it("never returns last unfainted pokemon if doNotReturnLastAbleMon is true", () => { // Only faint 1st pokemon const party = scene.getParty(); party[0].hp = 0; party[0].trySetStatus(StatusEffect.FAINT); party[0].updateInfo(); // Seeds are calculated to return index 0 first, 1 second (if both pokemon are legal) scene.waveSeed = "random"; Phaser.Math.RND.sow([scene.waveSeed]); scene.rngCounter = 0; let result = getRandomPlayerPokemon(scene, true, true); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.ARCEUS); scene.waveSeed = "random2"; Phaser.Math.RND.sow([scene.waveSeed]); scene.rngCounter = 0; result = getRandomPlayerPokemon(scene, true, true); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.ARCEUS); }); }); describe("getHighestLevelPlayerPokemon", () => { it("gets highest level pokemon", () => { const party = scene.getParty(); party[0].level = 100; const result = getHighestLevelPlayerPokemon(scene); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.ARCEUS); }); it("gets highest level pokemon at different index", () => { const party = scene.getParty(); party[1].level = 100; const result = getHighestLevelPlayerPokemon(scene); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.MANAPHY); }); it("breaks ties by getting returning lower index", () => { const party = scene.getParty(); party[0].level = 100; party[1].level = 100; const result = getHighestLevelPlayerPokemon(scene); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.ARCEUS); }); it("returns highest level unfainted if unfainted is true", () => { const party = scene.getParty(); party[0].level = 100; party[0].hp = 0; party[0].trySetStatus(StatusEffect.FAINT); party[0].updateInfo(); party[1].level = 10; const result = getHighestLevelPlayerPokemon(scene, true); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.MANAPHY); }); }); describe("getLowestLevelPokemon", () => { it("gets lowest level pokemon", () => { const party = scene.getParty(); party[0].level = 100; const result = getLowestLevelPlayerPokemon(scene); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.MANAPHY); }); it("gets lowest level pokemon at different index", () => { const party = scene.getParty(); party[1].level = 100; const result = getLowestLevelPlayerPokemon(scene); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.ARCEUS); }); it("breaks ties by getting returning lower index", () => { const party = scene.getParty(); party[0].level = 100; party[1].level = 100; const result = getLowestLevelPlayerPokemon(scene); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.ARCEUS); }); it("returns lowest level unfainted if unfainted is true", () => { const party = scene.getParty(); party[0].level = 10; party[0].hp = 0; party[0].trySetStatus(StatusEffect.FAINT); party[0].updateInfo(); party[1].level = 100; const result = getLowestLevelPlayerPokemon(scene, true); expect(result.species.speciesId).toBe(Species.MANAPHY); }); }); describe("getRandomSpeciesByStarterTier", () => { it("gets species for a starter tier", () => { const result = getRandomSpeciesByStarterTier(5); const pokeSpecies = getPokemonSpecies(result); expect(pokeSpecies.speciesId).toBe(result); expect(speciesStarters[result]).toBe(5); }); it("gets species for a starter tier range", () => { const result = getRandomSpeciesByStarterTier([5, 8]); const pokeSpecies = getPokemonSpecies(result); expect(pokeSpecies.speciesId).toBe(result); expect(speciesStarters[result]).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(5); expect(speciesStarters[result]).toBeLessThanOrEqual(8); }); it("excludes species from search", () => { // Only 9 tiers are: Koraidon, Miraidon, Arceus, Rayquaza, Kyogre, Groudon, Zacian const result = getRandomSpeciesByStarterTier(9, [Species.KORAIDON, Species.MIRAIDON, Species.ARCEUS, Species.RAYQUAZA, Species.KYOGRE, Species.GROUDON]); const pokeSpecies = getPokemonSpecies(result); expect(pokeSpecies.speciesId).toBe(Species.ZACIAN); }); it("gets species of specified types", () => { // Only 9 tiers are: Koraidon, Miraidon, Arceus, Rayquaza, Kyogre, Groudon, Zacian const result = getRandomSpeciesByStarterTier(9, null, [Type.GROUND]); const pokeSpecies = getPokemonSpecies(result); expect(pokeSpecies.speciesId).toBe(Species.GROUDON); }); }); describe("koPlayerPokemon", () => { it("KOs a pokemon", () => { const party = scene.getParty(); const arceus = party[0]; arceus.hp = 100; expect(arceus.isAllowedInBattle()).toBe(true); koPlayerPokemon(arceus); expect(arceus.isAllowedInBattle()).toBe(false); }); }); describe("getTextWithEncounterDialogueTokens", () => { it("injects dialogue tokens and color styling", () => { scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter = new IMysteryEncounter(null); scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter.setDialogueToken("test", "value"); const result = getEncounterText(scene, "mysteryEncounter:unit_test_dialogue"); expect(result).toEqual("valuevalue {{testvalue}} {{test1}} {{test}} {{test\\}} {{test\\}} {test}}"); }); it("can perform nested dialogue token injection", () => { scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter = new IMysteryEncounter(null); scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter.setDialogueToken("test", "value"); scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter.setDialogueToken("testvalue", "new"); const result = getEncounterText(scene, "mysteryEncounter:unit_test_dialogue"); expect(result).toEqual("valuevalue {{testvalue}} {{test1}} {{test}} {{test\\}} {{test\\}} {test}}"); }); }); describe("queueEncounterMessage", () => { it("queues a message with encounter dialogue tokens", async () => { scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter = new IMysteryEncounter(null); scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter.setDialogueToken("test", "value"); const spy = vi.spyOn(game.scene, "queueMessage"); const phaseSpy = vi.spyOn(game.scene, "unshiftPhase"); queueEncounterMessage(scene, "mysteryEncounter:unit_test_dialogue"); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("valuevalue {{testvalue}} {{test1}} {{test}} {{test\\}} {{test\\}} {test}}", null, true); expect(phaseSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.any(MessagePhase)); }); }); describe("showEncounterText", () => { it("showText with dialogue tokens", async () => { scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter = new IMysteryEncounter(null); scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter.setDialogueToken("test", "value"); const spy = vi.spyOn(game.scene.ui, "showText"); showEncounterText(scene, "mysteryEncounter:unit_test_dialogue"); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("valuevalue {{testvalue}} {{test1}} {{test}} {{test\\}} {{test\\}} {test}}", null, expect.any(Function), 0, true); }); }); describe("showEncounterDialogue", () => { it("showText with dialogue tokens", async () => { scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter = new IMysteryEncounter(null); scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter.setDialogueToken("test", "value"); const spy = vi.spyOn(game.scene.ui, "showDialogue"); showEncounterDialogue(scene, "mysteryEncounter:unit_test_dialogue", "mysteryEncounter:unit_test_dialogue"); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("valuevalue {{testvalue}} {{test1}} {{test}} {{test\\}} {{test\\}} {test}}", "valuevalue {{testvalue}} {{test1}} {{test}} {{test\\}} {{test\\}} {test}}", null, undefined, 0, 0); }); }); describe("initBattleWithEnemyConfig", () => { it("", () => { }); }); describe("setCustomEncounterRewards", () => { it("", () => { }); }); describe("selectPokemonForOption", () => { it("", () => { }); }); describe("setEncounterExp", () => { it("", () => { }); }); describe("leaveEncounterWithoutBattle", () => { it("", () => { }); }); describe("handleMysteryEncounterVictory", () => { it("", () => { }); }); });