import BattleScene from "../battle-scene"; import PokemonSpecies, { getPokemonSpecies, speciesStarters } from "./pokemon-species"; import { VariantTier } from "../enums/variant-tiers"; import * as Utils from "../utils"; import Overrides from "#app/overrides"; import { pokemonPrevolutions } from "./pokemon-evolutions"; import { PlayerPokemon } from "#app/field/pokemon"; import i18next from "i18next"; import { EggTier } from "#enums/egg-type"; import { Species } from "#enums/species"; import { EggSourceType } from "#app/enums/egg-source-types.js"; export const EGG_SEED = 1073741824; // Rates for specific random properties in 1/x const DEFAULT_SHINY_RATE = 128; const GACHA_SHINY_UP_SHINY_RATE = 64; const SAME_SPECIES_EGG_SHINY_RATE = 24; const SAME_SPECIES_EGG_HA_RATE = 8; const MANAPHY_EGG_MANAPHY_RATE = 8; const GACHA_EGG_HA_RATE = 192; // 1/x for legendary eggs, 1/x*2 for epic eggs, 1/x*4 for rare eggs, and 1/x*8 for common eggs const DEFAULT_RARE_EGGMOVE_RATE = 6; const SAME_SPECIES_EGG_RARE_EGGMOVE_RATE = 3; const GACHA_MOVE_UP_RARE_EGGMOVE_RATE = 3; /** Egg options to override egg properties */ export interface IEggOptions { /** Id. Used to check if egg type will be manaphy (id % 204 === 0) */ id?: number; /** Timestamp when this egg got created */ timestamp?: number; /** Defines if the egg got pulled from a gacha or not. If true, egg pity and pull statistics will be applyed. * Egg will be automaticly added to the game data. * NEEDS scene eggOption to work. */ pulled?: boolean; /** Defines where the egg comes from. Applies specific modifiers. * Will also define the text displayed in the egg list. */ sourceType?: EggSourceType; /** Needs to be defined if eggOption pulled is defined or if no species or isShiny is degined since this will be needed to generate them. */ scene?: BattleScene; /** Sets the tier of the egg. Only species of this tier can be hatched from this egg. * Tier will be overriden if species eggOption is set. */ tier?: EggTier; /** Sets how many waves it will take till this egg hatches. */ hatchWaves?: number; /** Sets the exact species that will hatch from this egg. * Needs scene eggOption if not provided. */ species?: Species; /** Defines if the hatched pokemon will be a shiny. */ isShiny?: boolean; /** Defines the variant of the pokemon that will hatch from this egg. If no variantTier is given the normal variant rates will apply. */ variantTier?: VariantTier; /** Defines which egg move will be unlocked. 3 = rare egg move. */ eggMoveIndex?: number; /** Defines if the egg will hatch with the hidden ability of this species. * If no hidden ability exist, a random one will get choosen. */ overrideHiddenAbility?: boolean } export class Egg { //// // #region Private properties //// private _id: number; private _tier: EggTier; private _sourceType: EggSourceType | undefined; private _hatchWaves: number; private _timestamp: number; private _species: Species; private _isShiny: boolean; private _variantTier: VariantTier; private _eggMoveIndex: number; private _overrideHiddenAbility: boolean; //// // #endregion //// //// // #region Public facing properties //// get id(): number { return this._id; } get tier(): EggTier { return this._tier; } get sourceType(): EggSourceType | undefined { return this._sourceType; } get hatchWaves(): number { return this._hatchWaves; } set hatchWaves(value: number) { this._hatchWaves = value; } get timestamp(): number { return this._timestamp; } get species(): Species { return this._species; } get isShiny(): boolean { return this._isShiny; } get variantTier(): VariantTier { return this._variantTier; } get eggMoveIndex(): number { return this._eggMoveIndex; } get overrideHiddenAbility(): boolean { return this._overrideHiddenAbility; } //// // #endregion //// constructor(eggOptions?: IEggOptions) { const generateEggProperties = (eggOptions?: IEggOptions) => { //if (eggOptions.tier && eggOptions.species) throw Error("Error egg can't have species and tier as option. only choose one of them.") this._sourceType = eggOptions?.sourceType!; // TODO: is this bang correct? // Ensure _sourceType is defined before invoking rollEggTier(), as it is referenced this._tier = eggOptions?.tier ?? (Overrides.EGG_TIER_OVERRIDE ?? this.rollEggTier()); // If egg was pulled, check if egg pity needs to override the egg tier if (eggOptions?.pulled) { // Needs this._tier and this._sourceType to work this.checkForPityTierOverrides(eggOptions.scene!); // TODO: is this bang correct? } this._id = eggOptions?.id ?? Utils.randInt(EGG_SEED, EGG_SEED * this._tier); this._sourceType = eggOptions?.sourceType ?? undefined; this._hatchWaves = eggOptions?.hatchWaves ?? this.getEggTierDefaultHatchWaves(); this._timestamp = eggOptions?.timestamp ?? new Date().getTime(); // First roll shiny and variant so we can filter if species with an variant exist this._isShiny = eggOptions?.isShiny ?? (Overrides.EGG_SHINY_OVERRIDE || this.rollShiny()); this._variantTier = eggOptions?.variantTier ?? (Overrides.EGG_VARIANT_OVERRIDE ?? this.rollVariant()); this._species = eggOptions?.species ?? this.rollSpecies(eggOptions!.scene!)!; // TODO: Are those bangs correct? this._overrideHiddenAbility = eggOptions?.overrideHiddenAbility ?? false; // Override egg tier and hatchwaves if species was given if (eggOptions?.species) { this._tier = this.getEggTierFromSpeciesStarterValue(); this._hatchWaves = eggOptions.hatchWaves ?? this.getEggTierDefaultHatchWaves(); } // If species has no variant, set variantTier to common. This needs to // be done because species with no variants get filtered at rollSpecies but if the // species is set via options or the legendary gacha pokemon gets choosen the check never happens if (this._species && !getPokemonSpecies(this._species).hasVariants()) { this._variantTier = VariantTier.COMMON; } // Needs this._tier so it needs to be generated afer the tier override if bought from same species this._eggMoveIndex = eggOptions?.eggMoveIndex ?? this.rollEggMoveIndex(); if (eggOptions?.pulled) { this.increasePullStatistic(eggOptions.scene!); // TODO: is this bang correct? this.addEggToGameData(eggOptions.scene!); // TODO: is this bang correct? } }; if (eggOptions?.scene) { const seedOverride = Utils.randomString(24); eggOptions?.scene.executeWithSeedOffset(() => { generateEggProperties(eggOptions); }, 0, seedOverride); } else { // For legacy eggs without scene generateEggProperties(eggOptions); } } //// // #region Public methods //// public isManaphyEgg(): boolean { return (this._species === Species.PHIONE || this._species === Species.MANAPHY) || this._tier === EggTier.COMMON && !(this._id % 204) && !this._species; } public getKey(): string { if (this.isManaphyEgg()) { return "manaphy"; } return this._tier.toString(); } // Generates a PlayerPokemon from an egg public generatePlayerPokemon(scene: BattleScene): PlayerPokemon { let ret: PlayerPokemon; const generatePlayerPokemonHelper = (scene: BattleScene) => { // Legacy egg wants to hatch. Generate missing properties if (!this._species) { this._isShiny = this.rollShiny(); this._species = this.rollSpecies(scene!)!; // TODO: are these bangs correct? } let pokemonSpecies = getPokemonSpecies(this._species); // Special condition to have Phione eggs also have a chance of generating Manaphy if (this._species === Species.PHIONE) { pokemonSpecies = getPokemonSpecies(Utils.randSeedInt(MANAPHY_EGG_MANAPHY_RATE) ? Species.PHIONE : Species.MANAPHY); } // Sets the hidden ability if a hidden ability exists and // the override is set or the egg hits the chance let abilityIndex: number | undefined = undefined; const sameSpeciesEggHACheck = (this._sourceType === EggSourceType.SAME_SPECIES_EGG && !Utils.randSeedInt(SAME_SPECIES_EGG_HA_RATE)); const gachaEggHACheck = (!(this._sourceType === EggSourceType.SAME_SPECIES_EGG) && !Utils.randSeedInt(GACHA_EGG_HA_RATE)); if (pokemonSpecies.abilityHidden && (this._overrideHiddenAbility || sameSpeciesEggHACheck || gachaEggHACheck)) { abilityIndex = 2; } // This function has way to many optional parameters ret = scene.addPlayerPokemon(pokemonSpecies, 1, abilityIndex, undefined, undefined, false); ret.shiny = this._isShiny; ret.variant = this._variantTier; const secondaryIvs = Utils.getIvsFromId(Utils.randSeedInt(4294967295)); for (let s = 0; s < ret.ivs.length; s++) { ret.ivs[s] = Math.max(ret.ivs[s], secondaryIvs[s]); } }; ret = ret!; // Tell TS compiler it's defined now scene.executeWithSeedOffset(() => { generatePlayerPokemonHelper(scene); }, this._id, EGG_SEED.toString()); return ret; } // Doesn't need to be called if the egg got pulled by a gacha machiene public addEggToGameData(scene: BattleScene): void { scene.gameData.eggs.push(this); } public getEggDescriptor(): string { if (this.isManaphyEgg()) { return "Manaphy"; } switch (this.tier) { case EggTier.GREAT: return i18next.t("egg:greatTier"); case EggTier.ULTRA: return i18next.t("egg:ultraTier"); case EggTier.MASTER: return i18next.t("egg:masterTier"); default: return i18next.t("egg:defaultTier"); } } public getEggHatchWavesMessage(): string { if (this.hatchWaves <= 5) { return i18next.t("egg:hatchWavesMessageSoon"); } if (this.hatchWaves <= 15) { return i18next.t("egg:hatchWavesMessageClose"); } if (this.hatchWaves <= 50) { return i18next.t("egg:hatchWavesMessageNotClose"); } return i18next.t("egg:hatchWavesMessageLongTime"); } public getEggTypeDescriptor(scene: BattleScene): string { switch (this.sourceType) { case EggSourceType.SAME_SPECIES_EGG: return i18next.t("egg:sameSpeciesEgg", { species: getPokemonSpecies(this._species).getName()}); case EggSourceType.GACHA_LEGENDARY: return `${i18next.t("egg:gachaTypeLegendary")} (${getPokemonSpecies(getLegendaryGachaSpeciesForTimestamp(scene, this.timestamp)).getName()})`; case EggSourceType.GACHA_SHINY: return i18next.t("egg:gachaTypeShiny"); case EggSourceType.GACHA_MOVE: return i18next.t("egg:gachaTypeMove"); default: console.warn("getEggTypeDescriptor case not defined. Returning default empty string"); return ""; } } //// // #endregion //// //// // #region Private methods //// private rollEggMoveIndex() { let baseChance = DEFAULT_RARE_EGGMOVE_RATE; switch (this._sourceType) { case EggSourceType.SAME_SPECIES_EGG: baseChance = SAME_SPECIES_EGG_RARE_EGGMOVE_RATE; break; case EggSourceType.GACHA_MOVE: baseChance = GACHA_MOVE_UP_RARE_EGGMOVE_RATE; break; default: break; } return Utils.randSeedInt(baseChance * Math.pow(2, 3 - this.tier)) ? Utils.randSeedInt(3) : 3; } private getEggTierDefaultHatchWaves(eggTier?: EggTier): number { if (this._species === Species.PHIONE || this._species === Species.MANAPHY) { return 50; } switch (eggTier ?? this._tier) { case EggTier.COMMON: return 10; case EggTier.GREAT: return 25; case EggTier.ULTRA: return 50; } return 100; } private rollEggTier(): EggTier { const tierValueOffset = this._sourceType === EggSourceType.GACHA_LEGENDARY ? 1 : 0; const tierValue = Utils.randInt(256); return tierValue >= 52 + tierValueOffset ? EggTier.COMMON : tierValue >= 8 + tierValueOffset ? EggTier.GREAT : tierValue >= 1 + tierValueOffset ? EggTier.ULTRA : EggTier.MASTER; } private rollSpecies(scene: BattleScene): Species | null { if (!scene) { return null; } /** * Manaphy eggs have a 1/8 chance of being Manaphy and 7/8 chance of being Phione * Legendary eggs pulled from the legendary gacha have a 50% of being converted into * the species that was the legendary focus at the time */ if (this.isManaphyEgg()) { const rand = Utils.randSeedInt(MANAPHY_EGG_MANAPHY_RATE); return rand ? Species.PHIONE : Species.MANAPHY; } else if (this.tier === EggTier.MASTER && this._sourceType === EggSourceType.GACHA_LEGENDARY) { if (!Utils.randSeedInt(2)) { return getLegendaryGachaSpeciesForTimestamp(scene, this.timestamp); } } let minStarterValue: integer; let maxStarterValue: integer; switch (this.tier) { case EggTier.GREAT: minStarterValue = 4; maxStarterValue = 5; break; case EggTier.ULTRA: minStarterValue = 6; maxStarterValue = 7; break; case EggTier.MASTER: minStarterValue = 8; maxStarterValue = 9; break; default: minStarterValue = 1; maxStarterValue = 3; break; } const ignoredSpecies = [Species.PHIONE, Species.MANAPHY, Species.ETERNATUS]; let speciesPool = Object.keys(speciesStarters) .filter(s => speciesStarters[s] >= minStarterValue && speciesStarters[s] <= maxStarterValue) .map(s => parseInt(s) as Species) .filter(s => !pokemonPrevolutions.hasOwnProperty(s) && getPokemonSpecies(s).isObtainable() && ignoredSpecies.indexOf(s) === -1); // If this is the 10th egg without unlocking something new, attempt to force it. if (scene.gameData.unlockPity[this.tier] >= 9) { const lockedPool = speciesPool.filter(s => !scene.gameData.dexData[s].caughtAttr && !scene.gameData.eggs.some(e => e.species === s)); if (lockedPool.length) { // Skip this if everything is unlocked speciesPool = lockedPool; } } // If egg variant is set to RARE or EPIC, filter species pool to only include ones with variants. if (this.variantTier && (this.variantTier === VariantTier.RARE || this.variantTier === VariantTier.EPIC)) { speciesPool = speciesPool.filter(s => getPokemonSpecies(s).hasVariants()); } /** * Pokemon that are cheaper in their tier get a weight boost. Regionals get a weight penalty * 1 cost mons get 2x * 2 cost mons get 1.5x * 4, 6, 8 cost mons get 1.75x * 3, 5, 7, 9 cost mons get 1x * Alolan, Galarian, Hisui, and Paldean mons get 0.5x * * The total weight is also being calculated EACH time there is an egg hatch instead of being generated once * and being the same each time */ let totalWeight = 0; const speciesWeights : number[] = []; for (const speciesId of speciesPool) { let weight = Math.floor((((maxStarterValue - speciesStarters[speciesId]) / ((maxStarterValue - minStarterValue) + 1)) * 1.5 + 1) * 100); const species = getPokemonSpecies(speciesId); if (species.isRegional()) { weight = Math.floor(weight / 2); } speciesWeights.push(totalWeight + weight); totalWeight += weight; } let species: Species; const rand = Utils.randSeedInt(totalWeight); for (let s = 0; s < speciesWeights.length; s++) { if (rand < speciesWeights[s]) { species = speciesPool[s]; break; } } species = species!; // tell TS compiled it's defined now! if (!!scene.gameData.dexData[species].caughtAttr || scene.gameData.eggs.some(e => e.species === species)) { scene.gameData.unlockPity[this.tier] = Math.min(scene.gameData.unlockPity[this.tier] + 1, 10); } else { scene.gameData.unlockPity[this.tier] = 0; } return species; } /** * Rolls whether the egg is shiny or not. * @returns True if the egg is shiny **/ private rollShiny(): boolean { let shinyChance = DEFAULT_SHINY_RATE; switch (this._sourceType) { case EggSourceType.GACHA_SHINY: shinyChance = GACHA_SHINY_UP_SHINY_RATE; break; case EggSourceType.SAME_SPECIES_EGG: shinyChance = SAME_SPECIES_EGG_SHINY_RATE; break; default: break; } return !Utils.randSeedInt(shinyChance); } // Uses the same logic as pokemon.generateVariant(). I would like to only have this logic in one // place but I don't want to touch the pokemon class. private rollVariant(): VariantTier { if (!this.isShiny) { return VariantTier.COMMON; } const rand = Utils.randSeedInt(10); if (rand >= 4) { return VariantTier.COMMON; // 6/10 } else if (rand >= 1) { return VariantTier.RARE; // 3/10 } else { return VariantTier.EPIC; // 1/10 } } private checkForPityTierOverrides(scene: BattleScene): void { const tierValueOffset = this._sourceType === EggSourceType.GACHA_LEGENDARY ? 1 : 0; scene.gameData.eggPity[EggTier.GREAT] += 1; scene.gameData.eggPity[EggTier.ULTRA] += 1; scene.gameData.eggPity[EggTier.MASTER] += 1 + tierValueOffset; // These numbers are roughly the 80% mark. That is, 80% of the time you'll get an egg before this gets triggered. if (scene.gameData.eggPity[EggTier.MASTER] >= 412 && this._tier === EggTier.COMMON) { this._tier = EggTier.MASTER; } else if (scene.gameData.eggPity[EggTier.ULTRA] >= 59 && this._tier === EggTier.COMMON) { this._tier = EggTier.ULTRA; } else if (scene.gameData.eggPity[EggTier.GREAT] >= 9 && this._tier === EggTier.COMMON) { this._tier = EggTier.GREAT; } scene.gameData.eggPity[this._tier] = 0; } private increasePullStatistic(scene: BattleScene): void { scene.gameData.gameStats.eggsPulled++; if (this.isManaphyEgg()) { scene.gameData.gameStats.manaphyEggsPulled++; this._hatchWaves = this.getEggTierDefaultHatchWaves(EggTier.ULTRA); return; } switch (this.tier) { case EggTier.GREAT: scene.gameData.gameStats.rareEggsPulled++; break; case EggTier.ULTRA: scene.gameData.gameStats.epicEggsPulled++; break; case EggTier.MASTER: scene.gameData.gameStats.legendaryEggsPulled++; break; } } private getEggTierFromSpeciesStarterValue(): EggTier { const speciesStartValue = speciesStarters[this.species]; if (speciesStartValue >= 1 && speciesStartValue <= 3) { return EggTier.COMMON; } if (speciesStartValue >= 4 && speciesStartValue <= 5) { return EggTier.GREAT; } if (speciesStartValue >= 6 && speciesStartValue <= 7) { return EggTier.ULTRA; } if (speciesStartValue >= 8) { return EggTier.MASTER; } return EggTier.COMMON; } //// // #endregion //// } export function getLegendaryGachaSpeciesForTimestamp(scene: BattleScene, timestamp: number): Species { const legendarySpecies = Object.entries(speciesStarters) .filter(s => s[1] >= 8 && s[1] <= 9) .map(s => parseInt(s[0])) .filter(s => getPokemonSpecies(s).isObtainable()); let ret: Species; // 86400000 is the number of miliseconds in one day const timeDate = new Date(timestamp); const dayTimestamp = timeDate.getTime(); // Timestamp of current week const offset = Math.floor(Math.floor(dayTimestamp / 86400000) / legendarySpecies.length); // Cycle number const index = Math.floor(dayTimestamp / 86400000) % legendarySpecies.length; // Index within cycle scene.executeWithSeedOffset(() => { ret = Phaser.Math.RND.shuffle(legendarySpecies)[index]; }, offset, EGG_SEED.toString()); ret = ret!; // tell TS compiler it's return ret; } /** * Check for a given species EggTier Value * @param species - Species for wich we will check the egg tier it belongs to * @returns The egg tier of a given pokemon species */ export function getEggTierForSpecies(pokemonSpecies :PokemonSpecies): EggTier { const speciesBaseValue = speciesStarters[pokemonSpecies.getRootSpeciesId()]; if (speciesBaseValue <= 3) { return EggTier.COMMON; } else if (speciesBaseValue <= 5) { return EggTier.GREAT; } else if (speciesBaseValue <= 7) { return EggTier.ULTRA; } return EggTier.MASTER; }