import BattleScene from "../battle-scene"; import Pokemon from "./pokemon"; import * as Utils from "../utils"; export default class PokemonSpriteSparkleHandler { private sprites: Set; setup(scene: BattleScene): void { this.sprites = new Set(); scene.tweens.addCounter({ duration: Utils.fixedInt(200), from: 0, to: 1, yoyo: true, repeat: -1, onRepeat: () => this.onLapse() }); } onLapse(): void { Array.from(this.sprites.values()).filter(s => !s.scene).map(s => this.sprites.delete(s)); for (const s of this.sprites.values()) { if (!s.pipelineData["teraColor"] || !(s.pipelineData["teraColor"] as number[]).find(c => c)) { continue; } if (!s.visible || (s.parentContainer instanceof Pokemon && !s.parentContainer.parentContainer)) { continue; } const pokemon = s.parentContainer instanceof Pokemon ? s.parentContainer as Pokemon : null; const parent = (pokemon || s).parentContainer; const texture = s.texture; const [ width, height ] = [ texture.source[0].width, texture.source[0].height ]; const [ pixelX, pixelY ] = [ Utils.randInt(width), Utils.randInt(height) ]; const ratioX = s.width / width; const ratioY = s.height / height; const pixel = texture.manager.getPixel(pixelX, pixelY, texture.key, "__BASE"); if (pixel.alpha) { const [ xOffset, yOffset ] = [ -s.originX * s.width, -s.originY * s.height]; const sparkle = (s.scene as BattleScene).addFieldSprite(((pokemon?.x || 0) + s.x + pixelX * ratioX + xOffset), ((pokemon?.y || 0) + s.y + pixelY * ratioY + yOffset), "tera_sparkle"); sparkle.pipelineData["ignoreTimeTint"] = s.pipelineData["ignoreTimeTint"];"tera_sparkle"); parent.add(sparkle); s.scene.time.delayedCall(Utils.fixedInt(Math.floor((1000 / 12) * 13)), () => sparkle.destroy()); } } } add(sprites: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite | Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[]): void { if (!Array.isArray(sprites)) { sprites = [ sprites ]; } for (const s of sprites) { if (this.sprites.has(s)) { continue; } this.sprites.add(s); } } remove(sprites: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite | Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[]): void { if (!Array.isArray(sprites)) { sprites = [ sprites ]; } for (const s of sprites) { this.sprites.delete(s); } } removeAll(): void { for (const s of this.sprites.values()) { this.sprites.delete(s); } } }