import BattleScene from "../battle-scene"; import { TextStyle, addTextObject, getTextStyleOptions } from "./text"; import { Mode } from "./ui"; import UiHandler from "./ui-handler"; import { addWindow } from "./ui-theme"; import * as Utils from "../utils"; import { argbFromRgba } from "@material/material-color-utilities"; import {Button} from "#enums/buttons"; export interface OptionSelectConfig { xOffset?: number; yOffset?: number; options: OptionSelectItem[]; maxOptions?: integer; delay?: integer; noCancel?: boolean; supportHover?: boolean; } export interface OptionSelectItem { label: string; handler: () => boolean; onHover?: () => void; keepOpen?: boolean; overrideSound?: boolean; item?: string; itemArgs?: any[]; } const scrollUpLabel = "↑"; const scrollDownLabel = "↓"; export default abstract class AbstractOptionSelectUiHandler extends UiHandler { protected optionSelectContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; protected optionSelectBg: Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice; protected optionSelectText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text; protected optionSelectIcons: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[]; protected config: OptionSelectConfig | null; protected blockInput: boolean; protected scrollCursor: integer = 0; protected scale: number = 0.1666666667; private cursorObj: Phaser.GameObjects.Image | null; constructor(scene: BattleScene, mode: Mode | null) { super(scene, mode); } abstract getWindowWidth(): integer; getWindowHeight(): integer { return (Math.min((this.config?.options || []).length, this.config?.maxOptions || 99) + 1) * 96 * this.scale; } setup() { const ui = this.getUi(); this.optionSelectContainer = this.scene.add.container(( / 6) - 1, -48); this.optionSelectContainer.setName(`option-select-${this.mode ? Mode[this.mode] : "UNKNOWN"}`); this.optionSelectContainer.setVisible(false); ui.add(this.optionSelectContainer); this.optionSelectBg = addWindow(this.scene, 0, 0, this.getWindowWidth(), this.getWindowHeight()); this.optionSelectBg.setName("option-select-bg"); this.optionSelectBg.setOrigin(1, 1); this.optionSelectContainer.add(this.optionSelectBg); this.optionSelectIcons = []; this.scale = getTextStyleOptions(TextStyle.WINDOW, (this.scene as BattleScene).uiTheme).scale; this.setCursor(0); } protected setupOptions() { const options = this.config?.options || []; if (this.optionSelectText) { this.optionSelectText.destroy(); } if (this.optionSelectIcons?.length) { => i.destroy()); this.optionSelectIcons.splice(0, this.optionSelectIcons.length); } this.optionSelectText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, => o.item ? ` ${o.label}` : o.label).join("\n"), TextStyle.WINDOW, { maxLines: options.length }); this.optionSelectText.setLineSpacing(this.scale * 72); this.optionSelectText.setName("text-option-select"); this.optionSelectText.setLineSpacing(12); this.optionSelectContainer.add(this.optionSelectText); this.optionSelectContainer.setPosition(( / 6) - 1 - (this.config?.xOffset || 0), -48 + (this.config?.yOffset || 0)); this.optionSelectBg.width = Math.max(this.optionSelectText.displayWidth + 24, this.getWindowWidth()); if (this.config?.options && this.config?.options.length > (this.config?.maxOptions!)) { // TODO: is this bang correct? this.optionSelectText.setText(this.getOptionsWithScroll().map(o => o.label).join("\n")); } this.optionSelectBg.height = this.getWindowHeight(); this.optionSelectText.setPositionRelative(this.optionSelectBg, 12+24*this.scale, 2+42*this.scale); options.forEach((option: OptionSelectItem, i: integer) => { if (option.item) { const itemIcon = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, "items", option.item); itemIcon.setScale(3 * this.scale); this.optionSelectIcons.push(itemIcon); this.optionSelectContainer.add(itemIcon); itemIcon.setPositionRelative(this.optionSelectText, 36 * this.scale, 7 + i * (114 * this.scale - 3)); if (option.item === "candy") { const itemOverlayIcon = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, "items", "candy_overlay"); itemOverlayIcon.setScale(3 * this.scale); this.optionSelectIcons.push(itemOverlayIcon); this.optionSelectContainer.add(itemOverlayIcon); itemOverlayIcon.setPositionRelative(this.optionSelectText, 36 * this.scale, 7 + i * (114 * this.scale - 3)); if (option.itemArgs) { itemIcon.setTint(argbFromRgba(Utils.rgbHexToRgba(option.itemArgs[0]))); itemOverlayIcon.setTint(argbFromRgba(Utils.rgbHexToRgba(option.itemArgs[1]))); } } } }); } show(args: any[]): boolean { if (!args.length || !args[0].hasOwnProperty("options") || !args[0].options.length) { return false; }; this.config = args[0] as OptionSelectConfig; this.setupOptions(); this.scene.ui.bringToTop(this.optionSelectContainer); this.optionSelectContainer.setVisible(true); this.scrollCursor = 0; this.setCursor(0); if (this.config.delay) { this.blockInput = true; this.optionSelectText.setAlpha(0.5); this.scene.time.delayedCall(Utils.fixedInt(this.config.delay), () => this.unblockInput()); } return true; } processInput(button: Button): boolean { const ui = this.getUi(); let success = false; const options = this.getOptionsWithScroll(); let playSound = true; if (button === Button.ACTION || button === Button.CANCEL) { if (this.blockInput) { ui.playError(); return false; } success = true; if (button === Button.CANCEL) { if (this.config?.maxOptions && this.config.options.length > this.config.maxOptions) { this.scrollCursor = (this.config.options.length - this.config.maxOptions) + 1; this.cursor = options.length - 1; } else if (!this.config?.noCancel) { this.setCursor(options.length - 1); } else { return false; } } const option = this.config?.options[this.cursor + (this.scrollCursor - (this.scrollCursor ? 1 : 0))]; if (option?.handler()) { if (!option.keepOpen) { this.clear(); } playSound = !option.overrideSound; } else { ui.playError(); } } else { switch (button) { case Button.UP: if (this.cursor) { success = this.setCursor(this.cursor - 1); } break; case Button.DOWN: if (this.cursor < options.length - 1) { success = this.setCursor(this.cursor + 1); } break; } if (this.config?.supportHover) { // handle hover code if the element supports hover-handlers and the option has the optional hover-handler set. this.config?.options[this.cursor + (this.scrollCursor - (this.scrollCursor ? 1 : 0))]?.onHover?.(); } } if (success && playSound) { ui.playSelect(); } return success; } unblockInput(): void { if (!this.blockInput) { return; } this.blockInput = false; this.optionSelectText.setAlpha(1); } getOptionsWithScroll(): OptionSelectItem[] { if (!this.config) { return []; } const options = this.config.options.slice(0); if (!this.config.maxOptions || this.config.options.length < this.config.maxOptions) { return options; } const optionsScrollTotal = options.length; const optionStartIndex = this.scrollCursor; const optionEndIndex = Math.min(optionsScrollTotal, optionStartIndex + (!optionStartIndex || this.scrollCursor + (this.config.maxOptions - 1) >= optionsScrollTotal ? this.config.maxOptions - 1 : this.config.maxOptions - 2)); if (this.config?.maxOptions && options.length > this.config.maxOptions) { options.splice(optionEndIndex, optionsScrollTotal); options.splice(0, optionStartIndex); if (optionStartIndex) { options.unshift({ label: scrollUpLabel, handler: () => true }); } if (optionEndIndex < optionsScrollTotal) { options.push({ label: scrollDownLabel, handler: () => true }); } } return options; } setCursor(cursor: integer): boolean { const changed = this.cursor !== cursor; let isScroll = false; const options = this.getOptionsWithScroll(); if (changed && this.config?.maxOptions && this.config.options.length > this.config.maxOptions) { const optionsScrollTotal = options.length; if (Math.abs(cursor - this.cursor) === options.length - 1) { this.scrollCursor = cursor ? optionsScrollTotal - (this.config.maxOptions - 1) : 0; this.setupOptions(); } else { const isDown = cursor && cursor > this.cursor; if (isDown) { if (options[cursor].label === scrollDownLabel) { isScroll = true; this.scrollCursor++; } } else { if (!cursor && this.scrollCursor) { isScroll = true; this.scrollCursor--; } } if (isScroll && this.scrollCursor === 1) { this.scrollCursor += isDown ? 1 : -1; } } } if (isScroll) { this.setupOptions(); } else { this.cursor = cursor; } if (!this.cursorObj) { this.cursorObj = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, "cursor"); this.optionSelectContainer.add(this.cursorObj); } this.cursorObj.setScale(this.scale * 6); this.cursorObj.setPositionRelative(this.optionSelectBg, 12, 102*this.scale + this.cursor * (114 * this.scale - 3)); return changed; } clear() { super.clear(); this.config = null; this.optionSelectContainer.setVisible(false); this.eraseCursor(); } eraseCursor() { if (this.cursorObj) { this.cursorObj.destroy(); } this.cursorObj = null; } }