import { UiTheme } from "#app/enums/ui-theme"; import BattleScene, { legacyCompatibleImages } from "../battle-scene"; export enum WindowVariant { NORMAL, THIN, XTHIN } export function getWindowVariantSuffix(windowVariant: WindowVariant): string { switch (windowVariant) { case WindowVariant.THIN: return '_thin'; case WindowVariant.XTHIN: return '_xthin'; default: return ''; } } const windowTypeControlColors = { [UiTheme.DEFAULT]: { 0: [ '#6b5a73', '#DD5748', '#7E4955' ], 1: [ '#6b5a73', '#48DDAA', '#4D7574' ], 2: [ '#6b5a73', '#C5C5C5', '#766D7E' ], 3: [ '#6b5a73', '#EBC07C', '#836C66' ], 4: [ '#686868', '#E8E8E8', '#919191' ] }, [UiTheme.LEGACY]: { 0: [ '#706880', '#8888c8', '#484868' ], 1: [ '#d04028', '#e0a028', '#902008' ], 2: [ '#48b840', '#88d880', '#089040' ], 3: [ '#2068d0', '#80b0e0', '#104888' ], 4: [ '#706880', '#8888c8', '#484868' ] } }; export function addWindow(scene: BattleScene, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, mergeMaskTop?: boolean, mergeMaskLeft?: boolean, maskOffsetX?: number, maskOffsetY?: number, windowVariant?: WindowVariant): Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice { if (windowVariant === undefined) windowVariant = WindowVariant.NORMAL; const borderSize = scene.uiTheme ? 6 : 8; const window = scene.add.nineslice(x, y, `window_${scene.windowType}${getWindowVariantSuffix(windowVariant)}`, null, width, height, borderSize, borderSize, borderSize, borderSize); window.setOrigin(0, 0); if (mergeMaskTop || mergeMaskLeft) { const maskRect ={}); maskRect.setScale(6); maskRect.fillStyle(0xFFFFFF); maskRect.beginPath(); maskRect.fillRect(window.x + (mergeMaskLeft ? 2 : 0) + (maskOffsetX || 0), window.y + (mergeMaskTop ? 2 : 0) + (maskOffsetY || 0), window.width - (mergeMaskLeft ? 2 : 0), window.height - (mergeMaskTop ? 2 : 0)); window.setMask(maskRect.createGeometryMask()); } return window; } export function updateWindowType(scene: BattleScene, windowTypeIndex: integer): void { const windowObjects: [Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice, WindowVariant][] = []; const bgObjects: Phaser.GameObjects.Image[] = []; const traverse = (object: any) => { if (object.hasOwnProperty('children')) { const children = object.children as Phaser.GameObjects.DisplayList; for (let child of children.getAll()) traverse(child); } else if (object instanceof Phaser.GameObjects.Container) { for (let child of object.getAll()) traverse(child); } else if (object instanceof Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice) { if (object.texture.key.startsWith('window_')) windowObjects.push([ object, object.texture.key.endsWith(getWindowVariantSuffix(WindowVariant.XTHIN)) ? WindowVariant.XTHIN : object.texture.key.endsWith(getWindowVariantSuffix(WindowVariant.THIN)) ? WindowVariant.THIN : WindowVariant.NORMAL ]); } else if (object instanceof Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite && object.texture?.key === 'bg') bgObjects.push(object) } traverse(scene); scene.windowType = windowTypeIndex; const rootStyle =; [ 'base', 'light', 'dark' ].map((k, i) => rootStyle.setProperty(`--color-${k}`, windowTypeControlColors[scene.uiTheme][windowTypeIndex - 1][i])); const windowKey = `window_${windowTypeIndex}`; for (let [ window, variant ] of windowObjects) window.setTexture(`${windowKey}${getWindowVariantSuffix(variant)}`); for (let bg of bgObjects) bg.setFrame(windowTypeIndex); } export function addUiThemeOverrides(scene: BattleScene): void { const originalAddImage = scene.add.image; scene.add.image = function (x: number, y: number, texture: string | Phaser.Textures.Texture, frame?: string | number): Phaser.GameObjects.Image { let legacy = false; if (typeof texture === 'string' && scene.uiTheme && legacyCompatibleImages.includes(texture)) { legacy = true; texture += '_legacy'; } const ret: Phaser.GameObjects.Image = originalAddImage.apply(this, [ x, y, texture, frame ]); if (legacy) { const originalSetTexture = ret.setTexture; ret.setTexture = function (key: string, frame?: string | number) { key += '_legacy'; return originalSetTexture.apply(this, [ key, frame ]); }; } return ret; }; const originalAddSprite = scene.add.sprite; scene.add.sprite = function (x: number, y: number, texture: string | Phaser.Textures.Texture, frame?: string | number): Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite { let legacy = false; if (typeof texture === 'string' && scene.uiTheme && legacyCompatibleImages.includes(texture)) { legacy = true; texture += '_legacy'; } const ret: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite = originalAddSprite.apply(this, [ x, y, texture, frame ]); if (legacy) { const originalSetTexture = ret.setTexture; ret.setTexture = function (key: string, frame?: string | number) { key += '_legacy'; return originalSetTexture.apply(this, [ key, frame ]); }; } return ret; }; const originalAddNineslice = scene.add.nineslice; scene.add.nineslice = function (x: number, y: number, texture: string | Phaser.Textures.Texture, frame?: string | number, width?: number, height?: number, leftWidth?: number, rightWidth?: number, topHeight?: number, bottomHeight?: number): Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice { let legacy = false; if (typeof texture === 'string' && scene.uiTheme && legacyCompatibleImages.includes(texture)) { legacy = true; texture += '_legacy'; } const ret: Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice = originalAddNineslice.apply(this, [ x, y, texture, frame, width, height, leftWidth, rightWidth, topHeight, bottomHeight ]); if (legacy) { const originalSetTexture = ret.setTexture; ret.setTexture = function (key: string | Phaser.Textures.Texture, frame?: string | number, updateSize?: boolean, updateOrigin?: boolean) { key += '_legacy'; return originalSetTexture.apply(this, [ key, frame, updateSize, updateOrigin ]); }; } return ret; }; }