import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/plugins/i18n"; /** * The menu namespace holds most miscellaneous text that isn't directly part of the game's * contents or directly related to Pokemon data. This includes menu navigation, settings, * account interactions, descriptive text, etc. */ export const starterSelectUiHandler: SimpleTranslationEntries = { "confirmStartTeam":"¿Comenzar con estos Pokémon?", "gen1": "I", "gen2": "II", "gen3": "III", "gen4": "IV", "gen5": "V", "gen6": "VI", "gen7": "VII", "gen8": "VIII", "gen9": "IX", "growthRate": "Crecimiento:", "ability": "Habilid:", "passive": "Pasiva:", "nature": "Natur:", "eggMoves": "Mov. Huevo", "start": "Iniciar", "addToParty": "Añadir a Equipo", "toggleIVs": "Mostrar IVs", "manageMoves": "Gestionar Movs.", "manageNature": "Gestionar Natur", "useCandies": "Usar Caramelos", "selectNature": "Elige Natur.", "selectMoveSwapOut": "Elige el movimiento que sustituir.", "selectMoveSwapWith": "Elige el movimiento que sustituirá a", "unlockPassive": "Añadir Pasiva", "reduceCost": "Reducir Coste", "cycleShiny": ": Shiny", "cycleForm": ": Forma", "cycleGender": ": Género", "cycleAbility": ": Habilidad", "cycleNature": ": Naturaleza", "cycleVariant": ": Variante", "enablePassive": "Activar Pasiva", "disablePassive": "Desactivar Pasiva", "locked": "Bloqueado", "disabled": "No disponible", "uncaught": "No capturado" };