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import { AchievementTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales.js";
// Achievement translations for the when the player character is male
export const PGMachv: AchievementTranslationEntries = {
"Achievements": {
name: "Logros",
"Locked": {
name: "Bloqueado",
"MoneyAchv": {
description: "Acumula un total de ₽{{moneyAmount}}.",
"10K_MONEY": {
name: "Ahorrador",
"100K_MONEY": {
name: "Rico",
"1M_MONEY": {
name: "Millonario",
"10M_MONEY": {
name: "Elusión Fiscal",
"DamageAchv": {
description: "Inflige {{damageAmount}} daño en un solo golpe.",
"250_DMG": {
name: "Golpe Maestro",
"1000_DMG": {
name: "Golpe Devastador",
"2500_DMG": {
name: "¡Eso es un montón de daño!",
"10000_DMG": {
name: "One Punch Man",
"HealAchv": {
description: "Cura {{healAmount}} {{HP}} de una, con un movimiento, habilidad o objeto equipado.",
"250_HEAL": {
name: "Sanador Novato",
"1000_HEAL": {
name: "Gran Sanador",
"2500_HEAL": {
name: "Clérigo",
"10000_HEAL": {
name: "Centro Pokémon",
"LevelAchv": {
description: "Sube a un Pokémon al nivel {{level}}.",
"LV_100": {
name: "¡Pero espera, aún hay mas!",
"LV_250": {
name: "Élite",
"LV_1000": {
name: "Supera tus límites",
"RibbonAchv": {
description: "Acumula un total de {{ribbonAmount}} Cintas.",
"10_RIBBONS": {
name: "Campeón Liga Pokémon",
"25_RIBBONS": {
name: "Campeón Liga Super",
"50_RIBBONS": {
name: "Campeón Liga Ultra",
"75_RIBBONS": {
name: "Campeón Liga Rogue",
"100_RIBBONS": {
name: "Campeón Liga Master",
name: "Trabajo en Equipo",
description: "Haz relevo a otro miembro del equipo con al menos una estadística al máximo.",
name: "Amistad Total",
description: "Alcanza con un Pokémon la amistad al máximo.",
name: "Megamorfosis",
description: "Megaevoluciona a un Pokémon.",
name: "Criatura Colosal",
description: "Haz Gigantamax a un Pokémon.",
name: "Entusiasta del STAB",
description: "Teracristaliza a un Pokémon.",
name: "El Tipo Oculto",
description: "Teracristaliza a un Pokémon al tipo Astral.",
name: "Infinite Fusion",
description: "Fusiona dos Pokémon con la Punta ADN.",
name: "Devorador de Objetos",
description: "Adquiere un Mini Agujero Negro.",
name: "Singular",
description: "Captura a un Pokémon Singular.",
name: "(Sub)Legendario",
description: "Captura a un Pokémon Sublegendario.",
name: "Legendario",
description: "Captura a un Pokémon Legendario.",
name: "Shiny",
description: "Encuentra a un Pokémon Shiny salvaje.",
name: "Eso es dedicación",
description: "Tener un equipo completo de Pokémon shiny.",
name: "Huevo Singular",
description: "Hacer eclosionar un Pokémon Singular de un huevo.",
name: "Huevo Sublegendario",
description: "Hacer eclosionar un Pokémon Sublegendario de un huevo.",
name: "Huevo Legendario",
description: "Hacer eclosionar un Pokémon Legendario de un huevo.",
name: "Huevo Shiny",
description: "Hacer eclosionar un Pokémon Shiny de un huevo.",
name: "Potencial Oculto",
description: "Captura un Pokémon con una habilidad oculta.",
name: "Certificado de Autenticidad",
description: "Consigue IVs perfectos en un Pokémon.",
name: "Imbatible",
description: "Completa el juego en modo clásico.",
name: "The Original Rival",
description: "Complete the generation one only challenge.",
name: "Generation 1.5",
description: "Complete the generation two only challenge.",
name: "Too much water?",
description: "Complete the generation three only challenge.",
name: "Is she really the hardest?",
description: "Complete the generation four only challenge.",
name: "All Original",
description: "Complete the generation five only challenge.",
name: "Almost Royalty",
description: "Complete the generation six only challenge.",
name: "Only Technically",
description: "Complete the generation seven only challenge.",
name: "A Champion Time!",
description: "Complete the generation eight only challenge.",
name: "She was going easy on you",
description: "Complete the generation nine only challenge.",
"MonoType": {
description: "Complete the {{type}} monotype challenge.",
name: "Mono NORMAL",
name: "I Know Kung Fu",
name: "Mono FLYING",
name: "Kanto's Favourite",
name: "Mono GROUND",
name: "Brock Hard",
name: "Sting Like A Beedrill",
name: "Who you gonna call?",
name: "Mono STEEL",
name: "Mono FIRE",
name: "When It Rains, It Pours",
name: "Mono GRASS",
name: "Mono ELECTRIC",
name: "Mono PSYCHIC",
name: "Mono ICE",
name: "Mono DRAGON",
name: "It's just a phase",
name: "Mono FAIRY",
} as const;
// Achievement translations for the when the player character is female (it for now uses the same translations as the male version)
export const PGFachv: AchievementTranslationEntries = PGMachv;