mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 21:36:08 +00:00
* Add unit tests for magic bounce * Add reflectable tag and apply to moves * Add BattlerTagType for Magic Coat * Add more magic bounce tests * Add magic bounce test for sticky web source * Mostly working magic bounce and magic coat * Fix missing negation on mayBounce check * Move onto the next target after bouncing * Fix magic bounce accuracy check test * Finish magic bounce impl * Make spikes use leftmost magic bounce target * Add magic coat tests * Add MagicCoatTag to battler-tags.ts * Add final set of tests for Magic Coat / Bounce * Fix semi invulnerbale check in hitCheck * Fix magic bounce semi-invulnerable interaction This was based on smogon's incorrect handling of this situation * Magic bounce should not bounce anything during semi-invulnerable state * Activate mirror armor interaction test Also update i18 locales key to `magicCoatActivated`
3479 lines
136 KiB
3479 lines
136 KiB
import Phaser from "phaser";
import UI from "#app/ui/ui";
import type Pokemon from "#app/field/pokemon";
import { EnemyPokemon, PlayerPokemon } from "#app/field/pokemon";
import type { PokemonSpeciesFilter } from "#app/data/pokemon-species";
import type PokemonSpecies from "#app/data/pokemon-species";
import { allSpecies, getPokemonSpecies } from "#app/data/pokemon-species";
import type { Constructor } from "#app/utils";
import { isNullOrUndefined, randSeedInt } from "#app/utils";
import * as Utils from "#app/utils";
import type { Modifier, ModifierPredicate, TurnHeldItemTransferModifier } from "./modifier/modifier";
import { ConsumableModifier, ConsumablePokemonModifier, DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifier, ExpBalanceModifier, ExpShareModifier, FusePokemonModifier, HealingBoosterModifier, ModifierBar, MultipleParticipantExpBonusModifier, PersistentModifier, PokemonExpBoosterModifier, PokemonFormChangeItemModifier, PokemonHeldItemModifier, PokemonHpRestoreModifier, PokemonIncrementingStatModifier, RememberMoveModifier, TerastallizeModifier } from "./modifier/modifier";
import { PokeballType } from "#enums/pokeball";
import { initCommonAnims, initMoveAnim, loadCommonAnimAssets, loadMoveAnimAssets, populateAnims } from "#app/data/battle-anims";
import type { Phase } from "#app/phase";
import { initGameSpeed } from "#app/system/game-speed";
import { Arena, ArenaBase } from "#app/field/arena";
import { GameData } from "#app/system/game-data";
import { addTextObject, getTextColor, TextStyle } from "#app/ui/text";
import { allMoves } from "#app/data/move";
import { MusicPreference } from "#app/system/settings/settings";
import { getDefaultModifierTypeForTier, getEnemyModifierTypesForWave, getLuckString, getLuckTextTint, getModifierPoolForType, getModifierType, getPartyLuckValue, ModifierPoolType, modifierTypes, PokemonHeldItemModifierType } from "#app/modifier/modifier-type";
import AbilityBar from "#app/ui/ability-bar";
import { allAbilities, applyAbAttrs, applyPostBattleInitAbAttrs, applyPostItemLostAbAttrs, BlockItemTheftAbAttr, DoubleBattleChanceAbAttr, PostBattleInitAbAttr, PostItemLostAbAttr } from "#app/data/ability";
import type { FixedBattleConfig } from "#app/battle";
import Battle, { BattleType } from "#app/battle";
import type { GameMode } from "#app/game-mode";
import { GameModes, getGameMode } from "#app/game-mode";
import FieldSpritePipeline from "#app/pipelines/field-sprite";
import SpritePipeline from "#app/pipelines/sprite";
import PartyExpBar from "#app/ui/party-exp-bar";
import type { TrainerSlot } from "#app/data/trainer-config";
import { trainerConfigs } from "#app/data/trainer-config";
import Trainer, { TrainerVariant } from "#app/field/trainer";
import type TrainerData from "#app/system/trainer-data";
import SoundFade from "phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/soundfade";
import { pokemonPrevolutions } from "#app/data/balance/pokemon-evolutions";
import PokeballTray from "#app/ui/pokeball-tray";
import InvertPostFX from "#app/pipelines/invert";
import type { Achv } from "#app/system/achv";
import { achvs, ModifierAchv, MoneyAchv } from "#app/system/achv";
import type { Voucher } from "#app/system/voucher";
import { vouchers } from "#app/system/voucher";
import { Gender } from "#app/data/gender";
import type UIPlugin from "phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/ui/ui-plugin";
import { addUiThemeOverrides } from "#app/ui/ui-theme";
import type PokemonData from "#app/system/pokemon-data";
import { Nature } from "#enums/nature";
import type { SpeciesFormChange, SpeciesFormChangeTrigger } from "#app/data/pokemon-forms";
import { FormChangeItem, pokemonFormChanges, SpeciesFormChangeManualTrigger, SpeciesFormChangeTimeOfDayTrigger } from "#app/data/pokemon-forms";
import { FormChangePhase } from "#app/phases/form-change-phase";
import { getTypeRgb } from "#app/data/type";
import { Type } from "#enums/type";
import PokemonSpriteSparkleHandler from "#app/field/pokemon-sprite-sparkle-handler";
import CharSprite from "#app/ui/char-sprite";
import DamageNumberHandler from "#app/field/damage-number-handler";
import PokemonInfoContainer from "#app/ui/pokemon-info-container";
import { biomeDepths, getBiomeName } from "#app/data/balance/biomes";
import { SceneBase } from "#app/scene-base";
import CandyBar from "#app/ui/candy-bar";
import type { Variant, VariantSet } from "#app/data/variant";
import { variantColorCache, variantData } from "#app/data/variant";
import type { Localizable } from "#app/interfaces/locales";
import Overrides from "#app/overrides";
import { InputsController } from "#app/inputs-controller";
import { UiInputs } from "#app/ui-inputs";
import { NewArenaEvent } from "#app/events/battle-scene";
import { ArenaFlyout } from "#app/ui/arena-flyout";
import { EaseType } from "#enums/ease-type";
import { BattleSpec } from "#enums/battle-spec";
import { BattleStyle } from "#enums/battle-style";
import { Biome } from "#enums/biome";
import type { ExpNotification } from "#enums/exp-notification";
import { MoneyFormat } from "#enums/money-format";
import { Moves } from "#enums/moves";
import { PlayerGender } from "#enums/player-gender";
import { Species } from "#enums/species";
import { UiTheme } from "#enums/ui-theme";
import { TimedEventManager } from "#app/timed-event-manager";
import type { PokemonAnimType } from "#enums/pokemon-anim-type";
import i18next from "i18next";
import { TrainerType } from "#enums/trainer-type";
import { battleSpecDialogue } from "#app/data/dialogue";
import { LoadingScene } from "#app/loading-scene";
import { LevelCapPhase } from "#app/phases/level-cap-phase";
import { LoginPhase } from "#app/phases/login-phase";
import { MessagePhase } from "#app/phases/message-phase";
import { MovePhase } from "#app/phases/move-phase";
import { NewBiomeEncounterPhase } from "#app/phases/new-biome-encounter-phase";
import { NextEncounterPhase } from "#app/phases/next-encounter-phase";
import { PokemonAnimPhase } from "#app/phases/pokemon-anim-phase";
import { QuietFormChangePhase } from "#app/phases/quiet-form-change-phase";
import { ReturnPhase } from "#app/phases/return-phase";
import { SelectBiomePhase } from "#app/phases/select-biome-phase";
import { ShowTrainerPhase } from "#app/phases/show-trainer-phase";
import { SummonPhase } from "#app/phases/summon-phase";
import { SwitchPhase } from "#app/phases/switch-phase";
import { TitlePhase } from "#app/phases/title-phase";
import { ToggleDoublePositionPhase } from "#app/phases/toggle-double-position-phase";
import { TurnInitPhase } from "#app/phases/turn-init-phase";
import { ShopCursorTarget } from "#app/enums/shop-cursor-target";
import MysteryEncounter from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounter";
import { allMysteryEncounters, ANTI_VARIANCE_WEIGHT_MODIFIER, AVERAGE_ENCOUNTERS_PER_RUN_TARGET, BASE_MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_WEIGHT, MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_MAX_WEIGHT, mysteryEncountersByBiome } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounters";
import { MysteryEncounterSaveData } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounter-save-data";
import { MysteryEncounterType } from "#enums/mystery-encounter-type";
import { MysteryEncounterTier } from "#enums/mystery-encounter-tier";
import type HeldModifierConfig from "#app/interfaces/held-modifier-config";
import { ExpPhase } from "#app/phases/exp-phase";
import { ShowPartyExpBarPhase } from "#app/phases/show-party-exp-bar-phase";
import { MysteryEncounterMode } from "#enums/mystery-encounter-mode";
import { ExpGainsSpeed } from "#enums/exp-gains-speed";
import { BattlerTagType } from "#enums/battler-tag-type";
import { FRIENDSHIP_GAIN_FROM_BATTLE } from "#app/data/balance/starters";
import { StatusEffect } from "#enums/status-effect";
import { initGlobalScene } from "#app/global-scene";
export const bypassLogin = import.meta.env.VITE_BYPASS_LOGIN === "1";
const DEBUG_RNG = false;
const OPP_IVS_OVERRIDE_VALIDATED : number[] = (
Array.isArray(Overrides.OPP_IVS_OVERRIDE) ?
new Array(6).fill(Overrides.OPP_IVS_OVERRIDE)
).map(iv => isNaN(iv) || iv === null || iv > 31 ? -1 : iv);
export const startingWave = Overrides.STARTING_WAVE_OVERRIDE || 1;
const expSpriteKeys: string[] = [];
export let starterColors: StarterColors;
interface StarterColors {
[key: string]: [string, string]
export interface PokeballCounts {
[pb: string]: number;
export type AnySound = Phaser.Sound.WebAudioSound | Phaser.Sound.HTML5AudioSound | Phaser.Sound.NoAudioSound;
export interface InfoToggle {
toggleInfo(force?: boolean): void;
isActive(): boolean;
export default class BattleScene extends SceneBase {
public rexUI: UIPlugin;
public inputController: InputsController;
public uiInputs: UiInputs;
public sessionPlayTime: number | null = null;
public lastSavePlayTime: number | null = null;
public masterVolume: number = 0.5;
public bgmVolume: number = 1;
public fieldVolume: number = 1;
public seVolume: number = 1;
public uiVolume: number = 1;
public gameSpeed: number = 1;
public damageNumbersMode: number = 0;
public reroll: boolean = false;
public shopCursorTarget: number = ShopCursorTarget.REWARDS;
public commandCursorMemory: boolean = false;
public dexForDevs: boolean = false;
public showMovesetFlyout: boolean = true;
public showArenaFlyout: boolean = true;
public showTimeOfDayWidget: boolean = true;
public timeOfDayAnimation: EaseType = EaseType.NONE;
public showLevelUpStats: boolean = true;
public enableTutorials: boolean = import.meta.env.VITE_BYPASS_TUTORIAL === "1";
public enableMoveInfo: boolean = true;
public enableRetries: boolean = false;
public hideIvs: boolean = false;
* Determines the condition for a notification should be shown for Candy Upgrades
* - 0 = 'Off'
* - 1 = 'Passives Only'
* - 2 = 'On'
public candyUpgradeNotification: number = 0;
* Determines what type of notification is used for Candy Upgrades
* - 0 = 'Icon'
* - 1 = 'Animation'
public candyUpgradeDisplay: number = 0;
public moneyFormat: MoneyFormat = MoneyFormat.NORMAL;
public uiTheme: UiTheme = UiTheme.DEFAULT;
public windowType: number = 0;
public experimentalSprites: boolean = false;
public musicPreference: number = MusicPreference.ALLGENS;
public moveAnimations: boolean = true;
public expGainsSpeed: ExpGainsSpeed = ExpGainsSpeed.DEFAULT;
public skipSeenDialogues: boolean = false;
* Determines if the egg hatching animation should be skipped
* - 0 = Never (never skip animation)
* - 1 = Ask (ask to skip animation when hatching 2 or more eggs)
* - 2 = Always (automatically skip animation when hatching 2 or more eggs)
public eggSkipPreference: number = 0;
* Defines the experience gain display mode.
* @remarks
* The `expParty` can have several modes:
* - `0` - Default: The normal experience gain display, nothing changed.
* - `1` - Level Up Notification: Displays the level up in the small frame instead of a message.
* - `2` - Skip: No level up frame nor message.
* Modes `1` and `2` are still compatible with stats display, level up, new move, etc.
* @default 0 - Uses the default normal experience gain display.
public expParty: ExpNotification = 0;
public hpBarSpeed: number = 0;
public fusionPaletteSwaps: boolean = true;
public enableTouchControls: boolean = false;
public enableVibration: boolean = false;
public showBgmBar: boolean = true;
* Determines the selected battle style.
* - 0 = 'Switch'
* - 1 = 'Set' - The option to switch the active pokemon at the start of a battle will not display.
public battleStyle: number = BattleStyle.SWITCH;
* Defines whether or not to show type effectiveness hints
* - true: No hints
* - false: Show hints for moves
public typeHints: boolean = false;
public disableMenu: boolean = false;
public gameData: GameData;
public sessionSlotId: number;
/** PhaseQueue: dequeue/remove the first element to get the next phase */
public phaseQueue: Phase[];
public conditionalQueue: Array<[() => boolean, Phase]>;
/** PhaseQueuePrepend: is a temp storage of what will be added to PhaseQueue */
private phaseQueuePrepend: Phase[];
/** overrides default of inserting phases to end of phaseQueuePrepend array, useful or inserting Phases "out of order" */
private phaseQueuePrependSpliceIndex: number;
private nextCommandPhaseQueue: Phase[];
private currentPhase: Phase | null;
private standbyPhase: Phase | null;
public field: Phaser.GameObjects.Container;
public fieldUI: Phaser.GameObjects.Container;
public charSprite: CharSprite;
public pbTray: PokeballTray;
public pbTrayEnemy: PokeballTray;
public abilityBar: AbilityBar;
public partyExpBar: PartyExpBar;
public candyBar: CandyBar;
public arenaBg: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
public arenaBgTransition: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
public arenaPlayer: ArenaBase;
public arenaPlayerTransition: ArenaBase;
public arenaEnemy: ArenaBase;
public arenaNextEnemy: ArenaBase;
public arena: Arena;
public gameMode: GameMode;
public score: number;
public lockModifierTiers: boolean;
public trainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
public lastEnemyTrainer: Trainer | null;
public currentBattle: Battle;
public pokeballCounts: PokeballCounts;
public money: number;
public pokemonInfoContainer: PokemonInfoContainer;
private party: PlayerPokemon[];
/** Session save data that pertains to Mystery Encounters */
public mysteryEncounterSaveData: MysteryEncounterSaveData = new MysteryEncounterSaveData();
/** If the previous wave was a MysteryEncounter, tracks the object with this variable. Mostly used for visual object cleanup */
public lastMysteryEncounter?: MysteryEncounter;
/** Combined Biome and Wave count text */
private biomeWaveText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text;
private moneyText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text;
private scoreText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text;
private luckLabelText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text;
private luckText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text;
private modifierBar: ModifierBar;
private enemyModifierBar: ModifierBar;
public arenaFlyout: ArenaFlyout;
private fieldOverlay: Phaser.GameObjects.Rectangle;
private shopOverlay: Phaser.GameObjects.Rectangle;
private shopOverlayShown: boolean = false;
private shopOverlayOpacity: number = .8;
public modifiers: PersistentModifier[];
private enemyModifiers: PersistentModifier[];
public uiContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container;
public ui: UI;
public seed: string;
public waveSeed: string;
public waveCycleOffset: number;
public offsetGym: boolean;
public damageNumberHandler: DamageNumberHandler;
private spriteSparkleHandler: PokemonSpriteSparkleHandler;
public fieldSpritePipeline: FieldSpritePipeline;
public spritePipeline: SpritePipeline;
private bgm: AnySound;
private bgmResumeTimer: Phaser.Time.TimerEvent | null;
private bgmCache: Set<string> = new Set();
private playTimeTimer: Phaser.Time.TimerEvent;
public rngCounter: number = 0;
public rngSeedOverride: string = "";
public rngOffset: number = 0;
public inputMethod: string;
private infoToggles: InfoToggle[] = [];
public eventManager: TimedEventManager;
* Allows subscribers to listen for events
* Current Events:
* - {@linkcode BattleSceneEventType.MOVE_USED} {@linkcode MoveUsedEvent}
* - {@linkcode BattleSceneEventType.TURN_INIT} {@linkcode TurnInitEvent}
* - {@linkcode BattleSceneEventType.TURN_END} {@linkcode TurnEndEvent}
* - {@linkcode BattleSceneEventType.NEW_ARENA} {@linkcode NewArenaEvent}
public readonly eventTarget: EventTarget = new EventTarget();
constructor() {
this.phaseQueue = [];
this.phaseQueuePrepend = [];
this.conditionalQueue = [];
this.phaseQueuePrependSpliceIndex = -1;
this.nextCommandPhaseQueue = [];
this.eventManager = new TimedEventManager();
loadPokemonAtlas(key: string, atlasPath: string, experimental?: boolean) {
if (experimental === undefined) {
experimental = this.experimentalSprites;
const variant = atlasPath.includes("variant/") || /_[0-3]$/.test(atlasPath);
if (experimental) {
experimental = this.hasExpSprite(key);
if (variant) {
atlasPath = atlasPath.replace("variant/", "");
this.load.atlas(key, `images/pokemon/${variant ? "variant/" : ""}${experimental ? "exp/" : ""}${atlasPath}.png`, `images/pokemon/${variant ? "variant/" : ""}${experimental ? "exp/" : ""}${atlasPath}.json`);
* Load the variant assets for the given sprite and stores them in {@linkcode variantColorCache}
public async loadPokemonVariantAssets(spriteKey: string, fileRoot: string, variant?: Variant): Promise<void> {
const useExpSprite = this.experimentalSprites && this.hasExpSprite(spriteKey);
if (useExpSprite) {
fileRoot = `exp/${fileRoot}`;
let variantConfig = variantData;
fileRoot.split("/").map((p) => (variantConfig ? (variantConfig = variantConfig[p]) : null));
const variantSet = variantConfig as VariantSet;
return new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
if (variantSet && variant !== undefined && variantSet[variant] === 1) {
if (variantColorCache.hasOwnProperty(spriteKey)) {
return resolve();
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((c) => {
variantColorCache[spriteKey] = c;
} else {
async preload() {
if (DEBUG_RNG) {
const originalRealInRange = Phaser.Math.RND.realInRange;
Phaser.Math.RND.realInRange = function (min: number, max: number): number {
const ret = originalRealInRange.apply(this, [ min, max ]);
const args = [ "RNG", ++this.rngCounter, ret / (max - min), `min: ${min} / max: ${max}` ];
args.push(`seed: ${this.rngSeedOverride || this.waveSeed || this.seed}`);
if (this.rngOffset) {
args.push(`offset: ${this.rngOffset}`);
return ret;
await this.initVariantData();
create() {
this.inputController = new InputsController();
this.uiInputs = new UiInputs(this.inputController);
this.gameData = new GameData();
this.spritePipeline = new SpritePipeline(this.game);
(this.renderer as Phaser.Renderer.WebGL.WebGLRenderer).pipelines.add("Sprite", this.spritePipeline);
this.fieldSpritePipeline = new FieldSpritePipeline(this.game);
(this.renderer as Phaser.Renderer.WebGL.WebGLRenderer).pipelines.add("FieldSprite", this.fieldSpritePipeline);
update() {
launchBattle() {
this.arenaBg = this.add.sprite(0, 0, "plains_bg");
this.arenaBgTransition = this.add.sprite(0, 0, "plains_bg");
[ this.arenaBgTransition, this.arenaBg ].forEach(a => {
a.setSize(320, 240);
const field = this.add.container(0, 0);
this.field = field;
const fieldUI = this.add.container(0, this.game.canvas.height);
this.fieldUI = fieldUI;
const transition = this.make.rexTransitionImagePack({
x: 0,
y: 0,
scale: 6,
key: "loading_bg",
origin: { x: 0, y: 0 }
}, true);
//@ts-ignore (the defined types in the package are incromplete...)
mode: "blinds",
ease: "Cubic.easeInOut",
duration: 1250,
transition.once("complete", () => {
const uiContainer = this.add.container(0, 0);
this.uiContainer = uiContainer;
const overlayWidth = this.game.canvas.width / 6;
const overlayHeight = (this.game.canvas.height / 6) - 48;
this.fieldOverlay = this.add.rectangle(0, overlayHeight * -1 - 48, overlayWidth, overlayHeight, 0x424242);
this.fieldOverlay.setOrigin(0, 0);
this.shopOverlay = this.add.rectangle(0, overlayHeight * -1 - 48, overlayWidth, overlayHeight, 0x070707);
this.shopOverlay.setOrigin(0, 0);
this.modifiers = [];
this.enemyModifiers = [];
this.modifierBar = new ModifierBar();
this.enemyModifierBar = new ModifierBar(true);
this.charSprite = new CharSprite();
this.pbTray = new PokeballTray(true);
this.pbTrayEnemy = new PokeballTray(false);
this.abilityBar = new AbilityBar();
this.partyExpBar = new PartyExpBar();
this.candyBar = new CandyBar();
this.biomeWaveText = addTextObject((this.game.canvas.width / 6) - 2, 0, startingWave.toString(), TextStyle.BATTLE_INFO);
this.biomeWaveText.setOrigin(1, 0.5);
this.moneyText = addTextObject((this.game.canvas.width / 6) - 2, 0, "", TextStyle.MONEY);
this.moneyText.setOrigin(1, 0.5);
this.scoreText = addTextObject((this.game.canvas.width / 6) - 2, 0, "", TextStyle.PARTY, { fontSize: "54px" });
this.scoreText.setOrigin(1, 0.5);
this.luckText = addTextObject((this.game.canvas.width / 6) - 2, 0, "", TextStyle.PARTY, { fontSize: "54px" });
this.luckText.setOrigin(1, 0.5);
this.luckLabelText = addTextObject((this.game.canvas.width / 6) - 2, 0, i18next.t("common:luckIndicator"), TextStyle.PARTY, { fontSize: "54px" });
this.luckLabelText.setOrigin(1, 0.5);
this.arenaFlyout = new ArenaFlyout();
this.fieldUI.moveBelow<Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject>(this.arenaFlyout, this.fieldOverlay);
this.damageNumberHandler = new DamageNumberHandler();
this.spriteSparkleHandler = new PokemonSpriteSparkleHandler();
this.pokemonInfoContainer = new PokemonInfoContainer((this.game.canvas.width / 6) + 52, -(this.game.canvas.height / 6) + 66);
this.party = [];
const loadPokemonAssets = [];
this.arenaPlayer = new ArenaBase(true);
this.arenaPlayerTransition = new ArenaBase(true);
this.arenaEnemy = new ArenaBase(false);
this.arenaNextEnemy = new ArenaBase(false);
[ this.arenaPlayer, this.arenaPlayerTransition, this.arenaEnemy, this.arenaNextEnemy ].forEach(a => {
if (a instanceof Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite) {
a.setOrigin(0, 0);
const trainer = this.addFieldSprite(0, 0, `trainer_${this.gameData.gender === PlayerGender.FEMALE ? "f" : "m"}_back`);
trainer.setOrigin(0.5, 1);
this.trainer = trainer;
key: "prompt",
frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers("prompt", { start: 1, end: 4 }),
frameRate: 6,
repeat: -1,
showOnStart: true
key: "tera_sparkle",
frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers("tera_sparkle", { start: 0, end: 12 }),
frameRate: 18,
repeat: 0,
showOnStart: true,
hideOnComplete: true
this.reset(false, false, true);
const ui = new UI();
this.ui = ui;
const defaultMoves = [ Moves.TACKLE, Moves.TAIL_WHIP, Moves.FOCUS_ENERGY, Moves.STRUGGLE ];
initCommonAnims().then(() => loadCommonAnimAssets(true)),
Promise.all([ Moves.TACKLE, Moves.TAIL_WHIP, Moves.FOCUS_ENERGY, Moves.STRUGGLE ].map(m => initMoveAnim(m))).then(() => loadMoveAnimAssets(defaultMoves, true)),
]).then(() => {
this.pushPhase(new LoginPhase());
this.pushPhase(new TitlePhase());
initSession(): void {
if (this.sessionPlayTime === null) {
this.sessionPlayTime = 0;
if (this.lastSavePlayTime === null) {
this.lastSavePlayTime = 0;
if (this.playTimeTimer) {
this.playTimeTimer = this.time.addEvent({
delay: Utils.fixedInt(1000),
repeat: -1,
callback: () => {
if (this.gameData) {
if (this.sessionPlayTime !== null) {
if (this.lastSavePlayTime !== null) {
async initExpSprites(): Promise<void> {
if (expSpriteKeys.length) {
this.cachedFetch("./exp-sprites.json").then(res => res.json()).then(keys => {
if (Array.isArray(keys)) {
async initVariantData(): Promise<void> {
Object.keys(variantData).forEach(key => delete variantData[key]);
await this.cachedFetch("./images/pokemon/variant/_masterlist.json").then(res => res.json())
.then(v => {
Object.keys(v).forEach(k => variantData[k] = v[k]);
if (this.experimentalSprites) {
const expVariantData = variantData["exp"];
const traverseVariantData = (keys: string[]) => {
let variantTree = variantData;
let expTree = expVariantData;
keys.map((k: string, i: number) => {
if (i < keys.length - 1) {
variantTree = variantTree[k];
expTree = expTree[k];
} else if (variantTree.hasOwnProperty(k) && expTree.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
if ([ "back", "female" ].includes(k)) {
} else {
variantTree[k] = expTree[k];
Object.keys(expVariantData).forEach(ek => traverseVariantData([ ek ]));
cachedFetch(url: string, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response> {
const manifest = this.game["manifest"];
if (manifest) {
const timestamp = manifest[`/${url.replace("./", "")}`];
if (timestamp) {
url += `?t=${timestamp}`;
return fetch(url, init);
initStarterColors(): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (starterColors) {
return resolve();
this.cachedFetch("./starter-colors.json").then(res => res.json()).then(sc => {
starterColors = {};
Object.keys(sc).forEach(key => {
starterColors[key] = sc[key];
/*const loadPokemonAssets: Promise<void>[] = [];
for (let s of Object.keys(speciesStarters)) {
const species = getPokemonSpecies(parseInt(s));
loadPokemonAssets.push(species.loadAssets(this, false, 0, false));
Promise.all(loadPokemonAssets).then(() => {
const starterCandyColors = {};
const rgbaToHexFunc = (r, g, b) => [r, g, b].map(x => x.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('');
for (let s of Object.keys(speciesStarters)) {
const species = getPokemonSpecies(parseInt(s));
starterCandyColors[species.speciesId] = species.generateCandyColors(this).map(c => rgbaToHexFunc(c[0], c[1], c[2]));
hasExpSprite(key: string): boolean {
const keyMatch = /^pkmn__?(back__)?(shiny__)?(female__)?(\d+)(\-.*?)?(?:_[1-3])?$/g.exec(key);
if (!keyMatch) {
return false;
let k = keyMatch[4]!;
if (keyMatch[2]) {
k += "s";
if (keyMatch[1]) {
k += "b";
if (keyMatch[3]) {
k += "f";
if (keyMatch[5]) {
k += keyMatch[5];
if (!expSpriteKeys.includes(k)) {
return false;
return true;
public getPlayerParty(): PlayerPokemon[] {
return this.party;
* @returns An array of {@linkcode PlayerPokemon} filtered from the player's party
* that are {@linkcode Pokemon.isAllowedInBattle | allowed in battle}.
public getPokemonAllowedInBattle(): PlayerPokemon[] {
return this.getPlayerParty().filter(p => p.isAllowedInBattle());
* @returns The first {@linkcode PlayerPokemon} that is {@linkcode getPlayerField on the field}
* and {@linkcode PlayerPokemon.isActive is active}
* (aka {@linkcode PlayerPokemon.isAllowedInBattle is allowed in battle}),
* or `undefined` if there are no valid pokemon
* @param includeSwitching Whether a pokemon that is currently switching out is valid, default `true`
public getPlayerPokemon(includeSwitching: boolean = true): PlayerPokemon | undefined {
return this.getPlayerField().find(p => p.isActive() && (includeSwitching || p.switchOutStatus === false));
* Returns an array of PlayerPokemon of length 1 or 2 depending on if in a double battle or not.
* Does not actually check if the pokemon are on the field or not.
* @returns array of {@linkcode PlayerPokemon}
public getPlayerField(): PlayerPokemon[] {
const party = this.getPlayerParty();
return party.slice(0, Math.min(party.length, this.currentBattle?.double ? 2 : 1));
public getEnemyParty(): EnemyPokemon[] {
return this.currentBattle?.enemyParty ?? [];
* @returns The first {@linkcode EnemyPokemon} that is {@linkcode getEnemyField on the field}
* and {@linkcode EnemyPokemon.isActive is active}
* (aka {@linkcode EnemyPokemon.isAllowedInBattle is allowed in battle}),
* or `undefined` if there are no valid pokemon
* @param includeSwitching Whether a pokemon that is currently switching out is valid, default `true`
public getEnemyPokemon(includeSwitching: boolean = true): EnemyPokemon | undefined {
return this.getEnemyField().find(p => p.isActive() && (includeSwitching || p.switchOutStatus === false));
* Returns an array of EnemyPokemon of length 1 or 2 depending on if in a double battle or not.
* Does not actually check if the pokemon are on the field or not.
* @returns array of {@linkcode EnemyPokemon}
public getEnemyField(): EnemyPokemon[] {
const party = this.getEnemyParty();
return party.slice(0, Math.min(party.length, this.currentBattle?.double ? 2 : 1));
* Returns an array of Pokemon on both sides of the battle - player first, then enemy.
* Does not actually check if the pokemon are on the field or not, and always has length 4 regardless of battle type.
* @param activeOnly Whether to consider only active pokemon
* @returns array of {@linkcode Pokemon}
public getField(activeOnly: boolean = false): Pokemon[] {
const ret = new Array(4).fill(null);
const playerField = this.getPlayerField();
const enemyField = this.getEnemyField();
ret.splice(0, playerField.length, ...playerField);
ret.splice(2, enemyField.length, ...enemyField);
return activeOnly
? ret.filter(p => p?.isActive())
: ret;
* Used in doubles battles to redirect moves from one pokemon to another when one faints or is removed from the field
* @param removedPokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} the pokemon that is being removed from the field (flee, faint), moves to be redirected FROM
* @param allyPokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} the pokemon that will have the moves be redirected TO
redirectPokemonMoves(removedPokemon: Pokemon, allyPokemon: Pokemon): void {
// failsafe: if not a double battle just return
if (this.currentBattle.double === false) {
if (allyPokemon?.isActive(true)) {
let targetingMovePhase: MovePhase;
do {
targetingMovePhase = this.findPhase(mp => mp instanceof MovePhase && mp.targets.length === 1 && mp.targets[0] === removedPokemon.getBattlerIndex() && mp.pokemon.isPlayer() !== allyPokemon.isPlayer()) as MovePhase;
if (targetingMovePhase && targetingMovePhase.targets[0] !== allyPokemon.getBattlerIndex()) {
targetingMovePhase.targets[0] = allyPokemon.getBattlerIndex();
} while (targetingMovePhase);
* Returns the ModifierBar of this scene, which is declared private and therefore not accessible elsewhere
* @param isEnemy Whether to return the enemy's modifier bar
* @returns {ModifierBar}
getModifierBar(isEnemy?: boolean): ModifierBar {
return isEnemy ? this.enemyModifierBar : this.modifierBar;
// store info toggles to be accessible by the ui
addInfoToggle(infoToggle: InfoToggle): void {
// return the stored info toggles; used by ui-inputs
getInfoToggles(activeOnly: boolean = false): InfoToggle[] {
return activeOnly ? this.infoToggles.filter(t => t?.isActive()) : this.infoToggles;
getPokemonById(pokemonId: number): Pokemon | null {
const findInParty = (party: Pokemon[]) => party.find(p => p.id === pokemonId);
return (findInParty(this.getPlayerParty()) || findInParty(this.getEnemyParty())) ?? null;
addPlayerPokemon(species: PokemonSpecies, level: number, abilityIndex?: number, formIndex?: number, gender?: Gender, shiny?: boolean, variant?: Variant, ivs?: number[], nature?: Nature, dataSource?: Pokemon | PokemonData, postProcess?: (playerPokemon: PlayerPokemon) => void): PlayerPokemon {
const pokemon = new PlayerPokemon(species, level, abilityIndex, formIndex, gender, shiny, variant, ivs, nature, dataSource);
if (postProcess) {
return pokemon;
addEnemyPokemon(species: PokemonSpecies, level: number, trainerSlot: TrainerSlot, boss: boolean = false, shinyLock: boolean = false, dataSource?: PokemonData, postProcess?: (enemyPokemon: EnemyPokemon) => void): EnemyPokemon {
if (Overrides.OPP_LEVEL_OVERRIDE > 0) {
level = Overrides.OPP_LEVEL_OVERRIDE;
species = getPokemonSpecies(Overrides.OPP_SPECIES_OVERRIDE);
// The fact that a Pokemon is a boss or not can change based on its Species and level
boss = this.getEncounterBossSegments(this.currentBattle.waveIndex, level, species) > 1;
const pokemon = new EnemyPokemon(species, level, trainerSlot, boss, shinyLock, dataSource);
if (Overrides.OPP_FUSION_OVERRIDE) {
if (boss && !dataSource) {
const secondaryIvs = Utils.getIvsFromId(Utils.randSeedInt(4294967296));
for (let s = 0; s < pokemon.ivs.length; s++) {
pokemon.ivs[s] = Math.round(Phaser.Math.Linear(Math.min(pokemon.ivs[s], secondaryIvs[s]), Math.max(pokemon.ivs[s], secondaryIvs[s]), 0.75));
if (postProcess) {
for (let i = 0; i < pokemon.ivs.length; i++) {
pokemon.ivs[i] = OPP_IVS_OVERRIDE_VALIDATED[i];
return pokemon;
* Removes a {@linkcode PlayerPokemon} from the party, and clears modifiers for that Pokemon's id
* Useful for MEs/Challenges that remove Pokemon from the player party temporarily or permanently
* @param pokemon
* @param destroy Default true. If true, will destroy the {@linkcode PlayerPokemon} after removing
removePokemonFromPlayerParty(pokemon: PlayerPokemon, destroy: boolean = true) {
if (!pokemon) {
const partyIndex = this.party.indexOf(pokemon);
this.party.splice(partyIndex, 1);
if (destroy) {
this.field.remove(pokemon, true);
addPokemonIcon(pokemon: Pokemon, x: number, y: number, originX: number = 0.5, originY: number = 0.5, ignoreOverride: boolean = false): Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
const container = this.add.container(x, y);
const icon = this.add.sprite(0, 0, pokemon.getIconAtlasKey(ignoreOverride));
// Temporary fix to show pokemon's default icon if variant icon doesn't exist
if (icon.frame.name !== pokemon.getIconId(true)) {
console.log(`${pokemon.name}'s variant icon does not exist. Replacing with default.`);
const temp = pokemon.shiny;
pokemon.shiny = false;
pokemon.shiny = temp;
icon.setOrigin(0.5, 0);
if (pokemon.isFusion()) {
const fusionIcon = this.add.sprite(0, 0, pokemon.getFusionIconAtlasKey(ignoreOverride));
fusionIcon.setOrigin(0.5, 0);
const originalWidth = icon.width;
const originalHeight = icon.height;
const originalFrame = icon.frame;
const iconHeight = (icon.frame.cutHeight <= fusionIcon.frame.cutHeight ? Math.ceil : Math.floor)((icon.frame.cutHeight + fusionIcon.frame.cutHeight) / 4);
// Inefficient, but for some reason didn't work with only the unique properties as part of the name
const iconFrameId = `${icon.frame.name}f${fusionIcon.frame.name}`;
if (!icon.frame.texture.has(iconFrameId)) {
icon.frame.texture.add(iconFrameId, icon.frame.sourceIndex, icon.frame.cutX, icon.frame.cutY, icon.frame.cutWidth, iconHeight);
fusionIcon.y = icon.frame.cutHeight;
const originalFusionFrame = fusionIcon.frame;
const fusionIconY = fusionIcon.frame.cutY + icon.frame.cutHeight;
const fusionIconHeight = fusionIcon.frame.cutHeight - icon.frame.cutHeight;
// Inefficient, but for some reason didn't work with only the unique properties as part of the name
const fusionIconFrameId = `${fusionIcon.frame.name}f${icon.frame.name}`;
if (!fusionIcon.frame.texture.has(fusionIconFrameId)) {
fusionIcon.frame.texture.add(fusionIconFrameId, fusionIcon.frame.sourceIndex, fusionIcon.frame.cutX, fusionIconY, fusionIcon.frame.cutWidth, fusionIconHeight);
const frameY = (originalFrame.y + originalFusionFrame.y) / 2;
icon.frame.y = fusionIcon.frame.y = frameY;
if (originX !== 0.5) {
container.x -= originalWidth * (originX - 0.5);
if (originY !== 0) {
container.y -= (originalHeight) * originY;
} else {
if (originX !== 0.5) {
container.x -= icon.width * (originX - 0.5);
if (originY !== 0) {
container.y -= icon.height * originY;
return container;
setSeed(seed: string): void {
this.seed = seed;
this.rngCounter = 0;
this.waveCycleOffset = this.getGeneratedWaveCycleOffset();
this.offsetGym = this.gameMode.isClassic && this.getGeneratedOffsetGym();
* Generates a random number using the current battle's seed
* This calls {@linkcode Battle.randSeedInt}({@linkcode range}, {@linkcode min}) in `src/battle.ts`
* which calls {@linkcode Utils.randSeedInt randSeedInt}({@linkcode range}, {@linkcode min}) in `src/utils.ts`
* @param range How large of a range of random numbers to choose from. If {@linkcode range} <= 1, returns {@linkcode min}
* @param min The minimum integer to pick, default `0`
* @returns A random integer between {@linkcode min} and ({@linkcode min} + {@linkcode range} - 1)
randBattleSeedInt(range: number, min: number = 0): number {
return this.currentBattle?.randSeedInt(range, min);
reset(clearScene: boolean = false, clearData: boolean = false, reloadI18n: boolean = false): void {
if (clearData) {
this.gameData = new GameData();
this.gameMode = getGameMode(GameModes.CLASSIC);
this.disableMenu = false;
this.score = 0;
this.money = 0;
this.lockModifierTiers = false;
this.pokeballCounts = Object.fromEntries(Utils.getEnumValues(PokeballType).filter(p => p <= PokeballType.MASTER_BALL).map(t => [ t, 0 ]));
this.pokeballCounts[PokeballType.POKEBALL] += 5;
if (Overrides.POKEBALL_OVERRIDE.active) {
this.pokeballCounts = Overrides.POKEBALL_OVERRIDE.pokeballs;
this.modifiers = [];
this.enemyModifiers = [];
for (const p of this.getPlayerParty()) {
this.party = [];
for (const p of this.getEnemyParty()) {
// If this is a ME, clear any residual visual sprites before reloading
if (this.currentBattle?.mysteryEncounter?.introVisuals) {
this.field.remove(this.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter?.introVisuals, true);
//@ts-ignore - allowing `null` for currentBattle causes a lot of trouble
this.currentBattle = null; // TODO: resolve ts-ignore
// Reset RNG after end of game or save & quit.
// This needs to happen after clearing this.currentBattle or the seed will be affected by the last wave played
this.setSeed(Overrides.SEED_OVERRIDE || Utils.randomString(24));
console.log("Seed:", this.seed);
[ this.luckLabelText, this.luckText ].map(t => t.setVisible(false));
this.newArena(Overrides.STARTING_BIOME_OVERRIDE || Biome.TOWN);
this.arenaBgTransition.setPosition(0, 0);
this.arenaPlayer.setPosition(300, 0);
this.arenaPlayerTransition.setPosition(0, 0);
[ this.arenaEnemy, this.arenaNextEnemy ].forEach(a => a.setPosition(-280, 0));
this.trainer.setTexture(`trainer_${this.gameData.gender === PlayerGender.FEMALE ? "f" : "m"}_back`);
this.trainer.setPosition(406, 186);
this.mysteryEncounterSaveData = new MysteryEncounterSaveData();
if (reloadI18n) {
const localizable: Localizable[] = [
...Utils.getEnumValues(ModifierPoolType).map(mpt => getModifierPoolForType(mpt)).map(mp => Object.values(mp).flat().map(mt => mt.modifierType).filter(mt => "localize" in mt).map(lpb => lpb as unknown as Localizable)).flat()
for (const item of localizable) {
if (clearScene) {
// Reload variant data in case sprite set has changed
this.fadeOutBgm(250, false);
targets: [ this.uiContainer ],
alpha: 0,
duration: 250,
ease: "Sine.easeInOut",
onComplete: () => {
this.uiContainer.remove(this.ui, true);
this.game.domContainer.innerHTML = "";
getDoubleBattleChance(newWaveIndex: number, playerField: PlayerPokemon[]) {
const doubleChance = new Utils.IntegerHolder(newWaveIndex % 10 === 0 ? 32 : 8);
this.applyModifiers(DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifier, true, doubleChance);
playerField.forEach(p => applyAbAttrs(DoubleBattleChanceAbAttr, p, null, false, doubleChance));
return Math.max(doubleChance.value, 1);
newBattle(waveIndex?: number, battleType?: BattleType, trainerData?: TrainerData, double?: boolean, mysteryEncounterType?: MysteryEncounterType): Battle | null {
const _startingWave = Overrides.STARTING_WAVE_OVERRIDE || startingWave;
const newWaveIndex = waveIndex || ((this.currentBattle?.waveIndex || (_startingWave - 1)) + 1);
let newDouble: boolean | undefined;
let newBattleType: BattleType;
let newTrainer: Trainer | undefined;
let battleConfig: FixedBattleConfig | null = null;
const playerField = this.getPlayerField();
if (this.gameMode.isFixedBattle(newWaveIndex) && trainerData === undefined) {
battleConfig = this.gameMode.getFixedBattle(newWaveIndex);
newDouble = battleConfig.double;
newBattleType = battleConfig.battleType;
this.executeWithSeedOffset(() => newTrainer = battleConfig?.getTrainer(), (battleConfig.seedOffsetWaveIndex || newWaveIndex) << 8);
if (newTrainer) {
} else {
if (!this.gameMode.hasTrainers) {
newBattleType = BattleType.WILD;
} else if (battleType === undefined) {
newBattleType = this.gameMode.isWaveTrainer(newWaveIndex, this.arena) ? BattleType.TRAINER : BattleType.WILD;
} else {
newBattleType = battleType;
if (newBattleType === BattleType.TRAINER) {
const trainerType = this.arena.randomTrainerType(newWaveIndex);
let doubleTrainer = false;
if (trainerConfigs[trainerType].doubleOnly) {
doubleTrainer = true;
} else if (trainerConfigs[trainerType].hasDouble) {
doubleTrainer = !Utils.randSeedInt(this.getDoubleBattleChance(newWaveIndex, playerField));
// Add a check that special trainers can't be double except for tate and liza - they should use the normal double chance
if (trainerConfigs[trainerType].trainerTypeDouble && ![ TrainerType.TATE, TrainerType.LIZA ].includes(trainerType)) {
doubleTrainer = false;
const variant = doubleTrainer ? TrainerVariant.DOUBLE : (Utils.randSeedInt(2) ? TrainerVariant.FEMALE : TrainerVariant.DEFAULT);
newTrainer = trainerData !== undefined ? trainerData.toTrainer() : new Trainer(trainerType, variant);
// Check for mystery encounter
// Can only occur in place of a standard (non-boss) wild battle, waves 10-180
if (this.isWaveMysteryEncounter(newBattleType, newWaveIndex) || newBattleType === BattleType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER) {
newBattleType = BattleType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER;
// Reset to base spawn weight
this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.encounterSpawnChance = BASE_MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_WEIGHT;
if (double === undefined && newWaveIndex > 1) {
if (newBattleType === BattleType.WILD && !this.gameMode.isWaveFinal(newWaveIndex)) {
newDouble = !Utils.randSeedInt(this.getDoubleBattleChance(newWaveIndex, playerField));
} else if (newBattleType === BattleType.TRAINER) {
newDouble = newTrainer?.variant === TrainerVariant.DOUBLE;
} else if (!battleConfig) {
newDouble = !!double;
// Disable double battles on Endless/Endless Spliced Wave 50x boss battles (Introduced 1.2.0)
if (this.gameMode.isEndlessBoss(newWaveIndex)) {
newDouble = false;
if (!isNullOrUndefined(Overrides.BATTLE_TYPE_OVERRIDE)) {
let doubleOverrideForWave: "single" | "double" | null = null;
switch (Overrides.BATTLE_TYPE_OVERRIDE) {
case "double":
doubleOverrideForWave = "double";
case "single":
doubleOverrideForWave = "single";
case "even-doubles":
doubleOverrideForWave = (newWaveIndex % 2) ? "single" : "double";
case "odd-doubles":
doubleOverrideForWave = (newWaveIndex % 2) ? "double" : "single";
if (doubleOverrideForWave === "double") {
newDouble = true;
* Override battles into single only if not fighting with trainers.
* @see {@link https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/issues/1948 | GitHub Issue #1948}
if (newBattleType !== BattleType.TRAINER && doubleOverrideForWave === "single") {
newDouble = false;
const lastBattle = this.currentBattle;
const maxExpLevel = this.getMaxExpLevel();
this.lastEnemyTrainer = lastBattle?.trainer ?? null;
this.lastMysteryEncounter = lastBattle?.mysteryEncounter;
if (newBattleType === BattleType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER) {
// Disable double battle on mystery encounters (it may be re-enabled as part of encounter)
newDouble = false;
if (lastBattle?.double && !newDouble) {
this.tryRemovePhase(p => p instanceof SwitchPhase);
this.getPlayerField().forEach(p => p.lapseTag(BattlerTagType.COMMANDED));
this.executeWithSeedOffset(() => {
this.currentBattle = new Battle(this.gameMode, newWaveIndex, newBattleType, newTrainer, newDouble);
}, newWaveIndex << 3, this.waveSeed);
if (newBattleType === BattleType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER) {
// Will generate the actual Mystery Encounter during NextEncounterPhase, to ensure it uses proper biome
this.currentBattle.mysteryEncounterType = mysteryEncounterType;
//this.pushPhase(new TrainerMessageTestPhase(this, TrainerType.RIVAL, TrainerType.RIVAL_2, TrainerType.RIVAL_3, TrainerType.RIVAL_4, TrainerType.RIVAL_5, TrainerType.RIVAL_6));
if (!waveIndex && lastBattle) {
const isWaveIndexMultipleOfTen = !(lastBattle.waveIndex % 10);
const isEndlessOrDaily = this.gameMode.hasShortBiomes || this.gameMode.isDaily;
const isEndlessFifthWave = this.gameMode.hasShortBiomes && (lastBattle.waveIndex % 5) === 0;
const isWaveIndexMultipleOfFiftyMinusOne = (lastBattle.waveIndex % 50) === 49;
const isNewBiome = isWaveIndexMultipleOfTen || isEndlessFifthWave || (isEndlessOrDaily && isWaveIndexMultipleOfFiftyMinusOne);
const resetArenaState = isNewBiome || [ BattleType.TRAINER, BattleType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER ].includes(this.currentBattle.battleType) || this.currentBattle.battleSpec === BattleSpec.FINAL_BOSS;
this.getEnemyParty().forEach(enemyPokemon => enemyPokemon.destroy());
if (!isNewBiome && (newWaveIndex % 10) === 5) {
if (resetArenaState) {
playerField.forEach((pokemon) => pokemon.lapseTag(BattlerTagType.COMMANDED));
playerField.forEach((pokemon, p) => {
if (pokemon.isOnField()) {
this.pushPhase(new ReturnPhase(p));
for (const pokemon of this.getPlayerParty()) {
applyPostBattleInitAbAttrs(PostBattleInitAbAttr, pokemon);
if (!this.trainer.visible) {
this.pushPhase(new ShowTrainerPhase());
for (const pokemon of this.getPlayerParty()) {
this.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeTimeOfDayTrigger);
if (!this.gameMode.hasRandomBiomes && !isNewBiome) {
this.pushPhase(new NextEncounterPhase());
} else {
this.pushPhase(new SelectBiomePhase());
this.pushPhase(new NewBiomeEncounterPhase());
const newMaxExpLevel = this.getMaxExpLevel();
if (newMaxExpLevel > maxExpLevel) {
this.pushPhase(new LevelCapPhase());
return this.currentBattle;
newArena(biome: Biome, playerFaints?: number): Arena {
this.arena = new Arena(biome, Biome[biome].toLowerCase(), playerFaints);
this.eventTarget.dispatchEvent(new NewArenaEvent());
this.arenaBg.pipelineData = { terrainColorRatio: this.arena.getBgTerrainColorRatioForBiome() };
return this.arena;
updateFieldScale(): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const fieldScale = Math.floor(Math.pow(1 / this.getField(true)
.map(p => p.getSpriteScale())
.reduce((highestScale: number, scale: number) => highestScale = Math.max(scale, highestScale), 0), 0.7) * 40
) / 40;
this.setFieldScale(fieldScale).then(() => resolve());
setFieldScale(scale: number, instant: boolean = false): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
scale *= 6;
if (this.field.scale === scale) {
return resolve();
const defaultWidth = this.arenaBg.width * 6;
const defaultHeight = 132 * 6;
const scaledWidth = this.arenaBg.width * scale;
const scaledHeight = 132 * scale;
targets: this.field,
scale: scale,
x: (defaultWidth - scaledWidth) / 2,
y: defaultHeight - scaledHeight,
duration: !instant ? Utils.fixedInt(Math.abs(this.field.scale - scale) * 200) : 0,
ease: "Sine.easeInOut",
onComplete: () => resolve()
getSpeciesFormIndex(species: PokemonSpecies, gender?: Gender, nature?: Nature, ignoreArena?: boolean): number {
if (!species.forms?.length) {
return 0;
const isEggPhase: boolean = [ "EggLapsePhase", "EggHatchPhase" ].includes(this.getCurrentPhase()?.constructor.name ?? "");
switch (species.speciesId) {
case Species.UNOWN:
case Species.SHELLOS:
case Species.GASTRODON:
case Species.BASCULIN:
case Species.DEERLING:
case Species.SAWSBUCK:
case Species.FROAKIE:
case Species.FROGADIER:
case Species.SCATTERBUG:
case Species.SPEWPA:
case Species.VIVILLON:
case Species.FLABEBE:
case Species.FLOETTE:
case Species.FLORGES:
case Species.FURFROU:
case Species.PUMPKABOO:
case Species.GOURGEIST:
case Species.ORICORIO:
case Species.MAGEARNA:
case Species.ZARUDE:
case Species.SQUAWKABILLY:
case Species.TATSUGIRI:
case Species.PALDEA_TAUROS:
return Utils.randSeedInt(species.forms.length);
case Species.PIKACHU:
if (this.currentBattle?.battleType === BattleType.TRAINER && this.currentBattle?.waveIndex < 30) {
return 0; // Ban Cosplay and Partner Pika from Trainers before wave 30
return Utils.randSeedInt(8);
case Species.EEVEE:
if (this.currentBattle?.battleType === BattleType.TRAINER && this.currentBattle?.waveIndex < 30 && !isEggPhase) {
return 0; // No Partner Eevee for Wave 12 Preschoolers
return Utils.randSeedInt(2);
case Species.GRENINJA:
if (this.currentBattle?.battleType === BattleType.TRAINER) {
return 0; // Don't give trainers Battle Bond Greninja
return Utils.randSeedInt(2);
case Species.URSHIFU:
return Utils.randSeedInt(2);
case Species.ZYGARDE:
return Utils.randSeedInt(4);
case Species.MINIOR:
return Utils.randSeedInt(7);
case Species.ALCREMIE:
return Utils.randSeedInt(9);
case Species.MEOWSTIC:
case Species.INDEEDEE:
case Species.BASCULEGION:
case Species.OINKOLOGNE:
return gender === Gender.FEMALE ? 1 : 0;
case Species.TOXTRICITY:
const lowkeyNatures = [ Nature.LONELY, Nature.BOLD, Nature.RELAXED, Nature.TIMID, Nature.SERIOUS, Nature.MODEST, Nature.MILD, Nature.QUIET, Nature.BASHFUL, Nature.CALM, Nature.GENTLE, Nature.CAREFUL ];
if (nature !== undefined && lowkeyNatures.indexOf(nature) > -1) {
return 1;
return 0;
case Species.GIMMIGHOUL:
// Chest form can only be found in Mysterious Chest Encounter, if this is a game mode with MEs
if (this.gameMode.hasMysteryEncounters && !isEggPhase) {
return 1; // Wandering form
} else {
return Utils.randSeedInt(species.forms.length);
if (ignoreArena) {
switch (species.speciesId) {
case Species.BURMY:
case Species.WORMADAM:
case Species.ROTOM:
case Species.LYCANROC:
return Utils.randSeedInt(species.forms.length);
return 0;
return this.arena.getSpeciesFormIndex(species);
private getGeneratedOffsetGym(): boolean {
let ret = false;
this.executeWithSeedOffset(() => {
ret = !Utils.randSeedInt(2);
}, 0, this.seed.toString());
return ret;
private getGeneratedWaveCycleOffset(): number {
let ret = 0;
this.executeWithSeedOffset(() => {
ret = Utils.randSeedInt(8) * 5;
}, 0, this.seed.toString());
return ret;
getEncounterBossSegments(waveIndex: number, level: number, species?: PokemonSpecies, forceBoss: boolean = false): number {
} else if (Overrides.OPP_HEALTH_SEGMENTS_OVERRIDE === 1) {
// The rest of the code expects to be returned 0 and not 1 if the enemy is not a boss
return 0;
if (this.gameMode.isDaily && this.gameMode.isWaveFinal(waveIndex)) {
return 5;
let isBoss: boolean | undefined;
if (forceBoss || (species && (species.subLegendary || species.legendary || species.mythical))) {
isBoss = true;
} else {
this.executeWithSeedOffset(() => {
isBoss = waveIndex % 10 === 0 || (this.gameMode.hasRandomBosses && Utils.randSeedInt(100) < Math.min(Math.max(Math.ceil((waveIndex - 250) / 50), 0) * 2, 30));
}, waveIndex << 2);
if (!isBoss) {
return 0;
let ret: number = 2;
if (level >= 100) {
if (species) {
if (species.baseTotal >= 670) {
ret += Math.floor(waveIndex / 250);
return ret;
trySpreadPokerus(): void {
const party = this.getPlayerParty();
const infectedIndexes: number[] = [];
const spread = (index: number, spreadTo: number) => {
const partyMember = party[index + spreadTo];
if (!partyMember.pokerus && !Utils.randSeedInt(10)) {
partyMember.pokerus = true;
infectedIndexes.push(index + spreadTo);
party.forEach((pokemon, p) => {
if (!pokemon.pokerus || infectedIndexes.indexOf(p) > -1) {
this.executeWithSeedOffset(() => {
if (p) {
spread(p, -1);
if (p < party.length - 1) {
spread(p, 1);
}, this.currentBattle.waveIndex + (p << 8));
resetSeed(waveIndex?: number): void {
const wave = waveIndex || this.currentBattle?.waveIndex || 0;
this.waveSeed = Utils.shiftCharCodes(this.seed, wave);
Phaser.Math.RND.sow([ this.waveSeed ]);
console.log("Wave Seed:", this.waveSeed, wave);
this.rngCounter = 0;
executeWithSeedOffset(func: Function, offset: number, seedOverride?: string): void {
if (!func) {
const tempRngCounter = this.rngCounter;
const tempRngOffset = this.rngOffset;
const tempRngSeedOverride = this.rngSeedOverride;
const state = Phaser.Math.RND.state();
Phaser.Math.RND.sow([ Utils.shiftCharCodes(seedOverride || this.seed, offset) ]);
this.rngCounter = 0;
this.rngOffset = offset;
this.rngSeedOverride = seedOverride || "";
this.rngCounter = tempRngCounter;
this.rngOffset = tempRngOffset;
this.rngSeedOverride = tempRngSeedOverride;
addFieldSprite(x: number, y: number, texture: string | Phaser.Textures.Texture, frame?: string | number, terrainColorRatio: number = 0): Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite {
const ret = this.add.sprite(x, y, texture, frame);
if (terrainColorRatio) {
ret.pipelineData["terrainColorRatio"] = terrainColorRatio;
return ret;
addPokemonSprite(pokemon: Pokemon, x: number, y: number, texture: string | Phaser.Textures.Texture, frame?: string | number, hasShadow: boolean = false, ignoreOverride: boolean = false): Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite {
const ret = this.addFieldSprite(x, y, texture, frame);
this.initPokemonSprite(ret, pokemon, hasShadow, ignoreOverride);
return ret;
initPokemonSprite(sprite: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite, pokemon?: Pokemon, hasShadow: boolean = false, ignoreOverride: boolean = false): Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite {
sprite.setPipeline(this.spritePipeline, { tone: [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], hasShadow: hasShadow, ignoreOverride: ignoreOverride, teraColor: pokemon ? getTypeRgb(pokemon.getTeraType()) : undefined });
return sprite;
moveBelowOverlay<T extends Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject>(gameObject: T) {
this.fieldUI.moveBelow<any>(gameObject, this.fieldOverlay);
processInfoButton(pressed: boolean): void {
showFieldOverlay(duration: number): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
targets: this.fieldOverlay,
alpha: 0.5,
ease: "Sine.easeOut",
duration: duration,
onComplete: () => resolve()
hideFieldOverlay(duration: number): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
targets: this.fieldOverlay,
alpha: 0,
duration: duration,
ease: "Cubic.easeIn",
onComplete: () => resolve()
updateShopOverlayOpacity(value: number): void {
this.shopOverlayOpacity = value;
if (this.shopOverlayShown) {
showShopOverlay(duration: number): Promise<void> {
this.shopOverlayShown = true;
return new Promise(resolve => {
targets: this.shopOverlay,
alpha: this.shopOverlayOpacity,
ease: "Sine.easeOut",
onComplete: () => resolve()
hideShopOverlay(duration: number): Promise<void> {
this.shopOverlayShown = false;
return new Promise(resolve => {
targets: this.shopOverlay,
alpha: 0,
duration: duration,
ease: "Cubic.easeIn",
onComplete: () => resolve()
showEnemyModifierBar(): void {
hideEnemyModifierBar(): void {
updateBiomeWaveText(): void {
const isBoss = !(this.currentBattle.waveIndex % 10);
const biomeString: string = getBiomeName(this.arena.biomeType);
this.fieldUI.moveAbove(this.biomeWaveText, this.luckText);
this.biomeWaveText.setText( biomeString + " - " + this.currentBattle.waveIndex.toString());
this.biomeWaveText.setColor(!isBoss ? "#ffffff" : "#f89890");
this.biomeWaveText.setShadowColor(!isBoss ? "#636363" : "#984038");
updateMoneyText(forceVisible: boolean = true): void {
if (this.money === undefined) {
const formattedMoney = Utils.formatMoney(this.moneyFormat, this.money);
this.moneyText.setText(i18next.t("battleScene:moneyOwned", { formattedMoney }));
this.fieldUI.moveAbove(this.moneyText, this.luckText);
if (forceVisible) {
animateMoneyChanged(positiveChange: boolean): void {
if (this.tweens.getTweensOf(this.moneyText).length > 0) {
const deltaScale = this.moneyText.scale * 0.14 * (positiveChange ? 1 : -1);
this.moneyText.setShadowColor(positiveChange ? "#008000" : "#FF0000");
targets: this.moneyText,
duration: 250,
scale: this.moneyText.scale + deltaScale,
loop: 0,
yoyo: true,
onComplete: (_) => this.moneyText.setShadowColor(getTextColor(TextStyle.MONEY, true)),
updateScoreText(): void {
this.scoreText.setText(`Score: ${this.score.toString()}`);
* Displays the current luck value.
* @param duration The time for this label to fade in, if it is not already visible.
updateAndShowText(duration: number): void {
const labels = [ this.luckLabelText, this.luckText ];
labels.forEach(t => t.setAlpha(0));
const luckValue = getPartyLuckValue(this.getPlayerParty());
if (luckValue < 14) {
} else {
this.luckText.setTint(0xffef5c, 0x47ff69, 0x6b6bff, 0xff6969);
this.luckLabelText.setX((this.game.canvas.width / 6) - 2 - (this.luckText.displayWidth + 2));
targets: labels,
duration: duration,
alpha: 1,
onComplete: () => {
labels.forEach(t => t.setVisible(true));
hideLuckText(duration: number): void {
if (this.reroll) {
const labels = [ this.luckLabelText, this.luckText ];
targets: labels,
duration: duration,
alpha: 0,
onComplete: () => {
labels.forEach(l => l.setVisible(false));
updateUIPositions(): void {
const enemyModifierCount = this.enemyModifiers.filter(m => m.isIconVisible()).length;
const biomeWaveTextHeight = this.biomeWaveText.getBottomLeft().y - this.biomeWaveText.getTopLeft().y;
-(this.game.canvas.height / 6) + (enemyModifierCount ? enemyModifierCount <= 12 ? 15 : 24 : 0) + (biomeWaveTextHeight / 2)
this.moneyText.setY(this.biomeWaveText.y + 10);
this.scoreText.setY(this.moneyText.y + 10);
[ this.luckLabelText, this.luckText ].map(l => l.setY((this.scoreText.visible ? this.scoreText : this.moneyText).y + 10));
const offsetY = (this.scoreText.visible ? this.scoreText : this.moneyText).y + 15;
this.candyBar.setY(offsetY + 15);
this.ui?.achvBar.setY(this.game.canvas.height / 6 + offsetY);
* Pushes all {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Text} objects in the top right to the bottom of the canvas
sendTextToBack(): void {
addFaintedEnemyScore(enemy: EnemyPokemon): void {
let scoreIncrease = enemy.getSpeciesForm().getBaseExp() * (enemy.level / this.getMaxExpLevel()) * ((enemy.ivs.reduce((iv: number, total: number) => total += iv, 0) / 93) * 0.2 + 0.8);
this.findModifiers(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && m.pokemonId === enemy.id, false).map(m => scoreIncrease *= (m as PokemonHeldItemModifier).getScoreMultiplier());
if (enemy.isBoss()) {
scoreIncrease *= Math.sqrt(enemy.bossSegments);
this.currentBattle.battleScore += Math.ceil(scoreIncrease);
getMaxExpLevel(ignoreLevelCap: boolean = false): number {
if (Overrides.LEVEL_CAP_OVERRIDE > 0) {
return Overrides.LEVEL_CAP_OVERRIDE;
} else if (ignoreLevelCap || Overrides.LEVEL_CAP_OVERRIDE < 0) {
return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
const waveIndex = Math.ceil((this.currentBattle?.waveIndex || 1) / 10) * 10;
const difficultyWaveIndex = this.gameMode.getWaveForDifficulty(waveIndex);
const baseLevel = (1 + difficultyWaveIndex / 2 + Math.pow(difficultyWaveIndex / 25, 2)) * 1.2;
return Math.ceil(baseLevel / 2) * 2 + 2;
randomSpecies(waveIndex: number, level: number, fromArenaPool?: boolean, speciesFilter?: PokemonSpeciesFilter, filterAllEvolutions?: boolean): PokemonSpecies {
if (fromArenaPool) {
return this.arena.randomSpecies(waveIndex, level, undefined, getPartyLuckValue(this.party));
const filteredSpecies = speciesFilter ? [ ...new Set(allSpecies.filter(s => s.isCatchable()).filter(speciesFilter).map(s => {
if (!filterAllEvolutions) {
while (pokemonPrevolutions.hasOwnProperty(s.speciesId)) {
s = getPokemonSpecies(pokemonPrevolutions[s.speciesId]);
return s;
})) ] : allSpecies.filter(s => s.isCatchable());
return filteredSpecies[Utils.randSeedInt(filteredSpecies.length)];
generateRandomBiome(waveIndex: number): Biome {
const relWave = waveIndex % 250;
const biomes = Utils.getEnumValues(Biome).filter(b => b !== Biome.TOWN && b !== Biome.END);
const maxDepth = biomeDepths[Biome.END][0] - 2;
const depthWeights = new Array(maxDepth + 1).fill(null)
.map((_, i: number) => ((1 - Math.min(Math.abs((i / (maxDepth - 1)) - (relWave / 250)) + 0.25, 1)) / 0.75) * 250);
const biomeThresholds: number[] = [];
let totalWeight = 0;
for (const biome of biomes) {
totalWeight += Math.ceil(depthWeights[biomeDepths[biome][0] - 1] / biomeDepths[biome][1]);
const randInt = Utils.randSeedInt(totalWeight);
for (let i = 0; i < biomes.length; i++) {
if (randInt < biomeThresholds[i]) {
return biomes[i];
return biomes[Utils.randSeedInt(biomes.length)];
isBgmPlaying(): boolean {
return this.bgm && this.bgm.isPlaying;
playBgm(bgmName?: string, fadeOut?: boolean): void {
if (bgmName === undefined) {
bgmName = this.currentBattle?.getBgmOverride() || this.arena?.bgm;
if (this.bgm && bgmName === this.bgm.key) {
if (!this.bgm.isPlaying) {
volume: this.masterVolume * this.bgmVolume
if (fadeOut && !this.bgm) {
fadeOut = false;
let loopPoint = 0;
loopPoint = bgmName === this.arena.bgm
? this.arena.getBgmLoopPoint()
: this.getBgmLoopPoint(bgmName);
let loaded = false;
const playNewBgm = () => {
if (bgmName === null && this.bgm && !this.bgm.pendingRemove) {
volume: this.masterVolume * this.bgmVolume
if (this.bgm && !this.bgm.pendingRemove && this.bgm.isPlaying) {
this.bgm = this.sound.add(bgmName, { loop: true });
volume: this.masterVolume * this.bgmVolume
if (loopPoint) {
this.bgm.on("looped", () => this.bgm.play({ seek: loopPoint }));
this.load.once(Phaser.Loader.Events.COMPLETE, () => {
loaded = true;
if (!fadeOut || !this.bgm.isPlaying) {
if (fadeOut) {
const onBgmFaded = () => {
if (loaded && (!this.bgm.isPlaying || this.bgm.pendingRemove)) {
this.time.delayedCall(this.fadeOutBgm(500, true) ? 750 : 250, onBgmFaded);
if (!this.load.isLoading()) {
pauseBgm(): boolean {
if (this.bgm && !this.bgm.pendingRemove && this.bgm.isPlaying) {
return true;
return false;
resumeBgm(): boolean {
if (this.bgm && !this.bgm.pendingRemove && this.bgm.isPaused) {
return true;
return false;
updateSoundVolume(): void {
if (this.sound) {
for (const sound of this.sound.getAllPlaying() as AnySound[]) {
if (this.bgmCache.has(sound.key)) {
sound.setVolume(this.masterVolume * this.bgmVolume);
} else {
const soundDetails = sound.key.split("/");
switch (soundDetails[0]) {
case "battle_anims":
case "cry":
if (soundDetails[1].startsWith("PRSFX- ")) {
sound.setVolume(this.masterVolume * this.fieldVolume * 0.5);
} else {
sound.setVolume(this.masterVolume * this.fieldVolume);
case "se":
case "ui":
sound.setVolume(this.masterVolume * this.seVolume);
fadeOutBgm(duration: number = 500, destroy: boolean = true): boolean {
if (!this.bgm) {
return false;
const bgm = this.sound.getAllPlaying().find(bgm => bgm.key === this.bgm.key);
if (bgm) {
SoundFade.fadeOut(this, this.bgm, duration, destroy);
return true;
return false;
* Fades out current track for `delay` ms, then fades in new track.
* @param newBgmKey
* @param destroy
* @param delay
fadeAndSwitchBgm(newBgmKey: string, destroy: boolean = false, delay: number = 2000) {
this.fadeOutBgm(delay, destroy);
this.time.delayedCall(delay, () => {
playSound(sound: string | AnySound, config?: object): AnySound {
const key = typeof sound === "string" ? sound : sound.key;
config = config ?? {};
try {
const keyDetails = key.split("/");
config["volume"] = config["volume"] ?? 1;
switch (keyDetails[0]) {
case "level_up_fanfare":
case "item_fanfare":
case "minor_fanfare":
case "heal":
case "evolution":
case "evolution_fanfare":
// These sounds are loaded in as BGM, but played as sound effects
// When these sounds are updated in updateVolume(), they are treated as BGM however because they are placed in the BGM Cache through being called by playSoundWithoutBGM()
config["volume"] *= (this.masterVolume * this.bgmVolume);
case "battle_anims":
case "cry":
config["volume"] *= (this.masterVolume * this.fieldVolume);
//PRSFX sound files are unusually loud
if (keyDetails[1].startsWith("PRSFX- ")) {
config["volume"] *= 0.5;
case "ui":
//As of, right now this applies to the "select", "menu_open", "error" sound effects
config["volume"] *= (this.masterVolume * this.uiVolume);
case "se":
config["volume"] *= (this.masterVolume * this.seVolume);
this.sound.play(key, config);
return this.sound.get(key) as AnySound;
} catch {
console.log(`${key} not found`);
return sound as AnySound;
playSoundWithoutBgm(soundName: string, pauseDuration?: number): AnySound {
const resumeBgm = this.pauseBgm();
const sound = this.sound.get(soundName) as AnySound;
if (this.bgmResumeTimer) {
if (resumeBgm) {
this.bgmResumeTimer = this.time.delayedCall((pauseDuration || Utils.fixedInt(sound.totalDuration * 1000)), () => {
this.bgmResumeTimer = null;
return sound;
/** The loop point of any given battle, mystery encounter, or title track, read as seconds and milliseconds. */
getBgmLoopPoint(bgmName: string): number {
switch (bgmName) {
case "title": //Firel PokéRogue Title
return 46.500;
case "battle_kanto_champion": //B2W2 Kanto Champion Battle
return 13.950;
case "battle_johto_champion": //B2W2 Johto Champion Battle
return 23.498;
case "battle_hoenn_champion_g5": //B2W2 Hoenn Champion Battle
return 11.328;
case "battle_hoenn_champion_g6": //ORAS Hoenn Champion Battle
return 11.762;
case "battle_sinnoh_champion": //B2W2 Sinnoh Champion Battle
return 12.235;
case "battle_champion_alder": //BW Unova Champion Battle
return 27.653;
case "battle_champion_iris": //B2W2 Unova Champion Battle
return 10.145;
case "battle_kalos_champion": //XY Kalos Champion Battle
return 10.380;
case "battle_champion_kukui": //SM Kukui Battle
return 15.784;
case "battle_alola_champion": //USUM Alola Champion Battle
return 13.025;
case "battle_galar_champion": //SWSH Galar Champion Battle
return 61.635;
case "battle_mustard": //SWSH Mustard Battle
return 22.442;
case "battle_champion_geeta": //SV Champion Geeta Battle
return 37.447;
case "battle_champion_nemona": //SV Champion Nemona Battle
return 14.914;
case "battle_champion_kieran": //SV Champion Kieran Battle
return 7.206;
case "battle_hoenn_elite": //ORAS Elite Four Battle
return 11.350;
case "battle_unova_elite": //BW Elite Four Battle
return 17.730;
case "battle_kalos_elite": //XY Elite Four Battle
return 12.340;
case "battle_alola_elite": //SM Elite Four Battle
return 19.212;
case "battle_galar_elite": //SWSH League Tournament Battle
return 164.069;
case "battle_paldea_elite": //SV Elite Four Battle
return 12.770;
case "battle_bb_elite": //SV BB League Elite Four Battle
return 19.434;
case "battle_final_encounter": //PMD RTDX Rayquaza's Domain
return 19.159;
case "battle_final": //BW Ghetsis Battle
return 16.453;
case "battle_kanto_gym": //B2W2 Kanto Gym Battle
return 13.857;
case "battle_johto_gym": //B2W2 Johto Gym Battle
return 12.911;
case "battle_hoenn_gym": //B2W2 Hoenn Gym Battle
return 12.379;
case "battle_sinnoh_gym": //B2W2 Sinnoh Gym Battle
return 13.122;
case "battle_unova_gym": //BW Unova Gym Battle
return 19.145;
case "battle_kalos_gym": //XY Kalos Gym Battle
return 44.810;
case "battle_galar_gym": //SWSH Galar Gym Battle
return 171.262;
case "battle_paldea_gym": //SV Paldea Gym Battle
return 127.489;
case "battle_legendary_kanto": //XY Kanto Legendary Battle
return 32.966;
case "battle_legendary_raikou": //HGSS Raikou Battle
return 12.632;
case "battle_legendary_entei": //HGSS Entei Battle
return 2.905;
case "battle_legendary_suicune": //HGSS Suicune Battle
return 12.636;
case "battle_legendary_lugia": //HGSS Lugia Battle
return 19.770;
case "battle_legendary_ho_oh": //HGSS Ho-oh Battle
return 17.668;
case "battle_legendary_regis_g5": //B2W2 Legendary Titan Battle
return 49.500;
case "battle_legendary_regis_g6": //ORAS Legendary Titan Battle
return 21.130;
case "battle_legendary_gro_kyo": //ORAS Groudon & Kyogre Battle
return 10.547;
case "battle_legendary_rayquaza": //ORAS Rayquaza Battle
return 10.495;
case "battle_legendary_deoxys": //ORAS Deoxys Battle
return 13.333;
case "battle_legendary_lake_trio": //ORAS Lake Guardians Battle
return 16.887;
case "battle_legendary_sinnoh": //ORAS Sinnoh Legendary Battle
return 22.770;
case "battle_legendary_dia_pal": //ORAS Dialga & Palkia Battle
return 16.009;
case "battle_legendary_origin_forme": //LA Origin Dialga & Palkia Battle
return 18.961;
case "battle_legendary_giratina": //ORAS Giratina Battle
return 10.451;
case "battle_legendary_arceus": //HGSS Arceus Battle
return 9.595;
case "battle_legendary_unova": //BW Unova Legendary Battle
return 13.855;
case "battle_legendary_kyurem": //BW Kyurem Battle
return 18.314;
case "battle_legendary_res_zek": //BW Reshiram & Zekrom Battle
return 18.329;
case "battle_legendary_xern_yvel": //XY Xerneas & Yveltal Battle
return 26.468;
case "battle_legendary_tapu": //SM Tapu Battle
return 0.000;
case "battle_legendary_sol_lun": //SM Solgaleo & Lunala Battle
return 6.525;
case "battle_legendary_ub": //SM Ultra Beast Battle
return 9.818;
case "battle_legendary_dusk_dawn": //USUM Dusk Mane & Dawn Wings Necrozma Battle
return 5.211;
case "battle_legendary_ultra_nec": //USUM Ultra Necrozma Battle
return 10.344;
case "battle_legendary_zac_zam": //SWSH Zacian & Zamazenta Battle
return 11.424;
case "battle_legendary_glas_spec": //SWSH Glastrier & Spectrier Battle
return 12.503;
case "battle_legendary_calyrex": //SWSH Calyrex Battle
return 50.641;
case "battle_legendary_riders": //SWSH Ice & Shadow Rider Calyrex Battle
return 18.155;
case "battle_legendary_birds_galar": //SWSH Galarian Legendary Birds Battle
return 0.175;
case "battle_legendary_ruinous": //SV Treasures of Ruin Battle
return 6.333;
case "battle_legendary_kor_mir": //SV Depths of Area Zero Battle
return 6.442;
case "battle_legendary_loyal_three": //SV Loyal Three Battle
return 6.500;
case "battle_legendary_ogerpon": //SV Ogerpon Battle
return 14.335;
case "battle_legendary_terapagos": //SV Terapagos Battle
return 24.377;
case "battle_legendary_pecharunt": //SV Pecharunt Battle
return 6.508;
case "battle_rival": //BW Rival Battle
return 14.110;
case "battle_rival_2": //BW N Battle
return 17.714;
case "battle_rival_3": //BW Final N Battle
return 17.586;
case "battle_trainer": //BW Trainer Battle
return 13.686;
case "battle_wild": //BW Wild Battle
return 12.703;
case "battle_wild_strong": //BW Strong Wild Battle
return 13.940;
case "end_summit": //PMD RTDX Sky Tower Summit
return 30.025;
case "battle_rocket_grunt": //HGSS Team Rocket Battle
return 12.707;
case "battle_aqua_magma_grunt": //ORAS Team Aqua & Magma Battle
return 12.062;
case "battle_galactic_grunt": //BDSP Team Galactic Battle
return 13.043;
case "battle_plasma_grunt": //B2W2 Team Plasma Battle
return 14.758;
case "battle_flare_grunt": //XY Team Flare Battle
return 4.228;
case "battle_aether_grunt": // SM Aether Foundation Battle
return 16.00;
case "battle_skull_grunt": // SM Team Skull Battle
return 20.87;
case "battle_macro_grunt": // SWSH Trainer Battle
return 11.56;
case "battle_star_grunt": //SV Team Star Battle
return 133.362;
case "battle_galactic_admin": //BDSP Team Galactic Admin Battle
return 11.997;
case "battle_colress": //B2W2 Colress Battle
return 12.234;
case "battle_skull_admin": //SM Team Skull Admin Battle
return 15.463;
case "battle_oleana": //SWSH Oleana Battle
return 14.110;
case "battle_star_admin": //SV Team Star Boss Battle
return 9.493;
case "battle_rocket_boss": //USUM Giovanni Battle
return 9.115;
case "battle_aqua_magma_boss": //ORAS Archie & Maxie Battle
return 14.847;
case "battle_galactic_boss": //BDSP Cyrus Battle
return 106.962;
case "battle_plasma_boss": //B2W2 Ghetsis Battle
return 25.624;
case "battle_flare_boss": //XY Lysandre Battle
return 8.085;
case "battle_aether_boss": //SM Lusamine Battle
return 11.33;
case "battle_skull_boss": //SM Guzma Battle
return 13.13;
case "battle_macro_boss": //SWSH Rose Battle
return 11.42;
case "battle_star_boss": //SV Cassiopeia Battle
return 25.764;
case "mystery_encounter_gen_5_gts": // BW GTS
return 8.52;
case "mystery_encounter_gen_6_gts": // XY GTS
return 9.24;
case "mystery_encounter_fun_and_games": // EoS Guildmaster Wigglytuff
return 4.78;
case "mystery_encounter_weird_dream": // EoS Temporal Spire
return 41.42;
case "mystery_encounter_delibirdy": // Firel Delibirdy
return 82.28;
return 0;
toggleInvert(invert: boolean): void {
if (invert) {
} else {
/* Phase Functions */
getCurrentPhase(): Phase | null {
return this.currentPhase;
getStandbyPhase(): Phase | null {
return this.standbyPhase;
* Adds a phase to the conditional queue and ensures it is executed only when the specified condition is met.
* This method allows deferring the execution of a phase until certain conditions are met, which is useful for handling
* situations like abilities and entry hazards that depend on specific game states.
* @param {Phase} phase - The phase to be added to the conditional queue.
* @param {() => boolean} condition - A function that returns a boolean indicating whether the phase should be executed.
pushConditionalPhase(phase: Phase, condition: () => boolean): void {
this.conditionalQueue.push([ condition, phase ]);
* Adds a phase to nextCommandPhaseQueue, as long as boolean passed in is false
* @param phase {@linkcode Phase} the phase to add
* @param defer boolean on which queue to add to, defaults to false, and adds to phaseQueue
pushPhase(phase: Phase, defer: boolean = false): void {
(!defer ? this.phaseQueue : this.nextCommandPhaseQueue).push(phase);
* Adds Phase(s) to the end of phaseQueuePrepend, or at phaseQueuePrependSpliceIndex
* @param phases {@linkcode Phase} the phase(s) to add
unshiftPhase(...phases: Phase[]): void {
if (this.phaseQueuePrependSpliceIndex === -1) {
} else {
this.phaseQueuePrepend.splice(this.phaseQueuePrependSpliceIndex, 0, ...phases);
* Clears the phaseQueue
clearPhaseQueue(): void {
this.phaseQueue.splice(0, this.phaseQueue.length);
* Used by function unshiftPhase(), sets index to start inserting at current length instead of the end of the array, useful if phaseQueuePrepend gets longer with Phases
setPhaseQueueSplice(): void {
this.phaseQueuePrependSpliceIndex = this.phaseQueuePrepend.length;
* Resets phaseQueuePrependSpliceIndex to -1, implies that calls to unshiftPhase will insert at end of phaseQueuePrepend
clearPhaseQueueSplice(): void {
this.phaseQueuePrependSpliceIndex = -1;
* Is called by each Phase implementations "end()" by default
* We dump everything from phaseQueuePrepend to the start of of phaseQueue
* then removes first Phase and starts it
shiftPhase(): void {
if (this.standbyPhase) {
this.currentPhase = this.standbyPhase;
this.standbyPhase = null;
if (this.phaseQueuePrependSpliceIndex > -1) {
if (this.phaseQueuePrepend.length) {
while (this.phaseQueuePrepend.length) {
const poppedPhase = this.phaseQueuePrepend.pop();
if (poppedPhase) {
if (!this.phaseQueue.length) {
// Clear the conditionalQueue if there are no phases left in the phaseQueue
this.conditionalQueue = [];
this.currentPhase = this.phaseQueue.shift() ?? null;
// Check if there are any conditional phases queued
if (this.conditionalQueue?.length) {
// Retrieve the first conditional phase from the queue
const conditionalPhase = this.conditionalQueue.shift();
// Evaluate the condition associated with the phase
if (conditionalPhase?.[0]()) {
// If the condition is met, add the phase to the phase queue
} else if (conditionalPhase) {
// If the condition is not met, re-add the phase back to the front of the conditional queue
} else {
console.warn("condition phase is undefined/null!", conditionalPhase);
if (this.currentPhase) {
console.log(`%cStart Phase ${this.currentPhase.constructor.name}`, "color:green;");
overridePhase(phase: Phase): boolean {
if (this.standbyPhase) {
return false;
this.standbyPhase = this.currentPhase;
this.currentPhase = phase;
console.log(`%cStart Phase ${phase.constructor.name}`, "color:green;");
return true;
* Find a specific {@linkcode Phase} in the phase queue.
* @param phaseFilter filter function to use to find the wanted phase
* @returns the found phase or undefined if none found
findPhase<P extends Phase = Phase>(phaseFilter: (phase: P) => boolean): P | undefined {
return this.phaseQueue.find(phaseFilter) as P;
tryReplacePhase(phaseFilter: (phase: Phase) => boolean, phase: Phase): boolean {
const phaseIndex = this.phaseQueue.findIndex(phaseFilter);
if (phaseIndex > -1) {
this.phaseQueue[phaseIndex] = phase;
return true;
return false;
tryRemovePhase(phaseFilter: (phase: Phase) => boolean): boolean {
const phaseIndex = this.phaseQueue.findIndex(phaseFilter);
if (phaseIndex > -1) {
this.phaseQueue.splice(phaseIndex, 1);
return true;
return false;
* Will search for a specific phase in {@linkcode phaseQueuePrepend} via filter, and remove the first result if a match is found.
* @param phaseFilter filter function
tryRemoveUnshiftedPhase(phaseFilter: (phase: Phase) => boolean): boolean {
const phaseIndex = this.phaseQueuePrepend.findIndex(phaseFilter);
if (phaseIndex > -1) {
this.phaseQueuePrepend.splice(phaseIndex, 1);
return true;
return false;
* Tries to add the input phase to index before target phase in the phaseQueue, else simply calls unshiftPhase()
* @param phase {@linkcode Phase} the phase to be added
* @param targetPhase {@linkcode Phase} the type of phase to search for in phaseQueue
* @returns boolean if a targetPhase was found and added
prependToPhase(phase: Phase | Phase [], targetPhase: Constructor<Phase>): boolean {
if (!Array.isArray(phase)) {
phase = [ phase ];
const targetIndex = this.phaseQueue.findIndex(ph => ph instanceof targetPhase);
if (targetIndex !== -1) {
this.phaseQueue.splice(targetIndex, 0, ...phase);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Tries to add the input phase(s) to index after target phase in the {@linkcode phaseQueue}, else simply calls {@linkcode unshiftPhase()}
* @param phase {@linkcode Phase} the phase(s) to be added
* @param targetPhase {@linkcode Phase} the type of phase to search for in {@linkcode phaseQueue}
* @returns `true` if a `targetPhase` was found to append to
appendToPhase(phase: Phase | Phase[], targetPhase: Constructor<Phase>): boolean {
if (!Array.isArray(phase)) {
phase = [ phase ];
const targetIndex = this.phaseQueue.findIndex(ph => ph instanceof targetPhase);
if (targetIndex !== -1 && this.phaseQueue.length > targetIndex) {
this.phaseQueue.splice(targetIndex + 1, 0, ...phase);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Adds a MessagePhase, either to PhaseQueuePrepend or nextCommandPhaseQueue
* @param message string for MessagePhase
* @param callbackDelay optional param for MessagePhase constructor
* @param prompt optional param for MessagePhase constructor
* @param promptDelay optional param for MessagePhase constructor
* @param defer boolean for which queue to add it to, false -> add to PhaseQueuePrepend, true -> nextCommandPhaseQueue
queueMessage(message: string, callbackDelay?: number | null, prompt?: boolean | null, promptDelay?: number | null, defer?: boolean | null) {
const phase = new MessagePhase(message, callbackDelay, prompt, promptDelay);
if (!defer) {
// adds to the end of PhaseQueuePrepend
} else {
//remember that pushPhase adds it to nextCommandPhaseQueue
* Moves everything from nextCommandPhaseQueue to phaseQueue (keeping order)
populatePhaseQueue(): void {
if (this.nextCommandPhaseQueue.length) {
this.nextCommandPhaseQueue.splice(0, this.nextCommandPhaseQueue.length);
this.phaseQueue.push(new TurnInitPhase());
addMoney(amount: number): void {
this.money = Math.min(this.money + amount, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
getWaveMoneyAmount(moneyMultiplier: number): number {
const waveIndex = this.currentBattle.waveIndex;
const waveSetIndex = Math.ceil(waveIndex / 10) - 1;
const moneyValue = Math.pow((waveSetIndex + 1 + (0.75 + (((waveIndex - 1) % 10) + 1) / 10)) * 100, 1 + 0.005 * waveSetIndex) * moneyMultiplier;
return Math.floor(moneyValue / 10) * 10;
addModifier(modifier: Modifier | null, ignoreUpdate?: boolean, playSound?: boolean, virtual?: boolean, instant?: boolean, cost?: number): Promise<boolean> {
if (!modifier) {
return Promise.resolve(false);
return new Promise(resolve => {
let success = false;
const soundName = modifier.type.soundName;
this.validateAchvs(ModifierAchv, modifier);
const modifiersToRemove: PersistentModifier[] = [];
const modifierPromises: Promise<boolean>[] = [];
if (modifier instanceof PersistentModifier) {
if (modifier instanceof TerastallizeModifier) {
modifiersToRemove.push(...(this.findModifiers(m => m instanceof TerastallizeModifier && m.pokemonId === modifier.pokemonId)));
if ((modifier as PersistentModifier).add(this.modifiers, !!virtual)) {
if (modifier instanceof PokemonFormChangeItemModifier || modifier instanceof TerastallizeModifier) {
const pokemon = this.getPokemonById(modifier.pokemonId);
if (pokemon) {
success = modifier.apply(pokemon, true);
if (playSound && !this.sound.get(soundName)) {
} else if (!virtual) {
const defaultModifierType = getDefaultModifierTypeForTier(modifier.type.tier);
this.queueMessage(i18next.t("battle:itemStackFull", { fullItemName: modifier.type.name, itemName: defaultModifierType.name }), undefined, true);
return this.addModifier(defaultModifierType.newModifier(), ignoreUpdate, playSound, false, instant).then(success => resolve(success));
for (const rm of modifiersToRemove) {
if (!ignoreUpdate && !virtual) {
return this.updateModifiers(true, instant).then(() => resolve(success));
} else if (modifier instanceof ConsumableModifier) {
if (playSound && !this.sound.get(soundName)) {
if (modifier instanceof ConsumablePokemonModifier) {
for (const p in this.party) {
const pokemon = this.party[p];
const args: unknown[] = [];
if (modifier instanceof PokemonHpRestoreModifier) {
if (!(modifier as PokemonHpRestoreModifier).fainted) {
const hpRestoreMultiplier = new Utils.IntegerHolder(1);
this.applyModifiers(HealingBoosterModifier, true, hpRestoreMultiplier);
} else {
} else if (modifier instanceof FusePokemonModifier) {
args.push(this.getPokemonById(modifier.fusePokemonId) as PlayerPokemon);
} else if (modifier instanceof RememberMoveModifier && !Utils.isNullOrUndefined(cost)) {
if (modifier.shouldApply(pokemon, ...args)) {
const result = modifier.apply(pokemon, ...args);
if (result instanceof Promise) {
modifierPromises.push(result.then(s => success ||= s));
} else {
success ||= result;
return Promise.allSettled([ this.party.map(p => p.updateInfo(instant)), ...modifierPromises ]).then(() => resolve(success));
} else {
const args = [ this ];
if (modifier.shouldApply(...args)) {
const result = modifier.apply(...args);
if (result instanceof Promise) {
return result.then(success => resolve(success));
} else {
success ||= result;
addEnemyModifier(modifier: PersistentModifier, ignoreUpdate?: boolean, instant?: boolean): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const modifiersToRemove: PersistentModifier[] = [];
if (modifier instanceof TerastallizeModifier) {
modifiersToRemove.push(...(this.findModifiers(m => m instanceof TerastallizeModifier && m.pokemonId === modifier.pokemonId, false)));
if ((modifier as PersistentModifier).add(this.enemyModifiers, false)) {
if (modifier instanceof PokemonFormChangeItemModifier || modifier instanceof TerastallizeModifier) {
const pokemon = this.getPokemonById(modifier.pokemonId);
if (pokemon) {
modifier.apply(pokemon, true);
for (const rm of modifiersToRemove) {
this.removeModifier(rm, true);
if (!ignoreUpdate) {
this.updateModifiers(false, instant).then(() => resolve());
} else {
* Try to transfer a held item to another pokemon.
* If the recepient already has the maximum amount allowed for this item, the transfer is cancelled.
* The quantity to transfer is automatically capped at how much the recepient can take before reaching the maximum stack size for the item.
* A transfer that moves a quantity smaller than what is specified in the transferQuantity parameter is still considered successful.
* @param itemModifier {@linkcode PokemonHeldItemModifier} item to transfer (represents the whole stack)
* @param target {@linkcode Pokemon} recepient in this transfer
* @param playSound `true` to play a sound when transferring the item
* @param transferQuantity How many items of the stack to transfer. Optional, defaults to `1`
* @param instant ??? (Optional)
* @param ignoreUpdate ??? (Optional)
* @param itemLost If `true`, treat the item's current holder as losing the item (for now, this simply enables Unburden). Default is `true`.
* @returns `true` if the transfer was successful
tryTransferHeldItemModifier(itemModifier: PokemonHeldItemModifier, target: Pokemon, playSound: boolean, transferQuantity: number = 1, instant?: boolean, ignoreUpdate?: boolean, itemLost: boolean = true): Promise<boolean> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const source = itemModifier.pokemonId ? itemModifier.getPokemon() : null;
const cancelled = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
Utils.executeIf(!!source && source.isPlayer() !== target.isPlayer(), () => applyAbAttrs(BlockItemTheftAbAttr, source! /* checked in condition*/, cancelled)).then(() => {
if (cancelled.value) {
return resolve(false);
const newItemModifier = itemModifier.clone() as PokemonHeldItemModifier;
newItemModifier.pokemonId = target.id;
const matchingModifier = this.findModifier(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier
&& (m as PokemonHeldItemModifier).matchType(itemModifier) && m.pokemonId === target.id, target.isPlayer()) as PokemonHeldItemModifier;
let removeOld = true;
if (matchingModifier) {
const maxStackCount = matchingModifier.getMaxStackCount();
if (matchingModifier.stackCount >= maxStackCount) {
return resolve(false);
const countTaken = Math.min(transferQuantity, itemModifier.stackCount, maxStackCount - matchingModifier.stackCount);
itemModifier.stackCount -= countTaken;
newItemModifier.stackCount = matchingModifier.stackCount + countTaken;
removeOld = !itemModifier.stackCount;
} else {
const countTaken = Math.min(transferQuantity, itemModifier.stackCount);
itemModifier.stackCount -= countTaken;
newItemModifier.stackCount = countTaken;
removeOld = !itemModifier.stackCount;
if (!removeOld || !source || this.removeModifier(itemModifier, !source.isPlayer())) {
const addModifier = () => {
if (!matchingModifier || this.removeModifier(matchingModifier, !target.isPlayer())) {
if (target.isPlayer()) {
this.addModifier(newItemModifier, ignoreUpdate, playSound, false, instant).then(() => {
if (source && itemLost) {
applyPostItemLostAbAttrs(PostItemLostAbAttr, source, false);
} else {
this.addEnemyModifier(newItemModifier, ignoreUpdate, instant).then(() => {
if (source && itemLost) {
applyPostItemLostAbAttrs(PostItemLostAbAttr, source, false);
} else {
if (source && source.isPlayer() !== target.isPlayer() && !ignoreUpdate) {
this.updateModifiers(source.isPlayer(), instant).then(() => addModifier());
} else {
removePartyMemberModifiers(partyMemberIndex: number): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const pokemonId = this.getPlayerParty()[partyMemberIndex].id;
const modifiersToRemove = this.modifiers.filter(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && (m as PokemonHeldItemModifier).pokemonId === pokemonId);
for (const m of modifiersToRemove) {
this.modifiers.splice(this.modifiers.indexOf(m), 1);
this.updateModifiers().then(() => resolve());
generateEnemyModifiers(heldModifiersConfigs?: HeldModifierConfig[][]): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (this.currentBattle.battleSpec === BattleSpec.FINAL_BOSS) {
return resolve();
const difficultyWaveIndex = this.gameMode.getWaveForDifficulty(this.currentBattle.waveIndex);
const isFinalBoss = this.gameMode.isWaveFinal(this.currentBattle.waveIndex);
let chances = Math.ceil(difficultyWaveIndex / 10);
if (isFinalBoss) {
chances = Math.ceil(chances * 2.5);
const party = this.getEnemyParty();
if (this.currentBattle.trainer) {
const modifiers = this.currentBattle.trainer.genModifiers(party);
for (const modifier of modifiers) {
this.addEnemyModifier(modifier, true, true);
party.forEach((enemyPokemon: EnemyPokemon, i: number) => {
if (heldModifiersConfigs && i < heldModifiersConfigs.length && heldModifiersConfigs[i]) {
heldModifiersConfigs[i].forEach(mt => {
let modifier: PokemonHeldItemModifier;
if (mt.modifier instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifierType) {
modifier = mt.modifier.newModifier(enemyPokemon);
} else {
modifier = mt.modifier as PokemonHeldItemModifier;
modifier.pokemonId = enemyPokemon.id;
modifier.stackCount = mt.stackCount ?? 1;
modifier.isTransferable = mt.isTransferable ?? modifier.isTransferable;
this.addEnemyModifier(modifier, true);
} else {
const isBoss = enemyPokemon.isBoss() || (this.currentBattle.battleType === BattleType.TRAINER && !!this.currentBattle.trainer?.config.isBoss);
let upgradeChance = 32;
if (isBoss) {
upgradeChance /= 2;
if (isFinalBoss) {
upgradeChance /= 8;
const modifierChance = this.gameMode.getEnemyModifierChance(isBoss);
let pokemonModifierChance = modifierChance;
if (this.currentBattle.battleType === BattleType.TRAINER && this.currentBattle.trainer)
pokemonModifierChance = Math.ceil(pokemonModifierChance * this.currentBattle.trainer.getPartyMemberModifierChanceMultiplier(i)); // eslint-disable-line
let count = 0;
for (let c = 0; c < chances; c++) {
if (!Utils.randSeedInt(modifierChance)) {
if (isBoss) {
count = Math.max(count, Math.floor(chances / 2));
getEnemyModifierTypesForWave(difficultyWaveIndex, count, [ enemyPokemon ], this.currentBattle.battleType === BattleType.TRAINER ? ModifierPoolType.TRAINER : ModifierPoolType.WILD, upgradeChance)
.map(mt => mt.newModifier(enemyPokemon).add(this.enemyModifiers, false));
return true;
this.updateModifiers(false).then(() => resolve());
* Removes all modifiers from enemy pokemon of {@linkcode PersistentModifier} type
clearEnemyModifiers(): void {
const modifiersToRemove = this.enemyModifiers.filter(m => m instanceof PersistentModifier);
for (const m of modifiersToRemove) {
this.enemyModifiers.splice(this.enemyModifiers.indexOf(m), 1);
this.updateModifiers(false).then(() => this.updateUIPositions());
* Removes all modifiers from enemy pokemon of {@linkcode PokemonHeldItemModifier} type
* @param pokemon - If specified, only removes held items from that {@linkcode Pokemon}
clearEnemyHeldItemModifiers(pokemon?: Pokemon): void {
const modifiersToRemove = this.enemyModifiers.filter(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && (!pokemon || m.getPokemon() === pokemon));
for (const m of modifiersToRemove) {
this.enemyModifiers.splice(this.enemyModifiers.indexOf(m), 1);
this.updateModifiers(false).then(() => this.updateUIPositions());
setModifiersVisible(visible: boolean) {
[ this.modifierBar, this.enemyModifierBar ].map(m => m.setVisible(visible));
updateModifiers(player?: boolean, instant?: boolean): Promise<void> {
if (player === undefined) {
player = true;
return new Promise(resolve => {
const modifiers = player ? this.modifiers : this.enemyModifiers as PersistentModifier[];
for (let m = 0; m < modifiers.length; m++) {
const modifier = modifiers[m];
if (modifier instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && !this.getPokemonById((modifier as PokemonHeldItemModifier).pokemonId)) {
modifiers.splice(m--, 1);
for (const modifier of modifiers) {
if (modifier instanceof PersistentModifier) {
(modifier as PersistentModifier).virtualStackCount = 0;
const modifiersClone = modifiers.slice(0);
for (const modifier of modifiersClone) {
if (!modifier.getStackCount()) {
modifiers.splice(modifiers.indexOf(modifier), 1);
this.updatePartyForModifiers(player ? this.getPlayerParty() : this.getEnemyParty(), instant).then(() => {
(player ? this.modifierBar : this.enemyModifierBar).updateModifiers(modifiers);
if (!player) {
updatePartyForModifiers(party: Pokemon[], instant?: boolean): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
Promise.allSettled(party.map(p => {
return p.updateInfo(instant);
})).then(() => resolve());
* Removes a currently owned item. If the item is stacked, the entire item stack
* gets removed. This function does NOT apply in-battle effects, such as Unburden.
* If in-battle effects are needed, use {@linkcode Pokemon.loseHeldItem} instead.
* @param modifier The item to be removed.
* @param enemy If `true`, remove an item owned by the enemy. If `false`, remove an item owned by the player. Default is `false`.
* @returns `true` if the item exists and was successfully removed, `false` otherwise.
removeModifier(modifier: PersistentModifier, enemy: boolean = false): boolean {
const modifiers = !enemy ? this.modifiers : this.enemyModifiers;
const modifierIndex = modifiers.indexOf(modifier);
if (modifierIndex > -1) {
modifiers.splice(modifierIndex, 1);
if (modifier instanceof PokemonFormChangeItemModifier || modifier instanceof TerastallizeModifier) {
const pokemon = this.getPokemonById(modifier.pokemonId);
if (pokemon) {
modifier.apply(pokemon, false);
return true;
return false;
* Get all of the modifiers that match `modifierType`
* @param modifierType The type of modifier to apply; must extend {@linkcode PersistentModifier}
* @param player Whether to search the player (`true`) or the enemy (`false`); Defaults to `true`
* @returns the list of all modifiers that matched `modifierType`.
getModifiers<T extends PersistentModifier>(modifierType: Constructor<T>, player: boolean = true): T[] {
return (player ? this.modifiers : this.enemyModifiers).filter((m): m is T => m instanceof modifierType);
* Get all of the modifiers that pass the `modifierFilter` function
* @param modifierFilter The function used to filter a target's modifiers
* @param isPlayer Whether to search the player (`true`) or the enemy (`false`); Defaults to `true`
* @returns the list of all modifiers that passed the `modifierFilter` function
findModifiers(modifierFilter: ModifierPredicate, isPlayer: boolean = true): PersistentModifier[] {
return (isPlayer ? this.modifiers : this.enemyModifiers).filter(modifierFilter);
* Find the first modifier that pass the `modifierFilter` function
* @param modifierFilter The function used to filter a target's modifiers
* @param player Whether to search the player (`true`) or the enemy (`false`); Defaults to `true`
* @returns the first modifier that passed the `modifierFilter` function; `undefined` if none passed
findModifier(modifierFilter: ModifierPredicate, player: boolean = true): PersistentModifier | undefined {
return (player ? this.modifiers : this.enemyModifiers).find(modifierFilter);
* Apply all modifiers that match `modifierType` in a random order
* @param modifierType The type of modifier to apply; must extend {@linkcode PersistentModifier}
* @param player Whether to search the player (`true`) or the enemy (`false`); Defaults to `true`
* @param ...args The list of arguments needed to invoke `modifierType.apply`
* @returns the list of all modifiers that matched `modifierType` and were applied.
applyShuffledModifiers<T extends PersistentModifier>(modifierType: Constructor<T>, player: boolean = true, ...args: Parameters<T["apply"]>): T[] {
let modifiers = (player ? this.modifiers : this.enemyModifiers).filter((m): m is T => m instanceof modifierType && m.shouldApply(...args));
this.executeWithSeedOffset(() => {
const shuffleModifiers = mods => {
if (mods.length < 1) {
return mods;
const rand = Utils.randSeedInt(mods.length);
return [ mods[rand], ...shuffleModifiers(mods.filter((_, i) => i !== rand)) ];
modifiers = shuffleModifiers(modifiers);
}, this.currentBattle.turn << 4, this.waveSeed);
return this.applyModifiersInternal(modifiers, player, args);
* Apply all modifiers that match `modifierType`
* @param modifierType The type of modifier to apply; must extend {@linkcode PersistentModifier}
* @param player Whether to search the player (`true`) or the enemy (`false`); Defaults to `true`
* @param ...args The list of arguments needed to invoke `modifierType.apply`
* @returns the list of all modifiers that matched `modifierType` and were applied.
applyModifiers<T extends PersistentModifier>(modifierType: Constructor<T>, player: boolean = true, ...args: Parameters<T["apply"]>): T[] {
const modifiers = (player ? this.modifiers : this.enemyModifiers).filter((m): m is T => m instanceof modifierType && m.shouldApply(...args));
return this.applyModifiersInternal(modifiers, player, args);
/** Helper function to apply all passed modifiers */
applyModifiersInternal<T extends PersistentModifier>(modifiers: T[], player: boolean, args: Parameters<T["apply"]>): T[] {
const appliedModifiers: T[] = [];
for (const modifier of modifiers) {
if (modifier.apply(...args)) {
console.log("Applied", modifier.type.name, !player ? "(enemy)" : "");
return appliedModifiers;
* Apply the first modifier that matches `modifierType`
* @param modifierType The type of modifier to apply; must extend {@linkcode PersistentModifier}
* @param player Whether to search the player (`true`) or the enemy (`false`); Defaults to `true`
* @param ...args The list of arguments needed to invoke `modifierType.apply`
* @returns the first modifier that matches `modifierType` and was applied; return `null` if none matched
applyModifier<T extends PersistentModifier>(modifierType: Constructor<T>, player: boolean = true, ...args: Parameters<T["apply"]>): T | null {
const modifiers = (player ? this.modifiers : this.enemyModifiers).filter((m): m is T => m instanceof modifierType && m.shouldApply(...args));
for (const modifier of modifiers) {
if (modifier.apply(...args)) {
console.log("Applied", modifier.type.name, !player ? "(enemy)" : "");
return modifier;
return null;
triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon: Pokemon, formChangeTriggerType: Constructor<SpeciesFormChangeTrigger>, delayed: boolean = false, modal: boolean = false): boolean {
if (pokemonFormChanges.hasOwnProperty(pokemon.species.speciesId)) {
// in case this is NECROZMA, determine which forms this
const matchingFormChangeOpts = pokemonFormChanges[pokemon.species.speciesId].filter(fc => fc.findTrigger(formChangeTriggerType) && fc.canChange(pokemon));
let matchingFormChange: SpeciesFormChange | null;
if (pokemon.species.speciesId === Species.NECROZMA && matchingFormChangeOpts.length > 1) {
// Ultra Necrozma is changing its form back, so we need to figure out into which form it devolves.
const formChangeItemModifiers = (this.findModifiers(m => m instanceof PokemonFormChangeItemModifier && m.pokemonId === pokemon.id) as PokemonFormChangeItemModifier[]).filter(m => m.active).map(m => m.formChangeItem);
matchingFormChange = formChangeItemModifiers.includes(FormChangeItem.N_LUNARIZER) ?
matchingFormChangeOpts[0] :
formChangeItemModifiers.includes(FormChangeItem.N_SOLARIZER) ?
matchingFormChangeOpts[1] :
} else {
matchingFormChange = matchingFormChangeOpts[0];
if (matchingFormChange) {
let phase: Phase;
if (pokemon instanceof PlayerPokemon && !matchingFormChange.quiet) {
phase = new FormChangePhase(pokemon, matchingFormChange, modal);
} else {
phase = new QuietFormChangePhase(pokemon, matchingFormChange);
if (pokemon instanceof PlayerPokemon && !matchingFormChange.quiet && modal) {
} else if (delayed) {
} else {
return true;
return false;
triggerPokemonBattleAnim(pokemon: Pokemon, battleAnimType: PokemonAnimType, fieldAssets?: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[], delayed: boolean = false): boolean {
const phase: Phase = new PokemonAnimPhase(battleAnimType, pokemon, fieldAssets);
if (delayed) {
} else {
return true;
validateAchvs(achvType: Constructor<Achv>, ...args: unknown[]): void {
const filteredAchvs = Object.values(achvs).filter(a => a instanceof achvType);
for (const achv of filteredAchvs) {
this.validateAchv(achv, args);
validateAchv(achv: Achv, args?: unknown[]): boolean {
if ((!this.gameData.achvUnlocks.hasOwnProperty(achv.id) || Overrides.ACHIEVEMENTS_REUNLOCK_OVERRIDE)
&& achv.validate(args)) {
this.gameData.achvUnlocks[achv.id] = new Date().getTime();
if (vouchers.hasOwnProperty(achv.id)) {
return true;
return false;
validateVoucher(voucher: Voucher, args?: unknown[]): boolean {
if (!this.gameData.voucherUnlocks.hasOwnProperty(voucher.id) && voucher.validate(args)) {
this.gameData.voucherUnlocks[voucher.id] = new Date().getTime();
return true;
return false;
updateGameInfo(): void {
const gameInfo = {
playTime: this.sessionPlayTime ?? 0,
gameMode: this.currentBattle ? this.gameMode.getName() : "Title",
biome: this.currentBattle ? getBiomeName(this.arena.biomeType) : "",
wave: this.currentBattle?.waveIndex ?? 0,
party: this.party ? this.party.map((p) => {
return {
name: p.name,
form: p.getFormKey(),
types: p.getTypes().map((type) => Type[type]),
teraType: p.getTeraType() !== Type.UNKNOWN ? Type[p.getTeraType()] : "",
level: p.level,
currentHP: p.hp,
maxHP: p.getMaxHp(),
status: p.status?.effect ? StatusEffect[p.status.effect] : ""
}) : [],
modeChain: this.ui?.getModeChain() ?? [],
(window as any).gameInfo = gameInfo;
* This function retrieves the sprite and audio keys for active Pokemon.
* Active Pokemon include both enemy and player Pokemon of the current wave.
* Note: Questions on garbage collection go to @frutescens
* @returns a string array of active sprite and audio keys that should not be deleted
getActiveKeys(): string[] {
const keys: string[] = [];
let activePokemon: (PlayerPokemon | EnemyPokemon)[] = this.getPlayerParty();
activePokemon = activePokemon.concat(this.getEnemyParty());
activePokemon.forEach((p) => {
if (p instanceof PlayerPokemon) {
keys.push(p.getBattleSpriteKey(true, true));
if (p.fusionSpecies) {
return keys;
* Initialized the 2nd phase of the final boss (e.g. form-change for Eternatus)
* @param pokemon The (enemy) pokemon
initFinalBossPhaseTwo(pokemon: Pokemon): void {
if (pokemon instanceof EnemyPokemon && pokemon.isBoss() && !pokemon.formIndex && pokemon.bossSegmentIndex < 1) {
this.fadeOutBgm(Utils.fixedInt(2000), false);
this.ui.showDialogue(battleSpecDialogue[BattleSpec.FINAL_BOSS].firstStageWin, pokemon.species.name, undefined, () => {
const finalBossMBH = getModifierType(modifierTypes.MINI_BLACK_HOLE).newModifier(pokemon) as TurnHeldItemTransferModifier;
this.addEnemyModifier(finalBossMBH, false, true);
this.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeManualTrigger, false);
this.currentBattle.double = true;
const availablePartyMembers = this.getPlayerParty().filter((p) => p.isAllowedInBattle());
if (availablePartyMembers.length > 1) {
this.pushPhase(new ToggleDoublePositionPhase(true));
if (!availablePartyMembers[1].isOnField()) {
this.pushPhase(new SummonPhase(1));
* Updates Exp and level values for Player's party, adding new level up phases as required
* @param expValue raw value of exp to split among participants, OR the base multiplier to use with waveIndex
* @param pokemonDefeated If true, will increment Macho Brace stacks and give the party Pokemon friendship increases
* @param useWaveIndexMultiplier Default false. If true, will multiply expValue by a scaling waveIndex multiplier. Not needed if expValue is already scaled by level/wave
* @param pokemonParticipantIds Participants. If none are defined, no exp will be given. To spread evenly among the party, should pass all ids of party members.
applyPartyExp(expValue: number, pokemonDefeated: boolean, useWaveIndexMultiplier?: boolean, pokemonParticipantIds?: Set<number>): void {
const participantIds = pokemonParticipantIds ?? this.currentBattle.playerParticipantIds;
const party = this.getPlayerParty();
const expShareModifier = this.findModifier(m => m instanceof ExpShareModifier) as ExpShareModifier;
const expBalanceModifier = this.findModifier(m => m instanceof ExpBalanceModifier) as ExpBalanceModifier;
const multipleParticipantExpBonusModifier = this.findModifier(m => m instanceof MultipleParticipantExpBonusModifier) as MultipleParticipantExpBonusModifier;
const nonFaintedPartyMembers = party.filter(p => p.hp);
const expPartyMembers = nonFaintedPartyMembers.filter(p => p.level < this.getMaxExpLevel());
const partyMemberExp: number[] = [];
// EXP value calculation is based off Pokemon.getExpValue
if (useWaveIndexMultiplier) {
expValue = Math.floor(expValue * this.currentBattle.waveIndex / 5 + 1);
if (participantIds.size > 0) {
if (this.currentBattle.battleType === BattleType.TRAINER || this.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter?.encounterMode === MysteryEncounterMode.TRAINER_BATTLE) {
expValue = Math.floor(expValue * 1.5);
} else if (this.currentBattle.isBattleMysteryEncounter() && this.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter) {
expValue = Math.floor(expValue * this.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter.expMultiplier);
for (const partyMember of nonFaintedPartyMembers) {
const pId = partyMember.id;
const participated = participantIds.has(pId);
if (participated && pokemonDefeated) {
const machoBraceModifier = partyMember.getHeldItems().find(m => m instanceof PokemonIncrementingStatModifier);
if (machoBraceModifier && machoBraceModifier.stackCount < machoBraceModifier.getMaxStackCount()) {
this.updateModifiers(true, true);
if (!expPartyMembers.includes(partyMember)) {
if (!participated && !expShareModifier) {
let expMultiplier = 0;
if (participated) {
expMultiplier += (1 / participantIds.size);
if (participantIds.size > 1 && multipleParticipantExpBonusModifier) {
expMultiplier += multipleParticipantExpBonusModifier.getStackCount() * 0.2;
} else if (expShareModifier) {
expMultiplier += (expShareModifier.getStackCount() * 0.2) / participantIds.size;
if (partyMember.pokerus) {
expMultiplier *= 1.5;
if (Overrides.XP_MULTIPLIER_OVERRIDE !== null) {
expMultiplier = Overrides.XP_MULTIPLIER_OVERRIDE;
const pokemonExp = new Utils.NumberHolder(expValue * expMultiplier);
this.applyModifiers(PokemonExpBoosterModifier, true, partyMember, pokemonExp);
if (expBalanceModifier) {
let totalLevel = 0;
let totalExp = 0;
expPartyMembers.forEach((expPartyMember, epm) => {
totalExp += partyMemberExp[epm];
totalLevel += expPartyMember.level;
const medianLevel = Math.floor(totalLevel / expPartyMembers.length);
const recipientExpPartyMemberIndexes: number[] = [];
expPartyMembers.forEach((expPartyMember, epm) => {
if (expPartyMember.level <= medianLevel) {
const splitExp = Math.floor(totalExp / recipientExpPartyMemberIndexes.length);
expPartyMembers.forEach((_partyMember, pm) => {
partyMemberExp[pm] = Phaser.Math.Linear(partyMemberExp[pm], recipientExpPartyMemberIndexes.indexOf(pm) > -1 ? splitExp : 0, 0.2 * expBalanceModifier.getStackCount());
for (let pm = 0; pm < expPartyMembers.length; pm++) {
const exp = partyMemberExp[pm];
if (exp) {
const partyMemberIndex = party.indexOf(expPartyMembers[pm]);
this.unshiftPhase(expPartyMembers[pm].isOnField() ? new ExpPhase(partyMemberIndex, exp) : new ShowPartyExpBarPhase(partyMemberIndex, exp));
* Returns if a wave COULD spawn a {@linkcode MysteryEncounter}.
* Even if returns `true`, does not guarantee that a wave will actually be a ME.
* That check is made in {@linkcode BattleScene.isWaveMysteryEncounter} instead.
isMysteryEncounterValidForWave(battleType: BattleType, waveIndex: number): boolean {
const [ lowestMysteryEncounterWave, highestMysteryEncounterWave ] = this.gameMode.getMysteryEncounterLegalWaves();
return this.gameMode.hasMysteryEncounters && battleType === BattleType.WILD && !this.gameMode.isBoss(waveIndex) && waveIndex < highestMysteryEncounterWave && waveIndex > lowestMysteryEncounterWave;
* Determines whether a wave should randomly generate a {@linkcode MysteryEncounter}.
* Currently, the only modes that MEs are allowed in are Classic and Challenge.
* Additionally, MEs cannot spawn outside of waves 10-180 in those modes
* @param newBattleType
* @param waveIndex
private isWaveMysteryEncounter(newBattleType: BattleType, waveIndex: number): boolean {
const [ lowestMysteryEncounterWave, highestMysteryEncounterWave ] = this.gameMode.getMysteryEncounterLegalWaves();
if (this.isMysteryEncounterValidForWave(newBattleType, waveIndex)) {
// Base spawn weight is BASE_MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_WEIGHT/256, and increases by WEIGHT_INCREMENT_ON_SPAWN_MISS/256 for each missed attempt at spawning an encounter on a valid floor
const sessionEncounterRate = this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.encounterSpawnChance;
const encounteredEvents = this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.encounteredEvents;
// If total number of encounters is lower than expected for the run, slightly favor a new encounter spawn (reverse as well)
// Reduces occurrence of runs with total encounters significantly different from AVERAGE_ENCOUNTERS_PER_RUN_TARGET
// Favored rate changes can never exceed 50%. So if base rate is 15/256 and favored rate would add 200/256, result will be (15 + 128)/256
const expectedEncountersByFloor = AVERAGE_ENCOUNTERS_PER_RUN_TARGET / (highestMysteryEncounterWave - lowestMysteryEncounterWave) * (waveIndex - lowestMysteryEncounterWave);
const currentRunDiffFromAvg = expectedEncountersByFloor - encounteredEvents.length;
const favoredEncounterRate = sessionEncounterRate + Math.min(currentRunDiffFromAvg * ANTI_VARIANCE_WEIGHT_MODIFIER, MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_MAX_WEIGHT / 2);
const successRate = isNullOrUndefined(Overrides.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_RATE_OVERRIDE) ? favoredEncounterRate : Overrides.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_RATE_OVERRIDE!;
// If the most recent ME was 3 or fewer waves ago, can never spawn a ME
const canSpawn = encounteredEvents.length === 0 || (waveIndex - encounteredEvents[encounteredEvents.length - 1].waveIndex) > 3 || !isNullOrUndefined(Overrides.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_RATE_OVERRIDE);
if (canSpawn) {
// Always rolls the check on the same offset to ensure no RNG changes from reloading session
this.executeWithSeedOffset(() => {
}, waveIndex * 3 * 1000);
return roll < successRate;
return false;
* Loads or generates a mystery encounter
* @param encounterType used to load session encounter when restarting game, etc.
* @param canBypass optional boolean to indicate that the request is coming from a function that needs to access a Mystery Encounter outside of gameplay requirements
* @returns
getMysteryEncounter(encounterType?: MysteryEncounterType, canBypass?: boolean): MysteryEncounter {
// Loading override or session encounter
let encounter: MysteryEncounter | null;
if (!isNullOrUndefined(Overrides.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_OVERRIDE) && allMysteryEncounters.hasOwnProperty(Overrides.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_OVERRIDE)) {
encounter = allMysteryEncounters[Overrides.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_OVERRIDE];
if (canBypass) {
return encounter;
} else if (canBypass) {
encounter = allMysteryEncounters[encounterType ?? -1];
return encounter;
} else {
encounter = !isNullOrUndefined(encounterType) ? allMysteryEncounters[encounterType] : null;
// Check for queued encounters first
if (!encounter && this.mysteryEncounterSaveData?.queuedEncounters && this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.queuedEncounters.length > 0) {
let i = 0;
while (i < this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.queuedEncounters.length && !!encounter) {
const candidate = this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.queuedEncounters[i];
const forcedChance = candidate.spawnPercent;
if (Utils.randSeedInt(100) < forcedChance) {
encounter = allMysteryEncounters[candidate.type];
if (encounter) {
encounter = new MysteryEncounter(encounter);
return encounter;
// See Enum values for base tier weights
const tierWeights = [ MysteryEncounterTier.COMMON, MysteryEncounterTier.GREAT, MysteryEncounterTier.ULTRA, MysteryEncounterTier.ROGUE ];
// Adjust tier weights by previously encountered events to lower odds of only Common/Great in run
this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.encounteredEvents.forEach(seenEncounterData => {
if (seenEncounterData.tier === MysteryEncounterTier.COMMON) {
tierWeights[0] = tierWeights[0] - 6;
} else if (seenEncounterData.tier === MysteryEncounterTier.GREAT) {
tierWeights[1] = tierWeights[1] - 4;
const totalWeight = tierWeights.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
const tierValue = Utils.randSeedInt(totalWeight);
const commonThreshold = totalWeight - tierWeights[0];
const greatThreshold = totalWeight - tierWeights[0] - tierWeights[1];
const ultraThreshold = totalWeight - tierWeights[0] - tierWeights[1] - tierWeights[2];
let tier: MysteryEncounterTier | null = tierValue > commonThreshold ? MysteryEncounterTier.COMMON : tierValue > greatThreshold ? MysteryEncounterTier.GREAT : tierValue > ultraThreshold ? MysteryEncounterTier.ULTRA : MysteryEncounterTier.ROGUE;
if (!isNullOrUndefined(Overrides.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_TIER_OVERRIDE)) {
let availableEncounters: MysteryEncounter[] = [];
const previousEncounter = this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.encounteredEvents.length > 0 ?
this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.encounteredEvents[this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.encounteredEvents.length - 1].type
: null;
const disabledEncounters = this.eventManager.getEventMysteryEncountersDisabled();
const biomeMysteryEncounters = mysteryEncountersByBiome.get(this.arena.biomeType)?.filter(enc => !disabledEncounters.includes(enc)) ?? [];
// If no valid encounters exist at tier, checks next tier down, continuing until there are some encounters available
while (availableEncounters.length === 0 && tier !== null) {
availableEncounters = biomeMysteryEncounters
.filter((encounterType) => {
const encounterCandidate = allMysteryEncounters[encounterType];
if (!encounterCandidate) {
return false;
if (this.eventManager.getMysteryEncounterTierForEvent(encounterType, encounterCandidate.encounterTier) !== tier) {
return false;
const disallowedGameModes = encounterCandidate.disallowedGameModes;
if (disallowedGameModes && disallowedGameModes.length > 0
&& disallowedGameModes.includes(this.gameMode.modeId)) {
return false;
if (this.gameMode.modeId === GameModes.CHALLENGE) {
const disallowedChallenges = encounterCandidate.disallowedChallenges;
if (disallowedChallenges && disallowedChallenges.length > 0 && this.gameMode.challenges.some(challenge => disallowedChallenges.includes(challenge.id))) {
return false;
if (!encounterCandidate.meetsRequirements()) {
return false;
if (previousEncounter !== null && encounterType === previousEncounter) {
return false;
if (this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.encounteredEvents.length > 0 &&
(encounterCandidate.maxAllowedEncounters && encounterCandidate.maxAllowedEncounters > 0)
&& this.mysteryEncounterSaveData.encounteredEvents.filter(e => e.type === encounterType).length >= encounterCandidate.maxAllowedEncounters) {
return false;
return true;
.map((m) => (allMysteryEncounters[m]));
// Decrement tier
if (tier === MysteryEncounterTier.ROGUE) {
tier = MysteryEncounterTier.ULTRA;
} else if (tier === MysteryEncounterTier.ULTRA) {
tier = MysteryEncounterTier.GREAT;
} else if (tier === MysteryEncounterTier.GREAT) {
tier = MysteryEncounterTier.COMMON;
} else {
tier = null; // Ends loop
// If absolutely no encounters are available, spawn 0th encounter
if (availableEncounters.length === 0) {
console.log("No Mystery Encounters found, falling back to Mysterious Challengers.");
return allMysteryEncounters[MysteryEncounterType.MYSTERIOUS_CHALLENGERS];
encounter = availableEncounters[Utils.randSeedInt(availableEncounters.length)];
// New encounter object to not dirty flags
encounter = new MysteryEncounter(encounter);
return encounter;