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synced 2025-03-02 07:58:22 +00:00
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682 lines
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import BattleScene from "../battle-scene";
import { BiomePoolTier, BiomeTierPokemonPools, PokemonPools, BiomeTierTrainerPools, biomePokemonPools, biomeTrainerPools } from "../data/biomes";
import { Biome } from "../data/enums/biome";
import * as Utils from "../utils";
import PokemonSpecies, { getPokemonSpecies } from "../data/pokemon-species";
import { Species } from "../data/enums/species";
import { Weather, WeatherType, getTerrainClearMessage, getTerrainStartMessage, getWeatherClearMessage, getWeatherStartMessage } from "../data/weather";
import { CommonAnimPhase } from "../phases";
import { CommonAnim } from "../data/battle-anims";
import { Type } from "../data/type";
import Move from "../data/move";
import { ArenaTag, ArenaTagSide, getArenaTag } from "../data/arena-tag";
import { ArenaTagType } from "../data/enums/arena-tag-type";
import { TrainerType } from "../data/enums/trainer-type";
import { BattlerIndex } from "../battle";
import { Moves } from "../data/enums/moves";
import { TimeOfDay } from "../data/enums/time-of-day";
import { Terrain, TerrainType } from "../data/terrain";
const WEATHER_OVERRIDE = WeatherType.NONE;
export class Arena {
public scene: BattleScene;
public biomeType: Biome;
public weather: Weather;
public terrain: Terrain;
public tags: ArenaTag[];
public bgm: string;
public ignoreAbilities: boolean;
private lastTimeOfDay: TimeOfDay;
private pokemonPool: PokemonPools;
private trainerPool: BiomeTierTrainerPools;
constructor(scene: BattleScene, biome: Biome, bgm: string) {
this.scene = scene;
this.biomeType = biome;
this.tags = [];
this.bgm = bgm;
this.trainerPool = biomeTrainerPools[biome];
updatePoolsForTimeOfDay(): void {
const timeOfDay = this.getTimeOfDay();
if (timeOfDay !== this.lastTimeOfDay) {
this.pokemonPool = {};
for (let tier of Object.keys(biomePokemonPools[this.biomeType]))
this.pokemonPool[tier] = Object.assign([], biomePokemonPools[this.biomeType][tier][TimeOfDay.ALL]).concat(biomePokemonPools[this.biomeType][tier][timeOfDay]);
this.lastTimeOfDay = timeOfDay;
randomSpecies(waveIndex: integer, level: integer, attempt?: integer): PokemonSpecies {
const overrideSpecies = this.scene.gameMode.getOverrideSpecies(waveIndex);
if (overrideSpecies)
return overrideSpecies;
const isBoss = !!this.scene.getEncounterBossSegments(waveIndex, level) && !!this.pokemonPool[BiomePoolTier.BOSS].length
&& (this.biomeType !== Biome.END || this.scene.gameMode.isClassic || this.scene.gameMode.isWaveFinal(waveIndex));
const tierValue = Utils.randSeedInt(!isBoss ? 512 : 64);
let tier = !isBoss
? tierValue >= 156 ? BiomePoolTier.COMMON : tierValue >= 32 ? BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON : tierValue >= 6 ? BiomePoolTier.RARE : tierValue >= 1 ? BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE : BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE
: tierValue >= 20 ? BiomePoolTier.BOSS : tierValue >= 6 ? BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE : tierValue >= 1 ? BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE : BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE;
while (!this.pokemonPool[tier].length) {
console.log(`Downgraded rarity tier from ${BiomePoolTier[tier]} to ${BiomePoolTier[tier - 1]}`);
const tierPool = this.pokemonPool[tier];
let ret: PokemonSpecies;
let regen = false;
if (!tierPool.length)
ret = this.scene.randomSpecies(waveIndex, level);
else {
const entry = tierPool[Utils.randSeedInt(tierPool.length)];
let species: Species;
if (typeof entry === 'number')
species = entry as Species;
else {
const levelThresholds = Object.keys(entry);
for (let l = levelThresholds.length - 1; l >= 0; l--) {
const levelThreshold = parseInt(levelThresholds[l]);
if (level >= levelThreshold) {
const speciesIds = entry[levelThreshold];
if (speciesIds.length > 1)
species = speciesIds[Utils.randSeedInt(speciesIds.length)];
species = speciesIds[0];
ret = getPokemonSpecies(species);
if (ret.pseudoLegendary || ret.legendary || ret.mythical) {
switch (true) {
case (ret.baseTotal >= 720):
regen = level < 90;
case (ret.baseTotal >= 670):
regen = level < 70;
case (ret.baseTotal >= 580):
regen = level < 50;
regen = level < 30;
if (regen && (attempt || 0) < 10) {
console.log('Incompatible level: regenerating...');
return this.randomSpecies(waveIndex, level, (attempt || 0) + 1);
const newSpeciesId = ret.getSpeciesForLevel(level, true, false, isBoss);
if (newSpeciesId !== ret.speciesId) {
console.log('Replaced', Species[ret.speciesId], 'with', Species[newSpeciesId]);
ret = getPokemonSpecies(newSpeciesId);
return ret;
randomTrainerType(waveIndex: integer): TrainerType {
const isBoss = !!this.trainerPool[BiomePoolTier.BOSS].length
&& this.scene.gameMode.isTrainerBoss(waveIndex, this.biomeType);
console.log(isBoss, this.trainerPool)
const tierValue = Utils.randSeedInt(!isBoss ? 512 : 64);
let tier = !isBoss
? tierValue >= 156 ? BiomePoolTier.COMMON : tierValue >= 32 ? BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON : tierValue >= 6 ? BiomePoolTier.RARE : tierValue >= 1 ? BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE : BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE
: tierValue >= 20 ? BiomePoolTier.BOSS : tierValue >= 6 ? BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE : tierValue >= 1 ? BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE : BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE;
while (tier && !this.trainerPool[tier].length) {
console.log(`Downgraded trainer rarity tier from ${BiomePoolTier[tier]} to ${BiomePoolTier[tier - 1]}`);
const tierPool = this.trainerPool[tier] || [];
return !tierPool.length ? TrainerType.BREEDER : tierPool[Utils.randSeedInt(tierPool.length)];
getSpeciesFormIndex(species: PokemonSpecies): integer {
switch (species.speciesId) {
case Species.BURMY:
case Species.WORMADAM:
switch (this.biomeType) {
case Biome.BEACH:
return 1;
case Biome.SLUM:
return 2;
case Species.SCATTERBUG:
case Species.SPEWPA:
case Species.VIVILLON:
return 0;
case Species.LYCANROC:
const timeOfDay = this.getTimeOfDay();
switch (timeOfDay) {
case TimeOfDay.DAY:
case TimeOfDay.DAWN:
return 0;
case TimeOfDay.DUSK:
return 2;
case TimeOfDay.NIGHT:
return 1;
case Species.CALYREX:
switch (this.biomeType) {
case Biome.SNOWY_FOREST:
return 1;
case Biome.GRAVEYARD:
return 2;
return 0;
getTypeForBiome() {
switch (this.biomeType) {
case Biome.TOWN:
case Biome.PLAINS:
case Biome.METROPOLIS:
return Type.NORMAL;
case Biome.GRASS:
case Biome.TALL_GRASS:
return Type.GRASS;
case Biome.FOREST:
return Type.BUG;
case Biome.SLUM:
case Biome.SWAMP:
return Type.POISON;
case Biome.SEA:
case Biome.BEACH:
case Biome.LAKE:
case Biome.SEABED:
return Type.WATER;
case Biome.MOUNTAIN:
return Type.FLYING;
case Biome.BADLANDS:
return Type.GROUND;
case Biome.CAVE:
case Biome.DESERT:
return Type.ROCK;
case Biome.ICE_CAVE:
case Biome.SNOWY_FOREST:
return Type.ICE;
case Biome.MEADOW:
case Biome.FAIRY_CAVE:
case Biome.ISLAND:
return Type.FAIRY;
case Biome.POWER_PLANT:
return Type.ELECTRIC;
case Biome.VOLCANO:
return Type.FIRE;
case Biome.GRAVEYARD:
case Biome.TEMPLE:
return Type.GHOST;
case Biome.DOJO:
return Type.FIGHTING;
case Biome.FACTORY:
return Type.STEEL;
case Biome.RUINS:
case Biome.SPACE:
return Type.PSYCHIC;
case Biome.WASTELAND:
case Biome.END:
return Type.DRAGON;
case Biome.ABYSS:
return Type.DARK;
getBgTerrainColorRatioForBiome(): number {
switch (this.biomeType) {
case Biome.SPACE:
return 1;
case Biome.END:
return 0;
return 83 / 132;
trySetWeatherOverride(weather: WeatherType): boolean {
this.weather = new Weather(weather, 0);
this.scene.unshiftPhase(new CommonAnimPhase(this.scene, undefined, undefined, CommonAnim.SUNNY + (weather - 1)));
return true
trySetWeather(weather: WeatherType, viaMove: boolean): boolean {
// override hook for debugging
return this.trySetWeatherOverride(WEATHER_OVERRIDE);
if (this.weather?.weatherType === (weather || undefined))
return false;
const oldWeatherType = this.weather?.weatherType || WeatherType.NONE;
this.weather = weather ? new Weather(weather, viaMove ? 5 : 0) : null;
if (this.weather) {
this.scene.unshiftPhase(new CommonAnimPhase(this.scene, undefined, undefined, CommonAnim.SUNNY + (weather - 1)));
} else
return true;
trySetTerrain(terrain: TerrainType, viaMove: boolean, ignoreAnim: boolean = false): boolean {
if (this.terrain?.terrainType === (terrain || undefined))
return false;
const oldTerrainType = this.terrain?.terrainType || TerrainType.NONE;
this.terrain = terrain ? new Terrain(terrain, viaMove ? 5 : 0) : null;
if (this.terrain) {
if (!ignoreAnim)
this.scene.unshiftPhase(new CommonAnimPhase(this.scene, undefined, undefined, CommonAnim.MISTY_TERRAIN + (terrain - 1)));
} else
return true;
isMoveWeatherCancelled(move: Move) {
return this.weather && !this.weather.isEffectSuppressed(this.scene) && this.weather.isMoveWeatherCancelled(move);
getAttackTypeMultiplier(attackType: Type, grounded: boolean): number {
let weatherMultiplier = 1;
if (this.weather && !this.weather.isEffectSuppressed(this.scene))
weatherMultiplier = this.weather.getAttackTypeMultiplier(attackType);
let terrainMultiplier = 1;
if (this.terrain && !grounded)
terrainMultiplier = this.terrain.getAttackTypeMultiplier(attackType);
return weatherMultiplier * terrainMultiplier;
getTrainerChance(): integer {
switch (this.biomeType) {
case Biome.METROPOLIS:
return 2;
case Biome.SLUM:
case Biome.BEACH:
case Biome.DOJO:
return 4;
case Biome.PLAINS:
case Biome.GRASS:
case Biome.LAKE:
case Biome.CAVE:
return 6;
case Biome.TALL_GRASS:
case Biome.FOREST:
case Biome.SEA:
case Biome.SWAMP:
case Biome.MOUNTAIN:
case Biome.BADLANDS:
case Biome.DESERT:
case Biome.MEADOW:
case Biome.POWER_PLANT:
case Biome.GRAVEYARD:
case Biome.FACTORY:
case Biome.SNOWY_FOREST:
return 8;
case Biome.ICE_CAVE:
case Biome.VOLCANO:
case Biome.RUINS:
case Biome.WASTELAND:
case Biome.JUNGLE:
case Biome.FAIRY_CAVE:
return 12;
case Biome.SEABED:
case Biome.ABYSS:
case Biome.SPACE:
case Biome.TEMPLE:
return 16;
return 0;
getTimeOfDay(): TimeOfDay {
switch (this.biomeType) {
case Biome.ABYSS:
return TimeOfDay.NIGHT;
const waveCycle = ((this.scene.currentBattle?.waveIndex || 0) + this.scene.waveCycleOffset) % 40;
if (waveCycle < 15)
return TimeOfDay.DAY;
if (waveCycle < 20)
return TimeOfDay.DUSK;
if (waveCycle < 35)
return TimeOfDay.NIGHT;
return TimeOfDay.DAWN;
isOutside(): boolean {
switch (this.biomeType) {
case Biome.SEABED:
case Biome.CAVE:
case Biome.ICE_CAVE:
case Biome.POWER_PLANT:
case Biome.DOJO:
case Biome.FACTORY:
case Biome.ABYSS:
case Biome.FAIRY_CAVE:
case Biome.TEMPLE:
case Biome.LABORATORY:
return false;
return true;
getDayTint(): [integer, integer, integer] {
switch (this.biomeType) {
case Biome.ABYSS:
return [ 64, 64, 64 ];
return [ 128, 128, 128 ];
getDuskTint(): [integer, integer, integer] {
if (!this.isOutside())
return [ 0, 0, 0 ];
switch (this.biomeType) {
return [ 98, 48, 73 ].map(c => Math.round((c + 128) / 2)) as [integer, integer, integer];
getNightTint(): [integer, integer, integer] {
switch (this.biomeType) {
case Biome.ABYSS:
case Biome.SPACE:
case Biome.END:
return this.getDayTint();
if (!this.isOutside())
return [ 64, 64, 64 ];
switch (this.biomeType) {
return [ 48, 48, 98 ];
setIgnoreAbilities(ignoreAbilities: boolean = true): void {
this.ignoreAbilities = ignoreAbilities;
applyTagsForSide(tagType: ArenaTagType | { new(...args: any[]): ArenaTag }, side: ArenaTagSide, ...args: any[]): void {
let tags = typeof tagType === 'string'
? this.tags.filter(t => t.tagType === tagType)
: this.tags.filter(t => t instanceof tagType);
if (side !== ArenaTagSide.BOTH)
tags = tags.filter(t => t.side === side);
tags.forEach(t => t.apply(this, args));
applyTags(tagType: ArenaTagType | { new(...args: any[]): ArenaTag }, ...args: any[]): void {
this.applyTagsForSide(tagType, ArenaTagSide.BOTH, ...args);
addTag(tagType: ArenaTagType, turnCount: integer, sourceMove: Moves, sourceId: integer, side: ArenaTagSide = ArenaTagSide.BOTH, targetIndex?: BattlerIndex): boolean {
const existingTag = this.getTag(tagType);
if (existingTag) {
return false;
const newTag = getArenaTag(tagType, turnCount || 0, sourceMove, sourceId, targetIndex, side);
return true;
getTag(tagType: ArenaTagType | { new(...args: any[]): ArenaTag }): ArenaTag {
return this.getTagOnSide(tagType, ArenaTagSide.BOTH);
getTagOnSide(tagType: ArenaTagType | { new(...args: any[]): ArenaTag }, side: ArenaTagSide): ArenaTag {
return typeof(tagType) === 'string'
? this.tags.find(t => t.tagType === tagType && (side === ArenaTagSide.BOTH || t.side === ArenaTagSide.BOTH || t.side === side))
: this.tags.find(t => t instanceof tagType && (side === ArenaTagSide.BOTH || t.side === ArenaTagSide.BOTH || t.side === side));
lapseTags(): void {
const tags = this.tags;
tags.filter(t => !(t.lapse(this))).forEach(t => {
tags.splice(tags.indexOf(t), 1);
removeAllTags(): void {
while (this.tags.length) {
this.tags.splice(0, 1);
preloadBgm(): void {
getBgmLoopPoint(): number {
switch (this.biomeType) {
case Biome.TOWN:
return 7.288;
case Biome.PLAINS:
return 7.693;
case Biome.GRASS:
return 1.995;
case Biome.TALL_GRASS:
return 9.608;
case Biome.METROPOLIS:
return 4.867;
case Biome.FOREST:
return 4.294;
case Biome.SEA:
return 1.672;
case Biome.SWAMP:
return 4.461;
case Biome.BEACH:
return 3.462;
case Biome.LAKE:
return 5.350;
case Biome.SEABED:
return 2.629;
case Biome.MOUNTAIN:
return 4.018;
case Biome.BADLANDS:
return 17.790;
case Biome.CAVE:
return 14.240;
case Biome.DESERT:
return 1.143;
case Biome.ICE_CAVE:
return 15.010;
case Biome.MEADOW:
return 3.891;
case Biome.POWER_PLANT:
return 2.810;
case Biome.VOLCANO:
return 5.116;
case Biome.GRAVEYARD:
return 3.232;
case Biome.DOJO:
return 6.205;
case Biome.FACTORY:
return 4.985;
case Biome.RUINS:
return 2.270;
case Biome.WASTELAND:
return 6.336;
case Biome.ABYSS:
return 5.130;
case Biome.SPACE:
return 21.347;
return 1.222;
case Biome.JUNGLE:
return 2.477;
case Biome.FAIRY_CAVE:
return 4.542;
case Biome.TEMPLE:
return 2.547;
case Biome.ISLAND:
return 2.751;
case Biome.LABORATORY:
return 0.797;
case Biome.SLUM:
return 1.221;
case Biome.SNOWY_FOREST:
return 3.047;
export function getBiomeKey(biome: Biome): string {
switch (biome) {
case Biome.POWER_PLANT:
return 'ruins';
case Biome.METROPOLIS:
return 'slum';
case Biome.JUNGLE:
return 'tall_grass';
case Biome.ISLAND:
return 'beach';
return Biome[biome].toLowerCase();
export function getBiomeHasProps(biomeType: Biome): boolean {
switch (biomeType) {
case Biome.BEACH:
case Biome.LAKE:
case Biome.SEABED:
case Biome.MOUNTAIN:
case Biome.BADLANDS:
case Biome.CAVE:
case Biome.DESERT:
case Biome.ICE_CAVE:
case Biome.MEADOW:
case Biome.VOLCANO:
case Biome.GRAVEYARD:
case Biome.FACTORY:
case Biome.RUINS:
case Biome.WASTELAND:
case Biome.ABYSS:
case Biome.FAIRY_CAVE:
case Biome.TEMPLE:
case Biome.LABORATORY:
case Biome.END:
return true;
return false;
export class ArenaBase extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
public player: boolean;
public biome: Biome;
public propValue: integer;
public base: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
public props: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[];
constructor(scene: BattleScene, player: boolean) {
super(scene, 0, 0);
this.player = player;
this.base = scene.addFieldSprite(0, 0, 'plains_a', null, 1);
this.base.setOrigin(0, 0);
this.props = !player ?
new Array(3).fill(null).map(() => {
const ret = scene.addFieldSprite(0, 0, 'plains_b', null, 1);
ret.setOrigin(0, 0);
return ret;
}) : [];
setBiome(biome: Biome, propValue?: integer): void {
if (this.biome === biome)
const hasProps = getBiomeHasProps(biome);
const biomeKey = getBiomeKey(biome);
const baseKey = `${biomeKey}_${this.player ? 'a' : 'b'}`;
if (this.base.texture.frameTotal > 1) {
const baseFrameNames = this.scene.anims.generateFrameNames(baseKey, { zeroPad: 4, suffix: ".png", start: 1, end: this.base.texture.frameTotal - 1 });
key: baseKey,
frames: baseFrameNames,
frameRate: 12,
repeat: -1
} else
if (!this.player) {
(this.scene as BattleScene).executeWithSeedOffset(() => {
this.propValue = propValue === undefined
? hasProps ? Utils.randSeedInt(8) : 0
: propValue;
this.props.forEach((prop, p) => {
const propKey = `${biomeKey}_b${hasProps ? `_${p + 1}` : ''}`;
if (hasProps && prop.texture.frameTotal > 1) {
const propFrameNames = this.scene.anims.generateFrameNames(propKey, { zeroPad: 4, suffix: ".png", start: 1, end: prop.texture.frameTotal - 1 });
key: propKey,
frames: propFrameNames,
frameRate: 12,
repeat: -1
} else
prop.setVisible(hasProps && !!(this.propValue & (1 << p)));
}, (this.scene as BattleScene).currentBattle?.waveIndex || 0);
} |