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import i18next from "i18next";
import LanguageDetector from "i18next-browser-languagedetector";
import processor, { KoreanPostpositionProcessor } from "i18next-korean-postposition-processor";
import { deConfig } from "#app/locales/de/config.js";
import { enConfig } from "#app/locales/en/config.js";
import { esConfig } from "#app/locales/es/config.js";
import { frConfig } from "#app/locales/fr/config.js";
import { itConfig } from "#app/locales/it/config.js";
import { koConfig } from "#app/locales/ko/config.js";
import { ptBrConfig } from "#app/locales/pt_BR/config.js";
import { zhCnConfig } from "#app/locales/zh_CN/config.js";
import { zhTwConfig } from "#app/locales/zh_TW/config.js";
const unicodeHalfAndFullWidthForms = [
const unicodeCJK = [
const unicodeHangul = [
const fonts = [
// korean
new FontFace("emerald", "url(./fonts/PokePT_Wansung.ttf)", { unicodeRange: unicodeHangul}),
new FontFace("pkmnems", "url(./fonts/PokePT_Wansung.ttf)", { unicodeRange: unicodeHangul}),
{ sizeAdjust: "133%" }
// unicode
new FontFace("emerald", "url(./fonts/unifont-15.1.05.otf)", { unicodeRange: [unicodeCJK, unicodeHalfAndFullWidthForms].join(",") }),
{ sizeAdjust: "70%", format: "opentype" }
new FontFace("pkmnems", "url(./fonts/unifont-15.1.05.otf)", { unicodeRange: [unicodeCJK, unicodeHalfAndFullWidthForms].join(",") }),
{ format: "opentype" }
async function initFonts() {
const results = await Promise.allSettled(fonts.map(font => font.load()));
for (const result of results) {
if (result.status === "fulfilled") {
} else {
export async function initI18n(): Promise<void> {
// Prevent reinitialization
if (isInitialized) {
isInitialized = true;
* i18next is a localization library for maintaining and using translation resources.
* Q: How do I add a new language?
* A: To add a new language, create a new folder in the locales directory with the language code.
* Each language folder should contain a file for each namespace (ex. menu.ts) with the translations.
* Don't forget to declare new language in `supportedLngs` i18next initializer
* Q: How do I add a new namespace?
* A: To add a new namespace, create a new file in each language folder with the translations.
* Then update the config file for that language in its locale directory
* and the CustomTypeOptions interface in the @types/i18next.d.ts file.
* Q: How do I make a language selectable in the settings?
* A: In src/system/settings.ts, add a new case to the Setting.Language switch statement.
i18next.use(new KoreanPostpositionProcessor());
await i18next.init({
nonExplicitSupportedLngs: true,
fallbackLng: "en",
supportedLngs: ["en", "es", "fr", "it", "de", "zh", "pt", "ko"],
defaultNS: "menu",
ns: Object.keys(enConfig),
detection: {
lookupLocalStorage: "prLang"
debug: Number(import.meta.env.VITE_I18N_DEBUG) === 1,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false,
resources: {
en: {
es: {
fr: {
it: {
de: {
"pt-BR": {
"zh-CN": {
"zh-TW": {
ko: {
postProcess: ["korean-postposition"],
// Input: {{myMoneyValue, money}}
// Output: @[MONEY]{₽100,000,000} (useful for BBCode coloring of text)
// If you don't want the BBCode tag applied, just use 'number' formatter
i18next.services.formatter.add("money", (value, lng, options) => {
const numberFormattedString = Intl.NumberFormat(lng, options).format(value);
return `@[MONEY]{₽${numberFormattedString}}`;
await initFonts();
export default i18next;
export function getIsInitialized(): boolean {
return isInitialized;
let isInitialized = false;