Sirz Benjie a51a504155
[Test] Move test folder out of src (#5398)
* move test folder

* Update vitest files

* rename test/utils to test/testUtils

* Remove stray utils/gameManager

Got put back from a rebase
2025-02-22 22:52:07 -06:00

228 lines
8.6 KiB

import { Stat } from "#enums/stat";
import { SpeciesStatBoosterModifier } from "#app/modifier/modifier";
import { modifierTypes } from "#app/modifier/modifier-type";
import i18next from "#app/plugins/i18n";
import * as Utils from "#app/utils";
import { Species } from "#enums/species";
import GameManager from "#test/testUtils/gameManager";
import Phase from "phaser";
import { afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest";
describe("Items - Thick Club", () => {
let phaserGame: Phaser.Game;
let game: GameManager;
beforeAll(() => {
phaserGame = new Phase.Game({
type: Phaser.HEADLESS,
afterEach(() => {
beforeEach(() => {
game = new GameManager(phaserGame);
it("THICK_CLUB activates in battle correctly", async() => {
game.override.startingHeldItems([{ name: "SPECIES_STAT_BOOSTER", type: "THICK_CLUB" }]);
const consoleSpy = vi.spyOn(console, "log");
await game.classicMode.startBattle([
const partyMember = game.scene.getPlayerParty()[0];
// Checking console log to make sure Thick Club is applied when getEffectiveStat (with the appropriate stat) is called
expect(consoleSpy).not.toHaveBeenLastCalledWith("Applied", i18next.t(""), "");
// Printing dummy console messages along the way so subsequent checks don't pass because of the first
expect(consoleSpy).not.toHaveBeenLastCalledWith("Applied", i18next.t(""), "");
expect(consoleSpy).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith("Applied", i18next.t(""), "");
expect(consoleSpy).not.toHaveBeenLastCalledWith("Applied", i18next.t(""), "");
expect(consoleSpy).not.toHaveBeenLastCalledWith("Applied", i18next.t(""), "");
it("THICK_CLUB held by CUBONE", async() => {
await game.classicMode.startBattle([
const partyMember = game.scene.getPlayerParty()[0];
const atkStat = partyMember.getStat(Stat.ATK);
// Making sure modifier is not applied without holding item
const atkValue = new Utils.NumberHolder(atkStat);
game.scene.applyModifiers(SpeciesStatBoosterModifier, true, partyMember, Stat.ATK, atkValue);
expect(atkValue.value / atkStat).toBe(1);
// Giving Eviolite to party member and testing if it applies
await game.scene.addModifier(modifierTypes.SPECIES_STAT_BOOSTER().generateType([], [ "THICK_CLUB" ])!.newModifier(partyMember), true);
game.scene.applyModifiers(SpeciesStatBoosterModifier, true, partyMember, Stat.ATK, atkValue);
expect(atkValue.value / atkStat).toBe(2);
it("THICK_CLUB held by MAROWAK", async() => {
await game.classicMode.startBattle([
const partyMember = game.scene.getPlayerParty()[0];
const atkStat = partyMember.getStat(Stat.ATK);
// Making sure modifier is not applied without holding item
const atkValue = new Utils.NumberHolder(atkStat);
game.scene.applyModifiers(SpeciesStatBoosterModifier, true, partyMember, Stat.ATK, atkValue);
expect(atkValue.value / atkStat).toBe(1);
// Giving Eviolite to party member and testing if it applies
await game.scene.addModifier(modifierTypes.SPECIES_STAT_BOOSTER().generateType([], [ "THICK_CLUB" ])!.newModifier(partyMember), true);
game.scene.applyModifiers(SpeciesStatBoosterModifier, true, partyMember, Stat.ATK, atkValue);
expect(atkValue.value / atkStat).toBe(2);
it("THICK_CLUB held by ALOLA_MAROWAK", async() => {
await game.classicMode.startBattle([
const partyMember = game.scene.getPlayerParty()[0];
const atkStat = partyMember.getStat(Stat.ATK);
// Making sure modifier is not applied without holding item
const atkValue = new Utils.NumberHolder(atkStat);
game.scene.applyModifiers(SpeciesStatBoosterModifier, true, partyMember, Stat.ATK, atkValue);
expect(atkValue.value / atkStat).toBe(1);
// Giving Eviolite to party member and testing if it applies
await game.scene.addModifier(modifierTypes.SPECIES_STAT_BOOSTER().generateType([], [ "THICK_CLUB" ])!.newModifier(partyMember), true);
game.scene.applyModifiers(SpeciesStatBoosterModifier, true, partyMember, Stat.ATK, atkValue);
expect(atkValue.value / atkStat).toBe(2);
it("THICK_CLUB held by fused CUBONE line (base)", async() => {
// Randomly choose from the Cubone line
const species = [ Species.CUBONE, Species.MAROWAK, Species.ALOLA_MAROWAK ];
const randSpecies = Utils.randInt(species.length);
await game.classicMode.startBattle([
const partyMember = game.scene.getPlayerParty()[0];
const ally = game.scene.getPlayerParty()[1];
// Fuse party members (taken from PlayerPokemon.fuse(...) function)
partyMember.fusionSpecies = ally.species;
partyMember.fusionFormIndex = ally.formIndex;
partyMember.fusionAbilityIndex = ally.abilityIndex;
partyMember.fusionShiny = ally.shiny;
partyMember.fusionVariant = ally.variant;
partyMember.fusionGender = ally.gender;
partyMember.fusionLuck = ally.luck;
const atkStat = partyMember.getStat(Stat.ATK);
// Making sure modifier is not applied without holding item
const atkValue = new Utils.NumberHolder(atkStat);
game.scene.applyModifiers(SpeciesStatBoosterModifier, true, partyMember, Stat.ATK, atkValue);
expect(atkValue.value / atkStat).toBe(1);
// Giving Eviolite to party member and testing if it applies
await game.scene.addModifier(modifierTypes.SPECIES_STAT_BOOSTER().generateType([], [ "THICK_CLUB" ])!.newModifier(partyMember), true);
game.scene.applyModifiers(SpeciesStatBoosterModifier, true, partyMember, Stat.ATK, atkValue);
expect(atkValue.value / atkStat).toBe(2);
it("THICK_CLUB held by fused CUBONE line (part)", async() => {
// Randomly choose from the Cubone line
const species = [ Species.CUBONE, Species.MAROWAK, Species.ALOLA_MAROWAK ];
const randSpecies = Utils.randInt(species.length);
await game.classicMode.startBattle([
const partyMember = game.scene.getPlayerParty()[0];
const ally = game.scene.getPlayerParty()[1];
// Fuse party members (taken from PlayerPokemon.fuse(...) function)
partyMember.fusionSpecies = ally.species;
partyMember.fusionFormIndex = ally.formIndex;
partyMember.fusionAbilityIndex = ally.abilityIndex;
partyMember.fusionShiny = ally.shiny;
partyMember.fusionVariant = ally.variant;
partyMember.fusionGender = ally.gender;
partyMember.fusionLuck = ally.luck;
const atkStat = partyMember.getStat(Stat.ATK);
// Making sure modifier is not applied without holding item
const atkValue = new Utils.NumberHolder(atkStat);
game.scene.applyModifiers(SpeciesStatBoosterModifier, true, partyMember, Stat.ATK, atkValue);
expect(atkValue.value / atkStat).toBe(1);
// Giving Eviolite to party member and testing if it applies
await game.scene.addModifier(modifierTypes.SPECIES_STAT_BOOSTER().generateType([], [ "THICK_CLUB" ])!.newModifier(partyMember), true);
game.scene.applyModifiers(SpeciesStatBoosterModifier, true, partyMember, Stat.ATK, atkValue);
expect(atkValue.value / atkStat).toBe(2);
it("THICK_CLUB not held by CUBONE", async() => {
await game.classicMode.startBattle([
const partyMember = game.scene.getPlayerParty()[0];
const atkStat = partyMember.getStat(Stat.ATK);
// Making sure modifier is not applied without holding item
const atkValue = new Utils.NumberHolder(atkStat);
game.scene.applyModifiers(SpeciesStatBoosterModifier, true, partyMember, Stat.ATK, atkValue);
expect(atkValue.value / atkStat).toBe(1);
// Giving Eviolite to party member and testing if it applies
await game.scene.addModifier(modifierTypes.SPECIES_STAT_BOOSTER().generateType([], [ "THICK_CLUB" ])!.newModifier(partyMember), true);
game.scene.applyModifiers(SpeciesStatBoosterModifier, true, partyMember, Stat.ATK, atkValue);
expect(atkValue.value / atkStat).toBe(1);