Wlowscha 66c70b07a7
[UI/UX] In-Game Pokedex (#5083)
* Working ui, missing logic, logs

* Filtering starters by name is working

* Filtering moves and abilities correctly

* Opening starter page on button.action

* Removed ugly leftover from title

* Added container for text with different colors and titles

* Showing all species in pokedex with no decorations and shinies

* Filtering includes extra forms; moving cursor from filterText to starters does not reset scrollIndex; toggle button for decorations

* Can access evolution page

* Abilities are colored properly (still missing info overlay)

* Biome filter; displays for baseStats, biomes and evolutions

* Removed lockable select ui handler, replaced by changes to standard ui handler.

* Evolutions are selectable from list and displayed properly

* Keeps shiny variant, gender and form when switching to evolutions; show ability descriptions; properly displaying sprites for megas and other forms

* Listing prevolutions and base forms

* Fixed filtering of baby forms with no biome assigned; Caught filter is ALL by default

* Highlighting text filters, resetting all filters when starting up

* No error messag when cursor on uncaught species, showing sprite again after toggling stats

* Simplified Pokemon Scan logic, accepts separate words as input

* Dynamically resizing ability box, showing ability description on first hover. Removed debug logs.

* Removed some more debug messages.

* Filter bar can adjust cursorOffset and x padding

* Fixed some type definitions

* Fixed more warnings; added localization strings in the pokedex scan overlay.

* Fixed fatal bug due to using Object.keys

* Removed debug messages

* Added try catch construct to prevent error that was breaking reloadHelper tests

* Added filter for starters / evolutions

* Biome filter option for uncatchable mons

* C and V buttons snap cursor to filters

* Changing background to make instructions visible

* Can buy candy upgrades through pokedex

* Displaying base stats as bars in an overlay

* Including baby forms among uncatchable mons

* Including evolutions when filtering by biome

* Working logic for select ui handler with skips and scroll

* -Pokedex page showing biomes from prevolutions; displaying correct biomes for forms of Rotom, Burmy and Lycanroc

* Fixed bug in base stats overlay

* Regional forms display name of region in evolutions and prevolutions

* Better messages for evolution conditions

* Showing proper descriptions for menu

* Adding sound effects to menu, and pokemon cry when opening page

* Changing menu colors to textstyle options supporting a legacy version.

* Fix to getStarterSpeciesId to work with all-unlocks files

* Passing a TextStyle to option select ui handler to allow for shadowed text

* Fixed bug of overlapping labels in text filters

* Fixed bug with supportHover and skipped indices in option select ui handler

* Localization of pokemon number label

* Fix to pokemon number localization

* Fix to pokemon number localization

* Adding some comments, removing useless elements

* More cleanup

* Removed candy upgrade instructions from evolved pokemon; attempting to buy candies from evolution now gives error sound instead of crashing the game

* Attempting to exit from filter text is now allowed if current option is empty

* UI changes to make dex pages work in legacy style

* Pokemon name shown while in alt form is no more capitalized

* Handling uncaught pokemon

* Showing types on Pokémon page

* Introducing globalScene everywhere

* Showing evolution requirements in message box

* Displaying form changing items; now using pokemonFormChanges to only show reachable forms

* Playing correct cry

* Pokemon cry in setSpeciesDetails

* Left and right buttons to turn previous or next pokedex page

* Cleaned up "last" from this.species; turning pages now preserves memories of unlocks

* Pokerus cursor is now treated as decoration

* Correctly displaying prevolutions for Pikachu and Gholdengo

* Uncaught forms can be cycled through (with black sprite and no options available)

* Filtering by moves now shows icons to distinguish egg and tm moves

* Added icons for passive abilities

* Added icons to legacy mode; fixed bug that caused game to hang when switching to or from legacy mode

* Pokedex entries are accessible through party screen

* Adding sort criteria for consistency with starter select screen

* Added options to cost reduction filter for consistency with starter select screen

* Updating optionSelectUiHandler to simplify logic and fix bug of autocomplete showing options incorrectly

* Adding Pokedéx option in starter select screen

* Prevolutions are shown properly again; battle forms are considered caught as long as the base form is caught

* Small fixes to evolution and form change descriptions

* Reworked evolutions menu to incorporate condition descriptions

* Moving evolution condition description logic entirely to the SpeciesEvolution class

* Removed extra Miraidon and Koraidon forms

* Properly showing evolution text for Dunsparce and Maushold

* Displaying uncaught forms for Dudunsparce and Maushold properly

* Displaying correct forms for Urshifu and Toxicitry after evolution

* Cleared up comments

* Updating test for tandemaus evolution

* Localized labels for egg moves and abilities

* Added button to show back sprites

* Back to showing only caught battleforms; added dexForDevs option

* Merging shiny and variant buttons

* Uncaught battle forms options are shown in dark text, like evolutions

* Showing proper gender for mons that can only be (or have only caught in) one gender

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: NightKev <>

* Removed unused options from base-stats-overlay

* Fixed import of BaseStatsOverlay

* Displaying form-specific TMs properly; adjusting for passives rework

* Removed logging messages

* resetting containers to prevent memory leaks

* Updating integer to number in pokedex

* Implemented suggestion

* Removed some stray comments

* Fixed logic for cursor coming down from filter bar

* Transition from filters to dex box now works in a visually pleasing way


Co-authored-by: Lugiad <>
Co-authored-by: NightKev <>
Co-authored-by: damocleas <>
2025-02-08 11:48:06 -05:00

150 lines
5.1 KiB

import { globalScene } from "#app/global-scene";
import AwaitableUiHandler from "./ui/awaitable-ui-handler";
import type UiHandler from "./ui/ui-handler";
import { Mode } from "./ui/ui";
import i18next from "i18next";
import Overrides from "#app/overrides";
export enum Tutorial {
Intro = "INTRO",
Access_Menu = "ACCESS_MENU",
Menu = "MENU",
Starter_Select = "STARTER_SELECT",
Pokedex = "POKEDEX",
Pokerus = "POKERUS",
Stat_Change = "STAT_CHANGE",
Select_Item = "SELECT_ITEM",
Egg_Gacha = "EGG_GACHA"
const tutorialHandlers = {
[Tutorial.Intro]: () => {
return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
globalScene.ui.showText(i18next.t("tutorial:intro"), null, () => resolve(), null, true);
[Tutorial.Access_Menu]: () => {
return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
if (globalScene.enableTouchControls) {
return resolve();
globalScene.showFieldOverlay(1000).then(() => globalScene.ui.showText(i18next.t("tutorial:accessMenu"), null, () => globalScene.hideFieldOverlay(1000).then(() => resolve()), null, true));
[Tutorial.Menu]: () => {
return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
globalScene.gameData.saveTutorialFlag(Tutorial.Access_Menu, true);
globalScene.ui.showText(i18next.t("tutorial:menu"), null, () => globalScene.ui.showText("", null, () => resolve()), null, true);
[Tutorial.Starter_Select]: () => {
return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
globalScene.ui.showText(i18next.t("tutorial:starterSelect"), null, () => globalScene.ui.showText("", null, () => resolve()), null, true);
[Tutorial.Pokerus]: () => {
return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
globalScene.ui.showText(i18next.t("tutorial:pokerus"), null, () => globalScene.ui.showText("", null, () => resolve()), null, true);
[Tutorial.Stat_Change]: () => {
return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
globalScene.showFieldOverlay(1000).then(() => globalScene.ui.showText(i18next.t("tutorial:statChange"), null, () => globalScene.ui.showText("", null, () => globalScene.hideFieldOverlay(1000).then(() => resolve())), null, true));
[Tutorial.Select_Item]: () => {
return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
globalScene.ui.setModeWithoutClear(Mode.MESSAGE).then(() => {
globalScene.ui.showText(i18next.t("tutorial:selectItem"), null, () => globalScene.ui.showText("", null, () => globalScene.ui.setModeWithoutClear(Mode.MODIFIER_SELECT).then(() => resolve())), null, true);
[Tutorial.Egg_Gacha]: () => {
return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
globalScene.ui.showText(i18next.t("tutorial:eggGacha"), null, () => globalScene.ui.showText("", null, () => resolve()), null, true);
* Run through the specified tutorial if it hasn't been seen before and mark it as seen once done
* This will show a tutorial overlay if defined in the current {@linkcode AwaitableUiHandler}
* The main menu will also get disabled while the tutorial is running
* @param tutorial the {@linkcode Tutorial} to play
* @returns a promise with result `true` if the tutorial was run and finished, `false` otherwise
export async function handleTutorial(tutorial: Tutorial): Promise<boolean> {
if (!globalScene.enableTutorials && !Overrides.BYPASS_TUTORIAL_SKIP_OVERRIDE) {
return false;
if (globalScene.gameData.getTutorialFlags()[tutorial] && !Overrides.BYPASS_TUTORIAL_SKIP_OVERRIDE) {
return false;
const handler = globalScene.ui.getHandler();
const isMenuDisabled = globalScene.disableMenu;
// starting tutorial, disable menu
globalScene.disableMenu = true;
if (handler instanceof AwaitableUiHandler) {
handler.tutorialActive = true;
await showTutorialOverlay(handler);
await tutorialHandlers[tutorial]();
await hideTutorialOverlay(handler);
// tutorial finished and overlay gone, re-enable menu, save tutorial as seen
globalScene.disableMenu = isMenuDisabled;
globalScene.gameData.saveTutorialFlag(tutorial, true);
if (handler instanceof AwaitableUiHandler) {
handler.tutorialActive = false;
return true;
* Show the tutorial overlay if there is one
* @param handler the current UiHandler
* @returns `true` once the overlay has finished appearing, or if there is no overlay
async function showTutorialOverlay(handler: UiHandler) {
if (handler instanceof AwaitableUiHandler && handler.tutorialOverlay) {
targets: handler.tutorialOverlay,
alpha: 0.5,
duration: 750,
ease: "Sine.easeOut",
onComplete: () => {
return true;
} else {
return true;
* Hide the tutorial overlay if there is one
* @param handler the current UiHandler
* @returns `true` once the overlay has finished disappearing, or if there is no overlay
async function hideTutorialOverlay(handler: UiHandler) {
if (handler instanceof AwaitableUiHandler && handler.tutorialOverlay) {
targets: handler.tutorialOverlay,
alpha: 0,
duration: 500,
ease: "Sine.easeOut",
onComplete: () => {
return true;
} else {
return true;