mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 04:29:37 +00:00
* Working ui, missing logic, logs * Filtering starters by name is working * Filtering moves and abilities correctly * Opening starter page on button.action * Removed ugly leftover from title * Added container for text with different colors and titles * Showing all species in pokedex with no decorations and shinies * Filtering includes extra forms; moving cursor from filterText to starters does not reset scrollIndex; toggle button for decorations * Can access evolution page * Abilities are colored properly (still missing info overlay) * Biome filter; displays for baseStats, biomes and evolutions * Removed lockable select ui handler, replaced by changes to standard ui handler. * Evolutions are selectable from list and displayed properly * Keeps shiny variant, gender and form when switching to evolutions; show ability descriptions; properly displaying sprites for megas and other forms * Listing prevolutions and base forms * Fixed filtering of baby forms with no biome assigned; Caught filter is ALL by default * Highlighting text filters, resetting all filters when starting up * No error messag when cursor on uncaught species, showing sprite again after toggling stats * Simplified Pokemon Scan logic, accepts separate words as input * Dynamically resizing ability box, showing ability description on first hover. Removed debug logs. * Removed some more debug messages. * Filter bar can adjust cursorOffset and x padding * Fixed some type definitions * Fixed more warnings; added localization strings in the pokedex scan overlay. * Fixed fatal bug due to using Object.keys * Removed debug messages * Added try catch construct to prevent error that was breaking reloadHelper tests * Added filter for starters / evolutions * Biome filter option for uncatchable mons * C and V buttons snap cursor to filters * Changing background to make instructions visible * Can buy candy upgrades through pokedex * Displaying base stats as bars in an overlay * Including baby forms among uncatchable mons * Including evolutions when filtering by biome * Working logic for select ui handler with skips and scroll * -Pokedex page showing biomes from prevolutions; displaying correct biomes for forms of Rotom, Burmy and Lycanroc * Fixed bug in base stats overlay * Regional forms display name of region in evolutions and prevolutions * Better messages for evolution conditions * Showing proper descriptions for menu * Adding sound effects to menu, and pokemon cry when opening page * Changing menu colors to textstyle options supporting a legacy version. * Fix to getStarterSpeciesId to work with all-unlocks files * Passing a TextStyle to option select ui handler to allow for shadowed text * Fixed bug of overlapping labels in text filters * Fixed bug with supportHover and skipped indices in option select ui handler * Localization of pokemon number label * Fix to pokemon number localization * Fix to pokemon number localization * Adding some comments, removing useless elements * More cleanup * Removed candy upgrade instructions from evolved pokemon; attempting to buy candies from evolution now gives error sound instead of crashing the game * Attempting to exit from filter text is now allowed if current option is empty * UI changes to make dex pages work in legacy style * Pokemon name shown while in alt form is no more capitalized * Handling uncaught pokemon * Showing types on Pokémon page * Introducing globalScene everywhere * Showing evolution requirements in message box * Displaying form changing items; now using pokemonFormChanges to only show reachable forms * Playing correct cry * Pokemon cry in setSpeciesDetails * Left and right buttons to turn previous or next pokedex page * Cleaned up "last" from this.species; turning pages now preserves memories of unlocks * Pokerus cursor is now treated as decoration * Correctly displaying prevolutions for Pikachu and Gholdengo * Uncaught forms can be cycled through (with black sprite and no options available) * Filtering by moves now shows icons to distinguish egg and tm moves * Added icons for passive abilities * Added icons to legacy mode; fixed bug that caused game to hang when switching to or from legacy mode * Pokedex entries are accessible through party screen * Adding sort criteria for consistency with starter select screen * Added options to cost reduction filter for consistency with starter select screen * Updating optionSelectUiHandler to simplify logic and fix bug of autocomplete showing options incorrectly * Adding Pokedéx option in starter select screen * Prevolutions are shown properly again; battle forms are considered caught as long as the base form is caught * Small fixes to evolution and form change descriptions * Reworked evolutions menu to incorporate condition descriptions * Moving evolution condition description logic entirely to the SpeciesEvolution class * Removed extra Miraidon and Koraidon forms * Properly showing evolution text for Dunsparce and Maushold * Displaying uncaught forms for Dudunsparce and Maushold properly * Displaying correct forms for Urshifu and Toxicitry after evolution * Cleared up comments * Updating test for tandemaus evolution * Localized labels for egg moves and abilities * Added button to show back sprites * Back to showing only caught battleforms; added dexForDevs option * Merging shiny and variant buttons * Uncaught battle forms options are shown in dark text, like evolutions * Showing proper gender for mons that can only be (or have only caught in) one gender * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: NightKev <34855794+DayKev@users.noreply.github.com> * Removed unused options from base-stats-overlay * Fixed import of BaseStatsOverlay * Displaying form-specific TMs properly; adjusting for passives rework * Removed logging messages * resetting containers to prevent memory leaks * Updating integer to number in pokedex * Implemented suggestion * Removed some stray comments * Fixed logic for cursor coming down from filter bar * Transition from filters to dex box now works in a visually pleasing way --------- Co-authored-by: Lugiad <2070109+Adri1@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: NightKev <34855794+DayKev@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: damocleas <damocleas25@gmail.com>
1878 lines
79 KiB
1878 lines
79 KiB
import type { Variant } from "#app/data/variant";
import { getVariantTint, getVariantIcon } from "#app/data/variant";
import { argbFromRgba } from "@material/material-color-utilities";
import i18next from "i18next";
import { starterColors } from "#app/battle-scene";
import { speciesEggMoves } from "#app/data/balance/egg-moves";
import { pokemonFormLevelMoves, pokemonSpeciesLevelMoves } from "#app/data/balance/pokemon-level-moves";
import type { PokemonForm } from "#app/data/pokemon-species";
import type PokemonSpecies from "#app/data/pokemon-species";
import { allSpecies, getPokemonSpeciesForm, getPokerusStarters } from "#app/data/pokemon-species";
import { getStarterValueFriendshipCap, speciesStarterCosts, POKERUS_STARTER_COUNT } from "#app/data/balance/starters";
import { catchableSpecies } from "#app/data/balance/biomes";
import { Type } from "#enums/type";
import type { DexAttrProps, DexEntry, StarterMoveset, StarterAttributes, StarterPreferences } from "#app/system/game-data";
import { AbilityAttr, DexAttr, StarterPrefs } from "#app/system/game-data";
import MessageUiHandler from "#app/ui/message-ui-handler";
import PokemonIconAnimHandler, { PokemonIconAnimMode } from "#app/ui/pokemon-icon-anim-handler";
import { TextStyle, addTextObject } from "#app/ui/text";
import { Mode } from "#app/ui/ui";
import { SettingKeyboard } from "#app/system/settings/settings-keyboard";
import { Passive as PassiveAttr } from "#enums/passive";
import type { Moves } from "#enums/moves";
import type { Species } from "#enums/species";
import { Button } from "#enums/buttons";
import { DropDown, DropDownLabel, DropDownOption, DropDownState, DropDownType, SortCriteria } from "#app/ui/dropdown";
import { PokedexMonContainer } from "#app/ui/pokedex-mon-container";
import { DropDownColumn, FilterBar } from "#app/ui/filter-bar";
import { ScrollBar } from "#app/ui/scroll-bar";
import { Abilities } from "#enums/abilities";
import { getPassiveCandyCount, getValueReductionCandyCounts, getSameSpeciesEggCandyCounts } from "#app/data/balance/starters";
import { BooleanHolder, fixedInt, getLocalizedSpriteKey, padInt, randIntRange, rgbHexToRgba } from "#app/utils";
import type { Nature } from "#enums/nature";
import { addWindow } from "./ui-theme";
import type { OptionSelectConfig } from "./abstact-option-select-ui-handler";
import { FilterText, FilterTextRow } from "./filter-text";
import { allAbilities } from "#app/data/ability";
import type { PassiveAbilities } from "#app/data/balance/passives";
import { starterPassiveAbilities } from "#app/data/balance/passives";
import { allMoves } from "#app/data/move";
import { speciesTmMoves } from "#app/data/balance/tms";
import { pokemonStarters } from "#app/data/balance/pokemon-evolutions";
import { Biome } from "#enums/biome";
import { globalScene } from "#app/global-scene";
interface LanguageSetting {
starterInfoTextSize: string,
instructionTextSize: string,
starterInfoXPos?: number,
starterInfoYOffset?: number
const languageSettings: { [key: string]: LanguageSetting } = {
starterInfoTextSize: "56px",
instructionTextSize: "38px",
starterInfoTextSize: "48px",
instructionTextSize: "35px",
starterInfoXPos: 33,
starterInfoTextSize: "56px",
instructionTextSize: "35px",
starterInfoTextSize: "54px",
instructionTextSize: "38px",
starterInfoTextSize: "56px",
instructionTextSize: "38px",
starterInfoTextSize: "47px",
instructionTextSize: "38px",
starterInfoXPos: 33,
starterInfoTextSize: "47px",
instructionTextSize: "38px",
starterInfoYOffset: 1,
starterInfoXPos: 24,
starterInfoTextSize: "48px",
instructionTextSize: "42px",
starterInfoXPos: 33,
starterInfoTextSize: "52px",
instructionTextSize: "38px",
starterInfoTextSize: "51px",
instructionTextSize: "38px",
starterInfoTextSize: "56px",
instructionTextSize: "38px",
enum FilterTextOptions{
const valueReductionMax = 2;
// Position of UI elements
const filterBarHeight = 17;
const speciesContainerX = 143;
* Calculates the starter position for a Pokemon of a given UI index
* @param index UI index to calculate the starter position of
* @returns An interface with an x and y property
function calcStarterPosition(index: number, scrollCursor:number = 0): {x: number, y: number} {
const yOffset = 13;
const height = 17;
const x = (index % 9) * 18;
const y = yOffset + (Math.floor(index / 9) - scrollCursor) * height;
return { x: x, y: y };
interface SpeciesDetails {
shiny?: boolean,
formIndex?: number
female?: boolean,
variant?: Variant,
abilityIndex?: number,
natureIndex?: number,
forSeen?: boolean, // default = false
export default class PokedexUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler {
private starterSelectContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container;
private starterSelectScrollBar: ScrollBar;
private filterBarContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container;
private filterBar: FilterBar;
private pokemonContainers: PokedexMonContainer[] = [];
private filteredPokemonContainers: PokedexMonContainer[] = [];
private validPokemonContainers: PokedexMonContainer[] = [];
private pokemonNumberText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text;
private pokemonSprite: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
private pokemonNameText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text;
private type1Icon: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
private type2Icon: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
private starterSelectMessageBox: Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice;
private starterSelectMessageBoxContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container;
private filterMode: boolean;
private filterBarCursor: number = 0;
private starterMoveset: StarterMoveset | null;
private scrollCursor: number;
private allSpecies: PokemonSpecies[] = [];
private lastSpecies: PokemonSpecies;
private speciesLoaded: Map<Species, boolean> = new Map<Species, boolean>();
private pokerusSpecies: PokemonSpecies[] = [];
private speciesStarterDexEntry: DexEntry | null;
private speciesStarterMoves: Moves[];
private assetLoadCancelled: BooleanHolder | null;
public cursorObj: Phaser.GameObjects.Image;
private pokerusCursorObjs: Phaser.GameObjects.Image[];
private iconAnimHandler: PokemonIconAnimHandler;
private starterPreferences: StarterPreferences;
protected blockInput: boolean = false;
// for text filters
private readonly textPadding = 8;
private readonly defaultMessageBoxWidth = 220;
private readonly defaultWordWrapWidth = 1224;
private menuMessageBoxContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container;
private menuMessageBox: Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice;
private dialogueMessageBox: Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice;
protected manageDataConfig: OptionSelectConfig;
private filterTextOptions: FilterTextOptions[];
protected optionSelectText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text;
protected scale: number = 0.1666666667;
private menuBg: Phaser.GameObjects.NineSlice;
private filterTextContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container;
private filterText: FilterText;
private filterTextMode: boolean;
private filterTextCursor: number = 0;
private showDecorations: boolean = false;
private goFilterIconElement1: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
private goFilterIconElement2: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
private goFilterLabel: Phaser.GameObjects.Text;
private toggleDecorationsIconElement: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
private toggleDecorationsLabel: Phaser.GameObjects.Text;
constructor() {
setup() {
const ui = this.getUi();
const currentLanguage = i18next.resolvedLanguage ?? "en";
const langSettingKey = Object.keys(languageSettings).find(lang => currentLanguage.includes(lang)) ?? "en";
const textSettings = languageSettings[langSettingKey];
this.starterSelectContainer = globalScene.add.container(0, -globalScene.game.canvas.height / 6);
const bgColor = globalScene.add.rectangle(0, 0, globalScene.game.canvas.width / 6, globalScene.game.canvas.height / 6, 0x006860);
bgColor.setOrigin(0, 0);
const pokemonContainerWindow = addWindow(speciesContainerX, filterBarHeight + 1, 175, 161);
const pokemonContainerBg = globalScene.add.image(speciesContainerX + 1, filterBarHeight + 2, "starter_container_bg");
pokemonContainerBg.setOrigin(0, 0);
// Create and initialise filter text fields
this.filterTextContainer = globalScene.add.container(0, 0);
this.filterText = new FilterText(1, filterBarHeight + 2, 140, 100, this.updateStarters);
this.filterText.addFilter(FilterTextRow.NAME, i18next.t("filterText:nameField"));
this.filterText.addFilter(FilterTextRow.MOVE_1, i18next.t("filterText:move1Field"));
this.filterText.addFilter(FilterTextRow.MOVE_2, i18next.t("filterText:move2Field"));
this.filterText.addFilter(FilterTextRow.ABILITY_1, i18next.t("filterText:ability1Field"));
this.filterText.addFilter(FilterTextRow.ABILITY_2, i18next.t("filterText:ability2Field"));
// Create and initialise filter bar
this.filterBarContainer = globalScene.add.container(0, 0);
this.filterBar = new FilterBar(speciesContainerX, 1, 175, filterBarHeight, 2, 0, 6);
// gen filter
const genOptions: DropDownOption[] = [
new DropDownOption(1, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("pokedexUiHandler:gen1"))),
new DropDownOption(2, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("pokedexUiHandler:gen2"))),
new DropDownOption(3, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("pokedexUiHandler:gen3"))),
new DropDownOption(4, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("pokedexUiHandler:gen4"))),
new DropDownOption(5, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("pokedexUiHandler:gen5"))),
new DropDownOption(6, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("pokedexUiHandler:gen6"))),
new DropDownOption(7, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("pokedexUiHandler:gen7"))),
new DropDownOption(8, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("pokedexUiHandler:gen8"))),
new DropDownOption(9, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("pokedexUiHandler:gen9"))),
const genDropDown: DropDown = new DropDown(0, 0, genOptions, this.updateStarters, DropDownType.HYBRID);
this.filterBar.addFilter(DropDownColumn.GEN, i18next.t("filterBar:genFilter"), genDropDown);
// type filter
const typeKeys = Object.keys(Type).filter(v => isNaN(Number(v)));
const typeOptions: DropDownOption[] = [];
typeKeys.forEach((type, index) => {
if (index === 0 || index === 19) {
const typeSprite = globalScene.add.sprite(0, 0, getLocalizedSpriteKey("types"));
typeOptions.push(new DropDownOption( index, new DropDownLabel("", typeSprite)));
this.filterBar.addFilter(DropDownColumn.TYPES, i18next.t("filterBar:typeFilter"), new DropDown(0, 0, typeOptions, this.updateStarters, DropDownType.HYBRID, 0.5));
// biome filter, making an entry in the dropdown for each biome
const biomeOptions = Object.values(Biome)
.filter((value) => typeof value === "number") // Filter numeric values from the enum
.map((biomeValue, index) =>
new DropDownOption( index, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t(`biome:${Biome[biomeValue].toUpperCase()}`)))
biomeOptions.push(new DropDownOption( biomeOptions.length, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:uncatchable"))));
const biomeDropDown: DropDown = new DropDown(0, 0, biomeOptions, this.updateStarters, DropDownType.HYBRID);
this.filterBar.addFilter(DropDownColumn.BIOME, i18next.t("filterBar:biomeFilter"), biomeDropDown);
// caught filter
const shiny1Sprite = globalScene.add.sprite(0, 0, "shiny_icons");
shiny1Sprite.setOrigin(0.15, 0.2);
const shiny2Sprite = globalScene.add.sprite(0, 0, "shiny_icons");
shiny2Sprite.setOrigin(0.15, 0.2);
const shiny3Sprite = globalScene.add.sprite(0, 0, "shiny_icons");
shiny3Sprite.setOrigin(0.15, 0.2);
const caughtOptions = [
new DropDownOption("SHINY3", new DropDownLabel("", shiny3Sprite)),
new DropDownOption("SHINY2", new DropDownLabel("", shiny2Sprite)),
new DropDownOption("SHINY", new DropDownLabel("", shiny1Sprite)),
new DropDownOption("NORMAL", new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:normal"))),
new DropDownOption("UNCAUGHT", new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:uncaught")))
this.filterBar.addFilter(DropDownColumn.CAUGHT, i18next.t("filterBar:caughtFilter"), new DropDown(0, 0, caughtOptions, this.updateStarters, DropDownType.HYBRID));
// unlocks filter
const passiveLabels = [
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:passive"), undefined, DropDownState.OFF),
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:passiveUnlocked"), undefined, DropDownState.ON),
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:passiveUnlockable"), undefined, DropDownState.UNLOCKABLE),
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:passiveLocked"), undefined, DropDownState.EXCLUDE),
const costReductionLabels = [
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:costReduction"), undefined, DropDownState.OFF),
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:costReductionUnlocked"), undefined, DropDownState.ON),
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:costReductionUnlockable"), undefined, DropDownState.UNLOCKABLE),
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:costReductionLocked"), undefined, DropDownState.EXCLUDE),
const unlocksOptions = [
new DropDownOption("PASSIVE", passiveLabels),
new DropDownOption("COST_REDUCTION", costReductionLabels),
this.filterBar.addFilter(DropDownColumn.UNLOCKS, i18next.t("filterBar:unlocksFilter"), new DropDown(0, 0, unlocksOptions, this.updateStarters, DropDownType.RADIAL));
// misc filter
const starters = [
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:starter"), undefined, DropDownState.OFF),
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:isStarter"), undefined, DropDownState.ON),
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:notStarter"), undefined, DropDownState.EXCLUDE),
const favoriteLabels = [
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:favorite"), undefined, DropDownState.OFF),
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:isFavorite"), undefined, DropDownState.ON),
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:notFavorite"), undefined, DropDownState.EXCLUDE),
const winLabels = [
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:ribbon"), undefined, DropDownState.OFF),
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:hasWon"), undefined, DropDownState.ON),
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:hasNotWon"), undefined, DropDownState.EXCLUDE),
const hiddenAbilityLabels = [
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:hiddenAbility"), undefined, DropDownState.OFF),
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:hasHiddenAbility"), undefined, DropDownState.ON),
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:noHiddenAbility"), undefined, DropDownState.EXCLUDE),
const eggLabels = [
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:egg"), undefined, DropDownState.OFF),
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:eggPurchasable"), undefined, DropDownState.ON),
const pokerusLabels = [
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:pokerus"), undefined, DropDownState.OFF),
new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:hasPokerus"), undefined, DropDownState.ON),
const miscOptions = [
new DropDownOption("STARTER", starters),
new DropDownOption("FAVORITE", favoriteLabels),
new DropDownOption("WIN", winLabels),
new DropDownOption("HIDDEN_ABILITY", hiddenAbilityLabels),
new DropDownOption("EGG", eggLabels),
new DropDownOption("POKERUS", pokerusLabels),
this.filterBar.addFilter(DropDownColumn.MISC, i18next.t("filterBar:miscFilter"), new DropDown(0, 0, miscOptions, this.updateStarters, DropDownType.RADIAL));
// sort filter
const sortOptions = [
new DropDownOption(SortCriteria.NUMBER, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:sortByNumber"), undefined, DropDownState.ON)),
new DropDownOption(SortCriteria.COST, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:sortByCost"))),
new DropDownOption(SortCriteria.CANDY, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:sortByCandies"))),
new DropDownOption(SortCriteria.IV, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:sortByIVs"))),
new DropDownOption(SortCriteria.NAME, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:sortByName"))),
new DropDownOption(SortCriteria.CAUGHT, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:sortByNumCaught"))),
new DropDownOption(SortCriteria.HATCHED, new DropDownLabel(i18next.t("filterBar:sortByNumHatched")))
this.filterBar.addFilter(DropDownColumn.SORT, i18next.t("filterBar:sortFilter"), new DropDown(0, 0, sortOptions, this.updateStarters, DropDownType.SINGLE));
// Offset the generation filter dropdown to avoid covering the filtered pokemon
if (!globalScene.uiTheme) {
this.iconAnimHandler = new PokemonIconAnimHandler();
this.pokemonNumberText = addTextObject(6, 140, "", TextStyle.SUMMARY);
this.pokemonNumberText.setOrigin(0, 0);
this.pokemonNameText = addTextObject(6, 127, "", TextStyle.SUMMARY);
this.pokemonNameText.setOrigin(0, 0);
const starterBoxContainer = globalScene.add.container(speciesContainerX + 6, 9); //115
this.starterSelectScrollBar = new ScrollBar(161, 12, 5, pokemonContainerWindow.height - 6, 9);
this.pokerusCursorObjs = new Array(POKERUS_STARTER_COUNT).fill(null).map(() => {
const cursorObj = globalScene.add.image(0, 0, "select_cursor_pokerus");
cursorObj.setOrigin(0, 0);
return cursorObj;
this.cursorObj = globalScene.add.image(0, 0, "select_cursor");
this.cursorObj.setOrigin(0, 0);
for (const species of allSpecies) {
this.speciesLoaded.set(species.speciesId, false);
const pokemonContainer = new PokedexMonContainer(species).setVisible(false);
this.iconAnimHandler.addOrUpdate(pokemonContainer.icon, PokemonIconAnimMode.NONE);
this.pokemonSprite = globalScene.add.sprite(96, 143, "pkmn__sub");
this.pokemonSprite.setPipeline(globalScene.spritePipeline, { tone: [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], ignoreTimeTint: true });
this.type1Icon = globalScene.add.sprite(10, 158, getLocalizedSpriteKey("types"));
this.type1Icon.setOrigin(0, 0);
this.type2Icon = globalScene.add.sprite(10, 166, getLocalizedSpriteKey("types"));
this.type2Icon.setOrigin(0, 0);
this.starterSelectMessageBoxContainer = globalScene.add.container(0, globalScene.game.canvas.height / 6);
this.starterSelectMessageBox = addWindow(1, -1, 318, 28);
this.starterSelectMessageBox.setOrigin(0, 1);
// Instruction for "C" button to toggle showDecorations
const instructionTextSize = textSettings.instructionTextSize;
this.goFilterIconElement1 = new Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite(globalScene, 10, 2, "keyboard", "C.png");
this.goFilterIconElement1.setOrigin(0.0, 0.0);
this.goFilterIconElement2 = new Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite(globalScene, 20, 2, "keyboard", "V.png");
this.goFilterIconElement2.setOrigin(0.0, 0.0);
this.goFilterLabel = addTextObject(30, 2, i18next.t("pokedexUiHandler:goFilters"), TextStyle.PARTY, { fontSize: instructionTextSize });
this.toggleDecorationsIconElement = new Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite(globalScene, 10, 10, "keyboard", "R.png");
this.toggleDecorationsIconElement.setOrigin(0.0, 0.0);
this.toggleDecorationsLabel = addTextObject(20, 10, i18next.t("pokedexUiHandler:toggleDecorations"), TextStyle.PARTY, { fontSize: instructionTextSize });
this.message = addTextObject(8, 8, "", TextStyle.WINDOW, { maxLines: 2 });
this.message.setOrigin(0, 0);
// arrow icon for the message box
// Filter bar sits above everything, except the tutorial overlay and message box
show(args: any[]): boolean {
if (!this.starterPreferences) {
this.starterPreferences = StarterPrefs.load();
this.pokerusSpecies = getPokerusStarters();
// When calling with "refresh", we do not reset the cursor and filters
if (args.length >= 1 && args[0] === "refresh") {
return false;
// Making caught pokemon visible icons, etc
this.allSpecies.forEach((species, s) => {
const icon = this.pokemonContainers[s].icon;
const dexEntry = globalScene.gameData.dexData[species.speciesId];
this.starterPreferences[species.speciesId] = this.initStarterPrefs(species);
if (dexEntry.caughtAttr) {
} else if (dexEntry.seenAttr) {
this.setUpgradeAnimation(icon, species);
this.filterBarCursor = 0;
this.filterTextCursor = 0;
return true;
* Get the starter attributes for the given PokemonSpecies, after sanitizing them.
* If somehow a preference is set for a form, variant, gender, ability or nature
* that wasn't actually unlocked or is invalid it will be cleared here
* @param species The species to get Starter Preferences for
* @returns StarterAttributes for the species
initStarterPrefs(species: PokemonSpecies): StarterAttributes {
const starterAttributes = this.starterPreferences[species.speciesId];
const dexEntry = globalScene.gameData.dexData[species.speciesId];
const starterData = globalScene.gameData.starterData[species.speciesId];
// no preferences or Pokemon wasn't caught, return empty attribute
if (!starterAttributes || !dexEntry.caughtAttr) {
return {};
const caughtAttr = dexEntry.caughtAttr;
const hasShiny = caughtAttr & DexAttr.SHINY;
const hasNonShiny = caughtAttr & DexAttr.NON_SHINY;
if (starterAttributes.shiny && !hasShiny) {
// shiny form wasn't unlocked, purging shiny and variant setting
delete starterAttributes.shiny;
delete starterAttributes.variant;
} else if (starterAttributes.shiny === false && !hasNonShiny) {
// non shiny form wasn't unlocked, purging shiny setting
delete starterAttributes.shiny;
if (starterAttributes.variant !== undefined) {
const unlockedVariants = [
hasShiny && caughtAttr & DexAttr.DEFAULT_VARIANT,
hasShiny && caughtAttr & DexAttr.VARIANT_2,
hasShiny && caughtAttr & DexAttr.VARIANT_3
if (isNaN(starterAttributes.variant) || starterAttributes.variant < 0 || !unlockedVariants[starterAttributes.variant]) {
// variant value is invalid or requested variant wasn't unlocked, purging setting
delete starterAttributes.variant;
if (starterAttributes.female !== undefined) {
if (!(starterAttributes.female ? caughtAttr & DexAttr.FEMALE : caughtAttr & DexAttr.MALE)) {
// requested gender wasn't unlocked, purging setting
delete starterAttributes.female;
if (starterAttributes.ability !== undefined) {
const speciesHasSingleAbility = species.ability2 === species.ability1;
const abilityAttr = starterData.abilityAttr;
const hasAbility1 = abilityAttr & AbilityAttr.ABILITY_1;
const hasAbility2 = abilityAttr & AbilityAttr.ABILITY_2;
const hasHiddenAbility = abilityAttr & AbilityAttr.ABILITY_HIDDEN;
// Due to a past bug it is possible that some Pokemon with a single ability have the ability2 flag
// In this case, we only count ability2 as valid if ability1 was not unlocked, otherwise we ignore it
const unlockedAbilities = [
speciesHasSingleAbility ? hasAbility2 && !hasAbility1 : hasAbility2,
if (!unlockedAbilities[starterAttributes.ability]) {
// requested ability wasn't unlocked, purging setting
delete starterAttributes.ability;
const selectedForm = starterAttributes.form;
if (selectedForm !== undefined && (!species.forms[selectedForm]?.isStarterSelectable || !(caughtAttr & globalScene.gameData.getFormAttr(selectedForm)))) {
// requested form wasn't unlocked/isn't a starter form, purging setting
delete starterAttributes.form;
if (starterAttributes.nature !== undefined) {
const unlockedNatures = globalScene.gameData.getNaturesForAttr(dexEntry.natureAttr);
if (unlockedNatures.indexOf(starterAttributes.nature as unknown as Nature) < 0) {
// requested nature wasn't unlocked, purging setting
delete starterAttributes.nature;
return starterAttributes;
* Set the selections for all filters to their default starting value
resetFilters() : void {
showText(text: string, delay?: number, callback?: Function, callbackDelay?: number, prompt?: boolean, promptDelay?: number, moveToTop?: boolean) {
super.showText(text, delay, callback, callbackDelay, prompt, promptDelay);
const singleLine = text?.indexOf("\n") === -1;
this.starterSelectMessageBox.setSize(318, singleLine ? 28 : 42);
if (moveToTop) {
this.starterSelectMessageBox.setOrigin(0, 0);
} else {
this.starterSelectMessageBoxContainer.setY(globalScene.game.canvas.height / 6);
this.starterSelectMessageBox.setOrigin(0, 1);
this.message.setY(singleLine ? -22 : -37);
* Determines if 'Icon' based upgrade notifications should be shown
* @returns true if upgrade notifications are enabled and set to display an 'Icon'
isUpgradeIconEnabled(): boolean {
return globalScene.candyUpgradeNotification !== 0 && globalScene.candyUpgradeDisplay === 0;
* Determines if 'Animation' based upgrade notifications should be shown
* @returns true if upgrade notifications are enabled and set to display an 'Animation'
isUpgradeAnimationEnabled(): boolean {
return globalScene.candyUpgradeNotification !== 0 && globalScene.candyUpgradeDisplay === 1;
getStarterSpeciesId(speciesId): number {
if (speciesStarterCosts.hasOwnProperty(speciesId)) {
return speciesId;
} else {
return pokemonStarters[speciesId];
* Determines if a passive upgrade is available for the given species ID
* @param speciesId The ID of the species to check the passive of
* @returns true if the user has enough candies and a passive has not been unlocked already
isPassiveAvailable(speciesId: number): boolean {
// Get this species ID's starter data
const starterData = globalScene.gameData.starterData[this.getStarterSpeciesId(speciesId)];
return starterData.candyCount >= getPassiveCandyCount(speciesStarterCosts[this.getStarterSpeciesId(speciesId)])
&& !(starterData.passiveAttr & PassiveAttr.UNLOCKED);
* Determines if a value reduction upgrade is available for the given species ID
* @param speciesId The ID of the species to check the value reduction of
* @returns true if the user has enough candies and all value reductions have not been unlocked already
isValueReductionAvailable(speciesId: number): boolean {
// Get this species ID's starter data
const starterData = globalScene.gameData.starterData[this.getStarterSpeciesId(speciesId)];
return starterData.candyCount >= getValueReductionCandyCounts(speciesStarterCosts[this.getStarterSpeciesId(speciesId)])[starterData.valueReduction]
&& starterData.valueReduction < valueReductionMax;
* Determines if an same species egg can be bought for the given species ID
* @param speciesId The ID of the species to check the value reduction of
* @returns true if the user has enough candies
isSameSpeciesEggAvailable(speciesId: number): boolean {
// Get this species ID's starter data
const starterData = globalScene.gameData.starterData[this.getStarterSpeciesId(speciesId)];
return starterData.candyCount >= getSameSpeciesEggCandyCounts(speciesStarterCosts[this.getStarterSpeciesId(speciesId)]);
* Sets a bounce animation if enabled and the Pokemon has an upgrade
* @param icon {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject} to animate
* @param species {@linkcode PokemonSpecies} of the icon used to check for upgrades
* @param startPaused Should this animation be paused after it is added?
setUpgradeAnimation(icon: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite, species: PokemonSpecies, startPaused: boolean = false): void {
// Skip animations if they are disabled
if (globalScene.candyUpgradeDisplay === 0 || species.speciesId !== species.getRootSpeciesId(false)) {
icon.y = 2;
const tweenChain: Phaser.Types.Tweens.TweenChainBuilderConfig = {
targets: icon,
loop: -1,
// Make the initial bounce a little randomly delayed
delay: randIntRange(0, 50) * 5,
loopDelay: 1000,
tweens: [
targets: icon,
y: 2 - 5,
duration: fixedInt(125),
ease: "Cubic.easeOut",
yoyo: true
targets: icon,
y: 2 - 3,
duration: fixedInt(150),
ease: "Cubic.easeOut",
yoyo: true
], };
const isPassiveAvailable = this.isPassiveAvailable(species.speciesId);
const isValueReductionAvailable = this.isValueReductionAvailable(species.speciesId);
const isSameSpeciesEggAvailable = this.isSameSpeciesEggAvailable(species.speciesId);
// 'Passives Only' mode
if (globalScene.candyUpgradeNotification === 1) {
if (isPassiveAvailable) {
globalScene.tweens.chain(tweenChain).paused = startPaused;
// 'On' mode
} else if (globalScene.candyUpgradeNotification === 2) {
if (isPassiveAvailable || isValueReductionAvailable || isSameSpeciesEggAvailable) {
globalScene.tweens.chain(tweenChain).paused = startPaused;
* Sets the visibility of a Candy Upgrade Icon
setUpgradeIcon(starter: PokedexMonContainer): void {
const species = starter.species;
const slotVisible = !!species?.speciesId;
if (!species || globalScene.candyUpgradeNotification === 0 || species.speciesId !== species.getRootSpeciesId(false)) {
const isPassiveAvailable = this.isPassiveAvailable(species.speciesId);
const isValueReductionAvailable = this.isValueReductionAvailable(species.speciesId);
const isSameSpeciesEggAvailable = this.isSameSpeciesEggAvailable(species.speciesId);
// 'Passive Only' mode
if (globalScene.candyUpgradeNotification === 1) {
starter.candyUpgradeIcon.setVisible(slotVisible && isPassiveAvailable);
starter.candyUpgradeOverlayIcon.setVisible(slotVisible && starter.candyUpgradeIcon.visible);
// 'On' mode
} else if (globalScene.candyUpgradeNotification === 2) {
slotVisible && ( isPassiveAvailable || isValueReductionAvailable || isSameSpeciesEggAvailable ));
starter.candyUpgradeOverlayIcon.setVisible(slotVisible && starter.candyUpgradeIcon.visible);
* Update the display of candy upgrade icons or animations for the given PokedexMonContainer
* @param pokemonContainer the container for the Pokemon to update
updateCandyUpgradeDisplay(pokemonContainer: PokedexMonContainer) {
if (this.isUpgradeIconEnabled() ) {
if (this.isUpgradeAnimationEnabled()) {
this.setUpgradeAnimation(pokemonContainer.icon, this.lastSpecies, true);
processInput(button: Button): boolean {
if (this.blockInput) {
return false;
const maxColumns = 9;
const numberOfStarters = this.filteredPokemonContainers.length;
const numOfRows = Math.ceil(numberOfStarters / maxColumns);
const currentRow = Math.floor(this.cursor / maxColumns);
const onScreenFirstIndex = this.scrollCursor * maxColumns; // this is first index on the screen
// TODO: use the above to let the cursor go to the correct position when switching back.
const ui = this.getUi();
let success = false;
let error = false;
if (button === Button.SUBMIT) {
error = true;
} else if (button === Button.CANCEL) {
if (this.filterMode && this.filterBar.openDropDown) {
// CANCEL with a filter menu open > close it
// if there are possible pokemon go the first one of the list
if (numberOfStarters > 0) {
this.scrollCursor = 0;
success = true;
} else if (this.filterTextMode && !(this.filterText.getValue(this.filterTextCursor) === this.filterText.defaultText)) {
success = true;
} else {
success = true;
} else if (button === Button.STATS) {
if (!this.filterMode) {
this.filterTextMode = false;
this.filterBarCursor = 0;
} else if (button === Button.V) {
if (!this.filterTextMode) {
this.filterMode = false;
this.filterTextCursor = 0;
} else if (button === Button.CYCLE_SHINY) {
this.showDecorations = !this.showDecorations;
success = true;
} else if (this.filterMode) {
switch (button) {
case Button.LEFT:
if (this.filterBarCursor > 0) {
success = this.setCursor(this.filterBarCursor - 1);
} else {
success = this.setCursor(this.filterBar.numFilters - 1);
case Button.RIGHT:
if (this.filterBarCursor < this.filterBar.numFilters - 1) {
success = this.setCursor(this.filterBarCursor + 1);
} else {
success = this.setCursor(0);
case Button.UP:
if (this.filterBar.openDropDown) {
success = this.filterBar.decDropDownCursor();
} else if (numberOfStarters > 0) {
// UP from filter bar to bottom of Pokemon list
this.scrollCursor = Math.max(0, numOfRows - 9);
const proportion = this.filterBarCursor / Math.max(1, this.filterBar.numFilters - 1);
const targetCol = Math.min(8, proportion < 0.5 ? Math.floor(proportion * 8) : Math.ceil(proportion * 8));
if (numberOfStarters % 9 > targetCol) {
this.setCursor(numberOfStarters - (numberOfStarters) % 9 + targetCol);
} else {
this.setCursor(Math.max(numberOfStarters - (numberOfStarters) % 9 + targetCol - 9, 0));
success = true;
case Button.DOWN:
if (this.filterBar.openDropDown) {
success = this.filterBar.incDropDownCursor();
} else if (numberOfStarters > 0) {
// DOWN from filter bar to top of Pokemon list
this.scrollCursor = 0;
const proportion = this.filterBarCursor / Math.max(1, this.filterBar.numFilters - 1);
const targetCol = Math.min(8, proportion < 0.5 ? Math.floor(proportion * 8) : Math.ceil(proportion * 8));
this.setCursor(Math.min(targetCol, numberOfStarters));
success = true;
case Button.ACTION:
if (!this.filterBar.openDropDown) {
} else {
success = true;
} else if (this.filterTextMode) {
switch (button) {
case Button.LEFT:
// LEFT from filter bar, move to right of Pokemon list
if (numberOfStarters > 0) {
const rowIndex = this.filterTextCursor;
this.setCursor(onScreenFirstIndex + (rowIndex < numOfRows - 1 ? (rowIndex + 1) * maxColumns - 1 : numberOfStarters - 1));
success = true;
case Button.RIGHT:
// RIGHT from filter bar, move to left of Pokemon list
if (numberOfStarters > 0) {
const rowIndex = this.filterTextCursor;
this.setCursor(onScreenFirstIndex + (rowIndex < numOfRows ? rowIndex * maxColumns : (numOfRows - 1) * maxColumns));
success = true;
case Button.UP:
if (this.filterTextCursor > 0) {
success = this.setCursor(this.filterTextCursor - 1);
} else {
success = this.setCursor(this.filterText.numFilters - 1);
case Button.DOWN:
if (this.filterTextCursor < this.filterText.numFilters - 1) {
success = this.setCursor(this.filterTextCursor + 1);
} else {
success = this.setCursor(0);
case Button.ACTION:
this.filterText.startSearch(this.filterTextCursor, this.getUi());
success = true;
} else {
if (button === Button.ACTION) {
ui.setOverlayMode(Mode.POKEDEX_PAGE, this.lastSpecies, 0);
success = true;
} else {
switch (button) {
case Button.UP:
if (currentRow > 0) {
if (this.scrollCursor > 0 && currentRow - this.scrollCursor === 0) {
success = this.setCursor(this.cursor - 9);
} else {
this.filterBarCursor = this.filterBar.getNearestFilter(this.filteredPokemonContainers[this.cursor]);
success = true;
case Button.DOWN:
if (currentRow < numOfRows - 1) { // not last row
if (currentRow - this.scrollCursor === 8) { // last row of visible pokemon
success = this.setCursor(this.cursor + 9);
} else if (numOfRows > 1) {
// DOWN from last row of pokemon > Wrap around to first row
this.scrollCursor = 0;
success = this.setCursor(this.cursor % 9);
} else {
// DOWN from single row of pokemon > Go to filters
this.filterBarCursor = this.filterBar.getNearestFilter(this.filteredPokemonContainers[this.cursor]);
success = true;
case Button.LEFT:
if (this.cursor % 9 !== 0) {
success = this.setCursor(this.cursor - 1);
} else {
// LEFT from filtered pokemon, on the left edge
this.filterTextCursor = this.filterText.getNearestFilter(this.filteredPokemonContainers[this.cursor]);
success = true;
case Button.RIGHT:
// is not right edge
if (this.cursor % 9 < (currentRow < numOfRows - 1 ? 8 : (numberOfStarters - 1) % 9)) {
success = this.setCursor(this.cursor + 1);
} else {
// RIGHT from filtered pokemon, on the right edge
this.filterTextCursor = this.filterText.getNearestFilter(this.filteredPokemonContainers[this.cursor]);
success = true;
if (success) {
} else if (error) {
return success || error;
updateButtonIcon(iconSetting, gamepadType, iconElement, controlLabel): void {
let iconPath;
// touch controls cannot be rebound as is, and are just emulating a keyboard event.
// Additionally, since keyboard controls can be rebound (and will be displayed when they are), we need to have special handling for the touch controls
if (gamepadType === "touch") {
gamepadType = "keyboard";
switch (iconSetting) {
case SettingKeyboard.Button_Cycle_Shiny:
iconPath = "R.png";
case SettingKeyboard.Button_Cycle_Variant:
iconPath = "V.png";
case SettingKeyboard.Button_Stats:
iconPath = "C.png";
} else {
iconPath = globalScene.inputController?.getIconForLatestInputRecorded(iconSetting);
iconElement.setTexture(gamepadType, iconPath);
updateFilterButtonIcon(iconSetting, gamepadType, iconElement, controlLabel): void {
let iconPath;
// touch controls cannot be rebound as is, and are just emulating a keyboard event.
// Additionally, since keyboard controls can be rebound (and will be displayed when they are), we need to have special handling for the touch controls
if (gamepadType === "touch") {
gamepadType = "keyboard";
iconPath = "C.png";
} else {
iconPath = globalScene.inputController?.getIconForLatestInputRecorded(iconSetting);
iconElement.setTexture(gamepadType, iconPath);
getSanitizedProps(props: DexAttrProps): DexAttrProps {
const sanitizedProps: DexAttrProps = {
shiny: false,
female: props.female,
variant: 0,
formIndex: 0,
return sanitizedProps;
// Returns true if one of the forms has the requested move
hasFormLevelMove(form: PokemonForm, selectedMove: string): boolean {
if (!pokemonFormLevelMoves.hasOwnProperty(form.speciesId) || !pokemonFormLevelMoves[form.speciesId].hasOwnProperty(form.formIndex)) {
return false;
} else {
const levelMoves = pokemonFormLevelMoves[form.speciesId][form.formIndex].map(m => allMoves[m[1]].name);
return levelMoves.includes(selectedMove);
updateStarters = () => {
this.scrollCursor = 0;
this.filteredPokemonContainers = [];
this.validPokemonContainers = [];
this.pokerusCursorObjs.forEach(cursor => cursor.setVisible(false));
this.validPokemonContainers = this.pokemonContainers;
// this updates icons for previously saved pokemon
for (let i = 0; i < this.validPokemonContainers.length; i++) {
const currentFilteredContainer = this.validPokemonContainers[i];
const starterSprite = currentFilteredContainer.icon as Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
const currentDexAttr = this.getCurrentDexProps(currentFilteredContainer.species.speciesId);
const props = this.getSanitizedProps(globalScene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(currentFilteredContainer.species, currentDexAttr));
starterSprite.setTexture(currentFilteredContainer.species.getIconAtlasKey(props.formIndex, props.shiny, props.variant), currentFilteredContainer.species.getIconId(props.female!, props.formIndex, props.shiny, props.variant));
currentFilteredContainer.checkIconId(props.female, props.formIndex, props.shiny, props.variant);
// filter
this.validPokemonContainers.forEach(container => {
container.cost = globalScene.gameData.getSpeciesStarterValue(this.getStarterSpeciesId(container.species.speciesId));
// First, ensure you have the caught attributes for the species else default to bigint 0
// TODO: This might be removed depending on how accessible we want the pokedex function to be
const caughtAttr = globalScene.gameData.dexData[container.species.speciesId]?.caughtAttr || BigInt(0);
const starterData = globalScene.gameData.starterData[this.getStarterSpeciesId(container.species.speciesId)];
const isStarterProgressable = speciesEggMoves.hasOwnProperty(this.getStarterSpeciesId(container.species.speciesId));
// Name filter
const selectedName = this.filterText.getValue(FilterTextRow.NAME);
const fitsName = container.species.name === selectedName || selectedName === this.filterText.defaultText;
// Move filter
// TODO: There can be fringe cases where the two moves belong to mutually exclusive forms, these must be handled separately (Pikachu);
// On the other hand, in some cases it is possible to switch between different forms and combine (Deoxys)
const levelMoves = pokemonSpeciesLevelMoves[container.species.speciesId].map(m => allMoves[m[1]].name);
// This always gets egg moves from the starter
const eggMoves = speciesEggMoves[this.getStarterSpeciesId(container.species.speciesId)]?.map(m => allMoves[m].name) ?? [];
const tmMoves = speciesTmMoves[this.getStarterSpeciesId(container.species.speciesId)]?.map(m => allMoves[Array.isArray(m) ? m[1] : m].name) ?? [];
const selectedMove1 = this.filterText.getValue(FilterTextRow.MOVE_1);
const selectedMove2 = this.filterText.getValue(FilterTextRow.MOVE_2);
const fitsFormMove1 = container.species.forms.some(form => this.hasFormLevelMove(form, selectedMove1));
const fitsFormMove2 = container.species.forms.some(form => this.hasFormLevelMove(form, selectedMove2));
const fitsLevelMove1 = levelMoves.includes(selectedMove1) || fitsFormMove1;
const fitsEggMove1 = eggMoves.includes(selectedMove1);
const fitsTmMove1 = tmMoves.includes(selectedMove1);
const fitsLevelMove2 = levelMoves.includes(selectedMove2) || fitsFormMove2;
const fitsEggMove2 = eggMoves.includes(selectedMove2);
const fitsTmMove2 = tmMoves.includes(selectedMove2);
const fitsMove1 = fitsLevelMove1 || fitsEggMove1 || fitsTmMove1 || selectedMove1 === this.filterText.defaultText;
const fitsMove2 = fitsLevelMove2 || fitsEggMove2 || fitsTmMove2 || selectedMove2 === this.filterText.defaultText;
const fitsMoves = fitsMove1 && fitsMove2;
if (fitsEggMove1 && !fitsLevelMove1) {
} else if (fitsTmMove1 && !fitsLevelMove1) {
if (fitsEggMove2 && !fitsLevelMove2) {
} else if (fitsTmMove2 && !fitsLevelMove2) {
// Ability filter
const abilities = [ container.species.ability1, container.species.ability2, container.species.abilityHidden ].map(a => allAbilities[a].name);
const passives = starterPassiveAbilities[this.getStarterSpeciesId(container.species.speciesId)] ?? {} as PassiveAbilities;
const selectedAbility1 = this.filterText.getValue(FilterTextRow.ABILITY_1);
const fitsFormAbility = container.species.forms.some(form => allAbilities[form.ability1].name === selectedAbility1);
const fitsAbility1 = abilities.includes(selectedAbility1) || fitsFormAbility || selectedAbility1 === this.filterText.defaultText;
const fitsPassive1 = Object.values(passives).some(p => p.name === selectedAbility1);
const selectedAbility2 = this.filterText.getValue(FilterTextRow.ABILITY_2);
const fitsAbility2 = abilities.includes(selectedAbility2) || fitsFormAbility || selectedAbility2 === this.filterText.defaultText;
const fitsPassive2 = Object.values(passives).some(p => p.name === selectedAbility2);
// If both fields have been set to the same ability, show both ability and passive
const fitsAbilities = (fitsAbility1 && (fitsPassive2 || selectedAbility2 === this.filterText.defaultText)) ||
(fitsAbility2 && (fitsPassive1 || selectedAbility1 === this.filterText.defaultText));
if (fitsPassive1) {
if (fitsPassive2) {
// Gen filter
const fitsGen = this.filterBar.getVals(DropDownColumn.GEN).includes(container.species.generation);
// Type filter
const fitsType = this.filterBar.getVals(DropDownColumn.TYPES).some(type => container.species.isOfType((type as number) - 1));
// Biome filter
const indexToBiome = new Map(
.map((value, index) => (typeof value === "string" ? [ index, value ] : undefined))
.filter((entry): entry is [number, string] => entry !== undefined)
indexToBiome.set(35, "Uncatchable");
// We get biomes for both the mon and its starters to ensure that evolutions get the correct filters.
// TODO: We might also need to do it the other way around.
const biomes = catchableSpecies[container.species.speciesId].concat(catchableSpecies[this.getStarterSpeciesId(container.species.speciesId)]).map(b => Biome[b.biome]);
if (biomes.length === 0) {
const showNoBiome = (biomes.length === 0 && this.filterBar.getVals(DropDownColumn.BIOME).length === 36) ? true : false;
const fitsBiome = this.filterBar.getVals(DropDownColumn.BIOME).some(item => biomes.includes(indexToBiome.get(item) ?? "")) || showNoBiome;
// Caught / Shiny filter
const isNonShinyCaught = !!(caughtAttr & DexAttr.NON_SHINY);
const isShinyCaught = !!(caughtAttr & DexAttr.SHINY);
const isVariant1Caught = isShinyCaught && !!(caughtAttr & DexAttr.DEFAULT_VARIANT);
const isVariant2Caught = isShinyCaught && !!(caughtAttr & DexAttr.VARIANT_2);
const isVariant3Caught = isShinyCaught && !!(caughtAttr & DexAttr.VARIANT_3);
const isUncaught = !isNonShinyCaught && !isVariant1Caught && !isVariant2Caught && !isVariant3Caught;
const fitsCaught = this.filterBar.getVals(DropDownColumn.CAUGHT).some(caught => {
if (caught === "SHINY3") {
return isVariant3Caught;
} else if (caught === "SHINY2") {
return isVariant2Caught && !isVariant3Caught;
} else if (caught === "SHINY") {
return isVariant1Caught && !isVariant2Caught && !isVariant3Caught;
} else if (caught === "NORMAL") {
return isNonShinyCaught && !isVariant1Caught && !isVariant2Caught && !isVariant3Caught;
} else if (caught === "UNCAUGHT") {
return isUncaught;
// Passive Filter
const isPassiveUnlocked = starterData.passiveAttr > 0;
const isPassiveUnlockable = this.isPassiveAvailable(container.species.speciesId) && !isPassiveUnlocked;
const fitsPassive = this.filterBar.getVals(DropDownColumn.UNLOCKS).some(unlocks => {
if (unlocks.val === "PASSIVE" && unlocks.state === DropDownState.ON) {
return isPassiveUnlocked;
} else if (unlocks.val === "PASSIVE" && unlocks.state === DropDownState.EXCLUDE) {
return isStarterProgressable && !isPassiveUnlocked;
} else if (unlocks.val === "PASSIVE" && unlocks.state === DropDownState.UNLOCKABLE) {
return isPassiveUnlockable;
} else if (unlocks.val === "PASSIVE" && unlocks.state === DropDownState.OFF) {
return true;
// Cost Reduction Filter
const isCostReducedByOne = starterData.valueReduction === 1;
const isCostReducedByTwo = starterData.valueReduction === 2;
const isCostReductionUnlockable = this.isValueReductionAvailable(container.species.speciesId);
const fitsCostReduction = this.filterBar.getVals(DropDownColumn.UNLOCKS).some(unlocks => {
if (unlocks.val === "COST_REDUCTION" && unlocks.state === DropDownState.ON) {
return isCostReducedByOne || isCostReducedByTwo;
} else if (unlocks.val === "COST_REDUCTION" && unlocks.state === DropDownState.ONE) {
return isCostReducedByOne;
} else if (unlocks.val === "COST_REDUCTION" && unlocks.state === DropDownState.TWO) {
return isCostReducedByTwo;
} else if (unlocks.val === "COST_REDUCTION" && unlocks.state === DropDownState.EXCLUDE) {
return isStarterProgressable && !(isCostReducedByOne || isCostReducedByTwo);
} else if (unlocks.val === "COST_REDUCTION" && unlocks.state === DropDownState.UNLOCKABLE) {
return isCostReductionUnlockable;
} else if (unlocks.val === "COST_REDUCTION" && unlocks.state === DropDownState.OFF) {
return true;
// Starter Filter
const isStarter = this.getStarterSpeciesId(container.species.speciesId) === container.species.speciesId;
const fitsStarter = this.filterBar.getVals(DropDownColumn.MISC).some(misc => {
if (misc.val === "STARTER" && misc.state === DropDownState.ON) {
return isStarter;
if (misc.val === "STARTER" && misc.state === DropDownState.EXCLUDE) {
return !isStarter;
if (misc.val === "STARTER" && misc.state === DropDownState.OFF) {
return true;
// Favorite Filter
const isFavorite = this.starterPreferences[container.species.speciesId]?.favorite ?? false;
const fitsFavorite = this.filterBar.getVals(DropDownColumn.MISC).some(misc => {
if (misc.val === "FAVORITE" && misc.state === DropDownState.ON) {
return isFavorite;
if (misc.val === "FAVORITE" && misc.state === DropDownState.EXCLUDE) {
return !isFavorite;
if (misc.val === "FAVORITE" && misc.state === DropDownState.OFF) {
return true;
// Ribbon / Classic Win Filter
const hasWon = starterData.classicWinCount > 0;
const hasNotWon = starterData.classicWinCount === 0;
const isUndefined = starterData.classicWinCount === undefined;
const fitsWin = this.filterBar.getVals(DropDownColumn.MISC).some(misc => {
if (misc.val === "WIN" && misc.state === DropDownState.ON) {
return hasWon;
} else if (misc.val === "WIN" && misc.state === DropDownState.EXCLUDE) {
return hasNotWon || isUndefined;
} else if (misc.val === "WIN" && misc.state === DropDownState.OFF) {
return true;
// HA Filter
const speciesHasHiddenAbility = container.species.abilityHidden !== container.species.ability1 && container.species.abilityHidden !== Abilities.NONE;
const hasHA = starterData.abilityAttr & AbilityAttr.ABILITY_HIDDEN;
const fitsHA = this.filterBar.getVals(DropDownColumn.MISC).some(misc => {
if (misc.val === "HIDDEN_ABILITY" && misc.state === DropDownState.ON) {
return hasHA;
} else if (misc.val === "HIDDEN_ABILITY" && misc.state === DropDownState.EXCLUDE) {
return speciesHasHiddenAbility && !hasHA;
} else if (misc.val === "HIDDEN_ABILITY" && misc.state === DropDownState.OFF) {
return true;
// Egg Purchasable Filter
const isEggPurchasable = this.isSameSpeciesEggAvailable(container.species.speciesId);
const fitsEgg = this.filterBar.getVals(DropDownColumn.MISC).some(misc => {
if (misc.val === "EGG" && misc.state === DropDownState.ON) {
return isEggPurchasable;
} else if (misc.val === "EGG" && misc.state === DropDownState.EXCLUDE) {
return isStarterProgressable && !isEggPurchasable;
} else if (misc.val === "EGG" && misc.state === DropDownState.OFF) {
return true;
// Pokerus Filter
const fitsPokerus = this.filterBar.getVals(DropDownColumn.MISC).some(misc => {
if (misc.val === "POKERUS" && misc.state === DropDownState.ON) {
return this.pokerusSpecies.includes(container.species);
} else if (misc.val === "POKERUS" && misc.state === DropDownState.EXCLUDE) {
return !this.pokerusSpecies.includes(container.species);
} else if (misc.val === "POKERUS" && misc.state === DropDownState.OFF) {
return true;
if (fitsName && fitsAbilities && fitsMoves && fitsGen && fitsBiome && fitsType && fitsCaught && fitsPassive && fitsCostReduction && fitsStarter && fitsFavorite && fitsWin && fitsHA && fitsEgg && fitsPokerus) {
this.starterSelectScrollBar.setTotalRows(Math.max(Math.ceil(this.filteredPokemonContainers.length / 9), 1));
// sort
const sort = this.filterBar.getVals(DropDownColumn.SORT)[0];
this.filteredPokemonContainers.sort((a, b) => {
switch (sort.val) {
case SortCriteria.NUMBER:
return (a.species.speciesId - b.species.speciesId) * -sort.dir;
case SortCriteria.COST:
return (a.cost - b.cost) * -sort.dir;
case SortCriteria.CANDY:
const candyCountA = globalScene.gameData.starterData[a.species.speciesId].candyCount;
const candyCountB = globalScene.gameData.starterData[b.species.speciesId].candyCount;
return (candyCountA - candyCountB) * -sort.dir;
case SortCriteria.IV:
const avgIVsA = globalScene.gameData.dexData[a.species.speciesId].ivs.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / globalScene.gameData.dexData[a.species.speciesId].ivs.length;
const avgIVsB = globalScene.gameData.dexData[b.species.speciesId].ivs.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / globalScene.gameData.dexData[b.species.speciesId].ivs.length;
return (avgIVsA - avgIVsB) * -sort.dir;
case SortCriteria.NAME:
return a.species.name.localeCompare(b.species.name) * -sort.dir;
case SortCriteria.CAUGHT:
return (globalScene.gameData.dexData[a.species.speciesId].caughtCount - globalScene.gameData.dexData[b.species.speciesId].caughtCount) * -sort.dir;
case SortCriteria.HATCHED:
return (globalScene.gameData.dexData[this.getStarterSpeciesId(a.species.speciesId)].hatchedCount - globalScene.gameData.dexData[this.getStarterSpeciesId(b.species.speciesId)].hatchedCount) * -sort.dir;
return 0;
updateScroll = () => {
const maxColumns = 9;
const maxRows = 9;
const onScreenFirstIndex = this.scrollCursor * maxColumns;
const onScreenLastIndex = Math.min(this.filteredPokemonContainers.length - 1, onScreenFirstIndex + maxRows * maxColumns - 1);
this.pokerusCursorObjs.forEach(cursorObj => cursorObj.setVisible(false));
let pokerusCursorIndex = 0;
this.filteredPokemonContainers.forEach((container, i) => {
const pos = calcStarterPosition(i, this.scrollCursor);
container.setPosition(pos.x, pos.y);
if (i < onScreenFirstIndex || i > onScreenLastIndex) {
} else {
if (this.showDecorations) {
if (this.pokerusSpecies.includes(container.species)) {
this.pokerusCursorObjs[pokerusCursorIndex].setPosition(pos.x - 1, pos.y + 1);
const speciesId = container.species.speciesId;
const speciesVariants = speciesId && globalScene.gameData.dexData[speciesId].caughtAttr & DexAttr.SHINY
? [ DexAttr.DEFAULT_VARIANT, DexAttr.VARIANT_2, DexAttr.VARIANT_3 ].filter(v => !!(globalScene.gameData.dexData[speciesId].caughtAttr & v))
: [];
for (let v = 0; v < 3; v++) {
const hasVariant = speciesVariants.length > v;
if (hasVariant) {
container.shinyIcons[v].setTint(getVariantTint(speciesVariants[v] === DexAttr.DEFAULT_VARIANT ? 0 : speciesVariants[v] === DexAttr.VARIANT_2 ? 1 : 2));
container.hiddenAbilityIcon.setVisible(!!globalScene.gameData.dexData[speciesId].caughtAttr && !!(globalScene.gameData.starterData[this.getStarterSpeciesId(speciesId)].abilityAttr & 4));
container.classicWinIcon.setVisible(globalScene.gameData.starterData[this.getStarterSpeciesId(speciesId)].classicWinCount > 0);
container.favoriteIcon.setVisible(this.starterPreferences[speciesId]?.favorite ?? false);
// 'Candy Icon' mode
if (globalScene.candyUpgradeDisplay === 0) {
if (!starterColors[this.getStarterSpeciesId(speciesId)]) {
// Default to white if no colors are found
starterColors[this.getStarterSpeciesId(speciesId)] = [ "ffffff", "ffffff" ];
// Set the candy colors
} else if (globalScene.candyUpgradeDisplay === 1) {
} else {
for (let v = 0; v < 3; v++) {
setCursor(cursor: number): boolean {
let changed = false;
if (this.filterMode) {
changed = this.filterBarCursor !== cursor;
this.filterBarCursor = cursor;
} else if (this.filterTextMode) {
changed = this.filterTextCursor !== cursor;
this.filterTextCursor = cursor;
} else {
cursor = Math.max(Math.min(this.filteredPokemonContainers.length - 1, cursor), 0);
changed = super.setCursor(cursor);
const pos = calcStarterPosition(cursor, this.scrollCursor);
this.cursorObj.setPosition(pos.x - 1, pos.y + 1);
const species = this.filteredPokemonContainers[cursor]?.species;
if (species) {
return changed;
setFilterMode(filterMode: boolean): boolean {
if (filterMode !== this.filterMode) {
this.filterMode = filterMode;
this.setCursor(filterMode ? this.filterBarCursor : this.cursor);
if (filterMode) {
return true;
return false;
setFilterTextMode(filterTextMode: boolean): boolean {
if (filterTextMode !== this.filterTextMode) {
this.filterTextMode = filterTextMode;
this.setCursor(filterTextMode ? this.filterTextCursor : this.cursor);
if (filterTextMode) {
return true;
return false;
getFriendship(speciesId: number) {
let currentFriendship = globalScene.gameData.starterData[this.getStarterSpeciesId(speciesId)].friendship;
if (!currentFriendship || currentFriendship === undefined) {
currentFriendship = 0;
const friendshipCap = getStarterValueFriendshipCap(speciesStarterCosts[speciesId]);
return { currentFriendship, friendshipCap };
setSpecies(species: PokemonSpecies | null) {
this.speciesStarterDexEntry = species ? globalScene.gameData.dexData[species.speciesId] : null;
if (!species && globalScene.ui.getTooltip().visible) {
if (this.lastSpecies) {
const dexAttr = this.getCurrentDexProps(this.lastSpecies.speciesId);
const props = this.getSanitizedProps(globalScene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(this.lastSpecies, dexAttr));
const speciesIndex = this.allSpecies.indexOf(this.lastSpecies);
const lastSpeciesIcon = this.pokemonContainers[speciesIndex].icon;
this.checkIconId(lastSpeciesIcon, this.lastSpecies, props.female, props.formIndex, props.shiny, props.variant);
this.iconAnimHandler.addOrUpdate(lastSpeciesIcon, PokemonIconAnimMode.NONE);
// Resume the animation for the previously selected species
const icon = this.pokemonContainers[speciesIndex].icon;
globalScene.tweens.getTweensOf(icon).forEach(tween => tween.resume());
this.lastSpecies = species!; // TODO: is this bang correct?
if (species && (this.speciesStarterDexEntry?.seenAttr || this.speciesStarterDexEntry?.caughtAttr)) {
this.pokemonNumberText.setText(i18next.t("pokedexUiHandler:pokemonNumber") + padInt(species.speciesId, 4));
if (this.speciesStarterDexEntry?.caughtAttr) {
// Pause the animation when the species is selected
const speciesIndex = this.allSpecies.indexOf(species);
const icon = this.pokemonContainers[speciesIndex].icon;
if (this.isUpgradeAnimationEnabled()) {
globalScene.tweens.getTweensOf(icon).forEach(tween => tween.pause());
// Reset the position of the icon
icon.x = -2;
icon.y = 2;
// Initiates the small up and down idle animation
this.iconAnimHandler.addOrUpdate(icon, PokemonIconAnimMode.PASSIVE);
const speciesForm = getPokemonSpeciesForm(species.speciesId, 0);
this.setTypeIcons(speciesForm.type1, speciesForm.type2);
this.setSpeciesDetails(species, {});
} else {
this.setSpeciesDetails(species, {
forSeen: true
} else {
this.pokemonNumberText.setText(species ? i18next.t("pokedexUiHandler:pokemonNumber") + padInt(species.speciesId, 4) : "");
this.pokemonNameText.setText(species ? "???" : "");
if (species) {
this.setSpeciesDetails(species, {});
setSpeciesDetails(species: PokemonSpecies, options: SpeciesDetails = {}): void {
let { shiny, formIndex, female, variant } = options;
const forSeen: boolean = options.forSeen ?? false;
// We will only update the sprite if there is a change to form, shiny/variant
// or gender for species with gender sprite differences
const shouldUpdateSprite = true;
if (species?.forms?.find(f => f.formKey === "female")) {
if (female !== undefined) {
formIndex = female ? 1 : 0;
} else if (formIndex !== undefined) {
female = formIndex === 1;
if (this.assetLoadCancelled) {
this.assetLoadCancelled.value = true;
this.assetLoadCancelled = null;
this.starterMoveset = null;
this.speciesStarterMoves = [];
if (species) {
const dexEntry = globalScene.gameData.dexData[species.speciesId];
if (!dexEntry.caughtAttr) {
const props = this.getSanitizedProps(globalScene.gameData.getSpeciesDexAttrProps(species, this.getCurrentDexProps(species.speciesId)));
if (shiny === undefined || shiny !== props.shiny) {
shiny = props.shiny;
if (formIndex === undefined || formIndex !== props.formIndex) {
formIndex = props.formIndex;
if (female === undefined || female !== props.female) {
female = props.female;
if (variant === undefined || variant !== props.variant) {
variant = props.variant;
const assetLoadCancelled = new BooleanHolder(false);
this.assetLoadCancelled = assetLoadCancelled;
if (shouldUpdateSprite) {
species.loadAssets(female!, formIndex, shiny, variant, true).then(() => { // TODO: is this bang correct?
if (assetLoadCancelled.value) {
this.assetLoadCancelled = null;
this.speciesLoaded.set(species.speciesId, true);
this.pokemonSprite.play(species.getSpriteKey(female!, formIndex, shiny, variant)); // TODO: is this bang correct?
this.pokemonSprite.setPipelineData("shiny", shiny);
this.pokemonSprite.setPipelineData("variant", variant);
this.pokemonSprite.setPipelineData("spriteKey", species.getSpriteKey(female!, formIndex, shiny, variant)); // TODO: is this bang correct?
} else {
this.pokemonSprite.setVisible(!(this.filterMode || this.filterTextMode));
if (dexEntry.caughtAttr || forSeen) {
const speciesForm = getPokemonSpeciesForm(species.speciesId, 0); // TODO: always selecting the first form
this.setTypeIcons(speciesForm.type1, speciesForm.type2);
} else {
this.setTypeIcons(null, null);
} else {
this.setTypeIcons(null, null);
if (!this.starterMoveset) {
this.starterMoveset = this.speciesStarterMoves.slice(0, 4) as StarterMoveset;
setTypeIcons(type1: Type | null, type2: Type | null): void {
if (type1 !== null) {
} else {
if (type2 !== null) {
} else {
updateStarterValueLabel(starter: PokedexMonContainer): void {
const speciesId = starter.species.speciesId;
const baseStarterValue = speciesStarterCosts[speciesId];
const starterValue = globalScene.gameData.getSpeciesStarterValue(this.getStarterSpeciesId(speciesId));
starter.cost = starterValue;
let valueStr = starterValue.toString();
if (valueStr.startsWith("0.")) {
valueStr = valueStr.slice(1);
let textStyle: TextStyle;
switch (baseStarterValue - starterValue) {
case 0:
textStyle = TextStyle.WINDOW;
case 1:
case 0.5:
textStyle = TextStyle.SUMMARY_BLUE;
textStyle = TextStyle.SUMMARY_GOLD;
if (baseStarterValue - starterValue > 0) {
starter.label.setShadowColor(this.getTextColor(textStyle, true));
tryExit(): boolean {
this.blockInput = true;
const ui = this.getUi();
const cancel = () => {
ui.setMode(Mode.POKEDEX, "refresh");
this.blockInput = false;
ui.showText(i18next.t("pokedexUiHandler:confirmExit"), null, () => {
ui.setModeWithoutClear(Mode.CONFIRM, () => {
ui.setMode(Mode.POKEDEX, "refresh");
}, cancel, null, null, 19);
return true;
* Creates a temporary dex attr props that will be used to
* display the correct shiny, variant, and form based on the StarterPreferences
* @param speciesId the id of the species to get props for
* @returns the dex props
getCurrentDexProps(speciesId: number): bigint {
let props = 0n;
const caughtAttr = globalScene.gameData.dexData[speciesId].caughtAttr;
/* this checks the gender of the pokemon; this works by checking a) that the starter preferences for the species exist, and if so, is it female. If so, it'll add DexAttr.FEMALE to our temp props
* It then checks b) if the caughtAttr for the pokemon is female and NOT male - this means that the ONLY gender we've gotten is female, and we need to add DexAttr.FEMALE to our temp props
* If neither of these pass, we add DexAttr.MALE to our temp props
if (this.starterPreferences[speciesId]?.female || ((caughtAttr & DexAttr.FEMALE) > 0n && (caughtAttr & DexAttr.MALE) === 0n)) {
props += DexAttr.FEMALE;
} else {
props += DexAttr.MALE;
/* This part is very similar to above, but instead of for gender, it checks for shiny within starter preferences.
* If they're not there, it enables shiny state by default if any shiny was caught
if (this.starterPreferences[speciesId]?.shiny || ((caughtAttr & DexAttr.SHINY) > 0n && this.starterPreferences[speciesId]?.shiny !== false)) {
props += DexAttr.SHINY;
if (this.starterPreferences[speciesId]?.variant !== undefined) {
props += BigInt(Math.pow(2, this.starterPreferences[speciesId]?.variant)) * DexAttr.DEFAULT_VARIANT;
} else {
/* This calculates the correct variant if there's no starter preferences for it.
* This gets the highest tier variant that you've caught and adds it to the temp props
if ((caughtAttr & DexAttr.VARIANT_3) > 0) {
props += DexAttr.VARIANT_3;
} else if ((caughtAttr & DexAttr.VARIANT_2) > 0) {
props += DexAttr.VARIANT_2;
} else {
props += DexAttr.DEFAULT_VARIANT;
} else {
props += DexAttr.NON_SHINY;
props += DexAttr.DEFAULT_VARIANT; // we add the default variant here because non shiny versions are listed as default variant
if (this.starterPreferences[speciesId]?.form) { // this checks for the form of the pokemon
props += BigInt(Math.pow(2, this.starterPreferences[speciesId]?.form)) * DexAttr.DEFAULT_FORM;
} else {
// Get the first unlocked form
props += globalScene.gameData.getFormAttr(globalScene.gameData.getFormIndex(caughtAttr));
return props;
override destroy(): void {
this.pokemonContainers = [];
clearText() {
clear(): void {
this.cursor = -1;
this.blockInput = false;
checkIconId(icon: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite, species: PokemonSpecies, female: boolean, formIndex: number, shiny: boolean, variant: number) {
if (icon.frame.name !== species.getIconId(female, formIndex, shiny, variant)) {
console.log(`${species.name}'s icon ${icon.frame.name} does not match getIconId with female: ${female}, formIndex: ${formIndex}, shiny: ${shiny}, variant: ${variant}`);
icon.setTexture(species.getIconAtlasKey(formIndex, false, variant));
icon.setFrame(species.getIconId(female, formIndex, false, variant));