mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 20:20:43 +00:00
* add jsonc import support * migrate en: ability-trigger, ability, achv & arena-flyout to json/c * remove jsonc support gitlocalize doesn't recognize it * migrate arena-flyoutr.jsonc to json * EN: migrate arena-tag * EN: migrate battle-info.json * EN: migrate `battle-message-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `battle-scene` * EN: migrate `battle` * EN: migrate `battler-tags` * EN: migrate `berry` * EN: migrate `bgm-name` * EN: migrate `biome` * EN: migrate `challenges` * EN: migrate `command-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `common` * EN: migrate `dialogue` * EN: migrate `egg` * EN: migrate `fight-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `filter-bar` * EN: migrate `game-mode` * EN: migrate `game-stats-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `growth` * EN: migrate `menu-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `menu` * EN: migrate `modifier-select-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `modifier-type` * EN: migrate `modifier` * EN: migrate `move-trigger` * EN: migrate `move` * EN: migrate `nature` * EN: migrate `party-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `pokeball` * EN: migrate `pokemon-form` * EN: migrate `pokemon-info-container` * EN: migrate `pokemon-info` * EN: migrate `pokemon-summary` * EN: migrate `pokemon` * EN: migrate `save-slot-select-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `settings` * EN: migrate `splash-messages` * EN: migrate `starter-select-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `status-effect.json` * EN: migrate `trainers` * EN: migrate `tutorial` * EN: migrate `voucher` * EN: migrate `weather` and `terrain` * rename `dialogue-double-battle.json` * DE: migrate `ability-trigger` * DE: migrate `trainers` * DE: migrate `tutorial` * EN: migrate to `achv-f/-m` * rename `dialogue-endboss.json` to `dialogue-final-boss.json` endboss is not typical english * EN: fix gender files * EN: fix some dialogue gender issues * Migrate DE to JSON * EN: fix `modifier-type.json` * remove ca_ES for now * remove de/dialogue.ts (remnant) * Migrate ES (spanish) removing all dialogues content has been confirmed by Asdar Develops * Removed fake translations from ability-trigger * Removed fake translations from achievements and fixed female pronouns * Removed fake translations all the way to moves.json * Finished removing fake translations from es folder * migrate fr (french) * FR: update config.ts * migrate it (italian) * Removed fake translations in French json * Readding two lines I accidentally deleted to fr dialogue-male * migrate ja (Japanese) * migrate ko (Korean) * migrate pt_BR (Brasil) * remove event texts from json files * Removed fake translations in Italian * Removed Japanese fake translations everywhere except dialogues * Removed fake translations from Japanase (dialogues only) * Translate trainer-names.json via GitLocalize * Fixed a devilish typo in fr locale * add new translationkeys to en/settings * add empty `ca_ES` translations * fix config export names * fix ts-compiler with i18n issue * fix battle-stat.test.ts * fix some namings in plugins/i18n.ts * move `i18n.d.ts` content into `i18next.d.ts` and remove `defaultValue` key * fix type issues after beta merge * migrate zh_CN (Chinese simplified) * migrate zh_TW (Chinese tranditional) * fix tests for "missing" translations --------- Co-authored-by: InnocentGameDev <asdargmng@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: SangaraSorama <sangara.diamant@gmail.com>
160 lines
4.8 KiB
160 lines
4.8 KiB
"pikachuCosplay": "Cosplay",
"pikachuCoolCosplay": "Cosplay Legal",
"pikachuBeautyCosplay": "Cosplay Bonito",
"pikachuCuteCosplay": "Cosplay Fofo",
"pikachuSmartCosplay": "Cosplay Inteligente",
"pikachuToughCosplay": "Cosplay Forte",
"pikachuPartner": "Parceiro",
"eeveePartner": "Parceiro",
"pichuSpiky": "Orelha Espetada",
"unownA": "A",
"unownB": "B",
"unownC": "C",
"unownD": "D",
"unownE": "E",
"unownF": "F",
"unownG": "G",
"unownH": "H",
"unownI": "I",
"unownJ": "J",
"unownK": "K",
"unownL": "L",
"unownM": "M",
"unownN": "N",
"unownO": "O",
"unownP": "P",
"unownQ": "Q",
"unownR": "R",
"unownS": "S",
"unownT": "T",
"unownU": "U",
"unownV": "V",
"unownW": "W",
"unownX": "X",
"unownY": "Y",
"unownZ": "Z",
"unownExclamation": "!",
"unownQuestion": "?",
"castformSunny": "Ensolarado",
"castformRainy": "Chuvoso",
"castformSnowy": "Nevado",
"deoxysNormal": "Normal",
"burmyPlant": "Vegetal",
"burmySandy": "Arenoso",
"burmyTrash": "Lixo",
"shellosEast": "Leste",
"shellosWest": "Oeste",
"rotomHeat": "Calor",
"rotomWash": "Lavagem",
"rotomFrost": "Congelante",
"rotomFan": "Ventilador",
"rotomMow": "Corte",
"giratinaAltered": "Alterado",
"shayminLand": "Terrestre",
"basculinRedStriped": "Listras Vermelhas",
"basculinBlueStriped": "Listras Azuis",
"basculinWhiteStriped": "Listras Brancas",
"deerlingSpring": "Primavera",
"deerlingSummer": "Verão",
"deerlingAutumn": "Outono",
"deerlingWinter": "Inverno",
"tornadusIncarnate": "Materializado",
"thundurusIncarnate": "Materializado",
"landorusIncarnate": "Materializado",
"keldeoOrdinary": "Comum",
"meloettaAria": "Ária",
"froakieBattleBond": "Vínculo de Batalha",
"scatterbugMeadow": "Prado",
"scatterbugIcySnow": "Neve Congelada",
"scatterbugPolar": "Polar",
"scatterbugTundra": "Tundra",
"scatterbugContinental": "Continental",
"scatterbugGarden": "Jardim",
"scatterbugElegant": "Elegante",
"scatterbugModern": "Moderno",
"scatterbugMarine": "Marinho",
"scatterbugArchipelago": "Arquipélago",
"scatterbugHighPlains": "Planalto",
"scatterbugSandstorm": "Deserto",
"scatterbugRiver": "Rio",
"scatterbugMonsoon": "Monção",
"scatterbugSavanna": "Savana",
"scatterbugSun": "Solar",
"scatterbugOcean": "Oceano",
"scatterbugJungle": "Selva",
"scatterbugFancy": "Chique",
"scatterbugPokeBall": "Poké Bola",
"flabebeRed": "Vermelha",
"flabebeYellow": "Amarela",
"flabebeOrange": "Laranja",
"flabebeBlue": "Azul",
"flabebeWhite": "Branca",
"furfrouHeart": "Coração",
"furfrouStar": "Estrela",
"furfrouDiamond": "Diamante",
"furfrouDebutante": "Debutante",
"furfrouMatron": "Madame",
"furfrouDandy": "Cavalheiro",
"furfrouLaReine": "Aristocrático",
"furfrouKabuki": "Kabuki",
"furfrouPharaoh": "Faraó",
"pumpkabooSmall": "Pequeno",
"pumpkabooLarge": "Grande",
"pumpkabooSuper": "Extragrande",
"xerneasNeutral": "Relaxado",
"xerneasActive": "Ativo",
"zygarde50": "Forma 50%",
"zygarde10": "Forma 10%",
"zygarde50Pc": "Forma 50% Agrupada",
"zygarde10Pc": "Forma 10% Agrupada",
"zygardeComplete": "Forma Completa",
"oricorioBaile": "Flamenco",
"oricorioPompom": "Pompom",
"oricorioPau": "Hula",
"oricorioSensu": "Leque",
"rockruffOwnTempo": "Próprio Tempo",
"miniorRedMeteor": "Meteoro Vermelho",
"miniorOrangeMeteor": "Meteoro Laranja",
"miniorYellowMeteor": "Meteoro Amarelo",
"miniorGreenMeteor": "Meteoro Verde",
"miniorBlueMeteor": "Meteoro Azul",
"miniorIndigoMeteor": "Meteoro Anil",
"miniorVioletMeteor": "Meteoro Violeta",
"miniorRed": "Vermelho",
"miniorOrange": "Laranja",
"miniorYellow": "Amarelo",
"miniorGreen": "Verde",
"miniorBlue": "Azul",
"miniorIndigo": "Anil",
"miniorViolet": "Violeta",
"mimikyuDisguised": "Disfarçado",
"mimikyuBusted": "Descoberto",
"magearnaOriginal": "Original",
"marshadowZenith": "Zênite",
"sinisteaPhony": "Falsificado",
"sinisteaAntique": "Autêntico",
"eiscueNoIce": "Descongelado",
"indeedeeMale": "Macho",
"indeedeeFemale": "Fêmea",
"morpekoFullBelly": "Saciado",
"zacianHeroOfManyBattles": "Herói Veterano",
"zamazentaHeroOfManyBattles": "Herói Veterano",
"zarudeDada": "Papa",
"enamorusIncarnate": "Materializado",
"squawkabillyGreenPlumage": "Plumas Verdes",
"squawkabillyBluePlumage": "Plumas Azuis",
"squawkabillyYellowPlumage": "Plumas Amarelas",
"squawkabillyWhitePlumage": "Plumas Brancas",
"tatsugiriCurly": "Curvado",
"tatsugiriDroopy": "Caído",
"tatsugiriStretchy": "Reto",
"gimmighoulChest": "Baú",
"gimmighoulRoaming": "Perambulante",
"koraidonGlidingBuild": "Gliding Build",
"poltchageistCounterfeit": "Imitação",
"poltchageistArtisan": "Artesão",
"paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combate",
"paldeaTaurosBlaze": "Chamas",
"paldeaTaurosAqua": "Aquático"
} |