mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 03:58:40 +00:00
* add jsonc import support * migrate en: ability-trigger, ability, achv & arena-flyout to json/c * remove jsonc support gitlocalize doesn't recognize it * migrate arena-flyoutr.jsonc to json * EN: migrate arena-tag * EN: migrate battle-info.json * EN: migrate `battle-message-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `battle-scene` * EN: migrate `battle` * EN: migrate `battler-tags` * EN: migrate `berry` * EN: migrate `bgm-name` * EN: migrate `biome` * EN: migrate `challenges` * EN: migrate `command-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `common` * EN: migrate `dialogue` * EN: migrate `egg` * EN: migrate `fight-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `filter-bar` * EN: migrate `game-mode` * EN: migrate `game-stats-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `growth` * EN: migrate `menu-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `menu` * EN: migrate `modifier-select-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `modifier-type` * EN: migrate `modifier` * EN: migrate `move-trigger` * EN: migrate `move` * EN: migrate `nature` * EN: migrate `party-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `pokeball` * EN: migrate `pokemon-form` * EN: migrate `pokemon-info-container` * EN: migrate `pokemon-info` * EN: migrate `pokemon-summary` * EN: migrate `pokemon` * EN: migrate `save-slot-select-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `settings` * EN: migrate `splash-messages` * EN: migrate `starter-select-ui-handler` * EN: migrate `status-effect.json` * EN: migrate `trainers` * EN: migrate `tutorial` * EN: migrate `voucher` * EN: migrate `weather` and `terrain` * rename `dialogue-double-battle.json` * DE: migrate `ability-trigger` * DE: migrate `trainers` * DE: migrate `tutorial` * EN: migrate to `achv-f/-m` * rename `dialogue-endboss.json` to `dialogue-final-boss.json` endboss is not typical english * EN: fix gender files * EN: fix some dialogue gender issues * Migrate DE to JSON * EN: fix `modifier-type.json` * remove ca_ES for now * remove de/dialogue.ts (remnant) * Migrate ES (spanish) removing all dialogues content has been confirmed by Asdar Develops * Removed fake translations from ability-trigger * Removed fake translations from achievements and fixed female pronouns * Removed fake translations all the way to moves.json * Finished removing fake translations from es folder * migrate fr (french) * FR: update config.ts * migrate it (italian) * Removed fake translations in French json * Readding two lines I accidentally deleted to fr dialogue-male * migrate ja (Japanese) * migrate ko (Korean) * migrate pt_BR (Brasil) * remove event texts from json files * Removed fake translations in Italian * Removed Japanese fake translations everywhere except dialogues * Removed fake translations from Japanase (dialogues only) * Translate trainer-names.json via GitLocalize * Fixed a devilish typo in fr locale * add new translationkeys to en/settings * add empty `ca_ES` translations * fix config export names * fix ts-compiler with i18n issue * fix battle-stat.test.ts * fix some namings in plugins/i18n.ts * move `i18n.d.ts` content into `i18next.d.ts` and remove `defaultValue` key * fix type issues after beta merge * migrate zh_CN (Chinese simplified) * migrate zh_TW (Chinese tranditional) * fix tests for "missing" translations --------- Co-authored-by: InnocentGameDev <asdargmng@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: SangaraSorama <sangara.diamant@gmail.com>
105 lines
3.4 KiB
105 lines
3.4 KiB
"boy": "Menino",
"girl": "Menina",
"general": "Geral",
"display": "Exibição",
"audio": "Áudio",
"gamepad": "Controle",
"keyboard": "Teclado",
"gameSpeed": "Velocidade do Jogo",
"hpBarSpeed": "Velocidade da Barra de PS",
"expGainsSpeed": "Velocidade do Ganho de EXP",
"expPartyDisplay": "Exibição de EXP da Equipe",
"skipSeenDialogues": "Pular Diálogos Vistos",
"battleStyle": "Estilo de Batalha",
"enableRetries": "Habilitar Novas Tentativas",
"hideIvs": "Esconder scanner de IV",
"tutorials": "Tutorial",
"touchControls": "Controles de Toque",
"vibrations": "Vibração",
"normal": "Normal",
"fast": "Rápido",
"faster": "Mais Rápido",
"skip": "Pular",
"levelUpNotifications": "Notificação",
"on": "Ligado",
"off": "Desligado",
"switch": "Alternar",
"set": "Definido",
"auto": "Automático",
"disabled": "Desativado",
"language": "Idioma",
"change": "Mudar",
"uiTheme": "Tema da Interface",
"default": "Padrão",
"legacy": "Legado",
"windowType": "Estilo da Janela",
"moneyFormat": "Formatação do Dinheiro",
"damageNumbers": "Números de Dano",
"simple": "Simples",
"fancy": "Detalhado",
"abbreviated": "Abreviado",
"moveAnimations": "Animações de Movimento",
"showStatsOnLevelUp": "Mostrar Atributos ao Subir de Nível",
"candyUpgradeNotification": "Exibir Melhorias com Doce",
"passivesOnly": "Passivas",
"candyUpgradeDisplay": "Modo Melhorias com Doce",
"icon": "Ícone",
"animation": "Animação",
"moveInfo": "Informações de Movimento",
"showMovesetFlyout": "Mostrar Flutuante de Movimentos",
"showArenaFlyout": "Mostrar Flutuante de Bioma",
"showTimeOfDayWidget": "Widget da Hora do Dia",
"timeOfDayAnimation": "Animação da Hora do Dia",
"bounce": "Saltar",
"timeOfDay_back": "Voltar",
"spriteSet": "Conjunto de Sprites",
"consistent": "Consistente",
"mixedAnimated": "Animado",
"fusionPaletteSwaps": "Cores da Paleta de Fusão",
"playerGender": "Gênero do Jogador",
"typeHints": "Dicas de Tipo",
"masterVolume": "Volume Mestre",
"bgmVolume": "Volume de BGM",
"seVolume": "Volume de SE",
"musicPreference": "Preferência de Música",
"mixed": "Misto",
"gamepadPleasePlug": "Conecte um controle ou pressione um botão",
"delete": "Deletar",
"keyboardPleasePress": "Pressione uma tecla",
"reset": "Redefinir",
"requireReload": "Requer Reinício",
"action": "Ação",
"back": "Voltar",
"pressToBind": "Pressione para Atribuir",
"pressButton": "Pressione um Botão...",
"buttonUp": "Cima",
"buttonDown": "Baixo",
"buttonLeft": "Esquerda",
"buttonRight": "Direita",
"buttonAction": "Ação",
"buttonMenu": "Menu",
"buttonSubmit": "Confirmar",
"buttonCancel": "Cancelar",
"buttonStats": "Atributos",
"buttonCycleForm": "Próxima Forma",
"buttonCycleShiny": "Próximo Shiny",
"buttonCycleGender": "Próximo Gênero",
"buttonCycleAbility": "Próxima Habilidade",
"buttonCycleNature": "Próxima Natureza",
"buttonCycleVariant": "Próxima Variante",
"buttonSpeedUp": "Acelerar",
"buttonSlowDown": "Desacelerar",
"alt": " (Alt)",
"mute": "Mudo",
"controller": "Controle",
"gamepadSupport": "Suporte para Controle",
"showBgmBar": "Exibir Nomes das Músicas",
"moveTouchControls": "Move Touch Controls",
"shopOverlayOpacity": "Opacidade da Loja",
"shopCursorTarget": "Alvo do Cursor da Loja",
"items": "Itens",
"reroll": "Atualizar",
"shop": "Loja",
"checkTeam": "Checar Time"
} |