mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 06:28:30 +00:00
* move: locales files to `/public` (from `/src`) * install: i18next-http-backend module * implement: i18next language lazy-loading * remove: all `config.ts` files (for locales) * disable: enConfig import in i18next.d.ts * remove: console.log from utils.camelCaseToKebabCase() * remove localization tests we don't need to test if i18next is working. This is the job of i18next itself * mock i18next for tests * fix: tests that have to use the i18next key now instead of the english translation * fix: absolute-avarice-encounter test * fix: loading mystery-encounter translations with lazy-load * fix: 2 mystery encounter translation loading * replace: i18next mocks any vi.fn() calls * fix: new namespace usage in ME tests now using "mysteryEncounters/..." * fix: delibirdy encounter not being language specific the encounter was checking if the modifier name includes `Berry` which is only true for english. Instead it has to check if the modifier is an instance of BerryModifier * fix: the-expert-pokemon-breeder the new i18n pattern requires a different namespacing which has been adopted * fix: GTS encounter tests * add: `MockText.on()` * fix: berries abound test * chore: apply review suggestion from @DayKev * update i18next.d.ts * chore: fix i18next.d.ts * fix: `dialogue-misc` switchup between `en` and `ja` * move: `SpeciesFormKey` into enum there was an issue with circular dependencies * replace: `#app/enums/` with `#enums/` for `SpeciesFormKey` imports * re-sync locales from `beta` * rename: `ca_ES` -> `ca-ES` * rename: `pt_BR` -> `pt-BR` * rename: `zh_CN` -> `zh-CN` * rename: `zh_TW` -> `zh-TW` * fix loading Species-Form-Key in poemon-evo. * update: i18next `supporterLngs` ... and remove `nonExplicitSupportedLngs` * fix: `${namespace}.` -> `${namespace}:` thanks @MokaStitcher
291 lines
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291 lines
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"pikachu": "Normal",
"pikachuCosplay": "Coqueta",
"pikachuCoolCosplay": "Roquera",
"pikachuBeautyCosplay": "Aristócrata",
"pikachuCuteCosplay": "Superstar",
"pikachuSmartCosplay": "Erudita",
"pikachuToughCosplay": "Enmascarada",
"pikachuPartner": "Compañero",
"eevee": "Normal",
"eeveePartner": "Compañero",
"pichu": "Normal",
"pichuSpiky": "Picoreja",
"unownA": "A",
"unownB": "B",
"unownC": "C",
"unownD": "D",
"unownE": "E",
"unownF": "F",
"unownG": "G",
"unownH": "H",
"unownI": "I",
"unownJ": "J",
"unownK": "K",
"unownL": "L",
"unownM": "M",
"unownN": "N",
"unownO": "O",
"unownP": "P",
"unownQ": "Q",
"unownR": "R",
"unownS": "S",
"unownT": "T",
"unownU": "U",
"unownV": "V",
"unownW": "W",
"unownX": "X",
"unownY": "Y",
"unownZ": "Z",
"unownExclamation": "!",
"unownQuestion": "?",
"castform": "Normal Form",
"castformSunny": "Sol",
"castformRainy": "Lluvia",
"castformSnowy": "Nieve",
"deoxysNormal": "Normal",
"deoxysAttack": "Ataque",
"deoxysDefense": "Defensa",
"deoxysSpeed": "Velocidad",
"burmyPlant": "Planta",
"burmySandy": "Arena",
"burmyTrash": "Basura",
"cherubiOvercast": "Encapotado",
"cherubiSunshine": "Soleado",
"shellosEast": "Este",
"shellosWest": "Oeste",
"rotom": "Normal",
"rotomHeat": "Calor",
"rotomWash": "Lavado",
"rotomFrost": "Frío",
"rotomFan": "Ventilador",
"rotomMow": "Corte",
"dialga": "Normal",
"dialgaOrigin": "Origen",
"palkia": "Normal",
"palkiaOrigin": "Origen",
"giratinaAltered": "Modificada",
"giratinaOrigin": "Origen",
"shayminLand": "Tierra",
"shayminSky": "Cielo",
"basculinRedStriped": "Raya Roja",
"basculinBlueStriped": "Raya Azul",
"basculinWhiteStriped": "Raya Blanca",
"darumaka": "Modo Normal",
"darumakaZen": "Modo Daruma",
"deerlingSpring": "Primavera",
"deerlingSummer": "Verano",
"deerlingAutumn": "Otoño",
"deerlingWinter": "Invierno",
"tornadusIncarnate": "Avatar",
"tornadusTherian": "Tótem",
"thundurusIncarnate": "Avatar",
"thundurusTherian": "Tótem",
"landorusIncarnate": "Avatar",
"landorusTherian": "Tótem",
"kyurem": "Normal",
"kyuremBlack": "Negro",
"kyuremWhite": "Blanco",
"keldeoOrdinary": "Habitual",
"keldeoResolute": "Brío",
"meloettaAria": "Lírica",
"meloettaPirouette": "Danza",
"genesect": "Normal",
"genesectShock": "FulgoROM",
"genesectBurn": "PiroROM",
"genesectChill": "CrioROM",
"genesectDouse": "HidroROM",
"froakie": "Normal",
"froakieBattleBond": "Fuerte Afecto",
"froakieAsh": "Ash",
"scatterbugMeadow": "Floral",
"scatterbugIcySnow": "Polar",
"scatterbugPolar": "Taiga",
"scatterbugTundra": "Tundra",
"scatterbugContinental": "Continental",
"scatterbugGarden": "Vergel",
"scatterbugElegant": "Oriental",
"scatterbugModern": "Moderno",
"scatterbugMarine": "Marino",
"scatterbugArchipelago": "Isleño",
"scatterbugHighPlains": "Estepa",
"scatterbugSandstorm": "Desierto",
"scatterbugRiver": "Oasis",
"scatterbugMonsoon": "Monzón",
"scatterbugSavanna": "Pantano",
"scatterbugSun": "Solar",
"scatterbugOcean": "Océano",
"scatterbugJungle": "Jungla",
"scatterbugFancy": "Fantasía",
"scatterbugPokeBall": "Poké Ball",
"flabebeRed": "Rojo",
"flabebeYellow": "Amarillo",
"flabebeOrange": "Naranja",
"flabebeBlue": "Azul",
"flabebeWhite": "Blanco",
"furfrou": "Salvaje",
"furfrouHeart": "Corazón",
"furfrouStar": "Estrella",
"furfrouDiamond": "Diamante",
"furfrouDebutante": "Señorita",
"furfrouMatron": "Dama",
"furfrouDandy": "Caballero",
"furfrouLaReine": "Aristócrata",
"furfrouKabuki": "Kabuki",
"furfrouPharaoh": "Faraónico",
"espurrMale": "Macho",
"espurrFemale": "Hembra",
"honedgeShiled": "Escudo",
"honedgeBlade": "Filo",
"pumpkaboo": "Tamaño Normal",
"pumpkabooSmall": "Tamaño Pequeño",
"pumpkabooLarge": "Tamaño Grande",
"pumpkabooSuper": "Tamaño Extragrande",
"xerneasNeutral": "Relajado",
"xerneasActive": "Activo",
"zygarde50": "Al 50%",
"zygarde10": "Al 10%",
"zygarde50Pc": "Zygarde al 50%",
"zygarde10Pc": "Zygarde al 10%",
"zygardeComplete": "Zygarde Completo",
"hoopa": "Contenido",
"hoopaUnbound": "Desatado",
"oricorioBaile": "Apasionado",
"oricorioPompom": "Animado",
"oricorioPau": "Plácido",
"oricorioSensu": "Refinado",
"rockruff": "Normal",
"rockruffOwnTempo": "Ritmo Propio",
"rockruffMidday": "Diurna",
"rockruffMidnight": "Nocturna",
"rockruffDusk": "Crepuscular",
"wishiwashi": "Solo Form",
"wishiwashiSchool": "Banco",
"typeNullNormal": "Tipo Normal",
"typeNullFighting": "Tipo Lucha",
"typeNullFlying": "Tipo Volador",
"typeNullPoison": "Tipo Veneno",
"typeNullGround": "Tipo Tierra",
"typeNullRock": "Tipo Roca",
"typeNullBug": "Tipo Bicho",
"typeNullGhost": "Tipo Fantasma",
"typeNullSteel": "Tipo Acero",
"typeNullFire": "Tipo Fuego",
"typeNullWater": "Tipo Agua",
"typeNullGrass": "Tipo Planta",
"typeNullElectric": "Tipo Eléctrico",
"typeNullPsychic": "Tipo Psíquico",
"typeNullIce": "Tipo Hielo",
"typeNullDragon": "Tipo Dragón",
"typeNullDark": "Tipo Siniestro",
"typeNullFairy": "Tipo Hada",
"miniorRedMeteor": "Núcleo Rojo",
"miniorOrangeMeteor": "Núcleo Naranja",
"miniorYellowMeteor": "Núcleo Amarillo",
"miniorGreenMeteor": "Núcleo Verde",
"miniorBlueMeteor": "Núcleo Azul",
"miniorIndigoMeteor": "Núcleo Añil",
"miniorVioletMeteor": "Núcleo Violeta",
"miniorRed": "Rojo",
"miniorOrange": "Naranja",
"miniorYellow": "Amarillo",
"miniorGreen": "Verde",
"miniorBlue": "Azul",
"miniorIndigo": "Añil",
"miniorViolet": "Violeta",
"mimikyuDisguised": "Encubierta",
"mimikyuBusted": "Descubierta",
"necrozma": "Normal",
"necrozmaDuskMane": "Melena Crepuscular",
"necrozmaDawnWings": "Asas Alvorada",
"necrozmaUltra": "Ultra",
"magearna": "Normal",
"magearnaOriginal": "Vetusto",
"marshadow": "Normal",
"marshadowZenith": "Cénit",
"cramorant": "Normal",
"cramorantGulping": "Tragatodo",
"cramorantGorging": "Engulletodo",
"toxelAmped": "Agudo",
"toxelLowkey": "Grave",
"sinisteaPhony": "Falsificada",
"sinisteaAntique": "Genuina",
"milceryVanillaCream": "Crema de Vainilla",
"milceryRubyCream": "Crema Rosa",
"milceryMatchaCream": "Crema de Té",
"milceryMintCream": "Crema de Menta",
"milceryLemonCream": "Crema de Limón",
"milcerySaltedCream": "Crema Salada",
"milceryRubySwirl": "Mezcla Rosa",
"milceryCaramelSwirl": "Mezcla Caramelo",
"milceryRainbowSwirl": "Tres Sabores",
"eiscue": "Cara de Hielo",
"eiscueNoIce": "Cara Deshielo",
"indeedeeMale": "Macho",
"indeedeeFemale": "Hembra",
"morpekoFullBelly": "Saciada",
"morpekoHangry": "Voraz",
"zacianHeroOfManyBattles": "Guerrero avezado",
"zacianCrowned": "Espada Suprema",
"zamazentaHeroOfManyBattles": "Guerrero avezado",
"zamazentaCrowned": "Escudo Supremo",
"kubfuSingleStrike": "Estilo Brusco",
"kubfuRapidStrike": "Estilo Fluido",
"zarude": "Normal",
"zarudeDada": "Papá",
"calyrex": "Normal",
"calyrexIce": "Jinete Glacial",
"calyrexShadow": "Jinete Espectral",
"basculinMale": "Macho",
"basculinFemale": "Hembra",
"enamorusIncarnate": "Avatar",
"enamorusTherian": "Tótem",
"lechonkMale": "Macho",
"lechonkFemale": "Hembra",
"tandemausFour": "Familia de Cuatro",
"tandemausThree": "Familia de Tres",
"squawkabillyGreenPlumage": "Plumaje Verde",
"squawkabillyBluePlumage": "Plumaje Azul",
"squawkabillyYellowPlumage": "Plumaje Amarillo",
"squawkabillyWhitePlumage": "Plumaje Blanco",
"finizenZero": "Ingenua",
"finizenHero": "Heroica",
"tatsugiriCurly": "Curvada",
"tatsugiriDroopy": "Lánguida",
"tatsugiriStretchy": "Estirada",
"dunsparceTwo": "Binodular",
"dunsparceThree": "Trinodular",
"gimmighoulChest": "Cofre",
"gimmighoulRoaming": "Andante",
"koraidonApexBuild": "Forma Plena",
"koraidonLimitedBuild": "Forma Limitada",
"koraidonSprintingBuild": "Forma Carrera",
"koraidonSwimmingBuild": "Forma Nado",
"koraidonGlidingBuild": "Forma Planeo",
"miraidonUltimateMode": "Modo Pleno",
"miraidonLowPowerMode": "Modo Limitado",
"miraidonDriveMode": "Modo Conducción",
"miraidonAquaticMode": "Modo Flote",
"miraidonGlideMode": "Modo Planeo",
"poltchageistCounterfeit": "Fraudulenta",
"poltchageistArtisan": "Opulenta",
"poltchageistUnremarkable": "Mediocre",
"poltchageistMasterpiece": "Exquisita",
"ogerponTealMask": "Máscara Turquesa",
"ogerponTealMaskTera": "Máscara Turquesa Teracristal",
"ogerponWellspringMask": "Máscara Fuente",
"ogerponWellspringMaskTera": "Máscara Fuente Teracristal",
"ogerponHearthflameMask": "Máscara Horno",
"ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "Máscara Horno Teracristal",
"ogerponCornerstoneMask": "Máscara Cimiento",
"ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "Máscara Cimiento Teracristal",
"terapagos": "Normal",
"terapagosTerastal": "Teracristal",
"terapagosStellar": "Astral",
"galarDarumaka": "Modo Normal",
"galarDarumakaZen": "Modo Daruma",
"paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combatiente",
"paldeaTaurosBlaze": "Ardiente",
"paldeaTaurosAqua": "Acuático"