flx-sta 95386861bb
[Qol][Refactor] i18n lazy-loading (#4327)
* move: locales files to `/public` (from `/src`)

* install: i18next-http-backend module

* implement: i18next language lazy-loading

* remove: all `config.ts` files (for locales)

* disable: enConfig import in i18next.d.ts

* remove: console.log from utils.camelCaseToKebabCase()

* remove localization tests

we don't need to test if i18next is working.
This is the job of i18next itself

* mock i18next for tests

* fix: tests that have to use the i18next key now

instead of the english translation

* fix: absolute-avarice-encounter test

* fix: loading mystery-encounter translations

with lazy-load

* fix: 2 mystery encounter translation loading

* replace: i18next mocks any vi.fn() calls

* fix: new namespace usage in ME tests

now using "mysteryEncounters/..."

* fix: delibirdy encounter not being language specific

the encounter was checking if the modifier name includes `Berry` which is only true for english. Instead it has to check if the modifier is an instance of BerryModifier

* fix: the-expert-pokemon-breeder

the new i18n pattern requires a different namespacing which has been adopted

* fix: GTS encounter tests

* add: `MockText.on()`

* fix: berries abound test

* chore: apply review suggestion

from @DayKev

* update i18next.d.ts

* chore: fix i18next.d.ts

* fix: `dialogue-misc` switchup between `en` and `ja`

* move: `SpeciesFormKey` into enum

there was an issue with circular dependencies

* replace: `#app/enums/` with `#enums/` for `SpeciesFormKey` imports

* re-sync locales from `beta`

* rename: `ca_ES` -> `ca-ES`

* rename: `pt_BR` -> `pt-BR`

* rename: `zh_CN` -> `zh-CN`

* rename: `zh_TW` -> `zh-TW`

* fix loading Species-Form-Key in poemon-evo.

* update: i18next `supporterLngs` ...

and remove `nonExplicitSupportedLngs`

* fix: `${namespace}.` -> `${namespace}:`

thanks @MokaStitcher
2024-10-01 21:55:16 +01:00

108 lines
3.4 KiB

"boy": "Chico",
"girl": "Chica",
"general": "General",
"display": "Pantalla",
"audio": "Audio",
"gamepad": "Mando",
"keyboard": "Teclado",
"gameSpeed": "Veloc. del juego",
"hpBarSpeed": "Veloc. barra PS",
"expGainsSpeed": "Veloc. de EXP",
"expPartyDisplay": "Mostrar EXP del Equipo",
"skipSeenDialogues": "Saltar diálogos leídos",
"battleStyle": "Estilo de lucha",
"enableRetries": "Activar reintento",
"hideIvs": "Ocultar escáner de IVs",
"tutorials": "Tutoriales",
"touchControls": "Control táctil",
"vibrations": "Vibración",
"normal": "Normal",
"fast": "+1",
"faster": "+2",
"skip": "Saltar",
"levelUpNotifications": "Aumentos de nivel",
"on": "Sí",
"off": "No",
"switch": "Cambiar",
"set": "Mantener",
"auto": "Auto.",
"disabled": "Desact.",
"language": "Idioma",
"change": "Cambiar",
"uiTheme": "Color UI",
"default": "Predet.",
"legacy": "Clásico",
"windowType": "Ventana",
"moneyFormat": "Formato dinero",
"damageNumbers": "Cifras de daño",
"simple": "Simple",
"fancy": "Elegante",
"abbreviated": "Abreviado",
"moveAnimations": "Animación de movs.",
"showStatsOnLevelUp": "Estadísticas al aum. nivel",
"candyUpgradeNotification": "Aviso de caramelos",
"passivesOnly": "Solo pasivas",
"candyUpgradeDisplay": "Muestra de caramelos",
"icon": "Icono",
"animation": "Animación",
"moveInfo": "Info. de movimientos",
"showMovesetFlyout": "Descripción de movimientos",
"showArenaFlyout": "Descripción de escenarios",
"showTimeOfDayWidget": "Mostrar hora del día",
"timeOfDayAnimation": "Animación hora del día",
"bounce": "Rebote",
"timeOfDay_back": "Vuelta",
"spriteSet": "Set de sprites",
"consistent": "Consistente",
"mixedAnimated": "Mixto",
"fusionPaletteSwaps": "Colores de fusión",
"playerGender": "Género del jugador",
"typeHints": "Pistas de tipos",
"masterVolume": "Volumen total",
"bgmVolume": "Volumen música",
"fieldVolume": "Volumen escenario",
"seVolume": "Volumen efectos",
"uiVolume": "Volumen sistema",
"musicPreference": "Preferencia musical",
"mixed": "Mixta",
"gamepadPleasePlug": "Conecta un mando o pulsa un botón",
"delete": "Eliminar",
"keyboardPleasePress": "Pulsa una tecla de tu teclado",
"reset": "Restablecer",
"requireReload": "Requiere reinicio",
"action": "Acción",
"back": "Atrás",
"pressToBind": "Pulsa para vincular",
"pressButton": "Pulsa un botón...",
"buttonUp": "Arriba",
"buttonDown": "Abajo",
"buttonLeft": "Izquierda",
"buttonRight": "Derecha",
"buttonAction": "Acción",
"buttonMenu": "Menú",
"buttonSubmit": "Confirmar",
"buttonCancel": "Cancelar",
"buttonStats": "Estadísticas",
"buttonCycleForm": "Cambiar forma",
"buttonCycleShiny": "Cambiar shiny",
"buttonCycleGender": "Cambiar género",
"buttonCycleAbility": "Cambiar habilidad",
"buttonCycleNature": "Cambiar naturaleza",
"buttonCycleVariant": "Cambiar variante",
"buttonSpeedUp": "Acelerar",
"buttonSlowDown": "Ralentizar",
"alt": " (Alt.)",
"mute": "Silenciar",
"controller": "Mando",
"gamepadSupport": "Soporte de mando",
"showBgmBar": "Mostrar título de canción",
"moveTouchControls": "Controles táctiles",
"shopOverlayOpacity": "Opacidad de la fase de compra",
"shopCursorTarget": "Cursor de la tienda",
"rewards": "Objetos",
"reroll": "Actualizar",
"shop": "Tienda",
"checkTeam": "Ver equipo"