mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 11:16:21 +00:00
* move: locales files to `/public` (from `/src`) * install: i18next-http-backend module * implement: i18next language lazy-loading * remove: all `config.ts` files (for locales) * disable: enConfig import in i18next.d.ts * remove: console.log from utils.camelCaseToKebabCase() * remove localization tests we don't need to test if i18next is working. This is the job of i18next itself * mock i18next for tests * fix: tests that have to use the i18next key now instead of the english translation * fix: absolute-avarice-encounter test * fix: loading mystery-encounter translations with lazy-load * fix: 2 mystery encounter translation loading * replace: i18next mocks any vi.fn() calls * fix: new namespace usage in ME tests now using "mysteryEncounters/..." * fix: delibirdy encounter not being language specific the encounter was checking if the modifier name includes `Berry` which is only true for english. Instead it has to check if the modifier is an instance of BerryModifier * fix: the-expert-pokemon-breeder the new i18n pattern requires a different namespacing which has been adopted * fix: GTS encounter tests * add: `MockText.on()` * fix: berries abound test * chore: apply review suggestion from @DayKev * update i18next.d.ts * chore: fix i18next.d.ts * fix: `dialogue-misc` switchup between `en` and `ja` * move: `SpeciesFormKey` into enum there was an issue with circular dependencies * replace: `#app/enums/` with `#enums/` for `SpeciesFormKey` imports * re-sync locales from `beta` * rename: `ca_ES` -> `ca-ES` * rename: `pt_BR` -> `pt-BR` * rename: `zh_CN` -> `zh-CN` * rename: `zh_TW` -> `zh-TW` * fix loading Species-Form-Key in poemon-evo. * update: i18next `supporterLngs` ... and remove `nonExplicitSupportedLngs` * fix: `${namespace}.` -> `${namespace}:` thanks @MokaStitcher
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134 lines
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"ace_trainer": "エリートトレーナーの ",
"ace_trainer_female": "エリートトレーナーの ",
"ace_duo": "エリートコンビの ",
"artist": "芸術家の ",
"artist_female": "芸術家の ",
"backers": "ファンクラブの ",
"backpacker": "バックパッカーの ",
"backpacker_female": "バックパッカーの ",
"backpackers": "バックパッカーズの ",
"baker": "ベーカリーの ",
"battle_girl": "バトルガールの ",
"beauty": "大人のおねえさんの ",
"beginners": "初心者の ",
"biker": "暴走族の ",
"black_belt": "カラテ王の ",
"breeder": "ポケモンブリーダーの ",
"breeder_female": "ポケモンブリーダーの ",
"breeders": "ブリーダーコンビの ",
"clerk": "ビジネスマンの ",
"clerk_female": "OLの ",
"colleagues": "ビジネスパートナーの ",
"crush_kin": "格闘兄妹の ",
"cyclist": "サイクリングの ",
"cyclist_female": "サイクリングの ",
"cyclists": "サイクリングチームの ",
"dancer": "ダンサーの ",
"dancer_female": "ダンサーの ",
"depot_agent": "鉄道員の ",
"doctor": "ドクターの ",
"doctor_female": "ドクターの ",
"firebreather": "火吹きやろうの ",
"fisherman": "釣り人の ",
"fisherman_female": "釣り人の ",
"gentleman": "ジェントルマンの ",
"guitarist": "ギタリストの ",
"guitarist_female": "ギタリストの ",
"harlequin": "クラウンの ",
"hiker": "山男の ",
"hooligans": "バッドチームの ",
"hoopster": "バスケ選手の ",
"infielder": "野球選手の ",
"janitor": "清掃員の ",
"lady": "お嬢さまの ",
"lass": "ミニスカートの ",
"linebacker": "フットボーラーの ",
"maid": "メイドの ",
"madame": "マダムの ",
"medical_team": "医療チームの ",
"musician": "ミュージシャンの ",
"hex_maniac": "オカルトマニアの ",
"nurse": "ナースの ",
"nursery_aide": "保育士の ",
"officer": "お巡りさんの ",
"parasol_lady": "パラソルおねえさんの ",
"pilot": "パイロットの ",
"pokéfan": "大好きクラブの ",
"pokéfan_female": "大好きクラブの ",
"pokéfan_family": "大好き夫婦の ",
"preschooler": "園児の ",
"preschooler_female": "園児の ",
"preschoolers": "園児たちの ",
"psychic": "サイキッカーの ",
"psychic_female": "サイキッカーの ",
"psychics": "サイキッ家の ",
"pokémon_ranger": "ポケモンレンジャーの ",
"pokémon_ranger_female": "ポケモンレンジャーの ",
"pokémon_rangers": "レンジャーズの ",
"ranger": "レンジャーの ",
"restaurant_staff": "レストランスタッフの ",
"rich": "お金持ちの ",
"rich_female": "お金持ちの ",
"rich_boy": "お坊っちゃまの ",
"rich_couple": "お二人さまの ",
"rich_kid": "ブルジョワ男子の ",
"rich_kid_female": "ブルジョワ女子の ",
"rich_kids": "ブルジョワ子達の ",
"roughneck": "スキンヘッズの ",
"sailor": "船乗りの ",
"scientist": "研究員の ",
"scientist_female": "研究員の ",
"scientists": "研究チームの ",
"smasher": "テニスプレイヤーの ",
"snow_worker": "冷凍作業員の ",
"snow_worker_female": "冷凍作業員の ",
"striker": "サッカー選手の ",
"school_kid": "塾帰りの ",
"school_kid_female": "塾帰りの ",
"school_kids": "塾生たちの ",
"swimmer": "海パンやろうの ",
"swimmer_female": "ビキニのおねえさんの ",
"swimmers": "水着カップルの ",
"twins": "双子ちゃんの ",
"veteran": "ベテラントレーナーの ",
"veteran_female": "ベテラントレーナーの ",
"veteran_duo": "ベテランコンビの ",
"waiter": "ウエーターの ",
"waitress": "ウエートレスの ",
"worker": "作業員の ",
"worker_female": "作業員の ",
"workers": "作業班の ",
"youngster": "短パン小僧の ",
"rocket_grunt": "ロケット団の下っ端",
"rocket_grunts": " ロケット団の下っ端",
"rocket_grunt_female": "ロケット団の下っ端",
"magma_grunt": "マグマ団の下っ端",
"magma_grunt_female": "マグマ団の下っ端",
"magma_grunts": "マグマ団の下っ端",
"aqua_grunt": "アクア団の下っ端",
"aqua_grunt_female": "アクア団の下っ端",
"aqua_grunts": "アクア団の下っ端",
"galactic_grunt": "ギンガ団の下っ端",
"galactic_grunt_female": "ギンガ団の下っ端",
"galactic_grunts": "ギンガ団の下っ端",
"plasma_grunt": "プラスマ団の下っ端",
"plasma_grunt_female": "プラズマ団の下っ端",
"plasma_grunts": "プラズマ団の下っ端",
"flare_grunt": "フレア団の下っ端",
"flare_grunt_female": "フレア団の下っ端",
"flare_grunts": "フレア団の下っ端",
"aether_grunt": "エーテル財団の職員",
"aether_grunt_female": "エーテル財団の職員",
"aether_grunts": "エーテル財団の職員",
"skull_grunt": "スカル団の下っ端",
"skull_grunt_female": "スカル団の下っ端",
"skull_grunts": "スカル団の下っ端",
"macro_grunt": "マクロコスモスのトレーナ",
"macro_grunt_female": "マクロコスモスのトレーナ",
"macro_grunts": "マクロコスモスのトレーナ",
"star_grunt": "スター団の下っ端",
"star_grunt_female": "スター団の下っ端",
"star_grunts": "スター団の下っ端"