flx-sta 95386861bb
[Qol][Refactor] i18n lazy-loading (#4327)
* move: locales files to `/public` (from `/src`)

* install: i18next-http-backend module

* implement: i18next language lazy-loading

* remove: all `config.ts` files (for locales)

* disable: enConfig import in i18next.d.ts

* remove: console.log from utils.camelCaseToKebabCase()

* remove localization tests

we don't need to test if i18next is working.
This is the job of i18next itself

* mock i18next for tests

* fix: tests that have to use the i18next key now

instead of the english translation

* fix: absolute-avarice-encounter test

* fix: loading mystery-encounter translations

with lazy-load

* fix: 2 mystery encounter translation loading

* replace: i18next mocks any vi.fn() calls

* fix: new namespace usage in ME tests

now using "mysteryEncounters/..."

* fix: delibirdy encounter not being language specific

the encounter was checking if the modifier name includes `Berry` which is only true for english. Instead it has to check if the modifier is an instance of BerryModifier

* fix: the-expert-pokemon-breeder

the new i18n pattern requires a different namespacing which has been adopted

* fix: GTS encounter tests

* add: `MockText.on()`

* fix: berries abound test

* chore: apply review suggestion

from @DayKev

* update i18next.d.ts

* chore: fix i18next.d.ts

* fix: `dialogue-misc` switchup between `en` and `ja`

* move: `SpeciesFormKey` into enum

there was an issue with circular dependencies

* replace: `#app/enums/` with `#enums/` for `SpeciesFormKey` imports

* re-sync locales from `beta`

* rename: `ca_ES` -> `ca-ES`

* rename: `pt_BR` -> `pt-BR`

* rename: `zh_CN` -> `zh-CN`

* rename: `zh_TW` -> `zh-TW`

* fix loading Species-Form-Key in poemon-evo.

* update: i18next `supporterLngs` ...

and remove `nonExplicitSupportedLngs`

* fix: `${namespace}.` -> `${namespace}:`

thanks @MokaStitcher
2024-10-01 21:55:16 +01:00

291 lines
9.1 KiB

"pikachu": "Normal",
"pikachuCosplay": "换装",
"pikachuCoolCosplay": "摇滚巨星",
"pikachuBeautyCosplay": "贵妇",
"pikachuCuteCosplay": "流行偶像",
"pikachuSmartCosplay": "博士",
"pikachuToughCosplay": "面罩摔跤手",
"pikachuPartner": "搭档",
"eevee": "Normal",
"eeveePartner": "搭档",
"pichu": "Normal",
"pichuSpiky": "刺刺耳",
"unownA": "A",
"unownB": "B",
"unownC": "C",
"unownD": "D",
"unownE": "E",
"unownF": "F",
"unownG": "G",
"unownH": "H",
"unownI": "I",
"unownJ": "J",
"unownK": "K",
"unownL": "L",
"unownM": "M",
"unownN": "N",
"unownO": "O",
"unownP": "P",
"unownQ": "Q",
"unownR": "R",
"unownS": "S",
"unownT": "T",
"unownU": "U",
"unownV": "V",
"unownW": "W",
"unownX": "X",
"unownY": "Y",
"unownZ": "Z",
"unownExclamation": "!",
"unownQuestion": "?",
"castform": "通常",
"castformSunny": "晴天",
"castformRainy": "雨天",
"castformSnowy": "雪天",
"deoxysNormal": "普通",
"deoxysAttack": "进攻",
"deoxysDefense": "防御",
"deoxysSpeed": "速度",
"burmyPlant": "草木蓑衣",
"burmySandy": "砂土蓑衣",
"burmyTrash": "垃圾蓑衣",
"cherubiOvercast": "阴天",
"cherubiSunshine": "晴天",
"shellosEast": "东海",
"shellosWest": "西海",
"rotom": "通常",
"rotomHeat": "加热",
"rotomWash": "清洗",
"rotomFrost": "结冰",
"rotomFan": "旋转",
"rotomMow": "切割",
"dialga": "通常",
"dialgaOrigin": "起源",
"palkia": "通常",
"palkiaOrigin": "起源",
"giratinaAltered": "别种",
"giratinaOrigin": "起源",
"shayminLand": "陆上",
"shayminSky": "天空",
"basculinRedStriped": "红条纹",
"basculinBlueStriped": "蓝条纹",
"basculinWhiteStriped": "白条纹",
"darumaka": "普通",
"darumakaZen": "达摩",
"deerlingSpring": "春天",
"deerlingSummer": "夏天",
"deerlingAutumn": "秋天",
"deerlingWinter": "冬天",
"tornadusIncarnate": "化身",
"tornadusTherian": "灵兽",
"thundurusIncarnate": "化身",
"thundurusTherian": "灵兽",
"landorusIncarnate": "化身",
"landorusTherian": "灵兽",
"kyurem": "普通",
"kyuremBlack": "暗黑",
"kyuremWhite": "焰白",
"keldeoOrdinary": "通常",
"keldeoResolute": "觉悟",
"meloettaAria": "歌声",
"meloettaPirouette": "舞步形态",
"genesect": "通常",
"genesectShock": "闪电驱动",
"genesectBurn": "燃烧驱动",
"genesectChill": "寒冰驱动",
"genesectDouse": "水流驱动",
"froakie": "通常",
"froakieBattleBond": "牵绊变身",
"froakieAsh": "小智",
"scatterbugMeadow": "花园花纹",
"scatterbugIcySnow": "冰雪花纹",
"scatterbugPolar": "雪国花纹",
"scatterbugTundra": "雪原花纹",
"scatterbugContinental": "大陆花纹",
"scatterbugGarden": "庭园花纹",
"scatterbugElegant": "高雅花纹",
"scatterbugModern": "摩登花纹",
"scatterbugMarine": "大海花纹",
"scatterbugArchipelago": "群岛花纹",
"scatterbugHighPlains": "荒野花纹",
"scatterbugSandstorm": "沙尘花纹",
"scatterbugRiver": "大河花纹",
"scatterbugMonsoon": "骤雨花纹",
"scatterbugSavanna": "热带草原花纹",
"scatterbugSun": "太阳花纹",
"scatterbugOcean": "大洋花纹",
"scatterbugJungle": "热带雨林花纹",
"scatterbugFancy": "幻彩花纹",
"scatterbugPokeBall": "球球花纹",
"flabebeRed": "红花",
"flabebeYellow": "黄花",
"flabebeOrange": "橙花",
"flabebeBlue": "蓝花",
"flabebeWhite": "白花",
"furfrou": "Natural Form",
"furfrouHeart": "心形造型",
"furfrouStar": "星形造型",
"furfrouDiamond": "菱形造型",
"furfrouDebutante": "淑女造型",
"furfrouMatron": "贵妇造型",
"furfrouDandy": "绅士造型",
"furfrouLaReine": "女王造型",
"furfrouKabuki": "歌舞伎造型",
"furfrouPharaoh": "国王造型",
"espurrMale": "雄性",
"espurrFemale": "雌性",
"honedgeShiled": "盾牌",
"honedgeBlade": "利剑",
"pumpkaboo": "平均尺寸",
"pumpkabooSmall": "小尺寸",
"pumpkabooLarge": "大尺寸",
"pumpkabooSuper": "特大尺寸",
"xerneasNeutral": "放松模式",
"xerneasActive": "活跃模式",
"zygarde50": "50%形态",
"zygarde10": "10%形态",
"zygarde50Pc": "50%形态 群聚变形",
"zygarde10Pc": "10%形态 群聚变形",
"zygardeComplete": "完全体形态",
"hoopa": "惩戒",
"hoopaUnbound": "解放",
"oricorioBaile": "热辣热辣风格",
"oricorioPompom": "啪滋啪滋风格",
"oricorioPau": "呼拉呼拉风格",
"oricorioSensu": "轻盈轻盈风格",
"rockruff": "通常",
"rockruffOwnTempo": "特殊岩狗狗",
"rockruffMidday": "白天",
"rockruffMidnight": "夜晚",
"rockruffDusk": "黄昏",
"wishiwashi": "单独",
"wishiwashiSchool": "鱼群",
"typeNullNormal": "属性:普通",
"typeNullFighting": "属性:格斗",
"typeNullFlying": "属性:飞行",
"typeNullPoison": "属性:毒",
"typeNullGround": "属性:地面",
"typeNullRock": "属性:岩石",
"typeNullBug": "属性:虫",
"typeNullGhost": "属性:幽灵",
"typeNullSteel": "属性:钢",
"typeNullFire": "属性:火",
"typeNullWater": "属性:水",
"typeNullGrass": "属性:草",
"typeNullElectric": "属性:电",
"typeNullPsychic": "属性:超能力",
"typeNullIce": "属性:冰",
"typeNullDragon": "属性:龙",
"typeNullDark": "属性:恶",
"typeNullFairy": "属性:妖精",
"miniorRedMeteor": "红色核心",
"miniorOrangeMeteor": "橙色核心",
"miniorYellowMeteor": "黄色核心",
"miniorGreenMeteor": "绿色核心",
"miniorBlueMeteor": "浅蓝色核心",
"miniorIndigoMeteor": "蓝色核心",
"miniorVioletMeteor": "紫色核心",
"miniorRed": "红色",
"miniorOrange": "橙色",
"miniorYellow": "黄色",
"miniorGreen": "绿色",
"miniorBlue": "浅蓝色",
"miniorIndigo": "蓝色",
"miniorViolet": "紫色",
"mimikyuDisguised": "化形",
"mimikyuBusted": "现形",
"necrozma": "通常",
"necrozmaDuskMane": "黄昏之鬃",
"necrozmaDawnWings": "拂晓之翼",
"necrozmaUltra": "究极",
"magearna": "通常",
"magearnaOriginal": "500年前的颜色",
"marshadow": "通常",
"marshadowZenith": "全力",
"cramorant": "通常",
"cramorantGulping": "一口吞",
"cramorantGorging": "大口吞",
"toxelAmped": "高调",
"toxelLowkey": "低调",
"sinisteaPhony": "赝品",
"sinisteaAntique": "真品",
"milceryVanillaCream": "奶香香草",
"milceryRubyCream": "奶香红钻",
"milceryMatchaCream": "奶香抹茶",
"milceryMintCream": "奶香薄荷",
"milceryLemonCream": "奶香柠檬",
"milcerySaltedCream": "奶香海燕",
"milceryRubySwirl": "红钻综合",
"milceryCaramelSwirl": "教堂综合",
"milceryRainbowSwirl": "三色综合",
"eiscue": "冰冻头",
"eiscueNoIce": "解冻头",
"indeedeeMale": "雄性",
"indeedeeFemale": "雌性",
"morpekoFullBelly": "满腹花纹",
"morpekoHangry": "空腹花纹",
"zacianHeroOfManyBattles": "百战勇者",
"zacianCrowned": "盾之王",
"zamazentaHeroOfManyBattles": "百战勇者",
"zamazentaCrowned": "剑之王",
"kubfuSingleStrike": "一击",
"kubfuRapidStrike": "连击",
"zarude": "通常",
"zarudeDada": "老爹",
"calyrex": "通常",
"calyrexIce": "白马",
"calyrexShadow": "黑马",
"basculinMale": "雄性",
"basculinFemale": "雌性",
"enamorusIncarnate": "化身",
"enamorusTherian": "灵兽",
"lechonkMale": "雄性",
"lechonkFemale": "雌性",
"tandemausFour": "四口之家",
"tandemausThree": "三口之家",
"squawkabillyGreenPlumage": "绿羽毛",
"squawkabillyBluePlumage": "蓝羽毛",
"squawkabillyYellowPlumage": "黄羽毛",
"squawkabillyWhitePlumage": "白羽毛",
"finizenZero": "平凡",
"finizenHero": "全能",
"tatsugiriCurly": "上弓姿势",
"tatsugiriDroopy": "下垂姿势",
"tatsugiriStretchy": "平挺姿势",
"dunsparceTwo": "两节",
"dunsparceThree": "三节",
"gimmighoulChest": "宝箱形态",
"gimmighoulRoaming": "徒步形态",
"koraidonApexBuild": "顶尖形态",
"koraidonLimitedBuild": "限制形态",
"koraidonSprintingBuild": "冲刺形态",
"koraidonSwimmingBuild": "游泳形态",
"koraidonGlidingBuild": "滑翔形态",
"miraidonUltimateMode": "极限模式",
"miraidonLowPowerMode": "节能模式",
"miraidonDriveMode": "驾驶模式",
"miraidonAquaticMode": "水上模式",
"miraidonGlideMode": "滑翔模式",
"poltchageistCounterfeit": "冒牌货",
"poltchageistArtisan": "高档货",
"poltchageistUnremarkable": "凡作",
"poltchageistMasterpiece": "杰作",
"ogerponTealMask": "碧草面具",
"ogerponTealMaskTera": "碧草面具太晶化",
"ogerponWellspringMask": "水井面具",
"ogerponWellspringMaskTera": "水井面具太晶化",
"ogerponHearthflameMask": "火灶面具",
"ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "火灶面具太晶化",
"ogerponCornerstoneMask": "础石面具",
"ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "础石面具太晶化",
"terapagos": "普通",
"terapagosTerastal": "太晶",
"terapagosStellar": "星晶",
"galarDarumaka": "通常",
"galarDarumakaZen": "达摩",
"paldeaTaurosCombat": "斗战种",
"paldeaTaurosBlaze": "火炽种",
"paldeaTaurosAqua": "水澜种"