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synced 2025-03-09 19:41:37 +00:00
* Make enemy held items override remove randomly generated items Remove cries from tests * Override callback delays to 1ms
437 lines
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437 lines
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import { updateUserInfo } from "#app/account";
import { BattlerIndex } from "#app/battle";
import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene";
import { BattleStyle } from "#app/enums/battle-style";
import { Moves } from "#app/enums/moves";
import { getMoveTargets } from "#app/data/move";
import { EnemyPokemon, PlayerPokemon } from "#app/field/pokemon";
import Trainer from "#app/field/trainer";
import { GameModes, getGameMode } from "#app/game-mode";
import { ModifierTypeOption, modifierTypes } from "#app/modifier/modifier-type";
import overrides from "#app/overrides";
import { CommandPhase } from "#app/phases/command-phase";
import { EncounterPhase } from "#app/phases/encounter-phase";
import { EnemyCommandPhase } from "#app/phases/enemy-command-phase";
import { FaintPhase } from "#app/phases/faint-phase";
import { LoginPhase } from "#app/phases/login-phase";
import { MovePhase } from "#app/phases/move-phase";
import { NewBattlePhase } from "#app/phases/new-battle-phase";
import { SelectStarterPhase } from "#app/phases/select-starter-phase";
import { SelectTargetPhase } from "#app/phases/select-target-phase";
import { TitlePhase } from "#app/phases/title-phase";
import { TurnEndPhase } from "#app/phases/turn-end-phase";
import { TurnInitPhase } from "#app/phases/turn-init-phase";
import { TurnStartPhase } from "#app/phases/turn-start-phase";
import ErrorInterceptor from "#app/test/utils/errorInterceptor";
import InputsHandler from "#app/test/utils/inputsHandler";
import CommandUiHandler from "#app/ui/command-ui-handler";
import ModifierSelectUiHandler from "#app/ui/modifier-select-ui-handler";
import PartyUiHandler from "#app/ui/party-ui-handler";
import TargetSelectUiHandler from "#app/ui/target-select-ui-handler";
import { Mode } from "#app/ui/ui";
import { Button } from "#enums/buttons";
import { ExpNotification } from "#enums/exp-notification";
import { GameDataType } from "#enums/game-data-type";
import { PlayerGender } from "#enums/player-gender";
import { Species } from "#enums/species";
import { generateStarter, waitUntil } from "#test/utils/gameManagerUtils";
import GameWrapper from "#test/utils/gameWrapper";
import PhaseInterceptor from "#test/utils/phaseInterceptor";
import TextInterceptor from "#test/utils/TextInterceptor";
import { AES, enc } from "crypto-js";
import fs from "fs";
import { vi } from "vitest";
import { ClassicModeHelper } from "./helpers/classicModeHelper";
import { DailyModeHelper } from "./helpers/dailyModeHelper";
import { ChallengeModeHelper } from "./helpers/challengeModeHelper";
import { MoveHelper } from "./helpers/moveHelper";
import { OverridesHelper } from "./helpers/overridesHelper";
import { SettingsHelper } from "./helpers/settingsHelper";
import { ReloadHelper } from "./helpers/reloadHelper";
import { CheckSwitchPhase } from "#app/phases/check-switch-phase";
* Class to manage the game state and transitions between phases.
export default class GameManager {
public gameWrapper: GameWrapper;
public scene: BattleScene;
public phaseInterceptor: PhaseInterceptor;
public textInterceptor: TextInterceptor;
public inputsHandler: InputsHandler;
public readonly override: OverridesHelper;
public readonly move: MoveHelper;
public readonly classicMode: ClassicModeHelper;
public readonly dailyMode: DailyModeHelper;
public readonly challengeMode: ChallengeModeHelper;
public readonly settings: SettingsHelper;
public readonly reload: ReloadHelper;
* Creates an instance of GameManager.
* @param phaserGame - The Phaser game instance.
* @param bypassLogin - Whether to bypass the login phase.
constructor(phaserGame: Phaser.Game, bypassLogin: boolean = true) {
BattleScene.prototype.randBattleSeedInt = (range, min: number = 0) => min + range - 1; // This simulates a max roll
this.gameWrapper = new GameWrapper(phaserGame, bypassLogin);
this.scene = new BattleScene();
this.phaseInterceptor = new PhaseInterceptor(this.scene);
this.textInterceptor = new TextInterceptor(this.scene);
this.override = new OverridesHelper(this);
this.move = new MoveHelper(this);
this.classicMode = new ClassicModeHelper(this);
this.dailyMode = new DailyModeHelper(this);
this.challengeMode = new ChallengeModeHelper(this);
this.settings = new SettingsHelper(this);
this.reload = new ReloadHelper(this);
* Sets the game mode.
* @param mode - The mode to set.
setMode(mode: Mode) {
* Waits until the specified mode is set.
* @param mode - The mode to wait for.
* @returns A promise that resolves when the mode is set.
waitMode(mode: Mode): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
await waitUntil(() => this.scene.ui?.getMode() === mode);
return resolve();
* Ends the current phase.
endPhase() {
* Adds an action to be executed on the next prompt.
* @param phaseTarget - The target phase.
* @param mode - The mode to wait for.
* @param callback - The callback to execute.
* @param expireFn - Optional function to determine if the prompt has expired.
onNextPrompt(phaseTarget: string, mode: Mode, callback: () => void, expireFn?: () => void, awaitingActionInput: boolean = false) {
this.phaseInterceptor.addToNextPrompt(phaseTarget, mode, callback, expireFn, awaitingActionInput);
* Runs the game to the title phase.
* @returns A promise that resolves when the title phase is reached.
async runToTitle(): Promise<void> {
await this.phaseInterceptor.whenAboutToRun(LoginPhase);
await this.phaseInterceptor.run(TitlePhase);
this.scene.gameSpeed = 5;
this.scene.moveAnimations = false;
this.scene.showLevelUpStats = false;
this.scene.expGainsSpeed = 3;
this.scene.expParty = ExpNotification.SKIP;
this.scene.hpBarSpeed = 3;
this.scene.enableTutorials = false;
this.scene.gameData.gender = PlayerGender.MALE; // set initial player gender
this.scene.battleStyle = this.settings.battleStyle;
* Helper function to run to the final boss encounter as it's a bit tricky due to extra dialogue
* Also handles Major/Minor bosses from endless modes
* @param game - The game manager
* @param species
* @param mode
async runToFinalBossEncounter(species: Species[], mode: GameModes) {
console.log("===to final boss encounter===");
await this.runToTitle();
this.onNextPrompt("TitlePhase", Mode.TITLE, () => {
this.scene.gameMode = getGameMode(mode);
const starters = generateStarter(this.scene, species);
const selectStarterPhase = new SelectStarterPhase(this.scene);
this.scene.pushPhase(new EncounterPhase(this.scene, false));
// This will consider all battle entry dialog as seens and skip them
vi.spyOn(this.scene.ui, "shouldSkipDialogue").mockReturnValue(true);
if (overrides.OPP_HELD_ITEMS_OVERRIDE.length === 0) {
await this.phaseInterceptor.to(EncounterPhase);
console.log("===finished run to final boss encounter===");
* @deprecated Use `game.classicMode.startBattle()` or `game.dailyMode.startBattle()` instead
* Transitions to the start of a battle.
* @param species - Optional array of species to start the battle with.
* @returns A promise that resolves when the battle is started.
async startBattle(species?: Species[]) {
await this.classicMode.runToSummon(species);
if (this.scene.battleStyle === BattleStyle.SWITCH) {
this.onNextPrompt("CheckSwitchPhase", Mode.CONFIRM, () => {
}, () => this.isCurrentPhase(CommandPhase) || this.isCurrentPhase(TurnInitPhase));
this.onNextPrompt("CheckSwitchPhase", Mode.CONFIRM, () => {
}, () => this.isCurrentPhase(CommandPhase) || this.isCurrentPhase(TurnInitPhase));
await this.phaseInterceptor.to(CommandPhase);
console.log("==================[New Turn]==================");
* Emulate a player's target selection after a move is chosen, usually called automatically by {@linkcode MoveHelper.select}.
* Will trigger during the next {@linkcode SelectTargetPhase}
* @param {BattlerIndex} targetIndex The index of the attack target, or `undefined` for multi-target attacks
* @param movePosition The index of the move in the pokemon's moveset array
selectTarget(movePosition: integer, targetIndex?: BattlerIndex) {
this.onNextPrompt("SelectTargetPhase", Mode.TARGET_SELECT, () => {
const handler = this.scene.ui.getHandler() as TargetSelectUiHandler;
const move = (this.scene.getCurrentPhase() as SelectTargetPhase).getPokemon().getMoveset()[movePosition]!.getMove(); // TODO: is the bang correct?
if (!move.isMultiTarget()) {
handler.setCursor(targetIndex !== undefined ? targetIndex : BattlerIndex.ENEMY);
if (move.isMultiTarget() && targetIndex !== undefined) {
throw new Error(`targetIndex was passed to selectMove() but move ("${move.name}") is not targetted`);
}, () => this.isCurrentPhase(CommandPhase) || this.isCurrentPhase(MovePhase) || this.isCurrentPhase(TurnStartPhase) || this.isCurrentPhase(TurnEndPhase));
/** Faint all opponents currently on the field */
async doKillOpponents() {
await this.killPokemon(this.scene.currentBattle.enemyParty[0]);
if (this.scene.currentBattle.double) {
await this.killPokemon(this.scene.currentBattle.enemyParty[1]);
/** Emulate selecting a modifier (item) */
doSelectModifier() {
this.onNextPrompt("SelectModifierPhase", Mode.MODIFIER_SELECT, () => {
const handler = this.scene.ui.getHandler() as ModifierSelectUiHandler;
}, () => this.isCurrentPhase(CommandPhase) || this.isCurrentPhase(NewBattlePhase) || this.isCurrentPhase(CheckSwitchPhase), true);
this.onNextPrompt("SelectModifierPhase", Mode.CONFIRM, () => {
const handler = this.scene.ui.getHandler() as ModifierSelectUiHandler;
}, () => this.isCurrentPhase(CommandPhase) || this.isCurrentPhase(NewBattlePhase) || this.isCurrentPhase(CheckSwitchPhase));
* Forces the next enemy selecting a move to use the given move in its moveset against the
* given target (if applicable).
* @param moveId {@linkcode Moves} the move the enemy will use
* @param target {@linkcode BattlerIndex} the target on which the enemy will use the given move
async forceEnemyMove(moveId: Moves, target?: BattlerIndex) {
// Wait for the next EnemyCommandPhase to start
await this.phaseInterceptor.to(EnemyCommandPhase, false);
const enemy = this.scene.getEnemyField()[(this.scene.getCurrentPhase() as EnemyCommandPhase).getFieldIndex()];
const legalTargets = getMoveTargets(enemy, moveId);
vi.spyOn(enemy, "getNextMove").mockReturnValueOnce({
move: moveId,
targets: (target && !legalTargets.multiple && legalTargets.targets.includes(target))
? [target]
: enemy.getNextTargets(moveId)
* Run the EnemyCommandPhase to completion.
* This allows this function to be called consecutively to
* force a move for each enemy in a double battle.
await this.phaseInterceptor.to(EnemyCommandPhase);
forceEnemyToSwitch() {
const originalMatchupScore = Trainer.prototype.getPartyMemberMatchupScores;
Trainer.prototype.getPartyMemberMatchupScores = () => {
Trainer.prototype.getPartyMemberMatchupScores = originalMatchupScore;
return [[1, 100], [1, 100]];
/** Transition to the next upcoming {@linkcode CommandPhase} */
async toNextTurn() {
await this.phaseInterceptor.to(CommandPhase);
/** Emulate selecting a modifier (item) and transition to the next upcoming {@linkcode CommandPhase} */
async toNextWave() {
this.onNextPrompt("CheckSwitchPhase", Mode.CONFIRM, () => {
}, () => this.isCurrentPhase(TurnInitPhase));
await this.toNextTurn();
* Checks if the player has won the battle.
* @returns True if the player has won, otherwise false.
isVictory() {
return this.scene.currentBattle.enemyParty.every(pokemon => pokemon.isFainted());
* Checks if the current phase matches the target phase.
* @param phaseTarget - The target phase.
* @returns True if the current phase matches the target phase, otherwise false.
isCurrentPhase(phaseTarget) {
const targetName = typeof phaseTarget === "string" ? phaseTarget : phaseTarget.name;
return this.scene.getCurrentPhase()?.constructor.name === targetName;
* Checks if the current mode matches the target mode.
* @param mode - The target mode.
* @returns True if the current mode matches the target mode, otherwise false.
isCurrentMode(mode: Mode) {
return this.scene.ui?.getMode() === mode;
* Exports the save data to import it in a test game.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the exported save data.
exportSaveToTest(): Promise<string> {
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
await this.scene.gameData.saveAll(this.scene, true, true, true, true);
await waitUntil(() => this.scene.ui?.getMode() === Mode.TITLE);
await this.scene.gameData.tryExportData(GameDataType.SESSION, 0);
await waitUntil(() => localStorage.hasOwnProperty("toExport"));
return resolve(localStorage.getItem("toExport")!); // TODO: is this bang correct?;
* Imports game data from a file.
* @param path - The path to the data file.
* @returns A promise that resolves with a tuple containing a boolean indicating success and an integer status code.
async importData(path): Promise<[boolean, integer]> {
const saveKey = "x0i2O7WRiANTqPmZ";
const dataRaw = fs.readFileSync(path, { encoding: "utf8", flag: "r" });
let dataStr = AES.decrypt(dataRaw, saveKey).toString(enc.Utf8);
dataStr = this.scene.gameData.convertSystemDataStr(dataStr);
const systemData = this.scene.gameData.parseSystemData(dataStr);
const valid = !!systemData.dexData && !!systemData.timestamp;
if (valid) {
await updateUserInfo();
await this.scene.gameData.initSystem(dataStr);
return updateUserInfo();
async killPokemon(pokemon: PlayerPokemon | EnemyPokemon) {
return new Promise<void>(async (resolve, reject) => {
pokemon.hp = 0;
this.scene.pushPhase(new FaintPhase(this.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true));
await this.phaseInterceptor.to(FaintPhase).catch((e) => reject(e));
* Command an in-battle switch to another Pokemon via the main battle menu.
* @param pokemonIndex the index of the pokemon in your party to switch to
doSwitchPokemon(pokemonIndex: number) {
this.onNextPrompt("CommandPhase", Mode.COMMAND, () => {
(this.scene.ui.getHandler() as CommandUiHandler).setCursor(2);
(this.scene.ui.getHandler() as CommandUiHandler).processInput(Button.ACTION);
this.doSelectPartyPokemon(pokemonIndex, "CommandPhase");
* Revive pokemon, currently players only.
* @param pokemonIndex the index of the pokemon in your party to revive
doRevivePokemon(pokemonIndex: number) {
const party = this.scene.getParty();
const candidate = new ModifierTypeOption(modifierTypes.MAX_REVIVE(), 0);
const modifier = candidate.type!.newModifier(party[pokemonIndex]);
this.scene.addModifier(modifier, false);
* Select a pokemon from the party menu. Only really handles the basic cases
* of the party UI, where you just need to navigate to a party slot and press
* Action twice - navigating any menus that come up after you select a party member
* is not supported.
* @param slot the index of the pokemon in your party to switch to
* @param inPhase Which phase to expect the selection to occur in. Typically
* non-command switch actions happen in SwitchPhase.
doSelectPartyPokemon(slot: number, inPhase = "SwitchPhase") {
this.onNextPrompt(inPhase, Mode.PARTY, () => {
const partyHandler = this.scene.ui.getHandler() as PartyUiHandler;
partyHandler.processInput(Button.ACTION); // select party slot
partyHandler.processInput(Button.ACTION); // send out (or whatever option is at the top)
* Intercepts `TurnStartPhase` and mocks the getSpeedOrder's return value {@linkcode TurnStartPhase.getSpeedOrder}
* Used to modify the turn order.
* @param {BattlerIndex[]} order The turn order to set
* @example
* ```ts
* await game.setTurnOrder([BattlerIndex.PLAYER, BattlerIndex.ENEMY, BattlerIndex.ENEMY_2, BattlerIndex.PLAYER_2]);
* ```
async setTurnOrder(order: BattlerIndex[]): Promise<void> {
await this.phaseInterceptor.to(TurnStartPhase, false);
vi.spyOn(this.scene.getCurrentPhase() as TurnStartPhase, "getSpeedOrder").mockReturnValue(order);
* Removes all held items from enemy pokemon
removeEnemyHeldItems(): void {
console.log("Enemy held items removed");