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synced 2025-03-15 06:15:22 +00:00
* Remove unnecessary re-exports * Move `Type` enum to `src/enums/type.ts` * Remove import style change from `modifier-type.ts`
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112 lines
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import * as Utils from "../utils";
import { TextStyle, getBBCodeFrag } from "../ui/text";
import { Nature } from "#enums/nature";
import { UiTheme } from "#enums/ui-theme";
import i18next from "i18next";
import { Stat, EFFECTIVE_STATS, getShortenedStatKey } from "#enums/stat";
export function getNatureName(nature: Nature, includeStatEffects: boolean = false, forStarterSelect: boolean = false, ignoreBBCode: boolean = false, uiTheme: UiTheme = UiTheme.DEFAULT): string {
let ret = Utils.toReadableString(Nature[nature]);
//Translating nature
if (i18next.exists("nature:" + ret)) {
ret = i18next.t("nature:" + ret as any);
if (includeStatEffects) {
let increasedStat: Stat | null = null;
let decreasedStat: Stat | null = null;
for (const stat of EFFECTIVE_STATS) {
const multiplier = getNatureStatMultiplier(nature, stat);
if (multiplier > 1) {
increasedStat = stat;
} else if (multiplier < 1) {
decreasedStat = stat;
const textStyle = forStarterSelect ? TextStyle.SUMMARY_ALT : TextStyle.WINDOW;
const getTextFrag = !ignoreBBCode ? (text: string, style: TextStyle) => getBBCodeFrag(text, style, uiTheme) : (text: string, style: TextStyle) => text;
if (increasedStat && decreasedStat) {
ret = `${getTextFrag(`${ret}${!forStarterSelect ? "\n" : " "}(`, textStyle)}${getTextFrag(`+${i18next.t(getShortenedStatKey(increasedStat))}`, TextStyle.SUMMARY_PINK)}${getTextFrag("/", textStyle)}${getTextFrag(`-${i18next.t(getShortenedStatKey(decreasedStat))}`, TextStyle.SUMMARY_BLUE)}${getTextFrag(")", textStyle)}`;
} else {
ret = getTextFrag(`${ret}${!forStarterSelect ? "\n" : " "}(-)`, textStyle);
return ret;
export function getNatureStatMultiplier(nature: Nature, stat: Stat): number {
switch (stat) {
case Stat.ATK:
switch (nature) {
case Nature.LONELY:
case Nature.BRAVE:
case Nature.ADAMANT:
case Nature.NAUGHTY:
return 1.1;
case Nature.BOLD:
case Nature.TIMID:
case Nature.MODEST:
case Nature.CALM:
return 0.9;
case Stat.DEF:
switch (nature) {
case Nature.BOLD:
case Nature.RELAXED:
case Nature.IMPISH:
case Nature.LAX:
return 1.1;
case Nature.LONELY:
case Nature.HASTY:
case Nature.MILD:
case Nature.GENTLE:
return 0.9;
case Stat.SPATK:
switch (nature) {
case Nature.MODEST:
case Nature.MILD:
case Nature.QUIET:
case Nature.RASH:
return 1.1;
case Nature.ADAMANT:
case Nature.IMPISH:
case Nature.JOLLY:
case Nature.CAREFUL:
return 0.9;
case Stat.SPDEF:
switch (nature) {
case Nature.CALM:
case Nature.GENTLE:
case Nature.SASSY:
case Nature.CAREFUL:
return 1.1;
case Nature.NAUGHTY:
case Nature.LAX:
case Nature.NAIVE:
case Nature.RASH:
return 0.9;
case Stat.SPD:
switch (nature) {
case Nature.TIMID:
case Nature.HASTY:
case Nature.JOLLY:
case Nature.NAIVE:
return 1.1;
case Nature.BRAVE:
case Nature.RELAXED:
case Nature.QUIET:
case Nature.SASSY:
return 0.9;
return 1;