Jannik Tappert aaa96ebe0e
Adding the option to have named trainers be able to have a double battle together (#1318)
* WIP: Adding the option to have named trainers be able to have a double battle together

* The team generation now works.
Also changed it so the special pools are now seperatly defined so we can access it for the team generation of the doubles.

They will happen at a 33% chance.

TODO: Option for seperate double dialogue (because for example the dialogue for tate and liza dont make sense since they reference their other sibling not beeing there...)

* Obviously didnt mean to push changes to battle.ts... (I made this change for a test)

* The doubles now have victory and encounter dialogue (the dialogue itself isnt THAT good since english isnt my first language)

* Changed signatureSpecies for the new galar elite 4

* Added Marnie & Piers as a double

* ESLint


Co-authored-by: Benjamin Odom <>
2024-05-25 07:47:18 -05:00

259 lines
6.8 KiB

import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/plugins/i18n";
// Titles of special trainers like gym leaders, elite four, and the champion
export const titles: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"elite_four": "Elite dos Quatro",
"gym_leader": "Líder de Ginásio",
"gym_leader_female": "Líder de Ginásio",
"gym_leader_double": "Gym Leader Duo",
"champion": "Campeão",
"champion_double": "Champion Duo",
"rival": "Rival",
"professor": "Professor",
"frontier_brain": "Cérebro da Fronteira",
// Maybe if we add the evil teams we can add "Team Rocket" and "Team Aqua" etc. here as well as "Team Rocket Boss" and "Team Aqua Admin" etc.
} as const;
// Titles of trainers like "Youngster" or "Lass"
export const trainerClasses: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"ace_trainer": "Trinador Ás",
"ace_trainer_female": "Trinadora Ás",
"ace_duo": "Dupla Ás",
"artist": "Artista",
"artist_female": "Artista",
"backpackers": "Mochileiros",
"backers": "Torcedores",
"backpacker": "Mochileiro",
"backpacker_female": "Mochileira",
"baker": "Padeira",
"battle_girl": "Lutadora",
"beauty": "Modelo",
"beginners": "Beginners",
"biker": "Motoqueiro",
"black_belt": "Faixa Preta",
"breeder": "Criador",
"breeder_female": "Criadora",
"breeders": "Criadores",
"clerk": "Funcionário",
"clerk_female": "Funcionária",
"colleagues": "Funcionários",
"crush_kin": "Casal Lutador",
"cyclist": "Ciclista",
"cyclist_female": "Ciclista",
"cyclists": "Ciclistas",
"dancer": "Dançarino",
"dancer_female": "Dançarina",
"depot_agent": "Ferroviário",
"doctor": "Doutor",
"doctor_female": "Doutora",
"fishermen": "Pescador",
"fishermen_female": "Pescadora",
"gentleman": "Cavalheiro",
"guitarist": "Guitarrista",
"guitarist_female": "Guitarrista",
"harlequin": "Arlequim",
"hiker": "Montanhista",
"hooligans": "Bandoleiro",
"hoopster": "Jogador de Basquete",
"infielder": "Jogador de Baseball",
"janitor": "Faxineiro",
"lady": "Dama",
"lass": "Senhorita",
"linebacker": "Zagueiro",
"maid": "Doméstica",
"madame": "Madame",
"medical_team": "Equipe Médica",
"musician": "Músico",
"hex_maniac": "Ocultista",
"nurse": "Enfermeira",
"nursery_aide": "Professora do Berçário",
"officer": "Policial",
"parasol_lady": "Moça de Sombrinha",
"pilot": "Piloto",
"pokéfan": "Pokefã",
"pokéfan_female": "Pokéfã",
"pokéfan_family": "Família Pokefã",
"preschooler": "Menino do Prezinho",
"preschooler_female": "Menina do Prezinho",
"preschoolers": "Alunos do Prezinho",
"psychic": "Médium",
"psychic_female": "Médium",
"psychics": "Médiuns",
"pokémon_ranger": "Guarda Pokémon",
"pokémon_ranger_female": "Guarda Pokémon",
"pokémon_rangers": "Guardas Pokémon",
"ranger": "Guarda",
"restaurant_staff": "Equipe do Restaurante",
"rich": "Burguês",
"rich_female": "Burguesa",
"rich_boy": "Riquinho",
"rich_couple": "Casal Burguês",
"rich_kid": "Garoto Rico",
"rich_kid_female": "Garota Rica",
"rich_kids": "Garotos Ricos",
"roughneck": "Arruaceiro",
"scientist": "Cientista",
"scientist_female": "Cientista",
"scientists": "Cientistas",
"smasher": "Tenista",
"snow_worker": "Operário da Neve",
"snow_worker_female": "Operária da Neve",
"striker": "Atacante",
"school_kid": "Estudante",
"school_kid_female": "Estudante",
"school_kids": "Estudantes",
"swimmer": "Nadador",
"swimmer_female": "Nadadora",
"swimmers": "Nadadores",
"twins": "Gêmeos",
"veteran": "Veterano",
"veteran_female": "Veterana",
"veteran_duo": "Dupla Veterana",
"waiter": "Garçom",
"waitress": "Garçonete",
"worker": "Operário",
"worker_female": "Operária",
"workers": "Operários",
"youngster": "Jovem",
} as const;
// Names of special trainers like gym leaders, elite four, and the champion
export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"brock": "Brock",
"misty": "Misty",
"lt_surge": "Ten. Surge",
"erika": "Erika",
"janine": "Janine",
"sabrina": "Sabrina",
"blaine": "Blaine",
"giovanni": "Giovanni",
"falkner": "Falkner",
"bugsy": "Bugsy",
"whitney": "Whitney",
"morty": "Morty",
"chuck": "Chuck",
"jasmine": "Jasmine",
"pryce": "Pryce",
"clair": "Clair",
"roxanne": "Roxanne",
"brawly": "Brawly",
"wattson": "Wattson",
"flannery": "Flannery",
"norman": "Norman",
"winona": "Winona",
"tate": "Tate",
"liza": "Liza",
"juan": "Juan",
"roark": "Roark",
"gardenia": "Gardenia",
"maylene": "Maylene",
"crasher_wake": "Demolidor Wake",
"fantina": "Fantina",
"byron": "Byron",
"candice": "Candice",
"volkner": "Volkner",
"cilan": "Cilan",
"chili": "Chili",
"cress": "Cress",
"cheren": "Cheren",
"lenora": "Lenora",
"roxie": "Roxie",
"burgh": "Burgh",
"elesa": "Elesa",
"clay": "Clay",
"skyla": "Skyla",
"brycen": "Brycen",
"drayden": "Drayden",
"marlon": "Marlon",
"viola": "Viola",
"grant": "Grant",
"korrina": "Korrina",
"ramos": "Ramos",
"clemont": "Clemont",
"valerie": "Valerie",
"olympia": "Olympia",
"wulfric": "Wulfric",
"milo": "Milo",
"nessa": "Nessa",
"kabu": "Kabu",
"bea": "Bea",
"allister": "Allister",
"opal": "Opal",
"bede": "Bede",
"gordie": "Gordie",
"melony": "Melony",
"piers": "Piers",
"marnie": "Marnie",
"raihan": "Raihan",
"katy": "Katy",
"brassius": "Brassius",
"iono": "Iono",
"kofu": "Kofu",
"larry": "Larry",
"ryme": "Ryme",
"tulip": "Tulip",
"grusha": "Grusha",
"lorelei": "Lorelei",
"bruno": "Bruno",
"agatha": "Agatha",
"lance": "Lance",
"will": "Will",
"koga": "Koga",
"karen": "Karen",
"sidney": "Sidney",
"phoebe": "Phoebe",
"glacia": "Glacia",
"drake": "Drake",
"aaron": "Aaron",
"bertha": "Bertha",
"flint": "Flint",
"lucian": "Lucian",
"shauntal": "Shauntal",
"marshal": "Marshal",
"grimsley": "Grimsley",
"caitlin": "Caitlin",
"malva": "Malva",
"siebold": "Siebold",
"wikstrom": "Wikstrom",
"drasna": "Drasna",
"hala": "Hala",
"molayne": "Molayne",
"olivia": "Olivia",
"acerola": "Acerola",
"kahili": "Kahili",
"rika": "Rika",
"poppy": "Poppy",
"hassel": "Hassel",
"crispin": "Crispin",
"amarys": "Amarys",
"lacey": "Lacey",
"drayton": "Drayton",
"blue": "Blue",
"red": "Red",
"steven": "Steven",
"wallace": "Wallace",
"cynthia": "Cynthia",
"alder": "Alder",
"iris": "Iris",
"diantha": "Diantha",
"hau": "Hau",
"geeta": "Geeta",
"nemona": "Nemona",
"kieran": "Kieran",
"leon": "Leon",
"rival": "Finn",
"rival_female": "Ivy",
// Double Names
"blue_red_double": "Blue & Red",
"red_blue_double": "Red & Blue",
"tate_liza_double": "Tate & Liza",
"liza_tate_double": "Liza & Tate",
"steven_wallace_double": "Steven & Wallace",
"wallace_steven_double": "Wallace & Steven",
"alder_iris_double": "Alder & Iris",
"iris_alder_double": "Iris & Alder",
"marnie_piers_double": "Marnie & Piers",
"piers_marnie_double": "Piers & Marnie",
} as const;