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synced 2025-03-04 00:48:09 +00:00
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147 lines
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import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales";
export const bgmName: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"music": "Musique : ",
"missing_entries" : "{{name}}",
"battle_kanto_champion": "N2B2 - Vs. Maitre de Kanto",
"battle_johto_champion": "N2B2 - Vs. Maitre de Johto",
"battle_hoenn_champion_g5": "N2B2 - Vs. Maitre de Hoenn",
"battle_hoenn_champion_g6": "ROSA - Vs. Maitre de Hoenn",
"battle_sinnoh_champion": "N2B2 - Vs. Maitresse de Sinnoh",
"battle_champion_alder": "NB - Vs. Maitre d’Unys",
"battle_champion_iris": "N2B2 - Vs. Maitresse d’Unys",
"battle_kalos_champion": "XY - Maitresse de Kalos",
"battle_alola_champion": "USUL - Maitre d’Alola",
"battle_galar_champion": "ÉB - Maitre de Galar",
"battle_champion_geeta": "ÉV - Vs. Alisma la Maitresse",
"battle_champion_nemona": "ÉV - Vs. Menzi la Maitresse",
"battle_champion_kieran": "ÉV - Vs. Kassis le Maitre",
"battle_hoenn_elite": "ROSA - Vs. Conseil 4",
"battle_unova_elite": "NB - Vs. Conseil 4",
"battle_kalos_elite": "XY - Vs. Conseil 4",
"battle_alola_elite": "SL - Vs. Conseil 4",
"battle_galar_elite": "ÉB - Vs. Tournoi des Champions",
"battle_paldea_elite": "ÉV - Vs. Conseil 4",
"battle_bb_elite": "ÉV - Vs. Conseil 4 de l’Institut Myrtille",
"battle_final_encounter": "PDM ÉSDX - Vs. Rayquaza",
"battle_final": "NB - Vs. Ghetis",
"battle_kanto_gym": "N2B2 - Vs. Champion·ne d’Arène de Kanto",
"battle_johto_gym": "N2B2 - Vs. Champion·ne d’Arène de Johto",
"battle_hoenn_gym": "N2B2 - Vs. Champion·ne d’Arène de Hoenn",
"battle_sinnoh_gym": "N2B2 - Vs. Champion·ne d’Arène de Sinnoh",
"battle_unova_gym": "NB - Vs. Champion·ne d’Arène d’Unys",
"battle_kalos_gym": "XY - Vs. Champion·ne d’Arène de Kalos",
"battle_galar_gym": "ÉB - Vs. Champion·ne d’Arène de Galar",
"battle_paldea_gym": "ÉV - Vs. Champion·ne d’Arène de Paldea",
"battle_legendary_kanto": "XY - Vs. Légendaire de Kanto",
"battle_legendary_raikou": "HGSS - Vs. Raikou",
"battle_legendary_entei": "HGSS - Vs. Entei",
"battle_legendary_suicune": "HGSS - Vs. Suicune",
"battle_legendary_lugia": "HGSS - Vs. Lugia",
"battle_legendary_ho_oh": "HGSS - Vs. Ho-oh",
"battle_legendary_regis_g5": "N2B2 - Vs. Colosses Légendaires",
"battle_legendary_regis_g6": "ROSA - Vs. Colosses Légendaires",
"battle_legendary_gro_kyo": "ROSA - Vs. Groudon/Kyogre",
"battle_legendary_rayquaza": "ROSA - Vs. Rayquaza",
"battle_legendary_deoxys": "ROSA - Vs. Deoxys",
"battle_legendary_lake_trio": "ROSA - Vs. Gardiens des Lacs",
"battle_legendary_sinnoh": "ROSA - Vs. Légendaire de Sinnoh",
"battle_legendary_dia_pal": "ROSA - Vs. Dialga/Palkia",
"battle_legendary_giratina": "ROSA - Vs. Giratina",
"battle_legendary_arceus": "HGSS - Vs. Arceus",
"battle_legendary_unova": "NB - Vs. Légendaire d’Unys",
"battle_legendary_kyurem": "NB - Vs. Kyurem",
"battle_legendary_res_zek": "NB - Vs. Reshiram/Zekrom",
"battle_legendary_xern_yvel": "XY - Vs. Xerneas/Yveltal",
"battle_legendary_tapu": "SL - Vs. Divinités gardiennes d’Alola",
"battle_legendary_sol_lun": "SL - Vs. Solgaleo/Lunala",
"battle_legendary_ub": "SL - Vs. Ultra-Chimère",
"battle_legendary_dusk_dawn": "USUL - Vs. Necrozma Crinière du Couchant/Ailes de l’Aurore",
"battle_legendary_ultra_nec": "USUL - Vs. Ultra-Necrozma",
"battle_legendary_zac_zam": "ÉB - Vs. Zacian/Zamazenta",
"battle_legendary_glas_spec": "ÉB - Vs. Blizzeval/Spectreval",
"battle_legendary_calyrex": "ÉB - Vs. Sylveroy",
"battle_legendary_birds_galar": "ÉB - Vs. Oiseaux Légendaires de Galar",
"battle_legendary_ruinous": "ÉV - Vs. Trésors du fléau",
"battle_legendary_kor_mir": "ÉV - Profondeurs de la Zone Zéro (Combat)",
"battle_legendary_loyal_three": "ÉV - Vs. Adoramis",
"battle_legendary_ogerpon": "ÉV - Vs. Ogerpon",
"battle_legendary_terapagos": "ÉV - Vs. Terapagos",
"battle_legendary_pecharunt": "ÉV - Vs. Pêchaminus",
"battle_rival": "NB - Vs. Rival",
"battle_rival_2": "NB - Vs. N",
"battle_rival_3": "NB - Combat final Vs. N",
"battle_trainer": "NB - Vs. Dresseur·euse",
"battle_wild": "NB - Vs. Pokémon sauvage",
"battle_wild_strong": "NB - Vs. Pokémon puissant sauvage",
"end_summit": "PDM ÉSDX - Tour Céleste",
"battle_rocket_grunt": "HGSS Vs. Team Rocket",
"battle_aqua_magma_grunt": "ROSA Vs. Team Aqua/Magma",
"battle_galactic_grunt": "DÉPS Vs. Team Galaxie",
"battle_plasma_grunt": "NB - Vs. Team Plasma",
"battle_flare_grunt": "XY - Vs. Team Flare",
"battle_rocket_boss": "USUL - Vs. Giovanni",
"battle_aqua_magma_boss": "ROSA - Vs. Max/Arthur",
"battle_galactic_boss": "DÉPS - Vs. Hélio",
"battle_plasma_boss": "N2B2 - Vs. Ghetis",
"battle_flare_boss": "XY - Vs. Lysandre",
// Biome Music
"abyss": "PDM EdS - Cratère Obscur",
"badlands": "PDM EdS - Vallée Stérile",
"beach": "PDM EdS - Falaise Trempée",
"cave": "PDM EdS - Pic Céleste (grotte)",
"construction_site": "PDM EdS - Carrière Rocher",
"desert": "PDM EdS - Désert du Nord",
"dojo": "PDM EdS - Dojo Ossatueur",
"end": "PDM EdS - Tour Céleste",
"factory": "PDM EdS - Ruines Cachées",
"fairy_cave": "PDM EdS - Caverne Étoile",
"forest": "PDM EdS - Forêt Crépuscule",
"grass": "PDM EdS - Bois aux Pommes",
"graveyard": "PDM EdS - Forêt Trompeuse",
"ice_cave": "PDM EdS - Montagne Glacier",
"island": "PDM EdS - Côte Escarpée",
"jungle": "Lmz - Jungle", // The composer thinks about a more creative name
"laboratory": "Firel - Laboratory", // The composer thinks about a more creative name
"lake": "PDM EdS - Caverne Cristal",
"meadow": "PDM EdS - Pic Céleste (forêt)",
"metropolis": "Firel - Metropolis", // The composer thinks about a more creative name
"mountain": "PDM EdS - Mt Corne",
"plains": "PDM EdS - Pic Céleste (prairie)",
"power_plant": "PDM EdS - Plaines Élek",
"ruins": "PDM EdS - Ruine Scellée",
"sea": "Andr06 - Marine Mystique", // Name defined by the composer
"seabed": "Firel - Seabed", // The composer thinks about a more creative name
"slum": "Andr06 - Sneaky Snom", // Name defined by the composer
"snowy_forest": "PDM EdS - Pic Céleste (plaine enneigée)",
"space": "Firel - Aether",
"swamp": "PDM EdS - Mer Fermée",
"tall_grass": "PDM EdS - Forêt Brumeuse",
"temple": "PDM EdS - Grotte Égide",
"town": "PDM EdS - Donjon aléatoire - Thème 3",
"volcano": "PDM EdS - Grotte Étuve",
"wasteland": "PDM EdS - Terres Illusoires",
// Encounter
"encounter_ace_trainer": "NB - Regards croisés (Topdresseur·euse)",
"encounter_backpacker": "NB - Regards croisés (Randonneur·euse)",
"encounter_clerk": "NB - Regards croisés (Employé·e)",
"encounter_cyclist": "NB - Regards croisés (Cycliste)",
"encounter_lass": "NB - Regards croisés (Fillette)",
"encounter_parasol_lady": "NB - Regards croisés (Sœur Parasol)",
"encounter_pokefan": "NB - Regards croisés (Pokéfan)",
"encounter_psychic": "NB - Regards croisés (Kinésiste)",
"encounter_rich": "NB - Regards croisés (Gentleman)",
"encounter_rival": "NB - Tcheren",
"encounter_roughneck": "NB - Regards croisés (Loubard)",
"encounter_scientist": "NB - Regards croisés (Scientifique)",
"encounter_twins": "NB - Regards croisés (Jumelles)",
"encounter_youngster": "NB - Regards croisés (Gamin)",
// Other
"heal": "NB - Soin de Pokémon",
"menu": "PDM EdS - Bienvenue dans le monde de Pokémon !",
"title": "PDM EdS - Menu Principal",
} as const;