2024-07-31 12:06:49 -04:00

2800 lines
84 KiB

import * as ModifierTypes from "./modifier-type";
import { LearnMovePhase, LevelUpPhase, PokemonHealPhase } from "../phases";
import BattleScene from "../battle-scene";
import { getLevelTotalExp } from "../data/exp";
import { MAX_PER_TYPE_POKEBALLS, PokeballType } from "../data/pokeball";
import Pokemon, { PlayerPokemon } from "../field/pokemon";
import { Stat } from "../data/pokemon-stat";
import { addTextObject, TextStyle } from "../ui/text";
import { Type } from "../data/type";
import { EvolutionPhase } from "../evolution-phase";
import { FusionSpeciesFormEvolution, pokemonEvolutions, pokemonPrevolutions } from "../data/pokemon-evolutions";
import { getPokemonNameWithAffix } from "../messages";
import * as Utils from "../utils";
import { TempBattleStat } from "../data/temp-battle-stat";
import { getBerryEffectFunc, getBerryPredicate } from "../data/berry";
import { BattlerTagType} from "#enums/battler-tag-type";
import { BerryType } from "#enums/berry-type";
import { StatusEffect, getStatusEffectHealText } from "../data/status-effect";
import { achvs } from "../system/achv";
import { VoucherType } from "../system/voucher";
import { FormChangeItem, SpeciesFormChangeItemTrigger } from "../data/pokemon-forms";
import { Nature } from "#app/data/nature";
import Overrides from "#app/overrides";
import { ModifierType, modifierTypes } from "./modifier-type";
import { Command } from "#app/ui/command-ui-handler.js";
import { Species } from "#enums/species";
import i18next from "i18next";
import { allMoves } from "#app/data/move.js";
import { Abilities } from "#app/enums/abilities.js";
export type ModifierPredicate = (modifier: Modifier) => boolean;
const iconOverflowIndex = 24;
export const modifierSortFunc = (a: Modifier, b: Modifier) => {
const itemNameMatch =;
const typeNameMatch =;
const aId = a instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier ? a.pokemonId : 4294967295;
const bId = b instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier ? b.pokemonId : 4294967295;
//First sort by pokemonID
if (aId < bId) {
return 1;
} else if (aId>bId) {
return -1;
} else if (aId === bId) {
//Then sort by item type
if (typeNameMatch === 0) {
return itemNameMatch;
//Finally sort by item name
} else {
return typeNameMatch;
export class ModifierBar extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
private player: boolean;
private modifierCache: PersistentModifier[];
constructor(scene: BattleScene, enemy?: boolean) {
super(scene, 1 + (enemy ? 302 : 0), 2);
this.player = !enemy;
* Method to update content displayed in {@linkcode ModifierBar}
* @param {PersistentModifier[]} modifiers - The list of modifiers to be displayed in the {@linkcode ModifierBar}
* @param {boolean} hideHeldItems - If set to "true", only modifiers not assigned to a Pokémon are displayed
updateModifiers(modifiers: PersistentModifier[], hideHeldItems: boolean = false) {
const visibleIconModifiers = modifiers.filter(m => m.isIconVisible(this.scene as BattleScene));
const nonPokemonSpecificModifiers = visibleIconModifiers.filter(m => !(m as PokemonHeldItemModifier).pokemonId).sort(modifierSortFunc);
const pokemonSpecificModifiers = visibleIconModifiers.filter(m => (m as PokemonHeldItemModifier).pokemonId).sort(modifierSortFunc);
const sortedVisibleIconModifiers = hideHeldItems ? nonPokemonSpecificModifiers : nonPokemonSpecificModifiers.concat(pokemonSpecificModifiers);
const thisArg = this;
sortedVisibleIconModifiers.forEach((modifier: PersistentModifier, i: integer) => {
const icon = modifier.getIcon(this.scene as BattleScene);
if (i >= iconOverflowIndex) {
this.setModifierIconPosition(icon, sortedVisibleIconModifiers.length);
icon.setInteractive(new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 24), Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Contains);
icon.on("pointerover", () => {
(this.scene as BattleScene).ui.showTooltip(, modifier.type.getDescription(this.scene as BattleScene));
if (this.modifierCache && this.modifierCache.length > iconOverflowIndex) {
icon.on("pointerout", () => {
(this.scene as BattleScene).ui.hideTooltip();
if (this.modifierCache && this.modifierCache.length > iconOverflowIndex) {
for (const icon of this.getAll()) {
this.modifierCache = modifiers;
updateModifierOverflowVisibility(ignoreLimit: boolean) {
const modifierIcons = this.getAll().reverse();
for (const modifier of => m as Phaser.GameObjects.Container).slice(iconOverflowIndex)) {
setModifierIconPosition(icon: Phaser.GameObjects.Container, modifierCount: integer) {
const rowIcons: integer = 12 + 6 * Math.max((Math.ceil(Math.min(modifierCount, 24) / 12) - 2), 0);
const x = (this.getIndex(icon) % rowIcons) * 26 / (rowIcons / 12);
const y = Math.floor(this.getIndex(icon) / rowIcons) * 20;
icon.setPosition(this.player ? x : -x, y);
export abstract class Modifier {
public type: ModifierType;
constructor(type: ModifierType) {
this.type = type;
match(_modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return false;
shouldApply(_args: any[]): boolean {
return true;
abstract apply(args: any[]): boolean | Promise<boolean>;
export abstract class PersistentModifier extends Modifier {
public stackCount: integer;
public virtualStackCount: integer;
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount: integer) {
this.stackCount = stackCount === undefined ? 1 : stackCount;
this.virtualStackCount = 0;
add(modifiers: PersistentModifier[], virtual: boolean, scene: BattleScene): boolean {
for (const modifier of modifiers) {
if (this.match(modifier)) {
return modifier.incrementStack(scene, this.stackCount, virtual);
if (virtual) {
this.virtualStackCount += this.stackCount;
this.stackCount = 0;
return true;
abstract clone(): PersistentModifier;
getArgs(): any[] {
return [];
incrementStack(scene: BattleScene, amount: integer, virtual: boolean): boolean {
if (this.getStackCount() + amount <= this.getMaxStackCount(scene)) {
if (!virtual) {
this.stackCount += amount;
} else {
this.virtualStackCount += amount;
return true;
return false;
getStackCount(): integer {
return this.stackCount + this.virtualStackCount;
abstract getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene, forThreshold?: boolean): integer;
isIconVisible(scene: BattleScene): boolean {
return true;
getIcon(scene: BattleScene, forSummary?: boolean): Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
const container = scene.add.container(0, 0);
const item = scene.add.sprite(0, 12, "items");
item.setOrigin(0, 0.5);
const stackText = this.getIconStackText(scene);
if (stackText) {
const virtualStackText = this.getIconStackText(scene, true);
if (virtualStackText) {
return container;
getIconStackText(scene: BattleScene, virtual?: boolean): Phaser.GameObjects.BitmapText {
if (this.getMaxStackCount(scene) === 1 || (virtual && !this.virtualStackCount)) {
return null;
const text = scene.add.bitmapText(10, 15, "item-count", this.stackCount.toString(), 11);
text.letterSpacing = -0.5;
if (this.getStackCount() >= this.getMaxStackCount(scene)) {
text.setOrigin(0, 0);
return text;
export abstract class ConsumableModifier extends Modifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType) {
add(_modifiers: Modifier[]): boolean {
return true;
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
return super.shouldApply(args) && args.length === 1 && args[0] instanceof BattleScene;
export class AddPokeballModifier extends ConsumableModifier {
private pokeballType: PokeballType;
private count: integer;
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokeballType: PokeballType, count: integer) {
this.pokeballType = pokeballType;
this.count = count;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokeballCounts = (args[0] as BattleScene).pokeballCounts;
pokeballCounts[this.pokeballType] = Math.min(pokeballCounts[this.pokeballType] + this.count, MAX_PER_TYPE_POKEBALLS);
return true;
export class AddVoucherModifier extends ConsumableModifier {
private voucherType: VoucherType;
private count: integer;
constructor(type: ModifierType, voucherType: VoucherType, count: integer) {
this.voucherType = voucherType;
this.count = count;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const voucherCounts = (args[0] as BattleScene).gameData.voucherCounts;
voucherCounts[this.voucherType] += this.count;
return true;
export abstract class LapsingPersistentModifier extends PersistentModifier {
protected battlesLeft: integer;
constructor(type: ModifierTypes.ModifierType, battlesLeft?: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
this.battlesLeft = battlesLeft;
lapse(args: any[]): boolean {
return !!--this.battlesLeft;
getIcon(scene: BattleScene): Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
const container = super.getIcon(scene);
const battleCountText = addTextObject(scene, 27, 0, this.battlesLeft.toString(), TextStyle.PARTY, { fontSize: "66px", color: "#f89890" });
battleCountText.setShadow(0, 0, null);
battleCountText.setStroke("#984038", 16);
battleCountText.setOrigin(1, 0);
return container;
getBattlesLeft(): integer {
return this.battlesLeft;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene, forThreshold?: boolean): number {
return 99;
export class DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifier extends LapsingPersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierTypes.DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifierType, battlesLeft: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, battlesLeft, stackCount);
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
if (modifier instanceof DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifier) {
// Check type id to not match different tiers of lures
return === && modifier.battlesLeft === this.battlesLeft;
return false;
clone(): DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifier {
return new DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifier(this.type as ModifierTypes.DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifierType, this.battlesLeft, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return [ this.battlesLeft ];
* Modifies the chance of a double battle occurring
* @param args A single element array containing the double battle chance as a NumberHolder
* @returns {boolean} Returns true if the modifier was applied
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const doubleBattleChance = args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder;
// This is divided because the chance is generated as a number from 0 to doubleBattleChance.value using Utils.randSeedInt
// A double battle will initiate if the generated number is 0
doubleBattleChance.value = Math.ceil(doubleBattleChance.value / 2);
return true;
export class TempBattleStatBoosterModifier extends LapsingPersistentModifier {
private tempBattleStat: TempBattleStat;
constructor(type: ModifierTypes.TempBattleStatBoosterModifierType, tempBattleStat: TempBattleStat, battlesLeft?: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, battlesLeft || 5, stackCount);
this.tempBattleStat = tempBattleStat;
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
if (modifier instanceof TempBattleStatBoosterModifier) {
return (modifier as TempBattleStatBoosterModifier).tempBattleStat === this.tempBattleStat
&& (modifier as TempBattleStatBoosterModifier).battlesLeft === this.battlesLeft;
return false;
clone(): TempBattleStatBoosterModifier {
return new TempBattleStatBoosterModifier(this.type as ModifierTypes.TempBattleStatBoosterModifierType, this.tempBattleStat, this.battlesLeft, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return [ this.tempBattleStat, this.battlesLeft ];
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const tempBattleStat = args[0] as TempBattleStat;
if (tempBattleStat === this.tempBattleStat) {
const statLevel = args[1] as Utils.IntegerHolder;
statLevel.value = Math.min(statLevel.value + 1, 6);
return true;
return false;
export class MapModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
clone(): MapModifier {
return new MapModifier(this.type, this.stackCount);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 1;
export class MegaEvolutionAccessModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
clone(): MegaEvolutionAccessModifier {
return new MegaEvolutionAccessModifier(this.type, this.stackCount);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 1;
export class GigantamaxAccessModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
clone(): GigantamaxAccessModifier {
return new GigantamaxAccessModifier(this.type, this.stackCount);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 1;
export class TerastallizeAccessModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
clone(): TerastallizeAccessModifier {
return new TerastallizeAccessModifier(this.type, this.stackCount);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 1;
export abstract class PokemonHeldItemModifier extends PersistentModifier {
public pokemonId: integer;
readonly isTransferrable: boolean = true;
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stackCount: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
this.pokemonId = pokemonId;
abstract matchType(_modifier: Modifier): boolean;
match(modifier: Modifier) {
return this.matchType(modifier) && (modifier as PokemonHeldItemModifier).pokemonId === this.pokemonId;
getArgs(): any[] {
return [ this.pokemonId ];
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
return super.shouldApply(args) && args.length && args[0] instanceof Pokemon && (this.pokemonId === -1 || (args[0] as Pokemon).id === this.pokemonId);
isIconVisible(scene: BattleScene): boolean {
return this.getPokemon(scene).isOnField();
getIcon(scene: BattleScene, forSummary?: boolean): Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
const container = !forSummary ? scene.add.container(0, 0) : super.getIcon(scene);
if (!forSummary) {
const pokemon = this.getPokemon(scene);
const pokemonIcon = scene.addPokemonIcon(pokemon, -2, 10, 0, 0.5);
const item = scene.add.sprite(16, this.virtualStackCount ? 8 : 16, "items");
item.setOrigin(0, 0.5);
item.setTexture("items", this.type.iconImage);
const stackText = this.getIconStackText(scene);
if (stackText) {
const virtualStackText = this.getIconStackText(scene, true);
if (virtualStackText) {
} else {
return container;
getPokemon(scene: BattleScene): Pokemon {
return scene.getPokemonById(this.pokemonId);
getScoreMultiplier(): number {
return 1;
//Applies to items with chance of activating secondary effects ie Kings Rock
getSecondaryChanceMultiplier(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
// Temporary quickfix to stop game from freezing when the opponet uses u-turn while holding on to king's rock
if (!pokemon.getLastXMoves(0)[0]) {
return 1;
const sheerForceAffected = allMoves[pokemon.getLastXMoves(0)[0].move].chance >= 0 && pokemon.hasAbility(Abilities.SHEER_FORCE);
if (sheerForceAffected) {
return 0;
} else if (pokemon.hasAbility(Abilities.SERENE_GRACE)) {
return 2;
return 1;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene, forThreshold?: boolean): integer {
const pokemon = this.getPokemon(scene);
if (!pokemon) {
return 0;
if (pokemon.isPlayer() && forThreshold) {
return scene.getParty().map(p => this.getMaxHeldItemCount(p)).reduce((stackCount: integer, maxStackCount: integer) => Math.max(stackCount, maxStackCount), 0);
return this.getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon);
abstract getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer;
export abstract class LapsingPokemonHeldItemModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
protected battlesLeft: integer;
readonly isTransferrable: boolean = false;
constructor(type: ModifierTypes.ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, battlesLeft?: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
this.battlesLeft = battlesLeft;
lapse(args: any[]): boolean {
return !!--this.battlesLeft;
getIcon(scene: BattleScene, forSummary?: boolean): Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
const container = super.getIcon(scene, forSummary);
if (this.getPokemon(scene).isPlayer()) {
const battleCountText = addTextObject(scene, 27, 0, this.battlesLeft.toString(), TextStyle.PARTY, { fontSize: "66px", color: "#f89890" });
battleCountText.setShadow(0, 0, null);
battleCountText.setStroke("#984038", 16);
battleCountText.setOrigin(1, 0);
return container;
getBattlesLeft(): integer {
return this.battlesLeft;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene, forThreshold?: boolean): number {
return 1;
export class TerastallizeModifier extends LapsingPokemonHeldItemModifier {
public teraType: Type;
readonly isTransferrable: boolean = false;
constructor(type: ModifierTypes.TerastallizeModifierType, pokemonId: integer, teraType: Type, battlesLeft?: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, battlesLeft || 10, stackCount);
this.teraType = teraType;
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
if (modifier instanceof TerastallizeModifier && modifier.teraType === this.teraType) {
return true;
return false;
clone(): TerastallizeModifier {
return new TerastallizeModifier(this.type as ModifierTypes.TerastallizeModifierType, this.pokemonId, this.teraType, this.battlesLeft, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return [ this.pokemonId, this.teraType, this.battlesLeft ];
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
if (pokemon.isPlayer()) {
if (this.teraType === Type.STELLAR) {
return true;
lapse(args: any[]): boolean {
const ret = super.lapse(args);
if (!ret) {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
return ret;
getScoreMultiplier(): number {
return 1.25;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 1;
export class PokemonBaseStatModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
protected stat: Stat;
readonly isTransferrable: boolean = false;
constructor(type: ModifierTypes.PokemonBaseStatBoosterModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stat: Stat, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
this.stat = stat;
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
if (modifier instanceof PokemonBaseStatModifier) {
return (modifier as PokemonBaseStatModifier).stat === this.stat;
return false;
clone(): PersistentModifier {
return new PokemonBaseStatModifier(this.type as ModifierTypes.PokemonBaseStatBoosterModifierType, this.pokemonId, this.stat, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return super.getArgs().concat(this.stat);
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
return super.shouldApply(args) && args.length === 2 && args[1] instanceof Array;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
args[1][this.stat] = Math.min(Math.floor(args[1][this.stat] * (1 + this.getStackCount() * 0.1)), 999999);
return true;
getScoreMultiplier(): number {
return 1.1;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return pokemon.ivs[this.stat];
* Modifier used for held items that apply {@linkcode Stat} boost(s)
* using a multiplier.
* @extends PokemonHeldItemModifier
* @see {@linkcode apply}
export class StatBoosterModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
/** The stats that the held item boosts */
protected stats: Stat[];
/** The multiplier used to increase the relevant stat(s) */
protected multiplier: number;
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stats: Stat[], multiplier: number, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
this.stats = stats;
this.multiplier = multiplier;
clone() {
return new StatBoosterModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.stats, this.multiplier, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return [ ...super.getArgs(), this.stats, this.multiplier ];
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
if (modifier instanceof StatBoosterModifier) {
const modifierInstance = modifier as StatBoosterModifier;
if ((modifierInstance.multiplier === this.multiplier) && (modifierInstance.stats.length === this.stats.length)) {
return modifierInstance.stats.every((e, i) => e === this.stats[i]);
return false;
* Checks if the incoming stat is listed in {@linkcode stats}
* @param args [0] {@linkcode Pokemon} N/A
* [1] {@linkcode Stat} being checked at the time
* [2] {@linkcode Utils.NumberHolder} N/A
* @returns true if the stat could be boosted, false otherwise
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
return super.shouldApply(args) && this.stats.includes(args[1] as Stat);
* Boosts the incoming stat by a {@linkcode multiplier} if the stat is listed
* in {@linkcode stats}.
* @param args [0] {@linkcode Pokemon} N/A
* [1] {@linkcode Stat} N/A
* [2] {@linkcode Utils.NumberHolder} that holds the resulting value of the stat
* @returns true if the stat boost applies successfully, false otherwise
* @see shouldApply
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const statValue = args[2] as Utils.NumberHolder;
statValue.value *= this.multiplier;
return true;
getMaxHeldItemCount(_pokemon: Pokemon): number {
return 1;
* Modifier used for held items, specifically Eviolite, that apply
* {@linkcode Stat} boost(s) using a multiplier if the holder can evolve.
* @extends StatBoosterModifier
* @see {@linkcode apply}
export class EvolutionStatBoosterModifier extends StatBoosterModifier {
clone() {
return super.clone() as EvolutionStatBoosterModifier;
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof EvolutionStatBoosterModifier;
* Boosts the incoming stat value by a {@linkcode multiplier} if the holder
* can evolve. Note that, if the holder is a fusion, they will receive
* only half of the boost if either of the fused members are fully
* evolved. However, if they are both unevolved, the full boost
* will apply.
* @param args [0] {@linkcode Pokemon} that holds the held item
* [1] {@linkcode Stat} N/A
* [2] {@linkcode Utils.NumberHolder} that holds the resulting value of the stat
* @returns true if the stat boost applies successfully, false otherwise
* @see shouldApply
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const holder = args[0] as Pokemon;
const statValue = args[2] as Utils.NumberHolder;
const isUnevolved = holder.getSpeciesForm(true).speciesId in pokemonEvolutions;
if (holder.isFusion() && (holder.getFusionSpeciesForm(true).speciesId in pokemonEvolutions) !== isUnevolved) {
// Half boost applied if holder is fused and either part of fusion is fully evolved
statValue.value *= 1 + (this.multiplier - 1) / 2;
return true;
} else if (isUnevolved) {
// Full boost applied if holder is unfused and unevolved or, if fused, both parts of fusion are unevolved
return super.apply(args);
return false;
* Modifier used for held items that apply {@linkcode Stat} boost(s) using a
* multiplier if the holder is of a specific {@linkcode Species}.
* @extends StatBoosterModifier
* @see {@linkcode apply}
export class SpeciesStatBoosterModifier extends StatBoosterModifier {
/** The species that the held item's stat boost(s) apply to */
private species: Species[];
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stats: Stat[], multiplier: number, species: Species[], stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stats, multiplier, stackCount);
this.species = species;
clone() {
return new SpeciesStatBoosterModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.stats, this.multiplier, this.species, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return [ ...super.getArgs(), this.species ];
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
if (modifier instanceof SpeciesStatBoosterModifier) {
const modifierInstance = modifier as SpeciesStatBoosterModifier;
if (modifierInstance.species.length === this.species.length) {
return super.matchType(modifier) && modifierInstance.species.every((e, i) => e === this.species[i]);
return false;
* Checks if the incoming stat is listed in {@linkcode stats} and if the holder's {@linkcode Species}
* (or its fused species) is listed in {@linkcode species}.
* @param args [0] {@linkcode Pokemon} that holds the held item
* [1] {@linkcode Stat} being checked at the time
* [2] {@linkcode Utils.NumberHolder} N/A
* @returns true if the stat could be boosted, false otherwise
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
const holder = args[0] as Pokemon;
return super.shouldApply(args) && (this.species.includes(holder.getSpeciesForm(true).speciesId) || (holder.isFusion() && this.species.includes(holder.getFusionSpeciesForm(true).speciesId)));
* Checks if either parameter is included in the corresponding lists
* @param speciesId {@linkcode Species} being checked
* @param stat {@linkcode Stat} being checked
* @returns true if both parameters are in {@linkcode species} and {@linkcode stats} respectively, false otherwise
contains(speciesId: Species, stat: Stat): boolean {
return this.species.includes(speciesId) && this.stats.includes(stat);
* Modifier used for held items that apply critical-hit stage boost(s).
* @extends PokemonHeldItemModifier
* @see {@linkcode apply}
export class CritBoosterModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
/** The amount of stages by which the held item increases the current critical-hit stage value */
protected stageIncrement: number;
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stageIncrement: number, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
this.stageIncrement = stageIncrement;
clone() {
return new CritBoosterModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.stageIncrement, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return super.getArgs().concat(this.stageIncrement);
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
if (modifier instanceof CritBoosterModifier) {
return (modifier as CritBoosterModifier).stageIncrement === this.stageIncrement;
return false;
* Increases the current critical-hit stage value by {@linkcode stageIncrement}.
* @param args [0] {@linkcode Pokemon} N/A
* [1] {@linkcode Utils.IntegerHolder} that holds the resulting critical-hit level
* @returns true if the critical-hit stage boost applies successfully, false otherwise
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const critStage = args[1] as Utils.NumberHolder;
critStage.value += this.stageIncrement;
return true;
getMaxHeldItemCount(_pokemon: Pokemon): number {
return 1;
* Modifier used for held items that apply critical-hit stage boost(s)
* if the holder is of a specific {@linkcode Species}.
* @extends CritBoosterModifier
* @see {@linkcode shouldApply}
export class SpeciesCritBoosterModifier extends CritBoosterModifier {
/** The species that the held item's critical-hit stage boost applies to */
private species: Species[];
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stageIncrement: number, species: Species[], stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stageIncrement, stackCount);
this.species = species;
clone() {
return new SpeciesCritBoosterModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.stageIncrement, this.species, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return [ ...super.getArgs(), this.species ];
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof SpeciesCritBoosterModifier;
* Checks if the holder's {@linkcode Species} (or its fused species) is listed
* in {@linkcode species}.
* @param args [0] {@linkcode Pokemon} that holds the held item
* [1] {@linkcode Utils.IntegerHolder} N/A
* @returns true if the critical-hit level can be incremented, false otherwise
shouldApply(args: any[]) {
const holder = args[0] as Pokemon;
return super.shouldApply(args) && (this.species.includes(holder.getSpeciesForm(true).speciesId) || (holder.isFusion() && this.species.includes(holder.getFusionSpeciesForm(true).speciesId)));
* Applies Specific Type item boosts (e.g., Magnet)
export class AttackTypeBoosterModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
private moveType: Type;
private boostMultiplier: number;
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, moveType: Type, boostPercent: number, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
this.moveType = moveType;
this.boostMultiplier = boostPercent * 0.01;
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
if (modifier instanceof AttackTypeBoosterModifier) {
const attackTypeBoosterModifier = modifier as AttackTypeBoosterModifier;
return attackTypeBoosterModifier.moveType === this.moveType && attackTypeBoosterModifier.boostMultiplier === this.boostMultiplier;
return false;
clone() {
return new AttackTypeBoosterModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.moveType, this.boostMultiplier * 100, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return super.getArgs().concat([ this.moveType, this.boostMultiplier * 100 ]);
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
return super.shouldApply(args) && args.length === 3 && typeof args[1] === "number" && args[2] instanceof Utils.NumberHolder;
* @param {Array<any>} args Array
* - Index 0: {Pokemon} Pokemon
* - Index 1: {number} Move type
* - Index 2: {Utils.NumberHolder} Move power
* @returns {boolean} Returns true if boosts have been applied to the move.
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
if (args[1] === this.moveType && (args[2] as Utils.NumberHolder).value >= 1) {
(args[2] as Utils.NumberHolder).value = Math.floor((args[2] as Utils.NumberHolder).value * (1 + (this.getStackCount() * this.boostMultiplier)));
return true;
return false;
getScoreMultiplier(): number {
return 1.2;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 99;
export class SurviveDamageModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof SurviveDamageModifier;
clone() {
return new SurviveDamageModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.stackCount);
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
return super.shouldApply(args) && args.length === 2 && args[1] instanceof Utils.BooleanHolder;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
const surviveDamage = args[1] as Utils.BooleanHolder;
if (!surviveDamage.value && pokemon.randSeedInt(10) < this.getStackCount()) {
surviveDamage.value = true;
pokemon.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("modifier:surviveDamageApply", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), typeName: }));
return true;
return false;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 5;
export class BypassSpeedChanceModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
matchType(modifier: Modifier) {
return modifier instanceof BypassSpeedChanceModifier;
clone() {
return new BypassSpeedChanceModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.stackCount);
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
return super.shouldApply(args) && args.length === 2 && args[1] instanceof Utils.BooleanHolder;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
const bypassSpeed = args[1] as Utils.BooleanHolder;
if (!bypassSpeed.value && pokemon.randSeedInt(10) < this.getStackCount()) {
bypassSpeed.value = true;
const isCommandFight = pokemon.scene.currentBattle.turnCommands[pokemon.getBattlerIndex()]?.command === Command.FIGHT;
const hasQuickClaw = this.type instanceof ModifierTypes.PokemonHeldItemModifierType && === "QUICK_CLAW";
if (isCommandFight && hasQuickClaw) {
pokemon.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("modifier:bypassSpeedChanceApply", { pokemonName: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), itemName: i18next.t("") }));
return true;
return false;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 3;
export class FlinchChanceModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
matchType(modifier: Modifier) {
return modifier instanceof FlinchChanceModifier;
clone() {
return new FlinchChanceModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.stackCount);
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
return super.shouldApply(args) && args.length === 2 && args[1] instanceof Utils.BooleanHolder;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
const flinched = args[1] as Utils.BooleanHolder;
if (!flinched.value && pokemon.randSeedInt(10) < (this.getStackCount() * this.getSecondaryChanceMultiplier(pokemon))) {
flinched.value = true;
return true;
return false;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 3;
export class TurnHealModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
matchType(modifier: Modifier) {
return modifier instanceof TurnHealModifier;
clone() {
return new TurnHealModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.stackCount);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
if (!pokemon.isFullHp()) {
const scene = pokemon.scene;
scene.unshiftPhase(new PokemonHealPhase(scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(),
Math.max(Math.floor(pokemon.getMaxHp() / 16) * this.stackCount, 1), i18next.t("modifier:turnHealApply", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), typeName: }), true));
return true;
return false;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 4;
* Modifier used for held items, namely Toxic Orb and Flame Orb, that apply a
* set {@linkcode StatusEffect} at the end of a turn.
* @extends PokemonHeldItemModifier
* @see {@linkcode apply}
export class TurnStatusEffectModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
/** The status effect to be applied by the held item */
private effect: StatusEffect;
constructor (type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
switch ( {
case "TOXIC_ORB":
this.effect = StatusEffect.TOXIC;
case "FLAME_ORB":
this.effect = StatusEffect.BURN;
* Checks if {@linkcode modifier} is an instance of this class,
* intentionally ignoring potentially different {@linkcode effect}s
* to prevent held item stockpiling since the item obtained first
* would be the only item able to {@linkcode apply} successfully.
* @override
* @param modifier {@linkcode Modifier} being type tested
* @return true if {@linkcode modifier} is an instance of
* TurnStatusEffectModifier, false otherwise
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof TurnStatusEffectModifier;
clone() {
return new TurnStatusEffectModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.stackCount);
* Tries to inflicts the holder with the associated {@linkcode StatusEffect}.
* @param args [0] {@linkcode Pokemon} that holds the held item
* @returns true if the status effect was applied successfully, false if
* otherwise
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
return (args[0] as Pokemon).trySetStatus(this.effect, true, undefined, undefined,;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 1;
getStatusEffect(): StatusEffect {
return this.effect;
export class HitHealModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
matchType(modifier: Modifier) {
return modifier instanceof HitHealModifier;
clone() {
return new HitHealModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.stackCount);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
if (pokemon.turnData.damageDealt && !pokemon.isFullHp()) {
const scene = pokemon.scene;
scene.unshiftPhase(new PokemonHealPhase(scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(),
Math.max(Math.floor(pokemon.turnData.damageDealt / 8) * this.stackCount, 1), i18next.t("modifier:hitHealApply", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), typeName: }), true));
return true;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 4;
export class LevelIncrementBoosterModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
match(modifier: Modifier) {
return modifier instanceof LevelIncrementBoosterModifier;
clone() {
return new LevelIncrementBoosterModifier(this.type, this.stackCount);
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
return super.shouldApply(args) && args[0] instanceof Utils.IntegerHolder;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
(args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value += this.getStackCount();
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene, forThreshold?: boolean): number {
return 99;
export class BerryModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
public berryType: BerryType;
public consumed: boolean;
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, berryType: BerryType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
this.berryType = berryType;
this.consumed = false;
matchType(modifier: Modifier) {
return modifier instanceof BerryModifier && (modifier as BerryModifier).berryType === this.berryType;
clone() {
return new BerryModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.berryType, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return super.getArgs().concat(this.berryType);
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
return !this.consumed && super.shouldApply(args) && getBerryPredicate(this.berryType)(args[0] as Pokemon);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
const preserve = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
pokemon.scene.applyModifiers(PreserveBerryModifier, pokemon.isPlayer(), pokemon, preserve);
if (!preserve.value) {
this.consumed = true;
return true;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
if ([BerryType.LUM, BerryType.LEPPA, BerryType.SITRUS, BerryType.ENIGMA].includes(this.berryType)) {
return 2;
return 3;
export class PreserveBerryModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
match(modifier: Modifier) {
return modifier instanceof PreserveBerryModifier;
clone() {
return new PreserveBerryModifier(this.type, this.stackCount);
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
return super.shouldApply(args) && args[0] instanceof Pokemon && args[1] instanceof Utils.BooleanHolder;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
if (!(args[1] as Utils.BooleanHolder).value) {
(args[1] as Utils.BooleanHolder).value = (args[0] as Pokemon).randSeedInt(10) < this.getStackCount() * 3;
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 3;
export class PokemonInstantReviveModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
matchType(modifier: Modifier) {
return modifier instanceof PokemonInstantReviveModifier;
clone() {
return new PokemonInstantReviveModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.stackCount);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new PokemonHealPhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(),
Math.max(Math.floor(pokemon.getMaxHp() / 2), 1), i18next.t("modifier:pokemonInstantReviveApply", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), typeName: }), false, false, true));
pokemon.resetStatus(true, false, true);
return true;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 1;
* Modifier used for White Herb, which resets negative {@linkcode Stat} changes
* @extends PokemonHeldItemModifier
* @see {@linkcode apply}
export class PokemonResetNegativeStatStageModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
matchType(modifier: Modifier) {
return modifier instanceof PokemonResetNegativeStatStageModifier;
clone() {
return new PokemonResetNegativeStatStageModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.stackCount);
* Restores any negative stat stages of the mon to 0
* @param args args[0] is the {@linkcode Pokemon} whose stat stages are being checked
* @returns true if any stat changes were applied (item was used), false otherwise
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
const loweredStats = pokemon.summonData.battleStats.filter(s => s < 0);
if (loweredStats.length) {
for (let s = 0; s < pokemon.summonData.battleStats.length; s++) {
pokemon.summonData.battleStats[s] = Math.max(0, pokemon.summonData.battleStats[s]);
pokemon.scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("modifier:pokemonResetNegativeStatStageApply", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon), typeName: }));
return true;
return false;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 2;
export abstract class ConsumablePokemonModifier extends ConsumableModifier {
public pokemonId: integer;
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer) {
this.pokemonId = pokemonId;
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
return args.length && args[0] instanceof PlayerPokemon && (this.pokemonId === -1 || (args[0] as PlayerPokemon).id === this.pokemonId);
getPokemon(scene: BattleScene) {
return scene.getParty().find(p => === this.pokemonId);
export class PokemonHpRestoreModifier extends ConsumablePokemonModifier {
private restorePoints: integer;
private restorePercent: number;
private healStatus: boolean;
public fainted: boolean;
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, restorePoints: integer, restorePercent: number, healStatus: boolean, fainted?: boolean) {
super(type, pokemonId);
this.restorePoints = restorePoints;
this.restorePercent = restorePercent;
this.healStatus = healStatus;
this.fainted = !!fainted;
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
return super.shouldApply(args) && (this.fainted || (args.length > 1 && typeof(args[1]) === "number"));
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
if (!pokemon.hp === this.fainted) {
let restorePoints = this.restorePoints;
if (!this.fainted) {
restorePoints = Math.floor(restorePoints * (args[1] as number));
if (this.fainted || this.healStatus) {
pokemon.resetStatus(true, true);
pokemon.hp = Math.min(pokemon.hp + Math.max(Math.ceil(Math.max(Math.floor((this.restorePercent * 0.01) * pokemon.getMaxHp()), restorePoints)), 1), pokemon.getMaxHp());
return true;
return false;
export class PokemonStatusHealModifier extends ConsumablePokemonModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
pokemon.resetStatus(true, true);
return true;
export abstract class ConsumablePokemonMoveModifier extends ConsumablePokemonModifier {
public moveIndex: integer;
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, moveIndex: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId);
this.moveIndex = moveIndex;
export class PokemonPpRestoreModifier extends ConsumablePokemonMoveModifier {
private restorePoints: integer;
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, moveIndex: integer, restorePoints: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, moveIndex);
this.restorePoints = restorePoints;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
const move = pokemon.getMoveset()[this.moveIndex];
move.ppUsed = this.restorePoints > -1 ? Math.max(move.ppUsed - this.restorePoints, 0) : 0;
return true;
export class PokemonAllMovePpRestoreModifier extends ConsumablePokemonModifier {
private restorePoints: integer;
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, restorePoints: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId);
this.restorePoints = restorePoints;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
for (const move of pokemon.getMoveset()) {
move.ppUsed = this.restorePoints > -1 ? Math.max(move.ppUsed - this.restorePoints, 0) : 0;
return true;
export class PokemonPpUpModifier extends ConsumablePokemonMoveModifier {
private upPoints: integer;
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, moveIndex: integer, upPoints: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, moveIndex);
this.upPoints = upPoints;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
const move = pokemon.getMoveset()[this.moveIndex];
move.ppUp = Math.min(move.ppUp + this.upPoints, 3);
return true;
export class PokemonNatureChangeModifier extends ConsumablePokemonModifier {
public nature: Nature;
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, nature: Nature) {
super(type, pokemonId);
this.nature = nature;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
pokemon.natureOverride = this.nature;
let speciesId = pokemon.species.speciesId;
pokemon.scene.gameData.dexData[speciesId].natureAttr |= Math.pow(2, this.nature + 1);
while (pokemonPrevolutions.hasOwnProperty(speciesId)) {
speciesId = pokemonPrevolutions[speciesId];
pokemon.scene.gameData.dexData[speciesId].natureAttr |= Math.pow(2, this.nature + 1);
return true;
export class PokemonLevelIncrementModifier extends ConsumablePokemonModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as PlayerPokemon;
const levelCount = new Utils.IntegerHolder(1);
pokemon.scene.applyModifiers(LevelIncrementBoosterModifier, true, levelCount);
pokemon.level += levelCount.value;
if (pokemon.level <= pokemon.scene.getMaxExpLevel(true)) {
pokemon.exp = getLevelTotalExp(pokemon.level, pokemon.species.growthRate);
pokemon.levelExp = 0;
pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new LevelUpPhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.scene.getParty().indexOf(pokemon), pokemon.level - levelCount.value, pokemon.level));
return true;
export class TmModifier extends ConsumablePokemonModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierTypes.TmModifierType, pokemonId: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as PlayerPokemon;
pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new LearnMovePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.scene.getParty().indexOf(pokemon), (this.type as ModifierTypes.TmModifierType).moveId));
return true;
export class RememberMoveModifier extends ConsumablePokemonModifier {
public levelMoveIndex: integer;
constructor(type: ModifierTypes.ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, levelMoveIndex: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId);
this.levelMoveIndex = levelMoveIndex;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as PlayerPokemon;
pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new LearnMovePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.scene.getParty().indexOf(pokemon), pokemon.getLearnableLevelMoves()[this.levelMoveIndex]));
return true;
export class EvolutionItemModifier extends ConsumablePokemonModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierTypes.EvolutionItemModifierType, pokemonId: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as PlayerPokemon;
let matchingEvolution = pokemonEvolutions.hasOwnProperty(pokemon.species.speciesId)
? pokemonEvolutions[pokemon.species.speciesId].find(e => e.item === (this.type as ModifierTypes.EvolutionItemModifierType).evolutionItem
&& (e.evoFormKey === null || (e.preFormKey || "") === pokemon.getFormKey())
&& (!e.condition || e.condition.predicate(pokemon)))
: null;
if (!matchingEvolution && pokemon.isFusion()) {
matchingEvolution = pokemonEvolutions[pokemon.fusionSpecies.speciesId].find(e => e.item === (this.type as ModifierTypes.EvolutionItemModifierType).evolutionItem
&& (e.evoFormKey === null || (e.preFormKey || "") === pokemon.getFusionFormKey())
&& (!e.condition || e.condition.predicate(pokemon)));
if (matchingEvolution) {
matchingEvolution = new FusionSpeciesFormEvolution(pokemon.species.speciesId, matchingEvolution);
if (matchingEvolution) {
pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new EvolutionPhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon, matchingEvolution, pokemon.level - 1));
return true;
return false;
export class FusePokemonModifier extends ConsumablePokemonModifier {
public fusePokemonId: integer;
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, fusePokemonId: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId);
this.fusePokemonId = fusePokemonId;
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
return super.shouldApply(args) && args[1] instanceof PlayerPokemon && this.fusePokemonId === (args[1] as PlayerPokemon).id;
apply(args: any[]): Promise<boolean> {
return new Promise<boolean>(resolve => {
(args[0] as PlayerPokemon).fuse(args[1] as PlayerPokemon).then(() => resolve(true));
export class MultipleParticipantExpBonusModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof MultipleParticipantExpBonusModifier;
apply(_args: any[]): boolean {
return true;
clone(): MultipleParticipantExpBonusModifier {
return new MultipleParticipantExpBonusModifier(this.type, this.stackCount);
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 5;
export class HealingBoosterModifier extends PersistentModifier {
private multiplier: number;
constructor(type: ModifierType, multiplier: number, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
this.multiplier = multiplier;
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof HealingBoosterModifier;
clone(): HealingBoosterModifier {
return new HealingBoosterModifier(this.type, this.multiplier, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return [ this.multiplier ];
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const healingMultiplier = args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder;
healingMultiplier.value *= 1 + ((this.multiplier - 1) * this.getStackCount());
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 5;
export class ExpBoosterModifier extends PersistentModifier {
private boostMultiplier: integer;
constructor(type: ModifierType, boostPercent: number, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
this.boostMultiplier = boostPercent * 0.01;
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
if (modifier instanceof ExpBoosterModifier) {
const expModifier = modifier as ExpBoosterModifier;
return expModifier.boostMultiplier === this.boostMultiplier;
return false;
clone(): ExpBoosterModifier {
return new ExpBoosterModifier(this.type, this.boostMultiplier * 100, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return [ this.boostMultiplier * 100 ];
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
(args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value = Math.floor((args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value * (1 + (this.getStackCount() * this.boostMultiplier)));
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene, forThreshold?: boolean): integer {
return this.boostMultiplier < 1 ? this.boostMultiplier < 0.6 ? 99 : 30 : 10;
export class PokemonExpBoosterModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
private boostMultiplier: integer;
constructor(type: ModifierTypes.PokemonExpBoosterModifierType, pokemonId: integer, boostPercent: number, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
this.boostMultiplier = boostPercent * 0.01;
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
if (modifier instanceof PokemonExpBoosterModifier) {
const pokemonExpModifier = modifier as PokemonExpBoosterModifier;
return pokemonExpModifier.boostMultiplier === this.boostMultiplier;
return false;
clone(): PersistentModifier {
return new PokemonExpBoosterModifier(this.type as ModifierTypes.PokemonExpBoosterModifierType, this.pokemonId, this.boostMultiplier * 100, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return super.getArgs().concat(this.boostMultiplier * 100);
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
return super.shouldApply(args) && args.length === 2 && args[1] instanceof Utils.NumberHolder;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
(args[1] as Utils.NumberHolder).value += (this.getStackCount() * this.boostMultiplier);
return true;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 99;
export class ExpShareModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof ExpShareModifier;
clone(): ExpShareModifier {
return new ExpShareModifier(this.type, this.stackCount);
apply(_args: any[]): boolean {
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 5;
export class ExpBalanceModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof ExpBalanceModifier;
clone(): ExpBalanceModifier {
return new ExpBalanceModifier(this.type, this.stackCount);
apply(_args: any[]): boolean {
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 4;
export class PokemonFriendshipBoosterModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierTypes.PokemonFriendshipBoosterModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof PokemonFriendshipBoosterModifier;
clone(): PersistentModifier {
return new PokemonFriendshipBoosterModifier(this.type as ModifierTypes.PokemonFriendshipBoosterModifierType, this.pokemonId, this.stackCount);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const friendship = args[1] as Utils.IntegerHolder;
friendship.value = Math.floor(friendship.value * (1 + 0.5 * this.getStackCount()));
return true;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 3;
export class PokemonNatureWeightModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierTypes.ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof PokemonNatureWeightModifier;
clone(): PersistentModifier {
return new PokemonNatureWeightModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.stackCount);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const multiplier = args[1] as Utils.IntegerHolder;
if (multiplier.value !== 1) {
multiplier.value += 0.1 * this.getStackCount() * (multiplier.value > 1 ? 1 : -1);
return true;
return false;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 10;
export class PokemonMoveAccuracyBoosterModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
private accuracyAmount: integer;
constructor(type: ModifierTypes.PokemonMoveAccuracyBoosterModifierType, pokemonId: integer, accuracy: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
this.accuracyAmount = accuracy;
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
if (modifier instanceof PokemonMoveAccuracyBoosterModifier) {
const pokemonAccuracyBoosterModifier = modifier as PokemonMoveAccuracyBoosterModifier;
return pokemonAccuracyBoosterModifier.accuracyAmount === this.accuracyAmount;
return false;
clone(): PersistentModifier {
return new PokemonMoveAccuracyBoosterModifier(this.type as ModifierTypes.PokemonMoveAccuracyBoosterModifierType, this.pokemonId, this.accuracyAmount, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return super.getArgs().concat(this.accuracyAmount);
shouldApply(args: any[]): boolean {
return super.shouldApply(args) && args.length === 2 && args[1] instanceof Utils.NumberHolder;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const moveAccuracy = (args[1] as Utils.IntegerHolder);
moveAccuracy.value = Math.min(moveAccuracy.value + this.accuracyAmount * this.getStackCount(), 100);
return true;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 3;
export class PokemonMultiHitModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierTypes.PokemonMultiHitModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof PokemonMultiHitModifier;
clone(): PersistentModifier {
return new PokemonMultiHitModifier(this.type as ModifierTypes.PokemonMultiHitModifierType, this.pokemonId, this.stackCount);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
(args[1] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value *= (this.getStackCount() + 1);
const power = args[2] as Utils.NumberHolder;
switch (this.getStackCount()) {
case 1:
power.value *= 0.4;
case 2:
power.value *= 0.25;
case 3:
power.value *= 0.175;
return true;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 3;
export class PokemonFormChangeItemModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
public formChangeItem: FormChangeItem;
public active: boolean;
readonly isTransferrable: boolean = false;
constructor(type: ModifierTypes.FormChangeItemModifierType, pokemonId: integer, formChangeItem: FormChangeItem, active: boolean, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
this.formChangeItem = formChangeItem; = active;
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof PokemonFormChangeItemModifier && modifier.formChangeItem === this.formChangeItem;
clone(): PersistentModifier {
return new PokemonFormChangeItemModifier(this.type as ModifierTypes.FormChangeItemModifierType, this.pokemonId, this.formChangeItem,, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return super.getArgs().concat(this.formChangeItem,;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
const active = args[1] as boolean;
const switchActive = && !active;
if (switchActive) { = false;
const ret = pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeItemTrigger);
if (switchActive) { = true;
return ret;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 1;
export class MoneyRewardModifier extends ConsumableModifier {
private moneyMultiplier: number;
constructor(type: ModifierType, moneyMultiplier: number) {
this.moneyMultiplier = moneyMultiplier;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const scene = args[0] as BattleScene;
const moneyAmount = new Utils.IntegerHolder(scene.getWaveMoneyAmount(this.moneyMultiplier));
scene.applyModifiers(MoneyMultiplierModifier, true, moneyAmount);
return true;
export class MoneyMultiplierModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof MoneyMultiplierModifier;
clone(): MoneyMultiplierModifier {
return new MoneyMultiplierModifier(this.type, this.stackCount);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
(args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value += Math.floor((args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value * 0.2 * this.getStackCount());
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 5;
export class DamageMoneyRewardModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof DamageMoneyRewardModifier;
clone(): DamageMoneyRewardModifier {
return new DamageMoneyRewardModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.stackCount);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const scene = (args[0] as Pokemon).scene;
const moneyAmount = new Utils.IntegerHolder(Math.floor((args[1] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value * (0.5 * this.getStackCount())));
scene.applyModifiers(MoneyMultiplierModifier, true, moneyAmount);
return true;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 5;
export class MoneyInterestModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof MoneyInterestModifier;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const scene = args[0] as BattleScene;
const interestAmount = Math.floor( * 0.1 * this.getStackCount());
const userLocale = navigator.language || "en-US";
const formattedMoneyAmount = interestAmount.toLocaleString(userLocale);
const message = i18next.t("modifier:moneyInterestApply", { moneyAmount: formattedMoneyAmount, typeName: });
scene.queueMessage(message, null, true);
return true;
clone(): MoneyInterestModifier {
return new MoneyInterestModifier(this.type, this.stackCount);
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 5;
export class HiddenAbilityRateBoosterModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof HiddenAbilityRateBoosterModifier;
clone(): HiddenAbilityRateBoosterModifier {
return new HiddenAbilityRateBoosterModifier(this.type, this.stackCount);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
(args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value *= Math.pow(2, -1 - this.getStackCount());
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 4;
export class ShinyRateBoosterModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof ShinyRateBoosterModifier;
clone(): ShinyRateBoosterModifier {
return new ShinyRateBoosterModifier(this.type, this.stackCount);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
(args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value *= Math.pow(2, 2 + this.getStackCount());
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 4;
export class LockModifierTiersModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof LockModifierTiersModifier;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
return true;
clone(): LockModifierTiersModifier {
return new LockModifierTiersModifier(this.type, this.stackCount);
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 1;
export class SwitchEffectTransferModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof SwitchEffectTransferModifier;
clone(): SwitchEffectTransferModifier {
return new SwitchEffectTransferModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.stackCount);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
return true;
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 1;
* Abstract class for held items that steal other Pokemon's items.
* @see {@linkcode TurnHeldItemTransferModifier}
* @see {@linkcode ContactHeldItemTransferChanceModifier}
export abstract class HeldItemTransferModifier extends PokemonHeldItemModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
* Determines the targets to transfer items from when this applies.
* @param args\[0\] the {@linkcode Pokemon} holding this item
* @returns the opponents of the source {@linkcode Pokemon}
getTargets(args: any[]): Pokemon[] {
const pokemon = args[0];
return pokemon instanceof Pokemon
? pokemon.getOpponents()
: [];
* Steals an item from a set of target Pokemon.
* This prioritizes high-tier held items when selecting the item to steal.
* @param args \[0\] The {@linkcode Pokemon} holding this item
* @returns true if an item was stolen; false otherwise.
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
const opponents = this.getTargets(args);
if (!opponents.length) {
return false;
const targetPokemon = opponents[pokemon.randSeedInt(opponents.length)];
const transferredItemCount = this.getTransferredItemCount();
if (!transferredItemCount) {
return false;
const poolType = pokemon.isPlayer() ? ModifierTypes.ModifierPoolType.PLAYER : pokemon.hasTrainer() ? ModifierTypes.ModifierPoolType.TRAINER : ModifierTypes.ModifierPoolType.WILD;
const transferredModifierTypes: ModifierTypes.ModifierType[] = [];
const itemModifiers = pokemon.scene.findModifiers(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier
&& m.pokemonId === && m.isTransferrable, targetPokemon.isPlayer()) as PokemonHeldItemModifier[];
let highestItemTier = => m.type.getOrInferTier(poolType)).reduce((highestTier, tier) => Math.max(tier, highestTier), 0);
let tierItemModifiers = itemModifiers.filter(m => m.type.getOrInferTier(poolType) === highestItemTier);
const heldItemTransferPromises: Promise<void>[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < transferredItemCount; i++) {
if (!tierItemModifiers.length) {
while (highestItemTier-- && !tierItemModifiers.length) {
tierItemModifiers = itemModifiers.filter(m => m.type.tier === highestItemTier);
if (!tierItemModifiers.length) {
const randItemIndex = pokemon.randSeedInt(itemModifiers.length);
const randItem = itemModifiers[randItemIndex];
heldItemTransferPromises.push(pokemon.scene.tryTransferHeldItemModifier(randItem, pokemon, false).then(success => {
if (success) {
itemModifiers.splice(randItemIndex, 1);
Promise.all(heldItemTransferPromises).then(() => {
for (const mt of transferredModifierTypes) {
pokemon.scene.queueMessage(this.getTransferMessage(pokemon, targetPokemon, mt));
return !!transferredModifierTypes.length;
abstract getTransferredItemCount(): integer;
abstract getTransferMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, targetPokemon: Pokemon, item: ModifierTypes.ModifierType): string;
* Modifier for held items that steal items from the enemy at the end of
* each turn.
* @see {@linkcode modifierTypes[MINI_BLACK_HOLE]}
export class TurnHeldItemTransferModifier extends HeldItemTransferModifier {
readonly isTransferrable: boolean = true;
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof TurnHeldItemTransferModifier;
clone(): TurnHeldItemTransferModifier {
return new TurnHeldItemTransferModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.stackCount);
getTransferredItemCount(): integer {
return this.getStackCount();
getTransferMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, targetPokemon: Pokemon, item: ModifierTypes.ModifierType): string {
return i18next.t("modifier:turnHeldItemTransferApply", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(targetPokemon), itemName:, pokemonName:, typeName: });
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 1;
* Modifier for held items that add a chance to steal items from the target of a
* successful attack.
* @see {@linkcode modifierTypes[GRIP_CLAW]}
* @see {@linkcode HeldItemTransferModifier}
export class ContactHeldItemTransferChanceModifier extends HeldItemTransferModifier {
private chance: number;
constructor(type: ModifierType, pokemonId: integer, chancePercent: number, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, pokemonId, stackCount);
this.chance = chancePercent / 100;
* Determines the target to steal items from when this applies.
* @param args\[0\] The {@linkcode Pokemon} holding this item
* @param args\[1\] The {@linkcode Pokemon} the holder is targeting with an attack
* @returns The target (args[1]) stored in array format for use in {@linkcode HeldItemTransferModifier.apply}
getTargets(args: any[]): Pokemon[] {
const target = args[1];
return target instanceof Pokemon
? [ target ]
: [];
matchType(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof ContactHeldItemTransferChanceModifier;
clone(): ContactHeldItemTransferChanceModifier {
return new ContactHeldItemTransferChanceModifier(this.type, this.pokemonId, this.chance * 100, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return super.getArgs().concat(this.chance * 100);
getTransferredItemCount(): integer {
return Phaser.Math.RND.realInRange(0, 1) < (this.chance * this.getStackCount()) ? 1 : 0;
getTransferMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, targetPokemon: Pokemon, item: ModifierTypes.ModifierType): string {
return i18next.t("modifier:contactHeldItemTransferApply", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(targetPokemon), itemName:, pokemonName:, typeName: });
getMaxHeldItemCount(pokemon: Pokemon): integer {
return 5;
export class IvScannerModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof IvScannerModifier;
clone(): IvScannerModifier {
return new IvScannerModifier(this.type, this.stackCount);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 3;
export class ExtraModifierModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof ExtraModifierModifier;
clone(): ExtraModifierModifier {
return new ExtraModifierModifier(this.type, this.stackCount);
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
(args[0] as Utils.IntegerHolder).value += this.getStackCount();
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 3;
export abstract class EnemyPersistentModifier extends PersistentModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 5;
abstract class EnemyDamageMultiplierModifier extends EnemyPersistentModifier {
protected damageMultiplier: number;
constructor(type: ModifierType, damageMultiplier: number, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
this.damageMultiplier = damageMultiplier;
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
(args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value = Math.floor((args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value * Math.pow(this.damageMultiplier, this.getStackCount()));
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 99;
export class EnemyDamageBoosterModifier extends EnemyDamageMultiplierModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, boostPercent: number, stackCount?: integer) {
//super(type, 1 + ((boostPercent || 10) * 0.01), stackCount);
super(type, 1.05, stackCount); // Hardcode multiplier temporarily
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof EnemyDamageBoosterModifier;
clone(): EnemyDamageBoosterModifier {
return new EnemyDamageBoosterModifier(this.type, (this.damageMultiplier - 1) * 100, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return [ (this.damageMultiplier - 1) * 100 ];
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 999;
export class EnemyDamageReducerModifier extends EnemyDamageMultiplierModifier {
constructor(type: ModifierType, reductionPercent: number, stackCount?: integer) {
//super(type, 1 - ((reductionPercent || 5) * 0.01), stackCount);
super(type, 0.975, stackCount); // Hardcode multiplier temporarily
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof EnemyDamageReducerModifier;
clone(): EnemyDamageReducerModifier {
return new EnemyDamageReducerModifier(this.type, (1 - this.damageMultiplier) * 100, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return [ (1 - this.damageMultiplier) * 100 ];
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return scene.currentBattle.waveIndex < 2000 ? super.getMaxStackCount(scene) : 999;
export class EnemyTurnHealModifier extends EnemyPersistentModifier {
public healPercent: number;
constructor(type: ModifierType, healPercent: number, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
// Hardcode temporarily
this.healPercent = 2;
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof EnemyTurnHealModifier;
clone(): EnemyTurnHealModifier {
return new EnemyTurnHealModifier(this.type, this.healPercent, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return [ this.healPercent ];
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const pokemon = args[0] as Pokemon;
if (!pokemon.isFullHp()) {
const scene = pokemon.scene;
scene.unshiftPhase(new PokemonHealPhase(scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(),
Math.max(Math.floor(pokemon.getMaxHp() / (100 / this.healPercent)) * this.stackCount, 1), i18next.t("modifier:enemyTurnHealApply", { pokemonNameWithAffix: getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) }), true, false, false, false, true));
return true;
return false;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 10;
export class EnemyAttackStatusEffectChanceModifier extends EnemyPersistentModifier {
public effect: StatusEffect;
public chance: number;
constructor(type: ModifierType, effect: StatusEffect, chancePercent: number, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
this.effect = effect;
//Hardcode temporarily
this.chance = .025 * ((this.effect === StatusEffect.BURN || this.effect === StatusEffect.POISON) ? 2 : 1);
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof EnemyAttackStatusEffectChanceModifier && modifier.effect === this.effect;
clone(): EnemyAttackStatusEffectChanceModifier {
return new EnemyAttackStatusEffectChanceModifier(this.type, this.effect, this.chance * 100, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return [ this.effect, this.chance * 100 ];
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const target = (args[0] as Pokemon);
if (Phaser.Math.RND.realInRange(0, 1) < (this.chance * this.getStackCount())) {
return target.trySetStatus(this.effect, true);
return false;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 10;
export class EnemyStatusEffectHealChanceModifier extends EnemyPersistentModifier {
public chance: number;
constructor(type: ModifierType, chancePercent: number, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
//Hardcode temporarily
this.chance = .025;
match(modifier: Modifier): boolean {
return modifier instanceof EnemyStatusEffectHealChanceModifier;
clone(): EnemyStatusEffectHealChanceModifier {
return new EnemyStatusEffectHealChanceModifier(this.type, this.chance * 100, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return [ this.chance * 100 ];
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const target = (args[0] as Pokemon);
if (target.status && Phaser.Math.RND.realInRange(0, 1) < (this.chance * this.getStackCount())) {
target.scene.queueMessage(getStatusEffectHealText(target.status.effect, getPokemonNameWithAffix(target)));
return true;
return false;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 10;
export class EnemyEndureChanceModifier extends EnemyPersistentModifier {
public chance: number;
constructor(type: ModifierType, chancePercent?: number, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount || 10);
//Hardcode temporarily
this.chance = .02;
match(modifier: Modifier) {
return modifier instanceof EnemyEndureChanceModifier;
clone() {
return new EnemyEndureChanceModifier(this.type, this.chance * 100, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return [ this.chance * 100 ];
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
const target = (args[0] as Pokemon);
if (target.battleData.endured || Phaser.Math.RND.realInRange(0, 1) >= (this.chance * this.getStackCount())) {
return false;
target.addTag(BattlerTagType.ENDURING, 1);
target.battleData.endured = true;
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 10;
export class EnemyFusionChanceModifier extends EnemyPersistentModifier {
private chance: number;
constructor(type: ModifierType, chancePercent: number, stackCount?: integer) {
super(type, stackCount);
this.chance = chancePercent / 100;
match(modifier: Modifier) {
return modifier instanceof EnemyFusionChanceModifier && modifier.chance === this.chance;
clone() {
return new EnemyFusionChanceModifier(this.type, this.chance * 100, this.stackCount);
getArgs(): any[] {
return [ this.chance * 100 ];
apply(args: any[]): boolean {
if (Phaser.Math.RND.realInRange(0, 1) >= (this.chance * this.getStackCount())) {
return false;
(args[0] as Utils.BooleanHolder).value = true;
return true;
getMaxStackCount(scene: BattleScene): integer {
return 10;
* Uses override from overrides.ts to set PersistentModifiers for starting a new game
* @param scene current BattleScene
* @param player is this for player for enemy
export function overrideModifiers(scene: BattleScene, player: boolean = true): void {
const modifierOverride = player ? Overrides.STARTING_MODIFIER_OVERRIDE : Overrides.OPP_MODIFIER_OVERRIDE;
if (!modifierOverride || modifierOverride.length === 0 || !scene) {
} // if no override, do nothing
// if it's the opponent, we clear all his current modifiers to avoid stacking
if (!player) {
// we loop through all the modifier name given in the override file
modifierOverride.forEach(item => {
const modifierName =;
const qty = item.count || 1;
if (!modifierTypes.hasOwnProperty(modifierName)) {
} // if the modifier does not exist, we skip it
const modifierType: ModifierType = modifierTypes[modifierName]();
const modifier: PersistentModifier = modifierType.withIdFromFunc(modifierTypes[modifierName]).newModifier() as PersistentModifier;
modifier.stackCount = qty;
if (player) {
scene.addModifier(modifier, true, false, false, true);
} else {
scene.addEnemyModifier(modifier, true, true);
* Uses override from overrides.ts to set PokemonHeldItemModifiers for starting a new game
* @param scene current BattleScene
* @param player is this for player for enemy
export function overrideHeldItems(scene: BattleScene, pokemon: Pokemon, player: boolean = true): void {
const heldItemsOverride = player ? Overrides.STARTING_HELD_ITEMS_OVERRIDE : Overrides.OPP_HELD_ITEMS_OVERRIDE;
if (!heldItemsOverride || heldItemsOverride.length === 0 || !scene) {
} // if no override, do nothing
// we loop through all the itemName given in the override file
heldItemsOverride.forEach(item => {
const itemName =;
const qty = item.count || 1;
if (!modifierTypes.hasOwnProperty(itemName)) {
} // if the item does not exist, we skip it
const modifierType: ModifierType = modifierTypes[itemName](); // we retrieve the item in the list
let itemModifier: PokemonHeldItemModifier;
if (modifierType instanceof ModifierTypes.ModifierTypeGenerator) {
const pregenArgs = "type" in item ? [item.type] : null;
itemModifier = modifierType.generateType(null, pregenArgs).withIdFromFunc(modifierTypes[itemName]).newModifier(pokemon) as PokemonHeldItemModifier;
} else {
itemModifier = modifierType.withIdFromFunc(modifierTypes[itemName]).newModifier(pokemon) as PokemonHeldItemModifier;
// we create the item
itemModifier.pokemonId =; // we assign the created item to the pokemon
itemModifier.stackCount = qty; // we say how many items we want
if (player) {
scene.addModifier(itemModifier, true, false, false, true);
} else {
scene.addEnemyModifier(itemModifier, true, true);