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synced 2025-03-09 19:41:37 +00:00
* TS: enable strict-null * fix battle-scene.ts * fix voucher.ts * adapt more files to strict-null * adapt more files to strict-null ( 2) * adapt ability.ts to strict-null * adapt `arena.ts` to strict-null * adapt TagAddedEvent constructor to strict-null * adapt phases.ts.to strict-null * adapt status-effect.ts to strict-null * adapt `account.ts` to strict-null * adapt `configHandler.ts` to strict-null * adapt `ability.ts` to strict-null * adapt `biomes.ts` to strict-null * adapt `challenge.ts` to strict-null * adapt `daily-run.ts` to strict-null * adapt `nature.ts` to strict-null * adapt `pokemon-forms.ts` to strict-null * adapt `tainer-names.ts` to strict-null * adapt `types.ts` to strict-null * adapt `weather.ts` to strict-null * adapt `egg-hatch-phase.ts` to strict-null * adapt `evolution-phase.ts` to strict-null * adapt `pokemon-sprite-sparkle-handler.ts` to strict-null * adapt `evolution-phase.ts` to strict-null * adapt `game-mode.ts` to strict-null * adapt `utils.ts` to strict-null * adapt `voucher-ui-handler.ts` to strict-null * adapt `src/ui/unavailable-modal-ui-handler.ts` to strict-null * adapt `src/ui/ui.ts` to strict-null * adapt `src/ui/ui-theme.ts` to strict-null * adapt `src/ui/title-ui-handler.ts` to strict-null * adapt `src/ui/time-of-day-widget.ts` to strict-null * adapt `src/ui/text.ts` to strict-null * adapt `src/ui/target-select-ui-handler.ts` to strict-null * adapt `src/ui/settings/settings-keyboard-ui-handler.ts` to strict-null * adapt more files to strict-null (3) * adapt more files to strict-null (4) * adapt more files (mostly tests) to strict-null (5) * adapt more files to strict-null (6) * adapt more files to strict-null (7) * Update `src/data/pokemon-evolutions.ts` for strict-null Partial update `src/data/pokemon-species.ts` for strict-null * adapt more files to strict-null (8) * adapt more files to strict-null (9) * Strict some more nulls (still a few errors remaining) * adapt rest of the files to strict-null (9) * fix tests (check for null instead of undefined) * repalce a lot of `??` with bangs And added TODO notice as usual * fix more tests * all tests pass now * fix broken game-loop after trainer battle add some console.warn for missing cases and falling back to default * remove guessed fallback from utils.rgbHexToRgba * add TODO for this.currentBattle = null * adjust getPokemonById() return to include `null` * fix compilation errors * add test for pokemon.trySetStatus * `chanceMultiplier` shouldn't be optional * allow `null` for currentPhase * adjust hasExpSprite logic for no keymatch found * reduce bang usage in account.updateUserInfo() * fix new strict-null issues after merge * fix `strict-null` issues in dropdown.ts and sand_spit.test.ts * fix egg-gacha * adapt gul_missile.test.ts to strict-null * fix move.ts strict-null * fix i18n.ts strict-null * fix strict-null issues * fix baton_pass test after accidentially breaking it * chore: fix compiler errors * revert accidential changes in baton_pass.test.ts --------- Co-authored-by: NightKev <34855794+DayKev@users.noreply.github.com>
176 lines
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176 lines
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import * as Utils from "../utils";
import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene.js";
import { BattleSceneEventType } from "../events/battle-scene";
import { EaseType } from "#enums/ease-type";
import { TimeOfDay } from "#enums/time-of-day";
/** A small self contained UI element that displays the time of day as an icon */
export default class TimeOfDayWidget extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
/** An alias for the scene typecast to a {@linkcode BattleScene} */
private battleScene: BattleScene;
/** The {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite} that represents the foreground of the current time of day */
private readonly timeOfDayIconFgs: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[] = new Array(2);
/** The {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite} that represents the middle-ground of the current time of day */
private readonly timeOfDayIconMgs: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[] = new Array(2);
/** The {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite} that represents the background of the current time of day */
private readonly timeOfDayIconBgs: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[] = new Array(2);
/** An array containing all timeOfDayIcon objects for easier iteration */
private timeOfDayIcons: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[];
/** A map containing all timeOfDayIcon arrays with a matching string key for easier iteration */
private timeOfDayIconPairs: Map<string, Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[]> = new Map([
["bg", this.timeOfDayIconBgs],
["mg", this.timeOfDayIconMgs],
["fg", this.timeOfDayIconFgs],]);
/** The current time of day */
private currentTime: TimeOfDay = TimeOfDay.ALL;
/** The previous time of day */
private previousTime: TimeOfDay = TimeOfDay.ALL;
// Subscribes to required events available on game start
private readonly onEncounterPhaseEvent = (event: Event) => this.onEncounterPhase(event);
private _parentVisible: boolean;
/** Is the parent object visible? */
public get parentVisible(): boolean {
return this._parentVisible;
/** On set, resumes any paused tweens if true */
public set parentVisible(visible: boolean) {
if (visible && !this._parentVisible) { // Only resume the tweens if parent is newly visible
icon => this.scene.tweens.getTweensOf(icon).forEach(
tween => tween.resume()));
this._parentVisible = visible;
constructor(scene: Phaser.Scene, x: number = 0, y: number = 0) {
super(scene, x, y);
this.battleScene = this.scene as BattleScene;
if (!this.battleScene.showTimeOfDayWidget) {
// Initialize all sprites
(icons, key) => {
for (let i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) {
icons[i] = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, "dawn_icon_" + key).setOrigin();
// Store a flat array of all icons for later
this.timeOfDayIcons = [this.timeOfDayIconBgs, this.timeOfDayIconMgs, this.timeOfDayIconFgs].flat();
this.battleScene.eventTarget.addEventListener(BattleSceneEventType.ENCOUNTER_PHASE, this.onEncounterPhaseEvent);
* Creates a tween animation based on the 'Back' ease algorithm
* @returns an array of all tweens in the animation
private getBackTween(): Phaser.Types.Tweens.TweenBuilderConfig[] {
const rotate = {
targets: [this.timeOfDayIconMgs[0], this.timeOfDayIconMgs[1]],
angle: "+=90",
duration: Utils.fixedInt(1500),
ease: "Back.easeOut",
paused: !this.parentVisible,
const fade = {
targets: [this.timeOfDayIconBgs[1], this.timeOfDayIconMgs[1], this.timeOfDayIconFgs[1]],
alpha: 0,
duration: Utils.fixedInt(500),
ease: "Linear",
paused: !this.parentVisible,
return [rotate, fade];
* Creates a tween animation based on the 'Bounce' ease algorithm
* @returns an array of all tweens in the animation
private getBounceTween(): Phaser.Types.Tweens.TweenBuilderConfig[] {
const bounce = {
targets: [this.timeOfDayIconMgs[0], this.timeOfDayIconMgs[1]],
angle: "+=90",
duration: Utils.fixedInt(2000),
ease: "Bounce.easeOut",
paused: !this.parentVisible,
const fade = {
targets: [this.timeOfDayIconBgs[1], this.timeOfDayIconMgs[1], this.timeOfDayIconFgs[1]],
alpha: 0,
duration: Utils.fixedInt(800),
ease: "Linear",
paused: !this.parentVisible,
return [bounce, fade];
/** Resets all icons to the proper depth, texture, and alpha so they are ready to tween */
private resetIcons() {
this.moveBelow(this.timeOfDayIconBgs[0], this.timeOfDayIconBgs[1]);
this.moveBelow(this.timeOfDayIconMgs[0], this.timeOfDayIconBgs[1]);
this.moveBelow(this.timeOfDayIconFgs[0], this.timeOfDayIconFgs[1]);
(icons, key) => {
icons[0].setTexture(TimeOfDay[this.currentTime].toLowerCase() + "_icon_" + key);
icons[1].setTexture(TimeOfDay[this.previousTime].toLowerCase() + "_icon_" + key);
this.timeOfDayIconMgs[0].setRotation(-90 * (3.14/180));
this.timeOfDayIcons.forEach(icon => icon.setAlpha(1));
/** Adds the proper tween for all icons */
private tweenTimeOfDayIcon() {
// Tween based on the player setting
(this.battleScene.timeOfDayAnimation === EaseType.BACK ? this.getBackTween() : this.getBounceTween())
.forEach(tween => this.scene.tweens.add(tween));
// Swaps all elements of the icon arrays by shifting the first element onto the end of the array
// This ensures index[0] is always the new time of day icon and index[1] is always the current one
icons => {
const shifted = icons.shift();
shifted && icons.push(shifted);
* Grabs the current time of day from the arena and calls {@linkcode tweenTimeOfDayIcon}
* @param event {@linkcode Event} being sent
private onEncounterPhase(event: Event) {
const newTime = this.battleScene.arena.getTimeOfDay();
if (this.currentTime === newTime) {
this.currentTime = newTime;
this.previousTime = this.currentTime - 1;
if (this.previousTime < TimeOfDay.DAWN) {
this.previousTime = TimeOfDay.NIGHT;