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import Battle, { BattlerIndex, BattleType } from "#app/battle";
import { biomeLinks, BiomePoolTier } from "#app/data/biomes";
import MysteryEncounterOption from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounter-option";
import { AVERAGE_ENCOUNTERS_PER_RUN_TARGET, WEIGHT_INCREMENT_ON_SPAWN_MISS } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounters";
import { showEncounterText } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/utils/encounter-dialogue-utils";
import Pokemon, { FieldPosition, PlayerPokemon, PokemonMove, PokemonSummonData } from "#app/field/pokemon";
import { CustomModifierSettings, ModifierPoolType, ModifierType, ModifierTypeGenerator, ModifierTypeOption, modifierTypes, regenerateModifierPoolThresholds } from "#app/modifier/modifier-type";
import { MysteryEncounterBattlePhase, MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase, MysteryEncounterPhase, MysteryEncounterRewardsPhase } from "#app/phases/mystery-encounter-phases";
import PokemonData from "#app/system/pokemon-data";
import { OptionSelectConfig, OptionSelectItem } from "#app/ui/abstact-option-select-ui-handler";
import { PartyOption, PartyUiMode, PokemonSelectFilter } from "#app/ui/party-ui-handler";
import { Mode } from "#app/ui/ui";
import * as Utils from "#app/utils";
import { isNullOrUndefined } from "#app/utils";
import { BattlerTagType } from "#enums/battler-tag-type";
import { Biome } from "#enums/biome";
import { TrainerType } from "#enums/trainer-type";
import i18next from "i18next";
import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene";
import Trainer, { TrainerVariant } from "#app/field/trainer";
import { Gender } from "#app/data/gender";
import { Nature } from "#app/data/nature";
import { Moves } from "#enums/moves";
import { initMoveAnim, loadMoveAnimAssets } from "#app/data/battle-anims";
import { MysteryEncounterMode } from "#enums/mystery-encounter-mode";
import { Status, StatusEffect } from "#app/data/status-effect";
import { TrainerConfig, trainerConfigs, TrainerSlot } from "#app/data/trainer-config";
import PokemonSpecies from "#app/data/pokemon-species";
import { Egg, IEggOptions } from "#app/data/egg";
import { MysteryEncounterPokemonData } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounter-pokemon-data";
import HeldModifierConfig from "#app/interfaces/held-modifier-config";
import { MovePhase } from "#app/phases/move-phase";
import { EggLapsePhase } from "#app/phases/egg-lapse-phase";
import { TrainerVictoryPhase } from "#app/phases/trainer-victory-phase";
import { BattleEndPhase } from "#app/phases/battle-end-phase";
import { GameOverPhase } from "#app/phases/game-over-phase";
import { SelectModifierPhase } from "#app/phases/select-modifier-phase";
import { PartyExpPhase } from "#app/phases/party-exp-phase";
* Animates exclamation sprite over trainer's head at start of encounter
* @param scene
export function doTrainerExclamation(scene: BattleScene) {
const exclamationSprite = scene.add.sprite(0, 0, "exclaim");
scene.field.moveTo(exclamationSprite, scene.field.getAll().length - 1);
exclamationSprite.setPosition(110, 68);
targets: exclamationSprite,
y: "-=25",
ease: "Cubic.easeOut",
duration: 300,
yoyo: true,
onComplete: () => {
scene.time.delayedCall(800, () => {
scene.field.remove(exclamationSprite, true);
scene.playSound("battle_anims/GEN8- Exclaim", { volume: 0.7 });
export interface EnemyPokemonConfig {
species: PokemonSpecies;
isBoss: boolean;
bossSegments?: number;
bossSegmentModifier?: number; // Additive to the determined segment number
mysteryEncounterPokemonData?: MysteryEncounterPokemonData;
formIndex?: number;
abilityIndex?: number;
level?: number;
gender?: Gender;
passive?: boolean;
moveSet?: Moves[];
nature?: Nature;
ivs?: [number, number, number, number, number, number];
shiny?: boolean;
/** Can set just the status, or pass a timer on the status turns */
status?: StatusEffect | [StatusEffect, number];
mysteryEncounterBattleEffects?: (pokemon: Pokemon) => void;
modifierConfigs?: HeldModifierConfig[];
tags?: BattlerTagType[];
dataSource?: PokemonData;
export interface EnemyPartyConfig {
levelAdditiveMultiplier?: number; // Formula for enemy: level += waveIndex / 10 * levelAdditive
doubleBattle?: boolean;
trainerType?: TrainerType; // Generates trainer battle solely off trainer type
trainerConfig?: TrainerConfig; // More customizable option for configuring trainer battle
pokemonConfigs?: EnemyPokemonConfig[];
female?: boolean; // True for female trainer, false for male
disableSwitch?: boolean; // True will prevent player from switching
* Generates an enemy party for a mystery encounter battle
* This will override and replace any standard encounter generation logic
* Useful for tailoring specific battles to mystery encounters
* @param scene Battle Scene
* @param partyConfig Can pass various customizable attributes for the enemy party, see EnemyPartyConfig
export async function initBattleWithEnemyConfig(scene: BattleScene, partyConfig: EnemyPartyConfig): Promise<void> {
const loaded: boolean = false;
const loadEnemyAssets: Promise<void>[] = [];
const battle: Battle = scene.currentBattle;
let doubleBattle: boolean = partyConfig?.doubleBattle ?? false;
// Trainer
const trainerType = partyConfig?.trainerType;
const partyTrainerConfig = partyConfig?.trainerConfig;
let trainerConfig: TrainerConfig;
if (!isNullOrUndefined(trainerType) || partyTrainerConfig) {
scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter!.encounterMode = MysteryEncounterMode.TRAINER_BATTLE;
if (scene.currentBattle.trainer) {
trainerConfig = partyConfig?.trainerConfig ? partyConfig?.trainerConfig : trainerConfigs[trainerType!];
const doubleTrainer = trainerConfig.doubleOnly || (trainerConfig.hasDouble && !!partyConfig.doubleBattle);
doubleBattle = doubleTrainer;
const trainerFemale = isNullOrUndefined(partyConfig.female) ? !!(Utils.randSeedInt(2)) : partyConfig.female;
const newTrainer = new Trainer(scene, trainerConfig.trainerType, doubleTrainer ? TrainerVariant.DOUBLE : trainerFemale ? TrainerVariant.FEMALE : TrainerVariant.DEFAULT, undefined, undefined, undefined, trainerConfig);
newTrainer.x += 300;
scene.currentBattle.trainer = newTrainer;
battle.enemyLevels = scene.currentBattle.trainer.getPartyLevels(scene.currentBattle.waveIndex);
} else {
// Wild
scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter!.encounterMode = MysteryEncounterMode.WILD_BATTLE;
const numEnemies = partyConfig?.pokemonConfigs && partyConfig.pokemonConfigs.length > 0 ? partyConfig?.pokemonConfigs?.length : doubleBattle ? 2 : 1;
battle.enemyLevels = new Array(numEnemies).fill(null).map(() => scene.currentBattle.getLevelForWave());
scene.getEnemyParty().forEach(enemyPokemon => {
scene.field.remove(enemyPokemon, true);
battle.enemyParty = [];
battle.double = doubleBattle;
// ME levels are modified by an additive value that scales with wave index
// Base scaling: Every 10 waves, modifier gets +1 level
// This can be amplified or counteracted by setting levelAdditiveMultiplier in config
// levelAdditiveMultiplier value of 0.5 will halve the modifier scaling, 2 will double it, etc.
// Leaving null/undefined will disable level scaling
const mult: number = !isNullOrUndefined(partyConfig.levelAdditiveMultiplier) ? partyConfig.levelAdditiveMultiplier! : 0;
const additive = Math.max(Math.round((scene.currentBattle.waveIndex / 10) * mult), 0);
battle.enemyLevels = battle.enemyLevels.map(level => level + additive);
battle.enemyLevels.forEach((level, e) => {
let enemySpecies;
let dataSource;
let isBoss = false;
if (!loaded) {
if ((!isNullOrUndefined(trainerType) || trainerConfig) && battle.trainer) {
// Allows overriding a trainer's pokemon to use specific species/data
if (partyConfig?.pokemonConfigs && e < partyConfig.pokemonConfigs.length) {
const config = partyConfig.pokemonConfigs[e];
level = config.level ? config.level : level;
dataSource = config.dataSource;
enemySpecies = config.species;
isBoss = config.isBoss;
battle.enemyParty[e] = scene.addEnemyPokemon(enemySpecies, level, TrainerSlot.TRAINER, isBoss, dataSource);
} else {
battle.enemyParty[e] = battle.trainer.genPartyMember(e);
} else {
if (partyConfig?.pokemonConfigs && e < partyConfig.pokemonConfigs.length) {
const config = partyConfig.pokemonConfigs[e];
level = config.level ? config.level : level;
dataSource = config.dataSource;
enemySpecies = config.species;
isBoss = config.isBoss;
if (isBoss) {
scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter!.encounterMode = MysteryEncounterMode.BOSS_BATTLE;
} else {
enemySpecies = scene.randomSpecies(battle.waveIndex, level, true);
battle.enemyParty[e] = scene.addEnemyPokemon(enemySpecies, level, TrainerSlot.NONE, isBoss, dataSource);
const enemyPokemon = scene.getEnemyParty()[e];
// Make sure basic data is clean
enemyPokemon.hp = enemyPokemon.getMaxHp();
enemyPokemon.status = null;
enemyPokemon.passive = false;
if (e < (doubleBattle ? 2 : 1)) {
enemyPokemon.setX(-66 + enemyPokemon.getFieldPositionOffset()[0]);
if (!loaded) {
scene.gameData.setPokemonSeen(enemyPokemon, true, !!(trainerType || trainerConfig));
if (partyConfig?.pokemonConfigs && e < partyConfig.pokemonConfigs.length) {
const config = partyConfig.pokemonConfigs[e];
// Generate new id, reset status and HP in case using data source
if (config.dataSource) {
enemyPokemon.id = Utils.randSeedInt(4294967296);
// Set form
if (!isNullOrUndefined(config.formIndex)) {
enemyPokemon.formIndex = config.formIndex!;
// Set shiny
if (!isNullOrUndefined(config.shiny)) {
enemyPokemon.shiny = config.shiny!;
// Set custom mystery encounter data fields (such as sprite scale, custom abilities, types, etc.)
if (!isNullOrUndefined(config.mysteryEncounterPokemonData)) {
enemyPokemon.mysteryEncounterPokemonData = config.mysteryEncounterPokemonData!;
// Set Boss
if (config.isBoss) {
let segments = !isNullOrUndefined(config.bossSegments) ? config.bossSegments! : scene.getEncounterBossSegments(scene.currentBattle.waveIndex, level, enemySpecies, true);
if (!isNullOrUndefined(config.bossSegmentModifier)) {
segments += config.bossSegmentModifier!;
enemyPokemon.setBoss(true, segments);
// Set Passive
if (config.passive) {
enemyPokemon.passive = true;
// Set Nature
if (config.nature) {
enemyPokemon.nature = config.nature;
// Set IVs
if (config.ivs) {
enemyPokemon.ivs = config.ivs;
// Set Status
const statusEffects = config.status;
if (statusEffects) {
// Default to cureturn 3 for sleep
const status = Array.isArray(statusEffects) ? statusEffects[0] : statusEffects;
const cureTurn = Array.isArray(statusEffects) ? statusEffects[1] : statusEffects === StatusEffect.SLEEP ? 3 : undefined;
enemyPokemon.status = new Status(status, 0, cureTurn);
// Set summon data fields
if (!enemyPokemon.summonData) {
enemyPokemon.summonData = new PokemonSummonData();
// Set ability
if (!isNullOrUndefined(config.abilityIndex)) {
enemyPokemon.abilityIndex = config.abilityIndex!;
// Set gender
if (!isNullOrUndefined(config.gender)) {
enemyPokemon.gender = config.gender!;
enemyPokemon.summonData.gender = config.gender!;
// Set moves
if (config?.moveSet && config.moveSet.length > 0) {
const moves = config.moveSet.map(m => new PokemonMove(m));
enemyPokemon.moveset = moves;
enemyPokemon.summonData.moveset = moves;
// Set tags
if (config.tags && config.tags.length > 0) {
const tags = config.tags;
tags.forEach(tag => enemyPokemon.addTag(tag));
// mysteryEncounterBattleEffects will only be used IFF MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_POST_SUMMON tag is applied
if (config.mysteryEncounterBattleEffects) {
enemyPokemon.mysteryEncounterBattleEffects = config.mysteryEncounterBattleEffects;
// Requires re-priming summon data to update everything properly
console.log(enemyPokemon.name, enemyPokemon.species.speciesId, enemyPokemon.stats);
scene.pushPhase(new MysteryEncounterBattlePhase(scene, partyConfig.disableSwitch));
await Promise.all(loadEnemyAssets);
battle.enemyParty.forEach((enemyPokemon_2, e_1) => {
if (e_1 < (doubleBattle ? 2 : 1)) {
if (battle.double) {
enemyPokemon_2.setFieldPosition(e_1 ? FieldPosition.RIGHT : FieldPosition.LEFT);
// Spawns at current visible field instead of on "next encounter" field (off screen to the left)
enemyPokemon_2.x += 300;
if (!loaded) {
regenerateModifierPoolThresholds(scene.getEnemyField(), battle.battleType === BattleType.TRAINER ? ModifierPoolType.TRAINER : ModifierPoolType.WILD);
const customModifierTypes = partyConfig?.pokemonConfigs
?.filter(config => config?.modifierConfigs)
.map(config => config.modifierConfigs!);
* Load special move animations/sfx for hard-coded encounter-specific moves that a pokemon uses at the start of an encounter
* See: [startOfBattleEffects](IMysteryEncounter.startOfBattleEffects) for more details
* This promise does not need to be awaited on if called in an encounter onInit (will just load lazily)
* @param scene
* @param moves
export function loadCustomMovesForEncounter(scene: BattleScene, moves: Moves | Moves[]) {
moves = Array.isArray(moves) ? moves : [moves];
return Promise.all(moves.map(move => initMoveAnim(scene, move)))
.then(() => loadMoveAnimAssets(scene, moves));
* Will update player money, and animate change (sound optional)
* @param scene
* @param changeValue
* @param playSound
* @param showMessage
export function updatePlayerMoney(scene: BattleScene, changeValue: number, playSound: boolean = true, showMessage: boolean = true) {
scene.money = Math.min(Math.max(scene.money + changeValue, 0), Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
if (playSound) {
if (showMessage) {
if (changeValue < 0) {
scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("mysteryEncounterMessages:paid_money", { amount: -changeValue }), null, true);
} else {
scene.queueMessage(i18next.t("mysteryEncounterMessages:receive_money", { amount: changeValue }), null, true);
* Converts modifier bullshit to an actual item
* @param scene Battle Scene
* @param modifier
* @param pregenArgs Can specify BerryType for berries, TM for TMs, AttackBoostType for item, etc.
export function generateModifierType(scene: BattleScene, modifier: () => ModifierType, pregenArgs?: any[]): ModifierType | null {
const modifierId = Object.keys(modifierTypes).find(k => modifierTypes[k] === modifier);
if (!modifierId) {
return null;
let result: ModifierType = modifierTypes[modifierId]();
// Populates item id and tier (order matters)
result = result
return result instanceof ModifierTypeGenerator ? result.generateType(scene.getParty(), pregenArgs) : result;
* Converts modifier bullshit to an actual item
* @param scene - Battle Scene
* @param modifier
* @param pregenArgs - can specify BerryType for berries, TM for TMs, AttackBoostType for item, etc.
export function generateModifierTypeOption(scene: BattleScene, modifier: () => ModifierType, pregenArgs?: any[]): ModifierTypeOption | null {
const result = generateModifierType(scene, modifier, pregenArgs);
if (result) {
return new ModifierTypeOption(result, 0);
return result;
* This function is intended for use inside onPreOptionPhase() of an encounter option
* @param scene
* @param onPokemonSelected - Any logic that needs to be performed when Pokemon is chosen
* If a second option needs to be selected, onPokemonSelected should return a OptionSelectItem[] object
* @param onPokemonNotSelected - Any logic that needs to be performed if no Pokemon is chosen
* @param selectablePokemonFilter
export function selectPokemonForOption(scene: BattleScene, onPokemonSelected: (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => void | OptionSelectItem[], onPokemonNotSelected?: () => void, selectablePokemonFilter?: PokemonSelectFilter): Promise<boolean> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const modeToSetOnExit = scene.ui.getMode();
// Open party screen to choose pokemon
scene.ui.setMode(Mode.PARTY, PartyUiMode.SELECT, -1, (slotIndex: number, option: PartyOption) => {
if (slotIndex < scene.getParty().length) {
scene.ui.setMode(modeToSetOnExit).then(() => {
const pokemon = scene.getParty()[slotIndex];
const secondaryOptions = onPokemonSelected(pokemon);
if (!secondaryOptions) {
scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter!.setDialogueToken("selectedPokemon", pokemon.getNameToRender());
// There is a second option to choose after selecting the Pokemon
scene.ui.setMode(Mode.MESSAGE).then(() => {
const displayOptions = () => {
// Always appends a cancel option to bottom of options
const fullOptions = secondaryOptions.map(option => {
// Update handler to resolve promise
const onSelect = option.handler;
option.handler = () => {
scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter!.setDialogueToken("selectedPokemon", pokemon.getNameToRender());
return true;
return option;
label: i18next.t("menu:cancel"),
handler: () => {
return true;
onHover: () => {
showEncounterText(scene, i18next.t("mysteryEncounterMessages:cancel_option"), 0, 0, false);
const config: OptionSelectConfig = {
options: fullOptions,
maxOptions: 7,
yOffset: 0,
supportHover: true
// Do hover over the starting selection option
if (fullOptions[0].onHover) {
scene.ui.setModeWithoutClear(Mode.OPTION_SELECT, config, null, true);
const textPromptKey = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter?.selectedOption?.dialogue?.secondOptionPrompt;
if (!textPromptKey) {
} else {
showEncounterText(scene, textPromptKey).then(() => displayOptions());
} else {
scene.ui.setMode(modeToSetOnExit).then(() => {
if (onPokemonNotSelected) {
}, selectablePokemonFilter);
interface PokemonAndOptionSelected {
selectedPokemonIndex: number;
selectedOptionIndex: number;
* This function is intended for use inside onPreOptionPhase() of an encounter option
* @param scene
* If a second option needs to be selected, onPokemonSelected should return a OptionSelectItem[] object
* @param options
* @param optionSelectPromptKey
* @param selectablePokemonFilter
* @param onHoverOverCancelOption
export function selectOptionThenPokemon(scene: BattleScene, options: OptionSelectItem[], optionSelectPromptKey: string, selectablePokemonFilter?: PokemonSelectFilter, onHoverOverCancelOption?: () => void): Promise<PokemonAndOptionSelected | null> {
return new Promise<PokemonAndOptionSelected | null>(resolve => {
const modeToSetOnExit = scene.ui.getMode();
const displayOptions = (config: OptionSelectConfig) => {
scene.ui.setMode(Mode.MESSAGE).then(() => {
if (!optionSelectPromptKey) {
// Do hover over the starting selection option
if (fullOptions[0].onHover) {
scene.ui.setMode(Mode.OPTION_SELECT, config);
} else {
showEncounterText(scene, optionSelectPromptKey).then(() => {
// Do hover over the starting selection option
if (fullOptions[0].onHover) {
scene.ui.setMode(Mode.OPTION_SELECT, config);
const selectPokemonAfterOption = (selectedOptionIndex: number) => {
// Open party screen to choose a Pokemon
scene.ui.setMode(Mode.PARTY, PartyUiMode.SELECT, -1, (slotIndex: number, option: PartyOption) => {
if (slotIndex < scene.getParty().length) {
// Pokemon and option selected
scene.ui.setMode(modeToSetOnExit).then(() => {
const result: PokemonAndOptionSelected = { selectedPokemonIndex: slotIndex, selectedOptionIndex: selectedOptionIndex };
} else {
// Back to first option select screen
}, selectablePokemonFilter);
// Always appends a cancel option to bottom of options
const fullOptions = options.map((option, index) => {
// Update handler to resolve promise
const onSelect = option.handler;
option.handler = () => {
return true;
return option;
label: i18next.t("menu:cancel"),
handler: () => {
return true;
onHover: () => {
if (onHoverOverCancelOption) {
showEncounterText(scene, i18next.t("mysteryEncounterMessages:cancel_option"), 0, 0, false);
const config: OptionSelectConfig = {
options: fullOptions,
maxOptions: 7,
yOffset: 0,
supportHover: true
* Will initialize reward phases to follow the mystery encounter
* Can have shop displayed or skipped
* @param scene - Battle Scene
* @param customShopRewards - adds a shop phase with the specified rewards / reward tiers
* @param eggRewards
* @param preRewardsCallback - can execute an arbitrary callback before the new phases if necessary (useful for updating items/party/injecting new phases before MysteryEncounterRewardsPhase)
export function setEncounterRewards(scene: BattleScene, customShopRewards?: CustomModifierSettings, eggRewards?: IEggOptions[], preRewardsCallback?: Function) {
scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter!.doEncounterRewards = (scene: BattleScene) => {
if (preRewardsCallback) {
if (customShopRewards) {
scene.unshiftPhase(new SelectModifierPhase(scene, 0, undefined, customShopRewards));
} else {
scene.tryRemovePhase(p => p instanceof SelectModifierPhase);
if (eggRewards) {
eggRewards.forEach(eggOptions => {
const egg = new Egg(eggOptions);
return true;
* Will initialize exp phases into the phase queue (these are in addition to any combat or other exp earned)
* Exp Share and Exp Balance will still function as normal
* @param scene - Battle Scene
* @param participantId - id/s of party pokemon that get full exp value. Other party members will receive Exp Share amounts
* @param baseExpValue - gives exp equivalent to a pokemon of the wave index's level.
* Guidelines:
* 36 - Sunkern (lowest in game)
* 62-64 - regional starter base evos
* 100 - Scyther
* 170 - Spiritomb
* 250 - Gengar
* 290 - trio legendaries
* 340 - box legendaries
* 608 - Blissey (highest in game)
* https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_by_effort_value_yield_(Generation_IX)
* @param useWaveIndex - set to false when directly passing the the full exp value instead of baseExpValue
export function setEncounterExp(scene: BattleScene, participantId: number | number[], baseExpValue: number, useWaveIndex: boolean = true) {
const participantIds = Array.isArray(participantId) ? participantId : [participantId];
scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter!.doEncounterExp = (scene: BattleScene) => {
scene.unshiftPhase(new PartyExpPhase(scene, baseExpValue, useWaveIndex, new Set(participantIds)));
return true;
export class OptionSelectSettings {
hideDescription?: boolean;
slideInDescription?: boolean;
overrideTitle?: string;
overrideDescription?: string;
overrideQuery?: string;
overrideOptions?: MysteryEncounterOption[];
startingCursorIndex?: number;
* Can be used to queue a new series of Options to select for an Encounter
* MUST be used only in onOptionPhase, will not work in onPreOptionPhase or onPostOptionPhase
* @param scene
* @param optionSelectSettings
export function initSubsequentOptionSelect(scene: BattleScene, optionSelectSettings: OptionSelectSettings) {
scene.pushPhase(new MysteryEncounterPhase(scene, optionSelectSettings));
* Can be used to exit an encounter without any battles or followup
* Will skip any shops and rewards, and queue the next encounter phase as normal
* @param scene
* @param addHealPhase - when true, will add a shop phase to end of encounter with 0 rewards but healing items are available
* @param encounterMode - Can set custom encounter mode if necessary (may be required for forcing Pokemon to return before next phase)
export function leaveEncounterWithoutBattle(scene: BattleScene, addHealPhase: boolean = false, encounterMode: MysteryEncounterMode = MysteryEncounterMode.NO_BATTLE) {
scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter!.encounterMode = encounterMode;
handleMysteryEncounterVictory(scene, addHealPhase);
* @param scene
* @param addHealPhase - Adds an empty shop phase to allow player to purchase healing items
* @param doNotContinue - default `false`. If set to true, will not end the battle and continue to next wave
export function handleMysteryEncounterVictory(scene: BattleScene, addHealPhase: boolean = false, doNotContinue: boolean = false) {
const allowedPkm = scene.getParty().filter((pkm) => pkm.isAllowedInBattle());
if (allowedPkm.length === 0) {
scene.unshiftPhase(new GameOverPhase(scene));
// If in repeated encounter variant, do nothing
// Variant must eventually be swapped in order to handle "true" end of the encounter
const encounter = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter!;
if (encounter.continuousEncounter || doNotContinue) {
} else if (encounter.encounterMode === MysteryEncounterMode.NO_BATTLE) {
scene.pushPhase(new EggLapsePhase(scene));
scene.pushPhase(new MysteryEncounterRewardsPhase(scene, addHealPhase));
} else if (!scene.getEnemyParty().find(p => encounter.encounterMode !== MysteryEncounterMode.TRAINER_BATTLE ? p.isOnField() : !p?.isFainted(true))) {
scene.pushPhase(new BattleEndPhase(scene));
if (encounter.encounterMode === MysteryEncounterMode.TRAINER_BATTLE) {
scene.pushPhase(new TrainerVictoryPhase(scene));
if (scene.gameMode.isEndless || !scene.gameMode.isWaveFinal(scene.currentBattle.waveIndex)) {
if (!encounter.doContinueEncounter) {
// Only lapse eggs once for multi-battle encounters
scene.pushPhase(new EggLapsePhase(scene));
scene.pushPhase(new MysteryEncounterRewardsPhase(scene, addHealPhase));
* @param scene
* @param hide - If true, performs ease out and hide visuals. If false, eases in visuals. Defaults to true
* @param destroy - If true, will destroy visuals ONLY ON HIDE TRANSITION. Does nothing on show. Defaults to true
* @param duration
export function transitionMysteryEncounterIntroVisuals(scene: BattleScene, hide: boolean = true, destroy: boolean = true, duration: number = 750): Promise<boolean> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const introVisuals = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter!.introVisuals;
const enemyPokemon = scene.getEnemyField();
if (enemyPokemon) {
scene.currentBattle.enemyParty = [];
if (introVisuals) {
if (!hide) {
// Make sure visuals are in proper state for showing
introVisuals.x = 244;
introVisuals.y = 60;
introVisuals.alpha = 0;
// Transition
targets: [introVisuals, enemyPokemon],
x: `${hide? "+" : "-"}=16`,
y: `${hide ? "-" : "+"}=16`,
alpha: hide ? 0 : 1,
ease: "Sine.easeInOut",
onComplete: () => {
if (hide && destroy) {
scene.field.remove(introVisuals, true);
enemyPokemon.forEach(pokemon => {
scene.field.remove(pokemon, true);
scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter!.introVisuals = undefined;
} else {
* Will queue moves for any pokemon to use before the first CommandPhase of a battle
* Mostly useful for allowing MysteryEncounter enemies to "cheat" and use moves before the first turn
* @param scene
export function handleMysteryEncounterBattleStartEffects(scene: BattleScene) {
const encounter = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter;
if (scene.currentBattle.battleType === BattleType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER && encounter && encounter.encounterMode !== MysteryEncounterMode.NO_BATTLE && !encounter.startOfBattleEffectsComplete) {
const effects = encounter.startOfBattleEffects;
effects.forEach(effect => {
let source;
if (effect.sourcePokemon) {
source = effect.sourcePokemon;
} else if (!isNullOrUndefined(effect.sourceBattlerIndex)) {
if (effect.sourceBattlerIndex === BattlerIndex.ATTACKER) {
source = scene.getEnemyField()[0];
} else if (effect.sourceBattlerIndex === BattlerIndex.ENEMY) {
source = scene.getEnemyField()[0];
} else if (effect.sourceBattlerIndex === BattlerIndex.ENEMY_2) {
source = scene.getEnemyField()[1];
} else if (effect.sourceBattlerIndex === BattlerIndex.PLAYER) {
source = scene.getPlayerField()[0];
} else if (effect.sourceBattlerIndex === BattlerIndex.PLAYER_2) {
source = scene.getPlayerField()[1];
} else {
source = scene.getEnemyField()[0];
scene.pushPhase(new MovePhase(scene, source, effect.targets, effect.move, effect.followUp, effect.ignorePp));
// Pseudo turn end phase to reset flinch states, Endure, etc.
scene.pushPhase(new MysteryEncounterBattleStartCleanupPhase(scene));
encounter.startOfBattleEffectsComplete = true;
* Can queue extra phases or logic during {@linkcode TurnInitPhase}
* Should mostly just be used for injecting custom phases into the battle system on turn start
* @param scene
* @return boolean - if true, will skip the remainder of the {@linkcode TurnInitPhase}
export function handleMysteryEncounterTurnStartEffects(scene: BattleScene): boolean {
const encounter = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter;
if (scene.currentBattle.battleType === BattleType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER && encounter && encounter.onTurnStart) {
return encounter.onTurnStart(scene);
return false;
* TODO: remove once encounter spawn rate is finalized
* Just a helper function to calculate aggregate stats for MEs in a Classic run
* @param scene
* @param baseSpawnWeight
export function calculateMEAggregateStats(scene: BattleScene, baseSpawnWeight: number) {
const numRuns = 1000;
let run = 0;
const biomes = Object.keys(Biome).filter(key => isNaN(Number(key)));
const alwaysPickTheseBiomes = [Biome.ISLAND, Biome.ABYSS, Biome.WASTELAND, Biome.FAIRY_CAVE, Biome.TEMPLE, Biome.LABORATORY, Biome.SPACE, Biome.WASTELAND];
const calculateNumEncounters = (): any[] => {
let encounterRate = baseSpawnWeight; // BASE_MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_WEIGHT
const numEncounters = [0, 0, 0, 0];
let mostRecentEncounterWave = 0;
const encountersByBiome = new Map<string, number>(biomes.map(b => [b, 0]));
const validMEfloorsByBiome = new Map<string, number>(biomes.map(b => [b, 0]));
let currentBiome = Biome.TOWN;
let currentArena = scene.newArena(currentBiome);
for (let i = 10; i < 180; i++) {
// Boss
if (i % 10 === 0) {
// New biome
if (i % 10 === 1) {
if (Array.isArray(biomeLinks[currentBiome])) {
let biomes: Biome[];
scene.executeWithSeedOffset(() => {
biomes = (biomeLinks[currentBiome] as (Biome | [Biome, number])[])
.filter(b => {
return !Array.isArray(b) || !Utils.randSeedInt(b[1]);
.map(b => !Array.isArray(b) ? b : b[0]);
}, i * 100);
if (biomes! && biomes.length > 0) {
const specialBiomes = biomes.filter(b => alwaysPickTheseBiomes.includes(b));
if (specialBiomes.length > 0) {
currentBiome = specialBiomes[Utils.randSeedInt(specialBiomes.length)];
} else {
currentBiome = biomes[Utils.randSeedInt(biomes.length)];
} else if (biomeLinks.hasOwnProperty(currentBiome)) {
currentBiome = (biomeLinks[currentBiome] as Biome);
} else {
if (!(i % 50)) {
currentBiome = Biome.END;
} else {
currentBiome = scene.generateRandomBiome(i);
currentArena = scene.newArena(currentBiome);
// Fixed battle
if (scene.gameMode.isFixedBattle(i)) {
// Trainer
if (scene.gameMode.isWaveTrainer(i, currentArena)) {
// Otherwise, roll encounter
const roll = Utils.randSeedInt(256);
validMEfloorsByBiome.set(Biome[currentBiome], (validMEfloorsByBiome.get(Biome[currentBiome]) ?? 0) + 1);
// If total number of encounters is lower than expected for the run, slightly favor a new encounter
// Do the reverse as well
const expectedEncountersByFloor = AVERAGE_ENCOUNTERS_PER_RUN_TARGET / (180 - 10) * (i - 10);
const currentRunDiffFromAvg = expectedEncountersByFloor - numEncounters.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
const favoredEncounterRate = encounterRate + currentRunDiffFromAvg * 15;
// If the most recent ME was 3 or fewer waves ago, can never spawn a ME
const canSpawn = (i - mostRecentEncounterWave) > 3;
if (canSpawn && roll < favoredEncounterRate) {
mostRecentEncounterWave = i;
encounterRate = baseSpawnWeight;
// Calculate encounter rarity
// Common / Uncommon / Rare / Super Rare (base is out of 128)
const tierWeights = [66, 40, 19, 3];
// Adjust tier weights by currently encountered events (pity system that lowers odds of multiple Common/Great)
tierWeights[0] = tierWeights[0] - 6 * numEncounters[0];
tierWeights[1] = tierWeights[1] - 4 * numEncounters[1];
const totalWeight = tierWeights.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
const tierValue = Utils.randSeedInt(totalWeight);
const commonThreshold = totalWeight - tierWeights[0]; // 64 - 32 = 32
const uncommonThreshold = totalWeight - tierWeights[0] - tierWeights[1]; // 64 - 32 - 16 = 16
const rareThreshold = totalWeight - tierWeights[0] - tierWeights[1] - tierWeights[2]; // 64 - 32 - 16 - 10 = 6
tierValue > commonThreshold ? ++numEncounters[0] : tierValue > uncommonThreshold ? ++numEncounters[1] : tierValue > rareThreshold ? ++numEncounters[2] : ++numEncounters[3];
encountersByBiome.set(Biome[currentBiome], (encountersByBiome.get(Biome[currentBiome]) ?? 0) + 1);
} else {
return [numEncounters, encountersByBiome, validMEfloorsByBiome];
const encounterRuns: number[][] = [];
const encountersByBiomeRuns: Map<string, number>[] = [];
const validFloorsByBiome: Map<string, number>[] = [];
while (run < numRuns) {
scene.executeWithSeedOffset(() => {
const [numEncounters, encountersByBiome, validMEfloorsByBiome] = calculateNumEncounters();
}, 1000 * run);
const n = encounterRuns.length;
const totalEncountersInRun = encounterRuns.map(run => run.reduce((a, b) => a + b));
const totalMean = totalEncountersInRun.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / n;
const totalStd = Math.sqrt(totalEncountersInRun.map(x => Math.pow(x - totalMean, 2)).reduce((a, b) => a + b) / n);
const commonMean = encounterRuns.reduce((a, b) => a + b[0], 0) / n;
const uncommonMean = encounterRuns.reduce((a, b) => a + b[1], 0) / n;
const rareMean = encounterRuns.reduce((a, b) => a + b[2], 0) / n;
const superRareMean = encounterRuns.reduce((a, b) => a + b[3], 0) / n;
const encountersPerRunPerBiome = encountersByBiomeRuns.reduce((a, b) => {
for (const biome of a.keys()) {
a.set(biome, a.get(biome)! + b.get(biome)!);
return a;
const meanEncountersPerRunPerBiome: Map<string, number> = new Map<string, number>();
encountersPerRunPerBiome.forEach((value, key) => {
meanEncountersPerRunPerBiome.set(key, value / n);
const validMEFloorsPerRunPerBiome = validFloorsByBiome.reduce((a, b) => {
for (const biome of a.keys()) {
a.set(biome, a.get(biome)! + b.get(biome)!);
return a;
const meanMEFloorsPerRunPerBiome: Map<string, number> = new Map<string, number>();
validMEFloorsPerRunPerBiome.forEach((value, key) => {
meanMEFloorsPerRunPerBiome.set(key, value / n);
let stats = `Starting weight: ${baseSpawnWeight}\nAverage MEs per run: ${totalMean}\nStandard Deviation: ${totalStd}\nAvg Commons: ${commonMean}\nAvg Greats: ${uncommonMean}\nAvg Ultras: ${rareMean}\nAvg Rogues: ${superRareMean}\n`;
const meanEncountersPerRunPerBiomeSorted = [...meanEncountersPerRunPerBiome.entries()].sort((e1, e2) => e2[1] - e1[1]);
meanEncountersPerRunPerBiomeSorted.forEach(value => stats = stats + `${value[0]}: avg valid floors ${meanMEFloorsPerRunPerBiome.get(value[0])}, avg MEs ${value[1]},\n`);
* TODO: remove once encounter spawn rate is finalized
* Just a helper function to calculate aggregate stats for MEs in a Classic run
* @param scene
* @param luckValue - 0 to 14
export function calculateRareSpawnAggregateStats(scene: BattleScene, luckValue: number) {
const numRuns = 1000;
let run = 0;
const calculateNumRareEncounters = (): any[] => {
const bossEncountersByRarity = [0, 0, 0, 0];
// There are 12 wild boss floors
for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
// Roll boss tier
// luck influences encounter rarity
let luckModifier = 0;
if (!isNaN(luckValue)) {
luckModifier = luckValue * 0.5;
const tierValue = Utils.randSeedInt(64 - luckModifier);
const tier = tierValue >= 20 ? BiomePoolTier.BOSS : tierValue >= 6 ? BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE : tierValue >= 1 ? BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE : BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE;
switch (tier) {
case BiomePoolTier.BOSS:
case BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE:
case BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE:
case BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE:
return bossEncountersByRarity;
const encounterRuns: number[][] = [];
while (run < numRuns) {
scene.executeWithSeedOffset(() => {
const bossEncountersByRarity = calculateNumRareEncounters();
}, 1000 * run);
const n = encounterRuns.length;
// const totalEncountersInRun = encounterRuns.map(run => run.reduce((a, b) => a + b));
// const totalMean = totalEncountersInRun.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / n;
// const totalStd = Math.sqrt(totalEncountersInRun.map(x => Math.pow(x - totalMean, 2)).reduce((a, b) => a + b) / n);
const commonMean = encounterRuns.reduce((a, b) => a + b[0], 0) / n;
const rareMean = encounterRuns.reduce((a, b) => a + b[1], 0) / n;
const superRareMean = encounterRuns.reduce((a, b) => a + b[2], 0) / n;
const ultraRareMean = encounterRuns.reduce((a, b) => a + b[3], 0) / n;
const stats = `Avg Commons: ${commonMean}\nAvg Rare: ${rareMean}\nAvg Super Rare: ${superRareMean}\nAvg Ultra Rare: ${ultraRareMean}\n`;