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synced 2025-03-26 03:28:32 +00:00
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334 lines
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import { MysteryEncounterOptionBuilder } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounter-option";
import { leaveEncounterWithoutBattle, selectPokemonForOption, setEncounterExp, setEncounterRewards, transitionMysteryEncounterIntroVisuals, updatePlayerMoney } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/utils/encounter-phase-utils";
import { MysteryEncounterType } from "#enums/mystery-encounter-type";
import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene";
import MysteryEncounter, { MysteryEncounterBuilder } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounter";
import { MoveRequirement } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounter-requirements";
import { MysteryEncounterTier } from "#enums/mystery-encounter-tier";
import { MysteryEncounterOptionMode } from "#enums/mystery-encounter-option-mode";
import { Stat } from "#enums/stat";
import { CHARMING_MOVES } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/requirements/requirement-groups";
import { showEncounterDialogue, showEncounterText } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/utils/encounter-dialogue-utils";
import i18next from "i18next";
import Pokemon, { PlayerPokemon } from "#app/field/pokemon";
import { CLASSIC_MODE_MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_WAVES } from "#app/game-mode";
import { isPokemonValidForEncounterOptionSelection } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/utils/encounter-pokemon-utils";
/** the i18n namespace for the encounter */
const namespace = "mysteryEncounters/partTimer";
* Part Timer encounter.
* @see {@link https://github.com/pagefaultgames/pokerogue/issues/3813 | GitHub Issue #3813}
* @see For biome requirements check {@linkcode mysteryEncountersByBiome}
export const PartTimerEncounter: MysteryEncounter =
spriteKey: "part_timer_crate",
fileRoot: "mystery-encounters",
hasShadow: false,
y: 6,
x: 15
spriteKey: "worker_f",
fileRoot: "trainer",
hasShadow: true,
x: -18,
y: 4
text: `${namespace}:intro`,
speaker: `${namespace}:speaker`,
text: `${namespace}:intro_dialogue`,
.withOnInit((scene: BattleScene) => {
// Load sfx
scene.loadSe("PRSFX- Horn Drill1", "battle_anims", "PRSFX- Horn Drill1.wav");
scene.loadSe("PRSFX- Horn Drill3", "battle_anims", "PRSFX- Horn Drill3.wav");
scene.loadSe("PRSFX- Guillotine2", "battle_anims", "PRSFX- Guillotine2.wav");
scene.loadSe("PRSFX- Heavy Slam2", "battle_anims", "PRSFX- Heavy Slam2.wav");
scene.loadSe("PRSFX- Agility", "battle_anims", "PRSFX- Agility.wav");
scene.loadSe("PRSFX- Extremespeed1", "battle_anims", "PRSFX- Extremespeed1.wav");
scene.loadSe("PRSFX- Accelerock1", "battle_anims", "PRSFX- Accelerock1.wav");
scene.loadSe("PRSFX- Captivate", "battle_anims", "PRSFX- Captivate.wav");
scene.loadSe("PRSFX- Attract2", "battle_anims", "PRSFX- Attract2.wav");
scene.loadSe("PRSFX- Aurora Veil2", "battle_anims", "PRSFX- Aurora Veil2.wav");
return true;
buttonLabel: `${namespace}:option.1.label`,
buttonTooltip: `${namespace}:option.1.tooltip`,
selected: [
text: `${namespace}:option.1.selected`
.withPreOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene) => {
const encounter = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter!;
const onPokemonSelected = (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => {
encounter.setDialogueToken("selectedPokemon", pokemon.getNameToRender());
// Calculate the "baseline" stat value (90 base stat, 16 IVs, neutral nature, same level as pokemon) to compare
// Resulting money is 2.5 * (% difference from baseline), with minimum of 1 and maximum of 4.
// Calculation from Pokemon.calculateStats
const baselineValue = Math.floor(((2 * 90 + 16) * pokemon.level) * 0.01) + 5;
const percentDiff = (pokemon.getStat(Stat.SPD) - baselineValue) / baselineValue;
const moneyMultiplier = Math.min(Math.max(2.5 * (1 + percentDiff), 1), 4);
encounter.misc = {
// Reduce all PP to 2 (if they started at greater than 2)
pokemon.moveset.forEach(move => {
if (move) {
const newPpUsed = move.getMovePp() - 2;
move.ppUsed = move.ppUsed < newPpUsed ? newPpUsed : move.ppUsed;
setEncounterExp(scene, pokemon.id, 100);
// Hide intro visuals
transitionMysteryEncounterIntroVisuals(scene, true, false);
// Play sfx for "working"
// Only Pokemon non-KOd pokemon can be selected
const selectableFilter = (pokemon: Pokemon) => {
return isPokemonValidForEncounterOptionSelection(pokemon, scene, `${namespace}:invalid_selection`);
return selectPokemonForOption(scene, onPokemonSelected, undefined, selectableFilter);
.withOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene) => {
// Pick Deliveries
// Bring visuals back in
await transitionMysteryEncounterIntroVisuals(scene, false, false);
const moneyMultiplier = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter!.misc.moneyMultiplier;
// Give money and do dialogue
if (moneyMultiplier > 2.5) {
await showEncounterDialogue(scene, `${namespace}:job_complete_good`, `${namespace}:speaker`);
} else {
await showEncounterDialogue(scene, `${namespace}:job_complete_bad`, `${namespace}:speaker`);
const moneyChange = scene.getWaveMoneyAmount(moneyMultiplier);
updatePlayerMoney(scene, moneyChange, true, false);
await showEncounterText(scene, i18next.t("mysteryEncounterMessages:receive_money", { amount: moneyChange }));
await showEncounterText(scene, `${namespace}:pokemon_tired`);
setEncounterRewards(scene, { fillRemaining: true });
buttonLabel: `${namespace}:option.2.label`,
buttonTooltip: `${namespace}:option.2.tooltip`,
selected: [
text: `${namespace}:option.2.selected`
.withPreOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene) => {
const encounter = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter!;
const onPokemonSelected = (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => {
encounter.setDialogueToken("selectedPokemon", pokemon.getNameToRender());
// Calculate the "baseline" stat value (75 base stat, 16 IVs, neutral nature, same level as pokemon) to compare
// Resulting money is 2.5 * (% difference from baseline), with minimum of 1 and maximum of 4.
// Calculation from Pokemon.calculateStats
const baselineHp = Math.floor(((2 * 75 + 16) * pokemon.level) * 0.01) + pokemon.level + 10;
const baselineAtkDef = Math.floor(((2 * 75 + 16) * pokemon.level) * 0.01) + 5;
const baselineValue = baselineHp + 1.5 * (baselineAtkDef * 2);
const strongestValue = pokemon.getStat(Stat.HP) + 1.5 * (pokemon.getStat(Stat.ATK) + pokemon.getStat(Stat.DEF));
const percentDiff = (strongestValue - baselineValue) / baselineValue;
const moneyMultiplier = Math.min(Math.max(2.5 * (1 + percentDiff), 1), 4);
encounter.misc = {
// Reduce all PP to 2 (if they started at greater than 2)
pokemon.moveset.forEach(move => {
if (move) {
const newPpUsed = move.getMovePp() - 2;
move.ppUsed = move.ppUsed < newPpUsed ? newPpUsed : move.ppUsed;
setEncounterExp(scene, pokemon.id, 100);
// Hide intro visuals
transitionMysteryEncounterIntroVisuals(scene, true, false);
// Play sfx for "working"
// Only Pokemon non-KOd pokemon can be selected
const selectableFilter = (pokemon: Pokemon) => {
return isPokemonValidForEncounterOptionSelection(pokemon, scene, `${namespace}:invalid_selection`);
return selectPokemonForOption(scene, onPokemonSelected, undefined, selectableFilter);
.withOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene) => {
// Pick Move Warehouse items
// Bring visuals back in
await transitionMysteryEncounterIntroVisuals(scene, false, false);
const moneyMultiplier = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter!.misc.moneyMultiplier;
// Give money and do dialogue
if (moneyMultiplier > 2.5) {
await showEncounterDialogue(scene, `${namespace}:job_complete_good`, `${namespace}:speaker`);
} else {
await showEncounterDialogue(scene, `${namespace}:job_complete_bad`, `${namespace}:speaker`);
const moneyChange = scene.getWaveMoneyAmount(moneyMultiplier);
updatePlayerMoney(scene, moneyChange, true, false);
await showEncounterText(scene, i18next.t("mysteryEncounterMessages:receive_money", { amount: moneyChange }));
await showEncounterText(scene, `${namespace}:pokemon_tired`);
setEncounterRewards(scene, { fillRemaining: true });
.withPrimaryPokemonRequirement(new MoveRequirement(CHARMING_MOVES)) // Will set option3PrimaryName and option3PrimaryMove dialogue tokens automatically
buttonLabel: `${namespace}:option.3.label`,
buttonTooltip: `${namespace}:option.3.tooltip`,
disabledButtonTooltip: `${namespace}:option.3.disabled_tooltip`,
selected: [
text: `${namespace}:option.3.selected`,
.withPreOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene) => {
const encounter = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter!;
const selectedPokemon = encounter.selectedOption?.primaryPokemon!;
encounter.setDialogueToken("selectedPokemon", selectedPokemon.getNameToRender());
// Reduce all PP to 2 (if they started at greater than 2)
selectedPokemon.moveset.forEach(move => {
if (move) {
const newPpUsed = move.getMovePp() - 2;
move.ppUsed = move.ppUsed < newPpUsed ? newPpUsed : move.ppUsed;
setEncounterExp(scene, selectedPokemon.id, 100);
// Hide intro visuals
transitionMysteryEncounterIntroVisuals(scene, true, false);
// Play sfx for "working"
return true;
.withOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene) => {
// Assist with Sales
// Bring visuals back in
await transitionMysteryEncounterIntroVisuals(scene, false, false);
// Give money and do dialogue
await showEncounterDialogue(scene, `${namespace}:job_complete_good`, `${namespace}:speaker`);
const moneyChange = scene.getWaveMoneyAmount(2.5);
updatePlayerMoney(scene, moneyChange, true, false);
await showEncounterText(scene, i18next.t("mysteryEncounterMessages:receive_money", { amount: moneyChange }));
await showEncounterText(scene, `${namespace}:pokemon_tired`);
setEncounterRewards(scene, { fillRemaining: true });
speaker: `${namespace}:speaker`,
text: `${namespace}:outro`,
function doStrongWorkSfx(scene: BattleScene) {
scene.playSound("battle_anims/PRSFX- Horn Drill1");
scene.playSound("battle_anims/PRSFX- Horn Drill1");
scene.time.delayedCall(1000, () => {
scene.playSound("battle_anims/PRSFX- Guillotine2");
scene.time.delayedCall(2000, () => {
scene.playSound("battle_anims/PRSFX- Heavy Slam2");
scene.time.delayedCall(2500, () => {
scene.playSound("battle_anims/PRSFX- Guillotine2");
function doDeliverySfx(scene: BattleScene) {
scene.playSound("battle_anims/PRSFX- Accelerock1");
scene.time.delayedCall(1500, () => {
scene.playSound("battle_anims/PRSFX- Extremespeed1");
scene.time.delayedCall(2000, () => {
scene.playSound("battle_anims/PRSFX- Extremespeed1");
scene.time.delayedCall(2250, () => {
scene.playSound("battle_anims/PRSFX- Agility");
function doSalesSfx(scene: BattleScene) {
scene.playSound("battle_anims/PRSFX- Captivate");
scene.time.delayedCall(1500, () => {
scene.playSound("battle_anims/PRSFX- Attract2");
scene.time.delayedCall(2000, () => {
scene.playSound("battle_anims/PRSFX- Aurora Veil2");
scene.time.delayedCall(3000, () => {
scene.playSound("battle_anims/PRSFX- Attract2");