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synced 2025-03-18 15:55:10 +00:00
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86 lines
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import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/plugins/i18n";
* The menu namespace holds most miscellaneous text that isn't directly part of the game's
* contents or directly related to Pokemon data. This includes menu navigation, settings,
* account interactions, descriptive text, etc.
export const menu: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"continue": "Continue",
"dailyRun": "Daily Run (Beta)",
"loadGame": "Load Game",
"newGame": "New Game",
"selectGameMode": "Select a game mode.",
"logInOrCreateAccount": "Log in or create an account to start. No email required!",
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password",
"login": "Login",
"register": "Register",
"emptyUsername": "Username must not be empty",
"invalidLoginUsername": "The provided username is invalid",
"invalidRegisterUsername": "Username must only contain letters, numbers, or underscores",
"invalidLoginPassword": "The provided password is invalid",
"invalidRegisterPassword": "Password must be 6 characters or longer",
"usernameAlreadyUsed": "The provided username is already in use",
"accountNonExistent": "The provided user does not exist",
"unmatchingPassword": "The provided password does not match",
"passwordNotMatchingConfirmPassword": "Password must match confirm password",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm Password",
"registrationAgeWarning": "By registering, you confirm you are of 13 years of age or older.",
"backToLogin": "Back to Login",
"failedToLoadSaveData": "Failed to load save data. Please reload the page.\nIf this continues, please contact the administrator.",
"sessionSuccess": "Session loaded successfully.",
"failedToLoadSession": "Your session data could not be loaded.\nIt may be corrupted.",
"boyOrGirl": "Are you a boy or a girl?",
"boy": "Boy",
"girl": "Girl",
"bossAppeared": "{{bossName}} appeared.",
"trainerAppeared": "{{trainerName}}\nwould like to battle!",
"singleWildAppeared": "A wild {{pokemonName}} appeared!",
"multiWildAppeared": "A wild {{pokemonName1}}\nand {{pokemonName2}} appeared!",
"playerComeBack": "Come back, {{pokemonName}}!",
"trainerComeBack": "{{trainerName}} withdrew {{pokemonName}}!",
"playerGo": "Go! {{pokemonName}}!",
"trainerGo": "{{trainerName}} sent out {{pokemonName}}!",
"switchQuestion": "Will you switch\n{{pokemonName}}?",
"trainerDefeated": `You defeated\n{{trainerName}}!`,
"pokemonCaught": "{{pokemonName}} was caught!",
"pokemon": "Pokémon",
"sendOutPokemon": "Go! {{pokemonName}}!",
"attackFailed": "But it failed!",
"attackHitsCount": `Hit {{count}} time(s)!`,
"expGain": "{{pokemonName}} gained\n{{exp}} EXP. Points!",
"levelUp": "{{pokemonName}} grew to\nLv. {{level}}!",
"learnMove": "{{pokemonName}} learned\n{{moveName}}!",
"learnMovePrompt": "{{pokemonName}} wants to learn the\nmove {{moveName}}.",
"learnMoveLimitReached": "However, {{pokemonName}} already\nknows four moves.",
"learnMoveReplaceQuestion": "Should a move be forgotten and\nreplaced with {{moveName}}?",
"learnMoveStopTeaching": "Stop trying to teach\n{{moveName}}?",
"learnMoveNotLearned": "{{pokemonName}} did not learn the\nmove {{moveName}}.",
"learnMoveForgetQuestion": "Which move should be forgotten?",
"learnMoveForgetSuccess": "{{pokemonName}} forgot how to\nuse {{moveName}}.",
"levelCapUp": "The level cap\nhas increased to {{levelCap}}!",
"moveNotImplemented": "{{moveName}} is not yet implemented and cannot be selected.",
"moveDisabled": "{{moveName}} is disabled!",
"noPokeballForce": "An unseen force\nprevents using Poké Balls.",
"noPokeballTrainer": "You can't catch\nanother trainer's Pokémon!",
"noPokeballMulti": "You can only throw a Poké Ball\nwhen there is one Pokémon remaining!",
"noPokeballStrong": "The target Pokémon is too strong to be caught!\nYou need to weaken it first!",
"noEscapeForce": "An unseen force\nprevents escape.",
"noEscapeTrainer": "You can't run\nfrom a trainer battle!",
"noEscapePokemon": "{{pokemonName}}'s {{moveName}}\nprevents {{escapeVerb}}!",
"runAwaySuccess": "You got away safely!",
"runAwayCannotEscape": 'You can\'t escape!',
"escapeVerbSwitch": "switching",
"escapeVerbFlee": "fleeing",
"notDisabled": "{{moveName}} is disabled\nno more!",
"skipItemQuestion": "Are you sure you want to skip taking an item?",
"eggHatching": "Oh?",
"ivScannerUseQuestion": "Use IV Scanner on {{pokemonName}}?",
"dailyRankings": "Daily Rankings",
"weeklyRankings": "Weekly Rankings",
"noRankings": "No Rankings",
"loading": "Loading…",
"playersOnline": "Players Online"
} as const; |