flx-sta 48430c8feb
[Feature] Seasonal splash messages logic + scaffolding (#4318)
* add: seasonsl splash messages logic + scaffolding

* refactor: settin up and displaying splash messages.

They are now stored with their i18next keys and only get translated as soon as they are displayed. This also allows for better display of the `battlesWon` parameter which now supports better number formatting and the count is an interpolation

* fix: updateTitleStats not checking the namespace of battlesWon

* add tests for splash_messages

* test: always use UTC time

* fix: time-pattern to MM-DD

* fix splash_messages test

* add: const to control usage of seasonal splash messages

* fix tests (splashj)

* Update src/locales/ja/splash-messages.json

Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <>

* Update src/locales/es/splash-messages.json

Add missing `number` format for battlesWon message


Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <>
2024-09-19 15:59:37 -07:00

37 lines
1.7 KiB

"battlesWon": "¡{{count, number}} Batallas ganadas!",
"joinTheDiscord": "¡Únete al Discord!",
"infiniteLevels": "¡Niveles infinitos!",
"everythingStacks": "¡Todo se acumula!",
"optionalSaveScumming": "¡Trampas de guardado opcionales!",
"biomes": "¡35 biomas!",
"openSource": "¡Código abierto!",
"playWithSpeed": "¡Juega a velocidad 5x!",
"liveBugTesting": "¡Testeo de bugs en directo!",
"heavyInfluence": "¡Mucha Influencia de RoR2!",
"pokemonRiskAndPokemonRain": "¡Pokémon Risk y Pokémon Rain!",
"nowWithMoreSalt": "¡Con un 33% más de polémica!",
"infiniteFusionAtHome": "¡Infinite Fusion en casa!",
"brokenEggMoves": "¡Movimientos Huevo rotos!",
"magnificent": "¡Magnífico!",
"mubstitute": "¡Mubstituto!",
"thatsCrazy": "¡De locos!",
"oranceJuice": "¡Zumo de narancia!",
"questionableBalancing": "¡Cambios en balance cuestionables!",
"coolShaders": "¡Shaders impresionantes!",
"aiFree": "¡Libre de IA!",
"suddenDifficultySpikes": "¡Saltos de dificultad repentinos!",
"basedOnAnUnfinishedFlashGame": "¡Basado en un juego Flash inacabado!",
"moreAddictiveThanIntended": "¡Más adictivo de lo previsto!",
"mostlyConsistentSeeds": "¡Semillas CASI consistentes!",
"achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "¡Los Puntos de Logro no hacen nada!",
"youDoNotStartAtLevel": "¡No empiezas al nivel 2000!",
"dontTalkAboutTheManaphyEggIncident": "¡No se habla del Incidente Manaphy!",
"alsoTryPokengine": "¡Prueba también Pokéngine!",
"alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "¡Prueba también Emerald Rogue!",
"alsoTryRadicalRed": "¡Prueba también Radical Red!",
"eeveeExpo": "¡Eevee Expo!",
"ynoproject": "¡YNOproject!",
"breedersInSpace": "Criadores... ¡EN EL ESPACIO!"