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synced 2025-03-04 17:09:29 +00:00
* moving enums * import updates * fix tsconfig paths importing (#2184) * reverse index.ts addition --------- Co-authored-by: Devin Korb <meepdarknessmeep@gmail.com>
194 lines
7.5 KiB
194 lines
7.5 KiB
import { default as Pokemon } from "../field/pokemon";
import { addTextObject, TextStyle } from "./text";
import * as Utils from "../utils";
import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene.js";
import Move from "#app/data/move.js";
import { BattleSceneEventType, BerryUsedEvent, MoveUsedEvent } from "../events/battle-scene";
import { BerryType } from "#enums/berry-type";
import { Moves } from "#enums/moves";
import { UiTheme } from "#enums/ui-theme";
/** Container for info about a {@linkcode Move} */
interface MoveInfo {
/** The {@linkcode Move} itself */
move: Move,
/** The maximum PP of the {@linkcode Move} */
maxPp: number,
/** The amount of PP used by the {@linkcode Move} */
ppUsed: number,
/** A Flyout Menu attached to each {@linkcode BattleInfo} object on the field UI */
export default class BattleFlyout extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
/** An alias for the scene typecast to a {@linkcode BattleScene} */
private battleScene: BattleScene;
/** Is this object linked to a player's Pokemon? */
private player: boolean;
/** The Pokemon this object is linked to */
private pokemon: Pokemon;
/** The restricted width of the flyout which should be drawn to */
private flyoutWidth = 118;
/** The restricted height of the flyout which should be drawn to */
private flyoutHeight = 23;
/** The amount of translation animation on the x-axis */
private translationX: number;
/** The x-axis point where the flyout should sit when activated */
private anchorX: number;
/** The y-axis point where the flyout should sit when activated */
private anchorY: number;
/** The initial container which defines where the flyout should be attached */
private flyoutParent: Phaser.GameObjects.Container;
/** The background {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;} for the flyout */
private flyoutBackground: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
/** The container which defines the drawable dimensions of the flyout */
private flyoutContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container;
/** The array of {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Text} objects which are drawn on the flyout */
private flyoutText: Phaser.GameObjects.Text[] = new Array(4);
/** The array of {@linkcode MoveInfo} used to track moves for the {@linkcode Pokemon} linked to the flyout */
private moveInfo: MoveInfo[] = new Array();
/** Current state of the flyout's visibility */
public flyoutVisible: boolean = false;
// Stores callbacks in a variable so they can be unsubscribed from when destroyed
private readonly onMoveUsedEvent = (event: Event) => this.onMoveUsed(event);
private readonly onBerryUsedEvent = (event: Event) => this.onBerryUsed(event);
constructor(scene: Phaser.Scene, player: boolean) {
super(scene, 0, 0);
this.battleScene = scene as BattleScene;
// Note that all player based flyouts are disabled. This is included in case of future development
this.player = player;
this.translationX = this.player ? -this.flyoutWidth : this.flyoutWidth;
this.anchorX = (this.player ? -130 : -40);
this.anchorY = -2.5 + (this.player ? -18.5 : -13);
this.flyoutParent = this.scene.add.container(this.anchorX - this.translationX, this.anchorY);
// Load the background image
this.flyoutBackground = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, "pbinfo_enemy_boss_stats");
this.flyoutBackground.setOrigin(0, 0);
this.flyoutContainer = this.scene.add.container(44 + (this.player ? -this.flyoutWidth : 0), 2);
// Loops through and sets the position of each text object according to the width and height of the flyout
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
this.flyoutText[i] = addTextObject(
(this.flyoutWidth / 4) + (this.flyoutWidth / 2) * (i % 2),
(this.flyoutHeight / 4) + (this.flyoutHeight / 2) * (i < 2 ? 0 : 1), "???", TextStyle.BATTLE_INFO);
new Phaser.GameObjects.Rectangle(this.scene, this.flyoutWidth / 2, 0, 1, this.flyoutHeight + (this.battleScene.uiTheme === UiTheme.LEGACY ? 1 : 0), 0x212121).setOrigin(0.5, 0));
new Phaser.GameObjects.Rectangle(this.scene, 0, this.flyoutHeight / 2, this.flyoutWidth + 6, 1, 0x212121).setOrigin(0, 0.5));
* Links the given {@linkcode Pokemon} and subscribes to the {@linkcode BattleSceneEventType.MOVE_USED} event
* @param pokemon {@linkcode Pokemon} to link to this flyout
initInfo(pokemon: Pokemon) {
this.pokemon = pokemon;
this.name = `Flyout ${this.pokemon.name}`;
this.flyoutParent.name = `Flyout Parent ${this.pokemon.name}`;
this.battleScene.eventTarget.addEventListener(BattleSceneEventType.MOVE_USED, this.onMoveUsedEvent);
this.battleScene.eventTarget.addEventListener(BattleSceneEventType.BERRY_USED, this.onBerryUsedEvent);
/** Sets and formats the text property for all {@linkcode Phaser.GameObjects.Text} in the flyoutText array */
private setText() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.flyoutText.length; i++) {
const flyoutText = this.flyoutText[i];
const moveInfo = this.moveInfo[i];
if (!moveInfo) {
const currentPp = moveInfo.maxPp - moveInfo.ppUsed;
flyoutText.text = `${moveInfo.move.name} ${currentPp}/${moveInfo.maxPp}`;
/** Updates all of the {@linkcode MoveInfo} objects in the moveInfo array */
private onMoveUsed(event: Event) {
const moveUsedEvent = event as MoveUsedEvent;
if (!moveUsedEvent
|| moveUsedEvent.pokemonId !== this.pokemon?.id
|| moveUsedEvent.move.id === Moves.STRUGGLE) { // Ignore Struggle
const foundInfo = this.moveInfo.find(x => x?.move.id === moveUsedEvent.move.id);
if (foundInfo) {
foundInfo.ppUsed = Math.min(foundInfo.ppUsed + moveUsedEvent.ppUsed, foundInfo.maxPp);
} else {
this.moveInfo.push({move: moveUsedEvent.move, maxPp: moveUsedEvent.move.pp, ppUsed: moveUsedEvent.ppUsed});
private onBerryUsed(event: Event) {
const berryUsedEvent = event as BerryUsedEvent;
if (!berryUsedEvent
|| berryUsedEvent.berryModifier.pokemonId !== this.pokemon?.id
|| berryUsedEvent.berryModifier.berryType !== BerryType.LEPPA) { // We only care about Leppa berries
const foundInfo = this.moveInfo.find(info => info.ppUsed === info.maxPp);
if (!foundInfo) { // This will only happen on a de-sync of PP tracking
foundInfo.ppUsed = Math.max(foundInfo.ppUsed - 10, 0);
/** Animates the flyout to either show or hide it by applying a fade and translation */
toggleFlyout(visible: boolean): void {
this.flyoutVisible = visible;
targets: this.flyoutParent,
x: visible ? this.anchorX : this.anchorX - this.translationX,
duration: Utils.fixedInt(125),
ease: "Sine.easeInOut",
alpha: visible ? 1 : 0,
destroy(fromScene?: boolean): void {
this.battleScene.eventTarget.removeEventListener(BattleSceneEventType.MOVE_USED, this.onMoveUsedEvent);
this.battleScene.eventTarget.removeEventListener(BattleSceneEventType.BERRY_USED, this.onBerryUsedEvent);