Wallet Managementmdi-informationCredits currently can be used for:
Bulk data exports (thousands to hundres of thousands of records)
Credits will soon be used to allow for:
Mass-deletion of records (avoid crypto fees)
Enrichment of your own data-sets (via CSV upload)
Exporting data from the visualization tool as CSV or Relational JSON
Any other resource intensive task
Of course, regular search will remain free, forever.
Your wallet ID is the key to your credits. If you share it with someone, that person can use your credits. If you lose it, you lose your credits.
If you find these services useful, BTC and Monero donations are appreciated. BTC: bc1qel7fg6yd96fp3yjh94av8pssz8er2yeluylzcw XMR: 44y4PfBf2TmfgGEX7vAZ7MdCBohAuwDGee8BjwbVfUP75nmEQqbB3rDLRTfEcbkHq33ZVoofMrEX63fVPxHcsVv8AnD9KRo