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2024-09-24 13:54:57 +01:00
* Ctrl_smp.h
* ----------
* Purpose: Sample tab, upper panel.
* Notes : (currently none)
* Authors: Olivier Lapicque
* OpenMPT Devs
* The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.
#pragma once
#include "openmpt/all/BuildSettings.hpp"
#include "../soundlib/SampleIO.h"
#include "../tracklib/FadeLaws.h"
enum OpenSampleTypes
OpenSampleKnown = (1<<0),
OpenSampleRaw = (1<<1),
class CCtrlSamples: public CModControlDlg
friend class DoPitchShiftTimeStretch;
struct SampleSelectionPoints
SmpLength nStart;
SmpLength nEnd;
bool selectionActive; // does sample selection exist or not?
CModControlBar m_ToolBar1, m_ToolBar2;
CEdit m_EditSample, m_EditName, m_EditFileName, m_EditFineTune;
CEdit m_EditLoopStart, m_EditLoopEnd, m_EditSustainStart, m_EditSustainEnd;
CEdit m_EditVibSweep, m_EditVibDepth, m_EditVibRate;
CEdit m_EditVolume, m_EditGlobalVol, m_EditPanning;
CSpinButtonCtrl m_SpinVolume, m_SpinGlobalVol, m_SpinPanning, m_SpinVibSweep, m_SpinVibDepth, m_SpinVibRate;
CSpinButtonCtrl m_SpinLoopStart, m_SpinLoopEnd, m_SpinSustainStart, m_SpinSustainEnd;
CSpinButtonCtrl m_SpinFineTune, m_SpinSample;
CSpinButtonCtrl m_SpinSequenceMs, m_SpinSeekWindowMs, m_SpinOverlap, m_SpinStretchAmount;
CComboBox m_ComboAutoVib, m_ComboLoopType, m_ComboSustainType, m_ComboZoom, m_CbnBaseNote;
CButton m_CheckPanning;
double m_dTimeStretchRatio = 100;
uint32 m_nSequenceMs = 0;
uint32 m_nSeekWindowMs = 0;
uint32 m_nOverlapMs = 0;
SAMPLEINDEX m_nSample = 1;
bool m_rememberRawFormat = false;
bool m_startedEdit = false;
CComboBox m_ComboPitch, m_ComboQuality, m_ComboFFT;
void UpdateTimeStretchParameters();
void ReadTimeStretchParameters();
void ApplyAmplify(const double amp, const double fadeInStart, const double fadeOutEnd, const bool fadeIn, const bool fadeOut, const Fade::Law fadeLaw);
void ApplyResample(SAMPLEINDEX smp, uint32 newRate, ResamplingMode mode, bool ignoreSelection = false, bool updatePatternCommands = false);
SampleSelectionPoints GetSelectionPoints();
void SetSelectionPoints(SmpLength nStart, SmpLength nEnd);
void PropagateAutoVibratoChanges();
bool IsOPLInstrument() const;
INSTRUMENTINDEX GetParentInstrumentWithSameName() const;
CCtrlSamples(CModControlView &parent, CModDoc &document);
bool SetCurrentSample(SAMPLEINDEX nSmp, LONG lZoom = -1, bool bUpdNum = true);
bool InsertSample(bool duplicate, int8 *confirm = nullptr);
bool OpenSample(const mpt::PathString &fileName, FlagSet<OpenSampleTypes> types = OpenSampleKnown | OpenSampleRaw);
bool OpenSample(const CSoundFile &sndFile, SAMPLEINDEX nSample);
void OpenSamples(const std::vector<mpt::PathString> &files, FlagSet<OpenSampleTypes> types);
void SaveSample(bool doBatchSave);
void Normalize(bool allSamples);
void RemoveDCOffset(bool allSamples);
Setting<LONG> &GetSplitPosRef() override {return TrackerSettings::Instance().glSampleWindowHeight;}
BOOL OnInitDialog() override;
void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) override; // DDX/DDV support
CRuntimeClass *GetAssociatedViewClass() override;
void RecalcLayout() override;
void OnActivatePage(LPARAM) override;
void OnDeactivatePage() override;
void UpdateView(UpdateHint hint, CObject *pObj = nullptr) override;
LRESULT OnModCtrlMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) override;
BOOL GetToolTipText(UINT uId, LPTSTR pszText) override;
BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) override;
afx_msg void OnEditFocus();
afx_msg void OnSampleChanged();
afx_msg void OnZoomChanged();
afx_msg void OnPrevInstrument();
afx_msg void OnNextInstrument();
afx_msg void OnTbnDropDownToolBar(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
afx_msg void OnSampleNew();
afx_msg void OnSampleDuplicate() { InsertSample(true); }
afx_msg void OnSampleOpen();
afx_msg void OnSampleOpenKnown();
afx_msg void OnSampleOpenRaw();
afx_msg void OnSampleSave();
afx_msg void OnSampleSaveOne() { SaveSample(false); }
afx_msg void OnSampleSaveAll() { SaveSample(true); }
afx_msg void OnSamplePlay();
afx_msg void OnNormalize();
afx_msg void OnAmplify();
afx_msg void OnQuickFade();
afx_msg void OnRemoveDCOffset();
afx_msg void OnResample();
afx_msg void OnReverse();
afx_msg void OnSilence();
afx_msg void OnInvert();
afx_msg void OnSignUnSign();
afx_msg void OnAutotune();
afx_msg void OnNameChanged();
afx_msg void OnFileNameChanged();
afx_msg void OnVolumeChanged();
afx_msg void OnGlobalVolChanged();
afx_msg void OnSetPanningChanged();
afx_msg void OnPanningChanged();
afx_msg void OnFineTuneChanged();
afx_msg void OnFineTuneChangedDone();
afx_msg void OnBaseNoteChanged();
afx_msg void OnLoopTypeChanged();
afx_msg void OnLoopPointsChanged();
afx_msg void OnSustainTypeChanged();
afx_msg void OnSustainPointsChanged();
afx_msg void OnVibTypeChanged();
afx_msg void OnVibDepthChanged();
afx_msg void OnVibSweepChanged();
afx_msg void OnVibRateChanged();
afx_msg void OnXFade();
afx_msg void OnStereoSeparation();
afx_msg void OnKeepSampleOnDisk();
afx_msg void OnVScroll(UINT, UINT, CScrollBar *);
afx_msg LRESULT OnCustomKeyMsg(WPARAM, LPARAM);
afx_msg void OnXButtonUp(UINT nFlags, UINT nButton, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnPitchShiftTimeStretch();
afx_msg void OnEnableStretchToSize();
afx_msg void OnEstimateSampleSize();
afx_msg void OnInitOPLInstrument();
MPT_NOINLINE void SetModified(SampleHint hint, bool updateAll, bool waveformModified);
void PrepareUndo(const char *description, sampleUndoTypes type = sundo_none, SmpLength start = 0, SmpLength end = 0);