
594 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2024-09-24 13:54:57 +01:00
* View_pat.h
* ----------
* Purpose: Pattern tab, lower panel.
* Notes : (currently none)
* Authors: Olivier Lapicque
* OpenMPT Devs
* The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.
#pragma once
#include "openmpt/all/BuildSettings.hpp"
#include "Globals.h"
#include "PatternCursor.h"
#include "Moddoc.h"
#include "PatternEditorDialogs.h"
#include "PatternClipboard.h"
class CModDoc;
class CEditCommand;
class CEffectVis;
class CInputHandler;
// Drag & Drop info
class DragItem
uint32 v = 0;
enum : uint32
ValueMask = 0x00FFFFFF,
TypeMask = 0xFF000000,
enum DragType : uint32
ChannelHeader = 0x01000000,
PatternHeader = 0x02000000,
PluginName = 0x04000000,
DragItem() = default;
DragItem(DragType type, uint32 value)
: v(type | value) {}
DragType Type() const { return static_cast<DragType>(v & TypeMask); }
uint32 Value() const { return v & ValueMask; }
INT_PTR ToIntPtr() const { return v; }
bool IsValid() const { return v != 0; }
bool operator==(const DragItem other) const { return v == other.v; }
bool operator!=(const DragItem other) const { return v != other.v; }
// Edit Step aka Row Spacing
// Struct for controlling selection clearing. This is used to define which data fields should be cleared.
struct RowMask
bool note : 1;
bool instrument : 1;
bool volume : 1;
bool command : 1;
bool parameter : 1;
// Default row mask (all rows are selected)
note = instrument = volume = command = parameter = true;
// Construct mask from list
RowMask(bool n, bool i, bool v, bool c, bool p)
note = n;
instrument = i;
volume = v;
command = c;
parameter = p;
// Construct mask from column index
RowMask(const PatternCursor &cursor)
const PatternCursor::Columns column = cursor.GetColumnType();
note = (column == PatternCursor::noteColumn);
instrument = (column == PatternCursor::instrColumn);
volume = (column == PatternCursor::volumeColumn);
command = (column == PatternCursor::effectColumn);
parameter = (column == PatternCursor::paramColumn);
void Clear()
note = instrument = volume = command = parameter = false;
struct PatternEditPos
// Pattern editing class
class CViewPattern final : public CModScrollView
// Pattern status flags
enum PatternStatus
psMouseDragSelect = 0x01, // Creating a selection using the mouse
psKeyboardDragSelect = 0x02, // Creating a selection using shortcuts
psFocussed = 0x04, // Is the pattern editor focussed
psFollowSong = 0x08, // Does the cursor follow playback
psRecordingEnabled = 0x10, // Recording enabled
psDragVScroll = 0x40, // Indicates that the vertical scrollbar is being dragged
psShowVUMeters = 0x80, // Display channel VU meters
psChordPlaying = 0x100, // Is a chord playing? (pretty much unused)
psDragnDropEdit = 0x200, // Drag & Drop editing (?)
psDragnDropping = 0x400, // Dragging a selection around
psShiftSelect = 0x800, // User has made at least one selection using Shift-Click since the Shift key has been pressed.
psCtrlDragSelect = 0x1000, // Creating a selection using Ctrl
psShowPluginNames = 0x2000, // Show plugin names in channel headers
psRowSelection = 0x4000, // Selecting a whole pattern row by clicking the row numbers
psChannelSelection = 0x8000, // Double-clicked pattern to select a whole channel
psDragging = 0x10000, // Drag&Drop: Dragging an item around
psShiftDragging = 0x20000, // Drag&Drop: Dragging an item around and holding shift
// All possible drag flags, to test if user is dragging a selection or a scrollbar
psDragActive = psDragVScroll | psMouseDragSelect | psRowSelection | psChannelSelection,
CFastBitmap m_Dib;
CDC m_offScreenDC;
CBitmap m_offScreenBitmap;
CEditCommand *m_pEditWnd = nullptr;
CSize m_szHeader, m_szPluginHeader, m_szCell;
CRect m_oldClient;
UINT m_nMidRow, m_nSpacing, m_nAccelChar, m_nLastPlayedRow, m_nLastPlayedOrder;
FlagSet<PatternStatus> m_Status;
ROWINDEX m_nPlayRow, m_nNextPlayRow;
uint32 m_nPlayTick, m_nTicksOnRow;
PATTERNINDEX m_nPattern = 0, m_nPlayPat = 0;
ORDERINDEX m_nOrder = 0;
static int32 m_nTransposeAmount;
int m_nXScroll = 0, m_nYScroll = 0;
PatternCursor::Columns m_nDetailLevel = PatternCursor::lastColumn; // Visible Columns
// Cursor and selection positions
PatternCursor m_Cursor; // Current cursor position in pattern.
PatternCursor m_StartSel, m_DragPos; // Point where selection was started.
PatternCursor m_MenuCursor; // Position at which context menu was opened.
PatternRect m_Selection; // Upper-left / Lower-right corners of selection.
// Drag&Drop
DragItem m_nDragItem; // Currently dragged item
DragItem m_nDropItem; // Currently hovered item during dragondrop
RECT m_rcDragItem, m_rcDropItem;
bool m_bInItemRect = false;
// Drag-select record group
std::vector<RecordGroup> m_initialDragRecordStatus;
ModCommand::INSTR m_fallbackInstrument = 0;
// Chord auto-detect interval
DWORD m_autoChordStartTime = 0;
bool m_bContinueSearch : 1, m_bWholePatternFitsOnScreen : 1;
ModCommand m_PCNoteEditMemory; // PC Note edit memory
static ModCommand m_cmdOld; // Quick cursor copy/paste data
QuickChannelProperties m_quickChannelProperties;
// Chord preview
CHANNELINDEX m_chordPatternChannels[MPTChord::notesPerChord];
ModCommand::NOTE m_prevChordNote, m_prevChordBaseNote;
// Note-off event buffer for MIDI sustain pedal
std::array<std::vector<uint32>, 16> m_midiSustainBuffer;
std::bitset<16> m_midiSustainActive;
std::array<uint16, MAX_BASECHANNELS> ChnVUMeters;
std::array<uint16, MAX_BASECHANNELS> OldVUMeters;
std::bitset<128> m_baPlayingNote;
CModDoc::NoteToChannelMap m_noteChannel; // Note -> Preview channel assignment
std::array<ModCommand::NOTE, 10> m_octaveKeyMemory;
std::array<ModCommand::NOTE, MAX_BASECHANNELS> m_previousNote;
std::array<uint8, NOTE_MAX + NOTE_MIN> m_activeNoteChannel;
std::array<uint8, NOTE_MAX + NOTE_MIN> m_splitActiveNoteChannel;
static constexpr uint8 NOTE_CHANNEL_MAP_INVALID = 0xFF;
static_assert(MAX_BASECHANNELS <= std::numeric_limits<decltype(m_activeNoteChannel)::value_type>::max());
std::unique_ptr<CEffectVis> m_pEffectVis;
const CSoundFile *GetSoundFile() const;
CSoundFile *GetSoundFile();
const ModSequence &Order() const;
ModSequence &Order();
void SetModified(bool updateAllViews = true);
bool UpdateSizes();
void UpdateScrollSize();
void UpdateScrollPos();
void UpdateIndicator(bool updateAccessibility = true);
void UpdateXInfoText();
void UpdateColors();
CString GetCursorDescription() const;
int GetXScrollPos() const { return m_nXScroll; }
int GetYScrollPos() const { return m_nYScroll; }
int GetChannelWidth() const { return; }
int GetRowHeight() const { return; }
int GetSmoothScrollOffset() const;
PATTERNINDEX GetCurrentPattern() const { return m_nPattern; }
ROWINDEX GetCurrentRow() const { return m_Cursor.GetRow(); }
CHANNELINDEX GetCurrentChannel() const { return m_Cursor.GetChannel(); }
ORDERINDEX GetCurrentOrder() const { return m_nOrder; }
void SetCurrentOrder(ORDERINDEX ord)
m_nOrder = ord;
// Get ModCommand at the pattern cursor position.
ModCommand &GetCursorCommand() { return GetModCommand(m_Cursor); };
const ModCommand& GetCursorCommand() const { return const_cast<CViewPattern *>(this)->GetModCommand(m_Cursor); };
void SanitizeCursor();
UINT GetColumnOffset(PatternCursor::Columns column) const;
POINT GetPointFromPosition(PatternCursor cursor) const;
PatternCursor GetPositionFromPoint(POINT pt) const;
DragItem GetDragItem(CPoint point, RECT &rect) const;
void StartRecordGroupDragging(const DragItem source);
void ResetRecordGroupDragging() { m_initialDragRecordStatus.clear(); }
bool IsDraggingRecordGroup() const { return !m_initialDragRecordStatus.empty(); }
ROWINDEX GetRowsPerBeat() const;
ROWINDEX GetRowsPerMeasure() const;
// Invalidate functions (for redrawing areas of the pattern)
void InvalidatePattern(bool invalidateChannelHeaders = false, bool invalidateRowHeaders = false);
void InvalidateRow(ROWINDEX n = ROWINDEX_INVALID);
void InvalidateArea(const PatternRect &rect) { InvalidateArea(rect.GetUpperLeft(), rect.GetLowerRight()); };
void InvalidateArea(PatternCursor begin, PatternCursor end);
void InvalidateSelection() { InvalidateArea(m_Selection); }
void InvalidateCell(PatternCursor cursor);
void InvalidateChannelsHeaders(CHANNELINDEX chn = CHANNELINDEX_INVALID);
// Selection functions
void SetCurSel(const PatternRect &rect) { SetCurSel(rect.GetUpperLeft(), rect.GetLowerRight()); };
void SetCurSel(const PatternCursor &point) { SetCurSel(point, point); };
void SetCurSel(PatternCursor beginSel, PatternCursor endSel);
void SetSelToCursor() { SetCurSel(m_Cursor); };
ROWINDEX SetCurrentRow(ROWINDEX row, bool wrap = false, bool updateHorizontalScrollbar = true);
bool SetCurrentColumn(const PatternCursor &cursor) { return SetCurrentColumn(cursor.GetChannel(), cursor.GetColumnType()); };
bool SetCurrentColumn(CHANNELINDEX channel, PatternCursor::Columns column = PatternCursor::firstColumn);
// This should be used instead of consecutive calls to SetCurrentRow() then SetCurrentColumn()
bool SetCursorPosition(const PatternCursor &cursor, bool wrap = false);
bool DragToSel(const PatternCursor &cursor, bool scrollHorizontal, bool scrollVertical, bool noMove = false);
bool SetPlayCursor(PATTERNINDEX pat, ROWINDEX row, uint32 tick);
bool UpdateScrollbarPositions(bool updateHorizontalScrollbar = true);
bool ShowEditWindow();
UINT GetCurrentInstrument() const;
void SelectBeatOrMeasure(bool selectBeat);
// Move pattern cursor to left or right, respecting invisible columns.
void MoveCursor(bool moveRight);
bool TransposeSelection(int transp);
bool DataEntry(bool up, bool coarse);
bool PrepareUndo(const PatternRect &selection, const char *description) { return PrepareUndo(selection.GetUpperLeft(), selection.GetLowerRight(), description); };
bool PrepareUndo(const PatternCursor &beginSel, const PatternCursor &endSel, const char *description);
void UndoRedo(bool undo);
bool InsertOrDeleteRows(CHANNELINDEX firstChn, CHANNELINDEX lastChn, bool globalEdit, bool deleteRows);
void DeleteRows(CHANNELINDEX firstChn, CHANNELINDEX lastChn, bool globalEdit = false);
void InsertRows(CHANNELINDEX firstChn, CHANNELINDEX lastChn, bool globalEdit = false);
void OnDropSelection();
void DrawPatternData(HDC hdc, PATTERNINDEX nPattern, bool selEnable, bool isPlaying, ROWINDEX startRow, ROWINDEX numRows, CHANNELINDEX startChan, CRect &rcClient, int *pypaint);
void DrawLetter(int x, int y, char letter, int sizex = 10, int ofsx = 0);
void DrawLetter(int x, int y, wchar_t letter, int sizex = 10, int ofsx = 0);
void DrawLetter(int x, int y, char8_t letter, int sizex = 10, int ofsx = 0);
void DrawNote(int x, int y, UINT note, CTuning *pTuning = nullptr);
void DrawInstrument(int x, int y, UINT instr);
void DrawVolumeCommand(int x, int y, const ModCommand &mc, bool drawDefaultVolume);
void DrawChannelVUMeter(HDC hdc, int x, int y, UINT nChn);
void UpdateAllVUMeters(Notification *pnotify);
void DrawDragSel(HDC hdc);
void OnDrawDragSel();
// True if default volume should be drawn for a given cell.
static bool DrawDefaultVolume(const ModCommand *m) { return (TrackerSettings::Instance().m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_SHOWDEFAULTVOLUME) && m->volcmd == VOLCMD_NONE && m->command != CMD_VOLUME && m->instr != 0 && m->IsNote(); }
void CursorJump(int distance, bool snap);
void TempEnterNote(ModCommand::NOTE n, int vol = -1, bool fromMidi = false);
void TempStopNote(ModCommand::NOTE note, const bool fromMidi = false, bool chordMode = false);
void TempEnterChord(ModCommand::NOTE n);
void TempStopChord(ModCommand::NOTE note) { TempStopNote(note, false, true); }
void TempEnterIns(int val);
void TempEnterOctave(int val);
void TempStopOctave(int val);
void TempEnterVol(int v);
void TempEnterFX(ModCommand::COMMAND c, int v = -1);
void TempEnterFXparam(int v);
void EnterAftertouch(ModCommand::NOTE note, int atValue);
int GetDefaultVolume(const ModCommand &m, ModCommand::INSTR lastInstr = 0) const;
int GetBaseNote() const;
ModCommand::NOTE GetNoteWithBaseOctave(int note) const;
// Construct a chord from the chord presets. Returns number of notes in chord.
int ConstructChord(int note, ModCommand::NOTE (&outNotes)[MPTChord::notesPerChord], ModCommand::NOTE baseNote);
void QuantizeRow(PATTERNINDEX &pat, ROWINDEX &row) const;
PATTERNINDEX GetPrevPattern() const;
PATTERNINDEX GetNextPattern() const;
void SetSpacing(int n);
void OnClearField(const RowMask &mask, bool step, bool ITStyle = false);
void SetSelectionInstrument(const INSTRUMENTINDEX instr, bool setEmptyInstrument);
void FindInstrument();
void JumpToPrevOrNextEntry(bool nextEntry, bool select);
void TogglePluginEditor(int chan);
void ExecutePaste(PatternClipboard::PasteModes mode);
// Reset all channel variables
void ResetChannel(CHANNELINDEX chn);
void OnDraw(CDC *) override;
void OnInitialUpdate() override;
BOOL OnScrollBy(CSize sizeScroll, BOOL bDoScroll = TRUE) override;
BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG *pMsg) override;
void UpdateView(UpdateHint hint, CObject *pObj = nullptr) override;
LRESULT OnModViewMsg(WPARAM, LPARAM) override;
LRESULT OnPlayerNotify(Notification *) override;
INT_PTR OnToolHitTest(CPoint point, TOOLINFO *pTI) const override;
afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC *) { return TRUE; }
afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
afx_msg void OnDestroy();
afx_msg BOOL OnMouseWheel(UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt);
afx_msg void OnXButtonUp(UINT nFlags, UINT nButton, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT, CPoint);
afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT, CPoint);
afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT, CPoint);
afx_msg void OnLButtonDblClk(UINT, CPoint);
afx_msg void OnRButtonDown(UINT, CPoint);
afx_msg void OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar *pScrollBar);
afx_msg void OnSetFocus(CWnd *pOldWnd);
afx_msg void OnKillFocus(CWnd *pNewWnd);
afx_msg void OnEditCut();
afx_msg void OnEditCopy();
afx_msg void OnEditPaste() { ExecutePaste(PatternClipboard::pmOverwrite); };
afx_msg void OnEditMixPaste() { ExecutePaste(PatternClipboard::pmMixPaste); };
afx_msg void OnEditMixPasteITStyle() { ExecutePaste(PatternClipboard::pmMixPasteIT); };
afx_msg void OnEditPasteFlood() { ExecutePaste(PatternClipboard::pmPasteFlood); };
afx_msg void OnEditPushForwardPaste() { ExecutePaste(PatternClipboard::pmPushForward); };
afx_msg void OnClearSelection(bool ITStyle = false, RowMask sb = RowMask());
afx_msg void OnGrowSelection();
afx_msg void OnShrinkSelection();
afx_msg void OnEditSelectAll();
afx_msg void OnEditSelectChannel();
afx_msg void OnSelectCurrentChannel();
afx_msg void OnSelectCurrentColumn();
afx_msg void OnEditFind();
afx_msg void OnEditGoto();
afx_msg void OnEditFindNext();
afx_msg void OnEditUndo();
afx_msg void OnEditRedo();
afx_msg void OnChannelReset();
afx_msg void OnMuteFromClick();
afx_msg void OnSoloFromClick();
afx_msg void OnTogglePendingMuteFromClick();
afx_msg void OnPendingSoloChnFromClick();
afx_msg void OnPendingUnmuteAllChnFromClick();
afx_msg void OnSoloChannel(CHANNELINDEX chn);
afx_msg void OnMuteChannel(CHANNELINDEX chn);
afx_msg void OnUnmuteAll();
afx_msg void OnRecordSelect();
afx_msg void OnSplitRecordSelect();
afx_msg void OnDeleteRow();
afx_msg void OnDeleteWholeRow();
afx_msg void OnDeleteRowGlobal();
afx_msg void OnDeleteWholeRowGlobal();
afx_msg void OnInsertRow();
afx_msg void OnInsertWholeRow();
afx_msg void OnInsertRowGlobal();
afx_msg void OnInsertWholeRowGlobal();
afx_msg void OnSplitPattern();
afx_msg void OnPatternStep();
afx_msg void OnSwitchToOrderList();
afx_msg void OnPrevOrder();
afx_msg void OnNextOrder();
afx_msg void OnPrevInstrument() { PostCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_PAT_PREVINSTRUMENT); }
afx_msg void OnNextInstrument() { PostCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_PAT_NEXTINSTRUMENT); }
afx_msg void OnPatternRecord() { PostCtrlMessage(CTRLMSG_SETRECORD, -1); }
afx_msg void OnInterpolateVolume() { Interpolate(PatternCursor::volumeColumn); }
afx_msg void OnInterpolateEffect() { Interpolate(PatternCursor::effectColumn); }
afx_msg void OnInterpolateNote() { Interpolate(PatternCursor::noteColumn); }
afx_msg void OnInterpolateInstr() { Interpolate(PatternCursor::instrColumn); }
afx_msg void OnVisualizeEffect();
afx_msg void OnTransposeUp() { TransposeSelection(1); }
afx_msg void OnTransposeDown() { TransposeSelection(-1); }
afx_msg void OnTransposeOctUp() { TransposeSelection(12000); }
afx_msg void OnTransposeOctDown() { TransposeSelection(-12000); }
afx_msg void OnTransposeCustom();
afx_msg void OnTransposeCustomQuick();
afx_msg void OnSetSelInstrument();
afx_msg void OnAddChannelFront() { AddChannel(m_MenuCursor.GetChannel(), false); }
afx_msg void OnAddChannelAfter() { AddChannel(m_MenuCursor.GetChannel(), true); };
afx_msg void OnDuplicateChannel();
afx_msg void OnResetChannelColors();
afx_msg void OnTransposeChannel();
afx_msg void OnRemoveChannel();
afx_msg void OnRemoveChannelDialog();
afx_msg void OnPatternProperties() { ShowPatternProperties(PATTERNINDEX_INVALID); }
void ShowPatternProperties(PATTERNINDEX pat);
void OnCursorCopy();
void OnCursorPaste();
afx_msg void OnPatternAmplify();
afx_msg void OnUpdateUndo(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateRedo(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnSelectPlugin(UINT nID);
afx_msg LRESULT OnUpdatePosition(WPARAM nOrd, LPARAM nRow);
afx_msg LRESULT OnRecordPlugParamChange(WPARAM, LPARAM);
afx_msg LRESULT OnCustomKeyMsg(WPARAM, LPARAM);
afx_msg void OnClearSelectionFromMenu();
afx_msg void OnSelectInstrument(UINT nid);
afx_msg void OnSelectPCNoteParam(UINT nid);
afx_msg void OnRunScript();
afx_msg void OnShowTimeAtRow();
afx_msg void OnTogglePCNotePluginEditor();
afx_msg void OnSetQuantize();
afx_msg void OnLockPatternRows();
afx_msg void OnInitMenu(CMenu *pMenu);
// Copy&Paste
bool CopyPattern(PATTERNINDEX nPattern, const PatternRect &selection);
bool PastePattern(PATTERNINDEX nPattern, const PatternCursor &pastePos, PatternClipboard::PasteModes mode);
void SetSplitKeyboardSettings();
bool HandleSplit(ModCommand &m, int note);
bool IsNoteSplit(int note) const;
CHANNELINDEX FindGroupRecordChannel(RecordGroup recordGroup, bool forceFreeChannel, CHANNELINDEX startChannel = 0) const;
bool BuildChannelControlCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const;
bool BuildPluginCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, UINT nChn, const CSoundFile &sndFile) const;
bool BuildRecordCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih, CHANNELINDEX nChn) const;
bool BuildSoloMuteCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih, UINT nChn, const CSoundFile &sndFile) const;
bool BuildRowInsDelCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const;
bool BuildMiscCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const;
bool BuildSelectionCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const;
bool BuildGrowShrinkCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const;
bool BuildInterpolationCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const;
bool BuildInterpolationCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, PatternCursor::Columns colType, CString label, UINT command) const;
bool BuildEditCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih, CModDoc *pModDoc) const;
bool BuildVisFXCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const;
bool BuildTransposeCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const;
bool BuildSetInstCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const;
bool BuildAmplifyCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const;
bool BuildPCNoteCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const;
bool BuildTogglePlugEditorCtxMenu(HMENU hMenu, CInputHandler *ih) const;
// Returns an ordered list of all channels in which a given column type is selected.
CHANNELINDEX ListChansWhereColSelected(PatternCursor::Columns colType, std::vector<CHANNELINDEX> &chans) const;
// Check if a column type is selected on any channel in the current selection.
bool IsColumnSelected(PatternCursor::Columns colType) const;
bool IsInterpolationPossible(PatternCursor::Columns colType) const;
bool IsInterpolationPossible(ROWINDEX startRow, ROWINDEX endRow, CHANNELINDEX chan, PatternCursor::Columns colType) const;
void Interpolate(PatternCursor::Columns type);
PatternRect SweepPattern(bool (*startCond)(const ModCommand &), bool (*endCond)(const ModCommand &, const ModCommand &)) const;
// Return true if recording live (i.e. editing while following playback).
bool IsLiveRecord() const
const CMainFrame *mainFrm = CMainFrame::GetMainFrame();
const CSoundFile *sndFile = GetSoundFile();
if(mainFrm == nullptr || sndFile == nullptr)
return false;
// (following song) && (following in correct document) && (playback is on)
return m_Status[psFollowSong] && mainFrm->GetFollowSong(GetDocument()) == m_hWnd && !sndFile->IsPaused();
// Returns edit position.
PatternEditPos GetEditPos(const CSoundFile &sndFile, const bool liveRecord) const;
// Returns pointer to modcommand at given position.
// If the position is not valid, a pointer to a dummy command is returned.
ModCommand &GetModCommand(PatternCursor cursor);
ModCommand &GetModCommand(CSoundFile &sndFile, const PatternEditPos &pos);
// Returns true if pattern editing is enabled.
bool IsEditingEnabled() const { return m_Status[psRecordingEnabled]; }
// Like IsEditingEnabled(), but shows some notification when editing is not enabled.
bool IsEditingEnabled_bmsg();
// Play one pattern row and stop ("step mode")
void PatternStep(ROWINDEX row = ROWINDEX_INVALID);
// Add a channel.
void AddChannel(CHANNELINDEX parent, bool afterCurrent);
void DragChannel(CHANNELINDEX source, CHANNELINDEX target, CHANNELINDEX numChannels, bool duplicate);
afx_msg void OnRButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
void TogglePendingMute(CHANNELINDEX nChn);
void PendingSoloChn(CHANNELINDEX nChn);
template <typename Func>
void ApplyToSelection(Func func);
void PlayNote(ModCommand::NOTE note, ModCommand::INSTR instr, int volume, CHANNELINDEX channel);
void PreviewNote(ROWINDEX row, CHANNELINDEX channel);
afx_msg void OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
HRESULT get_accName(VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pszName) override;
void getXParam(ModCommand::COMMAND command, PATTERNINDEX nPat, ROWINDEX nRow, CHANNELINDEX nChannel, const CSoundFile &sndFile, UINT &xparam, UINT &multiplier);