#include "rar.hpp" CmdExtract::CmdExtract(CommandData *Cmd) { CmdExtract::Cmd=Cmd; *ArcName=0; *DestFileName=0; TotalFileCount=0; Unp=new Unpack(&DataIO); #ifdef RAR_SMP Unp->SetThreads(Cmd->Threads); #endif } CmdExtract::~CmdExtract() { delete Unp; } void CmdExtract::DoExtract() { #if defined(_WIN_ALL) && !defined(SFX_MODULE) && !defined(SILENT) Fat32=NotFat32=false; #endif PasswordCancelled=false; DataIO.SetCurrentCommand(Cmd->Command[0]); FindData FD; while (Cmd->GetArcName(ArcName,ASIZE(ArcName))) if (FindFile::FastFind(ArcName,&FD)) DataIO.TotalArcSize+=FD.Size; Cmd->ArcNames.Rewind(); while (Cmd->GetArcName(ArcName,ASIZE(ArcName))) { if (Cmd->ManualPassword) Cmd->Password.Clean(); // Clean user entered password before processing next archive. ReconstructDone=false; // Must be reset here, not in ExtractArchiveInit(). UseExactVolName=false; // Must be reset here, not in ExtractArchiveInit(). while (true) { EXTRACT_ARC_CODE Code=ExtractArchive(); if (Code!=EXTRACT_ARC_REPEAT) break; } DataIO.ProcessedArcSize+=DataIO.LastArcSize; } // Clean user entered password. Not really required, just for extra safety. if (Cmd->ManualPassword) Cmd->Password.Clean(); if (TotalFileCount==0 && Cmd->Command[0]!='I' && ErrHandler.GetErrorCode()!=RARX_BADPWD) // Not in case of wrong archive password. { if (!PasswordCancelled) uiMsg(UIERROR_NOFILESTOEXTRACT,ArcName); // Other error codes may explain a reason of "no files extracted" clearer, // so set it only if no other errors found (wrong mask set by user). if (ErrHandler.GetErrorCode()==RARX_SUCCESS) ErrHandler.SetErrorCode(RARX_NOFILES); } else if (!Cmd->DisableDone) if (Cmd->Command[0]=='I') mprintf(St(MDone)); else if (ErrHandler.GetErrorCount()==0) mprintf(St(MExtrAllOk)); else mprintf(St(MExtrTotalErr),ErrHandler.GetErrorCount()); } void CmdExtract::ExtractArchiveInit(Archive &Arc) { DataIO.AdjustTotalArcSize(&Arc); FileCount=0; MatchedArgs=0; #ifndef SFX_MODULE FirstFile=true; #endif GlobalPassword=Cmd->Password.IsSet() || uiIsGlobalPasswordSet(); DataIO.UnpVolume=false; PrevProcessed=false; AllMatchesExact=true; AnySolidDataUnpackedWell=false; StartTime.SetCurrentTime(); } EXTRACT_ARC_CODE CmdExtract::ExtractArchive() { Archive Arc(Cmd); if (*Cmd->UseStdin!=0) { Arc.SetHandleType(FILE_HANDLESTD); #ifdef USE_QOPEN Arc.SetProhibitQOpen(true); #endif } else { #if defined(_WIN_ALL) && !defined(SFX_MODULE) // WinRAR GUI code also resets the cache. if (*Cmd->Command=='T' || Cmd->Test) ResetFileCache(ArcName); // Reset the file cache when testing an archive. #endif if (!Arc.WOpen(ArcName)) return EXTRACT_ARC_NEXT; } if (!Arc.IsArchive(true)) { #if !defined(SFX_MODULE) && !defined(RARDLL) if (CmpExt(ArcName,L"rev")) { wchar FirstVolName[NM]; VolNameToFirstName(ArcName,FirstVolName,ASIZE(FirstVolName),true); // If several volume names from same volume set are specified // and current volume is not first in set and first volume is present // and specified too, let's skip the current volume. if (wcsicomp(ArcName,FirstVolName)!=0 && FileExist(FirstVolName) && Cmd->ArcNames.Search(FirstVolName,false)) return EXTRACT_ARC_NEXT; RecVolumesTest(Cmd,NULL,ArcName); TotalFileCount++; // Suppress "No files to extract" message. return EXTRACT_ARC_NEXT; } #endif mprintf(St(MNotRAR),ArcName); #ifndef SFX_MODULE if (CmpExt(ArcName,L"rar")) #endif ErrHandler.SetErrorCode(RARX_WARNING); return EXTRACT_ARC_NEXT; } if (Arc.FailedHeaderDecryption) // Bad archive password. return EXTRACT_ARC_NEXT; #ifndef SFX_MODULE if (Arc.Volume && !Arc.FirstVolume && !UseExactVolName) { wchar FirstVolName[NM]; VolNameToFirstName(ArcName,FirstVolName,ASIZE(FirstVolName),Arc.NewNumbering); // If several volume names from same volume set are specified // and current volume is not first in set and first volume is present // and specified too, let's skip the current volume. if (wcsicomp(ArcName,FirstVolName)!=0 && FileExist(FirstVolName) && Cmd->ArcNames.Search(FirstVolName,false)) return EXTRACT_ARC_NEXT; } #endif int64 VolumeSetSize=0; // Total size of volumes after the current volume. if (Arc.Volume) { #ifndef SFX_MODULE // Try to speed up extraction for independent solid volumes by starting // extraction from non-first volume if we can. if (!UseExactVolName && Arc.Solid && DetectStartVolume(Arc.FileName,Arc.NewNumbering)) { UseExactVolName=true; return EXTRACT_ARC_REPEAT; } #endif // Calculate the total size of all accessible volumes. // This size is necessary to display the correct total progress indicator. wchar NextName[NM]; wcsncpyz(NextName,Arc.FileName,ASIZE(NextName)); while (true) { // First volume is already added to DataIO.TotalArcSize // in initial TotalArcSize calculation in DoExtract. // So we skip it and start from second volume. NextVolumeName(NextName,ASIZE(NextName),!Arc.NewNumbering); FindData FD; if (FindFile::FastFind(NextName,&FD)) VolumeSetSize+=FD.Size; else break; } DataIO.TotalArcSize+=VolumeSetSize; } ExtractArchiveInit(Arc); if (*Cmd->Command=='T' || *Cmd->Command=='I') Cmd->Test=true; if (*Cmd->Command=='I') { Cmd->DisablePercentage=true; } else uiStartArchiveExtract(!Cmd->Test,ArcName); Arc.ViewComment(); while (1) { size_t Size=Arc.ReadHeader(); bool Repeat=false; if (!ExtractCurrentFile(Arc,Size,Repeat)) if (Repeat) { // If we started extraction from not first volume and need to // restart it from first, we must set DataIO.TotalArcSize to size // of new first volume to display the total progress correctly. FindData NewArc; if (FindFile::FastFind(ArcName,&NewArc)) DataIO.TotalArcSize=NewArc.Size; return EXTRACT_ARC_REPEAT; } else break; } #if !defined(SFX_MODULE) && !defined(RARDLL) if (Cmd->Test && Arc.Volume) RecVolumesTest(Cmd,&Arc,ArcName); #endif return EXTRACT_ARC_NEXT; } bool CmdExtract::ExtractCurrentFile(Archive &Arc,size_t HeaderSize,bool &Repeat) { wchar Command=Cmd->Command[0]; if (HeaderSize==0) if (DataIO.UnpVolume) { #ifdef NOVOLUME return false; #else // Supposing we unpack an old RAR volume without the end of archive // record and last file is not split between volumes. if (!MergeArchive(Arc,&DataIO,false,Command)) { ErrHandler.SetErrorCode(RARX_WARNING); return false; } #endif } else return false; HEADER_TYPE HeaderType=Arc.GetHeaderType(); if (HeaderType!=HEAD_FILE) { #ifndef SFX_MODULE if (Arc.Format==RARFMT15 && HeaderType==HEAD3_OLDSERVICE && PrevProcessed) SetExtraInfo20(Cmd,Arc,DestFileName); #endif if (HeaderType==HEAD_SERVICE && PrevProcessed) SetExtraInfo(Cmd,Arc,DestFileName); if (HeaderType==HEAD_ENDARC) if (Arc.EndArcHead.NextVolume) { #ifdef NOVOLUME return false; #else if (!MergeArchive(Arc,&DataIO,false,Command)) { ErrHandler.SetErrorCode(RARX_WARNING); return false; } Arc.Seek(Arc.CurBlockPos,SEEK_SET); return true; #endif } else return false; Arc.SeekToNext(); return true; } PrevProcessed=false; // We can get negative sizes in corrupt archive and it is unacceptable // for size comparisons in ComprDataIO::UnpRead, where we cast sizes // to size_t and can exceed another read or available size. We could fix it // when reading an archive. But we prefer to do it here, because this // function is called directly in unrar.dll, so we fix bad parameters // passed to dll. Also we want to see real negative sizes in the listing // of corrupt archive. To prevent uninitialized data access perform // these checks after rejecting zero length and non-file headers above. if (Arc.FileHead.PackSize<0) Arc.FileHead.PackSize=0; if (Arc.FileHead.UnpSize<0) Arc.FileHead.UnpSize=0; if (!Cmd->Recurse && MatchedArgs>=Cmd->FileArgs.ItemsCount() && AllMatchesExact) return false; int MatchType=MATCH_WILDSUBPATH; bool EqualNames=false; wchar MatchedArg[NM]; int MatchNumber=Cmd->IsProcessFile(Arc.FileHead,&EqualNames,MatchType,0,MatchedArg,ASIZE(MatchedArg)); bool MatchFound=MatchNumber!=0; #ifndef SFX_MODULE if (Cmd->ExclPath==EXCL_BASEPATH) { wcsncpyz(Cmd->ArcPath,MatchedArg,ASIZE(Cmd->ArcPath)); *PointToName(Cmd->ArcPath)=0; if (IsWildcard(Cmd->ArcPath)) // Cannot correctly process path*\* masks here. *Cmd->ArcPath=0; } #endif if (MatchFound && !EqualNames) AllMatchesExact=false; Arc.ConvertAttributes(); #if !defined(SFX_MODULE) && !defined(RARDLL) if (Arc.FileHead.SplitBefore && FirstFile && !UseExactVolName) { wchar CurVolName[NM]; wcsncpyz(CurVolName,ArcName,ASIZE(CurVolName)); GetFirstVolIfFullSet(ArcName,Arc.NewNumbering,ArcName,ASIZE(ArcName)); if (wcsicomp(ArcName,CurVolName)!=0 && FileExist(ArcName)) { wcsncpyz(Cmd->ArcName,ArcName,ASIZE(ArcName)); // For GUI "Delete archive after extraction". // If first volume name does not match the current name and if such // volume name really exists, let's unpack from this first volume. Repeat=true; return false; } #ifndef RARDLL if (!ReconstructDone) { ReconstructDone=true; if (RecVolumesRestore(Cmd,Arc.FileName,true)) { Repeat=true; return false; } } #endif wcsncpyz(ArcName,CurVolName,ASIZE(ArcName)); } #endif wchar ArcFileName[NM]; ConvertPath(Arc.FileHead.FileName,ArcFileName,ASIZE(ArcFileName)); if (Arc.FileHead.Version) { if (Cmd->VersionControl!=1 && !EqualNames) { if (Cmd->VersionControl==0) MatchFound=false; int Version=ParseVersionFileName(ArcFileName,false); if (Cmd->VersionControl-1==Version) ParseVersionFileName(ArcFileName,true); else MatchFound=false; } } else if (!Arc.IsArcDir() && Cmd->VersionControl>1) MatchFound=false; DataIO.UnpVolume=Arc.FileHead.SplitAfter; DataIO.NextVolumeMissing=false; Arc.Seek(Arc.NextBlockPos-Arc.FileHead.PackSize,SEEK_SET); bool ExtrFile=false; bool SkipSolid=false; #ifndef SFX_MODULE if (FirstFile && (MatchFound || Arc.Solid) && Arc.FileHead.SplitBefore) { if (MatchFound) { uiMsg(UIERROR_NEEDPREVVOL,Arc.FileName,ArcFileName); #ifdef RARDLL Cmd->DllError=ERAR_BAD_DATA; #endif ErrHandler.SetErrorCode(RARX_OPEN); } MatchFound=false; } FirstFile=false; #endif if (Arc.FileHead.Encrypted && Cmd->SkipEncrypted) if (Arc.Solid) return false; // Abort the entire extraction for solid archive. else MatchFound=false; // Skip only the current file for non-solid archive. if (MatchFound || (SkipSolid=Arc.Solid)!=0) { // First common call of uiStartFileExtract. It is done before overwrite // prompts, so if SkipSolid state is changed below, we'll need to make // additional uiStartFileExtract calls with updated parameters. if (!uiStartFileExtract(ArcFileName,!Cmd->Test,Cmd->Test && Command!='I',SkipSolid)) return false; ExtrPrepareName(Arc,ArcFileName,DestFileName,ASIZE(DestFileName)); // DestFileName can be set empty in case of excessive -ap switch. ExtrFile=!SkipSolid && *DestFileName!=0 && !Arc.FileHead.SplitBefore; /* // OPENMPT ADDITION if ((Cmd->FreshFiles || Cmd->UpdateFiles) && (Command=='E' || Command=='X')) { FindData FD; if (FindFile::FastFind(DestFileName,&FD)) { if (FD.mtime >= Arc.FileHead.mtime) { // If directory already exists and its modification time is newer // than start of extraction, it is likely it was created // when creating a path to one of already extracted items. // In such case we'll better update its time even if archived // directory is older. if (!FD.IsDir || FD.mtimeFreshFiles) ExtrFile=false; } */ // OPENMPT ADDITION if (!CheckUnpVer(Arc,ArcFileName)) { ErrHandler.SetErrorCode(RARX_FATAL); #ifdef RARDLL Cmd->DllError=ERAR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT; #endif Arc.SeekToNext(); return !Arc.Solid; // Can try extracting next file only in non-solid archive. } while (true) // Repeat the password prompt for wrong and empty passwords. { if (Arc.FileHead.Encrypted) { // Stop archive extracting if user cancelled a password prompt. #ifdef RARDLL if (!ExtrDllGetPassword()) { Cmd->DllError=ERAR_MISSING_PASSWORD; return false; } #else if (!ExtrGetPassword(Arc,ArcFileName)) { PasswordCancelled=true; return false; } #endif } // Set a password before creating the file, so we can skip creating // in case of wrong password. SecPassword FilePassword=Cmd->Password; #if defined(_WIN_ALL) && !defined(SFX_MODULE) ConvertDosPassword(Arc,FilePassword); #endif byte PswCheck[SIZE_PSWCHECK]; DataIO.SetEncryption(false,Arc.FileHead.CryptMethod,&FilePassword, Arc.FileHead.SaltSet ? Arc.FileHead.Salt:NULL, Arc.FileHead.InitV,Arc.FileHead.Lg2Count, Arc.FileHead.HashKey,PswCheck); // If header is damaged, we cannot rely on password check value, // because it can be damaged too. if (Arc.FileHead.Encrypted && Arc.FileHead.UsePswCheck && memcmp(Arc.FileHead.PswCheck,PswCheck,SIZE_PSWCHECK)!=0 && !Arc.BrokenHeader) { if (GlobalPassword) // For -p or Ctrl+P to avoid the infinite loop. { // This message is used by Android GUI to reset cached passwords. // Update appropriate code if changed. uiMsg(UIERROR_BADPSW,Arc.FileName,ArcFileName); } else // For passwords entered manually. { // This message is used by Android GUI and Windows GUI and SFX to // reset cached passwords. Update appropriate code if changed. uiMsg(UIWAIT_BADPSW,Arc.FileName,ArcFileName); Cmd->Password.Clean(); // Avoid new requests for unrar.dll to prevent the infinite loop // if app always returns the same password. #ifndef RARDLL continue; // Request a password again. #endif } #ifdef RARDLL // If we already have ERAR_EOPEN as result of missing volume, // we should not replace it with less precise ERAR_BAD_PASSWORD. if (Cmd->DllError!=ERAR_EOPEN) Cmd->DllError=ERAR_BAD_PASSWORD; #endif ErrHandler.SetErrorCode(RARX_BADPWD); ExtrFile=false; } break; } #ifdef RARDLL if (*Cmd->DllDestName!=0) wcsncpyz(DestFileName,Cmd->DllDestName,ASIZE(DestFileName)); #endif File CurFile; bool LinkEntry=Arc.FileHead.RedirType!=FSREDIR_NONE; if (LinkEntry && Arc.FileHead.RedirType!=FSREDIR_FILECOPY) { if (ExtrFile && Command!='P' && !Cmd->Test) { // Overwrite prompt for symbolic and hard links. bool UserReject=false; if (FileExist(DestFileName) && !UserReject) FileCreate(Cmd,NULL,DestFileName,ASIZE(DestFileName),&UserReject,Arc.FileHead.UnpSize,&Arc.FileHead.mtime); if (UserReject) ExtrFile=false; } } else if (Arc.IsArcDir()) { if (!ExtrFile || Command=='P' || Command=='I' || Command=='E' || Cmd->ExclPath==EXCL_SKIPWHOLEPATH) return true; TotalFileCount++; ExtrCreateDir(Arc,ArcFileName); // It is important to not increment MatchedArgs here, so we extract // dir with its entire contents and not dir record only even if // dir record precedes files. return true; } else if (ExtrFile) // Create files and file copies (FSREDIR_FILECOPY). ExtrFile=ExtrCreateFile(Arc,CurFile); if (!ExtrFile && Arc.Solid) { SkipSolid=true; ExtrFile=true; // We changed SkipSolid, so we need to call uiStartFileExtract // with "Skip" parameter to change the operation status // from "extracting" to "skipping". For example, it can be necessary // if user answered "No" to overwrite prompt when unpacking // a solid archive. if (!uiStartFileExtract(ArcFileName,false,false,true)) return false; } if (ExtrFile) { // Set it in test mode, so we also test subheaders such as NTFS streams // after tested file. if (Cmd->Test) PrevProcessed=true; bool TestMode=Cmd->Test || SkipSolid; // Unpack to memory, not to disk. if (!SkipSolid) { if (!TestMode && Command!='P' && CurFile.IsDevice()) { uiMsg(UIERROR_INVALIDNAME,Arc.FileName,DestFileName); ErrHandler.WriteError(Arc.FileName,DestFileName); } TotalFileCount++; } FileCount++; if (Command!='I' && !Cmd->DisableNames) if (SkipSolid) mprintf(St(MExtrSkipFile),ArcFileName); else switch(Cmd->Test ? 'T':Command) // "Test" can be also enabled by -t switch. { case 'T': mprintf(St(MExtrTestFile),ArcFileName); break; #ifndef SFX_MODULE case 'P': mprintf(St(MExtrPrinting),ArcFileName); break; #endif case 'X': case 'E': mprintf(St(MExtrFile),DestFileName); break; } if (!Cmd->DisablePercentage && !Cmd->DisableNames) mprintf(L" "); if (Cmd->DisableNames) uiEolAfterMsg(); // Avoid erasing preceding messages by percentage indicator in -idn mode. DataIO.CurUnpRead=0; DataIO.CurUnpWrite=0; DataIO.UnpHash.Init(Arc.FileHead.FileHash.Type,Cmd->Threads); DataIO.PackedDataHash.Init(Arc.FileHead.FileHash.Type,Cmd->Threads); DataIO.SetPackedSizeToRead(Arc.FileHead.PackSize); DataIO.SetFiles(&Arc,&CurFile); DataIO.SetTestMode(TestMode); DataIO.SetSkipUnpCRC(SkipSolid); #if defined(_WIN_ALL) && !defined(SFX_MODULE) && !defined(SILENT) if (!TestMode && !Arc.BrokenHeader && Arc.FileHead.UnpSize>0xffffffff && (Fat32 || !NotFat32)) { if (!Fat32) // Not detected yet. NotFat32=!(Fat32=IsFAT(Cmd->ExtrPath)); if (Fat32) uiMsg(UIMSG_FAT32SIZE); // Inform user about FAT32 size limit. } #endif uint64 Preallocated=0; if (!TestMode && !Arc.BrokenHeader && Arc.FileHead.UnpSize>1000000 && Arc.FileHead.PackSize*1024>Arc.FileHead.UnpSize && Arc.IsSeekable() && (Arc.FileHead.UnpSize<100000000 || Arc.FileLength()>Arc.FileHead.PackSize)) { CurFile.Prealloc(Arc.FileHead.UnpSize); Preallocated=Arc.FileHead.UnpSize; } CurFile.SetAllowDelete(!Cmd->KeepBroken); bool FileCreateMode=!TestMode && !SkipSolid && Command!='P'; bool ShowChecksum=true; // Display checksum verification result. bool LinkSuccess=true; // Assume success for test mode. if (LinkEntry) { /* // OPENMPT ADDITION FILE_SYSTEM_REDIRECT Type=Arc.FileHead.RedirType; if (Type==FSREDIR_HARDLINK || Type==FSREDIR_FILECOPY) { wchar RedirName[NM]; ConvertPath(Arc.FileHead.RedirName,RedirName,ASIZE(RedirName)); wchar NameExisting[NM]; ExtrPrepareName(Arc,RedirName,NameExisting,ASIZE(NameExisting)); if (FileCreateMode && *NameExisting!=0) // *NameExisting can be 0 in case of excessive -ap switch. if (Type==FSREDIR_HARDLINK) LinkSuccess=ExtractHardlink(Cmd,DestFileName,NameExisting,ASIZE(NameExisting)); else LinkSuccess=ExtractFileCopy(CurFile,Arc.FileName,DestFileName,NameExisting,ASIZE(NameExisting)); } else if (Type==FSREDIR_UNIXSYMLINK || Type==FSREDIR_WINSYMLINK || Type==FSREDIR_JUNCTION) { if (FileCreateMode) LinkSuccess=ExtractSymlink(Cmd,DataIO,Arc,DestFileName); } else { uiMsg(UIERROR_UNKNOWNEXTRA,Arc.FileName,DestFileName); LinkSuccess=false; } if (!LinkSuccess || Arc.Format==RARFMT15 && !FileCreateMode) { // RAR 5.x links have a valid data checksum even in case of // failure, because they do not store any data. // We do not want to display "OK" in this case. // For 4.x symlinks we verify the checksum only when extracting, // but not when testing an archive. ShowChecksum=false; } PrevProcessed=FileCreateMode && LinkSuccess; */ // OPENMPT ADDITION } else if (!Arc.FileHead.SplitBefore) if (Arc.FileHead.Method==0) UnstoreFile(DataIO,Arc.FileHead.UnpSize); else { Unp->Init(Arc.FileHead.WinSize,Arc.FileHead.Solid); Unp->SetDestSize(Arc.FileHead.UnpSize); #ifndef SFX_MODULE if (Arc.Format!=RARFMT50 && Arc.FileHead.UnpVer<=15) Unp->DoUnpack(15,FileCount>1 && Arc.Solid); else #endif Unp->DoUnpack(Arc.FileHead.UnpVer,Arc.FileHead.Solid); } Arc.SeekToNext(); // We check for "split after" flag to detect partially extracted files // from incomplete volume sets. For them file header contains packed // data hash, which must not be compared against unpacked data hash // to prevent accidental match. Moreover, for -m0 volumes packed data // hash would match truncated unpacked data hash and lead to fake "OK" // in incomplete volume set. bool ValidCRC=!Arc.FileHead.SplitAfter && DataIO.UnpHash.Cmp(&Arc.FileHead.FileHash,Arc.FileHead.UseHashKey ? Arc.FileHead.HashKey:NULL); // We set AnySolidDataUnpackedWell to true if we found at least one // valid non-zero solid file in preceding solid stream. If it is true // and if current encrypted file is broken, we do not need to hint // about a wrong password and can report CRC error only. if (!Arc.FileHead.Solid) AnySolidDataUnpackedWell=false; // Reset the flag, because non-solid file is found. else if (Arc.FileHead.Method!=0 && Arc.FileHead.UnpSize>0 && ValidCRC) AnySolidDataUnpackedWell=true; bool BrokenFile=false; // Checksum is not calculated in skip solid mode for performance reason. if (!SkipSolid && ShowChecksum) { if (ValidCRC) { if (Command!='P' && Command!='I' && !Cmd->DisableNames) mprintf(L"%s%s ",Cmd->DisablePercentage ? L" ":L"\b\b\b\b\b ", Arc.FileHead.FileHash.Type==HASH_NONE ? L" ?":St(MOk)); } else { if (Arc.FileHead.Encrypted && (!Arc.FileHead.UsePswCheck || Arc.BrokenHeader) && !AnySolidDataUnpackedWell) uiMsg(UIERROR_CHECKSUMENC,Arc.FileName,ArcFileName); else uiMsg(UIERROR_CHECKSUM,Arc.FileName,ArcFileName); BrokenFile=true; ErrHandler.SetErrorCode(RARX_CRC); #ifdef RARDLL // If we already have ERAR_EOPEN as result of missing volume // or ERAR_BAD_PASSWORD for RAR5 wrong password, // we should not replace it with less precise ERAR_BAD_DATA. if (Cmd->DllError!=ERAR_EOPEN && Cmd->DllError!=ERAR_BAD_PASSWORD) Cmd->DllError=ERAR_BAD_DATA; #endif } } else { // We check SkipSolid to remove percent for skipped solid files only. // We must not apply these \b to links with ShowChecksum==false // and their possible error messages. if (SkipSolid) mprintf(L"\b\b\b\b\b "); } /* // OPENMPT ADDITION // If we successfully unpacked a hard link, we wish to set its file // attributes. Hard link shares file metadata with link target, // so we do not need to set link time or owner. But when we overwrite // an existing link, we can call PrepareToDelete(), which affects // link target attributes as well. So we set link attributes to restore // both target and link attributes if PrepareToDelete() changed them. bool SetAttrOnly=LinkEntry && Arc.FileHead.RedirType==FSREDIR_HARDLINK && LinkSuccess; if (!TestMode && (Command=='X' || Command=='E') && (!LinkEntry || SetAttrOnly || Arc.FileHead.RedirType==FSREDIR_FILECOPY && LinkSuccess) && (!BrokenFile || Cmd->KeepBroken)) { // Below we use DestFileName instead of CurFile.FileName, // so we can set file attributes also for hard links, which do not // have the open CurFile. These strings are the same for other items. if (!SetAttrOnly) { // We could preallocate more space that really written to broken file // or file with crafted header. if (Preallocated>0 && (BrokenFile || DataIO.CurUnpWrite!=Preallocated)) CurFile.Truncate(); CurFile.SetOpenFileTime( Cmd->xmtime==EXTTIME_NONE ? NULL:&Arc.FileHead.mtime, Cmd->xctime==EXTTIME_NONE ? NULL:&Arc.FileHead.ctime, Cmd->xatime==EXTTIME_NONE ? NULL:&Arc.FileHead.atime); CurFile.Close(); SetFileHeaderExtra(Cmd,Arc,DestFileName); CurFile.SetCloseFileTime( Cmd->xmtime==EXTTIME_NONE ? NULL:&Arc.FileHead.mtime, Cmd->xatime==EXTTIME_NONE ? NULL:&Arc.FileHead.atime); } #if defined(_WIN_ALL) && !defined(SFX_MODULE) if (Cmd->SetCompressedAttr && (Arc.FileHead.FileAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED)!=0) SetFileCompression(DestFileName,true); if (Cmd->ClearArc) Arc.FileHead.FileAttr&=~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE; #endif if (!Cmd->IgnoreGeneralAttr && !SetFileAttr(DestFileName,Arc.FileHead.FileAttr)) { uiMsg(UIERROR_FILEATTR,Arc.FileName,DestFileName); // Android cannot set file attributes and while UIERROR_FILEATTR // above is handled by Android RAR silently, this call would cause // "Operation not permitted" message for every unpacked file. ErrHandler.SysErrMsg(); } PrevProcessed=true; } */ // OPENMPT ADDITION } } // It is important to increment it for files, but not dirs. So we extract // dir with its entire contents, not just dir record only even if dir // record precedes files. if (MatchFound) MatchedArgs++; if (DataIO.NextVolumeMissing) return false; if (!ExtrFile) if (!Arc.Solid) Arc.SeekToNext(); else if (!SkipSolid) return false; return true; } void CmdExtract::UnstoreFile(ComprDataIO &DataIO,int64 DestUnpSize) { Array Buffer(File::CopyBufferSize()); while (true) { int ReadSize=DataIO.UnpRead(&Buffer[0],Buffer.Size()); if (ReadSize<=0) break; int WriteSize=ReadSize0) { DataIO.UnpWrite(&Buffer[0],WriteSize); DestUnpSize-=WriteSize; } } } bool CmdExtract::ExtractFileCopy(File &New,wchar *ArcName,wchar *NameNew,wchar *NameExisting,size_t NameExistingSize) { SlashToNative(NameExisting,NameExisting,NameExistingSize); // Not needed for RAR 5.1+ archives. File Existing; if (!Existing.WOpen(NameExisting)) { uiMsg(UIERROR_FILECOPY,ArcName,NameExisting,NameNew); uiMsg(UIERROR_FILECOPYHINT,ArcName); #ifdef RARDLL Cmd->DllError=ERAR_EREFERENCE; #endif return false; } Array Buffer(0x100000); int64 CopySize=0; while (true) { Wait(); int ReadSize=Existing.Read(&Buffer[0],Buffer.Size()); if (ReadSize==0) break; New.Write(&Buffer[0],ReadSize); CopySize+=ReadSize; } return true; } void CmdExtract::ExtrPrepareName(Archive &Arc,const wchar *ArcFileName,wchar *DestName,size_t DestSize) { *DestName = L'*'; // OPENMPT ADDITION return; // OPENMPT ADDITION wcsncpyz(DestName,Cmd->ExtrPath,DestSize); if (*Cmd->ExtrPath!=0) { wchar LastChar=*PointToLastChar(Cmd->ExtrPath); // We need IsPathDiv check here to correctly handle Unix forward slash // in the end of destination path in Windows: rar x arc dest/ // so we call IsPathDiv first instead of just calling AddEndSlash, // which checks for only one type of path separator. // IsDriveDiv is needed for current drive dir: rar x arc d: if (!IsPathDiv(LastChar) && !IsDriveDiv(LastChar)) { // Destination path can be without trailing slash if it come from GUI shell. AddEndSlash(DestName,DestSize); } } #ifndef SFX_MODULE if (Cmd->AppendArcNameToPath!=APPENDARCNAME_NONE) { switch(Cmd->AppendArcNameToPath) { case APPENDARCNAME_DESTPATH: // To subdir of destination path. wcsncatz(DestName,PointToName(Arc.FirstVolumeName),DestSize); SetExt(DestName,NULL,DestSize); break; case APPENDARCNAME_OWNSUBDIR: // To subdir of archive own dir. wcsncpyz(DestName,Arc.FirstVolumeName,DestSize); SetExt(DestName,NULL,DestSize); break; case APPENDARCNAME_OWNDIR: // To archive own dir. wcsncpyz(DestName,Arc.FirstVolumeName,DestSize); RemoveNameFromPath(DestName); break; } AddEndSlash(DestName,DestSize); } #endif #ifndef SFX_MODULE wchar *ArcPath=*Cmd->ExclArcPath!=0 ? Cmd->ExclArcPath:Cmd->ArcPath; size_t ArcPathLength=wcslen(ArcPath); if (ArcPathLength>0) { size_t NameLength=wcslen(ArcFileName); if (NameLength>=ArcPathLength && wcsnicompc(ArcPath,ArcFileName,ArcPathLength)==0 && (IsPathDiv(ArcPath[ArcPathLength-1]) || IsPathDiv(ArcFileName[ArcPathLength]) || ArcFileName[ArcPathLength]==0)) { ArcFileName+=Min(ArcPathLength,NameLength); while (IsPathDiv(*ArcFileName)) ArcFileName++; if (*ArcFileName==0) // Excessive -ap switch. { *DestName=0; return; } } } #endif wchar Command=Cmd->Command[0]; // Use -ep3 only in systems, where disk letters are exist, not in Unix. bool AbsPaths=Cmd->ExclPath==EXCL_ABSPATH && Command=='X' && IsDriveDiv(':'); // We do not use any user specified destination paths when extracting // absolute paths in -ep3 mode. if (AbsPaths) *DestName=0; if (Command=='E' || Cmd->ExclPath==EXCL_SKIPWHOLEPATH) wcsncatz(DestName,PointToName(ArcFileName),DestSize); else wcsncatz(DestName,ArcFileName,DestSize); #ifdef _WIN_ALL // Must do after Cmd->ArcPath processing above, so file name and arc path // trailing spaces are in sync. if (!Cmd->AllowIncompatNames) MakeNameCompatible(DestName,DestSize); #endif wchar DiskLetter=toupperw(DestName[0]); if (AbsPaths) { if (DestName[1]=='_' && IsPathDiv(DestName[2]) && DiskLetter>='A' && DiskLetter<='Z') DestName[1]=':'; else if (DestName[0]=='_' && DestName[1]=='_') { // Convert __server\share to \\server\share. DestName[0]=CPATHDIVIDER; DestName[1]=CPATHDIVIDER; } } } #ifdef RARDLL bool CmdExtract::ExtrDllGetPassword() { return false; // OPENMPT ADDITION if (!Cmd->Password.IsSet()) { if (Cmd->Callback!=NULL) { wchar PasswordW[MAXPASSWORD]; *PasswordW=0; if (Cmd->Callback(UCM_NEEDPASSWORDW,Cmd->UserData,(LPARAM)PasswordW,ASIZE(PasswordW))==-1) *PasswordW=0; if (*PasswordW==0) { char PasswordA[MAXPASSWORD]; *PasswordA=0; if (Cmd->Callback(UCM_NEEDPASSWORD,Cmd->UserData,(LPARAM)PasswordA,ASIZE(PasswordA))==-1) *PasswordA=0; GetWideName(PasswordA,NULL,PasswordW,ASIZE(PasswordW)); cleandata(PasswordA,sizeof(PasswordA)); } Cmd->Password.Set(PasswordW); cleandata(PasswordW,sizeof(PasswordW)); Cmd->ManualPassword=true; } if (!Cmd->Password.IsSet()) return false; } return true; } #endif #ifndef RARDLL bool CmdExtract::ExtrGetPassword(Archive &Arc,const wchar *ArcFileName) { if (!Cmd->Password.IsSet()) { if (!uiGetPassword(UIPASSWORD_FILE,ArcFileName,&Cmd->Password)/* || !Cmd->Password.IsSet()*/) { // Suppress "test is ok" message if user cancelled the password prompt. uiMsg(UIERROR_INCERRCOUNT); return false; } Cmd->ManualPassword=true; } #if !defined(SILENT) else if (!GlobalPassword && !Arc.FileHead.Solid) { eprintf(St(MUseCurPsw),ArcFileName); switch(Cmd->AllYes ? 1 : Ask(St(MYesNoAll))) { case -1: ErrHandler.Exit(RARX_USERBREAK); case 2: if (!uiGetPassword(UIPASSWORD_FILE,ArcFileName,&Cmd->Password)) return false; break; case 3: GlobalPassword=true; break; } } #endif return true; } #endif #if defined(_WIN_ALL) && !defined(SFX_MODULE) void CmdExtract::ConvertDosPassword(Archive &Arc,SecPassword &DestPwd) { if (Arc.Format==RARFMT15 && Arc.FileHead.HostOS==HOST_MSDOS) { // We need the password in OEM encoding if file was encrypted by // native RAR/DOS (not extender based). Let's make the conversion. wchar PlainPsw[MAXPASSWORD]; Cmd->Password.Get(PlainPsw,ASIZE(PlainPsw)); char PswA[MAXPASSWORD]; CharToOemBuffW(PlainPsw,PswA,ASIZE(PswA)); PswA[ASIZE(PswA)-1]=0; CharToWide(PswA,PlainPsw,ASIZE(PlainPsw)); DestPwd.Set(PlainPsw); cleandata(PlainPsw,sizeof(PlainPsw)); cleandata(PswA,sizeof(PswA)); } } #endif void CmdExtract::ExtrCreateDir(Archive &Arc,const wchar *ArcFileName) { return; // OPENMPT ADDITION if (Cmd->Test) { if (!Cmd->DisableNames) { mprintf(St(MExtrTestFile),ArcFileName); mprintf(L" %s",St(MOk)); } return; } MKDIR_CODE MDCode=MakeDir(DestFileName,!Cmd->IgnoreGeneralAttr,Arc.FileHead.FileAttr); bool DirExist=false; if (MDCode!=MKDIR_SUCCESS) { DirExist=FileExist(DestFileName); if (DirExist && !IsDir(GetFileAttr(DestFileName))) { // File with name same as this directory exists. Propose user // to overwrite it. bool UserReject; FileCreate(Cmd,NULL,DestFileName,ASIZE(DestFileName),&UserReject,Arc.FileHead.UnpSize,&Arc.FileHead.mtime); DirExist=false; } if (!DirExist) { CreatePath(DestFileName,true,Cmd->DisableNames); MDCode=MakeDir(DestFileName,!Cmd->IgnoreGeneralAttr,Arc.FileHead.FileAttr); if (MDCode!=MKDIR_SUCCESS && !IsNameUsable(DestFileName)) { uiMsg(UIMSG_CORRECTINGNAME,Arc.FileName); wchar OrigName[ASIZE(DestFileName)]; wcsncpyz(OrigName,DestFileName,ASIZE(OrigName)); MakeNameUsable(DestFileName,true); #ifndef SFX_MODULE uiMsg(UIERROR_RENAMING,Arc.FileName,OrigName,DestFileName); #endif DirExist=FileExist(DestFileName) && IsDir(GetFileAttr(DestFileName)); if (!DirExist) { CreatePath(DestFileName,true,Cmd->DisableNames); MDCode=MakeDir(DestFileName,!Cmd->IgnoreGeneralAttr,Arc.FileHead.FileAttr); } } } } if (MDCode==MKDIR_SUCCESS) { if (!Cmd->DisableNames) { mprintf(St(MCreatDir),DestFileName); mprintf(L" %s",St(MOk)); } PrevProcessed=true; } else if (DirExist) { if (!Cmd->IgnoreGeneralAttr) SetFileAttr(DestFileName,Arc.FileHead.FileAttr); PrevProcessed=true; } else { uiMsg(UIERROR_DIRCREATE,Arc.FileName,DestFileName); ErrHandler.SysErrMsg(); #ifdef RARDLL Cmd->DllError=ERAR_ECREATE; #endif ErrHandler.SetErrorCode(RARX_CREATE); } if (PrevProcessed) { #if defined(_WIN_ALL) && !defined(SFX_MODULE) if (Cmd->SetCompressedAttr && (Arc.FileHead.FileAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED)!=0 && WinNT()!=WNT_NONE) SetFileCompression(DestFileName,true); #endif SetFileHeaderExtra(Cmd,Arc,DestFileName); SetDirTime(DestFileName, Cmd->xmtime==EXTTIME_NONE ? NULL:&Arc.FileHead.mtime, Cmd->xctime==EXTTIME_NONE ? NULL:&Arc.FileHead.ctime, Cmd->xatime==EXTTIME_NONE ? NULL:&Arc.FileHead.atime); } } bool CmdExtract::ExtrCreateFile(Archive &Arc,File &CurFile) { return true; // OPENMPT ADDITION bool Success=true; wchar Command=Cmd->Command[0]; #if !defined(SFX_MODULE) if (Command=='P') CurFile.SetHandleType(FILE_HANDLESTD); #endif if ((Command=='E' || Command=='X') && !Cmd->Test) { bool UserReject; // Specify "write only" mode to avoid OpenIndiana NAS problems // with SetFileTime and read+write files. if (!FileCreate(Cmd,&CurFile,DestFileName,ASIZE(DestFileName),&UserReject,Arc.FileHead.UnpSize,&Arc.FileHead.mtime,true)) { Success=false; if (!UserReject) { ErrHandler.CreateErrorMsg(Arc.FileName,DestFileName); if (FileExist(DestFileName) && IsDir(GetFileAttr(DestFileName))) uiMsg(UIERROR_DIRNAMEEXISTS); #ifdef RARDLL Cmd->DllError=ERAR_ECREATE; #endif if (!IsNameUsable(DestFileName)) { uiMsg(UIMSG_CORRECTINGNAME,Arc.FileName); wchar OrigName[ASIZE(DestFileName)]; wcsncpyz(OrigName,DestFileName,ASIZE(OrigName)); MakeNameUsable(DestFileName,true); CreatePath(DestFileName,true,Cmd->DisableNames); if (FileCreate(Cmd,&CurFile,DestFileName,ASIZE(DestFileName),&UserReject,Arc.FileHead.UnpSize,&Arc.FileHead.mtime,true)) { #ifndef SFX_MODULE uiMsg(UIERROR_RENAMING,Arc.FileName,OrigName,DestFileName); #endif Success=true; } else ErrHandler.CreateErrorMsg(Arc.FileName,DestFileName); } } } } return Success; } bool CmdExtract::CheckUnpVer(Archive &Arc,const wchar *ArcFileName) { bool WrongVer; if (Arc.Format==RARFMT50) // Both SFX and RAR can unpack RAR 5.0 archives. WrongVer=Arc.FileHead.UnpVer>VER_UNPACK5; else { #ifdef SFX_MODULE // SFX can unpack only RAR 2.9 archives. WrongVer=Arc.FileHead.UnpVer!=VER_UNPACK; #else // All formats since 1.3 for RAR. WrongVer=Arc.FileHead.UnpVer<13 || Arc.FileHead.UnpVer>VER_UNPACK; #endif } // We can unpack stored files regardless of compression version field. if (Arc.FileHead.Method==0) WrongVer=false; if (WrongVer) { ErrHandler.UnknownMethodMsg(Arc.FileName,ArcFileName); uiMsg(UIERROR_NEWERRAR,Arc.FileName); } return !WrongVer; } #ifndef SFX_MODULE // To speed up solid volumes extraction, try to find a non-first start volume, // which still allows to unpack all files. It is possible for independent // solid volumes with solid statistics reset in the beginning. bool CmdExtract::DetectStartVolume(const wchar *VolName,bool NewNumbering) { wchar *ArgName=Cmd->FileArgs.GetString(); Cmd->FileArgs.Rewind(); if (ArgName!=NULL && (wcscmp(ArgName,L"*")==0 || wcscmp(ArgName,L"*.*")==0)) return false; // No need to check further for * and *.* masks. wchar StartName[NM]; *StartName=0; // Start search from first volume if all volumes preceding current are available. wchar NextName[NM]; GetFirstVolIfFullSet(VolName,NewNumbering,NextName,ASIZE(NextName)); bool Matched=false; while (!Matched) { Archive Arc(Cmd); if (!Arc.Open(NextName) || !Arc.IsArchive(false) || !Arc.Volume) break; bool OpenNext=false; while (Arc.ReadHeader()>0) { Wait(); HEADER_TYPE HeaderType=Arc.GetHeaderType(); if (HeaderType==HEAD_ENDARC) { OpenNext|=Arc.EndArcHead.NextVolume; // Allow open next volume. break; } if (HeaderType==HEAD_FILE) { if (!Arc.FileHead.SplitBefore) { if (!Arc.FileHead.Solid) // Can start extraction from here. wcsncpyz(StartName,NextName,ASIZE(StartName)); if (Cmd->IsProcessFile(Arc.FileHead,NULL,MATCH_WILDSUBPATH,0,NULL,0)!=0) { Matched=true; // First matched file found, must stop further scan. break; } } if (Arc.FileHead.SplitAfter) { OpenNext=true; // Allow open next volume. break; } } Arc.SeekToNext(); } Arc.Close(); if (!OpenNext) break; NextVolumeName(NextName,ASIZE(NextName),!Arc.NewNumbering); } bool NewStartFound=wcscmp(VolName,StartName)!=0; if (NewStartFound) // Found a new volume to start extraction. wcsncpyz(ArcName,StartName,ASIZE(ArcName)); return NewStartFound; } #endif #ifndef SFX_MODULE // Return the first volume name if all volumes preceding the specified // are available. Otherwise return the specified volume name. void CmdExtract::GetFirstVolIfFullSet(const wchar *SrcName,bool NewNumbering,wchar *DestName,size_t DestSize) { wchar FirstVolName[NM]; VolNameToFirstName(SrcName,FirstVolName,ASIZE(FirstVolName),NewNumbering); wchar NextName[NM]; wcsncpyz(NextName,FirstVolName,ASIZE(NextName)); wchar ResultName[NM]; wcsncpyz(ResultName,SrcName,ASIZE(ResultName)); while (true) { if (wcscmp(SrcName,NextName)==0) { wcsncpyz(ResultName,FirstVolName,DestSize); break; } if (!FileExist(NextName)) break; NextVolumeName(NextName,ASIZE(NextName),!NewNumbering); } wcsncpyz(DestName,ResultName,DestSize); } #endif