/* * in_openmpt.cpp * -------------- * Purpose: libopenmpt winamp input plugin implementation * Notes : (currently none) * Authors: OpenMPT Devs * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details. */ #ifndef NO_WINAMP #if defined(_MFC_VER) || 1 #ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif #if !defined(WINVER) && !defined(_WIN32_WINDOWS) #ifndef _WIN32_WINNT #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 // _WIN32_WINNT_WINXP #endif #endif #if !defined(MPT_BUILD_RETRO) #if defined(_MSC_VER) #define MPT_WITH_MFC #endif #else #if defined(_WIN32_WINNT) #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) #if defined(_MSC_VER) #define MPT_WITH_MFC #endif #endif #endif #endif #if defined(MPT_WITH_MFC) #define _AFX_NO_MFC_CONTROLS_IN_DIALOGS // Avoid binary bloat from linking unused MFC controls #endif // MPT_WITH_MFC #ifndef NOMINMAX #define NOMINMAX #endif #if defined(MPT_WITH_MFC) #include #include #endif // MPT_WITH_MFC #include #endif // _MFC_VER #ifdef LIBOPENMPT_BUILD_DLL #undef LIBOPENMPT_BUILD_DLL #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif #ifndef _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif #endif // _MSC_VER #include "libopenmpt.hpp" #include "libopenmpt_plugin_settings.hpp" #include "libopenmpt_plugin_gui.hpp" #include "svn_version.h" #if defined(OPENMPT_VERSION_REVISION) static const char * in_openmpt_string = "in_openmpt " OPENMPT_API_VERSION_STRING "." OPENMPT_API_VERSION_STRINGIZE(OPENMPT_VERSION_REVISION); #else static const char * in_openmpt_string = "in_openmpt " OPENMPT_API_VERSION_STRING; #endif #ifndef NOMINMAX #define NOMINMAX #endif #include #ifdef UNICODE #define UNICODE_INPUT_PLUGIN #endif #ifndef _MSC_VER #define _MSC_VER 1300 #endif #include "winamp/Winamp/IN2.H" #include "winamp/Winamp/wa_ipc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BPS 16 #define WINAMP_DSP_HEADROOM_FACTOR 2 #define WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES 576 #define WM_OPENMPT_SEEK (WM_USER+3) #define SHORT_TITLE "in_openmpt" static void apply_options(); static std::string StringEncode( const std::wstring &src, UINT codepage ) { int required_size = WideCharToMultiByte( codepage, 0, src.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); if(required_size <= 0) { return std::string(); } std::vector encoded_string( required_size ); WideCharToMultiByte( codepage, 0, src.c_str(), -1, &encoded_string[0], encoded_string.size(), NULL, NULL ); return &encoded_string[0]; } static std::wstring StringDecode( const std::string & src, UINT codepage ) { int required_size = MultiByteToWideChar( codepage, 0, src.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0 ); if(required_size <= 0) { return std::wstring(); } std::vector decoded_string( required_size ); MultiByteToWideChar( codepage, 0, src.c_str(), -1, &decoded_string[0], decoded_string.size() ); return &decoded_string[0]; } #if defined(UNICODE) static std::wstring StringToWINAPI( const std::wstring & src ) { return src; } #else static std::string StringToWINAPI( const std::wstring & src ) { return StringEncode( src, CP_ACP ); } #endif template static inline Tstring StringReplace( Tstring str, const Tstring2 & oldStr_, const Tstring3 & newStr_ ) { std::size_t pos = 0; const Tstring oldStr = oldStr_; const Tstring newStr = newStr_; while ( ( pos = str.find( oldStr, pos ) ) != Tstring::npos ) { str.replace( pos, oldStr.length(), newStr ); pos += newStr.length(); } return str; } struct self_winamp_t { std::vector filetypes_string; libopenmpt::plugin::settings settings; int samplerate; int channels; std::basic_string cached_filename; std::basic_string cached_title; int cached_length; std::basic_string cached_infotext; std::int64_t decode_position_frames; openmpt::module * mod; HANDLE PlayThread; DWORD PlayThreadID; bool paused; std::vector buffer; std::vector interleaved_buffer; self_winamp_t() : settings(TEXT(SHORT_TITLE), true) { filetypes_string.clear(); settings.changed = apply_options; settings.load(); std::vector extensions = openmpt::get_supported_extensions(); for ( std::vector::iterator ext = extensions.begin(); ext != extensions.end(); ++ext ) { std::copy( (*ext).begin(), (*ext).end(), std::back_inserter( filetypes_string ) ); filetypes_string.push_back('\0'); std::copy( SHORT_TITLE, SHORT_TITLE + std::strlen(SHORT_TITLE), std::back_inserter( filetypes_string ) ); filetypes_string.push_back('\0'); } filetypes_string.push_back('\0'); samplerate = settings.samplerate; channels = settings.channels; cached_filename = std::basic_string(); cached_title = std::basic_string(); cached_length = 0; cached_infotext = std::basic_string(); decode_position_frames = 0; mod = 0; PlayThread = 0; PlayThreadID = 0; paused = false; buffer.resize( WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES * channels ); interleaved_buffer.resize( WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES * channels * WINAMP_DSP_HEADROOM_FACTOR ); } ~self_winamp_t() { return; } }; static self_winamp_t * self = 0; static void apply_options() { if ( self->mod ) { self->mod->set_repeat_count( self->settings.repeatcount ); self->mod->set_render_param( openmpt::module::RENDER_MASTERGAIN_MILLIBEL, self->settings.mastergain_millibel ); self->mod->set_render_param( openmpt::module::RENDER_STEREOSEPARATION_PERCENT, self->settings.stereoseparation ); self->mod->set_render_param( openmpt::module::RENDER_INTERPOLATIONFILTER_LENGTH, self->settings.interpolationfilterlength ); self->mod->set_render_param( openmpt::module::RENDER_VOLUMERAMPING_STRENGTH, self->settings.ramping ); self->mod->ctl_set_boolean( "render.resampler.emulate_amiga", self->settings.use_amiga_resampler ? true : false ); switch ( self->settings.amiga_filter_type ) { case 0: self->mod->ctl_set_text( "render.resampler.emulate_amiga_type", "auto" ); break; case 1: self->mod->ctl_set_text( "render.resampler.emulate_amiga_type", "unfiltered" ); break; case 0xA500: self->mod->ctl_set_text( "render.resampler.emulate_amiga_type", "a500" ); break; case 0xA1200: self->mod->ctl_set_text( "render.resampler.emulate_amiga_type", "a1200" ); break; } } self->settings.save(); } extern In_Module inmod; static DWORD WINAPI DecodeThread( LPVOID ); static std::basic_string generate_infotext( const std::basic_string & filename, const openmpt::module & mod ) { std::basic_ostringstream str; str << TEXT("filename: ") << filename << std::endl; str << TEXT("duration: ") << mod.get_duration_seconds() << TEXT("seconds") << std::endl; std::vector metadatakeys = mod.get_metadata_keys(); for ( std::vector::iterator key = metadatakeys.begin(); key != metadatakeys.end(); ++key ) { if ( *key == "message_raw" ) { continue; } str << StringToWINAPI( StringDecode( *key, CP_UTF8 ) ) << TEXT(": ") << StringToWINAPI( StringDecode( mod.get_metadata(*key), CP_UTF8 ) ) << std::endl; } return str.str(); } static void config( HWND hwndParent ) { #if 1 libopenmpt::plugin::gui_edit_settings( &self->settings, hwndParent, TEXT(SHORT_TITLE) ); #else static_cast(hwndParent); #endif apply_options(); } static void about( HWND hwndParent ) { std::ostringstream about; about << SHORT_TITLE << " version " << openmpt::string::get( "library_version" ) << " " << "(built " << openmpt::string::get( "build" ) << ")" << std::endl; about << " Copyright (c) 2013-2022 OpenMPT Project Developers and Contributors (https://lib.openmpt.org/)" << std::endl; about << " OpenMPT version " << openmpt::string::get( "core_version" ) << std::endl; about << std::endl; about << openmpt::string::get( "contact" ) << std::endl; about << std::endl; about << "Show full credits?" << std::endl; if ( MessageBox( hwndParent, StringToWINAPI( StringDecode( about.str(), CP_UTF8 ) ).c_str(), TEXT(SHORT_TITLE), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_DEFBUTTON1 ) != IDYES ) { return; } std::ostringstream credits; credits << openmpt::string::get( "credits" ); #if 1 libopenmpt::plugin::gui_show_file_info( hwndParent, TEXT(SHORT_TITLE), StringToWINAPI( StringReplace( StringDecode( credits.str(), CP_UTF8 ), L"\n", L"\r\n" ) ) ); #else MessageBox( hwndParent, StringToWINAPI( StringReplace(StringDecode(credits.str(), CP_UTF8 ), L"\n", L"\r\n" ) ).c_str(), TEXT(SHORT_TITLE), MB_OK ); #endif } static void init() { if ( !self ) { self = new self_winamp_t(); inmod.FileExtensions = &(self->filetypes_string[0]); } } static void quit() { if ( self ) { inmod.FileExtensions = NULL; delete self; self = 0; } } static int isourfile( const in_char * /* fn */ ) { return 0; } static int play( const in_char * fn ) { if ( !fn ) { return -1; } try { std::ifstream s( fn, std::ios::binary ); std::map< std::string, std::string > ctls; ctls["seek.sync_samples"] = "1"; self->mod = new openmpt::module( s, std::clog, ctls ); self->cached_filename = fn; self->cached_title = StringToWINAPI( StringDecode( self->mod->get_metadata( "title" ), CP_UTF8 ) ); self->cached_length = static_cast( self->mod->get_duration_seconds() * 1000.0 ); self->cached_infotext = generate_infotext( self->cached_filename, *self->mod ); apply_options(); self->samplerate = self->settings.samplerate; self->channels = self->settings.channels; int maxlatency = inmod.outMod->Open( self->samplerate, self->channels, BPS, -1, -1 ); std::ostringstream str; str << maxlatency; inmod.SetInfo( self->mod->get_num_channels(), self->samplerate/1000, self->channels, 1 ); inmod.SAVSAInit( maxlatency, self->samplerate ); inmod.VSASetInfo( self->channels, self->samplerate ); inmod.outMod->SetVolume( -666 ); inmod.outMod->SetPan( 0 ); self->paused = false; self->decode_position_frames = 0; self->PlayThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, DecodeThread, NULL, 0, &self->PlayThreadID ); return 0; } catch ( ... ) { if ( self->mod ) { delete self->mod; self->mod = 0; } return -1; } } static void pause() { self->paused = true; inmod.outMod->Pause( 1 ); } static void unpause() { self->paused = false; inmod.outMod->Pause( 0 ); } static int ispaused() { return self->paused ? 1 : 0; } static void stop() { PostThreadMessage( self->PlayThreadID, WM_QUIT, 0, 0 ); WaitForSingleObject( self->PlayThread, INFINITE ); CloseHandle( self->PlayThread ); self->PlayThread = 0; self->PlayThreadID = 0; delete self->mod; self->mod = 0; inmod.outMod->Close(); inmod.SAVSADeInit(); } static int getlength() { return self->cached_length; } static int getoutputtime() { //return (int)( self->decode_position_frames * 1000 / self->mod->get_render_param( openmpt::module::RENDER_SAMPLERATE_HZ ) /* + ( inmod.outMod->GetOutputTime() - inmod.outMod->GetWrittenTime() ) */ ); return inmod.outMod->GetOutputTime(); } static void setoutputtime( int time_in_ms ) { PostThreadMessage( self->PlayThreadID, WM_OPENMPT_SEEK, 0, time_in_ms ); } static void setvolume( int volume ) { inmod.outMod->SetVolume( volume ); } static void setpan( int pan ) { inmod.outMod->SetPan( pan ); } static int infobox( const in_char * fn, HWND hWndParent ) { if ( fn && fn[0] != '\0' && self->cached_filename != std::basic_string(fn) ) { try { std::ifstream s( fn, std::ios::binary ); openmpt::module mod( s ); #if 1 libopenmpt::plugin::gui_show_file_info( hWndParent, TEXT(SHORT_TITLE), StringReplace( generate_infotext( fn, mod ), TEXT("\n"), TEXT("\r\n") ) ); #else MessageBox( hWndParent, StringReplace( generate_infotext( fn, mod ), TEXT("\n"), TEXT("\r\n") ).c_str(), TEXT(SHORT_TITLE), MB_OK ); #endif } catch ( ... ) { } } else { #if 1 libopenmpt::plugin::gui_show_file_info( hWndParent, TEXT(SHORT_TITLE), StringReplace( self->cached_infotext, TEXT("\n"), TEXT("\r\n") ) ); #else MessageBox( hWndParent, StringReplace( self->cached_infotext, TEXT("\n"), TEXT("\r\n") ).c_str(), TEXT(SHORT_TITLE), MB_OK ); #endif } return INFOBOX_UNCHANGED; } static void getfileinfo( const in_char * filename, in_char * title, int * length_in_ms ) { if ( !filename || *filename == '\0' ) { if ( length_in_ms ) { *length_in_ms = self->cached_length; } if ( title ) { std::basic_string truncated_title = self->cached_title; if ( truncated_title.length() >= GETFILEINFO_TITLE_LENGTH ) { truncated_title.resize( GETFILEINFO_TITLE_LENGTH - 1 ); } _tcscpy( title, truncated_title.c_str() ); } } else { try { std::ifstream s( filename, std::ios::binary ); openmpt::module mod( s ); if ( length_in_ms ) { *length_in_ms = static_cast( mod.get_duration_seconds() * 1000.0 ); } if ( title ) { std::basic_string truncated_title = StringToWINAPI( StringDecode( mod.get_metadata("title"), CP_UTF8 ) ); if ( truncated_title.length() >= GETFILEINFO_TITLE_LENGTH ) { truncated_title.resize( GETFILEINFO_TITLE_LENGTH - 1 ); } _tcscpy( title, truncated_title.c_str() ); } } catch ( ... ) { } } } static void eq_set( int /* on */ , char /* data */ [10], int /* preamp */ ) { return; } static DWORD WINAPI DecodeThread( LPVOID ) { MSG msg; PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE ); bool eof = false; while ( true ) { bool quit = false; while ( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) ) { if ( msg.message == WM_QUIT ) { quit = true; } else if ( msg.message == WM_OPENMPT_SEEK ) { double pos_seconds = self->mod->set_position_seconds( msg.lParam * 0.001 ); self->decode_position_frames = (std::int64_t)( pos_seconds * (double)self->samplerate); eof = false; inmod.outMod->Flush( (int)( pos_seconds * 1000.0 ) ); } } if ( quit ) { break; } if ( eof ) { inmod.outMod->CanWrite(); // update output plugin state if ( !inmod.outMod->IsPlaying() ) { PostMessage( inmod.hMainWindow, WM_WA_MPEG_EOF, 0, 0 ); return 0; } Sleep( 10 ); } else { bool dsp_active = inmod.dsp_isactive() ? true : false; if ( inmod.outMod->CanWrite() >= (int)( WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES * self->channels * sizeof( signed short ) ) * ( dsp_active ? WINAMP_DSP_HEADROOM_FACTOR : 1 ) ) { int frames = 0; switch ( self->channels ) { case 1: frames = self->mod->read( self->samplerate, WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES, (&(self->buffer[0]))+0*WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES ); for ( int frame = 0; frame < frames; frame++ ) { self->interleaved_buffer[frame*1+0] = self->buffer[0*WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES+frame]; } break; case 2: frames = self->mod->read( self->samplerate, WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES, (&(self->buffer[0]))+0*WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES, (&(self->buffer[0]))+1*WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES ); for ( int frame = 0; frame < frames; frame++ ) { self->interleaved_buffer[frame*2+0] = self->buffer[0*WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES+frame]; self->interleaved_buffer[frame*2+1] = self->buffer[1*WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES+frame]; } break; case 4: frames = self->mod->read( self->samplerate, WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES, (&(self->buffer[0]))+0*WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES, (&(self->buffer[0]))+1*WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES, (&(self->buffer[0]))+2*WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES, (&(self->buffer[0]))+3*WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES ); for ( int frame = 0; frame < frames; frame++ ) { self->interleaved_buffer[frame*4+0] = self->buffer[0*WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES+frame]; self->interleaved_buffer[frame*4+1] = self->buffer[1*WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES+frame]; self->interleaved_buffer[frame*4+2] = self->buffer[2*WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES+frame]; self->interleaved_buffer[frame*4+3] = self->buffer[3*WINAMP_BUFFER_SIZE_FRAMES+frame]; } break; } if ( frames == 0 ) { eof = true; } else { self->decode_position_frames += frames; std::int64_t decode_pos_ms = (self->decode_position_frames * 1000 / self->samplerate ); inmod.SAAddPCMData( &( self->interleaved_buffer[0] ), self->channels, BPS, (int)decode_pos_ms ); inmod.VSAAddPCMData( &( self->interleaved_buffer[0] ), self->channels, BPS, (int)decode_pos_ms ); if ( dsp_active ) { frames = inmod.dsp_dosamples( &( self->interleaved_buffer[0] ), frames, BPS, self->channels, self->samplerate ); } int bytes = frames * self->channels * sizeof( signed short ); inmod.outMod->Write( (char*)&( self->interleaved_buffer[0] ), bytes ); } } else { Sleep( 10 ); } } } return 0; } #if defined(__GNUC__) extern In_Module inmod; #endif In_Module inmod = { IN_VER, const_cast< char * >( in_openmpt_string ), // SHORT_TITLE, 0, // hMainWindow 0, // hDllInstance NULL, // filled later in Init() "mptm\0ModPlug Tracker Module (*.mptm)\0", 1, // is_seekable 1, // uses output config, about, init, quit, getfileinfo, infobox, isourfile, play, pause, unpause, ispaused, stop, getlength, getoutputtime, setoutputtime, setvolume, setpan, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // vis 0,0, // dsp eq_set, NULL, // setinfo 0 // out_mod }; extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) In_Module * winampGetInModule2(); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) In_Module * winampGetInModule2() { return &inmod; } #if defined(MPT_WITH_MFC) #ifdef _MFC_VER namespace libopenmpt { namespace plugin { void DllMainAttach() { // nothing } void DllMainDetach() { // nothing } } // namespace plugin } // namespace libopenmpt #else // nothing #endif #endif // MPT_WITH_MFC #endif // NO_WINAMP