/* * Load_dsm.cpp * ------------ * Purpose: Digisound Interface Kit (DSIK) Internal Format (DSM v2 / RIFF) module loader * Notes : 1. There is also another fundamentally different DSIK DSM v1 module format, not handled here. * MilkyTracker can load it, but the only files of this format seen in the wild are also * available in their original format, so I did not bother implementing it so far. * * 2. Using both PLAY.EXE v1.02 and v2.00, commands not supported in MOD do not seem to do * anything at all. * In particular commands 0x11-0x13 handled below are ignored, and no files have been spotted * in the wild using any commands > 0x0F at all. * S3M-style retrigger does not seem to exist - it is translated to volume slides by CONV.EXE, * and J00 in S3M files is not converted either. S3M pattern loops (SBx) are not converted * properly by CONV.EXE and completely ignored by PLAY.EXE. * Command 8 (set panning) uses 00-80 for regular panning and A4 for surround, probably * making DSIK one of the first applications to use this particular encoding scheme still * used in "extended" S3Ms today. * Authors: OpenMPT Devs * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "Loaders.h" OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct DSMChunk { char magic[4]; uint32le size; }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(DSMChunk, 8) struct DSMSongHeader { char songName[28]; uint16le fileVersion; uint16le flags; uint16le orderPos; uint16le restartPos; uint16le numOrders; uint16le numSamples; uint16le numPatterns; uint16le numChannels; uint8le globalVol; uint8le mastervol; uint8le speed; uint8le bpm; uint8le panPos[16]; uint8le orders[128]; }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(DSMSongHeader, 192) struct DSMSampleHeader { char filename[13]; uint16le flags; uint8le volume; uint32le length; uint32le loopStart; uint32le loopEnd; uint32le dataPtr; // Interal sample pointer during playback in DSIK uint32le sampleRate; char sampleName[28]; // Convert a DSM sample header to OpenMPT's internal sample header. void ConvertToMPT(ModSample &mptSmp) const { mptSmp.Initialize(); mptSmp.filename = mpt::String::ReadBuf(mpt::String::nullTerminated, filename); mptSmp.nC5Speed = sampleRate; mptSmp.uFlags.set(CHN_LOOP, (flags & 1) != 0); mptSmp.nLength = length; mptSmp.nLoopStart = loopStart; mptSmp.nLoopEnd = loopEnd; mptSmp.nVolume = std::min(volume.get(), uint8(64)) * 4; } // Retrieve the internal sample format flags for this sample. SampleIO GetSampleFormat() const { SampleIO sampleIO( SampleIO::_8bit, SampleIO::mono, SampleIO::littleEndian, SampleIO::unsignedPCM); if(flags & 0x40) sampleIO |= SampleIO::deltaPCM; // fairlight.dsm by Comrade J else if(flags & 0x02) sampleIO |= SampleIO::signedPCM; if(flags & 0x04) sampleIO |= SampleIO::_16bit; return sampleIO; } }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(DSMSampleHeader, 64) struct DSMHeader { char fileMagic0[4]; char fileMagic1[4]; char fileMagic2[4]; }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(DSMHeader, 12) static bool ValidateHeader(const DSMHeader &fileHeader) { if(!std::memcmp(fileHeader.fileMagic0, "RIFF", 4) && !std::memcmp(fileHeader.fileMagic2, "DSMF", 4)) { // "Normal" DSM files with RIFF header // return true; } else if(!std::memcmp(fileHeader.fileMagic0, "DSMF", 4)) { // DSM files with alternative header // <4 bytes, usually 4x NUL or RIFF> <4 bytes, usually DSMF but not always> return true; } else { return false; } } CSoundFile::ProbeResult CSoundFile::ProbeFileHeaderDSM(MemoryFileReader file, const uint64 *pfilesize) { DSMHeader fileHeader; if(!file.ReadStruct(fileHeader)) { return ProbeWantMoreData; } if(!ValidateHeader(fileHeader)) { return ProbeFailure; } if(std::memcmp(fileHeader.fileMagic0, "DSMF", 4) == 0) { if(!file.Skip(4)) { return ProbeWantMoreData; } } DSMChunk chunkHeader; if(!file.ReadStruct(chunkHeader)) { return ProbeWantMoreData; } if(std::memcmp(chunkHeader.magic, "SONG", 4)) { return ProbeFailure; } MPT_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pfilesize); return ProbeSuccess; } bool CSoundFile::ReadDSM(FileReader &file, ModLoadingFlags loadFlags) { file.Rewind(); DSMHeader fileHeader; if(!file.ReadStruct(fileHeader)) { return false; } if(!ValidateHeader(fileHeader)) { return false; } if(std::memcmp(fileHeader.fileMagic0, "DSMF", 4) == 0) { file.Skip(4); } DSMChunk chunkHeader; if(!file.ReadStruct(chunkHeader)) { return false; } // Technically, the song chunk could be anywhere in the file, but we're going to simplify // things by not using a chunk header here and just expect it to be right at the beginning. if(std::memcmp(chunkHeader.magic, "SONG", 4)) { return false; } if(loadFlags == onlyVerifyHeader) { return true; } DSMSongHeader songHeader; file.ReadStructPartial(songHeader, chunkHeader.size); if(songHeader.numOrders > 128 || songHeader.numChannels > 16 || songHeader.numPatterns > 256 || songHeader.restartPos > 128) { return false; } InitializeGlobals(MOD_TYPE_DSM); m_modFormat.formatName = U_("DSIK Format"); m_modFormat.type = U_("dsm"); m_modFormat.charset = mpt::Charset::CP437; m_songName = mpt::String::ReadBuf(mpt::String::maybeNullTerminated, songHeader.songName); m_nChannels = std::max(songHeader.numChannels.get(), uint16(1)); m_nDefaultSpeed = songHeader.speed; m_nDefaultTempo.Set(songHeader.bpm); m_nDefaultGlobalVolume = std::min(songHeader.globalVol.get(), uint8(64)) * 4u; if(!m_nDefaultGlobalVolume) m_nDefaultGlobalVolume = MAX_GLOBAL_VOLUME; if(songHeader.mastervol == 0x80) { m_nSamplePreAmp = std::min(256u / m_nChannels, 128u); } else { m_nSamplePreAmp = songHeader.mastervol & 0x7F; } // Read channel panning for(CHANNELINDEX chn = 0; chn < 16; chn++) { ChnSettings[chn].Reset(); if(songHeader.panPos[chn] <= 0x80) { ChnSettings[chn].nPan = songHeader.panPos[chn] * 2; } } ReadOrderFromArray(Order(), songHeader.orders, songHeader.numOrders, 0xFF, 0xFE); if(songHeader.restartPos < songHeader.numOrders) Order().SetRestartPos(songHeader.restartPos); // Read pattern and sample chunks PATTERNINDEX patNum = 0; while(file.ReadStruct(chunkHeader)) { FileReader chunk = file.ReadChunk(chunkHeader.size); if(!memcmp(chunkHeader.magic, "PATT", 4) && (loadFlags & loadPatternData)) { // Read pattern if(!Patterns.Insert(patNum, 64)) { continue; } chunk.Skip(2); ModCommand dummy = ModCommand::Empty(); ROWINDEX row = 0; while(chunk.CanRead(1) && row < 64) { uint8 flag = chunk.ReadUint8(); if(!flag) { row++; continue; } CHANNELINDEX chn = (flag & 0x0F); ModCommand &m = (chn < GetNumChannels() ? *Patterns[patNum].GetpModCommand(row, chn) : dummy); if(flag & 0x80) { uint8 note = chunk.ReadUint8(); if(note) { if(note <= 12 * 9) note += 11 + NOTE_MIN; m.note = note; } } if(flag & 0x40) { m.instr = chunk.ReadUint8(); } if (flag & 0x20) { m.volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME; m.vol = std::min(chunk.ReadUint8(), uint8(64)); } if(flag & 0x10) { auto [command, param] = chunk.ReadArray(); switch(command) { // Portamentos case 0x11: case 0x12: command &= 0x0F; break; // 3D Sound (?) case 0x13: command = 'X' - 55; param = 0x91; break; default: // Volume + Offset (?) if(command > 0x10) command = ((command & 0xF0) == 0x20) ? 0x09 : 0xFF; } m.command = command; m.param = param; ConvertModCommand(m); } } patNum++; } else if(!memcmp(chunkHeader.magic, "INST", 4) && CanAddMoreSamples()) { // Read sample m_nSamples++; ModSample &sample = Samples[m_nSamples]; DSMSampleHeader sampleHeader; chunk.ReadStruct(sampleHeader); sampleHeader.ConvertToMPT(sample); m_szNames[m_nSamples] = mpt::String::ReadBuf(mpt::String::maybeNullTerminated, sampleHeader.sampleName); if(loadFlags & loadSampleData) { sampleHeader.GetSampleFormat().ReadSample(sample, chunk); } } } return true; } OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_END