/* ** Copyright © 2003-2014 Winamp SA ** ** This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held ** liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. ** ** Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to ** alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: ** ** 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. ** If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. ** ** 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. ** ** 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. ** */ #ifndef _WA_DLG_H_ #define _WA_DLG_H_ #include "wa_ipc.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* 1) gen.bmp has a generic window frame for plugins to use. its format is similar to the minibrowser's. In addition gen.bmp includes a font for the titlebar, in both highlight and no-highlight modes. The font is variable width, and it uses the first color before the letter A as the delimiter. The no-highlight form of letter must be the same width as the highlight form. 2) genex.bmp has button and scrollbar images, as well as some individual pixels that describe the colors for the dialog. The button and scrollbar images should be self explanatory (note that the buttons have 4 pixel sized edges that are not stretched, and the center is stretched), and the scrollbars do something similar. The colors start at (48,0) and run every other pixel. The meaning of each pixel is: x=48: item background (background to edits, listviews etc) x=50: item foreground (text color of edit/listview, etc) x=52: window background (used to set the bg color for the dialog) x=54: button text color x=56: window text color x=58: color of dividers and sunken borders x=60: selection color for playlists x=62: listview header background color x=64: listview header text color x=66: listview header frame top color x=68: listview header frame middle color x=70: listview header frame bottom color x=72: listview header empty color x=74: scrollbar foreground color x=76: scrollbar background color x=78: inverse scrollbar foreground color x=80: inverse scrollbar background color x=82: scrollbar dead area color x=84: listview/treeview selection bar text color (active) x=86: listview/treeview selection bar back color (active) x=88: listview/treeview selection bar text color (inactive) x=90: listview/treeview selection bar back color (inactive) x=92: listview header alternating background color (added with 5.55+ or will revert to x=48) x=94: listview header alternating text color (added with 5.55+ or will revert to x=50) */ #define DCW_SUNKENBORDER 0x00010000 #define DCW_DIVIDER 0x00020000 enum { WADLG_ITEMBG, WADLG_ITEMFG, WADLG_WNDBG, WADLG_BUTTONFG, WADLG_WNDFG, WADLG_HILITE, WADLG_SELCOLOR, WADLG_LISTHEADER_BGCOLOR, WADLG_LISTHEADER_FONTCOLOR, WADLG_LISTHEADER_FRAME_TOPCOLOR, WADLG_LISTHEADER_FRAME_MIDDLECOLOR, WADLG_LISTHEADER_FRAME_BOTTOMCOLOR, WADLG_LISTHEADER_EMPTY_BGCOLOR, WADLG_SCROLLBAR_FGCOLOR, WADLG_SCROLLBAR_BGCOLOR, WADLG_SCROLLBAR_INV_FGCOLOR, WADLG_SCROLLBAR_INV_BGCOLOR, WADLG_SCROLLBAR_DEADAREA_COLOR, WADLG_SELBAR_FGCOLOR, WADLG_SELBAR_BGCOLOR, WADLG_INACT_SELBAR_FGCOLOR, WADLG_INACT_SELBAR_BGCOLOR, WADLG_ITEMBG2, // added with 5.55+ (otherwise will revert to WADLG_ITEMBG) WADLG_ITEMFG2, // added with 5.55+ (otherwise will revert to WADLG_ITEMBG) WADLG_NUM_COLORS }; typedef enum _WACURSOR // used in IPC_GETSKINCURSORS { WACURSOR_VOLUME = 0, // volume & balane WACURSOR_POSITION = 1, // position WACURSOR_BTN_WINSHADE = 2, // winshade WACURSOR_BTN_MINIMIZE = 3, // minimize WACURSOR_BTN_CLOSE = 4, // close WACURSOR_MENU = 5, // main menu WACURSOR_TITLEBAR = 6, // title bar WACURSOR_SONGNAME = 7, WACURSOR_NORMAL = 8, WACURSOR_WINSHADE_BTN_WINSHADE = 9, WACURSOR_WINSHADE_BTN_MINIMIZE = 10, WACURSOR_WINSHADE_POSITION = 11, WACURSOR_WINSHADE_BTN_CLOSE = 12, WACURSOR_WINSHADE_MENU = 13, WACURSOR_WINSHADE_NORMAL = 14, WACURSOR_PL_BTN_WINSHADE = 15, WACURSOR_PL_BTN_CLOSE = 16, WACURSOR_PL_TITLEBAR = 17, WACURSOR_PL_VSCROLL = 18, WACURSOR_PL_RESIZE = 19, WACURSOR_PL_NORMAL = 20, WACURSOR_PL_WINSHADE_BTN_WINSHADE = 21, WACURSOR_PL_WINSHADE_BTN_CLOSE = 22, WACURSOR_PL_WINSHADE_HSIZE = 23, WACURSOR_PL_WINSHADE_NORMAL = 24, WACURSOR_EQ_SLIDER = 25, WACURSOR_EQ_BTN_CLOSE = 26, WACURSOR_EQ_TITLEBAR = 27, WACURSOR_EQ_NORMAL = 28, } WACURSOR; void WADlg_init(HWND hwndWinamp); // call this on init, or on WM_DISPLAYCHANGE int WADlg_initted(); void WADlg_close(); int WADlg_getColor(int idx); HBITMAP WADlg_getBitmap(); void WADlg_setSolidBorder(int solidborder); LRESULT WADlg_handleDialogMsgs(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); // void WADlg_DrawChildWindowBorders(HWND hwndDlg, int *tab, int tabsize); // each entry in tab would be the id | DCW_* #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif//_WA_DLG_H_ // define WA_DLG_IMPLEMENT in one of your source files before including this .h // if you are making a media library plugin, you dont need to do this, look at view_ex for // an example of how to get the function *'s via an IPC message. #if (defined WA_DLG_IMPLEMENT && !defined WA_DLG_IMPLEMENT_DONE) #define WA_DLG_IMPLEMENT_DONE #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif static int wadlg_solidborder=0; static HBRUSH wadlg_lastbrush=0; static HBITMAP wadlg_bitmap=0; // load this manually static int wadlg_colors[WADLG_NUM_COLORS]; static int wadlg_defcolors[WADLG_NUM_COLORS]= { RGB(0,0,0), RGB(0,255,0), RGB(36,36,60), RGB(57,56,66), RGB(255,255,255), RGB(132,148,165), RGB(0,0,198), RGB(72,72,120), RGB(255,255,255), RGB(108,108,180), RGB(36,36,60), RGB(18,18,30), RGB(36,36,60), RGB(36,36,60), RGB(36,36,60), RGB(121,130,150), RGB(78,88,110), RGB(36,36,60), RGB(255,255,255), RGB(0,0,180), RGB(0,255,0), RGB(0,0,128), RGB(0,0,0), RGB(0,255,0), }; int WADlg_initted() { return !!wadlg_bitmap; } int WADlg_getColor(int idx) { if (idx < 0 || idx >= WADLG_NUM_COLORS) return 0; return wadlg_colors[idx]; } HBITMAP WADlg_getBitmap() { return wadlg_bitmap; } // set this to draw the border all the way around the control void WADlg_setSolidBorder(int solidborder) { wadlg_solidborder = solidborder; } void WADlg_init(HWND hwndWinamp) // call this on init, or on WM_DISPLAYCHANGE { if (wadlg_bitmap) DeleteObject(wadlg_bitmap); wadlg_bitmap = (HBITMAP) SendMessage(hwndWinamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_GET_GENSKINBITMAP); if (wadlg_bitmap) { HDC tmpDC=CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); HGDIOBJ o=SelectObject(tmpDC,(HGDIOBJ)wadlg_bitmap); int defbgcol=GetPixel(tmpDC,111,0); for (int x = 0; x < WADLG_NUM_COLORS; x ++) { int a=GetPixel(tmpDC,48+x*2,0); if (a == CLR_INVALID || a == RGB(0,198,255) || a == defbgcol) { //defaults for old skins if (x == WADLG_SELBAR_FGCOLOR || x == WADLG_INACT_SELBAR_FGCOLOR) a=wadlg_colors[WADLG_WNDFG]; else if (x == WADLG_SELBAR_BGCOLOR || x == WADLG_INACT_SELBAR_BGCOLOR) { a=wadlg_colors[WADLG_SELCOLOR]; if (x == WADLG_INACT_SELBAR_BGCOLOR) a=((a/2)&0x7F7F7F)+(((wadlg_colors[WADLG_WNDBG])/2)&0x7F7F7F); } else if (x == WADLG_ITEMBG2) { a=wadlg_colors[WADLG_ITEMBG]; } else if (x == WADLG_ITEMFG2) { a=wadlg_colors[WADLG_ITEMFG]; } else a=wadlg_defcolors[x]; } wadlg_colors[x]=a; } SelectObject(tmpDC,o); DeleteDC(tmpDC); } } void WADlg_close() { if (wadlg_bitmap) DeleteObject(wadlg_bitmap); wadlg_bitmap=0; if (wadlg_lastbrush) DeleteObject(wadlg_lastbrush); wadlg_lastbrush=0; } void WADlg_dotLine(HDC hdc, int left, int top, int len, int vert) { for (int i=(top&1);iCtlType == ODT_BUTTON) { wchar_t wt[256] = {0}; GetDlgItemTextW(hwndDlg,(INT)wParam,wt,ARRAYSIZE(wt)); HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(di->hDC); HBITMAP hbmpOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdc, wadlg_bitmap); RECT r=di->rcItem; SetStretchBltMode(di->hDC,COLORONCOLOR); int yoffs = (di->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) ? 15 : 0; BitBlt(di->hDC,r.left,r.top,4,4,hdc,0,yoffs,SRCCOPY); // top left StretchBlt(di->hDC,r.left+4,r.top,r.right-r.left-4-4,4,hdc,4,yoffs,47-4-4,4,SRCCOPY); // top center BitBlt(di->hDC,r.right-4,r.top,4,4,hdc,47-4,yoffs,SRCCOPY); // top right StretchBlt(di->hDC,r.left,r.top+4,4,r.bottom-r.top-4-4,hdc,0,4+yoffs,4,15-4-4,SRCCOPY); // left edge StretchBlt(di->hDC,r.right-4,r.top+4,4,r.bottom-r.top-4-4,hdc,47-4,4+yoffs,4,15-4-4,SRCCOPY); // right edge // center StretchBlt(di->hDC,r.left+4,r.top+4,r.right-r.left-4-4,r.bottom-r.top-4-4,hdc,4,4+yoffs,47-4-4,15-4-4,SRCCOPY); BitBlt(di->hDC,r.left,r.bottom-4,4,4,hdc,0,15-4+yoffs,SRCCOPY); // bottom left StretchBlt(di->hDC,r.left+4,r.bottom-4,r.right-r.left-4-4,4,hdc,4,15-4+yoffs,47-4-4,4,SRCCOPY); // bottom center BitBlt(di->hDC,r.right-4,r.bottom-4,4,4,hdc,47-4,15-4+yoffs,SRCCOPY); // bottom right // draw text SetBkMode(di->hDC,TRANSPARENT); // this will do a different style for the button text depending on enabled state of the button COLORREF colour = wadlg_colors[WADLG_BUTTONFG]; if (!IsWindowEnabled(di->hwndItem)) { COLORREF fg = wadlg_colors[WADLG_WNDFG], bg = wadlg_colors[WADLG_WNDBG]; colour = RGB((GetRValue(fg)+GetRValue(bg))/2, (GetGValue(fg)+GetGValue(bg))/2, (GetBValue(fg)+GetBValue(bg))/2); } SetTextColor(di->hDC,colour); if (di->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) {r.left+=2; r.top+=2;} r.right -= 4; r.left += 5; DrawTextW(di->hDC,wt,-1,&r,DT_VCENTER|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_CENTER|DT_END_ELLIPSIS); r.right += 4; r.left -= 5; SelectObject(hdc, hbmpOld); DeleteDC(hdc); if (GetFocus()==di->hwndItem) { HPEN hpen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,0,RGB(0,0,0)); HPEN hpenOld = (HPEN)SelectObject(di->hDC, hpen); WADlg_dotLine(di->hDC,r.left+2,r.top+2,r.right-r.left-3,0); WADlg_dotLine(di->hDC,r.right-3,r.top+2,r.bottom-r.top-3,1); WADlg_dotLine(di->hDC,r.left+2,r.top+2,r.bottom-r.top-3,1); WADlg_dotLine(di->hDC,r.left+2,r.bottom-3,r.right-r.left-3,0); SelectObject(di->hDC, hpenOld); DeleteObject(hpen); } } } switch (uMsg) { case WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX: case WM_CTLCOLORDLG: case WM_CTLCOLORBTN: case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: case WM_CTLCOLOREDIT: { int bgcolor=(uMsg == WM_CTLCOLOREDIT || uMsg == WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX) ? wadlg_colors[WADLG_ITEMBG] : (uMsg == WM_CTLCOLORBTN ? wadlg_colors[WADLG_ITEMBG] : wadlg_colors[WADLG_WNDBG]); LOGBRUSH lb={BS_SOLID,GetNearestColor((HDC)wParam,bgcolor)}; if (wadlg_lastbrush) DeleteObject(wadlg_lastbrush); wadlg_lastbrush=CreateBrushIndirect(&lb); SetTextColor((HDC)wParam,uMsg == WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC ? wadlg_colors[WADLG_WNDFG] : wadlg_colors[WADLG_ITEMFG]); SetBkColor((HDC)wParam,lb.lbColor); return (LRESULT)wadlg_lastbrush; } } return 0; } static int RectInRect(RECT *rect1, RECT *rect2) { // this has a bias towards true // this could probably be optimized a lot return ((rect1->top >= rect2->top && rect1->top <= rect2->bottom) || (rect1->bottom >= rect2->top && rect1->bottom <= rect2->bottom) || (rect2->top >= rect1->top && rect2->top <= rect1->bottom) || (rect2->bottom >= rect1->top && rect2->bottom <= rect1->bottom)) // vertical intersect && ((rect1->left >= rect2->left && rect1->left <= rect2->right) || (rect1->right >= rect2->left && rect1->right <= rect2->right) || (rect2->left >= rect1->left && rect2->left <= rect1->right) || (rect2->right >= rect1->left && rect2->right <= rect1->right)) // horiz intersect ; } static void WADlg_removeFromRgn(HRGN hrgn, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { HRGN rgn2=CreateRectRgn(left,top,right,bottom); CombineRgn(hrgn,hrgn,rgn2,RGN_DIFF); DeleteObject(rgn2); } void WADlg_DrawChildWindowBorders(HWND hwndDlg, int *tab, int tabsize) { PAINTSTRUCT ps={0}; BeginPaint(hwndDlg,&ps); HRGN hrgn = (ps.fErase) ? CreateRectRgnIndirect(&ps.rcPaint) : NULL; HPEN pen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, wadlg_colors[WADLG_HILITE]); HGDIOBJ o = SelectObject(ps.hdc, pen); while (tabsize--) { RECT r = {0}; int a = *tab++; GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, a & 0xffff),&r); MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, hwndDlg, (LPPOINT)&r, 2); if (RectInRect(&ps.rcPaint,&r)) { if ((a & 0xffff0000) == DCW_SUNKENBORDER) { MoveToEx(ps.hdc,r.left,r.bottom,NULL); LineTo(ps.hdc,r.right,r.bottom); LineTo(ps.hdc,r.right,r.top-1); if (hrgn) { WADlg_removeFromRgn(hrgn,r.left,r.bottom,r.right,r.bottom+1); WADlg_removeFromRgn(hrgn,r.right,r.top,r.right+1,r.bottom); } } else if ((a & 0xffff0000) == DCW_DIVIDER) { if (r.right - r.left < r.bottom - r.top) // vertical { int left=(r.left+r.right)/2; MoveToEx(ps.hdc,left,r.top,NULL); LineTo(ps.hdc,left,r.bottom+1); if (hrgn) WADlg_removeFromRgn(hrgn,left,r.top,left+1,r.bottom); } else // horiz { int top=(r.top+r.bottom)/2; MoveToEx(ps.hdc,r.left,top,NULL); LineTo(ps.hdc,r.right+1,top); if (hrgn) WADlg_removeFromRgn(hrgn,r.left,top,r.right,top+1); } } } } SelectObject(ps.hdc, o); DeleteObject(pen); if(hrgn) { //erase bkgnd while clipping out our own drawn stuff (for flickerless display) HBRUSH b = CreateSolidBrush(wadlg_colors[WADLG_WNDBG]); FillRgn(ps.hdc,hrgn,b); DeleteObject(b); DeleteObject(hrgn); } EndPaint(hwndDlg,&ps); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // WA_DLG_IMPLEMENT